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自我介绍 - Web3 lawyer
你认为你会完成本次残酷学习吗? 會
- 複習Solidity 101
- 資源筆記:(a) Solidity中文文档(官方文档的中文翻译)(b) 崔棉大师solidity教程 (c) Solidity 入門走到飛
- structure
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.21;
contract HelloWeb3{
string public _string = "Hello Web3!";
- Variables (a) 值类型(Value Type): These variables directly pass values when assigned ■ Boolean: A binary variable with values of true or false. ■ Integers: Signed (int) and unsigned (uint) integers, storing up to 256-bit integers. ■ Addresses: Holds a 20-byte Ethereum address, with address payable allowing ETH transfers. ■ Fixed-size byte arrays: byte, bytes8, bytes32, etc., with a fixed length declared at initialization. ■ Enumeration (enum): User-defined data types that assign names to uint values for readability (b) 引用类型(Reference Type):These variables store the address of data and can be modified with different variable names: ■ Arrays: Used to store a set of data. Can be fixed-size (T[k]) or dynamically-sized (T[]). ■ Structs: User-defined data types that group together variables of different types. ■ Variable-length byte arrays: bytes, with a length that can be modified after declaration (c) 映射类型(Mapping Type): Solidity中存储键值对的数据结构,可以理解为哈希表