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+name: Build and Deploy
+on: [push]
+ contents: write
+ build-and-deploy:
+ concurrency: ci-${{ github.ref }}
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout 🛎️
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - name: Install and Build 🔧
+ run: |
+ cd docs
+ npm install
+ npm run build
+ - name: Deploy 🚀
+ uses: JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action@v4
+ with:
+ folder: docs/dist
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+ "build": "vocs build",
+ "preview": "vocs preview"
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+## Dynamic IO
+In case the amount of IO operations isn't known ahead of time the dynamic api can be used.
+### Initializing Dynamic instance
+Creating a Dynamic instance requires an allocator and upper bound for non-completed operations.
+The instance allocates only during the `init`, and frees the memory during `deinit`.
+Same allocator must be used in `deinit` that was used in `init`.
+const max_operations = 32;
+var work = try Dynamic.init(std.heap.page_allocator, max_operations);
+defer work.deinit(std.heap.page_allocator);
+### Queuing operations
+It is possible to queue either single or multiple operations just like with the immediate api.
+The call to queue is atomic, if the call fails, none of the operations will be actually performed.
+// Multiple operations
+try work.queue(.{
+ aio.Read{...},
+ aio.Write{...},
+ aio.Fsync{...},
+// Single operation
+try work.queue(aio.Timeout{...});
+### Completing operations
+It is possible to complete the operations either in blocking or non-blocking fashion.
+The blocking mode will wait for at least one operation to complete.
+The non-blocking always returns immediately even if no operations were completed.
+The call to complete returns `aio.CompletionResult` containing the number of operations that were completed
+and the number of errors that occured.
+// blocks until at least 1 operation completes
+const res = try work.complete(.blocking);
+// returns immediately
+const res = try work.complete(.nonblocking);
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+## Immediate IO
+For immediate blocking IO, `zig-aio` provides the following functions in the `aio` module.
+### Perform a single operation
+Completes a single operation, the call blocks until it's complete.
+Returns error of the operation if the operation failed.
+Returns `void` if there was no error.
+try aio.single(aio.Write{.file = f, .buffer = "contents"});
+### Perform multiple operations
+`zig-aio` provides two methods for batching IO operations.
+#### Using multi
+Completes a list of operations immediately, blocks until complete
+Returns `error.SomeOperationFailed` if any operation failed
+Returns `void` if there were no errors.
+var my_buffer: [1024]u8 = undefined;
+var my_len: usize = undefined;
+try aio.multi(.{
+ aio.Write{.file = f, .buffer = "contents", .link_next = true},
+ aio.Read{.file = f, .buffer = &my_buffer, .out_read = &my_len},
+The `.link_next` field of operation can be used to link the operation to the next operation.
+When linking operations, the next operation won't start until the previous operation is complete.
+#### Using batch
+Batch is similar to multi, but it will not return `error.SomeOperationFailed` in case any of the operations fail.
+Instead batch returns `aio.CompletionResult` which contains the number of operations that was completed, and number of
+errors that occured. To find out which operations failed, errors have to be stored somewhere by setting the `.out_error`
+field of the operation. The batch call may still fail in implementation defined ways, such as running out of system resources.
+var my_buffer: [1024]u8 = undefined;
+var my_len: usize = undefined;
+var write_error: std.posix.WriteError = undefined;
+var read_error: std.posix.ReadError = undefined;
+const res = try aio.batch(.{
+ aio.Write{.file = f, .buffer = "contents", .out_error = &write_error, .link_next = true},
+ aio.Read{.file = f, .buffer = &my_buffer, .out_error = &read_error, .out_read = &my_len},
+if (res.num_errors > 0) {
+ if (write_error != error.Success) @panic("write failed");
+ if (read_error != error.Success) @panic("read failed");
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+## Operations
+A handful of IO operations are supported.
+### Common fields
+Every operation supports these common fields.
+const Counter = union(enum) {
+ inc: *u16,
+ dec: *u16,
+ nop: void,
+out_id: ?*Id = null,
+out_error: ?*(E || SharedError) = null,
+counter: Counter = .nop,
+link_next: bool = false,
+If `out_id` is set, the id of the operation will be written into that address.
+The `id` can then be used in future operations to refer to this operation.
+If `out_error` is set, the error of the operation will be written into that address, in case the operation failed.
+If there was no failure a `error.Success` will be store in that address.
+`counter` can be used to set either decreasing or increasing counter.
+When operation completes it will either decrease or increase the `u16` stored at the address.
+`link_next` can be used to link the next operation into this operation.
+When operations are linked, the next operation won't start until this operation has completed first.
+### Fsync
+Synchronizes the contents of a `file` onto the disk.
+pub const Fsync = Define(struct {
+ file: std.fs.File,
+}, std.fs.File.SyncError);
+### Read
+Reads a `file` into a `buffer` from a `offset`.
+The amount of bytes read is stored in the location pointed by `out_read`.
+pub const Read = Define(struct {
+ file: std.fs.File,
+ buffer: []u8,
+ offset: u64 = 0,
+ out_read: *usize,
+}, std.fs.File.ReadError);
+### Write
+Writes contents of `buffer` from `offset` into a `file`.
+The amount of bytes written is stored in the location pointed by `out_written`.
+pub const Write = Define(struct {
+ file: std.fs.File,
+ buffer: []const u8,
+ offset: u64 = 0,
+ out_written: ?*usize = null,
+}, std.fs.File.WriteError);
+### Accept
+See `man accept(2)`
+pub const Accept = Define(struct {
+ socket: std.posix.socket_t,
+ addr: ?*sockaddr = null,
+ inout_addrlen: ?*std.posix.socklen_t = null,
+ out_socket: *std.posix.socket_t,
+}, std.posix.AcceptError);
+### Connect
+See `man connect(2)`
+pub const Connect = Define(struct {
+ socket: std.posix.socket_t,
+ addr: *const sockaddr,
+ addrlen: std.posix.socklen_t,
+}, std.posix.ConnectError);
+### Recv
+See `man recv(2)`
+pub const Recv = Define(struct {
+ socket: std.posix.socket_t,
+ buffer: []u8,
+ out_read: *usize,
+}, std.posix.RecvFromError);
+### Send
+See `man send(2)`
+pub const Send = Define(struct {
+ socket: std.posix.socket_t,
+ buffer: []const u8,
+ out_written: ?*usize = null,
+}, std.posix.SendError);
+### OpenAt
+Opens `path` relative to a `dir`, opening is customized by `flags`.
+The opened file is stored into the location pointed by `out_file`.
+pub const OpenAt = Define(struct {
+ dir: std.fs.Dir,
+ path: [*:0]const u8,
+ flags: std.fs.File.OpenFlags,
+ out_file: *std.fs.File,
+}, std.fs.File.OpenError);
+### Close
+Closes a `file`.
+pub const Close = Define(struct {
+ file: std.fs.File,
+}, error{});
+### Timeout
+Starts a timeout. Once the timeout expires the operation completes.
+The timeout uses a monotnic clock source.
+pub const Timeout = Define(struct {
+ ts: struct { sec: i64 = 0, nsec: i64 = 0 },
+}, error{});
+### TimeoutRemove
+Cancel existing timeout referenced by `id`.
+pub const TimeoutRemove = Define(struct {
+ id: Id,
+}, error{ InProgress, NotFound });
+### LinkTimeout
+Timeout linked to a operation.
+The operation before must have set `link_next` to `true`.
+If the operation finishes before the timeout, then the timeout will be canceled.
+If the timeout finishes before the operation, then the operation will be canceled.
+pub const LinkTimeout = Define(struct {
+ ts: struct { sec: i64 = 0, nsec: i64 = 0 },
+ out_expired: ?*bool = null,
+}, error{InProgress});
+### Cancel
+Cancel existing operation referenced by `id`.
+pub const Cancel = Define(struct {
+ id: Id,
+}, error{ InProgress, NotFound });
+### RenameAt
+Rename a `old_path` relative to `old_dir` into `new_path` relative to `new_dir`.
+pub const RenameAt = Define(struct {
+ old_dir: std.fs.Dir,
+ old_path: [*:0]const u8,
+ new_dir: std.fs.Dir,
+ new_path: [*:0]const u8,
+}, std.fs.Dir.RenameError);
+### UnlinkAt
+Delete a file or directory locating in `path` relative to `dir`.
+pub const UnlinkAt = Define(struct {
+ dir: std.fs.Dir,
+ path: [*:0]const u8,
+}, std.posix.UnlinkatError);
+### MkDirAt
+Create directory relative to `dir` at `path`.
+The `mode` parameter can specify the mode of the directory on supporting operating systems.
+pub const MkDirAt = Define(struct {
+ dir: std.fs.Dir,
+ path: [*:0]const u8,
+ mode: u32 = std.fs.Dir.default_mode,
+}, std.fs.Dir.MakeError);
+### SymlinkAt
+Create a symlink relative to `dir` at `link_path` linking to the `target`.
+pub const SymlinkAt = Define(struct {
+ dir: std.fs.Dir,
+ target: [*:0]const u8,
+ link_path: [*:0]const u8,
+}, std.posix.SymLinkError);
+### Socket
+See `man socket(2)`
+pub const Socket = Define(struct {
+ /// std.posix.AF
+ domain: u32,
+ /// std.posix.SOCK
+ flags: u32,
+ /// std.posix.IPPROTO
+ protocol: u32,
+ out_socket: *std.posix.socket_t,
+}, std.posix.SocketError);
+### CloseSocket
+Closes a `socket`.
+pub const CloseSocket = Define(struct {
+ socket: std.posix.socket_t,
+}, error{});
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+This part of the API is likely to change.
+## Context switches
+To yield running task to the caller use the following.
+To continue running the task from where it left, use the following.
+This can also be used to cancel any IO operations.
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+## IO
+Inside a task it is possible to use the IO functions inside the `coro.io` namespace to perform cooperative
+IO with the `Scheduler`. When calling a `coro.io` operation from a task, the task setups some internal state,
+queues the IO operations for `Scheduler` and then yields, allowing other code to run in the program.
+All the IO operations are merged into one `aio.Dynamic` instance for completition during the next scheduler tick.
+While this may not be beneficial on all backends, the io_uring backend allows the kernel to execute all
+the yielding tasks IO operations with a single syscall.
+### Performing io operations
+Performing operations is similar to `aio` module. The api is the same, but instead use the `coro.io` namespace.
+Below is a full example of simple server / client program using the `coro` api.
+// [!include ~/../examples/coro.zig]
+### Cancellations
+Use `aio.Cancel` operation to cancel the currently running operations in a task.
+The `out_error` of such operation will then be set as `error.OperationCanceled`.
+Alternatively it's possible to call `scheduler.wakeup(task);` which also cancels all currently running io on that task.
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+## Scheduler
+To do a non-blocking IO while still maintaining the imperative blocking style of coding.
+We need a coroutines and a scheduler that schedules the context switches of said coroutines.
+In this guide we refer to the coroutines as tasks.
+### Instanting a Scheduler
+Scheduler requires an `allocator` and optional `InitOptions`.
+The scheduler stores the `allocator` and uses it for managed task creation and destruction.
+var scheduler = try coro.Scheduler.init(gpa.allocator(), .{});
+defer scheduler.deinit();
+### Spawning tasks
+A new task can be spawned by specifying `entrypoint`, which must be a function with either `void` or `!void` return type.
+If the function is `!void` and it returns error, a stacktrace of the error is dumped, similarly to how `std.Thread` api works.
+Supply arguments to the `entrypoint` by providing a tuple as the second parameter.
+For third parameter, spawn takes a optional `SpawnOptions`, which can be used to specify the stack size of the Task, or
+provide a pre-allocated unmanaged task.
+When task is spawned, the `entrypoint` is immediately called and the code in the `entrypoint` runs until the task either
+yields or performs a IO operation using one of the `coro.io` namespace functions.
+var task = try scheduler.spawn(entrypoint, .{ 1, "args" }, .{});
+### Reaping tasks
+Following removes a task, frees its memory and cancels all potential running IO operations.
+Alternatively reap all the tasks using the following.
+Call to `deinit` also reaps all tasks.
+### Running
+The scheduler can process tasks and io one step a time with the tick method.
+By running tick the scheduler will reap tasks that returned (dead tasks) and context switch back to the
+tasks in case they completed their IO operations.
+// if there are pending io operations, blocks until at least one completes
+try scheduler.tick(.blocking);
+// returns immediately regardless of the current io state
+try scheduler.tick(.nonblocking);
+To run the scheduler until all tasks have returned aka died, then use the following.
+try scheduler.run();
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+title: 'zig-aio: io_uring like asynchronous API and coroutine powered IO tasks for zig'
+# Overview
+zig-aio provides io_uring like asynchronous API and coroutine powered IO tasks for zig
+// [!include ~/../examples/aio_static.zig]
+## Features
+- Blocking and asynchronous API
+- Atomic operations
+- Parallel execution
+- Cancellation
+- Timeouts
+- Comes with a runtime and scheduler for coroutines
+- Tightly tied into io_uring
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+# Integrating zig-aio
+## Zig Package Manager
+### Fetching and updating the zig-aio dependency
+Run the following command in zig project root directory.
+zig fetch --save git+https://github.com/Cloudef/zig-aio.git
+### Using zig-aio modules in zig project
+In `build.zig` file add the following for whichever modules `zig-aio` is required.
+// get the "zig-aio" dependency from "build.zig.zon"
+const zig_aio = b.dependency("zig-aio", .{});
+// for exe, lib, tests, etc.
+exe.root_module.addImport("aio", zig_aio.module("aio"));
+// for coroutines api
+exe.root_module.addImport("coro", zig_aio.module("coro"));
+### Using zig-aio in zig code
+It's possible to import the modules like this.
+const aio = @import("aio");
+const coro = @import("coro");
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+ text: "Examples",
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+ {
+ text: 'Getting Started',
+ items: [{text: 'Overview', link: '/'}],
+ },
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+ text: 'Integration',
+ items: [{text: 'Integrating zig-aio', link: '/integration'}],
+ },
+ {
+ text: 'AIO API',
+ collapsed: false,
+ items: [
+ {
+ text: 'Operations',
+ link: '/aio-operations',
+ },
+ {
+ text: 'Immediate',
+ link: '/aio-immediate',
+ },
+ {
+ text: 'Dynamic',
+ link: '/aio-dynamic',
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ text: 'CORO API',
+ collapsed: false,
+ items: [
+ {
+ text: 'Scheduler',
+ link: '/coro-scheduler',
+ },
+ {
+ text: 'IO',
+ link: '/coro-io',
+ },
+ {
+ text: 'Context switches',
+ link: '/coro-context-switches',
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ ],