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v1.0.0 Migration Guide

The legacy ResponsiveWrapper combined multiple features into one widget. This made it difficult to use at times when custom behavior was required. The updated V1 implementation separates each feature into its own widget.


  • ResponsiveWrapper


  • ResponsiveBreakpoints
  • ResponsiveScaledBox
  • MaxWidthBox



  builder: (context, child) => ResponsiveWrapper.builder(
      BouncingScrollWrapper.builder(context, child!),
      maxWidth: 1200,
      minWidth: 450,
      defaultScale: true,
      breakpoints: [
        const ResponsiveBreakpoint.resize(450, name: MOBILE),
        const ResponsiveBreakpoint.autoScale(800, name: TABLET),
        const ResponsiveBreakpoint.resize(1920, name: DESKTOP),
        const ResponsiveBreakpoint.autoScale(2460, name: "4K"),
      background: Container(color: const Color(0xFFF5F5F5))),


  builder: (context, child) => ResponsiveBreakpoints.builder(
    child: child!,
    breakpoints: [
      const Breakpoint(start: 0, end: 450, name: MOBILE),
      const Breakpoint(start: 451, end: 800, name: TABLET),
      const Breakpoint(start: 801, end: 1920, name: DESKTOP),
      const Breakpoint(start: 1921, end: double.infinity, name: '4K'),
  onGenerateRoute: (RouteSettings settings) {
    return MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) {
      // The following code implements the legacy ResponsiveWrapper AutoScale functionality
      // using the new ResponsiveScaledBox. The ResponsiveScaledBox widget preserves
      // the legacy ResponsiveWrapper behavior, scaling the UI instead of resizing.
      // **MaxWidthBox** - A widget that limits the maximum width.
      // This is used to create a gutter area on either side of the content.
      // **ResponsiveScaledBox** - A widget that  renders its child
      // with a FittedBox set to the `width` value. Set the fixed width value
      // based on the active breakpoint.
      return MaxWidthBox(
        maxWidth: 1200,
        background: Container(color: const Color(0xFFF5F5F5)),
        child: ResponsiveScaledBox(
          width: ResponsiveValue<double>(context, conditionalValues: [
            Condition.equals(name: MOBILE, value: 450),
            Condition.between(start: 800, end: 1100, value: 800),
            Condition.between(start: 1000, end: 1200, value: 1000),
            // There are no conditions for width over 1200
            // because the `maxWidth` is set to 1200 via the MaxWidthBox.
          child: BouncingScrollWrapper.builder(
              context, buildPage( ?? ''),
              dragWithMouse: true),


ResponsiveScaledBox(width: width, child: child);

Replaces the core AutoScale functionality of ResponsiveWrapper. ResponsiveScaledBox renders the child widget with the specified width.

This widget wraps the Flutter FittedBox widget with a LayoutBuilder and MediaQuery.

Why should you use a ResponsiveScaledBox?

Use a ResponsiveScaledBox instead of a FittedBox if the layout is full screen as the widget helps calculate correctly scaled MediaQueryData.


MaxWidthBox(maxWidth: maxWidth, background: background, child: child);

Limit the child widget to the maxWidth and paints an optional background behind the widget.

This widget is helpful for limiting the content width on large desktop displays and creating gutters on the left and right side of the page.


Core Concept

The v0.2.0 ResponsiveWrapper is deprecated and the old AutoScale functionality has been moved to ResponsiveScaledBox. Now, breakpoints and AutoScale behavior are separated. This enables "page-level" responsiveness and more customizability in v1.0.0 which was a limitation of v0.2.0.

The maxWidth feature has been moved to MaxWidthBox.

Step 1: Migrate ResponsiveWrapper to ResponsiveBreakpoints

    child: child!,
    breakpoints: [
      const Breakpoint(start: 0, end: 450, name: MOBILE),
      const Breakpoint(start: 451, end: 800, name: TABLET),
      const Breakpoint(start: 801, end: 1920, name: DESKTOP),
      const Breakpoint(start: 1921, end: double.infinity, name: '4K'),



const ResponsiveBreakpoint.resize(450, name: MOBILE)


const Breakpoint(start: 0, end: 450, name: MOBILE)

In v1.0.0, breakpoints are explicit and clearly define a start and end. It's highly recommended to create contiguous breakpoints from 0 to double.infinity.



const ResponsiveBreakpoint.tag(900, name: 'EXPAND_SIDE_PANEL')


const Breakpoint(start: 900, end: 900, name: 'EXPAND_SIDE_PANEL')

To create a "TAG", set the start and end breakpoints to the same value. For example, if you're building a Material 3 Navigation Rail and want to expand the menu to full width once there is enough room, you can add a custom EXPAND_SIDE_PANEL breakpoint.

Then, in your code, show the Rail based on the breakpoint condition.

expand: ResponsiveBreakpoints.of(context).largerThan('EXPAND_SIDE_PANEL')

Step 2: Migrate AutoScale to ResponsiveScaledBox

The ResponsiveScaledBox replaces the AutoScale functionality from ResponsiveWrapper.


  child: child,
  maxWidth: 1200,
  minWidth: 450,
  defaultScale: true,
  breakpoints: [...],


  width: ResponsiveValue<double>(context, conditionalValues: [
    Condition.equals(name: MOBILE, value: 450),
    Condition.between(start: 800, end: 1100, value: 800),
    Condition.between(start: 1000, end: 1200, value: 1000),
  child: child,

The ResponsiveScaledBox takes a ResponsiveValue for its width property. The ResponsiveValue looks up the value based on breakpoint conditions.

For example:

Condition.equals(name: MOBILE, value: 450),

The first condition checks if the active breakpoint name equals "MOBILE". If true, it will return the value 450.

When the MOBILE breakpoint is active (the screen width is between 0 and 450), this condition will match and the ResponsiveScaledBox width will be set to 450. This is useful for AutoScaling on screens that are too small and avoiding layout errors.

The ResponsiveValue allows you to define different width values for each breakpoint. It will find the first condition that matches the current active breakpoint, and return that conditional value.

Define fixed width values per breakpoint with Conditions. Condition.equals(), Condition.between(), etc.

Step 3: Migrate MaxWidth to MaxWidthBox

The MaxWidthBox replaces the maxWidth property from ResponsiveWrapper.


  maxWidth: 1200,
  child: child 


  maxWidth: 1200,
  child: child

Wrap the MaxWidthBox around a page to limit the max width.