Name | Type | Description | Notes |
provider | str | The account's cloud provider. | [optional] |
provider_sub_type | str | The account's cloud provider sub-type. | [optional] |
provider_identifier | str | The account group's cloud provider identifier. | [optional] |
provider_billing_identifier | str | The account group's cloud provider billing identifier. If the billing account ID is the same as the credential account ID, this will have no value. This will have a value when billing is tracked under a different account ID from the account group's standard cloud provider identifier. Example: An AWS Gov account has a separate commercial account ID for billing. | [optional] |
region_group | str | The account's region group (i.e. the unique data center group that is being used, e.g. commercial, gov, etc). | [optional] |
purpose | str | The purpose of the account credential (i.e. what it will be used for). | [optional] |
credential_metadata | list[CredentialMetadataModel] | Credential identification information. | [optional] |
created_date | datetime | The date when the credentials were created. | [optional] |
updated_date | datetime | The date when the credentials were last modified (e.g. new credential info specified). | [optional] |
last_verified_date | datetime | The date when the credentials were last checked if still valid. These verification checks occur automatically on a periodic basis. | [optional] |
last_refreshed_date | datetime | The date when the credentials were last refreshed (if applicable). | [optional] |
verification_summary | str | Summary of last verification actions. | [optional] |
verification_results | list[VerificationActionModel] | List of all verification actions and their results. | [optional] |