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A package (atleast the code) to toggle properties of tags.

I mostly use toggle classes while making a switch theme method, button interaction etc.

File sizes:

File Size Size on disk
Toggler.js 8.66 KB (8,871 bytes) 12.0 KB (12,288 bytes)
Toggler.min.js 5.83 KB (5,980 bytes) 8.00 KB (8,192 bytes)

How to use

through Toggler.js CDN

Official CDN:

For latest version

<script src=""></script>

For Toggler.min.js

<script src=""></script>


<script src=""></script>

For Toggler.min.js

<script src=""></script>

You can use this in either body tag or in head tag

In your JavaScript file:

 const toggler = new Toggler;
 toggler.toggleClass(elementID, fromClass, toClass);
 toggler.toggleImage(elementID, fromImage, toImage);
 toggler.toggleSlide(elementID, fromDirection, speed);
 toggler.toggleProperty(elementID, propertyName, fromValue, toValue);

Manually downloading the file

  • You can clone the project or just download the Toggler.js (Will release as a npm package later).
  • Include this script before including your main script.

or else:

  • Download it from official site.
  • And follow the steps below.

for example:

<script src="Toggler.js"></script>
<script src="myscript.js"></script>
  • After this you can use toggler.toggleClass(elementId, fromClass, toClass) method to toggle between classes toggler.toggleImage(elementID, fromImage, toImage) to toggle between images etc. in your main script.

New feature

Error handling:

  • Added error handling for Toggler.
  • Changed whole implementation of toggleSlide().

Example error that will pop up on the page:


Note: You can click close to close the dialog or it will close automatically after 10 seconds.


const toggler = new Toggler;
toggler.toggleProperty(elementID, propertyName, fromValue, toValue);
  • Create a new object using const toggler = new Toggler.

Toggle slides:

  • You can now toggle slides(an element).
  • You can select upto 2 types of slide one is vertical side and horizontal slide.
  • Vertical toggle is coded and can be used.


const toggler = new Toggler;
toggler.toggleSlide(elementID, fromDirection, speed);


  • fromDirection says about from what direction the slide to start. Check the docs for more info. (visit docs for more info link is below.)


  • Speed defines the speed of the toggling that mean how fast it should slide.


const toggler = new Toggler;
toggler.toggleSlide('testElement', 'left', 60);//toggles the slide from left to right or right to left
toggler.toggleSlide('testElement2', 'top', 60);//toggles the slide from bottom to top or top to bottom


  • toggleSlide() implementation is completely different.
  • Optimised code.
  • Error handling

Planned improvements

  • Improve toggleSlide() for vertical toggles.

Note: You can request some features by opening a PR or issuing a feature request through issue.

How to download

Downloading (through github)

Go to the releases page. And then click "Source code (zip)" in the latest stable release to download. And then you can extract and use Toggler.js.

Cloning using command line (only for contribution purpose)

  • Open command line in your PC and type
$ git clone
  • Repository will be cloned and you can use Toggler.js in your code.
  • If you want to contribute changes can be pushed. (check the code before pushing to origin or push to 'other' branch)

Downloading (through Official website):

  • Go to Toggler official website.
  • Click on the Download latest Toggler.js and choose path.
  • Download it and use it by copying the file to your project folder.

Or else:

  • Just copy paste the code.

Note: While using Toggler.js please make sure you have a backup because if something goes wrong and you pushed the changes then things will become tedious to handle.


 const toggler = new Toggler;
 toggler.toggleClass(elementID, fromClass, toClass);
 toggler.toggleImage(elementID, fromImage, toImage);
 toggler.toggleSlide(elementID, fromDirection, speed);
 toggler.toggleProperty(elementID, propertyName, fromValue, toValue);


ID of the element to which you want to change the class.


element's current class name.


New class name to the given element.


  • Direction says about in what direction the slide to start either horizontal slide or vertical slide. (visit docs for more info link is below.)


  • Speed defines the speed of the toggling that mean how fast it to slide.

  • Note that speed can be any literal i.e an int or a float or a string.

Note: Remember all the arguments are strings except speed which acceps all three literals(int, float, string). And Toggler.js will work in reference with Id of the element so make sure you given a valid id for elements before using the methods.

Remember to use this syntax in your main script not in Toggler.js

Note: Don't try to manipulate the Toggler.js unless you know javascript.

For more info about the 'Toggler' visit Toggler Docs.


  • You can contribute to this repo by creating a pull request for features and issue for bug reports


  • This repository is licensed under MIT.

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