How to deploy a mainnet fork:
npx hardhat node <- to start a node that forks mainnet
npx hardhat run --network localhost scripts/deploy.js <- deploys contracts on the forked blockchain
yarn start <- start front-end
Change const vaultAddress = "0xB0D4afd8879eD9F52b28595d31B441D079B2Ca07"; to your deployed vault address
npx hardhat run --network opera scripts/deploy.js
npx hardhat run --network opera scripts/setMasons.js <--- If the setMason call fails in deploy script
npx hardhat run --network opera scripts/initializeVault.js <--- If the initializeVault call fails in deploy script
yarn run prettier:solidity <--- formatting
yarn run lint:sol <--- linting
Vault deployed to 0x3f074AADd7a661a41943E126F20ECd271a5b217B
Strategy deployed to 0x8fF7C300ed517503B2d05F16b5a9DAF5129bCE97
paymentRouter at 0x603e60d22af05ff77fdcf05c063f582c40e55aae
paymentSplitter at 0x1D46D3bf7082087C55DBcB38F342096Bc6283F19