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BME280 Barometric Pressure, Temperature, Humidity sensor

Jake Hartnell edited this page Jul 18, 2016 · 4 revisions
// Require the Grow.js build and johnny-five library.
var GrowInstance = require('Grow.js');
var five = require('johnny-five');
var ascii = require('ascii-codes');

// Create a new board object
var board = new five.Board();

// When board emits a 'ready' event run this start function.
board.on('ready', function start() {
    var multi = new five.Multi({
        controller: "BME280"

    // Create a new grow instance.
    var grow = new GrowInstance({
    	port: 3000,
        name: 'BMP280', // The display name for the thing.
        desription: 'BMP280',
        username: 'YOURUSERNAMEHERE', // The username of the account you want this device to be added to.
        actions: {
            temp_data: {
                name: 'Temperature sensor', 
                template: 'sensor',
                type: 'temperature',
                schedule: 'every 2 seconds',
                function: function () {
                    // // Send value to Grow-IoT
                      type: 'temperature',
                      value: multi.temperature.celsius
            barometric: {
                name: 'Barometric pressure sensor', 
                template: 'sensor',
                type: 'barometric',
                schedule: 'every 2 seconds',
                function: function () {
                    // // Send value to Grow-IoT
                      type: 'barometric',
                      value: multi.barometer.pressure
            humidity: {
                name: 'Barometric pressure sensor', 
                template: 'sensor',
                type: 'humidity',
                schedule: 'every 2 seconds',
                function: function () {
                    // // Send value to Grow-IoT
                      type: 'humidity',
                      value: multi.hygrometer.relativeHumidity