This repository contains tooling for Hackceler8 2023, made by team Blue Water.
branch includes the basic template for the demo game. See each branch that includes fixes and adaptations done for each level.
Put files under this repository into game/hack
, and put import hack
at the top of
Install requirements by pip install -r hack_requirements.txt
, find on_draw()
method and add self.extra_draw()
before arcade.finish_render()
Then you are good to go.
- (tracked) W/A/S/D is for movement (W for jumping),
- (tracked) Q: drop weapon
- (tracked) Space: pickup weapon/use weapon
- (tracked) LShift: running
- (tracked) Esc: exit level
- (tracked) R [in main level]: restart level
- (tracked) P: pause for quick menu
- (tracked) E: interact with NPCs / go through NPC dialogue
- (tracked) Enter: submit a textbox in NPC dialogue
- (tracked) T: throw soul grenade
- (tracked) Slash: Fast save
- Z: undo sim frame
- X: redo sim frame
- Ctrl+V: paste into textbox
- Period: increase refresh rate
- Comma: decrease refresh rate
- B: submit keystrokes to server (in sim mode)
- K: toggle between real-mode and sim-mode (only if there are no frames in sim-mode)
- M: show menu?
- C: press once to return camera back to normal scale, press again to center camera back to player (you can right click drag mouse to pan map, and use the scroll wheel to zoom in and out. Use CTRL to pan faster)
- H: does path finding to where the cursor is currently at
- I: enable ipdb
- L: Toggle item tracer
- (tracked) F [in inventory]: cycle worn items forwards
- (tracked) R [in inventory]: cycle worn items backwards
- (tracked) S [in inventory]: cycle weapons forwards
- (tracked) W [in inventory]: cycle weapons backwards