You can extend the query schema and add your custom query in the following way.
See Events and Event Listeners if you need more information on Pimcore's event mechanism.
function (\Pimcore\Bundle\DataHubBundle\Event\GraphQL\Model\QueryTypeEvent $event) {
$config = $event->getConfig();
$outputType = new \GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType([
'name' => "CustomQueryResultType",
'fields' => [
'outputFieldA' => [
'type' => \GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type::string(),
'resolve' => function ($source, $args, $context, \GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo $info) {
return "A-value for item " . $source['resolvedId'] . " is " . uniqid();
'outputFieldB' => [
'type' => \GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type::string(),
'resolve' => function ($source, $args, $context, \GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo $info) {
return "B-value for item " . $source['resolvedId'] . " is " . uniqid();
$operation = [
'type' => $outputType,
'args' => ['itemId' => ['type' => \GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type::nonNull(\GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type::int())]],
'resolve' => function ($source, $args, $context, \GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo $info) {
// resolve the item using the input parameters. Result will be passed
// to the field-level resolvers
return ['resolvedId' => $args['itemId']];
$config['fields']['performCustomQuery'] = $operation;