Problem: At the Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, what cases are related to the first amendment? Solution: Search opinions for the first amendment.
Sends out a tweet when the program runs to a Twitter account.
- Create a gmail account for bot
- Create a Twitter account using gmail account
- @1st_amendment_4
- Get keys for Twitter account at
- Create GitHub repo with 4 files:, sckey.json,, GitIgnore, &
- Write the following code in pskey.json:
- consumer key, consumer key secret, access token, & access token secret
- Write the following code in
- Import Json & Tweepy
- Call in authentication information from pskey.json
- Store them so they can be passed into Twitter
- Create keyword to tweet out
- Tweet out keyword with authentication to test
import json
import tweepy
#opens and reads sckey.json
with open("a1keys/a1key.json") as file:
a1key = json.loads(
# Consumer keys and access tokens, used for OAuth
consumer_key = a1key["consumer_key"]
consumer_secret = a1key["consumer_secret"]
access_token = a1key["access_token"]
access_token_secret = a1key["access_token_secret"]
# OAuth process, using the keys and tokens
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret)
# Store access keys in a way to send to Twitter
api = tweepy.API(auth)
def buildTweet(argument1, argument2):
tweet = "The Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit released an opinion on " + argument1 + " that relates to the First Amendment. To read the full text, visit " + argument2 + "."
def sendTweet(content):
Put all recent opinions of the Supreme Court in a dataframe
- Get Court Listener API key
- Store in a1apikey.json file
- Call in authentication information from a1apikey.json
- Import requests
- Use requests.get to call URL:
- Headers for authenticating a1apikey.json
- Put results of json into dataframe
import requests
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
#opens and reads a1apikey.json
with open("a1keys/a1apikey.json") as file:
a1apikey = json.loads(
#authenticate and calls api to print text
a1_api_key = a1apikey["a1_api_key"]
#calls court listener api and puts results into json and dataframe
urlcourt = ''
headers = {'A1-API-KEY': a1_api_key}
responsecourt = requests.get(urlcourt, headers=headers)
jsoncourt = responsecourt.json()
datacourt = jsoncourt.get('results')
courtdf = pd.DataFrame(datacourt)
- Get yesterday's date
- Search for date in data frame under date_created by iterating over rows
- If found, print out event in console
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
#import yesterday's date
def getDate():
yesterday = - timedelta(days=1)
date = yesterday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
return date
#search for md locations only for today
date = getDate()
courtdf = courtdf.replace(np.nan, '', regex=True)
a1date = courtdf[courtdf['date_created'].str.contains(date)]
if (len(a1date) > 0):
irow = a1date.iterrows()
for a in irow:
- Create text file of list of terms related to Maryland
- Search for list of terms in recent opinions in plain_text by iterating over rows
- If found, tweet out date
#import list of Maryland terms
a1terms = []
with open('a1terms.txt', 'r') as s:
a1terms =
for t in a1terms:
search = a1date[a1date['plain_text'].str.contains(t)]
if (len(search) > 0):
irow = search.iterrows()
for r in irow:
buildTweet(date, r[1]['download_url'])