From ba192f229e0d3b112eda4d7eca6c94fc703a4af4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ajm-asiaa Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2020 14:13:55 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] adding improved carta-remote script --- linux/ | 295 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 295 insertions(+) create mode 100755 linux/ diff --git a/linux/ b/linux/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..042dc03 --- /dev/null +++ b/linux/ @@ -0,0 +1,295 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +## Use CARTA desktop without Electron + +DIRNAME=`dirname $0` + +DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null && pwd )" + +######################################################################## +### There may be multiple users on the same server, so get unused ports +read LOWERPORT UPPERPORT < /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range +while : +do + FRONTEND_PORT="`shuf -i $LOWERPORT-$UPPERPORT -n 1`" + WEBSOCKET_PORT="`shuf -i $LOWERPORT-$UPPERPORT -n 1`" + ss -lpn | grep -q ":$FRONTEND_PORT" || break + ss -lpn | grep -q ":$WEBSOCKET_PORT" || break +done +####################################################################### + +####################################################################### +## Check if log directory exists and if not, create it. +if [ ! -d $HOME/CARTA/log ]; then + mkdir -p $HOME/CARTA/log + touch $HOME/CARTA/log/carta.log +fi +logfilename=$HOME/CARTA/log/$(date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S_%Z").log + +## Keep only the latest 5 log files +if [ "$(uname)" == "Linux" ]; then + ls -C1 -t ~/CARTA/log/* | awk 'NR>5' | xargs --no-run-if-empty rm +fi +if [ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]; then + ls -C1 -t ~/CARTA/log/* | awk 'NR>5' | xargs rm +fi +###################################################################### + +####################################################################### +### Find the host IP address or server name +SERVER_NAME=$(hostname) +SERVER_IP=$(hostname -I | cut -d' ' -f1) +###################################################################### + +## Find the number of threads on the system +NTHREADS=$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_CONF) + +##################################################################### +##### Default values +folder=$PWD +root=/ +threads=4 +omp_threads=$NTHREADS +port=$WEBSOCKET_PORT +fport=$FRONTEND_PORT +grpc_port=-1 + +##################################################################### +display_help () { + echo "usage: carta [] CARTA file browser will default to the current path." + echo " [] CARTA file browser will default to the specified" + echo " path e.g. carta ~/CARTA/Images" + echo " [] CARTA will directly open the image named " + echo " e.g. carta aJ.fits or carta ~/CARTA/Images/aJ.fits" + echo " [--folder=] Optional: An alternative way to define the" + echo " default CARTA file browser path." + echo " Note: Not for directly opening an image." + echo " [--help] View this help output" + echo "Remote mode flags" + echo " [--remote] start CARTA in 'remote' mode. For accessing CARTA's" + echo " frontend through your webrowser rather than the standard" + echo " Electron interface. A free websocket port and a frontend" + echo " port will be chosen automatically." + echo " [--port=] Optional: Manually choose a websocket port for the" + echo " backend. CARTA will check if the port is available" + echo " and issue a warning if not. A typical value is" + echo " between 1025-65535." + echo " [--fport=] Optional: Manually choose a frontend port for the" + echo " CARTA web interface. CARTA will check if the port" + echo " is available and issue a warning if not. A typical" + echo " value is between 1025-65535." + echo " [--grpc_port=] Optional: Manually choose a port to activate " + echo " and use the scripting functionality." + echo " Note: This feature is currently in development." + echo "Advanced usage flags" + echo " [--root=] Define the lowest path the file browser can" + echo " navigate to. e.g. carta --root /home/bob means the" + echo " the file browser can not access anything in /home" + echo " Note: --root can not be set inside --folder." + echo " [--threads=] Set number of threads. It controls how many" + echo " threads CPU-intensive tasks are split across." + echo " The default value is 4." + echo " [--omp_threads=] Set the number of OpenMP threads. It controls" + echo " how trivially parallelisable tasks are split" + echo " by CARTA. The default value is the" + echo " automatically detected number of cores on" + echo " you system; usually 4 or 8 on a typical" + echo " desktop or laptop." + echo " [--size=x] Manually define the dimensions of CARTA's" + echo " Electron window in pixels." + echo " [--disable-gpu] May help if running CARTA Desktop through a VNC server" + echo " and images are not rendering properly." + echo " [--debug] Open the DevTools in the Electron window." + +} +##################################################################### + +## Get command line variables +for i in "$@" +do +case $i in + -folder=*|--folder=*) + folder="${i#*=}" + shift # past argument=value + ;; + -root=*|--root=*) + root="${i#*=}" + shift # past argument=value + ;; + -threads=*|--threads=*) + threads="${i#*=}" + shift # past argument=value + ;; + -omp_threads=*|--omp_threads=*) + omp_threads="${i#*=}" + shift # past argument=value + ;; + -port=*|--port=*) + port="${i#*=}" + shift # past argument=value + ;; + -fport=*|--fport=*) + fport="${i#*=}" + shift # past argument=value + ;; + -grpc_port=*|--grpc_port=*) + grpc_port="${i#*=}" + shift # past argument=value + ;; + --help) + display_help + exit 1 + shift # past argument with no value + ;; + *) + # unknown option + ;; +esac +done +################################################################# +#echo "DEBUG: folder= ${folder}" +#echo "DEBUG: root= ${root}" +#echo "DEBUG: threads= ${threads}" +#echo "DEBUG: port= ${port}" +#echo "DEBUG: fport= ${fport}" +#echo "DEBUG: omp_threads= ${omp_threads}" +#echo "DEBUG: grpc_port= ${grpc_port}" + +################################################################# +#### Do some checks on the user defined command line variables + +if [ ! -d "$folder" ]; then + echo "$folder path does not exist. Defaulting to $HOME" + exit 1 +fi +if [ ! -d "$root" ]; then + echo "$root path does not exist. Please check." + exit 1 +fi +if [[ $threads != [0-9]* ]]; then + echo "Chosen thread value is not a number. Please check." + exit 1 +fi +if [[ $omp_threads != [0-9]* ]]; then + echo "Chosen omp_thread value is not a number. Please check." + exit 1 +fi +if [[ $port != [0-9]* ]] ; then + echo "Requested websocket port is not a number. Please check." + exit 1 +fi +if [[ $fport != [0-9]* ]]; then + echo "Requested frontend port is not a number. Please check." + exit 1 +fi +if [[ $grpc_port != -1 && $fport != [0-9]* ]]; then + echo "Requested gRPC port is not a number. Please check." + exit 1 +fi +if [[ $port -lt 1025 || $port -gt 65535 ]] ; then + echo "Requested websocket port is out of range. Please check." + exit 1 +fi +if [[ $fport -lt 1025 || $fport -gt 65535 ]]; then + echo "Requested frontend port is out of range. Please check." + exit 1 +fi +if [[ $grpc_port != -1 && $grpc_port -lt 1025 || $grpc_port -gt 65535 ]]; then + echo "Requested gRPC port is out of range. Please check." + exit 1 +fi +checkport=`lsof -i :$port` +if [ "$checkport" != "" ]; then + echo "Chosen websocket port is in use. Please chose another" + exit 1 +fi +checkfport=`lsof -i :$fport` +if [ "$checkfport" != "" ]; then + echo "Chosen frontend port is in use. Please chose another." + exit 1 +fi + +####################################################################### +### Start the python http server +cd $DIR/resources/app + +# Latest ubuntu versions come with python3 by default +# The python simple http server command is different for python3 +# Check if python3 is installed or not and run the appropriate command + +if command -v python3 &>/dev/null; then +# echo "DEBUG: python3 present" + python3 -m http.server $fport > /dev/null 2>&1 & +else +# echo "DEBUG: python2 present" + python -m SimpleHTTPServer $fport > /dev/null 2>&1 & +fi +####################################################################### + +####################################################################### +### Start the carta_backend process + +## Source the measures data +DIR="$( cd "$( pwd "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null && pwd )/carta-backend/etc" + +export CASAPATH="../../../../$DIR linux" + +export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DIR/../lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH + +$DIR/../bin/carta_backend verbose=true base=$folder root=$root port=$port threads=$threads omp_threads=$omp_threads grpc_port=$grpc_port >> $logfilename 2>&1 & +# Get this carta_backend process PID +this_carta_pid=$! + +sleep 1 + +echo "Starting CARTA in remote mode" +echo " " +echo "To access CARTA, please enter either of the following URLs in your local web browser: " +echo " " +echo "$SERVER_NAME:$fport/?socketUrl=ws://$SERVER_NAME:$port" +echo " " +echo "OR" +echo " " +echo "$SERVER_IP:$fport/?socketUrl=ws://$SERVER_IP:$port" +echo " " +echo " " +if [[ $grpc_port != -1 ]]; then +echo "Your gRPC port number is $grpc_port" +fi +echo " " +echo " " + +###################################################################### +### Get the PIDs of the HTTP server + +if command -v python3 &>/dev/null; then + httpserver_pid=$(ps aux | grep ${USER:0:5} | grep '[p]ython3 -m http.server' | awk '{print $2}') +else + httpserver_pid=$(ps aux | grep ${USER:0:5} | grep '[p]ython -m SimpleHTTPServer' | awk '{print $2}') +fi + +### Wait for the user to enter 'q' before exiting +while true; do + echo -en "Press q to close CARTA:" + read input + if [[ $input = "q" ]] || [[ $input = "Q" ]] + then break + else + echo "" + fi +done + +### Stop the remote carta_backend process +kill $this_carta_pid + +### Check if there are any other carta_pids active from the user (excluding Electron desktop carta_pid) +all_carta_pid=$(ps aux | grep $USER | grep '[c]arta_backend' | grep -v 54140 | awk '{print $2}' | wc -w) + +### Only stop all HTTP servers if there are no other remote carta_processes running +### (This allows for multiple remote processes to be run) +if [ $all_carta_pid -eq 0 ]; then + kill $httpserver_pid +fi + +### Go back to original directory +cd -