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How to Check If Everything is Working (or Not)

Roy Natian edited this page Apr 29, 2021 · 18 revisions

🛠️ A work-in-progress 🛠️

This doc assumes you know how to use the CLI. Using the CLI is the best way to troubleshoot (and to do everything Chia too). The Quick Start Guide and CLI Commands Reference have useful info to get you familiar with the CLI.

Where to Find Things: The File Paths

The file paths for Linux, macOS, and Windows versions of Chia are similar.

├─ .chia/
│   └── mainnet/
│      ├─ config/
│      │      ├─ config.yaml
│      │      └─ ssl/
│      │            └─ (and more...)
│      ├─ db/
│      ├─ log/
│      │      └─ debug.log
│      ├─ run/
│      │      └─ (and more...)
│      └─ wallet/
│             └─ (and more...)
└── /chia-blockchain
       └─ (and more...)

Linux & macOS

  • Chia config: ~/.chia/mainnet/config/config.yaml
  • Chia log: ~/.chia.mainnet/log/debug.log


  • Chia config: C:\Users\USERNAME\.chia\mainnet\config\config.yaml
  • Chia log: C:\Users\USERNAME\.chia\mainnet\log\debug.log


In config.yaml you can set the level of detail for your logs.

Look for this section in config.yaml. It’s useful to change the logger setting log_level from WARNING to INFO to get the detail needed to troubleshoot.

logging: &id001
    log_filename: log/debug.log
    log_level: WARNING
    log_stdout: false

You can run grep (Linux, macOS) or Select-String (Windows) to search through your logs for relevant information.

Is It Working?

If you want to quickly find errors, run this:

  • Linux/macOS: cat ~/.chia/mainnet/log/debug.log | grep error
  • Windows: Get-Content -Path "C:\Users\user\.chia\mainnet\log\debug.log" | Select-String -Pattern "error"


The time it takes to do a proof challenge should be below 30 seconds. If you see higher times, something is wrong with your setup.

You can use these commands to narrow down your search for problems in debug.log

  • Linux/macOS: tail ~/.chia/mainnet/log/debug.log | grep eligible
  • Windows:
    • Select-String -Path “~\.chia\mainnet\log\debug*” -Pattern “eligible”
    • Select-String -Path “~\.chia\mainnet\log\debug*” -Pattern “Found [^0] proof”
    • Select-String -Path “~\.chia\mainnet\log\debug*” -Pattern “Farmed unfinished_block
      • Get-Content -Path "C:\Users\user\.chia\mainnet\log\debug.log" -Wait | Select-String -Pattern "found"


  • With the CLI, run the command chia plots check
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