The release process for Strata is as follows:
Ensure all required changes have been merged
Check out the master branch and ensure there are no local changes
Change version of Strata, {major}.{minor}.{patch}, e.g. 1.0.0:
mvn versions:set -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -DartifactId=* -DgroupId=com.opengamma.strata
Create Git commit, with message such as "Release v1.0.0", and push
Add Git tag (beginning with
git tag -a v1.0.0 -m "Release v1.0.0"
Push the tag:
git push --follow-tags
Travis will automatically detect the new tag and perform a build. Being a release tag, beginning with
, additional operations are triggered during the build which will perform the deployment to Bintray and upload the build artifacts to the GitHub Releases page. Note that there will be a concurrent build for the earlier push to master which will behave normally. -
At GutHub, update the release with a proper description and release notes.
At Bintray, publish the files. Edit the description of the version, adding the release date, description and VCS tag. Ensure the readme and release notes tags are correctly setup.
Publish the version to Maven Central from Bintray using the password in 1password.
Bump version of Strata to SNAPSHOT, e.g. 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT:
mvn versions:set -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -DartifactId=* -DgroupId=com.opengamma.strata
Create Git commit, with message such as "Bump version", and push
Update docs website
Add Javadoc to docs website
(delete old Javadoc, copy in new Javadoc) -
Add forum post
Ensure all required changes have been merged
Check out the master branch of and ensure there are no local changes
Change version of Strata, {major}.{minor}.{patch}, eg. 1.1.0-M1:
mvn versions:set -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -DartifactId=* -DgroupId=com.opengamma.strata
Create git commit, with message such as "Release v1.1.0-M1"
mvn clean deploy -Doss.jars -Ddist
Add git tag and push commit to GitHub
git tag -a m1.1.0-M1 -m "Release v1.1.0-M1"
Bump version of Strata back to original SNAPSHOT, eg. 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT:
mvn versions:set -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -DartifactId=* -DgroupId=com.opengamma.strata
Create git commit, with message such as "Bump version"
Push the commits and tag:
git push --follow-tags