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[Draft] initial scaffolding for the AVR target
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Current State

1) Works with only the latest versions of LLVM (11 and above)
2) only two instructions are implemented ADC, ADD.

Design Issues

A unique feature of AVR is that it maps registers directly to RAM,
thus we theoretically can't represent registers as variables, but
instead shall model them as memory addresses[^1]. Treating
this AVR feature fairly, will render quite hard to read and to analyze
code. After digging through the forums, datasheets, compilers source
code, and grepping avr-objdump outputs, we can presume that C compilers
are not leveraging this feature and use normal reads and writes to
access registers, instead of loads and stores. And the memory-mapping
of registers is mostly reserved RAM-less AVR boards, where 32 register
plays the role of minimal RAM. Of course, it doesn't mean that the
malicious code can't exploit this.

With this in mind, we still decided to model AVR as normal
register-based machine but add a command-line option later, that will
enable a conservative model, that lacks registers. Formally, our
current lifter implementation (the one with registers) just assumes
that all addresses in load and stores operation are greater than 32.

[^1]: And yes, `*0 = 'B'` is a perfectly valid code on AVR that writes `0x42` into the `R0`
  • Loading branch information
ivg committed Oct 6, 2020
1 parent 7fd6617 commit 018ff17
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Showing 7 changed files with 285 additions and 0 deletions.
47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions lib/bap_avr/
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@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
open Core_kernel
open Bap_core_theory

let package = "bap"

type r16 and r8

type 'a bitv = 'a Theory.Bitv.t Theory.Value.sort

let r16 : r16 bitv = Theory.Bitv.define 16
let r8 : r8 bitv = Theory.Bitv.define 8
let bool = Theory.Bool.t

let reg t n = Theory.Var.define t n

let array ?(index=string_of_int) t pref size =
List.init size ~f:(fun i -> reg t (pref ^ index i))

let untyped = ~f:Theory.Var.forget
let (@<) xs ys = untyped xs @ untyped ys

let gpr = array r8 "R" 32
let sp = reg r16 "SP"
let flags = ~f:(reg bool) [
"CF"; "ZF"; "NF"; "VF"; "SF"; "HF"; "TF"; "IF"

let datas = Theory.Mem.define r16 r8
let codes = Theory.Mem.define r16 r16

let data = reg datas "data"
let code = reg codes "code"

let parent = Theory.Target.declare ~package "avr"

let atmega328 = Theory.Target.declare ~package "ATmega328"
~vars:(gpr @< [sp] @< flags @< [data] @< [code])

let llvm_avr16 = Theory.Language.declare ~package "llvm-avr16"
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions lib/bap_avr/bap_avr_target.mli
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@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
open Bap_core_theory

val parent :
val atmega328 :
val llvm_avr16 : Theory.language

type r16 and r8

type 'a bitv = 'a Theory.Bitv.t Theory.Value.sort

val r16 : r16 bitv
val r8 : r8 bitv

val code : (r16, r16) Theory.Mem.t Theory.var
val data : (r16, r8) Theory.Mem.t Theory.var
val gpr : r8 Theory.Bitv.t Theory.var list
val sp : r16 Theory.Bitv.t Theory.var
val flags : Theory.Bool.t Theory.var list
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions oasis/avr
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@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
Flag avr
Description: Build Avr lifter
Default: false

Library "bap-avr"
Build$: flag(everything) || flag(avr)
XMETADescription: common definitions for Avr targets
Path: lib/bap_avr
BuildDepends: core_kernel, bap-knowledge, bap-core-theory
FindlibName: bap-avr
Modules: Bap_avr_target

Library avr_plugin
XMETADescription: provide Avr lifter
Path: plugins/avr
Build$: flag(everything) || flag(avr)
BuildDepends: core_kernel, ppx_jane, ogre,
bap-core-theory, bap-knowledge, bap-main,
bap, bap-avr, bitvec
FindlibName: bap-plugin-avr
InternalModules: Avr_main, Avr_lifter
XMETAExtraLines: tags="avr, lifter, atmega"
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions plugins/avr/.merlin
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
B ../../lib/bap_avr
142 changes: 142 additions & 0 deletions plugins/avr/
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@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
open Core_kernel
open Bap_core_theory
open Bap.Std

open KB.Syntax
include Bap_main.Loggers()

module Target = Bap_avr_target
module MC = Disasm_expert.Basic

type r1
type 'a bitv = 'a Theory.Bitv.t Theory.Value.sort

let r1 : r1 bitv = Theory.Bitv.define 1

let make_regs regs =
let regs =
List.mapi regs ~f:(fun i r -> (i,r)) |>
Map.of_alist_exn (module Int) in
Map.find_exn regs

let gpr = make_regs Target.gpr
let regnum s = Scanf.sscanf s "R%d" ident
let require_gpr insn pos f =
match (MC.Insn.ops insn).(pos) with
| Op.Reg r -> f (gpr (regnum ( r)))
| _ -> KB.return Insn.empty

let hf = Theory.Var.define r1 "HF"
let cf = Theory.Var.define r1 "CF"
let nf = Theory.Var.define r1 "NF"
let vf = Theory.Var.define r1 "VF"
let sf = Theory.Var.define r1 "SF"
let zf = Theory.Var.define r1 "ZF"

module M8 = Bitvec.M8

module Avr(CT : Theory.Core) = struct
open Target
let rec seq = function
| [] -> CT.perform
| [x] -> x
| x :: xs -> CT.seq x @@ seq xs

let const x = r8 ( x)

let bit0 = r1 (Bitvec.M1.bool false)
let bit1 = r1 (Bitvec.M1.bool true)
let flag x = CT.ite x bit1 bit0

let nth x n =
CT.(extract r1 (const n) (const n) x)

let data xs =
KB.Object.create Theory.Program.cls >>= fun lbl ->
CT.blk lbl (seq xs) (seq [])

let (&&) = CT.logand
let (||) = CT.logor
let not = CT.not

let bit reg n body =
nth CT.(var reg) n >>= fun expr ->
Theory.Var.scoped r1 @@ fun v ->
CT.let_ v !!expr (body (CT.var v))

let halfcarry ~r ~rd ~rr =
bit r 3 @@ fun r3 ->
bit rd 3 @@ fun rd3 ->
bit rr 3 @@ fun rr3 ->
rd3 && rr3 || rr3 && not r3 || not r3 && rd3

let fullcarry ~r ~rd ~rr =
bit r 7 @@ fun r7 ->
bit rd 7 @@ fun rd7 ->
bit rr 7 @@ fun rr7 ->
rd7 && rr7 || rr7 && not r7 || r7 && not rd7

let overflow ~r ~rd ~rr =
bit r 7 @@ fun r7 ->
bit rd 7 @@ fun rd7 ->
bit rr 7 @@ fun rr7 ->
rd7 && rr7 && not r7 || not rd7 && not rr7 && r7

let with_result rd f =
Theory.Var.fresh (Theory.Var.sort rd) >>= fun v ->
f v >>= fun effs ->
data (effs @ CT.[set rd (var v)])

let (:=) = CT.set
let (+) = CT.add

let adc insn =
require_gpr insn 1 @@ fun rd ->
require_gpr insn 2 @@ fun rr ->
with_result rd @@ fun r ->
KB.return @@
r := var rd + var rr + unsigned r8 (var cf);
hf := halfcarry ~r ~rd ~rr;
nf := nth (var r) 7;
vf := overflow ~r ~rd ~rr;
sf := var nf || var vf;
zf := flag (is_zero (var r));
cf := fullcarry ~r ~rd ~rr;

let add insn =
require_gpr insn 1 @@ fun rd ->
require_gpr insn 2 @@ fun rr ->
with_result rd @@ fun r ->
KB.return @@
r := var rd + var rr;
hf := halfcarry ~r ~rd ~rr;
nf := nth (var r) 7;
vf := overflow ~r ~rd ~rr;
sf := var nf || var vf;
zf := flag (is_zero (var r));
cf := fullcarry ~r ~rd ~rr;

let lifter label : unit Theory.eff =
KB.collect MC.Insn.slot label >>= function
| None -> KB.return Insn.empty
| Some insn ->
Theory.instance () >>= Theory.require >>= fun (module Core) ->
let module Avr = Avr(Core) in
let open Avr in
insn |> match insn with
| "ADCRdRr" -> adc
| "ADDRdRr" -> add
| code ->
info "unsupported opcode: %s" code;
fun _ -> KB.return Insn.empty

let load () =
KB.promise Theory.Semantics.slot lifter
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions plugins/avr/avr_lifter.mli
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
val load : unit -> unit
53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions plugins/avr/
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open Bap_main
open Bap.Std
open Bap_core_theory
open KB.Syntax
module CT = Theory

include Bap_main.Loggers()

module Target = Bap_avr_target
module Dis = Disasm_expert.Basic

let provide_decoding () =
KB.promise CT.Label.encoding @@ fun label -> label >>| fun t ->
if CT.Target.belongs Target.parent t
then Target.llvm_avr16
else CT.Language.unknown

let enable_llvm () =
Dis.register Target.llvm_avr16 @@ fun _target ->
Dis.create ~backend:"llvm" "avr"

let enable_loader () =
let request_arch doc =
let open Ogre.Syntax in
match Ogre.eval (Ogre.request Image.Scheme.arch) doc with
| Error _ -> assert false (* nothing could go wrong here! *)
| Ok arch -> arch in
KB.promise @@ fun unit ->
KB.collect Image.Spec.slot unit >>| request_arch >>| function
| Some "avr" -> Target.atmega328
| _ -> CT.Target.unknown

let main _ctxt =
enable_llvm ();
enable_loader ();
provide_decoding ();
Avr_lifter.load ();
Ok ()

(* semantic tags that describe what our plugin is providing,
setting them is important not only for introspection but
for the proper function of the cache subsystem.
let provides = [

(* finally, let's register our extension and call the main function *)
let () = Bap_main.Extension.declare main

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