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Releases: CircleCI-Public/aws-ecr-orb

Lifecycle Policy and Web Identity Support

22 Apr 07:39
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This minor version change addresses the changes:

Added Commands

build-and-push-image command was originally removed in version 8.0 but has been added back by popular demand.

Added Parameters

build-image command now supports adding aws lifecycle policies to repositories in ECR

  • lifecycle-policy-path: The path of the .json file containing the aws lifecycle policy. If a path is defined in this parameter, the policy will be attached to the specified ECR repository.
  • assume-web-identity: A boolean value that lets the user assume a profile with short lived keys. Set to true to configure a profile using short-term credentials

Issues closed

  1. #180
  2. #181
  3. #182
  4. #179
  5. #188
  6. #173
  7. #178
  8. #188
  9. #177

PRs merged or addressed:

  1. #184
  2. #183

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v8.0.0...v.8.1.0

Multi-arch build support

15 Mar 21:53
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v7.3.0...v8.0.0

This version update includes the following breaking changes:

  • account-url parameter has been removed. The default url is now constructed using the registry-id with the following schema: ${REGISTRY_ID}.dkr.ecr.${REGION}
  • registry-id has been introduced as an environment variable and will be used to construct the URL for your default registry
  • region - this parameter has now been changed from env_var type to a string
  • Multi-architecture builds has been introduced with docker buildx commands. The push-image command has been removed. Pushing an image is now a boolean parameter called push-image that defaults to true.
  • The build-and-push command has also been removed due to redundancy. The build-and-push job does the same thing.

Added parameters:

build-image command now supports multi-architecture builds and pushing to public registries

  • registry-id: The 12 digit AWS Registry ID associated with the ECR account.
  • push-image: Boolean value that enables users to push an image to a repository after building.
  • platform: Platform targets for the docker image, multi arch images. Ex. linux/amd64 or linux/arm64.
  • public-registry: Boolean value for building and/or pushing an image to a Public Registry on ECR.

ecr-login command now supports role-arn configuration.

  • new-profile-name: Name of new profile associated with role arn
  • source-profile: Source profile containing credentials to assume the role with role-arn.
  • role-arn: Role ARN that the profile should take

create-repo command now supports creation of public registries

  • public-registry: Boolean value for building and/or pushing an image to a Public Registry on ECR.

New commands

tag-image command adds tag to an existing image

  • repo: Name of an Amazon ECR repository
  • source-tag: An existing Docker image tag
  • target-tag: A comma-separated string containing docker image tags (default = latest)

Issues closed:

  1. #39
  2. #84
  3. #118
  4. #131
  5. #129
  6. #86
  7. #135
  8. #150
  9. #140
  10. #148
  11. #162
  12. #157
  13. #152
  14. #166
  15. #163
  16. #158
  17. #147
  18. #174

PR's closed

  1. #170
  2. #168