- CoreUI 2.x -> 3.x | Frontend
- React 16.x -> 17.x | Frontend
- Fix security alerts in js packages | Frontend
- Fix security alerts in python packages | Backend
- Replace restplus library with restx | Backend | #89
- Use fsspec as filesystem abstraction layer (enable compatibility with s3, HDFS, ...) | Backend: Filesystem |
- Extend Datasource-Element to be able to handle external data stores and filesystems | Frontend | #121
- GUI for external data sources | Frontend
- Use dask as new task scheduler instead of celery | Backend: PipeEngine
- LDAP integration | Backend: User/Groups
- GUI Adjustments User/ Groups| Frontend: User/Groups
- Extension for phoenix db access | Backend: Database
- Add role administrator | Backend/Frontend
- Move user management to new administrator role | Backend/Frontend
- DB Adjustments | Backend
- Move LOST configuration to GUI for new administrator role | Frontend
- Support biggest possible layout for difficult aspect ratios | Frontend: SIA
- Delete annotation in creation mode when hitting ESC | Frontend: SIA
- Enable pyAPI to request annotations by label name (instead of label_leaf_id) | Backend: pyAPI
- Enable pyAPI to request annotations for DataFrame in LOSTFormat | Backend: pyAPI
- Export label trees via GUI | Frontend/Backend: LabelTrees
- Instant annotation export for annotation tasks and scripts via GUI | Frontend/Backend: AnnoTask | #41
- Provide an extensive library for annotation data handling in LOST | Backend
- Easy import of pipelines without the need to copy pipe projects | Backend: PipeEngine
- Use database method for script allocation | Backend: WorkerManagement
- Import label trees via GUI | Frontend/Backend: LabelTrees
- Import lost pipeline via GUI | Frontend/Backend: Pipeline
- Allow to edit used labels in an annotation task for running pipelines | Frontend/Backend: AnnoTask
- Allow to edit assignees in an annotation task for running pipelines | Frontend/Backend: AnnoTask
- Visibility levels for Pipeline templates/ instances | Frontend
- Visibility levels for label trees| Frontend