Build a customizable lighting app using the Matter protocol.
This guide covers the basics of building a customizable lighting application using Matter.
In Matter, commands can be issued by using a cluster. A cluster is a set of attributes and commands which are grouped together under a relevant theme.
Attributes store values (think of them as variables). Commands are used to modify the value of attributes.
For example, the "On/Off" cluster has an attribute named "OnOff" of type boolean. The value of this attribute can be set to "1" by sending an "On" command or it can be set to "0" by sending an "Off" command.
The C++ implementation of these clusters is located in the clusters directory. Note that you can also create your own custom cluster.
From the matter repository, run the following command in a terminal to launch the ZAP user interface (UI). This will open up the ZAP configuration for the EFR32 lighting application example.
$ ./scripts/tools/zap/ examples/lighting-app/lighting-common/lighting-app.zap
On the left side of the application, there is a tab for Endpoint 0 and Endpoint 1. Endpoint 0 is known as the root node. This endpoint is akin to a "read me first" endpoint that describes itself and the other endpoints that make up the node. Endpoint 1 represents a lighting application device type. There are a number of required ZCL clusters enabled in Endpoint 1. Some clusters are common across most device types, such as identify and group clusters. Others, such as the On/Off, Level Control and Color Control clusters are required for a lighting application device type.
Clicking on the blue settings icon on the right side of the application brings you to the zap configuration settings for that cluster. Each cluster has some required attributes that may cause compile-time errors if they are not selected in the zap configuration. Other attributes are optional and are allowed to be disabled. Clusters also have a list of client-side commands, again some are mandatory and others are optional depending on the cluster. ZCL offers an extensive list of optional attributes and commands that allow you to customize your application to the full power of the Matter SDK.
For example, if a lighting application only includes single color LEDs instead of RGB LEDs, it might make sense to disable the Color Control cluster in the ZAP configuration. Similarly, if a lighting application doesn't take advantage of the Level Control cluster, which allows you to customize current flow to an LED, it might make sense to disable the Level Control cluster.
Each time a modification is made to the ZAP UI, save (Electron→Save on a Mac toolbar) the current ZAP configuration and run the following command to generate ZAP code.
$ ./scripts/tools/zap/ examples/lighting-app/lighting-common/lighting-app.zap -o zzz_generated/lighting-app/zap-generated/
All Matter commands reach the application through the intermediate function MatterPostAttributeChangeCallback(). When a request is made by a Matter client, the information contained in the request is forwarded to a Matter application through this function. The command can then be dissected using conditional logic to call the proper application functions based on the most recent command received.
In the ZAP UI, navigate to the Level Control cluster. Make sure this cluster is enabled as a server in the drop-down menu in the "Enable" column. Then click on the blue settings wheel in the "Configure" column. This cluster can be used to gather power source configuration settings from a Matter device. It contains a few required attributes, and a number of optional attributes.
In the Level Control cluster configurations, ensure the CurrentLevel attribute is set to enabled. Set the default value of this attribute as 1.
Navigate to the commands tab in zap and enable the MoveToLevel command. Now save the current zap configuration, and run the script above.
In the MatterPostAttributeCallback function in ZclCallbacks, add the following line of code or a similar line. This will give the application the ability to react to MoveToLevel commands. You can define platform-specific behavior for a MoveToLevel action.
else if (clusterId == LevelControl::Id)
ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "Level Control attribute ID: " ChipLogFormatMEI " Type: %u Value: %u, length %u",
ChipLogValueMEI(attributeId), type, *value, size);
if (attributeId == LevelControl::Attributes::CurrentLevel::Id)
action_type = LightingManager::MOVE_TO_LEVEL;
LightMgr().InitiateActionLight(AppEvent::kEventType_Light, action_type, endpoint, *value);
Rebuild the application and load the new executable on your EFR32 device. Send the following mattertool commands and verify that the current-level default attribute was updated as was configured. Replace {desired_level} with 10, and node_ID with the node ID assigned to the device upon commissioning.
$ mattertool levelcontrol read current-level 1 1 // Returns 1
$ mattertool levelcontrol move-to-level {desired_level} 0 1 1 {node_ID} 1
$ mattertool levelcontrol read current-level 1 1 // Returns 10
For more information on running a Silicon Labs lighting example on a Thunderboard Sense 2 see sl-newlight/efr32.