ImpactObjects are JSON Object representing an environmental impact. They must obey to the following structure :
- Level 1: Three-letter code for Life Cycle Step
- Level 2: 3 to 5 letters code for Impact or Flux indicators
The accepted Life Cycle Step are optional and are the following :
- BLD: Build/Manufacturing
- DIS: Distribution
- USE: Usage
- EOL: End Of Life
The accepted Impact/Flux indicators are optional and are the following :
- AP - Acidification - mol H+ eq
- GWP - Climate change - kg CO2 eq
- CTUe - Ecotoxicity, freshwater - CTUe
- Epf - Eutrophication, freshwater - kg P eq
- Epm - Eutrophication, marine - kg N eq
- Ept - Eutrophication, terrestrial - kg N eq
- CTUh-c - Human toxicity, cancer - CTUh
- CTUh-nc - Human toxicity, non-cancer - CTUh
- IR - Ionising radiation,human health - kg U235 eq
- LU - Land use - Dimensionless
- MIPS - Material Input per Unit of Service - kg
- ODP - Ozone depletion - kg CFC-11 eq
- PM - Particulate matter - Disease occurrences
- POCP - Photochemical ozone formation - kg NMVOC eq
- ADPf - Resource use, fossils - MJ
- ADPe - Resource use, minerals and metals - kg Sb eq
- TPE - Total Primary Energy - MJ
- WU - Water use - m3 eq
WARNING : For PCR compliance, the required indicators must be provided.