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+# DeathSwap
+Deathswap is a Minecraft mini-game plugin inspired by the youtuber [Dream](https://youtube.com/dream) where every 4-6 minutes (default, can be changed) players are swapped randomly. Players will try to make traps and kill the person swapped to them. Last player standing wins.
+## Installation
+- Download the plugin [here](https://github.com/calmguild/deathswap/releases/latest) *make sure to download the .jar file*
+- Move the jar file into the plugins folder of your server
+- Restart the server
+## Usage
+To start the game run the **/start** command
+To end the game manually use the **/end** command
+***NOTE: Game will automatically end once all players die***
+To revive a player use the **/revive (player)** command
+To change the config file either modify the **config.yml** file in the DeathSwap directory in the plugins folder or use the **/config** command
+**USAGE: /config (minswaptime, maxswaptime, friendlyfire) (value)**
+## Reporting bugs
+To report a bug please open a new issue in the [issues](https://github.com/calmguild/deathswap/issues) tab of this repo.