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Niv Dayan edited this page Mar 11, 2014 · 21 revisions

These steps were tested on a fresh Ubuntu 13.04 64bit installation.

Getting and compiling EagleTree

  1. Install git. In the terminal, type "sudo apt-get install git"

  2. Follow this guide to fork and clone the repository onto your machine:

  3. Install the g++ compiler by running “sudo apt-get install g++”

  4. EagleTree uses some boost libraries. In order to install them easily, you can use the synaptic package manager. In the terminal, run “sudo apt-get install synaptic”. Then open the visual interface to synaptic, and search “boost serial”. Mark in install the package “libboost-serialization-dev”. Its description should be “serialization library for C++ (default version)”. Install this package and its dependencies.

  5. EagleTree also uses the Graphical Layout Engine (gle) to generate visual output. To get gle, open the synaptic package manager again and search for "gle-graphics". You should see version 4.2.4. Install this package. Note that some of the graphical output will not get generated if you use an older version of gle.

  6. In the EagleTree main folder in your workstation, run the command “make all -j”. EagleTree should now start building. The -j option is used to speed up the building process.

Running EagleTree on Eclipse

  1. In order to run Eclipse, you need to have the java virtual machine installed on your computer. You can install, for example, Java 7 through the "Ubuntu Software Center".

  2. Download the "Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers" from

  3. Open Eclipse. Go to File -> New -> MakeFile Project with Existing Code. Under "Existing Code Location", browse for the EagleTree main directroy. The Project Name should now be autofilled to EagleTree. Under "Toolchain for Indexer Settings", select "Linux GCC".

  4. You should now be able to clean and build through eclipse. Try this through the "project" menu.

  5. To speed up compilation, right click on the project name and go to "Properties". Under "C/C++ Build", uncheck the "use default build command" box. In the "build command" textbox, write "make -j".

  6. To run EagleTree through Eclipse, go to run -> run configurations. Double click on C/C++ Application to create a new configuration. Under C/C++ Application, write Experiments/demo, Under Project, write EagleTree. Hit "Apply" and then "run".

Debugging EagleTree in Eclipse

  1. Go to the MakeFile and find the line saying "CFLAGS = ...". Remove the "-O2" flag.

  2. Clean the project and rebuild.

  3. Hit the eclipse debug button, and start stepping through your code.

Note that this will make EagleTree run much slower, because the compilation is not optimized. To restore its speed, add the flag back in, clean and rebuild.

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