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90 lines (66 loc) · 2.62 KB

请在上边的 timezone 添加你的当地时区,这会有助于你的打卡状态的自动化更新,如果没有添加,默认为北京时间 UTC+8 时区 时区请参考以下列表,请移除 # 以后的内容

timezone: Pacific/Honolulu # 夏威夷-阿留申标准时间 (UTC-10)

timezone: America/Anchorage # 阿拉斯加夏令时间 (UTC-8)

timezone: America/Los_Angeles # 太平洋夏令时间 (UTC-7)

timezone: America/Denver # 山地夏令时间 (UTC-6)

timezone: America/Chicago # 中部夏令时间 (UTC-5)

timezone: America/New_York # 东部夏令时间 (UTC-4)

timezone: America/Halifax # 大西洋夏令时间 (UTC-3)

timezone: America/St_Johns # 纽芬兰夏令时间 (UTC-2:30)

timezone: Asia/Dubai # 海湾标准时间 (UTC+4)

timezone: Asia/Kolkata # 印度标准时间 (UTC+5:30)

timezone: Asia/Dhaka # 孟加拉国标准时间 (UTC+6)

timezone: Asia/Bangkok # 中南半岛时间 (UTC+7)

timezone: Asia/Shanghai # 中国标准时间 (UTC+8)

timezone: Asia/Tokyo # 日本标准时间 (UTC+9)

timezone: Australia/Sydney # 澳大利亚东部标准时间 (UTC+10)


  1. 自我介绍 是個後端工程師, 在工作上有碰到一點合約ㄝ, 想要做WEB3工程師
  2. 你认为你会完成本次残酷学习吗? 會




  • For this week, I will target on finishing solidity 101
  • Finished solidity 101, 1-4
    • 3.function
      // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.8.4;
      contract Quiz3{
          // complete following funciton, let it return the sum of x and y
          function sum(uint x, uint y) pure external returns (uint sumXY){
              sumXY = x+y;
      decoded input	{
        "uint256 x": "2",
        "uint256 y": "3"
      decoded output	{
        "0": "uint256: sumXY 5"
      • In Solidity, functions can be marked as pure, view, or payable to indicate their behavior. pure functions do not modify the contract's state, while view functions can read the state but not modify it. payable functions can receive Ether.
    • 4.function Output
      • There are two keywords related to function output: return and returns:
      returns is added after the function name to declare variable type and variable name;
      return is used in the function body and returns desired variables.
          // returning multiple variables
          function returnMultiple() public pure returns(uint256, bool, uint256[3] memory){
                  return(1, true, [uint256(1),2,5]);