After your post has been published on , you'll want to upload it to as well. This will increase the reach of the post is another blogging platform that we create content on, in addition to has grown from a platform predominantly used for developers to collaborate and network on. The platform has organically grown to include subjects such as DevOps, IaC and Cloud Native, all of which are core CloudSkills subject areas.
To get started, set up an account at if you don't already have one. Next, we will add your account to the organization, you need to message Mike to get the organisation secret. Navigate to the organization settings and paste in the secret obtained from Mike.
Now your ready to create a blog post. Select the WRITE A POST button:
Select the dropdown on Publish under an organization and select Then paste in the contents of your blog post. You need to paste the contents from the CloudSkills GitHub repo as that is the final reviewed version. The blogging tool uses the same markdown format so it will be a straight paste at this stage.
Select the "..." ellipses to the right of the tag bar:
Fill in the Canonical URL with the link to your blog on the site. If you are creating a blog series, insert a title under Series Name as well. Select Done:
Each image in your blog post must be imported to the image store. To import an image and set the cover image, select the Image icon in the upper right corner to the left of the ... button. When you upload an image, you will get a Markdown Image snippet that you can copy and paste into your blog to replace the image links. The image is hosted in an S3 by Also note that when you upload the Cover Image it may be cut off and you may need to crop it: allows four tags for each blog so choose wisely if it's across multiple subjects. If you are struggling to choose, what is the audience you are trying engage with?
Some tags have rules, most of which are along the lines of "Be respectful". Other tags have full outlines for their rules, to check this hit View Rules next to the tag:
At the bottom is the Save Draft button, save often. Also use the Preview button to get a view of what the post will look like. You can add a fancy table of contents to your post that looks like the following:
Just include the following syntax for the table formatting:
# Table Of Contents
* [Prerequisites](#Prerequisites)
* [Step 1 — Resource Provisioners](#Step 1 — Resource Provisioners)
* [Step 2 — Destroy Provisioners](#Step 2 — Destroy Provisioners)
* [Step 3 — Null Resource Provisioners](#Step 3 — Null Resource Provisioners)
* [Conclusion](#Conclusion)
To link a heading to the table, format the heading with the tag like so:
## Prerequisites <a name="Prerequisites"></a>
Your content has already been reviewed and published on, so once you are ready to publish select Publish:
You've now successfully published a blog post on Just sit back and watch those Hearts and Unicorns pour in!
Mike will put a shout out about new content for blog on Slack for contributors to tweet and like. To increase the reach for content on it's customary for contributors to follow each other and the CloudSkills organisation on This is a simple way to see when others convert and post their content, so you can drop them a heart or two.