store-saga ships with a testing helper called SagaTester
that extends SagaRunner
. It exposes some helpful methods to interact with a saga effect and make assertions about the effect's resultant stream.
Extending from our authEffect
example written in the Getting Started guide, let's write a test that ensures the effect is responding correctly to dispatched actions:
Note: for this example I am using respond-ng, a simple Http mocking library I wrote to make unit testing Http calls easier
import {Injector} from '@angular/core';
import RESPOND_PROVIDERS, {Respond} from 'respond-ng';
import {SagaTester} from 'store-saga/testing';
import {authEffect} from './auth-effect';
describe('Authentication Effect', () => {
let sagaTester: SagaTester;
let respond: Respond;
beforeEach(() => {
const injector = Injector.resolveAndCreate([
sagaTester = injector.get(SagaTester);
respond = injector.get(Respond);;
it('should auth a user when an auth action is dispatched', () => {
const payload = { username: 'Mike', password: 'test' };
respond.ok()'/auth', payload)
sagaTester.sendAction({ type: 'AUTH', payload });
expect(sagaTester.last).toEqual({ type: 'AUTH_SUCCESS' });
Output stream of all running sagas.
Type BehaviorSubject
sagaTester.output.subscribe(action => { });
Most recent action dispatched from a saga
Type Action
expect(sagaTester.last).toEqual({ type: 'INCREMENT' });
Sends an action and an empty state object to all running sagas.
Action Action object to dispatch to sagas
sagaTester.sendAction({ type: 'INCREMENT' });
Sends state and an empty action object to all running sagas.
any State object to dispatch to sagas
sagaTester.sendState({ counter: 3 });
Sends both state and action objects to all running sagas.
any State object to dispatch to sagasaction
Action Action object to dispatch to sagas
sagaTester.send({ counter: 3 }, { type: 'INCREMENT' });