Attempting to reproduce the results of SuperTML - Sun et al., 2019 for the Higgs ML Kaggle Challenge using data from CERN OpenData.
This progress presentation was presented at the 3rd CMS Macine Learning workshop at CERN on 19/06/19.
Since this repo seems to be getting some attention recently, I'd like to make it clear that my findings dispute the results of Sun et al. for the Higgs ML dataset. I beleive that their result was due to a mistake when computing the AMS on the testing set, rather than their method being performant; likely they used the entire testing set, rather than splitting into public and private datasets. The AMS does not self-normalise, it's value depends on the data weights, and so using the entire testing dataset (double the weight sum) leads to an increase in their score by a factor of about
As text (image_formatter.ipynb)
- Tabula data is pre-processed to:
- Fix event orientation in phi, x, and z
- Convert 3-momenta to Cartesian coordinates
- Events converted to 224x224 images by printing feature values as floats (3 d.p. precision) as text on black backgrounds
As pixels (image_formatter_pixels.ipynb)
- Tabula data is pre-processed to:
- Fix event orientation in phi, x, and z
- Convert 3-momenta to Cartesian coordinates
- Events converted to 224x224 images by colouring blocks of pixels according to feature values
Classifier training, e.g. 2_resnet34_data-fix_Pixels-224.ipynb
- CNN classifier constructed using Resnet34 pretrained on ImageNet as a backbone
- CNN is refined on training data in two stages:
- 1st stage only trains final two dense layers
- 2nd stage unfreezes and trains entire network (with discriminative learning rates)
Inference, e.g. 2_resnet34_data-fix_Pixels-224.ipynb
- Refined CNN applied to validation data
- Predictions converted to 1D prediction (zero = background, 1 = signal)
- AMS values calculated
- Cut on prediction chosen by taking the mean cut corresponding to the top 10% of AMS values
- Classifier applied to test data and AMS at chosen cut is evaluated
First attempt:
- equal fontisize
- 224x224 images
- Resnet34
- Training does not account for event weights or balance classes
- With no explicit regularisation, training-validation performance shows slight overtraining towards end, error rate bottoms out at ~17.5%
- Maximum AMS on validation data is 2.91, AMS at chosen cut is 2.80
- Public-private AMS on test data at chosen cut = 2.79-2.74
- Appears to be better than random guessing, but currently worse than traditional binary classification and no where near the 3.979 reported
Second attempt:
- Moved to ariel 13 for font (text on previous images were a bit pixelated)
- Shortened 2nd stage of training
- Slightly improved performance:
- min validation error-rate ~17%
- Maximum AMS on validation data is 3.10, AMS at chosen cut is 3.02
- Public-private AMS on test data at chosen cut = 2.78-2.83
- Slight improvements with cleaner text labels, but still bad performance
Third attempt
- Encoded data as blocks of different pixel intensities by passing standardised & normalised data through a sigmoid and timesing by 255
- Encoding was quicker and image file size was smaller (13 GB --> 9 GB)
- Training slightly imporved: 16% error rate
- Maximum AMS on validation data is 3.62, AMS at chosen cut is 3.44
- Public-private AMS on test data at chosen cut = 3.29-3.32
- Better encoding, but performance still worse than a 4-layer ReLU FCNN
Fourth attempt
- Same as third attempt, but using train-time data augmentation to adjust the contrast and brightness slightly during training
- Training slightly worsened, but still around a 16% error rate
- Similar validation performance: Maximum AMS on validation data is 3.61, AMS at chosen cut is 3.45
- Similar test performance: Public-private AMS on test data at chosen cut = 3.24-3.36
- Running test-time data augmentation worsened results considerably
Fifth attempt
- Removed data augmentation
- Moved to SE-net 50
- ~15.7% error rate for a 2 times increase in train time (had to halve batch size)
- Improved validation performance: Maximum AMS on validation data is 3.71, AMS at chosen cut is 3.59
- Improved test performance: Public-private AMS on test data at chosen cut = 3.35-3.48
Sixth attempt
- Moved to using SE-net 154 (same model used in paper)
- Same error rate as SE-net 50 (15.67%) for a 4.2 times in crease in train time
- Slight improvement for validation data: Maximum AMS on validation data is 3.72, AMS at chosen cut is 3.64
- Improved test performance:
- Public-private AMS on test data at chosen cut = 3.50-3.48
- Public-private AMS on test data at max cut = 3.49-3.52
- Tested maximising AMS on test data: Maximum public : `private AMS = 3.50 : 3.52
- Tested maximising AMS on subsamples of test data: Maximum maximised public : private AMS over 10 subsamples = 5.79 3.87
Seventh attempt
- Moved back to using SE-net 50
- Encoded data as block rather than thin rectangles
- Reduced image dimension to 56x56
- Slighlty higher error rate than previous SE-net 50 result (15.9% c.f. 15.7) but a 90% reduction in traintime due to higher batch-size
- Slight lower for validation data: Maximum AMS on validation data is 3.66, AMS at chosen cut is 3.44
- Test performance:
- Public-private AMS on test data at chosen cut = 3.30-3.41
- Public-private AMS on test data at max cut = 3.40-3.48
- Maximum public : `private AMS = 3.45 : 3.49
- Maximum maximised public : private AMS over 10 subsamples = 5.43 3.68
Eighth attempt
- Playing around with different ordering schemes
Contact with authors 10/07/19:
- Is code publically available? = no answer
- Training and testing sizes? = Confirmed 250,000 training and 550,000 testing; difference in paper was a typo
- How is the cut optimised, on validation or testing? = no answer
- Is weight used as input feature? = No
- How is pretrained model altered? = Confirmed single stage training and only output layer of model was altered
Ninth attempt
- Moving back to text encoding, SE-Net 154, and 224x224 images
- Removed additional dense layers and ran single stage training as per authors' suggestion
- 17.5% error rate on validation sample during training = on par with ResNet34
- Maximum AMS on validation data is 3.25, AMS at chosen cut is 3.11
- Public-private AMS on test data at chosen cut = 2.95-2.95
- Maximum public-private AMS on test data = 3.00-3.04
Contact with authors 17/07/19 (replied 23/01/20):
- How is the cut optimised, on validation or testing? = no answer
- Are the private and public subsets of the test data extracted and the AMS computed on each, or is a single AMS computed on the entire test dataset without reweighting? = no answer
- Authors pointed to which tests SuperTML on iris dataset and achieves 97% accuracy (paper reports 93% accuracy). Suggested I try my implementation on iris to rule out problems in image preparation.
- Over several emails I requested they check their usage of the testing set (full usage when computing AMS gives double the integrated luminosity = ~sqrt(2) increase in AMS (sqrt(2)*2.95 = 4.17, i.e. consistent with claimed 3.979))
- Agreed to test my implementation on Iris dataset
Iris tests:
- Baseline: Out-of-the-box SKLearn Random Forest = 97% validation accuracy.
- SuperTML: ImageNet-pretrained ResNet34 = 97% validation accuracy (with and without initial frozen training)
- SuperTML: Randomly initialised ResNet34 = 97% validation accuracy
- SuperTML: ImageNet-pretrained ResNet34 and randomly shuffled targets of data. 23% validation accuracy (expected 33%) - indicates method does actually learn something during training, rather than memorising data.
Wine tests:
- Baseline: Out-of-the-box SKLearn Random Forest = 100% validation accuracy.
- SuperTML: ImageNet-pretrained ResNet34 = 97% validation accuracy (without initial frozen training), 91% with initial frozen training (but compatible due to stats.)
Double lumi. hypothesis (higgsml1_senet154_singlestage)
- Ran as per best understanding of authors' model and data preparation techniques:
- No event rotation or flipping, no changes to features (i.e. pT eta phi coord. system), no preprocessing
- Trained on entire training dataset (no validation data)
- 224x224 images with numerical text encoding
- Trained SE-net 154 with no extra linear layers, extra dropout, or final batch norm. layer, no frozen pretraining
- Assuming 0.5 cut (authors do not mention cut optimisation and have ignored by requests for clarification, so presume that they assign to highest class prediction), public | private AMS = 2.83 | 2.84
- Maximum AMS on public and private achievable: 3.20 | 3.25
- Assuming instead the entire testing dataset was used: AMS at cut of 0.5 is 4.00, compatible with claimed AMS of 3.979
- Ran as per best understanding of authors' model and data preparation techniques: