This project allows installing and configuring one or more Shibboleth Identity Providers using Ansible, following the guidelines of the IDEM GARR Federation.
The playbook enables, after an initial installation, the replacement of any file in the shibboleth-idp
folder to restore/clone one's production IdP onto a new server.
- Ansible (Tested with Ansible >= v2.14.3)
- Python 3 (Tested with Python >= 3.10.12)
- An Debian/Ubuntu server for:
- Shibboleth Identity Provider (Tested with Debian 12)
Inside this project you will find:
- inventories directory: containing files and folders used by Ansible to know which servers to configure.
- roles directory: containing files and folders used by Ansible to know what operation to perform on each server.
- scripts directory: Python scripts for creating new servers that make use of this Ansible project.
- Playbooks:
: to install, configure and run Shibboleth Identity Providers.
The shib-idp-servers.yml
playbook contains:
(who is configured)become: true
(act as ROOT user)roles
(what is installed/configured)
These instruction are tested on Debian 12 (bookworm):
Install required packages:
sudo apt-get install git rsync python3-debian python3-passlib python3-pip
sudo apt-get install python3-virtualenv python3-setuptools python3-packaging
sudo apt-get install python3-validators
sudo apt-get install ansible-core --no-install-recommends
Install community.general Ansible collection (it takes several minutes):
ansible-galaxy collection install community.general
Install ansible.posix Ansible collection:
ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.posix
Download Ansible-Shibboleth-IDP-GARR project from GIT:
cd $HOME ; git clone --depth 1 --branch v1.0.2
Create the
user on the remote server to configure:useradd -U -m -s /bin/bash -u 1000 debian
cat /etc/passwd | grep debian
Copy your SSH Key into the remote
user to allow SSH access without password:ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/mykey debian@host
Create your inventory by following the inventories/ file.
(OPTIONAL) Create your
to contains the encryption password (this is needed ONLY when you use Ansible Vault):cd $HOME/ansible-shibboleth-idp-garr
openssl rand -base64 48 > .vault_pass
export ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE=$HOME/ansible-shibboleth-idp-garr/.vault_pass
Read all roles README files and build your servers' host_vars files. An example is provided on
.PAY ATTENTION! All variables not defined and valued into the host_vars YAML file, will take the default values.
Examples of ansible-playbook command used to configure the inventory hosts:
Execute Ansible on
inventory and install and configure the
Identity Provider with ademo
user:ansible-playbook shib-idp-servers.yml -i inventories/example/example.ini
at the end of the execution check if it is working with:
/opt/shibboleth-idp/bin/ -r -n demo --saml2
Execute Ansible on
inventory and install and configure an IdP only on a specific server (FQDN):ansible-playbook shib-idp-servers.yml -i inventories/develoment/develoment.ini --limit --vault-password-file .vault_pass
Execute Ansible on
inventory and to install and configure all IdPs into the development inventory:ansible-playbook shib-idp-servers.yml -i inventories/develoment/develoment.ini
--- inventories/develoment/development.ini ---
[shib_idp] ansible_host= ansible_connection=ssh ansible_user=debian ansible_ssh_private_key_file=/ssh/private/key/path
GROUP_NAME = shib_idp
Test that the connection with the server(s) is working:
ansible all -m ping -i inventories/develoment/develoment.ini -u debian
Get the facts from the server(s):
ansible GROUP_NAME_or_HOST_NAME -m setup -i inventories/develoment/develoment.ini -u debian
without encrypted files:
ansible shib_idp -m setup -i inventories/develoment/develoment.ini -u debian
with encrypted files:
ansible -m setup -i inventories/develoment/develoment.ini -u debian --vault-password-file .vault_pass
is the file you have created that contains the encryption password)
Reboot all servers after 1 minute:
ansible all -m command -a "/sbin/shutdown -r +1" -i inventories/develoment/develoment.ini -u debian --vault-password-file .vault_pass --become
Encrypt files with Ansible Vault:
ansible-vault encrypt inventories/develoment/host_vars/ --vault-password-file .vault_pass
Decrypt Encrypted files with Ansible Vault:
ansible-vault decrypt inventories/develoment/host_vars/ --vault-password-file .vault_pass
View Encrypted files with Ansible Vault:
ansible-vault view inventories/develoment/host_vars/ --vault-password-file .vault_pass
Remove Shibboleth IdP (without Ansible Vault):
ansible-playbook shib-idp-servers.yml -i inventories/develoment/develoment.ini --limit --tags idp-remove
Remove Apache, JDK, Jetty and Shibboleth IdP (without Ansible Vault):
ansible-playbook shib-idp-servers.yml -i inventories/develoment/develoment.ini --limit --tags remove
: will execute the common role.ssl_update
: will update SSL credentials (Cert & Key) if Traditional CA is used.apache
: will execute the apache role.apache-remove
: will remove Apache.jdk
: will execute the jdk role.jdk-remove
: will remove JDK.jetty
: will execute the jetty role.jetty-remove
: will remove Jetty.idp
: will execute the idp roleidp-remove
: will remove Shibboleth IdP.sys-update
: will execute the sys-update roleremove
: will remove Apache, JDK, Jetty and Shibboleth IdP.
Variable | Description | Default Value | Mandatory on Host Var YAML file |
fqdn |
Remote Host FQDN | |
Yes |
files_dir |
Remote Host files dir | {{ playbook_dir }}/inventories/files |
No |
common_ssl_ca |
SSL CA | ca.crt |
Yes, if ACME is not used |
common_ssl_cert |
SSL Certificate | |
Yes, if ACME is not used |
common_ssl_key |
SSL Private Key | |
Yes, if ACME is not used |
common_ssl_ca_acme_email |
SSL ACME Account e-mail | Yes, if SSL CA is not used | |
common_ssl_ca_acme_url |
SSL ACME URL | Yes, if SSL CA is not used | |
common_ssl_ca_acme_key_id |
SSL ACME Key ID | Yes, if SSL CA is not used | |
common_ssl_ca_acme_hmac |
SSL ACME HMAC Key | Yes, if SSL CA is not used | |
common_ssl_ca_acme_rsa_size |
SSL ACME KEY size | Yes, if SSL CA and Elliptic Curve are not used | |
common_ssl_ca_acme_elliptic_curve |
SSL ACME Elliptic Curve | Yes, if SSL CA and RSA key are not used | |
common_swap_file_name |
SWAP file name | swapfile |
No |
common_swap_file_size |
SWAP file size | 2048 |
No |
common_swap_file_state |
Enable/Disable SWAP file | present |
No |
common_mirror_url |
Mirror URL for APT | |
No |
common_root_user_pw |
Root user password | root_password |
Yes |
common_ntp_timezone |
Timezone | UTC |
No |
common_ntp_servers |
NTP servers | |
No |
common_nameservers |
DNS Nameservers | ['', ''] |
Yes |
apache_admin_email |
Apache admin e-mail address and IdP Technical Contact | root@localhost |
Yes |
jdk_version |
Amazon Corretto JDK version | 17 |
No |
jetty_distribution |
Jetty distribution | 12.0.8 |
No |
jetty_logback_lib_version |
Logback library version | 1.5.3 |
No |
jetty_requestlog_file |
Request Log file name | jetty-requestlog.xml |
No |
jetty_start_ini |
Jetty start.ini file to use | files/java{{ jdk_version }}/start.ini |
No |
idp_version |
Shibboleth IDP version | 5.1.3 |
No |
idp_sync |
Synchronize /opt/shibboleth-idp content from Ansible Host to the Remote Host dir |
no |
Yes |
idp_entityID |
entityID IdP | |
Yes |
idp_scope |
A string reporting one domain name belonging the institution | |
Yes |
idp_displayname |
Metadata DisplayName english value | Example IdP |
Yes |
idp_org_url |
metadata OrganizationUrl english value | |
Yes |
idp_technical_contact |
IdP Technical Contact e-mail address | root@localhost |
Yes |
idp_sealer_pw |
sealer password | sealer-password |
Yes |
idp_keystore_pw |
keystore password | keystore-password |
Yes |
idp_persistentId_sourceAttribute |
persistent-id source attribute | uid |
Yes |
idp_persistentId_salt |
persistent-id salt | a_random_16_chars_string |
Yes |
idp_fticks_enabled |
f-ticks activation flag | False |
No |
idp_fticks_federation |
f-ticks federation value | MyFederation |
No |
idp_fticks_condition |
f-ticks condition | MyFTICKSCondition |
No |
idp_fticks_algorithm |
f-ticks algorithm | SHA-256 |
No |
idp_fticks_salt |
f-ticks salt | somethingsecret |
No |
idp_fticks_loghost |
f-ticks log host | localhost |
No |
idp_fticks_logport |
f-ticks log port | 514 |
No |
idp_authn_LDAP_ldapURL |
Connection URI for LDAP directory. | ldap:// |
Yes |
idp_authn_LDAP_baseDN |
Base DN to search against, used by bindSearchAuthenticator | ou=people,dc=ldap,dc=example,dc=org |
Yes |
idp_authn_LDAP_bindDN |
DN to bind with during search, used by bindSearchAuthenticator | cn=idm-user,ou=system,dc=ldap,dc=example,dc=org |
Yes |
idp_authn_LDAP_bindDNCredential |
Password to bind with during search, used by bindSearchAuthenticator | ldap_user_pw |
Yes |
idp_authn_LDAP_useStartTLS |
Enable/Disable usage of StartTLS | no |
No |
idp_authn_LDAP_trustCertificates |
Enable/Disable usage of /opt/shibboleth-idp/credentials/ldap-server.crt certificateTrust. |
no |
No |
idp_authn_LDAP_subtreeSearch |
Whether to search recursively, used by bindSearchAuthenticator | false |
No |
idp_authn_LDAP_userFilter |
LDAP search filter, used by bindSearchAuthenticator | uid={user} |
Yes |
idp_authn_LDAP_usePasswordPolicy |
Whether to use the Password Policy Control | false |
No |
idp_authn_LDAP_usePasswordExpiration |
Whether to use the Password Expired Control. | false |
No |
idp_attribute_resolver_LDAP_searchFilter |
Search filter to be sent to the LDAP directory server | (uid=$resolutionContext.principal) |
Yes |
idp_attribute_resolver_LDAP_exportAttributes |
The 'exportAttributes' contains a list space-separated of attributes to retrieve directly from the directory service. | uid givenName sn cn mail displayName eduPersonAffiliation eduPersonEntitlement eduPersonAssurance |
idp_metadata_providers['id'] |
MetadataProvider identifier | MetadataProviderID_1 |
Yes |
idp_metadata_providers['file'] |
Name of the destination of the downloaded file | federation-metadata.xml |
Yes, if a metadata file is provided by URL |
idp_metadata_providers['url'] |
Metadata source URL | |
Yes, if a metadata file is provided by URL |
idp_metadata_providers['maxValidInterval'] |
Metadata ValidUntil max validation interval | P10D |
No, set to empty value to remove it |
idp_metadata_providers['disregardTLSCertificate'] |
If true, no TLS certificate checking will take place over an HTTPS connection. | false |
No |
idp_metadata_providers['pubKey'] |
Public Key used to verify the metadata signature | MIIBojAN...MBBAE= or roles/idp/files/metadata/example.pubkey |
Yes |
idp_metadata_providers['connectionRequestTimeout'] |
The maximum amount of time to wait for a connection to be returned from the HTTP client's connection pool manager | PT2S |
Yes, if a metadata file is provided by MDQ |
idp_metadata_providers['connectionTimeout'] |
The maximum amount of time to wait to establish a connection with the remote server. | PT2S |
Yes, if a metadata file is provided by MDQ |
idp_metadata_providers['socketTimeout'] |
The maximum amount of time to wait between two consecutive packets while reading from the socket connected to the remote server. | PT4S |
Yes, if a metadata file is provided by MDQ |
idp_metadata_providers['refreshDelayFactor'] |
A factor applied to the initially determined refresh time in order to determine the next refresh time | 0.025 |
Yes, if a metadata file is provided by MDQ |
idp_metadata_providers['maxCacheDuration'] |
The maximum duration for which metadata will be cached before it is refreshed | PT48H |
Yes, if a metadata file is provided by MDQ |
idp_metadata_providers['mdQueryProtocol'] |
Yes, if a metadata file is provided by MDQ. Set to empty value to remove it |
- Marco Malavolti (