- password
- permit
- access_token
- status : 200(OK) / 204(User not found) / 405(Method not found)
- message ---- Array of messages
- position - Position of the user
- access_token (of admins)
- permit (of admins)
- celestaid
- date_time
- status: '200'(Checked out/Checked in)/ '203'(Account not verified at desk)/ '404'(Celestaid not found)/ '401'(Admin unauthorized to perform this action.)
- message: Array of messages
- action: Checkin/Checkout
- last_action: Details of previous action
- access_token (of admins)
- permit (of admins)
- celestaid
- date_time
- status: '200'(Checked out/Checked in)/ '203'(Account not verified at desk)/ '204'(Not payed accommodation fee or user has not booked accommodation) /'404'(Celestaid not found)/ '401'(Invalid user)
- message: Array of messages
- action: Checkin/Checkout
- last_action: Details of previous action
- access_token (of admins)
- permit (of admins)
- status: 200(Successfully sent data)/ 401(Invalid user or unauthorized)
- message: Message String
- events : Array of (Objects{
- "ev_name": "Robo Wars",
- "ev_id": "ATM3781",
- "is_team_event": "1" })
- access_token (of admins)
- permit (of admins)
- ev_id
- status: 200(Successfully sent data)/ 401(Invalid user or unauthorized)
- message: Message String
- is_team_event: 0(Not team event)/ 1(It is a team event)
- registered_users : Array of (Objects{
- "name": "Robo Wars",
- "time": "2019-10-11 12:51:22",
- "phone": "111111111",
- "amount": 1500,
- "celestaid": "CLST5404" })
- team_details : Array of (Objects{
- "time": "2019-10-17 17:22:31",
- "amount": "1500",
- "cap_name": "",
- "cap_email": "",
- "cap_phone": "",
- "mem1_name": "",
- "mem2_name": "",
- "mem3_name": "",
- "mem4_name": "",
- "team_name": "",
- "mem1_email": "",
- "mem1_phone": "",
- "mem2_email": "",
- "mem2_phone": "",
- "mem3_email": "",
- "mem3_phone": "",
- "mem4_email": "",
- "mem4_phone": "",
- "cap_celestaid": "",
- "mem1_celestaid": "",
- "mem2_celestaid": "",
- "mem3_celestaid": "",
- "mem4_celestaid": "" })
Note: For team events parse team_details. For non team events parse registered users.
- access_token (of admins)
- permit (of admins)
- status: 200(Successfully sent data)/ 401(Invalid user or unauthorized)
- message: ""
- accommodation: 0(Not booked accommodation)/1(Accommodation booked and paid)/2(Accommodation booked but not paid)
- iit_patna: 0 (Not college student)/1 (IIT Patna student)
- amount_paid: 100
- college: ""
- phone: ""
- registration_desk: 0 (Account not verified at registration desk)/1(Account verified at registration desk)
- events_registered : Array of (Objects{
- "ev_id": "ATM9933",
- "amount": "110.5",
- "ev_name": "Robowars",
- "cap_name": "Amartya Mondal",
- "team_name": "atm",
- "ev_name" })
- events: Array of (Objects of{
- "ev_id": "ATM3781",
- "ev_amount": "1500" })
- access_token (of admins)
- permit (of admins)
users : Array of (Objects of ({
- "id": "5",
- "names": "Testing",
- "phone": "8967570983",
- "amount_paid": "400",
- "gender": "m",
- "celestaid: "CLST1504" }))
status : 200(OK) / 401(Admin not found / Admin unauthorized to do it)
message: String of status