diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yml b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
index f564dc4..1e87205 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/ci.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
@@ -11,9 +11,6 @@ on:
- main
- branches:
- - main
- - dev
diff --git a/.lintr.R b/.lintr.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..669a395
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.lintr.R
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+linters <- lintr::default_linters # -[ diff with dv.templates 3ca8d7a10cfc7ad2307644dcac603e1f1f0feb72]-
+linters <- lintr::modify_defaults(
+ linters
+ , line_length_linter = NULL # we see how long lines are when we write them
+ , indentation_linter = NULL
+ , trailing_whitespace_linter = NULL
+ , cyclocomp_linter = NULL # prevents trivial amount of nesting and long but straightforward functions
+ , object_name_linter = NULL # we have reasons to capitalize. nobody in our team CamelCase. shiny does
+ , object_length_linter = NULL # we don't type long var names just because
+ , pipe_continuation_linter = NULL # wickham being overly prescriptive
+ , trailing_blank_lines_linter = NULL # natural extension of trailing_whitespace_linter, present on the template
+if(identical(Sys.getenv('CI'), "true")){
+ linters <- lintr::modify_defaults(
+ linters
+ , object_usage_linter = NULL # R lacks var declarations; it's easy to assign to the wrong variable by mistake
+ ) # We only disable this lint rule on github because it fails there because
+} # of a long-standing lintr bug
+exclusions <- list("tests")
index ce117f0..df63f72 100644
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Package: dv.tables
Type: Package
Title: Table Modules
-Version: 0.0.1
+Version: 0.0.2
Authors@R: c(
person("Boehringer-Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co.KG", role = c("cph", "fnd")),
person(given = "Luis", family = "Moris Fernandez", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = "luis.moris.fernandez@gmail.com")
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)
RoxygenNote: 7.3.1
-Suggests: dv.manager (>=, jsonlite, rmarkdown, testthat (>=
+Suggests: dv.manager (>= 2.1.4), jsonlite, rmarkdown, testthat (>=
3.0.0), shinytest2, devtools, knitr, tibble, utils
Config/testthat/edition: 3
Config/testthat/parallel: false
@@ -22,4 +22,4 @@ Imports: shiny (>= 1.7.1),dplyr (>= 1.0.7), purrr (>= 0.3.4),
stats, pharmaverseadam
Depends: R (>= 4.0)
VignetteBuilder: knitr
-Remotes: boehringer-ingelheim/dv.manager@v2.1.2
+Remotes: boehringer-ingelheim/dv.manager@v2.1.4
diff --git a/NEWS.md b/NEWS.md
index 01adb40..74dabc6 100644
--- a/NEWS.md
+++ b/NEWS.md
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+# dv.tables 0.0.2
+* Solves minor documentation issues.
+* Removes support for data dispatchers.
+* Provides early feedback for module misconfiguration.
# dv.tables 0.0.1
* hierarchical_count_table.
diff --git a/R/CM.R b/R/CM.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f47058c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/CM.R
@@ -0,0 +1,605 @@
+# YT#VH22c1dbc08734141d74f301a9a70503bb#VH471af99c9c42d555582282c2f5854aef#
+CM <- local({ # _C_hecked _M_odule
+ message_well <- function(title, contents, color = "f5f5f5") { # repeats #iewahg
+ style <- sprintf(r"---(
+ padding: 0.5rem;
+ padding-left: 1rem;
+ margin-bottom: 20px;
+ background-color: %s;
+ border: 1px solid #e3e3e3;
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.05);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.05);
+ )---", color)
+ res <- list(shiny::h3(title))
+ if (length(contents)) res <- append(res, list(shiny::tags[["div"]](contents, style = style)))
+ return(res)
+ }
+ app_creator_feedback_ui <- function(id) {
+ id <- paste(c(id, "validator"), collapse = "-")
+ ns <- shiny::NS(id)
+ return(shiny::uiOutput(ns("ui")))
+ }
+ app_creator_feedback_server <- function(id, warning_messages, error_messages, ui) {
+ id <- paste(c(id, "validator"), collapse = "-")
+ module <- shiny::moduleServer(
+ id,
+ function(input, output, session) {
+ output[["ui"]] <- shiny::renderUI({
+ res <- list()
+ warn <- warning_messages
+ if (length(warn)) {
+ res[[length(res) + 1]] <-
+ message_well("Module configuration warnings",
+ Map(function(x) htmltools::p(htmltools::HTML(paste("\u2022", x))), warn),
+ color = "#fff7ef"
+ )
+ }
+ err <- error_messages
+ if (length(err)) {
+ res[[length(res) + 1]] <-
+ message_well("Module configuration errors",
+ Map(function(x) htmltools::p(htmltools::HTML(paste("\u2022", x))), err),
+ color = "#f4d7d7"
+ )
+ }
+ if (length(error_messages) == 0) res <- append(res, list(ui()))
+ return(res)
+ })
+ shiny::outputOptions(output, "ui", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
+ }
+ )
+ return(module)
+ }
+ # Wrap the UI and server of a module so that, once parameterized, they go through a check function prior to running.
+ module <- function(module, check_mod_fn, dataset_info_fn) {
+ local({
+ # Make sure that the signature of `check_mod_fn` matches that of `module` except for the expected differences
+ check_formals <- names(formals(check_mod_fn))
+ if (!identical(head(check_formals, 2), c("afmm", "datasets"))) {
+ stop("The first two arguments of check functions passed onto `module` should be `afmm` and `datasets`")
+ }
+ check_formals <- check_formals[c(-1, -2)]
+ mod_formals <- names(formals(module))
+ if (!identical(check_formals, mod_formals)) {
+ stop(paste(
+ "Check function arguments do not exactly match those of the module function",
+ "(after discarding `afmm` and `datasets`)"
+ ))
+ }
+ })
+ mandatory_module_args <- local({
+ args <- formals(module)
+ names(args)[sapply(args, function(x) is.name(x) && nchar(x) == 0)]
+ })
+ wrapper <- function(...) {
+ # Match arguments explicitly to provide graphical error feedback
+ # https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-release/R-lang.html#Argument-matching
+ module_ui <- function(...) list()
+ module_server <- function(...) NULL
+ module_id <- "error_id"
+ matched_args <- try(as.list(match.call(module)), silent = TRUE)
+ error_message <- attr(matched_args, "condition")$message
+ if (is.null(error_message)) {
+ missing_args <- setdiff(mandatory_module_args, names(matched_args))
+ if (length(missing_args)) {
+ error_message <- sprintf("Missing mandatory arguments: `%s`.", paste(missing_args, collapse = ", "))
+ }
+ }
+ if (is.null(error_message)) {
+ args <- list(...)
+ evaluated_module <- do.call(module, args)
+ module_ui <- evaluated_module[["ui"]]
+ module_server <- evaluated_module[["server"]]
+ module_id <- evaluated_module[["module_id"]]
+ }
+ res <- list(
+ ui = function(module_id) app_creator_feedback_ui(module_id), # `module` UI gated by app_creator_feedback_server
+ server = function(afmm) {
+ fb <- local({
+ res <- NULL
+ if (!is.null(error_message)) {
+ res <- list(
+ warnings = character(0),
+ errors = error_message
+ )
+ } else {
+ # NOTE: We check the call here and not inside the module server function because:
+ # - app creators interact with the davinci module and not with the ui-server combo, so
+ # errors reported with respect to the module signature will make sense to them.
+ # The module server function might use a different function signature.
+ # - Here we also have access to the original datasets, which allows us to ensure call
+ # correctness independent of filter state or operation in a single pass.
+ # - "catch errors early"
+ args <- append(
+ list(
+ afmm = afmm, # To check receiver_ids, among others
+ datasets = afmm[["data"]][[1]] # Allows data checks prior to reactive time
+ ),
+ args
+ )
+ # check functions do not have defaults, so we extract them from the formals of the module for consistency
+ missing_args <- setdiff(names(formals(module)), names(args))
+ res <- do.call(check_mod_fn, args)
+ }
+ return(res)
+ })
+ app_creator_feedback_server(
+ id = module_id, warning_messages = fb[["warnings"]], error_messages = fb[["errors"]],
+ ui = shiny::reactive(module_ui(module_id))
+ )
+ # TODO: Modify afmm to the `map_to` flags in the API. `dv.papo` relies on this
+ # nolint start
+ if (FALSE) {
+ filtered_mapped_datasets <- shiny::reactive(
+ TC$honor_map_to_flag(afmm$filtered_dataset(), mod_lineplot_API, args)
+ )
+ bm_dataset <- shiny::reactive({
+ shiny::req(bm_dataset_name)
+ ds <- filtered_mapped_datasets()[[bm_dataset_name]]
+ shiny::validate(
+ shiny::need(!is.null(ds), paste("Could not find dataset", bm_dataset_name))
+ )
+ return(ds)
+ })
+ # TODO:
+ corr_hm_server(
+ id = module_id,
+ bm_dataset = bm_dataset,
+ default_value = default_value, subjid_var = subjid_var, cat_var = cat_var, par_var = par_var,
+ visit_var = visit_var, value_vars = value_vars
+ )
+ }
+ # nolint end
+ if (length(fb[["errors"]]) == 0) {
+ res <- try(module_server(afmm), silent = TRUE)
+ }
+ return(res)
+ },
+ module_id = module_id,
+ meta = list(
+ dataset_info = {
+ # extract defaults from the formals for consistency
+ missing_args <- setdiff(names(formals(module)), names(matched_args))
+ args <- c(args, formals(module)[missing_args])
+ do.call(dataset_info_fn, args)
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ return(res)
+ }
+ roxygen_wrapper <- function() { # to keep parameters in the reference docs
+ args <- (match.call() |> as.list())[c(-1)]
+ do.call(wrapper, args, env = parent.frame())
+ }
+ formals(roxygen_wrapper) <- formals(module)
+ return(roxygen_wrapper)
+ }
+ container <- function() list2env(x = list(messages = character(0)), parent = emptyenv())
+ assert <- function(container, cond, msg) {
+ ok <- isTRUE(cond)
+ if (!ok) container[["messages"]] <- c(container[["messages"]], msg)
+ return(ok)
+ }
+ is_valid_shiny_id <- function(s) grepl("^$|^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$", s)
+ generate_check_function <- function(spec) {
+ stopifnot(spec$kind == "group")
+ # TODO: Check that arguments that depend on arguments TC$flagged as `optional` are optional too.
+ res <- character(0)
+ push <- function(s) res <<- c(res, s)
+ push("function(afmm, datasets,")
+ param_names <- paste(names(spec$elements), collapse = ",")
+ push(param_names)
+ push(", warn, err){\n")
+ push("OK <- logical(0)\n")
+ push("used_dataset_names <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())\n")
+ subjid_vars <- character(0)
+ for (elem_name in names(spec$elements)) {
+ elem <- spec$elements[[elem_name]]
+ attrs_ids <- setdiff(names(attributes(elem)), c("names", "docs"))
+ attrs <- attributes(elem)[attrs_ids]
+ if (isTRUE(attrs[["subjid_var"]])) {
+ subjid_vars <- c(subjid_vars, elem_name)
+ }
+ if (elem$kind == "mod") {
+ push(sprintf("OK[['%s']] <- CM$check_module_id('%s', %s, warn, err)\n", elem_name, elem_name, elem_name))
+ } else if (elem$kind == "dataset_name") {
+ push(sprintf(
+ "OK[['%s']] <- CM$check_dataset_name('%s', %s, datasets, used_dataset_names, warn, err)\n",
+ elem_name, elem_name, elem_name
+ ))
+ } else if (elem$kind == "col") {
+ push(sprintf("subkind <- %s\n", deparse(elem$sub_kind) |> paste(collapse = "")))
+ push(sprintf("flags <- %s\n", deparse(attrs) |> paste(collapse = "")))
+ push(sprintf(
+ "OK[['%s']] <- OK[['%s']] && CM$check_dataset_colum_name('%s', %s, subkind, flags, %s, datasets[[%s]], warn, err)\n",
+ elem_name, elem$dataset_name, elem_name, elem_name, elem$dataset_name, elem$dataset_name
+ ))
+ } else if (elem$kind == "choice_from_col_contents") {
+ dataset_param_name <- spec$elements[[elem$param]]$dataset_name
+ push(sprintf("flags <- %s\n", deparse(attrs) |> paste(collapse = "")))
+ push(sprintf(
+ "OK[['%s']] <- OK[['%s']] && CM$check_choice_from_col_contents('%s', %s, flags, '%s', datasets[[%s]], %s, warn, err)\n",
+ elem_name, elem$param, elem_name, elem_name, dataset_param_name, dataset_param_name, elem$param
+ ))
+ } else if (elem$kind == "choice") {
+ push(sprintf("flags <- %s\n", deparse(attrs) |> paste(collapse = "")))
+ push(sprintf(
+ "OK[['%s']] <- OK[['%s']] && CM$check_choice('%s', %s, flags, '%s', %s, warn, err)\n",
+ elem_name, elem$param, elem_name, elem_name, elem$param, elem$param
+ ))
+ } else if (elem$kind == "function") {
+ push(sprintf("flags <- %s\n", deparse(attrs) |> paste(collapse = "")))
+ push(sprintf(
+ "OK[['%s']] <- CM$check_function('%s', %s, %d, flags, warn, err)\n",
+ elem_name, elem_name, elem_name, elem$arg_count
+ ))
+ } else {
+ push(sprintf("'TODO: %s (%s)'\n", elem_name, elem$kind))
+ }
+ }
+ if (length(subjid_vars) > 1) {
+ stop(sprintf("This API specifies more than one subjid variable: ", paste(subjid_vars, collapse = ", ")))
+ }
+ if (length(subjid_vars) == 1) {
+ subjid_var <- subjid_vars[[1]]
+ push("for(ds_name in names(used_dataset_names)){\n")
+ push(sprintf(
+ "OK[['%s']] <- OK[['%s']] && CM$check_subjid_col(datasets, ds_name, get(ds_name), '%s', %s, warn, err)",
+ subjid_var, subjid_var, subjid_var, subjid_var
+ ))
+ push("}\n")
+ # TODO: If there is a dataset flagged as `subject_level_dataset_name`:
+ # [ ] check that subjid_var is unique
+ # [ ] check that the subjid_var values of all other datasets are a subset of its values
+ }
+ push(sprintf("return(OK)\n"))
+ push("}\n")
+ return(res)
+ }
+ # NOTE: For the moment call by running: devtools::load_all(); CM$generate_check_functions()
+ generate_check_functions <- function(specs = module_specifications, output_file = "R/check_call_auto.R") {
+ styler_off <- "({\n# styler: off"
+ styler_on <- "\n\n})\n# styler: on\n"
+ res <- c("# Automatically generated module API check functions. Think twice before editing them manually.\n")
+ res <- c(res, styler_off)
+ style_code <- function(code) {
+ s <- paste(code, collapse = "")
+ s <- parse(text = s, keep.source = FALSE)[[1]] |>
+ deparse(width.cutoff = 100) |>
+ trimws("right") |>
+ paste(collapse = "\n")
+ return(s)
+ }
+ for (spec_name in names(specs)) {
+ if (!grepl("::", spec_name, fixed = TRUE)) stop(paste("Expected API spec name to be namespaced (`::`):", spec_name))
+ denamespaced_spec_name <- strsplit(spec_name, "::")[[1]][[2]]
+ check_function_name <- paste0("check_", denamespaced_spec_name, "_auto")
+ res <- c(res, sprintf("\n\n# %s\n", spec_name))
+ res <- c(
+ res,
+ c(check_function_name, "<-", generate_check_function(specs[[spec_name]])) |> style_code()
+ )
+ }
+ res <- c(res, styler_on)
+ contents <- paste(res, collapse = "")
+ writeChar(contents, output_file, eos = NULL)
+ return(NULL)
+ }
+ test_string <- function(s) {
+ is.character(s) && length(s) == 1
+ }
+ check_module_id <- function(name, value, warn, err) {
+ assert(err, test_string(value), sprintf("`%s` should be a string", name)) &&
+ assert(warn, nchar(value) > 0, sprintf("Consider providing a non-empty `%s`.", name)) &&
+ assert(
+ err,
+ is_valid_shiny_id(value),
+ paste(
+ sprintf("`%s` should be a valid identifier, starting with a letter and followed by", name),
+ "alphanumeric characters, hyphens and underscores."
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ check_dataset_name <- function(name, value, available_datasets, used_dataset_names, warn, err) {
+ ok <- (
+ assert(err, !missing(value), sprintf("`%s` missing", name)) && # TODO: ? Remove this one
+ assert(
+ err,
+ test_string(value) &&
+ value %in% names(available_datasets),
+ paste(
+ sprintf("`%s` should be a string referring to one of the available datasets: ", name),
+ paste(sprintf('"%s"', names(available_datasets)), collapse = ", "), "."
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ if (ok) used_dataset_names[[name]] <- value
+ return(ok)
+ }
+ list_columns_of_kind <- function(dataset, type) {
+ res <- names(dataset)[sapply(seq_len(ncol(dataset)), function(x) TC$is_of_kind(dataset[[x]], type))]
+ return(res)
+ }
+ # TODO: Extend to all checker functions
+ optional_and_empty <- function(flags, value) {
+ return(isTRUE(flags[["optional"]]) && length(value) == 0)
+ }
+ check_dataset_colum_name <- function(name, value, subkind, flags, dataset_name, dataset_value, warn, err) {
+ if (optional_and_empty(flags, value)) {
+ return(TRUE)
+ }
+ ok <- FALSE
+ valid_column_names <- list_columns_of_kind(dataset_value, subkind)
+ zero_or_more <- isTRUE(flags[["zero_or_more"]])
+ one_or_more <- isTRUE(flags[["one_or_more"]])
+ zero_or_one_or_more <- zero_or_more || one_or_more
+ if (zero_or_one_or_more) {
+ min_len <- 0
+ if (one_or_more) min_len <- 1
+ ok <- assert(
+ err,
+ is.character(value) &&
+ all(value %in% valid_column_names) &&
+ length(value) >= min_len,
+ paste(
+ sprintf(
+ "`%s` should be a character vector of length greater than %s referring to one of the following columns of dataset `%s`: ",
+ name, c("zero", "one")[[min_len + 1]], dataset_name
+ ),
+ paste(sprintf('"%s"', valid_column_names), collapse = ", "), "."
+ )
+ )
+ } else {
+ ok <- assert(
+ err,
+ test_string(value) &&
+ all(value %in% valid_column_names),
+ paste(
+ sprintf("`%s` should be a string referring to one of the following columns of dataset `%s`: ", name, dataset_name),
+ paste(sprintf('"%s"', valid_column_names), collapse = ", "), "."
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ return(ok)
+ }
+ list_values <- function(v) {
+ res <- ""
+ if (is.factor(v)) {
+ res <- sprintf('"%s"', levels(v))
+ } else if (is.character(v)) {
+ res <- sprintf('"%s"', unique(v))
+ } else {
+ browser()
+ }
+ res <- paste(res, collapse = ", ")
+ return(res)
+ }
+ check_flags <- function(name, value, flags, warn, err) {
+ ok <- FALSE
+ min_len <- max_len <- 1L
+ if (isTRUE(flags[["optional"]]) && is.null(value)) {
+ ok <- TRUE
+ } else {
+ if (isTRUE(flags[["zero_or_more"]])) {
+ min_len <- 0L
+ max_len <- +Inf
+ } else if (isTRUE(flags[["one_or_more"]])) {
+ min_len <- 1L
+ max_len <- +Inf
+ }
+ ok <- assert(
+ err, min_len <= length(value) && length(value) <= max_len,
+ ifelse(min_len < max_len,
+ sprintf(
+ "`%s` has length %s but should have length in the range [%s, %s].",
+ name, length(value), min_len, max_len
+ ),
+ sprintf(
+ "`%s` has length %s but should have length %s.",
+ name, length(value), min_len
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ if (ok && isTRUE(flags[["named"]])) {
+ ok <- assert(
+ err, length(value) == length(names(value)) && all(nchar(names(value)) > 0),
+ sprintf("All elements of `%s` should be named", name)
+ )
+ }
+ return(ok)
+ }
+ check_choice_from_col_contents <- function(name, value, flags, dataset_name, dataset_value, column, warn, err) {
+ if (optional_and_empty(flags, value)) {
+ return(TRUE)
+ }
+ ok <- check_flags(name, value, flags, warn, err) &&
+ assert(
+ err, all(value %in% dataset_value[[column]]),
+ sprintf(
+ "`%s` should contain only values present in column `%s` of dataset `%s`: %s.",
+ name, column, dataset_name, list_values(dataset_value[[column]])
+ )
+ )
+ return(ok)
+ }
+ check_choice <- function(name, value, flags, values_name, values, warn, err) {
+ ok <- check_flags(name, value, flags, warn, err) &&
+ assert(
+ err, all(value %in% values),
+ sprintf(
+ "`%s` should contain only the following values: %s.",
+ name, list_values(values)
+ )
+ )
+ return(ok)
+ }
+ format_inline_asis <- function(s) {
+ paste("", s, "
+ }
+ check_function <- function(name, value, arg_count, flags, warn, err) {
+ ok <- check_flags(name, value, flags, warn, err)
+ if (ok) {
+ if (is.function(value)) {
+ value <- list(value) # make single functions behave like vectors of one element, for simplicity
+ }
+ for (i in seq_along(value)) {
+ f <- value[[i]]
+ ok <- ok && assert(
+ err, is.function(f) && length(formals(f)) == arg_count,
+ sprintf("`%s[[%d]]` should be a function of %d arguments", name, i, arg_count)
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ return(ok)
+ }
+ check_subjid_col <- function(datasets, ds_name, ds_value, col_name, col_var, warn, err) {
+ ok <- assert(
+ err, col_var %in% names(datasets[[ds_value]]),
+ sprintf(
+ "Expected `%s` value (%s) to be present in the dataset indicated by name `%s` (%s)",
+ col_name, col_var, ds_name, ds_value
+ )
+ )
+ return(ok)
+ }
+ check_unique_sub_cat_par_vis <- function(datasets, ds_name, ds_value, sub, cat, par, vis, warn, err) {
+ ok <- TRUE
+ df_to_string <- function(df) {
+ names(df) <- sprintf("[%s] ", names(df))
+ lines <- capture.output(print(as.data.frame(df), right = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, quote = TRUE)) |> trimws()
+ return(paste(lines, collapse = "\n"))
+ }
+ dataset <- datasets[[ds_value]]
+ unique_cat_par_combinations <- unique(dataset[c(cat, par)])
+ dup_params_across_categories <- duplicated(unique_cat_par_combinations[par])
+ ok <- assert(err, !any(dup_params_across_categories), {
+ prefixes <- c(rep("Category:", length(cat)), rep("Parameter:", length(par)))
+ first_duplicates <- head(unique_cat_par_combinations[dup_params_across_categories, ], 5)
+ names(first_duplicates) <- paste(prefixes, names(first_duplicates))
+ dups <- df_to_string(first_duplicates)
+ paste(
+ sprintf("The dataset provided by `%s` (%s) contains parameter names that repeat across categories.", ds_name, ds_value),
+ "This module expects them to be unique. Here are the first few duplicates:",
+ paste0("
", dups, "
+ )
+ })
+ supposedly_unique <- dataset[c(sub, cat, par, vis)]
+ dups <- duplicated(supposedly_unique)
+ ok <- ok && assert(err, !any(dups), {
+ prefixes <- c(
+ rep("Subject:", length(sub)), rep("Category:", length(cat)),
+ rep("Parameter:", length(par)), rep("Visit:", length(vis))
+ )
+ first_duplicates <- head(supposedly_unique[dups, ], 5)
+ names(first_duplicates) <- paste(prefixes, names(first_duplicates))
+ dups <- df_to_string(first_duplicates)
+ paste(
+ sprintf("The dataset provided by `%s` (%s) contains repeated rows with identical subject, category, parameter", ds_name, ds_value),
+ "and visit values. This module expects them to be unique. Here are the first few duplicates:",
+ paste0("", dups, "
+ )
+ })
+ return(ok)
+ }
+ list(
+ module = module,
+ container = container,
+ assert = assert,
+ generate_check_functions = generate_check_functions,
+ check_module_id = check_module_id,
+ check_dataset_name = check_dataset_name,
+ check_dataset_colum_name = check_dataset_colum_name,
+ check_flags = check_flags,
+ check_choice_from_col_contents = check_choice_from_col_contents,
+ check_choice = check_choice,
+ check_function = check_function,
+ check_subjid_col = check_subjid_col,
+ check_unique_sub_cat_par_vis = check_unique_sub_cat_par_vis,
+ message_well = message_well
+ )
diff --git a/R/DR.R b/R/DR.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb16056
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/DR.R
@@ -0,0 +1,1150 @@
+# YT#VH2511139c3a21a7e842ec31e495d1d528#VHb37a04c06b0d1e8cb246df00cdd8945f#
+DR <- local({ # _D_ressing _R_oom
+ inline_shiny_input <- function(elem, label = NULL, name_selector = NULL, label_elem = NULL) {
+ if (is.character(label) && length(label) == 1 && nchar(label) > 0) {
+ label_elem <- shiny::tags$label(`for` = NULL, label)
+ }
+ res <- shiny::tags[["div"]](
+ style = "display: flex; align-items: baseline; place-content: space-between; column-gap:1rem",
+ label_elem, name_selector, elem
+ )
+ return(res)
+ }
+ enable_nicer_unnamed_multicolumn_selection <- TRUE
+ enable_nicer_multichoice_selection <- TRUE
+ color_picker_input <- function(inputId, value = NULL) {
+ # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/color +
+ # https://shiny.posit.co/r/articles/build/building-inputs/ +
+ # https://forum.posit.co/t/bookmarking-custom-inputs/162483
+ restored_value <- shiny::restoreInput(id = inputId, default = NULL)
+ if (!is.null(restored_value)) value <- restored_value
+ list(
+ shiny::singleton(shiny::tags$head(
+ shiny::tags$script(r"--(
+ var color_picker_binding = new Shiny.InputBinding();
+ $.extend(color_picker_binding, {
+ find: function(scope) { return scope.querySelectorAll('.color-picker'); },
+ getValue: function(el) { return el.value; },
+ subscribe: function(el, callback) {
+ $(el).on('change.color_picker_binding', function(e) { callback(); });
+ },
+ unsubscribe: function(el) { $(el).off('.color_picker_binding'); }
+ });
+ Shiny.inputBindings.register(color_picker_binding);
+ )--")
+ )),
+ shiny::tags$input(
+ id = inputId, class = "color-picker", type = "color", style = "border:none", value = value
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ # NOTE: selectInput does not preserve the order of columns on bookmark restoration
+ # (see https://github.com/rstudio/shiny/issues/1490, which predates trump's first presidency)
+ # Bonus: returns character(0) on empty selection to allow to distinguish it from NULL, which is
+ # the value returned when the input is not present.
+ T_select_input <- function(inputId, label, choices, selected = NULL, multiple = FALSE) {
+ res <- NULL
+ if (multiple) {
+ caller_respects_limitations <- (
+ (is.null(choices) ||
+ (is.character(choices) && all(nchar(choices)) > 0)) &&
+ (is.character(selected) || is.null(selected))
+ )
+ if (!caller_respects_limitations) browser()
+ stopifnot(caller_respects_limitations)
+ shiny::registerInputHandler(
+ type = "dressing_room.select_input", fun = function(msg, session, input_name) as.character(msg), force = TRUE
+ )
+ internal_id <- paste0(inputId, "_internal")
+ selected <- shiny::restoreInput(id = internal_id, default = selected)
+ initial_value <- paste("[", paste(sprintf("'%s'", selected), collapse = ", "), "]")
+ res <- shiny::selectizeInput(
+ inputId = internal_id, label = label, choices = choices, multiple = TRUE, selected = selected,
+ options = list( # https://selectize.dev/docs/events
+ onInitialize =
+ I(sprintf(
+ "function() { this.setValue(%s); Shiny.setInputValue('%s:dressing_room.select_input', %s); }",
+ initial_value, inputId, initial_value
+ )),
+ onChange = I(sprintf("v => Shiny.setInputValue('%s:dressing_room.select_input', v)", inputId)),
+ plugins = list("drag_drop", "remove_button")
+ )
+ )
+ } else {
+ res <- shiny::selectInput(inputId, label, choices, selected, selectize = FALSE)
+ }
+ return(res)
+ }
+ # Module explorer app ----
+ explorer_ui <- function() {
+ panel <- function(...) {
+ shiny::div(
+ class = "panel panel-default",
+ style = "background-color:#eff7ff;",
+ shiny::div(class = "panel-body", style = "padding-bottom:0.5rem;", ...)
+ )
+ }
+ fix_dependencies_for_shiny_widgets_pickerInput <- local({
+ # https://github.com/dreamRs/shinyWidgets/issues/147#issuecomment-459004725
+ # get bootstrap dependency
+ bsDep <- (shiny::bootstrapLib())()
+ bsDep$name <- "bootstrap2"
+ # get pickerInput dependency
+ pkDep <- htmltools::findDependencies(shinyWidgets:::attachShinyWidgetsDep(htmltools::tags$div(), widget = "picker"))
+ pkDep[[2]]$name <- "picker2"
+ res <- list(
+ htmltools::suppressDependencies("selectPicker"), htmltools::suppressDependencies("bootstrap"), # remove
+ bsDep, pkDep # inject in correct order
+ )
+ return(res)
+ })
+ ui <- shiny::fluidPage(
+ fix_dependencies_for_shiny_widgets_pickerInput,
+ fontawesome::fa_html_dependency(),
+ shiny::tags$head(shiny::HTML("Davinci's Module Dressing Room")),
+ # shamelessly stolen from https://github.com/insightsengineering/teal.modules.bsafe/blob/main/inst/www/bsafe.css
+ # and https://github.com/insightsengineering/teal.modules.bsafe/blob/main/R/mod_bsafe.R
+ shiny::tags$head(shiny::tags$style(shiny::HTML(r"--(
+ .toggle-label .chevron:before {
+ font-size: 2rem;
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-left: 1rem;
+ content:"\203A";
+ }
+ .toggle-checkbox:checked + .toggle-label .chevron:before {
+ font-size: 2rem;
+ display: inline-block;
+ content:"\203A";
+ transform: rotate(90deg);
+ }
+ .margin_bottom_0px { margin-bottom:0px; } /* Gen-X CSS */
+ .inc_dec_button {background-color:#ffffffaa; border-radius:4px; border: 1px solid #000000aa; margin-bottom:14px;}
+ .inc_dec_button:hover {background-color:#eeeeeeaa; border: 1px solid #000000ff}
+ )--"))),
+ shiny::div(style = "height:1.5rem"),
+ shiny::sidebarLayout(
+ shiny::div(
+ class = "col-sm-3",
+ panel(
+ shiny::h4("DaVinci's Module Dressing Room",
+ align = "center",
+ style = "margin-top:0; margin-bottom:2rem; font-weight:bold"
+ ),
+ inline_shiny_input(
+ shiny::selectInput(
+ inputId = "spec", label = NULL,
+ choices = names(module_specifications), selected = NULL,
+ selectize = FALSE
+ ),
+ label_elem = shiny::tags$label(`for` = "spec", "Module", title = "Module to configure")
+ ),
+ shiny::uiOutput("data_input")
+ ),
+ panel(
+ shiny::uiOutput("selectors")
+ ),
+ ),
+ shiny::mainPanel(
+ width = 9, style = "padding-left:0.5rem;",
+ panel(
+ shiny::conditionalPanel(
+ condition = "input.edit_code == false",
+ shiny::uiOutput("code")
+ ),
+ shiny::conditionalPanel(
+ condition = "input.edit_code == true",
+ shiny::tags$textarea(
+ id = "manual_code",
+ style = "width:100%; resize:vertical; height: 300px; font-family: 'Courier New', Courier, monospace;",
+ class = "form-control"
+ )
+ ),
+ shiny::checkboxInput("edit_code", "Edit code", value = FALSE)
+ ),
+ shiny::uiOutput("module")
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ return(ui)
+ }
+ # Solves https://github.com/rstudio/shiny/issues/825#issuecomment-496679761
+ observer_dedup <- local({
+ # Evaluates `expr` under a reactive domain identified by `id` while keeping track of all observers created by it.
+ # On repeated calls to this function, the old tracked observers are destroyed prior to evaluating `expr`.
+ states <- list() # One state per `id`. Each state is an environment for mutation purposes.
+ observer_dedup_func <- function(id, expr, session = shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain(), verbose = FALSE) {
+ # New state if unknown `id`
+ if (!(id %in% names(states))) {
+ states[[id]] <<- list2env(
+ list(
+ subdomain = list(end = function() NULL),
+ captured_callbacks = list()
+ ),
+ parent = emptyenv()
+ )
+ }
+ state <- states[[id]] # The only state that concerns us
+ # Glorified append
+ capture_callbacks <- function(callback) {
+ return(state[["captured_callbacks"]][[length(state[["captured_callbacks"]]) + 1]] <<- callback)
+ }
+ make_scope_that_captures_callbacks <- function(namespace) {
+ parent <- get("parent", envir = state[["subdomain"]])
+ ns <- shiny::NS(namespace)
+ scope <- parent$makeScope(namespace)
+ overrides <- get("overrides", scope)
+ overrides[["onEnded"]] <- capture_callbacks
+ overrides[["makeScope"]] <- function(namespace) make_scope_that_captures_callbacks(ns(namespace))
+ scope[["overrides"]] <- overrides
+ return(scope)
+ }
+ invoke_and_remove_callbacks <- function() {
+ for (cb in state[["captured_callbacks"]]) {
+ if (verbose) {
+ owner <- environment(cb)
+ if (inherits(owner, "Observer")) {
+ message(sprintf("Destroying observer %s %s", owner$.reactId, owner$.label))
+ } else {
+ browser()
+ }
+ }
+ cb()
+ }
+ state[["captured_callbacks"]] <<- list()
+ }
+ state[["subdomain"]]$end() # Destroy tracked observers from the previous observer_dedup invocation
+ state[["subdomain"]] <- shiny:::createSessionProxy( # Session that tracks observers even inside nested shiny modules
+ session,
+ makeScope = make_scope_that_captures_callbacks,
+ onEnded = capture_callbacks,
+ end = invoke_and_remove_callbacks
+ )
+ expr <- substitute(expr)
+ env <- parent.frame()
+ result <- shiny::withReactiveDomain(state[["subdomain"]], eval(expr, env))
+ return(result)
+ }
+ return(observer_dedup_func)
+ })
+ explorer_server_with_datasets <- function(caller_datasets = NULL) {
+ explorer_server <- function(input, output, session) {
+ shiny::observe({
+ input <- shiny::reactiveValuesToList(input)
+ if ("module_id" %in% names(input)) { # FIXME: Should not depend on specific input
+ session$doBookmark()
+ }
+ })
+ shiny::onBookmarked(shiny::updateQueryString)
+ datasets <- shiny::reactive({
+ res <- caller_datasets
+ if (is.null(res)) {
+ dataset_info <- input[["datasets"]]
+ shiny::req(dataset_info)
+ res <- list()
+ for (i_row in seq_len(nrow(dataset_info))) {
+ row <- dataset_info[i_row, ]
+ res[[row[["name"]]]] <- readRDS(row[["datapath"]])
+ }
+ }
+ return(res)
+ })
+ well <- function(title_ui, contents, expanded, checkbox_id = NULL) {
+ style <- r"---(
+ min-height: 20px;
+ padding: 19px;
+ padding-top: 14px;
+ padding-bottom: 0px;
+ padding-right: 10px;
+ margin-bottom: 20px;
+ background-color: #1155a00c;
+ border: 1px solid #00000020;
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ )---"
+ checked <- if (isFALSE(expanded)) NULL else NA # awkward mapping, but HTML is what it is
+ res <- list(
+ shiny::div(
+ title_ui,
+ shiny::tags$input(
+ id = checkbox_id, type = "checkbox", class = "toggle-checkbox",
+ checked = checked, style = "display: none;"
+ ),
+ shiny::tags$label(
+ `for` = checkbox_id, class = "toggle-label",
+ shiny::tags$span(class = "chevron")
+ ),
+ style = "display:flex; align-items:baseline;"
+ )
+ )
+ if (length(contents)) {
+ res <- append(
+ res,
+ list(shiny::div(
+ shiny::conditionalPanel(
+ condition = paste0("input['", checkbox_id, "']"),
+ shiny::tags[["div"]](contents, style = style)
+ )
+ ))
+ )
+ }
+ return(res)
+ }
+ choices_from_dataset_and_columns <- function(datasets, dataset_slot, columns) {
+ res <- NULL
+ if (!is.null(dataset_slot) && length(columns)) {
+ # Derive choices from dataset and columns
+ dataset <- datasets[[dataset_slot]]
+ if (length(columns) == 1) {
+ col_data <- dataset[[columns]]
+ if (is.factor(col_data)) {
+ res <- levels(col_data)
+ } else if (is.character(col_data)) {
+ browser()
+ } else if (is.numeric(col_data)) {
+ res <- sort(unique(col_data))
+ } else {
+ browser()
+ }
+ } else {
+ stopifnot(length(columns) > 1)
+ browser() # TODO: Implement this: only present on mod_lineplot default_visit_val at the moment
+ }
+ }
+ return(res)
+ }
+ column_selector <- function(elem, datasets, visible_datasets, visible_col_selectors, inputs, id, multiple) {
+ dataset_name <- elem[["dataset_name"]]
+ dataset_slot <- mget(dataset_name, envir = visible_datasets, ifnotfound = list(NULL), inherits = TRUE)[[1]]
+ choices <- c()
+ if (!is.null(dataset_slot)) {
+ dataset <- datasets[[dataset_slot]]
+ for (col_name in names(dataset)) {
+ if (TC$is_of_kind(dataset[[col_name]], elem[["sub_kind"]])) {
+ label <- attr(dataset[[col_name]], "label")
+ if (is.null(label)) {
+ choices <- c(choices, col_name)
+ } else {
+ choices[[paste0(col_name, " [", label, "]")]] <- col_name
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (length(choices) == 0) choices <- inputs[[id]]
+ selected <- as.character(inputs[[id]])
+ ui <- T_select_input(
+ inputId = id, label = NULL, choices = unlist(choices), selected = selected, multiple = multiple
+ )
+ visible_col_selectors[[id]] <- list(dataset_slot = dataset_slot, columns = selected)
+ return(ui)
+ }
+ compute_ui_info_inner <- function(visible_datasets, visible_col_selectors, label, name, elem, inputs, datasets, counts) {
+ if (isTRUE(attr(elem, "ignore"))) {
+ # NOTE: This element should have been filtered out at this point
+ return(list(
+ ui = shiny::p(paste("**FIXME: should have been ignored**", name)),
+ input_ids = NULL, dependencies = list()
+ ))
+ }
+ ui <- list()
+ input_ids <- NULL
+ deps <- list()
+ if (elem[["kind"]] == "mod") {
+ ui <- shiny::textInput(
+ inputId = name, label = NULL, value = inputs[[name]],
+ placeholder = ""
+ )
+ input_ids <- name
+ } else if (elem[["kind"]] == "dataset_name") {
+ ui <- shiny::selectInput(
+ inputId = name, label = NULL,
+ choices = names(datasets), selected = inputs[[name]],
+ selectize = FALSE
+ )
+ if (!is.null(inputs[[name]]) && !is.null(label)) {
+ visible_datasets[[label]] <- inputs[[name]]
+ }
+ input_ids <- name
+ deps[[length(deps) + 1]] <- name # columns depend on datasets, so we ask for another pass
+ } else if (elem[["kind"]] == "col") {
+ ui <- column_selector(elem, datasets, visible_datasets, visible_col_selectors, inputs, name, multiple = FALSE)
+ input_ids <- name
+ } else if (elem[["kind"]] == "logical") {
+ ui <- shiny::checkboxInput(inputId = name, label = NULL, value = FALSE, width = NULL)
+ # FIXME: Doesn't get hackier that this alignment right here:
+ ui[["children"]][[1]][["children"]][[1]][["children"]][[1]][["attribs"]][["style"]] <- "position:relative"
+ input_ids <- name
+ } else if (elem[["kind"]] == "integer" || elem[["kind"]] == "numeric" ||
+ elem[["kind"]] == "cdisc_study_day") {
+ possible_values <- c(inputs[[name]], elem[["min"]], elem[["max"]], 0)
+ value <- possible_values[which(is.finite(possible_values))[1]]
+ ui <- shiny::numericInput(
+ inputId = name, label = NULL, value = value,
+ min = elem[["min"]], max = elem[["max"]], width = "5em"
+ )
+ input_ids <- name
+ } else if (elem[["kind"]] == "color") {
+ ui <- color_picker_input(inputId = name, value = inputs[[name]])
+ input_ids <- name
+ } else if (elem[["kind"]] == "group") {
+ child_visible_datasets <- new.env(parent = visible_datasets)
+ child_visible_col_selectors <- new.env(parent = visible_col_selectors)
+ input_ids <- list()
+ for (child_param in seq_along(elem$elements)) {
+ child_name <- names(elem$elements)[[child_param]]
+ child_elem <- elem[["elements"]][[child_param]]
+ label <- child_name
+ if (is.null(label)) label <- sprintf("[[%d]]", child_param)
+ child_info <- compute_ui_info_outer(
+ child_visible_datasets,
+ child_visible_col_selectors,
+ label = label,
+ name = paste(c(name, child_name), collapse = "-"),
+ child_elem, inputs, datasets, counts
+ )
+ ui[[length(ui) + 1]] <- child_info[["ui"]]
+ if (is.null(child_name)) {
+ input_ids[[child_param]] <- child_info[["input_ids"]]
+ } else {
+ input_ids[[child_name]] <- child_info[["input_ids"]]
+ }
+ deps <- append(deps, child_info[["dependencies"]])
+ }
+ } else if (elem[["kind"]] == "choice_from_col_contents") {
+ param <- elem$param
+ choices <- character(0)
+ info <- visible_col_selectors[[param]]
+ if (length(info[["columns"]])) {
+ choices <- choices_from_dataset_and_columns(
+ datasets, info[["dataset_slot"]], info[["columns"]] # TODO(miguel): Try datasets[[dataset_slot]] instead
+ )
+ }
+ ui <- T_select_input(
+ inputId = name, label = NULL, choices = as.character(choices), selected = as.character(inputs[[name]]),
+ multiple = FALSE
+ )
+ input_ids <- name
+ deps <- c(deps, param)
+ } else if (elem[["kind"]] == "choice") {
+ param <- elem$param
+ choices <- visible_col_selectors[[param]][["columns"]]
+ ui <- T_select_input(
+ inputId = name, label = NULL, choices = as.character(choices), selected = as.character(inputs[[name]]),
+ multiple = FALSE
+ )
+ input_ids <- name
+ deps <- c(deps, param)
+ } else {
+ ui <- shiny::p(paste("TODO: ", elem[["kind"]]))
+ input_ids <- list()
+ }
+ attr(input_ids, "as_array") <- attr(elem, "as_array")
+ return(list(ui = ui, input_ids = input_ids, dependencies = deps))
+ }
+ # We use -/+ buttons instead of a shiny::numericInput because that clicking that selector twice in
+ # quick succession triggers a race condition in the context of renderUIs that redraw the selector itself
+ # Thus, we avoid representing the absolute number of elements and instead only capture the purpose of
+ # incrementing or decrementing whatever value is stored on the server
+ button_delta_id <- "button_delta"
+ inc_dec_buttons <- function(id) {
+ list(
+ shiny::tags[["button"]](
+ shiny::icon("minus"), class = "inc_dec_button",
+ onclick = sprintf(
+ "Shiny.setInputValue('%s', {id:'%s', delta:-1}, {priority:'event'});", button_delta_id, id
+ )
+ ),
+ shiny::tags[["button"]](
+ shiny::icon("plus"), class = "inc_dec_button",
+ onclick = sprintf(
+ "Shiny.setInputValue('%s', {id:'%s', delta:+1}, {priority:'event'});", button_delta_id, id
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ # Bookmark shenanigans ----
+ counts_rv <- shiny::reactiveValues()
+ candidate_state <- NULL
+ shiny::onBookmark(function(state) {
+ state$values$counts <- shiny::reactiveValuesToList(counts_rv)
+ })
+ shiny::onRestored(function(state) {
+ candidate_state <<- state$input
+ counts <- state$values$counts
+ for (name in names(counts)) counts_rv[[name]] <- counts[[name]]
+ if (isTRUE(state$input[["edit_code"]])) {
+ shiny::updateTextAreaInput(
+ session = session, "manual_code",
+ value = state$input[["manual_code"]]
+ )
+ }
+ })
+ retrigger_rv <- shiny::reactiveVal(0)
+ shiny::observe({
+ msg <- input[[button_delta_id]]
+ if (!is.null(msg)) {
+ id <- msg[["id"]]
+ v <- shiny::isolate(counts_rv[[id]])
+ new_v <- max(0, v + msg[["delta"]])
+ counts_rv[[id]] <- new_v
+ if (!identical(v, new_v)) retrigger_rv(shiny::isolate(retrigger_rv() + 1))
+ }
+ })
+ hacky_select_input_align <- function(optional_ui, label, hover_info, ui) {
+ label_elem <- list(shiny::tags$span(optional_ui,
+ shiny::tags$label(`for` = NULL, label, title = hover_info),
+ style = "display:inline-flex; align-items:baseline; padding-top:0.7rem;"
+ ))
+ ui <- shiny::tags[["div"]](
+ style = "display: flex; align-items: flex-start; place-content: space-between; column-gap:1rem",
+ label_elem, ui
+ )
+ return(ui)
+ }
+ compute_ui_info_outer <- function(visible_datasets, visible_col_selectors, label, name, elem, inputs, datasets, counts) {
+ if (isTRUE(attr(elem, "ignore"))) {
+ return(list(ui = NULL, input_ids = NULL, dependencies = NULL))
+ } # NOTE: early out
+ res <- NULL
+ docs <- attr(elem, "docs")
+ doc_pieces <- paste0("[", docs[["type"]], "]")
+ if (nchar(docs[["manual_desc"]]) > 0) doc_pieces <- c(doc_pieces, docs[["manual_desc"]])
+ if (length(docs[["auto_desc"]])) doc_pieces <- c(doc_pieces, paste(docs[["auto_desc"]], collapse = "\n"))
+ hover_info <- paste(doc_pieces, collapse = "\n")
+ dependencies <- list()
+ optional_ui <- NULL
+ if (isTRUE(attr(elem, "optional"))) {
+ checkbox_id <- paste(c(name, "enabled"), collapse = "-")
+ expanded <- isTRUE(inputs[[checkbox_id]])
+ checked <- if (isFALSE(expanded)) NULL else NA # awkward mapping, but HTML is what it is
+ checkbox <- list(shiny::tags$input(
+ id = checkbox_id, type = "checkbox", class = "optional-checkbox",
+ checked = checked, style = "margin-right:0.5rem;"
+ ))
+ dependencies <- c(dependencies, checkbox_id)
+ if (expanded) {
+ optional_ui <- checkbox
+ } else {
+ ui <- list(shiny::div(checkbox,
+ shiny::tags$label(
+ `for` = checkbox_id, label,
+ style = "font-weight:normal;font-style:italic;margin-bottom:0px",
+ title = hover_info
+ ),
+ style = "display:flex;align-items:baseline;padding-bottom:1rem;"
+ ))
+ return(list(ui = ui, input_ids = NULL, dependencies = dependencies)) # NOTE: early out
+ }
+ }
+ named <- isTRUE(attr(elem, "named"))
+ zero_or_more <- isTRUE(attr(elem, "zero_or_more"))
+ one_or_more <- isTRUE(attr(elem, "one_or_more"))
+ zero_or_one_or_more <- zero_or_more || one_or_more
+ if (enable_nicer_unnamed_multicolumn_selection && zero_or_one_or_more && !named && elem$kind == "col") {
+ # NOTE: special-case with a multiselector for a more streamlined interface
+ ui <- column_selector(elem, datasets, visible_datasets, visible_col_selectors, inputs, name, multiple = TRUE)
+ input_ids <- name
+ ui <- hacky_select_input_align(optional_ui, label, hover_info, ui)
+ res <- list(ui = ui, input_ids = input_ids, dependencies = dependencies)
+ } else if (enable_nicer_multichoice_selection && zero_or_one_or_more && elem$kind == "choice_from_col_contents") {
+ param <- elem$param
+ choices <- character(0)
+ info <- visible_col_selectors[[param]]
+ if (length(info[["columns"]])) {
+ choices <- choices_from_dataset_and_columns(
+ datasets, info[["dataset_slot"]], info[["columns"]] # TODO(miguel): Try datasets[[dataset_slot]] instead
+ )
+ }
+ ui <- T_select_input(
+ inputId = name, label = NULL, choices = as.character(choices), selected = as.character(inputs[[name]]),
+ multiple = TRUE
+ )
+ input_ids <- name
+ ui <- hacky_select_input_align(optional_ui, label, hover_info, ui)
+ dependencies <- c(dependencies, param)
+ res <- list(ui = ui, input_ids = input_ids, dependencies = dependencies)
+ } else if (zero_or_one_or_more) {
+ attr(elem, "zero_or_more") <- FALSE
+ attr(elem, "one_or_more") <- FALSE
+ input_ids <- list()
+ possible_values <- c(counts[[name]], 0)
+ count <- possible_values[which(is.finite(possible_values))[1]]
+ counts_rv[[name]] <- ifelse(name %in% names(counts), counts[[name]], 0)
+ sub_ui <- list()
+ name_input_ids <- character(0)
+ for (i_rep in seq_len(count)) {
+ child_name <- paste0(name, "-", i_rep)
+ name_selector <- NULL
+ if (named) {
+ name_sel_id <- paste0(child_name, "-name")
+ name_input_ids <- c(name_input_ids, name_sel_id)
+ name_selector <- shiny::textInput(
+ inputId = name_sel_id, label = NULL,
+ value = inputs[[name_sel_id]], placeholder = ""
+ )
+ }
+ child_info <- compute_ui_info_inner(
+ visible_datasets, visible_col_selectors,
+ label = NULL, child_name, elem,
+ inputs, datasets, counts
+ )
+ child_ui <- child_info[["ui"]]
+ if (elem$kind == "group") { # repeats #eenahw partially; not ready to compress it yet
+ child_ui <- list(well(
+ title_ui = name_selector, child_ui,
+ expanded = inputs[[child_name]],
+ checkbox_id = child_name
+ ))
+ } else {
+ child_ui <- list(inline_shiny_input(child_ui, label = NULL, name_selector = name_selector))
+ }
+ sub_ui <- append(sub_ui, child_ui)
+ input_ids <- append(input_ids, list(child_info[["input_ids"]]))
+ dependencies <- append(dependencies, child_info[["dependencies"]])
+ }
+ sub_ui <- append(sub_ui, inc_dec_buttons(name))
+ title_ui <- list(optional_ui, shiny::tags$label(`for` = name, class = "chevron", label, title = hover_info))
+ ui <- list(well(title_ui, sub_ui, expanded = inputs[[name]], name))
+ if (named) {
+ attr(input_ids, "name_input_ids") <- name_input_ids
+ }
+ attr(input_ids, "as_array") <- attr(elem, "as_array")
+ res <- list(ui = ui, input_ids = input_ids, dependencies = dependencies)
+ } else {
+ res <- compute_ui_info_inner(visible_datasets, visible_col_selectors, label, name, elem, inputs, datasets, counts)
+ res[["dependencies"]] <- c(dependencies, res[["dependencies"]])
+ if (elem$kind == "group") { # repeats #eenahw partially; not ready to compress it yet
+ title_ui <- list(optional_ui, shiny::tags$label(`for` = name, class = "chevron", label, title = hover_info))
+ res[["ui"]] <- list(well(title_ui, res[["ui"]],
+ expanded = inputs[[name]],
+ checkbox_id = name
+ ))
+ } else {
+ if (!is.null(optional_ui)) {
+ res[["ui"]] <- list(inline_shiny_input(
+ res[["ui"]],
+ label_elem = list(shiny::tags$span(optional_ui,
+ shiny::tags$label(`for` = NULL, label, title = hover_info),
+ style = "display:inline-flex; align-items:baseline;"
+ ))
+ ))
+ } else {
+ res[["ui"]] <- list(
+ shiny::tags[["div"]](style = "display: flex; align-items: baseline; place-content: space-between; column-gap:1rem",
+ shiny::div(shiny::tags$label(`for` = NULL, label), style = "display:inline-flex;", title = hover_info), res[["ui"]]
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return(res)
+ }
+ ui_and_ids <- shiny::reactive({
+ ui <- list()
+ input_ids <- list()
+ deps <- list()
+ selected_spec <- input[["spec"]]
+ shiny::req(selected_spec)
+ datasets <- datasets()
+ inputs <- shiny::isolate(shiny::reactiveValuesToList(input))
+ if (!is.null(candidate_state)) {
+ inputs <- candidate_state
+ candidate_state <<- NULL
+ }
+ visible_datasets <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
+ visible_col_selectors <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
+ spec_elements <- module_specifications[[selected_spec]]
+ counts <- shiny::isolate(shiny::reactiveValuesToList(counts_rv))
+ info <- shiny::maskReactiveContext(
+ compute_ui_info_inner(visible_datasets, visible_col_selectors, "placeholder_label", name = NULL, spec_elements, inputs, datasets, counts)
+ )
+ ui <- info[["ui"]]
+ input_ids <- info[["input_ids"]]
+ deps <- info[["dependencies"]]
+ for (dep in deps) input[[dep]] # makes this reactive depend only on certain inputs
+ retrigger_rv()
+ return(list(ui = ui, input_ids = input_ids))
+ })
+ output[["selectors"]] <- shiny::renderUI(ui_and_ids()[["ui"]])
+ output[["data_input"]] <- shiny::renderUI({
+ ui <- NULL
+ if (is.null(caller_datasets)) {
+ # no caller datasets: ask the user for some
+ ui <- shiny::tagList(
+ # Hacky alignment of fileInput
+ shiny::tags[["div"]](
+ style = "display: flex; align-items: flex-start; place-content: space-between; column-gap:1rem",
+ shiny::tags$label(
+ `for` = "datasets", "Datasets", style = "padding-top: 0.7rem;",
+ title = "Input datasets for selected module"
+ ),
+ shiny::fileInput(
+ inputId = "datasets", label = NULL, multiple = TRUE, accept = ".rds",
+ capture = NULL
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ } else {
+ ui <- shiny::HTML(sprintf("Preloaded datasets: %s", paste(names(caller_datasets), collapse = ", ")))
+ }
+ return(ui)
+ })
+ indent <- function(code, level) {
+ indent_string <- strrep(" ", max(0, level))
+ return(paste0(indent_string, code))
+ }
+ resolve_rhs <- function(id, parent_indent_level) {
+ res <- ""
+ if (is.character(id) && length(id) == 1) {
+ param_value <- input[[id]]
+ res <- deparse1(param_value)
+ } else if (is.list(id)) {
+ subres <- c()
+ elem_names <- local({
+ res <- names(id)
+ name_input_ids <- attr(id, "name_input_ids")
+ if (length(name_input_ids) > 0) {
+ res <- Map(function(id) {
+ s <- input[[id]]
+ if (identical(s, "")) {
+ s <- NULL
+ } else {
+ s <- deparse(s)
+ }
+ }, name_input_ids)
+ }
+ return(res)
+ })
+ for (i_elem in seq_along(id)) {
+ name <- NULL
+ if (i_elem <= length(elem_names)) name <- elem_names[[i_elem]]
+ if (identical(name, "")) name <- NULL
+ subres <- c(
+ subres,
+ paste(c(name, resolve_rhs(id[[i_elem]], parent_indent_level + 1)), collapse = " = ")
+ )
+ }
+ as_array <- isTRUE(attr(id, "as_array"))
+ container <- ifelse(as_array, "c", "list")
+ res <- ""
+ if (length(subres)) {
+ res <- paste0(
+ container,
+ "(\n",
+ paste(subres |> indent(parent_indent_level + 1), collapse = ",\n"),
+ "\n",
+ ")" |> indent(parent_indent_level)
+ )
+ } else {
+ res <- paste0(res, container, "()")
+ }
+ } else {
+ res <- "TODO"
+ }
+ return(res)
+ }
+ code <- shiny::reactive({
+ selected_spec <- input[["spec"]]
+ t <- paste0(selected_spec, "(\n")
+ params <- local({
+ res <- c()
+ ids <- ui_and_ids()[["input_ids"]]
+ flatten_id_tree <- function(tree) {
+ res <- character(0)
+ for (i in seq_along(tree)) {
+ elem <- tree[[i]]
+ if (is.character(elem)) {
+ res <- c(res, elem)
+ } else if (is.list(elem)) {
+ res <- c(res, flatten_id_tree(elem))
+ } else {
+ browser()
+ }
+ name_input_ids <- attr(elem, "name_input_ids")
+ if (!is.null(name_input_ids)) res <- c(res, name_input_ids)
+ }
+ return(res)
+ }
+ missing_ids <- setdiff(flatten_id_tree(ids), shiny::isolate(names(input)))
+ for (id in missing_ids) {
+ if (length(id) != 1) browser()
+ input[[id]] # depend on missing expected inputs
+ }
+ shiny::req(length(missing_ids) == 0) # but block execution until all inputs exist
+ for (i_val in seq_along(ids)) {
+ param_name <- names(ids)[[i_val]]
+ id <- ids[[i_val]]
+ res <- c(
+ res,
+ paste(c(param_name, resolve_rhs(id, parent_indent_level = 1)), collapse = " = ") |> indent(1)
+ )
+ }
+ return(res)
+ })
+ t <- paste0(t, paste(params, collapse = ",\n"))
+ t <- paste0(t, "\n)")
+ # NOTE(miguel): If you want to plug your own styler, here would be a good place to do so. Here's an (ugly) example:
+ # t <- sapply(parse(text = t), function(s) deparse1(s, collapse = '\n', width.cutoff = 80L)) # nolint
+ return(t)
+ })
+ code_highlight_differences <- function(a, b) {
+ # FIXME(miguel): Not the correct place to do this operation. We could have the parse tree prior to rendering it as
+ # text, so a tree comparison would be less heuristic. That would involve building a nested list
+ # inside code()+resolve_rhs, which we would also use here. Producing the indented code from that
+ # nested list would also be cleaner than the ad-hoc formatting I do in the `code()` reactive, but...
+ # NOTE(miguel): we're in a hurry, so look ma, no hands:
+ drop_trailing_comma <- function(strings) {
+ return(substr(strings, 1, nchar(strings) - endsWith(strings, ",")))
+ }
+ as <- strsplit(a, "\n", fixed = TRUE)[[1]] |> drop_trailing_comma()
+ bs <- strsplit(b, "\n", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
+ res <- character(0)
+ for (e in bs) {
+ indices <- which(drop_trailing_comma(e) == as)
+ if (length(indices)) {
+ as <- as[-indices[[1]]]
+ } else {
+ e <- paste0("", e, "")
+ }
+ res <- c(res, e)
+ }
+ return(paste(res, collapse = "\n"))
+ }
+ prev_code_update_delay_s <- 3 # TODO: constant
+ prev_code <- prev_diffed_code <- ""
+ prev_code_t <- Sys.time()
+ output[["code"]] <- shiny::renderUI({ # TODO: Add 'copy' icon, like the ones on code snippets on vignettes
+ code <- code()
+ code <- gsub("&", "&", code, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)
+ code <- gsub("<", "<", code, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)
+ code <- gsub(">", ">", code, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)
+ t_current <- Sys.time()
+ t_diff <- as.numeric(difftime(t_current, prev_code_t, units = "secs"))
+ if (prev_code_update_delay_s <= t_diff) prev_diffed_code <<- prev_code
+ prev_code <<- code
+ prev_code_t <<- t_current
+ code_to_print <- code
+ if (!identical(prev_diffed_code, code)) code_to_print <- code_highlight_differences(prev_diffed_code, code)
+ res <- shiny::HTML(paste0(
+ "",
+ code_to_print,
+ "
+ ))
+ return(res)
+ })
+ shiny::observeEvent(input[["edit_code"]], {
+ if (isTRUE(input[["edit_code"]])) {
+ shiny::updateTextAreaInput(session = session, "manual_code", value = code())
+ }
+ })
+ error_and_ui_rv <- shiny::reactiveValues(ui = list(), error = NULL)
+ shiny::observe({
+ code_to_eval <- NULL
+ if (isTRUE(input[["edit_code"]])) {
+ code_to_eval <- input[["manual_code"]]
+ shiny::req(is.character(code_to_eval))
+ } else {
+ code_to_eval <- trimws(code())
+ }
+ get_package_maintainer_name <- function() {
+ package_name <- strsplit(input[["spec"]], split = "::", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][[1]]
+ desc <- utils::packageDescription(package_name)[["Maintainer"]]
+ if (is.character(desc) && length(desc) == 1 && nchar(desc) > 0) {
+ desc <- paste0("`", desc, "`")
+ } else {
+ # NOTE: Available after installing from source, but not under devtools
+ desc <- "the package maintainer"
+ }
+ return(desc)
+ }
+ error_and_ui <- local({
+ ui <- NULL
+ spec <- input[["spec"]]
+ build_error <- function(title, condition, preface, ui = NULL) {
+ return(list(error = list(title = title, condition = condition, preface = preface), ui = ui))
+ }
+ if (!is.character(spec) || nchar(input[["spec"]]) == 0) {
+ return(build_error(
+ title = "Module selection error",
+ condition = base::simpleError("No DaVINCI module selected on the `Module` drop-down."),
+ preface = "Module selection error"
+ )) # FIXME: repeats message
+ }
+ if (!startsWith(code_to_eval, spec)) {
+ return(build_error(
+ title = "Module configuration error",
+ condition = base::simpleError(paste("Expected call to", spec)),
+ preface = "Module configuration error"
+ )) # FIXME: repeats message
+ }
+ # FIXME(miguel): We should parse and evaluate arguments separately outside of a reactive environment
+ # to see if any of them is badly constructed, but here I take a shortcut and evaluate
+ # them all inside a list()
+ list_of_args <- paste0("list", substr(code_to_eval, nchar(input[["spec"]]) + 1, nchar(code_to_eval)))
+ parsed_code <- try(parse(text = list_of_args), silent = TRUE)
+ eval_result <- try(eval(parsed_code), silent = TRUE)
+ if (inherits(eval_result, "try-error")) {
+ attr(eval_result, "condition")[["call"]][[1]] <- parse(text = spec)[[1]] # undo the spec->`list` substitution
+ return(build_error(
+ title = "Syntax error",
+ condition = attr(eval_result, "condition"),
+ preface = "Cannot parse the code provided."
+ ))
+ }
+ # NOTE(miguel): With that out of the way, this shouldn't fail but I keep it just in case
+ parsed_code <- try(parse(text = code_to_eval), silent = TRUE)
+ if (inherits(parsed_code, "try-error")) {
+ return(build_error(
+ title = "Syntax error",
+ condition = attr(parsed_code, "condition"),
+ preface = "Cannot parse the code provided."
+ ))
+ }
+ ui_server_id <- try(eval(parsed_code), silent = TRUE)
+ shiny::req(!is.null(ui_server_id))
+ if (inherits(ui_server_id, "try-error")) {
+ return(build_error(
+ title = "Module Development Error",
+ condition = attr(ui_server_id, "condition"),
+ preface = paste0("Please report the following error to ", get_package_maintainer_name(), ".")
+ ))
+ }
+ if (length(setdiff(c("ui", "server", "module_id"), names(ui_server_id))) > 0) {
+ return(build_error(
+ title = "Module Configuration Error",
+ condition = base::simpleError("The provided code does not return a {ui, server, module_id} triplet."),
+ preface = paste0("Are you actually calling ", input[["spec"]], "?")
+ ))
+ }
+ id <- ui_server_id[["module_id"]]
+ if (is.function(ui_server_id[["ui"]])) ui <- ui_server_id[["ui"]](id)
+ afmm <- list(
+ data = list(DS = datasets()),
+ dataset_metadata = list(name = shiny::reactive("DS")),
+ unfiltered_dataset = datasets,
+ filtered_dataset = datasets,
+ module_output = function() list()
+ )
+ # Executes server on a separate reactive domain and destroys its observers when reinvoked
+ server_return_val <- observer_dedup(
+ id = "unique_dedup_id",
+ ui_server_id[["server"]](afmm),
+ session = session
+ )
+ if (inherits(server_return_val, "try-error")) {
+ return(build_error(
+ title = "Module Development Error",
+ condition = attr(server_return_val, "condition"),
+ preface = paste0("Please report the following error to ", get_package_maintainer_name(), "."),
+ ui = ui
+ ))
+ }
+ return(list(ui = ui))
+ })
+ error_and_ui_rv[["ui"]] <- error_and_ui[["ui"]]
+ error_and_ui_rv[["error"]] <- error_and_ui[["error"]]
+ })
+ output[["module"]] <- shiny::renderUI({
+ ui <- error_and_ui_rv[["ui"]]
+ error <- error_and_ui_rv[["error"]]
+ if (!is.null(error)) {
+ error_message <- error$condition[["message"]]
+ error_context <- paste(deparse(error$condition[["call"]]), collapse = "\n")
+ ui <- list(
+ CM$message_well(error$title, error$preface, color = "#f4d7d7"),
+ shiny::p("Message is:"),
+ shiny::pre(error_message),
+ shiny::p("And happened in the vicinity of:"),
+ shiny::pre(error_context),
+ shiny::div(ui, style = "visibility:hidden;") # does not remove ui from layout
+ )
+ }
+ return(ui)
+ })
+ }
+ return(explorer_server)
+ }
+ list(
+ explorer_ui = explorer_ui,
+ explorer_server_with_datasets = explorer_server_with_datasets
+ )
+# TODO: Export when hover help is offered
+# Interactive module demo/configuration tool
+# Launch an experimental interactive point-and-click configuration app for `dv.explorer.parameter` modules.
+# Help is accessible by hovering over any of the provided parameters. \cr
+# To try it using demo data, run `dv.explorer.parameter::explorer_app(dv.explorer.parameter:::safety_data())` in your R prompt.
+# @param datasets `[list(data.frame(n))]` (optional) Datasets available to the module. One of them should be a
+# demographic subject-level dataset and the rest should be visit-dependent datasets. If not provided, the UI offers a
+# file input selector that is functionally equivalent.
+explorer_app <- function(datasets = NULL) {
+ shiny::shinyApp(
+ ui = DR$explorer_ui,
+ server = DR$explorer_server_with_datasets(caller_datasets = datasets),
+ enableBookmarking = "url"
+ )
diff --git a/R/TC.R b/R/TC.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d916c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/TC.R
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+# YT#VH5cf018ae9cef0cbf83422a7d2b6b6b04#VH00000000000000000000000000000000#
+TC <- local({ # _T_ype C_hecks
+ # basic types
+ T_logical <- function() list(kind = "logical")
+ T_factor <- function() list(kind = "factor")
+ T_character <- function() list(kind = "character")
+ T_date <- function() list(kind = "date")
+ T_datetime <- function() list(kind = "datetime")
+ T_integer <- function(min = NA, max = NA) list(kind = "integer", min = min, max = max) # allows numeric if all values are integer
+ T_numeric <- function(min = NA, max = NA) list(kind = "numeric", min = min, max = max)
+ # permissive types
+ T_anything <- function() list(kind = "anything")
+ # sum types
+ T_or <- function(...) list(kind = "or", options = list(...))
+ # known- and variable-length collections
+ T_group <- function(...) list(kind = "group", elements = list(...))
+ # domain-specific types
+ T_mod_ID <- function() list(kind = "mod")
+ T_dataset_name <- function() list(kind = "dataset_name")
+ T_col <- function(dataset_name, sub_kind = T_anything()) {
+ list(kind = "col", dataset_name = dataset_name, sub_kind = sub_kind)
+ }
+ T_color <- function() list(kind = "color")
+ T_CDISC_study_day <- function() list(kind = "cdisc_study_day", min = NA, max = NA)
+ T_YN <- function() list(kind = "YN")
+ T_choice_from_col_contents <- function(param) list(kind = "choice_from_col_contents", param = param)
+ T_choice <- function(param) list(kind = "choice", param = param)
+ T_fn <- function(arg_count) list(kind = "function", arg_count = arg_count)
+ T_is_of_kind <- function(var, type) {
+ res <- FALSE
+ if (length(type) == 1 && is.na(type)) browser()
+ if (type[["kind"]] == "or") {
+ for (option in type[["options"]]) res <- res || T_is_of_kind(var, option)
+ } else if (type[["kind"]] == "anything") {
+ res <- TRUE
+ } else if (type[["kind"]] == "factor") {
+ res <- is.factor(var)
+ } else if (type[["kind"]] == "character") {
+ res <- is.character(var)
+ } else if (type[["kind"]] == "date") {
+ res <- inherits(var, "Date")
+ } else if (type[["kind"]] == "datetime") {
+ res <- inherits(var, "POSIXt")
+ } else if (type[["kind"]] == "numeric") {
+ res <- is.numeric(var)
+ } else if (type[["kind"]] == "integer") {
+ res <- is.integer(var) || (is.numeric(var) && all(var[is.finite(var)] %% 1 == 0))
+ } else if (type[["kind"]] == "logical") {
+ res <- is.logical(var)
+ } else if (type[["kind"]] == "cdisc_study_day") {
+ res <- (is.integer(var) || (is.numeric(var) && all(var[is.finite(var)] %% 1 == 0))) && all(var[is.finite(var)] != 0)
+ } else if (type[["kind"]] == "YN") {
+ res <- ((is.character(var) && setequal(unique(var), c("Y", "N"))) ||
+ is.factor(var) && setequal(levels(var), c("Y", "N")))
+ } else {
+ browser()
+ }
+ return(res)
+ }
+ # flags
+ T_flag <- function(x, ...) {
+ flag_names <- list(...)
+ unknown_flags <- setdiff(
+ flag_names,
+ c( # common flags
+ "optional", "zero_or_more", "one_or_more", "as_array", "named", "ignore",
+ # domain-specific flags
+ "subject_level_dataset_name", "subjid_var"
+ )
+ )
+ if (length(unknown_flags)) browser()
+ flag_values <- as.list(rep(TRUE, length(flag_names)))
+ flags <- stats::setNames(flag_values, flag_names)
+ return(do.call(structure, append(list(x), flags)))
+ }
+ T_map_to <- function(orig, dest) structure(orig, map_to = dest) # maps dataset col to a type the module understands
+ # Pair documentation with module API ----
+ T_get_type_as_text <- function(elem) {
+ res <- ""
+ types <- list(
+ group = "list",
+ logical = "logical",
+ factor = "factor",
+ integer = "integer",
+ cdisc_study_day = "integer",
+ numeric = "numeric",
+ mod = "character",
+ dataset_name = "character",
+ col = "character",
+ color = "character",
+ character = "character",
+ date = "Date",
+ datetime = "POSIXt",
+ YN = '"Y"/"N"',
+ `function` = "function"
+ )
+ if (elem$kind == "or") {
+ res <- paste(Map(T_get_type_as_text, elem$options), collapse = "|")
+ } else if (elem$kind == "choice") {
+ res <- "character" # FIXME: Refer to the type of the column
+ } else if (elem$kind == "choice_from_col_contents") {
+ res <- "character" # FIXME: Refer to the type of the column
+ } else if (!(elem$kind %in% names(types))) {
+ message(paste("Missing kind", elem$kind))
+ } else {
+ res <- types[[elem$kind]]
+ }
+ return(res)
+ }
+ T_get_use_as_text_lines <- function(elem) {
+ res <- character(0)
+ if (elem$kind == "mod") {
+ res <- "Unique Shiny module identifier"
+ } else if (elem$kind == "dataset_name") {
+ if (isTRUE(attr(elem, "subject_level_dataset_name"))) {
+ res <- "Subject-level dataset name"
+ } else {
+ res <- "Dataset name"
+ }
+ } else if (elem$kind == "col") {
+ if (isTRUE(attr(elem, "subjid_var"))) {
+ res <- "Unique subject identifier column"
+ } else {
+ res <- sprintf("Indexes into dataset `%s`", elem$dataset_name)
+ if (!identical(elem$sub_kind, T_anything())) {
+ res <- c(res, sprintf("Expects `[%s]` values", T_get_type_as_text(elem$sub_kind)))
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (elem$kind == "cdisc_study_day") {
+ res <- "Represents a CDISC (non-zero) Study Day"
+ } else if (elem$kind == "color") {
+ res <- "Contains either an HTML (#xxxxxx) or an R color"
+ } else if (elem$kind == "choice") {
+ res <- "" # TODO: Refer to the actual column
+ } else if (elem$kind == "choice_from_col_contents") {
+ res <- "" # TODO: Refer to the actual column
+ } else if (elem$kind %in% c("logical", "integer", "numeric", "character", "group", "function")) {
+ # nothing
+ } else {
+ message(paste("Missing use for kind", elem$kind))
+ }
+ return(res)
+ }
+ T_attach_docs <- function(api, docs) {
+ stopifnot(is.character(docs[[1]]))
+ attr(api, "docs") <- list(
+ type = T_get_type_as_text(api),
+ auto_desc = T_get_use_as_text_lines(api),
+ manual_desc = docs[[1]]
+ )
+ if (api$kind == "group") {
+ docs[[1]] <- NULL
+ if (length(api$elements) != length(docs)) {
+ stop(sprintf("api and docs are of different lengths (%d and %d)", length(api), length(docs)))
+ } else if (!identical(names(api$elements), names(docs))) {
+ stop(sprintf(
+ "api and docs have different names (%s and %s)",
+ paste(names(api$elements), collapse = ","), paste(names(docs), collapse = ",")
+ ))
+ }
+ for (i in seq_along(api$elements)) {
+ api$elements[[i]] <- T_attach_docs(api$elements[[i]], docs[[i]])
+ }
+ }
+ return(api)
+ }
+ T_eval_args <- function(args, eval_env) {
+ # evaluate arguments before handing them down to arg-rewriting routines
+ arg_names <- names(args)
+ for (i_arg in seq_along(args)) {
+ name <- arg_names[[i_arg]]
+ eval_res <- eval(args[[i_arg]], envir = eval_env)
+ args[i_arg] <- stats::setNames(list(eval_res), name) # R inferno 8.1.55
+ }
+ return(args)
+ }
+ # Permit caller to provide lists when arrays are desired by the module ----
+ T_honor_as_array_flag_inner <- function(api_field, elem) {
+ if (isTRUE(attr(api_field, "zero_or_more")) || isTRUE(attr(api_field, "zero_or_more"))) {
+ attr(api_field, "zero_or_more") <- FALSE
+ attr(api_field, "one_or_more") <- FALSE
+ for (i in seq_along(elem)) {
+ elem[[i]] <- T_honor_as_array_flag_inner(api_field, elem[[i]])
+ }
+ } else if (api_field$kind == "group") {
+ elem_names <- names(elem)
+ for (i in seq_along(elem)) {
+ name <- elem_names[[i]]
+ if (!is.null(name) && name %in% names(api_field[["elements"]]) && !is.null(elem[[i]])) {
+ elem[i] <- stats::setNames(
+ list(T_honor_as_array_flag_inner(api_field[["elements"]][[name]], elem[[i]])), name
+ ) # R inferno 8.1.55
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (isTRUE(attr(api_field, "as_array")) && is.list(elem)) {
+ elem <- unlist(elem)
+ }
+ return(elem)
+ }
+ T_honor_as_array_flag <- function(mod_API, args) {
+ env_that_called_the_module_function <- parent.frame(2)
+ args <- T_eval_args(args, eval_env = env_that_called_the_module_function)
+ args <- T_honor_as_array_flag_inner(mod_API, args)
+ return(args)
+ }
+ # Map allowed types to those expected by the module ----
+ T_honor_map_to_flag_inner <- function(datasets, api_field, elem, field_to_dataset_map, current_field_name) {
+ res <- list(map = field_to_dataset_map, actions = list())
+ if (isTRUE(attr(api_field, "zero_or_more")) || isTRUE(attr(api_field, "zero_or_more"))) {
+ attr(api_field, "zero_or_more") <- FALSE
+ attr(api_field, "one_or_more") <- FALSE
+ for (i in seq_along(elem)) {
+ res <- T_honor_map_to_flag_inner(datasets, api_field, elem[[i]], field_to_dataset_map, current_field_name)
+ }
+ } else if (api_field$kind == "group") {
+ group_field_to_dataset_map <- field_to_dataset_map # push new mapping used only inside group
+ elem_names <- names(elem)
+ for (i in seq_along(elem)) {
+ name <- elem_names[[i]]
+ if (!is.null(name) && name %in% names(api_field[["elements"]]) && !is.null(elem[[i]])) {
+ subres <- T_honor_map_to_flag_inner(
+ datasets, api_field[["elements"]][[name]], elem[[i]], group_field_to_dataset_map, name
+ )
+ res[["actions"]] <- append(res[["actions"]], subres[["actions"]])
+ group_field_to_dataset_map <- subres[["map"]] # carry mappings defined inside this group
+ }
+ }
+ res[["map"]] <- field_to_dataset_map # pop old mapping
+ } else if (api_field$kind == "dataset_name") {
+ res[["map"]][[current_field_name]] <- elem
+ } else if (api_field$kind == "col") {
+ map_to <- attr(api_field$sub_kind, "map_to")
+ if (!is.null(map_to)) {
+ dataset <- field_to_dataset_map[[api_field$dataset_name]]
+ if (is.null(dataset)) stop("Column refers to unknown dataset") # TODO: Check this upstream, warn earlier
+ res[["actions"]][[length(res[["actions"]]) + 1]] <- list(dataset = dataset, col = elem, kind = map_to)
+ }
+ }
+ return(res)
+ }
+ T_do_map <- function(datasets, action) {
+ dataset <- action[["dataset"]]
+ col <- action[["col"]]
+ kind <- action[["kind"]]
+ col_data <- datasets[[dataset]][[col]]
+ if (!T_is_of_kind(col_data, kind)) {
+ mapped_from <- attr(col_data, "mapped_from")
+ if (!is.null(mapped_from)) {
+ stop(sprintf(
+ "Dataset %s column %s has already been mapped from %s to %s",
+ dataset, col, mapped_from, T_get_type_as_text(kind)
+ ))
+ }
+ mapped_from <- class(col_data)
+ attrs <- attributes(col_data)
+ if (kind == "logical" && T_is_of_kind(col_data, T_YN())) {
+ col_data <- (col_data == "Y")
+ } else {
+ kind_s <- T_get_type_as_text(kind)
+ stop(sprintf("Can't map data from type %s to %s", paste(mapped_from, collapse = ", "), kind_s))
+ }
+ attributes(col_data) <- attrs
+ attr(col_data, "mapped_from") <- mapped_from
+ }
+ return(col_data)
+ }
+ T_honor_map_to_flag <- function(datasets, mod_API, args) {
+ # NOTE: Here we overwrite affected dataset columns with the desired type for the purpose of
+ # a particular argument. A 'Y/N' field will be cast to `logical` an thus will become
+ # unavailable as a character variable.
+ # Ideally we would like to cast dataset columns to separate columns with a different
+ # name and overwrite args to point to those new columns, which would sidestep that
+ # restriction. This, however, would entail modifying the argument list in reactive
+ # time depending on the contents of the dataset, which would force mod_*_server to
+ # treat column name arguments as reactives. That seems too much of a hassle for little
+ # benefit.
+ env_that_called_the_module_function <- parent.frame(2)
+ args <- T_eval_args(args, eval_env = env_that_called_the_module_function)
+ mapping_actions <- T_honor_map_to_flag_inner(datasets, mod_API, args,
+ field_to_dataset_map = list(),
+ current_field_name = ""
+ )[["actions"]]
+ for (action in mapping_actions) {
+ dataset <- action[["dataset"]]
+ col <- action[["col"]]
+ datasets[[dataset]][[col]] <- T_do_map(datasets, action)
+ }
+ return(datasets)
+ }
+ list(
+ logical = T_logical,
+ factor = T_factor,
+ character = T_character,
+ date = T_date,
+ datetime = T_datetime,
+ integer = T_integer,
+ numeric = T_numeric,
+ anything = T_anything,
+ or = T_or,
+ group = T_group,
+ mod_ID = T_mod_ID,
+ dataset_name = T_dataset_name,
+ col = T_col,
+ color = T_color,
+ CDISC_study_day = T_CDISC_study_day,
+ YN = T_YN,
+ choice_from_col_contents = T_choice_from_col_contents,
+ choice = T_choice,
+ fn = T_fn,
+ is_of_kind = T_is_of_kind,
+ flag = T_flag,
+ map_to = T_map_to,
+ attach_docs = T_attach_docs,
+ honor_as_array_flag_inner = T_honor_as_array_flag_inner,
+ honor_as_array_flag = T_honor_as_array_flag,
+ honor_map_to_flag_inner = T_honor_map_to_flag_inner,
+ honor_map_to_flag = T_honor_map_to_flag
+ )
diff --git a/R/check_call_auto.R b/R/check_call_auto.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97b6311
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/check_call_auto.R
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# Automatically generated module API check functions. Think twice before editing them manually.
+# styler: off
+# dv.tables::mod_hierarchical_count_table
+check_mod_hierarchical_count_table_auto <- function(afmm, datasets, module_id, table_dataset_name, pop_dataset_name,
+ subjid_var, show_modal_on_click, default_hierarchy, default_group, receiver_id, warn, err) {
+ OK <- logical(0)
+ used_dataset_names <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
+ OK[["module_id"]] <- CM$check_module_id("module_id", module_id, warn, err)
+ OK[["table_dataset_name"]] <- CM$check_dataset_name("table_dataset_name", table_dataset_name, datasets,
+ used_dataset_names, warn, err)
+ OK[["pop_dataset_name"]] <- CM$check_dataset_name("pop_dataset_name", pop_dataset_name, datasets,
+ used_dataset_names, warn, err)
+ subkind <- list(kind = "factor")
+ flags <- list(subjid_var = TRUE)
+ OK[["subjid_var"]] <- OK[["pop_dataset_name"]] && CM$check_dataset_colum_name("subjid_var", subjid_var,
+ subkind, flags, pop_dataset_name, datasets[[pop_dataset_name]], warn, err)
+ "TODO: show_modal_on_click (logical)"
+ subkind <- list(kind = "or", options = list(list(kind = "character"), list(kind = "factor")))
+ flags <- list(zero_or_more = TRUE)
+ OK[["default_hierarchy"]] <- OK[["table_dataset_name"]] && CM$check_dataset_colum_name("default_hierarchy",
+ default_hierarchy, subkind, flags, table_dataset_name, datasets[[table_dataset_name]], warn,
+ err)
+ subkind <- list(kind = "or", options = list(list(kind = "character"), list(kind = "factor")))
+ flags <- list(optional = TRUE)
+ OK[["default_group"]] <- OK[["pop_dataset_name"]] && CM$check_dataset_colum_name("default_group",
+ default_group, subkind, flags, pop_dataset_name, datasets[[pop_dataset_name]], warn, err)
+ "TODO: receiver_id (character)"
+ for (ds_name in names(used_dataset_names)) {
+ OK[["subjid_var"]] <- OK[["subjid_var"]] && CM$check_subjid_col(datasets, ds_name, get(ds_name),
+ "subjid_var", subjid_var, warn, err)
+ }
+ return(OK)
+# styler: on
diff --git a/R/mod_hierarchical_count_table.R b/R/mod_hierarchical_count_table.R
index b7dec01..0739a57 100644
--- a/R/mod_hierarchical_count_table.R
+++ b/R/mod_hierarchical_count_table.R
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ pivot_wide_format_events_table <- function(d, min_percent) {
special_char <- d[["meta"]][["special_char"]]
hierarchy <- d[["meta"]][["hierarchy"]]
- hier_lvl_col <- d[["meta"]][["hier_lvl_col"]]
+ hier_lvl_col <- d[["meta"]][["hier_lvl_col"]] # nolint unused
group_var <- d[["meta"]][["group_var"]]
df <- d[["df"]]
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ pivot_wide_format_events_table <- function(d, min_percent) {
subjid <- purrr::map(events_table_format[["subjid"]], as.character)
events_table_format[[cell_col]] <- purrr::map2(count, subjid, ~ list(count = .x, subjid = .y))
events_table_format <- events_table_format[, c(hierarchy, group_var, cell_col), drop = FALSE]
- rep <- list(count = "\u2014", subjid = character(0))
+ rep <- list(count = "\u2014", subjid = character(0)) # nolint false positive
data_cols <- levels(events_table_format[[group_var]])
wide_event <- tidyr::pivot_wider(
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ sort_wider_formatter_events_table <- function(event_d, sort_df) { # nolint
hier_lvl_col <- event_d[["meta"]][["hier_lvl_col"]]
event_df <- event_d[["df"]]
- sort_names <- names(sort_df)
+ sort_names <- names(sort_df) # nolint unused
rank_col <- paste0(special_char, "_rank_overall")
join_cols <- c(
@@ -332,8 +332,8 @@ sort_wide_format_event_table_to_HTML <- function(d, on_cell_click = NULL) { # no
special_char <- d[["meta"]][["special_char"]]
hierarchy <- d[["meta"]][["hierarchy"]]
hier_lvl_col <- d[["meta"]][["hier_lvl_col"]]
- group_var <- d[["meta"]][["group_var"]]
- row_id_col <- d[["meta"]][["row_id_col"]]
+ group_var <- d[["meta"]][["group_var"]] # nolint unused
+ row_id_col <- d[["meta"]][["row_id_col"]] # nolint unused
n_denominator <- d[["meta"]][["n_denominator"]]
df <- d[["df"]]
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ sort_wide_format_event_table_to_HTML <- function(d, on_cell_click = NULL) { # no
thc <- function(...) th(class = "text-center", ...)
tr <- shiny::tags[["tr"]]
td <- shiny::tags[["td"]]
- tdc <- function(...) td(class = "text-center", ...)
+ tdc <- function(...) td(class = "text-center", ...) # nolint false positive unused
df_names <- names(df)
internal_columns <- df_names[startsWith(df_names, special_char)]
@@ -416,8 +416,7 @@ sort_wide_format_event_table_to_HTML <- function(d, on_cell_click = NULL) { # no
-#' @describeIn mod_hierarchical_count_table UI
-#' UI for the event count module
+#' @describeIn mod_hierarchical_count_table UI for the event count module
#' @param id `character(0)`
#' The ID for the event count module instance.
@@ -602,11 +601,6 @@ hierarchical_count_table_server <- function(
#' **This functionality is not ready yet** please
#' open an issue or contact the developers if you are interested in using it.
-#' @param server_wrapper_func `[function()]`
-#' A function that will be applied to the server
#' @keywords main
#' @export
@@ -617,46 +611,25 @@ mod_hierarchical_count_table <- function(module_id,
show_modal_on_click = FALSE,
default_hierarchy = NULL,
default_group = NULL,
- table_dataset_disp,
- pop_dataset_disp,
- receiver_id = NULL,
- server_wrapper_func = identity) {
- if (!missing(table_dataset_name) && !missing(table_dataset_disp)) {
- rlang::abort("`table_dataset_name` and `table_dataset_disp` cannot be used at the same time, use one or the other")
- }
- if (!missing(pop_dataset_name) && !missing(pop_dataset_disp)) {
- rlang::abort("`pop_dataset_name` and `pop_dataset_disp` cannot be used at the same time, use one or the other")
- }
- if (!missing(table_dataset_name)) {
- table_dataset_disp <- dv.manager::mm_dispatch("filtered_dataset", table_dataset_name)
- }
- if (!missing(pop_dataset_name)) {
- pop_dataset_disp <- dv.manager::mm_dispatch("filtered_dataset", pop_dataset_name)
- }
+ receiver_id = NULL) {
mod <- list(
ui = hierarchical_count_table_ui,
server = function(afmm) {
if (is.null(receiver_id)) {
- on_sbj_click_fun <- function() NULL
+ on_sbj_click_fun <- function() NULL # nolint unused
} else {
- on_sbj_click_fun <- function() {
+ on_sbj_click_fun <- function() { # nolint unused
- server_wrapper_func(
- hierarchical_count_table_server(
- id = module_id,
- table_dataset = dv.manager::mm_resolve_dispatcher(table_dataset_disp, afmm, flatten = TRUE),
- pop_dataset = dv.manager::mm_resolve_dispatcher(pop_dataset_disp, afmm, flatten = TRUE),
- subjid_var = subjid_var,
- show_modal_on_click = show_modal_on_click,
- default_hierarchy = default_hierarchy, default_group = default_group
- )
+ hierarchical_count_table_server(
+ id = module_id,
+ table_dataset = shiny::reactive(afmm[["filtered_dataset"]]()[[table_dataset_name]]),
+ pop_dataset = shiny::reactive(afmm[["filtered_dataset"]]()[[pop_dataset_name]]),
+ subjid_var = subjid_var,
+ show_modal_on_click = show_modal_on_click,
+ default_hierarchy = default_hierarchy, default_group = default_group
module_id = module_id
@@ -664,6 +637,82 @@ mod_hierarchical_count_table <- function(module_id,
+# Correlation heatmap module interface description ----
+# TODO: Fill in
+mod_hierarchical_count_table_API_docs <- list(
+ "Hierarchical count table",
+ module_id = "",
+ table_dataset_name = "",
+ pop_dataset_name = "",
+ subjid_var = "",
+ show_modal_on_click = "",
+ default_hierarchy = "",
+ default_group = "",
+ receiver_id = ""
+mod_hierarchical_count_table_API_spec <- TC$group(
+ module_id = TC$mod_ID(),
+ table_dataset_name = TC$dataset_name(),
+ pop_dataset_name = TC$dataset_name(),
+ subjid_var = TC$col("pop_dataset_name", TC$factor()) |> TC$flag("subjid_var"),
+ show_modal_on_click = TC$logical(),
+ default_hierarchy = TC$col("table_dataset_name", TC$or(TC$character(), TC$factor())) |> TC$flag("zero_or_more"),
+ default_group = TC$col("pop_dataset_name", TC$or(TC$character(), TC$factor())) |> TC$flag("optional"),
+ receiver_id = TC$character() |> TC$flag("optional")
+) |> TC$attach_docs(mod_hierarchical_count_table_API_docs)
+check_mod_hierarchical_count_table <- function(
+ afmm, datasets, module_id, table_dataset_name, pop_dataset_name, subjid_var, show_modal_on_click,
+ default_hierarchy, default_group, receiver_id) {
+ warn <- CM$container()
+ err <- CM$container()
+ # TODO: Replace this function with a generic one that performs the checks based on mod_hierarchical_count_API_spec.
+ # Something along the lines of OK <- CM$check_API(mod_hierarchical_count_API_spec, args = match.call(), warn, err)
+ OK <- check_mod_hierarchical_count_table_auto( # nolint unused
+ afmm, datasets,
+ module_id, table_dataset_name, pop_dataset_name, subjid_var, show_modal_on_click,
+ default_hierarchy, default_group, receiver_id,
+ warn, err
+ )
+ # TODO: Checks not covered by auto
+ # Checks that API spec does not (yet?) capture
+ if (FALSE) {
+ # nolint start
+ if (OK[["subjid_var"]]) {
+ dataset <- datasets[[bm_dataset_name]]
+ OK[["subjid_var"]] <- CM$assert(err, is.factor(dataset[[subjid_var]]), "Column referenced by `subjid_var` should be a factor.")
+ }
+ if (OK[["subjid_var"]] && OK[["cat_var"]] && OK[["par_var"]] && OK[["visit_var"]]) {
+ CM$check_unique_sub_cat_par_vis(
+ datasets, "bm_dataset_name", bm_dataset_name,
+ subjid_var, cat_var, par_var, visit_var, warn, err
+ )
+ }
+ # nolint end
+ }
+ res <- list(warnings = warn[["messages"]], errors = err[["messages"]])
+ return(res)
+dataset_info_hierarchical_count_table <- function(table_dataset_name, pop_dataset_name, ...) {
+ # TODO: Replace this function with a generic one that builds the list based on mod_boxplot_API_spec.
+ # Something along the lines of CM$dataset_info(mod_hierarchical_count_table_API_spec, args = match.call())
+ all <- unique(c(table_dataset_name, pop_dataset_name))
+ subject_level <- pop_dataset_name
+ if (length(subject_level) == 0) subject_level <- character(0)
+ return(list(all = all, subject_level = subject_level))
+mod_hierarchical_count_table <- CM$module(mod_hierarchical_count_table, check_mod_hierarchical_count_table, dataset_info_hierarchical_count_table)
#' Mock hierarchy table app
#' @keywords mock
#' @param dry_run Return parameters used in the call
@@ -731,14 +780,6 @@ mock_app_hierarchical_count_table_mm <- function() { # nolint
- table_dataset <- shiny::reactive({
- pharmaverseadam::adae |> chr2factor()
- })
- pop_dataset <- shiny::reactive({
- pharmaverseadam::adsl |> chr2factor()
- })
data = list(
dummy = list(adae = pharmaverseadam::adae |> chr2factor(), adsl = pharmaverseadam::adsl |> chr2factor())
@@ -746,8 +787,8 @@ mock_app_hierarchical_count_table_mm <- function() { # nolint
module_list = list(
"ADAE by term" = mod_hierarchical_count_table(
- table_dataset_disp = dv.manager::mm_dispatch("filtered_dataset", "adae"),
- pop_dataset_disp = dv.manager::mm_dispatch("filtered_dataset", "adsl"),
+ table_dataset_name = "adae",
+ pop_dataset_name = "adsl",
show_modal_on_click = TRUE,
default_hierarchy = c("AEBODSYS", "AEDECOD"),
default_group = "TRT01P"
diff --git a/R/utils-selectors.R b/R/utils-selectors.R
index 16da7c3..d3ed7d7 100644
--- a/R/utils-selectors.R
+++ b/R/utils-selectors.R
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ col_menu_server <- function(id,
# Transform so it can be used in the onInitialize function
quot_selected <- sprintf("'%s'", selected)
join_selected <- paste(quot_selected, collapse = ", ")
- bracket_selected <- sprintf("[%s]", join_selected)
+ bracket_selected <- sprintf("[%s]", join_selected) # nolint unused
options <- c(
diff --git a/R/zzzz_mod_API.R b/R/zzzz_mod_API.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3be3187
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/zzzz_mod_API.R
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Available module specifications ----
+module_specifications <- list(
+ "dv.tables::mod_hierarchical_count_table" = mod_hierarchical_count_table_API_spec
diff --git a/man/compute_events_table.Rd b/man/compute_events_table.Rd
index a10312d..b9ecb48 100644
--- a/man/compute_events_table.Rd
+++ b/man/compute_events_table.Rd
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/mod_event_count.R
+% Please edit documentation in R/mod_hierarchical_count_table.R
\title{Computes an event table with subject counts and percentages}
diff --git a/man/compute_order_events_table.Rd b/man/compute_order_events_table.Rd
index fef1626..f0cbe0c 100644
--- a/man/compute_order_events_table.Rd
+++ b/man/compute_order_events_table.Rd
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/mod_event_count.R
+% Please edit documentation in R/mod_hierarchical_count_table.R
\title{Orders event table by subject counts}
diff --git a/man/mock_app_hierarchical_count_table.Rd b/man/mock_app_hierarchical_count_table.Rd
index 2f9b740..8dfc742 100644
--- a/man/mock_app_hierarchical_count_table.Rd
+++ b/man/mock_app_hierarchical_count_table.Rd
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/mod_event_count.R
+% Please edit documentation in R/mod_hierarchical_count_table.R
\title{Mock hierarchy table app}
diff --git a/man/mock_app_hierarchical_count_table_mm.Rd b/man/mock_app_hierarchical_count_table_mm.Rd
index ed863bd..86b8d78 100644
--- a/man/mock_app_hierarchical_count_table_mm.Rd
+++ b/man/mock_app_hierarchical_count_table_mm.Rd
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/mod_event_count.R
+% Please edit documentation in R/mod_hierarchical_count_table.R
\title{Mock hierarchy table app in dv.manager}
diff --git a/man/mod_hierarchical_count_table.Rd b/man/mod_hierarchical_count_table.Rd
index 856644b..eef89ae 100644
--- a/man/mod_hierarchical_count_table.Rd
+++ b/man/mod_hierarchical_count_table.Rd
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/mod_event_count.R
+% Please edit documentation in R/mod_hierarchical_count_table.R
-\title{Invoke boxplot module}
+\title{Invoke hierarchical_count_table module}
@@ -26,10 +26,7 @@ mod_hierarchical_count_table(
show_modal_on_click = FALSE,
default_hierarchy = NULL,
default_group = NULL,
- table_dataset_disp,
- pop_dataset_disp,
- receiver_id = NULL,
- server_wrapper_func = identity
+ receiver_id = NULL
@@ -62,18 +59,14 @@ Module Shiny id}
Name of the dataset}
-\item{table_dataset_disp, pop_dataset_disp}{\verb{[mm_dispatcher(1)]}
-Dataset dispatcher. This parameter is incompatible with its *_dataset_name counterpart. Only for advanced use.}
-Name of the tab containing the receiver module. \strong{This functionality is not ready yet} please
+\strong{This functionality is not ready yet} please
open an issue or contact the developers if you are interested in using it.}
+\item{table_dataset_disp, pop_dataset_disp}{\verb{[mm_dispatcher(1)]}
-A function that will be applied to the server}
+Dataset dispatcher. This parameter is incompatible with its *_dataset_name counterpart. Only for advanced use.}
A \code{shiny::tagList} containing the user interface for selecting hierarchy, group,
@@ -82,12 +75,11 @@ and minimum percentage for event counting.
A reactive value containing the list of subjects in the clicked cell, if applicable.
-Invoke boxplot module
+Invoke hierarchical_count_table module
-\item \code{hierarchical_count_table_ui()}: UI
-UI for the event count module
+\item \code{hierarchical_count_table_ui()}: UI for the event count module
\item \code{hierarchical_count_table_server()}: server
Server logic for the event count module
diff --git a/man/pivot_wide_format_events_table.Rd b/man/pivot_wide_format_events_table.Rd
index fcef9a8..b048f97 100644
--- a/man/pivot_wide_format_events_table.Rd
+++ b/man/pivot_wide_format_events_table.Rd
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/mod_event_count.R
+% Please edit documentation in R/mod_hierarchical_count_table.R
\title{Converts the event table to wide format}
diff --git a/man/sort_wide_format_event_table_to_HTML.Rd b/man/sort_wide_format_event_table_to_HTML.Rd
index f5fb377..1d1bbc8 100644
--- a/man/sort_wide_format_event_table_to_HTML.Rd
+++ b/man/sort_wide_format_event_table_to_HTML.Rd
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/mod_event_count.R
+% Please edit documentation in R/mod_hierarchical_count_table.R
\title{Renders the wide-format event table as an HTML table}
diff --git a/man/sort_wider_formatter_events_table.Rd b/man/sort_wider_formatter_events_table.Rd
index 2d786c9..62109c0 100644
--- a/man/sort_wider_formatter_events_table.Rd
+++ b/man/sort_wider_formatter_events_table.Rd
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/mod_event_count.R
+% Please edit documentation in R/mod_hierarchical_count_table.R
\title{Sorts the wide-format event table by the overall subject count ranking}
diff --git a/vignettes/hierarchical_count_table.Rmd b/vignettes/hierarchical_count_table.Rmd
index f62a6b9..9af3212 100644
--- a/vignettes/hierarchical_count_table.Rmd
+++ b/vignettes/hierarchical_count_table.Rmd
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ adae_dataset <- pharmaverseadam::adae %>%
- data = list(dummy = list(adsl = adsl_dataset, adbm = adbm_dataset)),
+ data = list(dummy = list(adsl = adsl_dataset, adae = adae_dataset)),
module_list = list(
"AE Hierarchy Table" = dv.tables::mod_hierarchical_count_table(
module_id = "hierarchical_count_table",