The configuration takes place in the pimcore_ecommerce_framework.checkout_manager
configuration section and is tenant aware.
# the following two values are default values an can be omitted
# service ID of a checkout manager factory which builds cart specific checkout managers
factory_id: Pimcore\Bundle\EcommerceFrameworkBundle\CheckoutManager\CheckoutManagerFactory
# options passed to the factory - available options vary by implementation
class: \Pimcore\Bundle\EcommerceFrameworkBundle\CheckoutManager\V7\CheckoutManager
handle_pending_payments_strategy: Pimcore\Bundle\EcommerceFrameworkBundle\CheckoutManager\V7\HandlePendingPayments\CancelPaymentOrRecreateOrderStrategy
# commit order processor
# order processor service ID
id: Pimcore\Bundle\EcommerceFrameworkBundle\CheckoutManager\V7\CommitOrderProcessor
# options passed to the commit order processor - available options vary by implementation
confirmation_mail: /en/emails/order-confirmation
# define different checkout steps which need to be committed before commit of order is possible
class: \Pimcore\Bundle\EcommerceFrameworkBundle\CheckoutManager\DeliveryAddress
# example step from the Ecommerce demo, which extends AbstractStep
class: \App\Ecommerce\Checkout\Confirm
# define payment provider which should be used for payment.
# payment providers are defined in payment_manager section.
provider: qpay
provider: paypal
Following elements are configured:
- Service ID and options of the checkout manager factory: The Checkout Manager is a central player of the checkout process.
It checks the state of single checkout steps, is responsible for the payment integration and also calls the commit order
processor in the end. As the a checkout manager is specific to a cart instance, checkout manager factory takes care of
creating checkout managers on demand.
- Optional configuration option
defines strategy how to handle pending payments. See Integrating Payment for details.
- Optional configuration option
- Checkout steps and their implementation: Each checkout step (e.g. Delivery address, delivery date, ...) needs a concrete checkout step implementation. The implementation is responsible for storing and validating the necessary data, is project dependent and has to be implemented for each project.
- Service ID and options of the commit order processor: When finalization of the order is done by the commit order processor. This is the places, where custom ERP integrations and other project dependent order finishing stuff should be placed.
- Additional stuff like:
- Mail configuration
- Payment Implementation
- Checkout Tenants