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File metadata and controls

275 lines (188 loc) · 7.24 KB

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The site makes Kansas online voting registration easy.

Table of Contents

Database services

You run PostgreSQL and Redis via Docker.

See the docker-compose.yml file in the repo. You can use with:

$ make services-start
$ make services-stop

Redis is used for caching stats and external API calls.

Once you have PostgreSQL available, you must create database instances for local use. DB setup reference

Create databases for development and testing. In the Environmental Variables section below we assume the names you picked were ksvotes_dev and ksvotes_test.

Setup & Installation

Recommendations for running after cloning:

Install Python 3.10+

Install pip

Install virtualenv

In app root directory setup your virtualenv and install dependencies to your virtualenv python.

$ python3 -m venv venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
$(venv) make deps
$(venv) make locales

/etc/hosts file

You'll want to add some entries to your local /etc/hosts file to make using Docker easier.  ksvotes-postgres  redis

Create databases

$(venv) PGPASSWORD=postgres psql -c 'create database "ksvotes.org_test";' -U postgres -h ksvotes-postgres
$(venv) PGPASSWORD=postgres psql -c 'create database "ksvotes.org_dev";' -U postgres -h ksvotes-postgres
$(venv) psql -c "create user foo with password 'bar';" -U postgres -h ksvotes-postgres

Environmental Variables

Create a .env file in the root directory and add the following variables. Note that the commented-out (#-prefixed) variables are optional.

SECRET_KEY={{generate a secret key}}
CRYPT_KEY={{generate a secret key | base64}}

# Set this to enable the /demo endpoint
DEMO_UUID={{generate a UUID and run "make load-demo"}}

# You can grab one from the URL below or take the one from the staging configuration
USPS_USER_ID={{key from}}


# GA_KEY={{google analytics key}}
# RECAPTCHA_KEY={{public key}}
# RECAPTCHA_SECRET={{private key}}
# AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID={{from role with at least rds access}}
# AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY={{from role with at least rds access}}
# AWS_DEFAULT_REGION={{us-east-1 || or your region where RDS is hosted}}
# SES_ACCESS_KEY_ID={{from role with ses access}}
# SES_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY={{from role with ses access}}

# TEST_CLERK_EMAIL={{override the value for the TEST County}}
# EMAIL_FROM={{override the From email header in all email}}
# EMAIL_PREFIX={{prefix all Subject lines with a string}}

# Default is not to send actual email unless SEND_EMAIL is set

# Number of minutes before idle session expires. Default is 10.

# You want the default VV URL unless you are testing error checking.

# The date and time prior to the Primary election when the Advance Ballot
# option for the Primary disappears. Format is 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' and assumes
# a Central US time zone
# AB_PRIMARY_DEADLINE="2020-05-01 17:00:00"

# Turn the AB flow on. Default is off.
# ENABLE_AB=true

# Turn VIT voting location JS widget on. Default is off.

# Turn off HTTPS requirement. Probably set this to true in your local dev.

# Turn on lots of SQL debugging.
# SQL_DEBUG=true

# Include the top banner on every page that this is not the live production site.

# Airtable is managed by folks for early voting and ballot dropbox locations.
# to temporarily disable, leave the table names commented out
# AIRTABLE_EV_TABLE='SoS 10-19-2020'

Crypt Key

The encryption key is kind of particular, it needs to be 32 bytes long and URl-safe base64 encoded. Use this command to generate one for you using the cryptography library:

$(venv) make crypt-key

Demo uuid

We need DEMO_UUID set to a UUID, use this to generate one for you quickly:

$(venv) make demo-uuid

Validate your configuration

You can check that your local env has all of the requried environment variables set by running:

($venv) make check

Migrate Database

Once setup is complete let's get our models imported into our development database.

$(venv) make dbupgrade

When you modify the model classes and want to apply to the schema:

$(venv) make update

Run the Application

Let's get up and running.

First, build the container image:

$(venv) make container-build

Second, login to the container:

$(venv) make login

If you get an error like docker: Error response from daemon: network ksvotesorg_app-tier not found. make sure you have the redis/postgresql services running with make services-stop.

Third, start the app:

ksvotesapp@randomstr:/app$ make run

Navigate to


To run all unit tests (inside the Docker container):

ksvotesapp@randomstr:/app$ make test

To run all unit tests with coverage:

ksvotesapp@randomstr:/app$ make testcov

Browser tests

Run browser-based tests outside the container, on your native host:

$(venv) make playwright


Code is currently setup to SCSS with node scripts to compile.

Edit scss/source.scss and compile with % make css.

Alternatively you can create your own .css style sheet in app/static/css and replace

<link href="{{url_for('static', filename='css/compiled.css')}}" rel="stylesheet">

in app/templates/base.html with

<link href="{{url_for('static', filename='css/[[[name of your style sheet]]]')}}" rel="stylesheet">

To setup scss watcher in root directory run:

$ npm install
$ npm run watch

Internationalization & Localization

This application is using Flask-Babel

To add a new string, reference the string in the .py code with gettext() or lazy_gettext() and then run % make locales to update the corresponding babel files. For example:

# in

# add 'some_key_string' to translations.json
% vi translations.json

# Then in your terminal
# update the translation files
% make locales