You will find here examples of different ADFS sign-ins and their associated events. The list of all possible events, their structure and description can be found here: ADFS Help.
Here are the available scenarios:
➡️ Extranet - Form Based Authentication - Failure with Smart Lockout An external user (meaning the request goes through a WAP server) is failing to authenticate using Form Based Authentication and the Smart Account Lockout feature is enabled.
➡️ Extranet - Exchange Active Sync - Failure An external user is failing to authenticate using an Exchange Active Sync client.
➡️ Extranet - Exchange Active Sync - Success An external user is successfully authenticating using an Exchange Active Sync client.
➡️ Intranet - Form Based Authentication - Failure An internal user is failing to authenticate using Form Based Authentication.
➡️ Intranet - Form Based Authentication - Success An internal user is successfully authenticating using Form Based Authentication.
➡️ Intranet - Windows Integrated Authentication - Failure An internal user is failing to authenticate using Windows Integrated Authentication (meaning Kerberos or NTLM in the browser).
➡️ Intranet - Windows Integrated Authentication - Success An internal user is successfully authenticating using Form Based Authentication.
➡️ Intranet - Hybrid Azure AD Join - Success A device is successfully getting a token on the windowstransport endpoint (part of the Hybrid Azure AD Join process in a federated environment).
- To enable the audit on ADFS servers: