In this iteration, our group focused on making the previous functionalities more robust (error handling) while also adding new minor functionalities. We improved code cleanliness by separating codes that ask for user inputs and those that perform data operations into different functions (see modification on addTeacher() for example). Such modification also enables us to write unit tests for the data operation.
Handling Input Type Error
The interface now can handle the error caused by wrong user input type. I.e. when the user inputs a string when the program expects a positive integer. The program will now repeatedly ask the user for a positive integer instead of throwing an error.
New Functionality: add student to course
The interface can now handle adding student to course command.
New Functionality: list students from a course
The interface can now list students from a particular course. This is done by the "course detail" command.
New Functinality: uppercase commands
The interface now also supports uppercase commands. E.g. "add course", "ADD course" and "add course" will all work.
Test Cases for Extracted Helper Methods
Since the helper methods do not depend on user inputs anymore, we are able to develop a list of test cases for these helper methods. The tests are presented in <>.
Looking forward, these funcionalities might be added to the program:
edit commands:
- edit course: edit the information of an existing course in the sysetm
- edit teacher: edit the information of an existing teacher in the sysetm
- edit student: edit the information of an existing student in the sysetm
difference levels of access:
- possibly we want to have two different levels of user access
- base level for viewing all courses, students, and teachers
- sudo level for adding, deleting, editing, and viewing all courses, students, and teachers
Everything currently works!!
- Clone and cd into the repository on your command line.
- start the program with "./".
- Follow the on screen instructions for inputs.