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CrazedProgrammer edited this page Feb 5, 2017 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the Surface 2 wiki!

Here you will find the documentation for all functions.

##Using Surface 2
To use this in your program, the main way is to load the API using dofile:
local surface = dofile("/path/to/surface")

You can also copy + paste the API to the top of your program,
which will then have the same purpose as the above method.

If you're using carl to build your program, you can do
--#require /path/to/surface
though note that the real file name has to end with a .lua, since carl expects source files to end with .lua.

##Building Surface 2
This API is built with carl.
To build Surface 2, you cd to the directory and simply do carl build.
The output file will be located at /path/to/Surface2/target/surface.

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