diff --git a/public/locales/da/translation.json b/public/locales/da/translation.json
index e9655b3c..d6dd0480 100644
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+++ b/public/locales/da/translation.json
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-{"Don't enter a domain if you're not sure what this option does.": "Indtast ikke et dom\u00e6ne, hvis du ikke er sikker p\u00e5, hvad denne indstilling g\u00f8r.", "Login": "Login", "Try it": "Pr\u00f8v det", "Try mindLAMP out as a...": "Pr\u00f8v sindLAMP som en...", "Researcher": "Forsker", "Clinician": "Kliniker", "Participant": "Deltager", "You're logged into a demo account. Any changes you make will be reset when you restart the app.": "Du er logget ind p\u00e5 en demokonto. Alle \u00e6ndringer, du foretager, vil blive nulstillet, n\u00e5r du genstarter appen.", "Dismiss": "Afvis", "Assess": "Vurdere", "Welcome to the Assess section": "Velkommen til afsnittet Vurdere ", "Take steps to refocus, reflect, and recover.": "Her kan du tage skridt til at fokusere, reflektere og komme dig igen", "Survey": "Unders\u00f8gelse", "questions": "sp\u00f8rgsm\u00e5l", "mins": "minutter", "Successfully created new investigator": "Succesfuldt oprettet ny efterforsker", "Successfully updated a new investigator.": "Succesfuldt opdateret en ny efterforsker.", "Are you sure you want to delete this investigator(s)?.": "Er du sikker p\u00e5, at du \u00f8nsker at slette denne efterforsker(e)?", "Successfully deleted the investigator.": "Det lykkedes at slette efterforskeren.", "The following survey will assess your sleep and social behavior.": "F\u00f8lgende unders\u00f8gelse vil vurdere din s\u00f8vn og sociale adf\u00e6rd.", "For each of the statements, rate which is true for you. ": "Angiv for hvert af disse udsagn, hvad der er sandt for dig. ", "Start survey": "Start unders\u00f8gelse ", "Question": "Sp\u00f8rgsm\u00e5l", "Question number of total": " Sp\u00f8rgsm\u00e5l antal af i alt", "Next ": "N\u00e6ste ", "Submit": "Send", "Nice work! ": "Godt arbejde! ", "You are on a streak, keep it going": "Du er i gang med en stime, bliv ved med det", "days": "dage", "day": "dag", "Sleep and Social": "S\u00f8vn og sociale", "Anxiety": "Angst", "Psychosis and Social": "Psykose og socialt ", "App Usability": "App-brugervenlighed", "Water and Nutrition": "Vand og ern\u00e6ring", "Feed": "Foder", "Welcome to the Feed section": "Velkommen til afsnittet om foder", "Here you can see recent activities": "Her kan du se de seneste aktiviteter", "Learn": "L\u00e6r ", "Welcome to the Learn section": "Velkommen til afsnittet L\u00e6r ", "Mood Tips": "Stemningstips", "Quick Tips to Improve Your": "Hurtige tips til at forbedre din", "Read ": "L\u00e6s ", "Hope ": "H\u00e5b ", "Tip": "Tip ", "Was this helpful today? ": "Var det nyttigt i dag? ", "Yes": "Ja", "No": "Nej", "Mark complete ": "M\u00e6rke komplet ", "Social": "Sociale", "Mental Health Resources": "Ressourcer til psykisk sundhed", "Physical Wellness ": "Fysisk velv\u00e6re ", "Suggested Reading ": "Forslag til l\u00e6sning ", "Motivation ": "Motivation ", "Stress Tips ": "Stress Tips ", "Manage": "Styre ", "Welcome to the Manage section": "Velkommen til styringsafsnittet ", "Breathe": "Tr\u00e6k vejret", "Begin": "Begynd", "Breathing exercise (__ mins)": "\u00c5ndedr\u00e6ts\u00f8velse (__ min.)", "Follow the motion of the lotus flower opening and closing to control your breaths in and out.": "F\u00f8lg bev\u00e6gelsen af lotusblomsten, der \u00e5bner og lukker sig, for at kontrollere dine ind- og ud\u00e5ndinger.", "Get ready": "G\u00f8r dig klar", "Get yourself comfortable and when you\u2019re ready tap the start button.": "S\u00e6t dig godt til rette, og n\u00e5r du er klar, trykker du p\u00e5 startknappen.", "Start": "Start", "Inhale": "Ind\u00e5nde", "Exhale": "Ud\u00e5nde", "Nicely done!": "Godt klaret!", "Done": "F\u00e6rdig", "Journal": "Journal", "Test description for the manage section.": "Testbeskrivelse for styringsafsnittet.", "New journal entry": "Ny journalpost", "How do you feel today?": "Hvordan har du det i dag?", "Good": "God", "Bad": "D\u00e5rlig", "New Goal": "Nyt m\u00e5l", "Goals": "M\u00e5l", "Create goal": "Opret m\u00e5l", "What type of goal?": "Hvilken type m\u00e5l?", "Choose a category": "V\u00e6lg en kategori", "Exercise": "Tr\u00e6ning", "Weight": "V\u00e6gt", "nutrition": "Ern\u00e6ring", "sleep": "S\u00f8vn", "Medication": "Medicin", "Reading": "L\u00e6sning", "Finances": "\u00d8konomi", "Meditation": "Meditation", "Mood": "Stemning", "Custom": "Brugerdefineret", "Goal Name": "M\u00e5lnavn", "Goal details": "M\u00e5loplysninger", "Daily": "Daglig", "hourly": "timevis", "weekly": "ugentligt", "monthly": "m\u00e5nedlig", "Ounces": "Uncer", "mg": "mg", "g": "g", "Kg": "Kg", "hours": "timer", "Minutes": "minutter", "$": "$", "Start date": "Startdato", "Duration": "Varighed", "Reminders": "P\u00e5mindelser", "Save": "Gem", "Cancel": "Annuller", "Leaving so soon?": "Rejser du s\u00e5 tidligt?", "If you leave without submitting, your entry will be lost.": "Hvis du rejser uden at indsende, vil din indtastning g\u00e5 tabt.", "No, don\u2019t leave yet": "Nej, du m\u00e5 ikke rejse endnu", "Yes, leave": "Ja, g\u00e5", "Hope box": "H\u00e5bskasse", "Games": "Spil", "Test description for the manage section": "Testbeskrivelse for styringsafsnittet", "Save images and quotes that bring joy and hope to your life.": "Gem billeder og citater, der bringer gl\u00e6de og h\u00e5b til dit liv.", "Hope Box content will show up in your feed from time to time to inspire and uplift you.": "H\u00e5bskasse indhold vil dukke op i dit feed fra tid til anden for at inspirere og opl\u00f8fte dig.", "Add an image": "Tilf\u00f8j et billede ", "Add a quote": "Tilf\u00f8j et citat ", "View my Hope Box": " Se min h\u00e5bskasse", "Scratch card": "Skrabekort", "Meditation exercises": "Meditations\u00f8velser", "Swipe your finger around the screen to reveal the image hidden underneath": "Stryg med fingeren rundt p\u00e5 sk\u00e6rmen for at afsl\u00f8re det billede, der er skjult nedenunder", "Swipe around the screen to reveal the hidden image": "Stryg rundt p\u00e5 sk\u00e6rmen for at afsl\u00f8re det skjulte billede", "Well done": "Godt klaret", "Close": "Luk", "Do another one": "Lav en til", "Medication tracker": "Medicin tracker", "Add medication": "Tilf\u00f8j medicin", "Medication name": "Medicinens navn", "Add dosage": "Tilf\u00f8j dosering", "Name": "Navn", "Dose": "Dosis", "Balloon Risk": "Ballonrisiko", "Balloon Risk Game": "Ballonrisikospil", "Current Points": "Aktuelle punkter", "Total Points": "Samlet antal punkter", "PUMP UP BALLOON": "PUMPE BALLON OP", "COLLECT POINTS": "SAMLE PUNKTER", "Balloon Bursted": "Ballon spr\u00e6ngt", "Box Game": "Kassespil", "Please wait and watch": "Vent venligst og se", "Level": "Niveau", "Please remember the sequence": "Husk venligst r\u00e6kkef\u00f8lgen", "Go": "G\u00e5", "Time out": "Tiden er udl\u00f8bet", "Remember the highlighted boxes in the order you see them. Now tap on the boxes in the order they were highlighted.": "Husk de markerede kasser i den r\u00e6kkef\u00f8lge, du ser dem. Tryk nu p\u00e5 felterne i den r\u00e6kkef\u00f8lge, de blev markeret.", "Congrats": "Tillykke", "Cats n Dogs": "Katte o hunde", "Tap the boxes that have a dog behind them.": "Tryk p\u00e5 de kasser, der har en hund bag dem.", "Ok": "Ok", "Continue to tap the boxes that have a dog behind them.": "Forts\u00e6t med at trykke p\u00e5 de kasser, der har en hund bag dem.", "Don't tap the boxes with a cat behind them": "Tryk ikke p\u00e5 kasser med en kat bag dem.", "Now tap the boxes that have a cat behin them. Don't tap the boxes with a dog behind them": " Tryk nu p\u00e5 de kasser, hvor der er en kat bag dem. Tryk ikke p\u00e5 de kasser med en hund bag dem.", "Game Over": "Spillet er slut", "Dot Touch": "Punktber\u00f8ring", "Tap\u20191\u2019 to start the test": "Tryk p\u00e5 1 for at starte pr\u00f8ven", "Pick the matching alphabet": "V\u00e6lg det alfabet, der matcher", "Timeout": "Tiden er udl\u00f8bet", "Restart": "Genstart", "Jewels": "Smykker", "Pop the bubbles": "Spr\u00e6ng boblerne", "Tap to continue": "Tryk for at forts\u00e6tte", "TAP TO POP ALL PINK, BLUE AND YELLOW BUBBLES ONLY": "TRYK KUN P\u00c5 FOR AT F\u00c5 ALLE LYSER\u00d8DE, BL\u00c5 OG GULE BOBLER TIL AT SPRINGE", "POPPING CORRECT BALOONS WILL EARN YOU POINTS": " HVIS DU RAMMER DE RIGTIGE BALLONER, F\u00c5R DU PUNKTER", "Level __ Completed": "Niveau __ afsluttet", "You got _ %": "Du fik _ %", "Prevent": "Forebyg", "Activity": "Aktivitet", "Activity data": "Aktivitetsdata", "Choose the data you want to see in your dashboard.": "V\u00e6lg de data, du \u00f8nsker at se p\u00e5 din m\u00e5ltavle.", "entries this month": "poster denne m\u00e5ned", "Sensors": "Sensorer", "Sensor Data": "Sensordata", "Summary": "Oversigt", "Notifications": "Meddelelser", "Conversations": "Samtaler", "Profile & Settings": "Profil og indstillinger", "Manage Credentials": "H\u00e5ndtere legitimationsoplysninger", "Enter the family member or clinician's name here.": "Indtast familiemedlemmernes eller behandlerens navn her.", "Role": "Rolle", "Enter the family member or clinician's role here. For this credential to appear as a care team member, either a photo or role MUST be saved.": " Indtast familiemedlemmets eller behandlerens rolle her. For at denne legitimation kan vises som et medlem af plejeholdet, SKAL enten et foto eller en rolle v\u00e6re gemt.", "Email Address": "E-mail-adresse", "Enter the email address here.": "Indtast e-mail-adressen her.", "Password": "Adgangskode", "Enter the new password here, and press the done button to the right of the box. Tap away if you don't want to change the password.": "Indtast den nye adgangskode her, og tryk p\u00e5 knappen f\u00e6rdig til h\u00f8jre for feltet. Tryk v\u00e6k, hvis du ikke \u00f8nsker at \u00e6ndre adgangskoden.", "Logout": "Logge ud", "Are you sure you want to log out of LAMP right now?": "Er du sikker p\u00e5, at du vil logge ud af LAMP lige nu?", "If you've made some changes, make sure they're saved before you continue to log out.": "Hvis du har foretaget nogle \u00e6ndringer, skal du sikre dig, at de er gemt, f\u00f8r du forts\u00e6tter med at logge ud.", "Go Back": "G\u00e5 tilbage", "Help & Support": "Hj\u00e6lp og support", "LAMP Community": "LAMP-f\u00e6llesskab", "Contact Us": "Kontakt os", "Researcher Login": "Login for forskere", "Show Unscheduled Activities": "Vis uplanlagte aktiviteter", "Patients": "Patienter", "Demo": "Demo", "Search": "S\u00f8g p\u00e5", "Create": "Opret", "Number of participants to add": "Antal deltagere, der skal tilf\u00f8jes", "Last Active": "Sidst aktiv", "Indicators": "Indikatorer", "_ years ago on Android": "_ \u00e5r siden p\u00e5 Android", "_ row(s) selected": "_ valgte r\u00e6kke(r)", "Data Quality": "Datakvalitet", "Data is optimal": "Dataene er optimale", "Reset Password": "Nulstil kodeord", "View User Data": "Se brugerdata", "__ rows [in pagination]": "__ r\u00e6kker [i sideopstilling]", "First Page": "F\u00f8rste side", "Previous Page": "Forrige side", "Next Page": "N\u00e6ste side", "Last Page [in pagination]": "Sidste side [i sideopstilling]", "Activities": "Aktiviteter", "Type": "Type", "Import": "Import", "Drag files here, or click to select files.": "Tr\u00e6k filer her, eller klik for at v\u00e6lge filer.", "Select all tags": "V\u00e6lg alle etiketter", "Deselect all tags": "Frav\u00e6lg alle etiketter", "All Participant Tags": "Alle deltageretiketter\u201d", "Use the checkboxes to toggle on or off any tags you want to see or hide, respectively, then press the 'Set Tags' button.": "Brug afkrydsningsfelterne til at aktivere eller deaktivere de etiketter, du \u00f8nsker at se eller skjule, og tryk derefter p\u00e5 knappen \u2018Indstil etiketter\u2019. ", "Set Tags": "Indstil etiketter", "XX participants have this tag": "XX deltagere har dette tag", "Timezone": "Tidszone", "Copy participant ID to clipboard": "\u201cKopier deltager-ID til udklipsholderen\"", "Create a new...": "Opret en ny...", "Activity Group": "Aktivitetsgruppe", "Survey Instrument": "Unders\u00f8gelsesinstrument", "Smartphone Cognitive Tests": "Kognitive test med smartphone", "Successfully created a new cognitive test Activity.": "Det lykkedes at oprette en ny kognitiv test aktivitet.", "Activity Schedule": "Aktivitetsskema", "Time": "Tid", "Repeat Interval": "Gentagelsesinterval", "Custom Times": "Brugerdefinerede tider", "Actions": "Handlinger", "No schedule.": "Ingen tidsplan.", "Modify an existing survey instrument.": "\u00c6ndre et eksisterende unders\u00f8gelsesinstrument.", "Survey Title": "Titel p\u00e5 unders\u00f8gelsen", "Survey Description": "Beskrivelse af unders\u00f8gelsen", "Configure questions, parameters, and options.": "Konfigurer sp\u00f8rgsm\u00e5l, parametre og muligheder.", "Question Title": "Sp\u00f8rgsm\u00e5lets titel", "Question Description": "Beskrivelse af sp\u00f8rgsm\u00e5let", "Question Type": "Sp\u00f8rgsm\u00e5lstype", "Add Question": "Tilf\u00f8j sp\u00f8rgsm\u00e5l", "Duplicate": "Duplikat", "Save this survey instrument": "Gem dette unders\u00f8gelsesinstrument", "Hours": "Timer", "Only survey description content was modified to prevent irrecoverable data loss. (error message)": "Kun indholdet af unders\u00f8gelsesbeskrivelsen blev \u00e6ndret for at forhindre uopretteligt tab af data (fejlmeddelelse)", "Cats and Dogs": "Katte og hunde", "Research studies using mindLAMP": "Forskningsunders\u00f8gelser med sindLAMP", "Incorrect username, password, or server address.": "Forkert brugernavn, adgangskode eller serveradresse.", "Are you sure you're logging into the right mindLAMP server?": "Er du sikker p\u00e5, at du logger ind p\u00e5 den rigtige sindLAMP-server?", "Select Language": "V\u00e6lg sprog", "Add mindLAMP to your home screen?": "Tilf\u00f8j sindLAMP til din startsk\u00e6rm?", "Proceed with caution": "V\u00e6r forsigtig du er logget ind som administrator.", "Invalid id or password.": "Ugyldigt id eller adgangskode.", "mindLAMP will be installed on your device.": "sindLAMP vil blive installeret p\u00e5 din enhed.", "mindLAMP will not be installed on your device.": "sindLAMP vil ikke blive installeret p\u00e5 din enhed.", "Messages": "Meddelelser", "Administrator": "Administrator", "System Administrator Credential": "\u201cSystemadministrator legitimationsoplysninger\u201d", "Community": "F\u00e6llesskab", "Switch Views": "Skift visninger", "Activity Type": "Aktivitetstype", "Show App Screenshot": "Vis app-sk\u00e6rmbillede", "Delete Entry": "Slet indtastning", "Copy Entry": "Kopier indtastning ", "Edit Entry": "Rediger indtastning", "No detail view available.": " Ingen detaljeret visning tilg\u00e6ngelig.", "Score": "Resultat", "Alone": "Alene", "Friends": "Venner", "Family": "Familie", "Peers": "J\u00e6vnaldrende", "Crowd": "Menneskem\u00e6ngde", "Home": "Hjem", "School": "Skole", "Work": "Arbejde", "Hospital": "Sygehus", "Outside": "Udenfor", "Shopping": "Indk\u00f8b", "Transit": "Transportmidler", "Sensor": "Sensor", "Automations": "Automatisering", "An experimental visualization generated by an automation you or your clinician have installed.": "En eksperimentel visualisering genereret af en automatisering, som du eller din kliniker har installeret.", "No Data": "Ingen data", "No Activities are selected. Please select an Activity above to begin.": "Ingen aktiviteter er valgt. V\u00e6lg venligst en aktivitet ovenfor for at begynde.", "Environmental Context": "Milj\u00f8m\u00e6ssig kontekst", "Step Count": "Antal skridt", "Steps Taken": "Foretagne skridt", "visualization": "visualisering", "Couldn't import the Activities.": "Kunne ikke importere aktiviteterne.", "Choose the Group you want to import activities.": "V\u00e6lg det unders\u00f8gelse, du vil importere aktiviteter.", "Select a Group to import activities.": "V\u00e6lg et unders\u00f8gelse, der skal importere aktiviteter.", "Couldn't import the Activities because some Activities are misconfigured or missing.": "Aktiviteterne kunne ikke importeres, fordi nogle aktiviteter er fejlkonfigureret eller mangler.", "Couldn't import one of the selected survey Activities.": "Kunne ikke importere en af de valgte unders\u00f8gelsesaktiviteter.", "Couldn't import one of the selected Activities.": "Kunne ikke importere en af de valgte aktiviteter.", "Couldn't import one of the selected Activity groups.": "Kunne ikke importere en af de valgte aktivitetsgrupper.", "The selected Activities were successfully imported.": "De valgte aktiviteter blev importeret med succes.", "The selected Activities were successfully exported.": "De valgte aktiviteter blev eksporteret med succes.", "Encountered an error: .": "Der opstod en fejl", "Successfully created a new tip Activity.": "Det lykkedes at oprette en ny tip aktivitet.", "Successfully updated the Activity.": "Det lykkedes at opdatere aktiviteten.", "Successfully created a new survey Activity.": "Det lykkedes at oprette en ny unders\u00f8gelsesaktivitet.", "Failed to create a new group Activity. ": "Det lykkedes ikke at oprette en ny gruppe aktivitet. ", "Successfully created a new group Activity.": "Det lykkedes at oprette en ny gruppe aktivitet.", "Successfully created a new Activity.": "Det lykkedes at oprette en ny aktivitet.", "Successfully deleted the selected Activities.": "Det lykkedes at slette de valgte aktiviteter.", "\u201cSelected activities\u201d": "\u201cUdvalgte aktiviteter\u201d", "Successfully duplicated the Activity under a new name.": "Det lykkedes at duplikere aktiviteten under et nyt navn.", "Group": "Gruppe", "Tips": "Tips", "DBT Diary Card": "DBT-dagbogskort", "Cognitive Test": "Kognitiv test", "Group": "Unders\u00f8gelse", "Export": "Eksporter", "Delete": "Slet", "Are you sure you want to delete this Activity?.": "Er du sikker p\u00e5, at du \u00f8nsker at slette denne aktivitet?", "Filter results": "Filtrer resultater", "Add": "Tilf\u00f8j", "Import activities": "Import af aktiviteter", "Create a new activity": "Opret en ny aktivitet", "Modify an existing activity": "\u00c6ndre en eksisterende aktivitet", "No custom times": "Ingen brugerdefinerede tider", "Delete this time from the list.": "Slet denne tid fra listen.", "Add a new custom time.": "Tilf\u00f8j et nyt brugerdefineret tidspunkt.", "Add this time to the list.": "Tilf\u00f8j dette tidspunkt til listen.", "Select the start date.": "V\u00e6lg startdato. ", "Select the start time.": "V\u00e6lg starttidspunktet. ", "Every hour": "Hver time", "Every number hours": "Hvert {{number}} timer", "Every day": "Hver dag", "Two times every week (Tue, Thurs)": "To gange om ugen (tirsdag, torsdag)", "Three times every week (Mon, Wed, Fri)": "Tre gange om ugen (mandag, onsdag, fredag)", "Every week": "Hver uge", "Two times every month": "To gange hver m\u00e5ned", "Every month": "Hver m\u00e5ned", "Use custom times instead": "Brug brugerdefinerede tider i stedet", "Do not repeat": "M\u00e5 ikke gentages", "Are you sure you want to delete this schedule item? ": "Er du sikker p\u00e5, at du \u00f8nsker at slette dette element i tidsplanen? ", "Install": "Installer ", "Welcome to the Prevent section": "Velkommen til afsnittet forebyggelse", "Prepare yourself": "Forbered dig", "Image size should not exceed 5 MB.": "Billedst\u00f8rrelsen b\u00f8r ikke overstige 5 MB.", "Not supported image type.": "Ikke underst\u00f8ttet billedtype.", "Activity with same name already exist.": "Aktivitet med samme navn findes allerede.", "Not supported audio type.": "Ikke underst\u00f8ttet lydtype.", "The audio size should not exceed 2 MB.": "St\u00f8rrelsen af lydfilen b\u00f8r ikke overstige 2 MB.", "Drag a photo or tap to select a photo.": "Tr\u00e6k et foto, eller tryk p\u00e5 for at v\u00e6lge et foto.", "Drag a photo to replace the existing photo or tap to delete the photo.": "Tr\u00e6k et foto for at erstatte det eksisterende foto, eller tryk p\u00e5 for at slette fotoet.", "Select": "V\u00e6lg", "Please select the group.": "V\u00e6lg venligst unders\u00f8gelset", "Activity Title": "Aktivitetstitel", "Activity Description": "Aktivitetsbeskrivelse", "Upload audio": "Upload lyd", "Your browser does not support the": "Din browser underst\u00f8tter ikke den", "audio": "lyd", "element.": "element.", "Duplicate this survey instrument and save it with a new title.": "Dupliker dette unders\u00f8gelsesinstrument, og gem det med en ny titel.", "Save this activity.": "Gem denne aktivitet.", "Save Role & Photo": "Gem rolle og foto", "Copy one-time access link that can be used to log in without entering credentials.": "Kopier link til engangsadgang, der kan bruges til at logge ind uden at indtaste legitimationsoplysninger.", "Save Credential": "Gem legitimationsoplysninger", "Scan this QR code on a mobile device to automatically open a user dashboard.": "Scan denne QR-kode p\u00e5 en mobilenhed for automatisk at \u00e5bne en brugerm\u00e5ltavle.", "Could not change password.": "Kunne ikke \u00e6ndre adgangskode.", "Could not create credential.": "Kunne ikke oprette legitimationsoplysninger.", "Could not perform operation for an unknown reason.": "Kunne ikke udf\u00f8re operationen af ukendt \u00e5rsag.", "Credential management failed. The email address could be in use already.": "Fejl i h\u00e5ndteringen af legitimationsoplysninger. E-mail-adressen er muligvis allerede i brug.", "Could not delete.": "Kunne ikke slette.", "Credential management failed.": "Fejl i h\u00e5ndteringen af legitimationsoplysninger.", "Add a new member of your care team.": "Tilf\u00f8j et nyt medlem til dit plejehold.", "Update Photo & Role": "Opdater foto og rolle", "Target behaviors": "M\u00e5ladf\u00e6rd", "effective": "effektiv", "Times": "Tider", "ADD ITEM": "Tilf\u00f8j emne", "ineffective": "ineffektive", "Emotions": "F\u00f8lelser", "Add a target behavior": "Tilf\u00f8j en m\u00e5ladf\u00e6rd", "Behavior name": "Adf\u00e6rdsnavn", "Measure of action:": "M\u00e5ling af handling", "Add a emotion": "Tilf\u00f8j en f\u00f8lelse", "Emotion name": "Navn p\u00e5 f\u00f8lelsen", "Removed participant Id's alias.": "Fjernede deltager IDs alias.", "Set participantId's alias to participantName": "S\u00e6t deltager IDs alias til deltager navn", "Failed to change participant Id's alias": "Fejl ved \u00e6ndring af deltager idalias alias fejlmeddelelse", "Create or edit the alias for this Participant ID. Saving an empty text box will reset this value.": "Opret eller rediger aliaset for dette deltager-ID. Gemmer du et tomt tekstfelt, nulstilles denne v\u00e6rdi.", "Failed to load participantI d's alias": "Fejl ved indl\u00e6sning af deltager IDs alias", "This activity is not yet available in mindLAMP 2": "Denne aktivitet er endnu ikke tilg\u00e6ngelig i sindLAMP 2", "This is a demo only. Entries will not be saved.": "Dette er kun en demo. Indtastninger vil ikke blive gemt.", "My Medications": "Min medicin", "Set reminder? ": "Indstille p\u00e5mindelse? ", "Edit": "Rediger", "Text": "tekst", "Some responses are missing. Please complete all questions before submitting.": "Der mangler nogle svar. Udfyld venligst alle sp\u00f8rgsm\u00e5l, f\u00f8r du sender dem.", "Goal": "M\u00e5l", "The goal has been saved successfully.": "M\u00e5let er blevet gemt med succes.", "Please select duration.": "V\u00e6lg venligst varighed.", "Please enter goal value.": "Indtast venligst m\u00e5lets v\u00e6rdi.", "Please enter goal name.": "Indtast venligst m\u00e5lnavn.", "The medication has been saved successfully.": "Medicinen er blevet gemt med succes.", "Please select medication name.": "V\u00e6lg venligst navnet p\u00e5 medicinen.", "Please enter dose.": "Indtast venligst dosis.", "Please enter name.": "Indtast venligst navn.", "This activity is not yet available in mindLAMP 2.": "Denne aktivitet er endnu ikke tilg\u00e6ngelig i sindLAMP 2.", "Unique name required.": "Unikt navn p\u00e5kr\u00e6vet ", "Could not create credential for id.": "Kunne ikke oprette legitimationsoplysninger for id.", "Successfully created Participant id. Tap the expand icon on the right to see credentials and details.": "Det lykkedes at oprette deltager-ID. Tryk p\u00e5 ikonet Udvid til h\u00f8jre for at se legitimationsoplysninger og detaljer.", "Credential roles": "Rollerne for legitimationsoplysninger.", "Temporary email address": "Midlertidig e-mail-adresse", "Temporary password": "Midlertidig adgangskode", "One-time login link": "Engangslogin-link", "an unknown device": "en ukendt enhed", "unknown device model": "ukendt enhedsmodel", "App Version": "App-udgave", "OS Version": "OS-udgave", "Device Name": "Enhedens navn", "Model": "Model", "Successfully created new group \u2013 group Name.": "Det lykkedes at oprette en ny unders\u00f8gelse - unders\u00f8gelsesnavn.", "Are you sure you want to delete this Participant?": "Er du sikker p\u00e5, at du \u00f8nsker at slette denne deltager?", "Rename": "Omd\u00f8b", "Edit password": "Rediger adgangskode", "CSV": "CSV", "JSON": "JSON", "New user": "Ny bruger", "Create a new entry in this group.": "Opret en ny post i denne gruppe.", "Add a new group": "Tilf\u00f8j en ny unders\u00f8gelse", "Create a new group.": "Opret en ny unders\u00f8gelse.", "Are you sure you want to delete these participants?": "Er du sikker p\u00e5, at du \u00f8nsker at slette disse deltagere?", "Choose the Group you want to save this participant.": "V\u00e6lg det unders\u00f8gelse, som du vil gemme denne deltager..", "Select a Group to create a participant.": "V\u00e6lg et unders\u00f8gelse for at oprette en deltager.", "entries": "indtastninger", "Social Context": "Social kontekst", "Edit goal": "Rediger m\u00e5l", "Current streak:": "Nuv\u00e6rende r\u00e6kke", "Goal History": "M\u00e5lhistorik", "Department of Mental Health (DMH)": "Afdeling for psykisk sundhed (APS)", "National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)": "National alliance om psykisk sygdom (NAPS)", "NAMI Massachussetts": "NAMI Massachussetts", "Researchers": "Forskere", "Successfully created a new Researcher.": "Det lykkedes at oprette en ny forsker.", "Failed to create a new Researcher.": "Det lykkedes ikke at oprette en ny forsker.", "Successfully updated the Researcher.": "Det lykkedes at opdatere forskeren.", "Failed to update the Researcher.": "Det lykkedes ikke at opdatere forskeren.", "Successfully deleted the Researcher.": "Det lykkedes at slette forskeren.", "Failed to delete the Researcher.": "Det lykkedes ikke at slette forskeren.", "No Researchers. Add Researchers by clicking the [+] button above.": "Ingen forskere. Tilf\u00f8j forskere ved at klikke p\u00e5 knappen [+] ovenfor.", "Are you sure you want to delete this Researcher?": "Er du sikker p\u00e5, at du \u00f8nsker at slette denne forsker?", "Well done!": "Godt g\u00e5et!", "Swipe around the": "Stryg rundt p\u00e5", "screen to reveal": "sk\u00e6rmen for at afsl\u00f8re", "the hidden image": "det skjulte billede", "am": "am", "pm": "pm", "Your response": "Dit svar", "Nearly All the Time": "N\u00e6sten hele tiden", "More than Half the Time": "Mere end halvdelen af tiden", "Several Times": "Flere gange", "Not at all": "slet ikke", "(Select one)": "(V\u00e6lg en)", "(0 being terrible, 10 being excellent)": "(0 er forf\u00e6rdeligt 10 er fremragende)", "Patient Notes": "Bem\u00e6rkninger fra patienten", "Modify an existing group.": "\u00c6ndre en eksisterende gruppe.", "Drag the handle on the left to change the order in which this Activity appears in the group.": "Tr\u00e6k i h\u00e5ndtaget til venstre for at \u00e6ndre den r\u00e6kkef\u00f8lge, som denne aktivitet vises i gruppen.", "No selection": "Intet valg", "Group Title": "Gruppetitel", "Configure activities and options.": "Konfigurer aktiviteter og indstillinger.", "Add Activity": "Tilf\u00f8j aktivitet", "Save this activity group.": "Gem denne aktivitetsgruppe.", "Question Option": "Mulighed for sp\u00f8rgsm\u00e5l", "Delete this option from the question's list of options.": "Slet denne mulighed fra listen over sp\u00f8rgsm\u00e5lets muligheder.", "Option Description": "Beskrivelse af valgmulighed", "Add Option": "Tilf\u00f8j mulighed", "Delete question from survey instrument.": "Slet sp\u00f8rgsm\u00e5l fra unders\u00f8gelsesinstrumentet.", "Boolean": "boolean", "Likert": "likert", "List": "liste", "Multi-Select": "flere valgmuligheder", "Slider": "Skyder", "Save this survey instrument.": "Gem dette unders\u00f8gelsesinstrument.", "N/A": "N/A", "An error occured while uploading. Please try again.": "Der opstod en fejl under upload. Pr\u00f8v venligst igen.", "Images should be in the format .jpeg/.png/.gif/.svg and the size should not exceed 4 MB.": "Billeder skal v\u00e6re i formatet jpeg/png/bmp/gif/svg og m\u00e5 ikke v\u00e6re st\u00f8rre end 4 MB.", "You are not allowed to delete all the details from the tip.": "Det er ikke tilladt at slette alle detaljer fra tippet.", "Tap to select a photo.": "Tryk p\u00e5 for at v\u00e6lge et foto.", "Tap to delete the photo.": "Tryk p\u00e5 for at slette fotoet.", "Tips Title": "Tips titel", "Please enter Tips Title": "Indtast venligst tips titel", "Tips Description": "Tips beskrivelse", "Please enter Tips Description": "Indtast venligst tips beskrivelse", "Please select the tip": "V\u00e6lg venligst tip", "Add New": "Tilf\u00f8j nyt", "New Tip": "Nyt tip", "Please add new tip.": "Tilf\u00f8j venligst et nyt tip", "Tip Details": "Tip detaljer", "Duplicate this activity.": "Dupliker denne aktivitet.", "Are you sure you want to delete this group?": "\u201cEr du sikker p\u00e5, at du \u00f8nsker at slette denne gruppe?\u201d", "Welcome to mindLAMP!": "Velkommen til sindLAMP!", "With the mindLAMP smartphone app, you can collect information about your health. You can learn about symptoms, brain health, and check your thinking. You can also learn about your steps and sleep and how they may relate to how you feel. You can use mindLAMP as part of a research study, part of your care if a clinician ask you to try it, or on your own.": "Med smartphone-appen sindLAMP kan du indsamle oplysninger om dit helbred. Du kan l\u00e6re om symptomer hjernens sundhed og tjekke din tankegang. Du kan ogs\u00e5 l\u00e6re om dine skridt og din s\u00f8vn, og hvordan de kan h\u00e6nge sammen med, hvordan du har det. Du kan bruge sindLAMP som en del af en forskningsunders\u00f8gelse, en del af din behandling, hvis en kliniker beder dig om at pr\u00f8ve det, eller p\u00e5 egen h\u00e5nd.", "Here are all the activities you'll receive notifications for when you use mindLAMP.": "Her er alle de aktiviteter, du f\u00e5r meddelelser om, n\u00e5r du bruger sindLAMP.", "Let's go!": "Lad os komme i gang!", "You're ready to start using mindLAMP.": "Du er klar til at begynde at bruge sindLAMP.", "You're using the src server to log into mindLAMP.": "Du bruger src-serveren til at logge p\u00e5 sindLAMP.", "GPS": "GPS", "Accelerometer": "Accelerometer", "Never": "Aldrig", "Users": "Brugere", "Studies": "Unders\u00f8gelser", "Data Portal": "Dataportal", "Month ago": "M\u00e5ned siden", "Months ago": "M\u00e5neder siden", "Customize which Tab this Activity appears in": "Tilpas hvilken fane denne aktivitet vises p\u00e5", "Date": "Dato", "Continue importing?": "Forts\u00e6t med at importere", "Cortex data": "Cortex-data", "Your data will appear here": "Dine data vil blive vist her", "Successfully created a sensor.": "Det lykkedes at oprette en sensor", "Successfully updated a sensor.": "Det lykkedes at opdatere en sensor", "Are you sure you want to delete this sensor?": "Er du sikker p\u00e5, at du \u00f8nsker at slette denne sensor", "device_state": "Enhedns_tilstand", "Item": "Emne", "System Admin": "Systemadministrator", "User Administrator": "Brugeradministrator", "Practice Lead": "Praksisleder", "Confirm Password": "Bekr\u00e6ft kodeord", "Changes done to this activity will reflect for all the participants under the group. Are you sure you want to proceed?": "\u00c6ndringer, der foretages i denne aktivitet, vil blive afspejlet for alle deltagere i unders\u00f8gelsen. Er du sikker p\u00e5, at du \u00f8nsker at forts\u00e6tte?", "Advanced Mode": "Avanceret tilstand", "Simple Mode": "Enkel tilstand", "User View": "Brugervisning", "No Records Found": "Ingen registreringer fundet", "Maximum recording time is 4 minutes": "Maksimal optagelsestid er 4 minutter", "Select All": "V\u00e6lg alle", "Deselect All": "Frav\u00e6lg alle", "Last Passive": "Sidste passive", "Separate participant data into multiple lines for each activity": "Adskil deltagerdata i flere linjer for hver aktivitet", "Download data for all activities for this Researcher": "Download data for alle aktiviteter for denne forsker", "Download Data for Researcher XXXX": "Hent data for forsker XXXX", "Download data for participant XXXX": "Hent data for deltager XXXX", "Download participant data": "Hent deltagerdata", "Adjust Toggleable Shared Tags": "Justering af omskiftelige delte etiketter", "Create a new user": "Opret en ny bruger", "Schedule": "Planl\u00e6g", "Confirmation": "Bekr\u00e6ftelse", "Confirm": "Bekr\u00e6ft", "Change Viewing Mode (Currently GUI)": "Skift visningstilstand (i \u00f8jeblikket GUI)", "Set Viewing Mode to GUI": "Indstil visningstilstand til GUI", "GUI Mode": "GUI-tilstand", "Terminal mode": "Terminaltilstand", "While in Terminal mode, you can directly write JSONata style queries to pull data directly from your database.": "I terminaltilstand kan du skrive direkte foresp\u00f8rgsler i JSONata-stil for at hente data direkte fra din database.", "For example, try:": "Prøv f.eks.", "replacing": "hvor du erstatter","with a user's id to get a list of the last 10,000 activities completed through LAMP.": "med en brugers id for at få en liste over de sidste 10000 aktiviteter, der er gennemført via LAMP.", "Want to learn more about JSONata queries or what special data you can pull from LAMP?": "Vil du vide mere om JSONata-foresp\u00f8rgsler eller hvilke s\u00e6rlige data du kan hente fra LAMP?", "Click here!": "Klik her!","Set Viewing Mode to Terminal": "Indstil visningstilstand til Terminal", "Messaging": "Meddelelser", "External": "Ekstern", "While in GUI mode, you can directly pull graphs you have already generated from the LAMP database, easily view information across an entire study or researcher, or quickly view tags that give info about things like survey scoring. If this is your first time using the LAMP data_portal, or if you need to get data quickly, this is the mode we recommend!!": "I GUI-tilstand kan du direkte tr\u00e6kke grafer, du allerede har genereret fra LAMP-databasen, og nemt se oplysninger om en hel unders\u00f8gelse eller forsker eller hurtigt se etiketter, der giver oplysninger om f.eks. unders\u00f8gelsesresultater. Hvis det er f\u00f8rste gang, du bruger LAMP data_portal, eller hvis du har brug for at f\u00e5 data hurtigt, er det denne tilstand, vi anbefaler!", "The maximum allowed file size is 25 MB.": "Den maksimalt tilladte filst\u00f8rrelse er 25 MB. ", "File Name": "Filnavn", "The Activities having same name under the selected group will be duplicated into new name.": "De aktiviteter, der har samme navn under den valgte unders\u00f8gelse, vil blive duplikeret til et nyt navn.", "Clear": "Ryd", "Every 3 hours": "Hver 3. time", "Every 6 hours": "Hver 6. time", "Every 12 hours": "Hver 12. time", "Week ago": "For en uge siden", "Weeks ago": "Uger siden", "Day ago": "Dagen f\u00f8r", "Days ago": "Dage siden", "Minute ago": "Minut siden", "Minutes ago": "Minutter siden", "Please select the sensor spec.": "V\u00e6lg venligst sensorspec", "Streak title": "R\u00e6kke titel", "Streak description": "R\u00e6kke beskrivelse ", "Streak popup on": "R\u00e6kke popup p\u00e5 ", "Upload": "Upload", "Update": "Opdater", "Temporary Login": "Midlertidigt login", "On an unknown model": "P\u00e5 en ukendt model", "Group name updated": "Unders\u00f8gelsesnavn opdateret", "Update Group name. Saving an empty text box will reset this value.": "Opdaterer unders\u00f8gelsesnavn. Hvis du gemmer et tomt tekstfelt, nulstilles denne v\u00e6rdi", "Successfully deleted the selected participants.": "Det lykkedes at slette de valgte deltagere", "Group name and user name will be same.": "Gruppens navn og brugernavn vil v\u00e6re det samme", "Choose the group you want to save this participant": "V\u00e6lg den gruppe, du vil gemme denne deltager", "Analyze participant": "Analyser deltager", "Please enter your response": "Indtast venligst dit svar", "Note": "Bem\u00e6rk", "Please select the Group.": "V\u00e6lg venligst gruppen", "Please select the Group to import activities": "V\u00e6lg venligst gruppen for at importere aktiviteter", "Are you sure you want to delete this?": "Er du sikker p\u00e5, at du vil slette dette?", "none": "Ingen", "Welcome to the Portal section": "Velkommen til portalafsnittet", "Track progress and make connections.": "F\u00f8lg dine fremskridt og skab forbindelser.", "Log feelings, behavior, and activity.": "Log f\u00f8lelser, adf\u00e6rd og aktivitet.", "Find useful information and practice healthy habits.": "Find nyttige oplysninger, og \u00f8v dig i sunde vaner.", "Review today's activities.": "Gennemg\u00e5 dagens aktiviteter.", "There are no Assess activities available.": "Der er ingen vurdere aktiviteter tilg\u00e6ngelige.", "There are no Manage activities available.": "Der er ingen forvalte aktiviteter tilg\u00e6ngelige.", "There are no Learn activities available.": "Der er ingen l\u00e6re aktiviteter tilg\u00e6ngelige.", "There are no scheduled activities available.": "Der er ingen planlagte aktiviteter tilg\u00e6ngelige.", "Portal": "Portal", "Cortex": "Cortex", "No Records found": "Ingen registreringer fundet", "Rows per page": "R\u00e6kker per side", "Update": "Opdatering", "Nickname(optional)": "Kaldenavn(valgfrit)", "Advanced Mode & \"Simple Mode\"": "Avanceret tilstand & \"Simpel tilstand\"", "Users": "Brugere", "Add a user, \"Add a new group\", \"Add a new user and group.\"": "Tilf\u00f8j en bruger, \"Tilf\u00f8j en ny gruppe\", \"Tilf\u00f8j en ny bruger og gruppe.\"", "Create a new user under their own group.": "Opret en ny bruger under deres egen gruppe.", "Duplicate from": "Duplikere fra", "Last passive": "Sidste passive", "User view": "Brugervisning", "Spatial scan": "Rumlig scanning", "screen_state, \u201caccelerometer.motion\u201d, \u201canalytics\u201d, \u201cblood_pressure\u201d, \u201cbluetooth\u201d, \u201ccalls\u201d, \u201cdistance\u201d, \u201cflights\u201d, \u201cgps.contextual\u201d, \u201cheart_rate\u201d, \u201cheight\u201d, \u201cmagnetometer\u201d, \u201crespiratory_rate\u201d, \u201csegment\u201d, \u201csms\u201d, \u201csteps\u201d, \u201cweight\u201d, \u201cwifi\u201d,": "sk\u00e6rmstatus, \"accelerometer.bev\u00e6gelse\", \"analytik\", \"blodtryk\", \"bluetooth\", \"ringer til\", \"afstand\", \"flyvninger\", \"gps.kontekstuel\", \"hjertefrekvens\", \"h\u00f8jde\", \"magnetometer\", \"\u00e5ndedr\u00e6tsfrekvens\", \"segment\", \"sms\", \"skridt\", \"v\u00e6gt\", \"wifi\",", "Currently Viewing Mode (Currently GUI)": "I \u00f8jeblikket visningstilstand (i \u00f8jeblikket GUI)", "To start building a query:": "S\u00e5dan begynder du at opbygge en foresp\u00f8rgsel", "Copy Researcher ID to clipboard": "Kopier forsker-ID til udklipsholder\"", "Download Researcher Data": "Hent forskerdata", "Analyze Researcher": "Analyser forsker", "Select all shared tags": "V\u00e6lg alle delte etiketter", "Deselect all shared tags": "Frav\u00e6lge alle delte etiketter", "Please wait, your data is loading": "Vent venligst, dine data er ved at blive indl\u00e6st", "There are no shared tags set for this researcher. To display data on tags shared between participants, set `lamp.dashboard.researcher_tags` to an array of strings, where each string is a tag you would like to see. Please contact your group administrator for more info": "Der er ikke indstillet nogen delte etiketter for denne forsker. Hvis du vil vise data om etiketter, der er delt mellem deltagerne, skal du indstille lamp.m\u00e5ltavle.forsker_ etiketter\" til et array af strenge, hvor hver streng er et etiket, du gerne vil se. Kontakt din studieadministrator for at f\u00e5 flere oplysninger.\"", "graphs.data_quality.": " grafer.datakvalitet.", "Activity counts": "Aktivitetst\u00e6llinger", "Passive Features": "Passive funktioner", "Quality Tags": "Kvalitetsm\u00e6rker", "Activities in the last 7 day (updated": "Aktiviteter i de sidste 7 dage (opdateret", "Data quality (updated": "Datakvalitet (opdateret", "\u201clamp.dashboard.\u201d": "lamp.m\u00e5ltavle.", "Expand": "Udvid", "collapse": "sammenbrud", "Sensor spec": "SensorSpec", "Sort by date of creation": "Sorter efter oprettelsesdato", "Filter": "Filter", "Filter studies, \"Search group list\"": "Filterunders\u00f8gelser, \"Liste over s\u00f8gningsunders\u00f8gelser\"", "Copy Group ID to clipboard": "Kopier studie-ID til udklipsholder\u201d\r\n\u201cDownload Group Data\u201d\tHent unders\u00f8gelsesdata\"", "Analyze Group": "Analyser unders\u00f8gelse", "There are no shared tags set for this Group. To display data on tags shared between participants, set `lamp.dashboard.group_tags` to an array of strings, where each string is a tag you would like to see. Please contact your study administrator for more info.": "Der er ikke indstillet nogen delte etiketter for denne unders\u00f8gelse. Hvis du vil vise data om etiketter, der er delt mellem deltagerne, skal du indstille lamp.m\u00e5ltavle.studie_etiketter\" til et array af strenge, hvor hver streng er et etiket, du gerne vil se. Kontakt din studieadministrator for at f\u00e5 flere oplysninger.\"", "Activity Settings": "Aktivitetsindstillinger", "activity_recognition": "Aktivitetsgenkendelse", "Add Sensor": "Tilf\u00f8j sensor", "Are you sure you want to delete this investigator(s)?.": "Er du sikker p\u00e5, at du vil slette denne investigator?", "blood_glucose": "Blodsukker", "body_temperature": "Kropstempereatur", "Choose File": "V\u00e6lg fil", "Collapse": "Kollaps", "device_motion": "Bev\u00e6gelse af enhed", "Do not provide an audio URL AND upload audio below.": "Angiv ikke en lyd-URL og upload lyd nedenfor", "Do not upload audio AND provide an audio URL above.": "Upload ikke lyd OG angiv en lyd-URL ovenfor", "Does not match the password you entered above.": "Matcher ikke med det kodeord du har indtastet ovenfor", "Every 2 weeks": "Hver anden uge", "Group Name": "Gruppenavn", "heartratevariability_sdnn": "hjerterytmevariabilitet_sdnn", "Investigators": "Investigators", "Jewels 1": "Jewels 1", "Jewels 2": "Jewels 2", "Matrix": "Matrix", "Memory Game": "Hukommelsesspil", "nearby_device": "N\u00e6rliggende enhed", "No file chosen": "Ingen fil valgt", "Option Text": "Valg Tekst", "oxygen_saturation": "Iltm\u00e6tning", "Please enter group name.": "Indtast gruppenavn", "Portal": "Portal", "Proceed with caution: you are logged in as the administrator.": "Forts\u00e6t med omhu: du er logged ind som administrator.", "Question Text": "Sp\u00f8rgsm\u00e5lstekst", "Rating": "Vurdering", "Remote Audio URL": "Fjern-lyd URL", "Required": "P\u00e5kr\u00e6vet", "Researcher": "Forsker", "Response Options": "Svarmuligheder", "Server Address": "Serveradresse", "Short Answer": "Kort svar", "Spatial Span": "Rumlig sp\u00e6nvidde", "Streak popup settings": "Streak popup-indstillinger", "Successfully created a new investigator.": "Lykkedes med at skabe en ny investigator.", "Successfully deleted the investigator.": "Lykkedes med at slette investigatorn.", "Successfully updated a new investigator.": "Lykkedes med at opdatere en ny investigator.", "Survey Questions": "Unders\u00f8gende sp\u00f8rgm\u00e5l", "telephony": "telefoni", "Voice Recording": "Stemmeoptagelse", "January": "januar", "February": "februar", "March": "marts", "April": "april", "May": "maj", "June": "juni", "July": "juli", "August": "august", "September": "september", "October": "oktober", "November": "november", "December": "december", "Add a user": "Tilf\u00f8j en bruger", "Add a new group": "Tilf\u00f8j en ny gruppe", "Add a new user and group": "Tilf\u00f8j en ny bruger og gruppe", "The Activities having the same name under the selected study will be duplicated into a new name.": "Aktivitäten mit demselben Namen in der ausgewählten Studie werden mit einem neuen Namen dupliziert.", "ActivitySpec": "ActivitetSpec", "Please select the group": "V\u00e6lg venligst unders\u00f8gelset", "Please select the Group": "V\u00e6lg venligst gruppen", "Medications": "Medicin", "Create a new group": "Opret en ny unders\u00f8gelse", "text": "tekst", "There are no shared tags set for this": "Der er ikke indstillet nogen delte etiketter for denne forsker", " To display data on tags shared between participants, set": "Hvis du vil vise data om etiketter, der er delt mellem deltagerne, skal du indstille ", "to an array of strings, where each string is a tag you would like to see. Please contact your study administrator for more info.": "til et array af strenge, hvor hver streng er et etiket, du gerne vil se. Kontakt din studieadministrator for at få flere oplysninger.", "screen_state": "sk\u00e6rmstatus", "accelerometer.motion": "accelerometer.bev\u00e6gelse", "analytics": "analytik", "blood_pressure": "blodtryk", "bluetooth": "bluetooth", "calls": "ringer til", "distance": "afstand", "flights": "flyvninger", "gps.contextual": "gps.kontekstuel", "heart_rate": "hjertefrekvens", "height": "h\u00f8jde", "magnetometer": "magnetometer", "respiratory_rate": "u00e5ndedr\u00e6tsfrekvens", "segment": "segment", "sms": "sms", "steps": "skridt", "weight": "v\u00e6gt", "wifi": "wifi", "Images should be in the format jpeg/png/bmp/gif/svg and the size should not exceed 4 MB.": "Billeder skal v\u00e6re i formatet jpeg/png/bmp/gif/svg og m\u00e5 ikke v\u00e6re st\u00f8rre end 4 MB.", "Measure of action": "M\u00e5ling af handling", "Measure of Action": "M\u00e5ling af handling", "No Sensors.": "Ingen Sensorer", "No Activities.": "Ingen Aktiviteter", "Update Sensor": "Opdater sensor", "Reset account password": "Nulstil konto adgangskode", "Profile": "Profil", "Patient View" : "Brugervisning", "User": "Bruger", "Add Item": "Tilf\u00f8j emne", "User number": "Bruger {{number}}", "question": "sp\u00f8rgsm\u00e5l", "NO CUSTOM TIMES": "Ingen brugerdefinerede tider", "Custom time": "Brugerdefinerede tider", "NAME": "Navn", "TYPE": "Type", "CHOOSE FILE": "V\u00e6lg fil", "Jewels A": "Smykker A", "Jewels B": "Smykker B", "Copy": "Kopier", "ID to clipboard": "ID til udklipsholder", "Analyze": "Analyser", "Study": "undersøgelse", "Analyze Participant Data": "Analyser deltager data", "Analyze Researcher Data": "Analyser forsker data","Failed to fetch the study details.": "Undersøgelsesoplysningerne kunne ikke hentes.","question": "sp\u00f8rgsm\u00e5l", "QUESTION_NUMBER_OF_TOTAL": "Sp\u00f8rgsm\u00e5l {{ number }} of {{ total }}", "Question": "Sp\u00f8rgsm\u00e5l", "of":"af", "Next" : "N\u00e6ste", "Submit": "Send", "Mood": "Stemnings", "Yes": "Ja", "No": "Nej", "Sleep and Social": "S\u00f8vn og sociale", "Anxiety": "Angst", "Psychosis and Social": "Psykose og socialt ", "App Usability": "App-brugervenlighed", "Water and Nutrition": "Vand og ern\u00e6ring", "Please enter your response" : "Indtast venligst dit svar", "Back":"Tilbage", "Your response": "Dit svar", "Nearly All the Time": "N\u00e6sten hele tiden", "More than Half the Time": "Mere end halvdelen af tiden", "Several Times": "Flere gange", "Not at all": "slet ikke", "(Select one)": "(V\u00e6lg en)", "(0 being terrible, 10 being excellent)": "(0 er forf\u00e6rdeligt 10 er fremragende)"}
+{"Don't enter a domain if you're not sure what this option does.": "Indtast ikke et dom\u00e6ne, hvis du ikke er sikker p\u00e5, hvad denne indstilling g\u00f8r.", "Login": "Login", "Try it": "Pr\u00f8v det", "Try mindLAMP out as a...": "Pr\u00f8v sindLAMP som en...", "Researcher": "Forsker", "Clinician": "Kliniker", "Participant": "Deltager", "You're logged into a demo account. Any changes you make will be reset when you restart the app.": "Du er logget ind p\u00e5 en demokonto. Alle \u00e6ndringer, du foretager, vil blive nulstillet, n\u00e5r du genstarter appen.", "Dismiss": "Afvis", "Assess": "Vurdere", "Welcome to the Assess section": "Velkommen til afsnittet Vurdere ", "Take steps to refocus, reflect, and recover.": "Her kan du tage skridt til at fokusere, reflektere og komme dig igen", "Survey": "Unders\u00f8gelse", "questions": "sp\u00f8rgsm\u00e5l", "mins": "minutter", "Successfully created new investigator": "Succesfuldt oprettet ny efterforsker", "Successfully updated a new investigator.": "Succesfuldt opdateret en ny efterforsker.", "Are you sure you want to delete this investigator(s)?.": "Er du sikker p\u00e5, at du \u00f8nsker at slette denne efterforsker(e)?", "Successfully deleted the investigator.": "Det lykkedes at slette efterforskeren.", "The following survey will assess your sleep and social behavior.": "F\u00f8lgende unders\u00f8gelse vil vurdere din s\u00f8vn og sociale adf\u00e6rd.", "For each of the statements, rate which is true for you. ": "Angiv for hvert af disse udsagn, hvad der er sandt for dig. ","Self evaluation":"Self evaluation", "Start survey": "Start unders\u00f8gelse ", "Question": "Sp\u00f8rgsm\u00e5l", "Question number of total": " Sp\u00f8rgsm\u00e5l antal af i alt", "Next ": "N\u00e6ste ", "Submit": "Send", "Nice work! ": "Godt arbejde! ", "You are on a streak, keep it going": "Du er i gang med en stime, bliv ved med det", "days": "dage", "day": "dag", "Sleep and Social": "S\u00f8vn og sociale", "Anxiety": "Angst", "Psychosis and Social": "Psykose og socialt ", "App Usability": "App-brugervenlighed", "Water and Nutrition": "Vand og ern\u00e6ring", "Feed": "Foder", "Welcome to the Feed section": "Velkommen til afsnittet om foder", "Here you can see recent activities": "Her kan du se de seneste aktiviteter", "Learn": "L\u00e6r ", "Welcome to the Learn section": "Velkommen til afsnittet L\u00e6r ", "Mood Tips": "Stemningstips", "Quick Tips to Improve Your": "Hurtige tips til at forbedre din", "Read ": "L\u00e6s ", "Hope ": "H\u00e5b ", "Tip": "Tip ", "Was this helpful today? ": "Var det nyttigt i dag? ", "Yes": "Ja", "No": "Nej", "Mark complete ": "M\u00e6rke komplet ", "Social": "Sociale", "Mental Health Resources": "Ressourcer til psykisk sundhed", "Physical Wellness ": "Fysisk velv\u00e6re ", "Suggested Reading ": "Forslag til l\u00e6sning ", "Motivation ": "Motivation ", "Stress Tips ": "Stress Tips ", "Manage": "Styre ", "Welcome to the Manage section": "Velkommen til styringsafsnittet ", "Breathe": "Tr\u00e6k vejret", "Begin": "Begynd", "Breathing exercise (__ mins)": "\u00c5ndedr\u00e6ts\u00f8velse (__ min.)", "Follow the motion of the lotus flower opening and closing to control your breaths in and out.": "F\u00f8lg bev\u00e6gelsen af lotusblomsten, der \u00e5bner og lukker sig, for at kontrollere dine ind- og ud\u00e5ndinger.", "Get ready": "G\u00f8r dig klar", "Get yourself comfortable and when you\u2019re ready tap the start button.": "S\u00e6t dig godt til rette, og n\u00e5r du er klar, trykker du p\u00e5 startknappen.", "Start": "Start", "Inhale": "Ind\u00e5nde", "Exhale": "Ud\u00e5nde", "Nicely done!": "Godt klaret!", "Done": "F\u00e6rdig", "Journal": "Journal", "Test description for the manage section.": "Testbeskrivelse for styringsafsnittet.", "New journal entry": "Ny journalpost", "How do you feel today?": "Hvordan har du det i dag?", "Good": "God", "Bad": "D\u00e5rlig", "New Goal": "Nyt m\u00e5l", "Goals": "M\u00e5l", "Create goal": "Opret m\u00e5l", "What type of goal?": "Hvilken type m\u00e5l?", "Choose a category": "V\u00e6lg en kategori", "Exercise": "Tr\u00e6ning", "Weight": "V\u00e6gt", "nutrition": "Ern\u00e6ring", "sleep": "S\u00f8vn", "Medication": "Medicin", "Reading": "L\u00e6sning", "Finances": "\u00d8konomi", "Meditation": "Meditation", "Mood": "Stemning", "Custom": "Brugerdefineret", "Goal Name": "M\u00e5lnavn", "Goal details": "M\u00e5loplysninger", "Daily": "Daglig", "hourly": "timevis", "weekly": "ugentligt", "monthly": "m\u00e5nedlig", "Ounces": "Uncer", "mg": "mg", "g": "g", "Kg": "Kg", "hours": "timer", "Minutes": "minutter", "$": "$", "Start date": "Startdato", "Duration": "Varighed", "Reminders": "P\u00e5mindelser", "Save": "Gem", "Cancel": "Annuller", "Leaving so soon?": "Rejser du s\u00e5 tidligt?", "If you leave without submitting, your entry will be lost.": "Hvis du rejser uden at indsende, vil din indtastning g\u00e5 tabt.", "No, don\u2019t leave yet": "Nej, du m\u00e5 ikke rejse endnu", "Yes, leave": "Ja, g\u00e5", "Hope box": "H\u00e5bskasse", "Games": "Spil", "Test description for the manage section": "Testbeskrivelse for styringsafsnittet", "Save images and quotes that bring joy and hope to your life.": "Gem billeder og citater, der bringer gl\u00e6de og h\u00e5b til dit liv.", "Hope Box content will show up in your feed from time to time to inspire and uplift you.": "H\u00e5bskasse indhold vil dukke op i dit feed fra tid til anden for at inspirere og opl\u00f8fte dig.", "Add an image": "Tilf\u00f8j et billede ", "Add a quote": "Tilf\u00f8j et citat ", "View my Hope Box": " Se min h\u00e5bskasse", "Scratch card": "Skrabekort", "Meditation exercises": "Meditations\u00f8velser", "Swipe your finger around the screen to reveal the image hidden underneath": "Stryg med fingeren rundt p\u00e5 sk\u00e6rmen for at afsl\u00f8re det billede, der er skjult nedenunder", "Swipe around the screen to reveal the hidden image": "Stryg rundt p\u00e5 sk\u00e6rmen for at afsl\u00f8re det skjulte billede", "Well done": "Godt klaret", "Close": "Luk", "Do another one": "Lav en til", "Medication tracker": "Medicin tracker", "Add medication": "Tilf\u00f8j medicin", "Medication name": "Medicinens navn", "Add dosage": "Tilf\u00f8j dosering", "Name": "Navn", "Dose": "Dosis", "Balloon Risk": "Ballonrisiko", "Balloon Risk Game": "Ballonrisikospil", "Current Points": "Aktuelle punkter", "Total Points": "Samlet antal punkter", "PUMP UP BALLOON": "PUMPE BALLON OP", "COLLECT POINTS": "SAMLE PUNKTER", "Balloon Bursted": "Ballon spr\u00e6ngt", "Box Game": "Kassespil", "Please wait and watch": "Vent venligst og se", "Level": "Niveau", "Please remember the sequence": "Husk venligst r\u00e6kkef\u00f8lgen", "Go": "G\u00e5", "Time out": "Tiden er udl\u00f8bet", "Remember the highlighted boxes in the order you see them. Now tap on the boxes in the order they were highlighted.": "Husk de markerede kasser i den r\u00e6kkef\u00f8lge, du ser dem. Tryk nu p\u00e5 felterne i den r\u00e6kkef\u00f8lge, de blev markeret.", "Congrats": "Tillykke", "Cats n Dogs": "Katte o hunde", "Tap the boxes that have a dog behind them.": "Tryk p\u00e5 de kasser, der har en hund bag dem.", "Ok": "Ok", "Continue to tap the boxes that have a dog behind them.": "Forts\u00e6t med at trykke p\u00e5 de kasser, der har en hund bag dem.", "Don't tap the boxes with a cat behind them": "Tryk ikke p\u00e5 kasser med en kat bag dem.", "Now tap the boxes that have a cat behin them. Don't tap the boxes with a dog behind them": " Tryk nu p\u00e5 de kasser, hvor der er en kat bag dem. Tryk ikke p\u00e5 de kasser med en hund bag dem.", "Game Over": "Spillet er slut", "Dot Touch": "Punktber\u00f8ring", "Tap\u20191\u2019 to start the test": "Tryk p\u00e5 1 for at starte pr\u00f8ven", "Pick the matching alphabet": "V\u00e6lg det alfabet, der matcher", "Timeout": "Tiden er udl\u00f8bet", "Restart": "Genstart", "Jewels": "Smykker", "Pop the bubbles": "Spr\u00e6ng boblerne", "Tap to continue": "Tryk for at forts\u00e6tte", "TAP TO POP ALL PINK, BLUE AND YELLOW BUBBLES ONLY": "TRYK KUN P\u00c5 FOR AT F\u00c5 ALLE LYSER\u00d8DE, BL\u00c5 OG GULE BOBLER TIL AT SPRINGE", "POPPING CORRECT BALOONS WILL EARN YOU POINTS": " HVIS DU RAMMER DE RIGTIGE BALLONER, F\u00c5R DU PUNKTER", "Level __ Completed": "Niveau __ afsluttet", "You got _ %": "Du fik _ %", "Prevent": "Forebyg", "Activity": "Aktivitet", "Activity data": "Aktivitetsdata", "Choose the data you want to see in your dashboard.": "V\u00e6lg de data, du \u00f8nsker at se p\u00e5 din m\u00e5ltavle.", "entries this month": "poster denne m\u00e5ned", "Sensors": "Sensorer", "Sensor Data": "Sensordata", "Summary": "Oversigt", "Notifications": "Meddelelser", "Conversations": "Samtaler", "Profile & Settings": "Profil og indstillinger", "Manage Credentials": "H\u00e5ndtere legitimationsoplysninger", "Enter the family member or clinician's name here.": "Indtast familiemedlemmernes eller behandlerens navn her.", "Role": "Rolle", "Enter the family member or clinician's role here. For this credential to appear as a care team member, either a photo or role MUST be saved.": " Indtast familiemedlemmets eller behandlerens rolle her. For at denne legitimation kan vises som et medlem af plejeholdet, SKAL enten et foto eller en rolle v\u00e6re gemt.", "Email Address": "E-mail-adresse", "Enter the email address here.": "Indtast e-mail-adressen her.", "Password": "Adgangskode", "Enter the new password here, and press the done button to the right of the box. Tap away if you don't want to change the password.": "Indtast den nye adgangskode her, og tryk p\u00e5 knappen f\u00e6rdig til h\u00f8jre for feltet. Tryk v\u00e6k, hvis du ikke \u00f8nsker at \u00e6ndre adgangskoden.", "Logout": "Logge ud", "Are you sure you want to log out of LAMP right now?": "Er du sikker p\u00e5, at du vil logge ud af LAMP lige nu?", "If you've made some changes, make sure they're saved before you continue to log out.": "Hvis du har foretaget nogle \u00e6ndringer, skal du sikre dig, at de er gemt, f\u00f8r du forts\u00e6tter med at logge ud.", "Go Back": "G\u00e5 tilbage", "Help & Support": "Hj\u00e6lp og support", "LAMP Community": "LAMP-f\u00e6llesskab", "Contact Us": "Kontakt os", "Researcher Login": "Login for forskere", "Show Unscheduled Activities": "Vis uplanlagte aktiviteter", "Patients": "Patienter", "Demo": "Demo", "Search": "S\u00f8g p\u00e5", "Create": "Opret", "Number of participants to add": "Antal deltagere, der skal tilf\u00f8jes", "Last Active": "Sidst aktiv", "Indicators": "Indikatorer", "_ years ago on Android": "_ \u00e5r siden p\u00e5 Android", "_ row(s) selected": "_ valgte r\u00e6kke(r)", "Data Quality": "Datakvalitet", "Data is optimal": "Dataene er optimale", "Reset Password": "Nulstil kodeord", "View User Data": "Se brugerdata", "__ rows [in pagination]": "__ r\u00e6kker [i sideopstilling]", "First Page": "F\u00f8rste side", "Previous Page": "Forrige side", "Next Page": "N\u00e6ste side", "Last Page [in pagination]": "Sidste side [i sideopstilling]", "Activities": "Aktiviteter", "Type": "Type", "Import": "Import", "Drag files here, or click to select files.": "Tr\u00e6k filer her, eller klik for at v\u00e6lge filer.", "Select all tags": "V\u00e6lg alle etiketter", "Deselect all tags": "Frav\u00e6lg alle etiketter", "All Participant Tags": "Alle deltageretiketter\u201d", "Use the checkboxes to toggle on or off any tags you want to see or hide, respectively, then press the 'Set Tags' button.": "Brug afkrydsningsfelterne til at aktivere eller deaktivere de etiketter, du \u00f8nsker at se eller skjule, og tryk derefter p\u00e5 knappen \u2018Indstil etiketter\u2019. ", "Set Tags": "Indstil etiketter", "XX participants have this tag": "XX deltagere har dette tag", "Timezone": "Tidszone", "Copy participant ID to clipboard": "\u201cKopier deltager-ID til udklipsholderen\"", "Create a new...": "Opret en ny...", "Activity Group": "Aktivitetsgruppe", "Survey Instrument": "Unders\u00f8gelsesinstrument", "Smartphone Cognitive Tests": "Kognitive test med smartphone", "Successfully created a new cognitive test Activity.": "Det lykkedes at oprette en ny kognitiv test aktivitet.", "Activity Schedule": "Aktivitetsskema", "Time": "Tid", "Repeat Interval": "Gentagelsesinterval", "Custom Times": "Brugerdefinerede tider", "Actions": "Handlinger", "No schedule.": "Ingen tidsplan.", "Modify an existing survey instrument.": "\u00c6ndre et eksisterende unders\u00f8gelsesinstrument.", "Survey Title": "Titel p\u00e5 unders\u00f8gelsen", "Survey Description": "Beskrivelse af unders\u00f8gelsen", "Configure questions, parameters, and options.": "Konfigurer sp\u00f8rgsm\u00e5l, parametre og muligheder.", "Question Title": "Sp\u00f8rgsm\u00e5lets titel", "Question Description": "Beskrivelse af sp\u00f8rgsm\u00e5let", "Question Type": "Sp\u00f8rgsm\u00e5lstype", "Add Question": "Tilf\u00f8j sp\u00f8rgsm\u00e5l", "Duplicate": "Duplikat", "Save this survey instrument": "Gem dette unders\u00f8gelsesinstrument", "Hours": "Timer", "Only survey description content was modified to prevent irrecoverable data loss. (error message)": "Kun indholdet af unders\u00f8gelsesbeskrivelsen blev \u00e6ndret for at forhindre uopretteligt tab af data (fejlmeddelelse)", "Cats and Dogs": "Katte og hunde", "Research studies using mindLAMP": "Forskningsunders\u00f8gelser med sindLAMP", "Incorrect username, password, or server address.": "Forkert brugernavn, adgangskode eller serveradresse.", "Are you sure you're logging into the right mindLAMP server?": "Er du sikker p\u00e5, at du logger ind p\u00e5 den rigtige sindLAMP-server?", "Select Language": "V\u00e6lg sprog", "Add mindLAMP to your home screen?": "Tilf\u00f8j sindLAMP til din startsk\u00e6rm?", "Proceed with caution": "V\u00e6r forsigtig du er logget ind som administrator.", "Invalid id or password.": "Ugyldigt id eller adgangskode.", "mindLAMP will be installed on your device.": "sindLAMP vil blive installeret p\u00e5 din enhed.", "mindLAMP will not be installed on your device.": "sindLAMP vil ikke blive installeret p\u00e5 din enhed.", "Messages": "Meddelelser", "Administrator": "Administrator", "System Administrator Credential": "\u201cSystemadministrator legitimationsoplysninger\u201d", "Community": "F\u00e6llesskab", "Switch Views": "Skift visninger", "Activity Type": "Aktivitetstype", "Show App Screenshot": "Vis app-sk\u00e6rmbillede", "Delete Entry": "Slet indtastning", "Copy Entry": "Kopier indtastning ", "Edit Entry": "Rediger indtastning", "No detail view available.": " Ingen detaljeret visning tilg\u00e6ngelig.", "Score": "Resultat", "Alone": "Alene", "Friends": "Venner", "Family": "Familie", "Peers": "J\u00e6vnaldrende", "Crowd": "Menneskem\u00e6ngde", "Home": "Hjem", "School": "Skole", "Work": "Arbejde", "Hospital": "Sygehus", "Outside": "Udenfor", "Shopping": "Indk\u00f8b", "Transit": "Transportmidler", "Sensor": "Sensor", "Automations": "Automatisering", "An experimental visualization generated by an automation you or your clinician have installed.": "En eksperimentel visualisering genereret af en automatisering, som du eller din kliniker har installeret.", "No Data": "Ingen data", "No Activities are selected. Please select an Activity above to begin.": "Ingen aktiviteter er valgt. V\u00e6lg venligst en aktivitet ovenfor for at begynde.", "Environmental Context": "Milj\u00f8m\u00e6ssig kontekst", "Step Count": "Antal skridt", "Steps Taken": "Foretagne skridt", "visualization": "visualisering", "Couldn't import the Activities.": "Kunne ikke importere aktiviteterne.", "Choose the Group you want to import activities.": "V\u00e6lg det unders\u00f8gelse, du vil importere aktiviteter.", "Select a Group to import activities.": "V\u00e6lg et unders\u00f8gelse, der skal importere aktiviteter.", "Couldn't import the Activities because some Activities are misconfigured or missing.": "Aktiviteterne kunne ikke importeres, fordi nogle aktiviteter er fejlkonfigureret eller mangler.", "Couldn't import one of the selected survey Activities.": "Kunne ikke importere en af de valgte unders\u00f8gelsesaktiviteter.", "Couldn't import one of the selected Activities.": "Kunne ikke importere en af de valgte aktiviteter.", "Couldn't import one of the selected Activity groups.": "Kunne ikke importere en af de valgte aktivitetsgrupper.", "The selected Activities were successfully imported.": "De valgte aktiviteter blev importeret med succes.", "The selected Activities were successfully exported.": "De valgte aktiviteter blev eksporteret med succes.", "Encountered an error: .": "Der opstod en fejl", "Successfully created a new tip Activity.": "Det lykkedes at oprette en ny tip aktivitet.", "Successfully updated the Activity.": "Det lykkedes at opdatere aktiviteten.", "Successfully created a new survey Activity.": "Det lykkedes at oprette en ny unders\u00f8gelsesaktivitet.", "Failed to create a new group Activity. ": "Det lykkedes ikke at oprette en ny gruppe aktivitet. ", "Successfully created a new group Activity.": "Det lykkedes at oprette en ny gruppe aktivitet.", "Successfully created a new Activity.": "Det lykkedes at oprette en ny aktivitet.", "Successfully deleted the selected Activities.": "Det lykkedes at slette de valgte aktiviteter.", "\u201cSelected activities\u201d": "\u201cUdvalgte aktiviteter\u201d", "Successfully duplicated the Activity under a new name.": "Det lykkedes at duplikere aktiviteten under et nyt navn.", "Group": "Gruppe", "Tips": "Tips", "DBT Diary Card": "DBT-dagbogskort", "Cognitive Test": "Kognitiv test", "Group": "Unders\u00f8gelse", "Export": "Eksporter", "Delete": "Slet", "Are you sure you want to delete this Activity?.": "Er du sikker p\u00e5, at du \u00f8nsker at slette denne aktivitet?", "Filter results": "Filtrer resultater", "Add": "Tilf\u00f8j", "Import activities": "Import af aktiviteter", "Create a new activity": "Opret en ny aktivitet", "Modify an existing activity": "\u00c6ndre en eksisterende aktivitet", "No custom times": "Ingen brugerdefinerede tider", "Delete this time from the list.": "Slet denne tid fra listen.", "Add a new custom time.": "Tilf\u00f8j et nyt brugerdefineret tidspunkt.", "Add this time to the list.": "Tilf\u00f8j dette tidspunkt til listen.", "Select the start date.": "V\u00e6lg startdato. ", "Select the start time.": "V\u00e6lg starttidspunktet. ", "Every hour": "Hver time", "Every number hours": "Hvert {{number}} timer", "Every day": "Hver dag", "Two times every week (Tue, Thurs)": "To gange om ugen (tirsdag, torsdag)", "Three times every week (Mon, Wed, Fri)": "Tre gange om ugen (mandag, onsdag, fredag)", "Every week": "Hver uge", "Two times every month": "To gange hver m\u00e5ned", "Every month": "Hver m\u00e5ned", "Use custom times instead": "Brug brugerdefinerede tider i stedet", "Do not repeat": "M\u00e5 ikke gentages", "Are you sure you want to delete this schedule item? ": "Er du sikker p\u00e5, at du \u00f8nsker at slette dette element i tidsplanen? ", "Install": "Installer ", "Welcome to the Prevent section": "Velkommen til afsnittet forebyggelse", "Prepare yourself": "Forbered dig", "Image size should not exceed 5 MB.": "Billedst\u00f8rrelsen b\u00f8r ikke overstige 5 MB.", "Not supported image type.": "Ikke underst\u00f8ttet billedtype.", "Activity with same name already exist.": "Aktivitet med samme navn findes allerede.", "Not supported audio type.": "Ikke underst\u00f8ttet lydtype.", "The audio size should not exceed 2 MB.": "St\u00f8rrelsen af lydfilen b\u00f8r ikke overstige 2 MB.", "Drag a photo or tap to select a photo.": "Tr\u00e6k et foto, eller tryk p\u00e5 for at v\u00e6lge et foto.", "Drag a photo to replace the existing photo or tap to delete the photo.": "Tr\u00e6k et foto for at erstatte det eksisterende foto, eller tryk p\u00e5 for at slette fotoet.", "Select": "V\u00e6lg", "Please select the group.": "V\u00e6lg venligst unders\u00f8gelset", "Activity Title": "Aktivitetstitel", "Activity Description": "Aktivitetsbeskrivelse", "Upload audio": "Upload lyd", "Your browser does not support the": "Din browser underst\u00f8tter ikke den", "audio": "lyd", "element.": "element.", "Duplicate this survey instrument and save it with a new title.": "Dupliker dette unders\u00f8gelsesinstrument, og gem det med en ny titel.", "Save this activity.": "Gem denne aktivitet.", "Save Role & Photo": "Gem rolle og foto", "Copy one-time access link that can be used to log in without entering credentials.": "Kopier link til engangsadgang, der kan bruges til at logge ind uden at indtaste legitimationsoplysninger.", "Save Credential": "Gem legitimationsoplysninger", "Scan this QR code on a mobile device to automatically open a user dashboard.": "Scan denne QR-kode p\u00e5 en mobilenhed for automatisk at \u00e5bne en brugerm\u00e5ltavle.", "Could not change password.": "Kunne ikke \u00e6ndre adgangskode.", "Could not create credential.": "Kunne ikke oprette legitimationsoplysninger.", "Could not perform operation for an unknown reason.": "Kunne ikke udf\u00f8re operationen af ukendt \u00e5rsag.", "Credential management failed. The email address could be in use already.": "Fejl i h\u00e5ndteringen af legitimationsoplysninger. E-mail-adressen er muligvis allerede i brug.", "Could not delete.": "Kunne ikke slette.", "Credential management failed.": "Fejl i h\u00e5ndteringen af legitimationsoplysninger.", "Add a new member of your care team.": "Tilf\u00f8j et nyt medlem til dit plejehold.", "Update Photo & Role": "Opdater foto og rolle", "Target behaviors": "M\u00e5ladf\u00e6rd", "effective": "effektiv", "Times": "Tider", "ADD ITEM": "Tilf\u00f8j emne", "ineffective": "ineffektive", "Emotions": "F\u00f8lelser", "Add a target behavior": "Tilf\u00f8j en m\u00e5ladf\u00e6rd", "Behavior name": "Adf\u00e6rdsnavn", "Measure of action:": "M\u00e5ling af handling", "Add a emotion": "Tilf\u00f8j en f\u00f8lelse", "Emotion name": "Navn p\u00e5 f\u00f8lelsen", "Removed participant Id's alias.": "Fjernede deltager IDs alias.", "Set participantId's alias to participantName": "S\u00e6t deltager IDs alias til deltager navn", "Failed to change participant Id's alias": "Fejl ved \u00e6ndring af deltager idalias alias fejlmeddelelse", "Create or edit the alias for this Participant ID. Saving an empty text box will reset this value.": "Opret eller rediger aliaset for dette deltager-ID. Gemmer du et tomt tekstfelt, nulstilles denne v\u00e6rdi.", "Failed to load participantI d's alias": "Fejl ved indl\u00e6sning af deltager IDs alias", "This activity is not yet available in mindLAMP 2": "Denne aktivitet er endnu ikke tilg\u00e6ngelig i sindLAMP 2", "This is a demo only. Entries will not be saved.": "Dette er kun en demo. Indtastninger vil ikke blive gemt.", "My Medications": "Min medicin", "Set reminder? ": "Indstille p\u00e5mindelse? ", "Edit": "Rediger", "Text": "tekst", "Some responses are missing. Please complete all questions before submitting.": "Der mangler nogle svar. Udfyld venligst alle sp\u00f8rgsm\u00e5l, f\u00f8r du sender dem.", "Goal": "M\u00e5l", "The goal has been saved successfully.": "M\u00e5let er blevet gemt med succes.", "Please select duration.": "V\u00e6lg venligst varighed.", "Please enter goal value.": "Indtast venligst m\u00e5lets v\u00e6rdi.", "Please enter goal name.": "Indtast venligst m\u00e5lnavn.", "The medication has been saved successfully.": "Medicinen er blevet gemt med succes.", "Please select medication name.": "V\u00e6lg venligst navnet p\u00e5 medicinen.", "Please enter dose.": "Indtast venligst dosis.", "Please enter name.": "Indtast venligst navn.", "This activity is not yet available in mindLAMP 2.": "Denne aktivitet er endnu ikke tilg\u00e6ngelig i sindLAMP 2.", "Unique name required.": "Unikt navn p\u00e5kr\u00e6vet ", "Could not create credential for id.": "Kunne ikke oprette legitimationsoplysninger for id.", "Successfully created Participant id. Tap the expand icon on the right to see credentials and details.": "Det lykkedes at oprette deltager-ID. Tryk p\u00e5 ikonet Udvid til h\u00f8jre for at se legitimationsoplysninger og detaljer.", "Credential roles": "Rollerne for legitimationsoplysninger.", "Temporary email address": "Midlertidig e-mail-adresse", "Temporary password": "Midlertidig adgangskode", "One-time login link": "Engangslogin-link", "an unknown device": "en ukendt enhed", "unknown device model": "ukendt enhedsmodel", "App Version": "App-udgave", "OS Version": "OS-udgave", "Device Name": "Enhedens navn", "Model": "Model", "Successfully created new group \u2013 group Name.": "Det lykkedes at oprette en ny unders\u00f8gelse - unders\u00f8gelsesnavn.", "Are you sure you want to delete this Participant?": "Er du sikker p\u00e5, at du \u00f8nsker at slette denne deltager?", "Rename": "Omd\u00f8b", "Edit password": "Rediger adgangskode", "CSV": "CSV", "JSON": "JSON", "New user": "Ny bruger", "Create a new entry in this group.": "Opret en ny post i denne gruppe.", "Add a new group": "Tilf\u00f8j en ny unders\u00f8gelse", "Create a new group.": "Opret en ny unders\u00f8gelse.", "Are you sure you want to delete these participants?": "Er du sikker p\u00e5, at du \u00f8nsker at slette disse deltagere?", "Choose the Group you want to save this participant.": "V\u00e6lg det unders\u00f8gelse, som du vil gemme denne deltager..", "Select a Group to create a participant.": "V\u00e6lg et unders\u00f8gelse for at oprette en deltager.", "entries": "indtastninger", "Social Context": "Social kontekst", "Edit goal": "Rediger m\u00e5l", "Current streak:": "Nuv\u00e6rende r\u00e6kke", "Goal History": "M\u00e5lhistorik", "Department of Mental Health (DMH)": "Afdeling for psykisk sundhed (APS)", "National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)": "National alliance om psykisk sygdom (NAPS)", "NAMI Massachussetts": "NAMI Massachussetts", "Researchers": "Forskere", "Successfully created a new Researcher.": "Det lykkedes at oprette en ny forsker.", "Failed to create a new Researcher.": "Det lykkedes ikke at oprette en ny forsker.", "Successfully updated the Researcher.": "Det lykkedes at opdatere forskeren.", "Failed to update the Researcher.": "Det lykkedes ikke at opdatere forskeren.", "Successfully deleted the Researcher.": "Det lykkedes at slette forskeren.", "Failed to delete the Researcher.": "Det lykkedes ikke at slette forskeren.", "No Researchers. Add Researchers by clicking the [+] button above.": "Ingen forskere. Tilf\u00f8j forskere ved at klikke p\u00e5 knappen [+] ovenfor.", "Are you sure you want to delete this Researcher?": "Er du sikker p\u00e5, at du \u00f8nsker at slette denne forsker?", "Well done!": "Godt g\u00e5et!", "Swipe around the": "Stryg rundt p\u00e5", "screen to reveal": "sk\u00e6rmen for at afsl\u00f8re", "the hidden image": "det skjulte billede", "am": "am", "pm": "pm", "Your response": "Dit svar", "Nearly All the Time": "N\u00e6sten hele tiden", "More than Half the Time": "Mere end halvdelen af tiden", "Several Times": "Flere gange", "Not at all": "slet ikke", "(Select one)": "(V\u00e6lg en)", "(0 being terrible, 10 being excellent)": "(0 er forf\u00e6rdeligt 10 er fremragende)", "Patient Notes": "Bem\u00e6rkninger fra patienten", "Modify an existing group.": "\u00c6ndre en eksisterende gruppe.", "Drag the handle on the left to change the order in which this Activity appears in the group.": "Tr\u00e6k i h\u00e5ndtaget til venstre for at \u00e6ndre den r\u00e6kkef\u00f8lge, som denne aktivitet vises i gruppen.", "No selection": "Intet valg", "Group Title": "Gruppetitel", "Configure activities and options.": "Konfigurer aktiviteter og indstillinger.", "Add Activity": "Tilf\u00f8j aktivitet", "Save this activity group.": "Gem denne aktivitetsgruppe.", "Question Option": "Mulighed for sp\u00f8rgsm\u00e5l", "Delete this option from the question's list of options.": "Slet denne mulighed fra listen over sp\u00f8rgsm\u00e5lets muligheder.", "Option Description": "Beskrivelse af valgmulighed", "Add Option": "Tilf\u00f8j mulighed", "Delete question from survey instrument.": "Slet sp\u00f8rgsm\u00e5l fra unders\u00f8gelsesinstrumentet.", "Boolean": "boolean", "Likert": "likert", "List": "liste", "Multi-Select": "flere valgmuligheder", "Slider": "Skyder", "Save this survey instrument.": "Gem dette unders\u00f8gelsesinstrument.", "N/A": "N/A", "An error occured while uploading. Please try again.": "Der opstod en fejl under upload. Pr\u00f8v venligst igen.", "Images should be in the format .jpeg/.png/.gif/.svg and the size should not exceed 4 MB.": "Billeder skal v\u00e6re i formatet jpeg/png/bmp/gif/svg og m\u00e5 ikke v\u00e6re st\u00f8rre end 4 MB.", "You are not allowed to delete all the details from the tip.": "Det er ikke tilladt at slette alle detaljer fra tippet.", "Tap to select a photo.": "Tryk p\u00e5 for at v\u00e6lge et foto.", "Tap to delete the photo.": "Tryk p\u00e5 for at slette fotoet.", "Tips Title": "Tips titel", "Please enter Tips Title": "Indtast venligst tips titel", "Tips Description": "Tips beskrivelse", "Please enter Tips Description": "Indtast venligst tips beskrivelse", "Please select the tip": "V\u00e6lg venligst tip", "Add New": "Tilf\u00f8j nyt", "New Tip": "Nyt tip", "Please add new tip.": "Tilf\u00f8j venligst et nyt tip", "Tip Details": "Tip detaljer", "Duplicate this activity.": "Dupliker denne aktivitet.", "Are you sure you want to delete this group?": "\u201cEr du sikker p\u00e5, at du \u00f8nsker at slette denne gruppe?\u201d", "Welcome to mindLAMP!": "Velkommen til sindLAMP!", "With the mindLAMP smartphone app, you can collect information about your health. You can learn about symptoms, brain health, and check your thinking. You can also learn about your steps and sleep and how they may relate to how you feel. You can use mindLAMP as part of a research study, part of your care if a clinician ask you to try it, or on your own.": "Med smartphone-appen sindLAMP kan du indsamle oplysninger om dit helbred. Du kan l\u00e6re om symptomer hjernens sundhed og tjekke din tankegang. Du kan ogs\u00e5 l\u00e6re om dine skridt og din s\u00f8vn, og hvordan de kan h\u00e6nge sammen med, hvordan du har det. Du kan bruge sindLAMP som en del af en forskningsunders\u00f8gelse, en del af din behandling, hvis en kliniker beder dig om at pr\u00f8ve det, eller p\u00e5 egen h\u00e5nd.", "Here are all the activities you'll receive notifications for when you use mindLAMP.": "Her er alle de aktiviteter, du f\u00e5r meddelelser om, n\u00e5r du bruger sindLAMP.", "Let's go!": "Lad os komme i gang!", "You're ready to start using mindLAMP.": "Du er klar til at begynde at bruge sindLAMP.", "You're using the src server to log into mindLAMP.": "Du bruger src-serveren til at logge p\u00e5 sindLAMP.", "GPS": "GPS", "Accelerometer": "Accelerometer", "Never": "Aldrig", "Users": "Brugere", "Studies": "Unders\u00f8gelser", "Data Portal": "Dataportal", "Month ago": "M\u00e5ned siden", "Months ago": "M\u00e5neder siden", "Customize which Tab this Activity appears in": "Tilpas hvilken fane denne aktivitet vises p\u00e5", "Date": "Dato", "Continue importing?": "Forts\u00e6t med at importere", "Cortex data": "Cortex-data", "Your data will appear here": "Dine data vil blive vist her", "Successfully created a sensor.": "Det lykkedes at oprette en sensor", "Successfully updated a sensor.": "Det lykkedes at opdatere en sensor", "Are you sure you want to delete this sensor?": "Er du sikker p\u00e5, at du \u00f8nsker at slette denne sensor", "device_state": "Enhedns_tilstand", "Item": "Emne", "System Admin": "Systemadministrator", "User Administrator": "Brugeradministrator", "Practice Lead": "Praksisleder", "Confirm Password": "Bekr\u00e6ft kodeord", "Changes done to this activity will reflect for all the participants under the group. Are you sure you want to proceed?": "\u00c6ndringer, der foretages i denne aktivitet, vil blive afspejlet for alle deltagere i unders\u00f8gelsen. Er du sikker p\u00e5, at du \u00f8nsker at forts\u00e6tte?", "Advanced Mode": "Avanceret tilstand", "Simple Mode": "Enkel tilstand", "User View": "Brugervisning", "No Records Found": "Ingen registreringer fundet", "Maximum recording time is 4 minutes": "Maksimal optagelsestid er 4 minutter", "Select All": "V\u00e6lg alle", "Deselect All": "Frav\u00e6lg alle", "Last Passive": "Sidste passive", "Separate participant data into multiple lines for each activity": "Adskil deltagerdata i flere linjer for hver aktivitet", "Download data for all activities for this Researcher": "Download data for alle aktiviteter for denne forsker", "Download Data for Researcher XXXX": "Hent data for forsker XXXX", "Download data for participant XXXX": "Hent data for deltager XXXX", "Download participant data": "Hent deltagerdata", "Adjust Toggleable Shared Tags": "Justering af omskiftelige delte etiketter", "Create a new user": "Opret en ny bruger", "Schedule": "Planl\u00e6g", "Confirmation": "Bekr\u00e6ftelse", "Confirm": "Bekr\u00e6ft", "Change Viewing Mode (Currently GUI)": "Skift visningstilstand (i \u00f8jeblikket GUI)", "Set Viewing Mode to GUI": "Indstil visningstilstand til GUI", "GUI Mode": "GUI-tilstand", "Terminal mode": "Terminaltilstand", "While in Terminal mode, you can directly write JSONata style queries to pull data directly from your database.": "I terminaltilstand kan du skrive direkte foresp\u00f8rgsler i JSONata-stil for at hente data direkte fra din database.", "For example, try:": "Prøv f.eks.", "replacing": "hvor du erstatter","with a user's id to get a list of the last 10,000 activities completed through LAMP.": "med en brugers id for at få en liste over de sidste 10000 aktiviteter, der er gennemført via LAMP.", "Want to learn more about JSONata queries or what special data you can pull from LAMP?": "Vil du vide mere om JSONata-foresp\u00f8rgsler eller hvilke s\u00e6rlige data du kan hente fra LAMP?", "Click here!": "Klik her!","Set Viewing Mode to Terminal": "Indstil visningstilstand til Terminal", "Messaging": "Meddelelser", "External": "Ekstern", "While in GUI mode, you can directly pull graphs you have already generated from the LAMP database, easily view information across an entire study or researcher, or quickly view tags that give info about things like survey scoring. If this is your first time using the LAMP data_portal, or if you need to get data quickly, this is the mode we recommend!!": "I GUI-tilstand kan du direkte tr\u00e6kke grafer, du allerede har genereret fra LAMP-databasen, og nemt se oplysninger om en hel unders\u00f8gelse eller forsker eller hurtigt se etiketter, der giver oplysninger om f.eks. unders\u00f8gelsesresultater. Hvis det er f\u00f8rste gang, du bruger LAMP data_portal, eller hvis du har brug for at f\u00e5 data hurtigt, er det denne tilstand, vi anbefaler!", "The maximum allowed file size is 25 MB.": "Den maksimalt tilladte filst\u00f8rrelse er 25 MB. ", "File Name": "Filnavn", "The Activities having same name under the selected group will be duplicated into new name.": "De aktiviteter, der har samme navn under den valgte unders\u00f8gelse, vil blive duplikeret til et nyt navn.", "Clear": "Ryd", "Every 3 hours": "Hver 3. time", "Every 6 hours": "Hver 6. time", "Every 12 hours": "Hver 12. time", "Week ago": "For en uge siden", "Weeks ago": "Uger siden", "Day ago": "Dagen f\u00f8r", "Days ago": "Dage siden", "Minute ago": "Minut siden", "Minutes ago": "Minutter siden", "Please select the sensor spec.": "V\u00e6lg venligst sensorspec", "Streak title": "R\u00e6kke titel", "Streak description": "R\u00e6kke beskrivelse ", "Streak popup on": "R\u00e6kke popup p\u00e5 ", "Upload": "Upload", "Update": "Opdater", "Temporary Login": "Midlertidigt login", "On an unknown model": "P\u00e5 en ukendt model", "Group name updated": "Unders\u00f8gelsesnavn opdateret", "Update Group name. Saving an empty text box will reset this value.": "Opdaterer unders\u00f8gelsesnavn. Hvis du gemmer et tomt tekstfelt, nulstilles denne v\u00e6rdi", "Successfully deleted the selected participants.": "Det lykkedes at slette de valgte deltagere", "Group name and user name will be same.": "Gruppens navn og brugernavn vil v\u00e6re det samme", "Choose the group you want to save this participant": "V\u00e6lg den gruppe, du vil gemme denne deltager", "Analyze participant": "Analyser deltager", "Please enter your response": "Indtast venligst dit svar", "Note": "Bem\u00e6rk", "Please select the Group.": "V\u00e6lg venligst gruppen", "Please select the Group to import activities": "V\u00e6lg venligst gruppen for at importere aktiviteter", "Are you sure you want to delete this?": "Er du sikker p\u00e5, at du vil slette dette?", "none": "Ingen", "Welcome to the Portal section": "Velkommen til portalafsnittet", "Track progress and make connections.": "F\u00f8lg dine fremskridt og skab forbindelser.", "Log feelings, behavior, and activity.": "Log f\u00f8lelser, adf\u00e6rd og aktivitet.", "Find useful information and practice healthy habits.": "Find nyttige oplysninger, og \u00f8v dig i sunde vaner.", "Review today's activities.": "Gennemg\u00e5 dagens aktiviteter.", "There are no Assess activities available.": "Der er ingen vurdere aktiviteter tilg\u00e6ngelige.", "There are no Manage activities available.": "Der er ingen forvalte aktiviteter tilg\u00e6ngelige.", "There are no Learn activities available.": "Der er ingen l\u00e6re aktiviteter tilg\u00e6ngelige.", "There are no scheduled activities available.": "Der er ingen planlagte aktiviteter tilg\u00e6ngelige.", "Portal": "Portal", "Cortex": "Cortex", "No Records found": "Ingen registreringer fundet", "Rows per page": "R\u00e6kker per side", "Update": "Opdatering", "Nickname(optional)": "Kaldenavn(valgfrit)", "Advanced Mode & \"Simple Mode\"": "Avanceret tilstand & \"Simpel tilstand\"", "Users": "Brugere", "Add a user, \"Add a new group\", \"Add a new user and group.\"": "Tilf\u00f8j en bruger, \"Tilf\u00f8j en ny gruppe\", \"Tilf\u00f8j en ny bruger og gruppe.\"", "Create a new user under their own group.": "Opret en ny bruger under deres egen gruppe.", "Duplicate from": "Duplikere fra", "Last passive": "Sidste passive", "User view": "Brugervisning", "Spatial scan": "Rumlig scanning", "screen_state, \u201caccelerometer.motion\u201d, \u201canalytics\u201d, \u201cblood_pressure\u201d, \u201cbluetooth\u201d, \u201ccalls\u201d, \u201cdistance\u201d, \u201cflights\u201d, \u201cgps.contextual\u201d, \u201cheart_rate\u201d, \u201cheight\u201d, \u201cmagnetometer\u201d, \u201crespiratory_rate\u201d, \u201csegment\u201d, \u201csms\u201d, \u201csteps\u201d, \u201cweight\u201d, \u201cwifi\u201d,": "sk\u00e6rmstatus, \"accelerometer.bev\u00e6gelse\", \"analytik\", \"blodtryk\", \"bluetooth\", \"ringer til\", \"afstand\", \"flyvninger\", \"gps.kontekstuel\", \"hjertefrekvens\", \"h\u00f8jde\", \"magnetometer\", \"\u00e5ndedr\u00e6tsfrekvens\", \"segment\", \"sms\", \"skridt\", \"v\u00e6gt\", \"wifi\",", "Currently Viewing Mode (Currently GUI)": "I \u00f8jeblikket visningstilstand (i \u00f8jeblikket GUI)", "To start building a query:": "S\u00e5dan begynder du at opbygge en foresp\u00f8rgsel", "Copy Researcher ID to clipboard": "Kopier forsker-ID til udklipsholder\"", "Download Researcher Data": "Hent forskerdata", "Analyze Researcher": "Analyser forsker", "Select all shared tags": "V\u00e6lg alle delte etiketter", "Deselect all shared tags": "Frav\u00e6lge alle delte etiketter", "Please wait, your data is loading": "Vent venligst, dine data er ved at blive indl\u00e6st", "There are no shared tags set for this researcher. To display data on tags shared between participants, set `lamp.dashboard.researcher_tags` to an array of strings, where each string is a tag you would like to see. Please contact your group administrator for more info": "Der er ikke indstillet nogen delte etiketter for denne forsker. Hvis du vil vise data om etiketter, der er delt mellem deltagerne, skal du indstille lamp.m\u00e5ltavle.forsker_ etiketter\" til et array af strenge, hvor hver streng er et etiket, du gerne vil se. Kontakt din studieadministrator for at f\u00e5 flere oplysninger.\"", "graphs.data_quality.": " grafer.datakvalitet.", "Activity counts": "Aktivitetst\u00e6llinger", "Passive Features": "Passive funktioner", "Quality Tags": "Kvalitetsm\u00e6rker", "Activities in the last 7 day (updated": "Aktiviteter i de sidste 7 dage (opdateret", "Data quality (updated": "Datakvalitet (opdateret", "\u201clamp.dashboard.\u201d": "lamp.m\u00e5ltavle.", "Expand": "Udvid", "collapse": "sammenbrud", "Sensor spec": "SensorSpec", "Sort by date of creation": "Sorter efter oprettelsesdato", "Filter": "Filter", "Filter studies, \"Search group list\"": "Filterunders\u00f8gelser, \"Liste over s\u00f8gningsunders\u00f8gelser\"", "Copy Group ID to clipboard": "Kopier studie-ID til udklipsholder\u201d\r\n\u201cDownload Group Data\u201d\tHent unders\u00f8gelsesdata\"", "Analyze Group": "Analyser unders\u00f8gelse", "There are no shared tags set for this Group. To display data on tags shared between participants, set `lamp.dashboard.group_tags` to an array of strings, where each string is a tag you would like to see. Please contact your study administrator for more info.": "Der er ikke indstillet nogen delte etiketter for denne unders\u00f8gelse. Hvis du vil vise data om etiketter, der er delt mellem deltagerne, skal du indstille lamp.m\u00e5ltavle.studie_etiketter\" til et array af strenge, hvor hver streng er et etiket, du gerne vil se. Kontakt din studieadministrator for at f\u00e5 flere oplysninger.\"", "Activity Settings": "Aktivitetsindstillinger", "activity_recognition": "Aktivitetsgenkendelse", "Add Sensor": "Tilf\u00f8j sensor", "Are you sure you want to delete this investigator(s)?.": "Er du sikker p\u00e5, at du vil slette denne investigator?", "blood_glucose": "Blodsukker", "body_temperature": "Kropstempereatur", "Choose File": "V\u00e6lg fil", "Collapse": "Kollaps", "device_motion": "Bev\u00e6gelse af enhed", "Do not provide an audio URL AND upload audio below.": "Angiv ikke en lyd-URL og upload lyd nedenfor", "Do not upload audio AND provide an audio URL above.": "Upload ikke lyd OG angiv en lyd-URL ovenfor", "Does not match the password you entered above.": "Matcher ikke med det kodeord du har indtastet ovenfor", "Every 2 weeks": "Hver anden uge", "Group Name": "Gruppenavn", "heartratevariability_sdnn": "hjerterytmevariabilitet_sdnn", "Investigators": "Investigators", "Jewels 1": "Jewels 1", "Jewels 2": "Jewels 2", "Matrix": "Matrix", "Memory Game": "Hukommelsesspil", "nearby_device": "N\u00e6rliggende enhed", "No file chosen": "Ingen fil valgt", "Option Text": "Valg Tekst", "oxygen_saturation": "Iltm\u00e6tning", "Please enter group name.": "Indtast gruppenavn", "Portal": "Portal", "Proceed with caution: you are logged in as the administrator.": "Forts\u00e6t med omhu: du er logged ind som administrator.", "Question Text": "Sp\u00f8rgsm\u00e5lstekst", "Rating": "Vurdering", "Remote Audio URL": "Fjern-lyd URL", "Required": "P\u00e5kr\u00e6vet", "Researcher": "Forsker", "Response Options": "Svarmuligheder", "Server Address": "Serveradresse", "Short Answer": "Kort svar", "Spatial Span": "Rumlig sp\u00e6nvidde", "Streak popup settings": "Streak popup-indstillinger", "Successfully created a new investigator.": "Lykkedes med at skabe en ny investigator.", "Successfully deleted the investigator.": "Lykkedes med at slette investigatorn.", "Successfully updated a new investigator.": "Lykkedes med at opdatere en ny investigator.", "Survey Questions": "Unders\u00f8gende sp\u00f8rgm\u00e5l", "telephony": "telefoni", "Voice Recording": "Stemmeoptagelse", "January": "januar", "February": "februar", "March": "marts", "April": "april", "May": "maj", "June": "juni", "July": "juli", "August": "august", "September": "september", "October": "oktober", "November": "november", "December": "december", "Add a user": "Tilf\u00f8j en bruger", "Add a new group": "Tilf\u00f8j en ny gruppe", "Add a new user and group": "Tilf\u00f8j en ny bruger og gruppe", "The Activities having the same name under the selected study will be duplicated into a new name.": "Aktivitäten mit demselben Namen in der ausgewählten Studie werden mit einem neuen Namen dupliziert.", "ActivitySpec": "ActivitetSpec", "Please select the group": "V\u00e6lg venligst unders\u00f8gelset", "Please select the Group": "V\u00e6lg venligst gruppen", "Medications": "Medicin", "Create a new group": "Opret en ny unders\u00f8gelse", "text": "tekst", "There are no shared tags set for this": "Der er ikke indstillet nogen delte etiketter for denne forsker", " To display data on tags shared between participants, set": "Hvis du vil vise data om etiketter, der er delt mellem deltagerne, skal du indstille ", "to an array of strings, where each string is a tag you would like to see. Please contact your study administrator for more info.": "til et array af strenge, hvor hver streng er et etiket, du gerne vil se. Kontakt din studieadministrator for at få flere oplysninger.", "screen_state": "sk\u00e6rmstatus", "accelerometer.motion": "accelerometer.bev\u00e6gelse", "analytics": "analytik", "blood_pressure": "blodtryk", "bluetooth": "bluetooth", "calls": "ringer til", "distance": "afstand", "flights": "flyvninger", "gps.contextual": "gps.kontekstuel", "heart_rate": "hjertefrekvens", "height": "h\u00f8jde", "magnetometer": "magnetometer", "respiratory_rate": "u00e5ndedr\u00e6tsfrekvens", "segment": "segment", "sms": "sms", "steps": "skridt", "weight": "v\u00e6gt", "wifi": "wifi", "Images should be in the format jpeg/png/bmp/gif/svg and the size should not exceed 4 MB.": "Billeder skal v\u00e6re i formatet jpeg/png/bmp/gif/svg og m\u00e5 ikke v\u00e6re st\u00f8rre end 4 MB.", "Measure of action": "M\u00e5ling af handling", "Measure of Action": "M\u00e5ling af handling", "No Sensors.": "Ingen Sensorer", "No Activities.": "Ingen Aktiviteter", "Update Sensor": "Opdater sensor", "Reset account password": "Nulstil konto adgangskode", "Profile": "Profil", "Patient View" : "Brugervisning", "User": "Bruger", "Add Item": "Tilf\u00f8j emne", "User number": "Bruger {{number}}", "question": "sp\u00f8rgsm\u00e5l", "NO CUSTOM TIMES": "Ingen brugerdefinerede tider", "Custom time": "Brugerdefinerede tider", "NAME": "Navn", "TYPE": "Type", "CHOOSE FILE": "V\u00e6lg fil", "Jewels A": "Smykker A", "Jewels B": "Smykker B", "Copy": "Kopier", "ID to clipboard": "ID til udklipsholder", "Analyze": "Analyser", "Study": "undersøgelse", "Analyze Participant Data": "Analyser deltager data", "Analyze Researcher Data": "Analyser forsker data","Failed to fetch the study details.": "Undersøgelsesoplysningerne kunne ikke hentes.","question": "sp\u00f8rgsm\u00e5l", "QUESTION_NUMBER_OF_TOTAL": "Sp\u00f8rgsm\u00e5l {{ number }} of {{ total }}", "Question": "Sp\u00f8rgsm\u00e5l", "of":"af", "Next" : "N\u00e6ste", "Submit": "Send", "Mood": "Stemnings", "Yes": "Ja", "No": "Nej", "Sleep and Social": "S\u00f8vn og sociale", "Anxiety": "Angst", "Psychosis and Social": "Psykose og socialt ", "App Usability": "App-brugervenlighed", "Water and Nutrition": "Vand og ern\u00e6ring", "Please enter your response" : "Indtast venligst dit svar", "Back":"Tilbage", "Your response": "Dit svar", "Nearly All the Time": "N\u00e6sten hele tiden", "More than Half the Time": "Mere end halvdelen af tiden", "Several Times": "Flere gange", "Not at all": "slet ikke", "(Select one)": "(V\u00e6lg en)", "(0 being terrible, 10 being excellent)": "(0 er forf\u00e6rdeligt 10 er fremragende)"}
diff --git a/public/locales/de/translation.json b/public/locales/de/translation.json
index ebf5dd9c..7589a690 100644
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+++ b/public/locales/de/translation.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"Welcome to the Portal section": "Willkommen im Portalbereich", "Track progress and make connections.": "Verfolgen Sie den Fortschritt und stellen Sie Zusammenh\u00e4nge her.", "Log feelings, behavior, and activity.": "Protokollieren Sie Gef\u00fchle, Verhalten und Aktivit\u00e4ten.", "Find useful information and practice healthy habits.": "Finden Sie n\u00fctzliche Informationen und \u00fcben Sie gesunde Gewohnheiten.", "Review today's activities.": "Beurteilen Sie die heutigen Aktivit\u00e4ten.", "There are no Assess activities available.": "Es sind keine Beurteilungs-aktivit\u00e4ten verf\u00fcgbar.","There are no Manage activities available.": "Es sind keine Management-aktivit\u00e4ten verf\u00fcgbar.","There are no Learn activities available.": "Es sind keine Lern-aktivit\u00e4ten verf\u00fcgbar.","There are no scheduled activities available.": "Es sind keine Planungsaktivit\u00e4ten verf\u00fcgbar.", "Portal": "Portal", "Cortex": "Cortex", "No Records found": "Keine Aufzeichnungen gefunden", "Rows per page": "Zeilen pro Seite", "Update": "Update", "Nickname(optional)": "Nickname(optional)", "Advanced Mode": "Fortgeschrittener Modus", "Simple Mode": "Einfacher Modus", "Users": "\u2019Benutzer", "Add a user": "Benutzer hinzuf\u00fcgen", "Add a new group": "Neue Gruppe hinzuf\u00fcgen", "Add a new user and group": "Neuen Benutzer zur Gruppe hinzuf\u00fcgen.", "Create a user under their own group.": "Einen neuen Benutzer unter seiner eigenen Gruppe anlegen.", "Duplicate from": "Duplizieren von", "Last passive": "Zuletzt passiv", "User View": "Benutzeransicht", "Spatial Span": "R\u00e4umlicher Span", "screen_state": "screen_status", "accelerometer.motion": "Beschleunigungsmesser.Bewegung", "analytics": "Analytik", "blood_pressure": "Blutdruck", "bluetooth": "bluetooth", "calls": "Anrufe", "distance": "Entfernung", "flights": "Fl\u00fcge", "gps.contextual": "gps.kontextuell", "heart_rate": "Herzfrequenz", "height": "Gr\u00f6\u00dfe", "magnetometer": "magnetometer", "respiratory_rate": "Atemfrequenz", "segment": "Segment", "sms": "SMS", "steps": "Stufen", "weight": "Gewicht", "wifi": "Wifi", "Currently Viewing Mode (Currently GUI)": "Aktueller Ansichtsmodus (derzeit GUI)", "To start building a query:": "Um mit der Erstellung einer Abfrage zu beginnen:", "1. Navigate to the level of your target on the left.": "1. Navigieren Sie zur gewünschten Ebene auf der linken Seite.","2. Click on": "2. Klicken Sie auf", "Alternatively, drag and drop a researcher, group, or participant into this box": "Alternativ k\u00f6nnen Sie einen Forscher, eine Studie oder einen Teilnehmer per Drag & Drop in dieses Feld ziehen.", "Copy Researcher ID to clipboard": "Forscher-ID in die Zwischenablage kopieren", "Download Researcher data": "Forscherdaten herunterladen", "Analyze researcher": "Forscher analysieren", "Select all shared tags": "Alle freigegebenen Tags auswählen", "Deselect all shared tags": "Alle freigegebenen Tags wieder aufheben", "Please wait, your data is loading": "Bitte warten, Ihre Daten werden geladen", "There are no shared tags set for this researcher. To display data on tags shared between participants, set \u201clamp.dashboard.researcher_tags\u201d to an array of strings, where each string is a tag you would like to see. Please contact your group administrator for more info.": "Es sind keine gemeinsamen Tags f\u00fcr diesen Forscher festgelegt. Um Daten zu Tags anzuzeigen, die zwischen Teilnehmern geteilt werden, setzen Sie 'lamp.dashboard.researcher_tags' auf ein Array von Strings, wobei jeder String ein Tag repr\u00e4sentiert, den Sie sehen m\u00f6chten. Bitte kontaktieren Sie Ihren Studienadministrator f\u00fcr weitere Informationen.", "graphs.data_quality.": "diagramm.daten_qualitaet.", "Activity counts": "Aktivit\u00e4tsz\u00e4hlungen", "Passive Features": "Passive Merkmale", "Quality Tags": "Qualit\u00e4tskennzeichen", "Activities in the last 7 day (updated: date)": "Aktivit\u00e4ten der letzten 7 Tage (aktualisiert: Datum)", "Data quality (updated: date)": "Datenqualit\u00e4t (aktualisiert: Daten)", "missing": "fehlend", "bad": "schlecht", "okay": "okay", "good": "gut", "bad_missing": "schlecht_fehlend", "okay_missing": "okay_fehlend", "good_missing": "gut_fehlend", "lamp.dashboard": "lamp.dashboard.", "Expand": "Erweitern", "Collapse": "zusammenbrechen", "ActivitySpec": "AktivitaetsSpez", "Sensor spec": "SensorenSpez", "Filter": "Filter", "Filter studies": "Studien filtern", "Search group list": "Studienliste durchsuchen", "Copy Group ID to Clipboard": "Studien-ID in Zwischenablage kopieren", "Download Group Data": "Studiendaten herunterladen", "Analyze Group": "Studie analysieren Group", "There are no shared tags set for this Group. To display data on tags shared between participants, set \u201clamp.dashboard.group_tags\u201d to an array of strings, where each string is a tag you would like to see. Please contact your group administrator for more info.": "Es sind keine gemeinsamen Tags f\u00fcr diese Studie festgelegt. Um Daten zu den Tags anzuzeigen, die von den Teilnehmern gemeinsam genutzt werden, setzen Sie 'lamp.dashboard.group_tags' auf einen Array von Strings, wobei jeder String ein Tag repr\u00e4sentiert, den Sie sehen m\u00f6chten. Bitte kontaktieren Sie Ihren Studienadministrator f\u00fcr weitere Informationen.", "Users": "Benutzer", "Studies": "Studien", "Data Portal": "Datenportal", "Month ago": "Vor einem Monat", "Months ago": "Vor mehreren Monaten", "Customize which Tab this Activity appears in": "Anpassen, auf welcher Registerkarte diese Aktivit\u00e4t erscheint", "Date": "Datum", "Continue importing?": "Weitere importieren", "Cortex data": "Kortex-Daten", "Your data will appear here": "Deine Daten werden hier angezeigt", "Successfully created a sensor.": "Sensor erfolgreich erstellt", "Successfully updated a sensor.": "Sensor erfolgreich aktualisiert", "Are you sure you want to delete this sensor?": "Bist du sicher, dass du diesen Sensor l\u00f6schen m\u00f6chtest", "device_state": "Ger\u00e4te_Status", "Item": "Eintrag", "System Admin": "Systemadministrator", "User Administrator": "Benutzeradministrator", "Practice Lead": "Praktizierender Leiter", "Confirm Password": "Passwort best\u00e4tigen", "Changes done to this activity will reflect for all the participants under the group. Are you sure you want to proceed?": "\u00c4nderungen an dieser Aktivit\u00e4t werden f\u00fcr alle Teilnehmer der Studie \u00fcbernommen. Bist du sicher, dass du fortfahren m\u00f6chtest?", "Advanced Mode": "Erweiterter Modus", "No Records Found": "Keine Eintr\u00e4ge gefunden", "Maximum recording time is 4 minutes": "Maximale Aufzeichnungsdauer ist 4 Minuten", "Select All": "Alle ausw\u00e4hlen", "Deselect All": "Auswahl aufheben", "Last Passive": "Letzter passiver Eintrag", "Separate participant data into multiple lines for each activity": "Teilnehmerdaten in mehrere Zeilen f\u00fcr jede Aktivit\u00e4t aufteilen", "Download data for all activities for this Researcher": "Daten f\u00fcr alle Aktivit\u00e4ten dieses Forschers herunterladen", "Download Data for Researcher XXXX": "Daten f\u00fcr Forscher XXXX herunterladen", "Download data for participant XXXX": "Daten f\u00fcr Teilnehmer XXXX herunterladen", "Download participant data": "Teilnehmerdaten herunterladen", "Adjust Toggleable Shared Tags": "Umschaltbare freigegebene Labels anpassen", "Create a new user": "Neuen Benutzer erstellen", "Schedule": "Zeitplan", "Confirmation": "Best\u00e4tigung", "Confirm": "Best\u00e4tigen", "Change Viewing Mode (Currently GUI)": "Ansichtsmodus ändern (derzeit GUI)", "Set viewing mode to GUI": "Ansichtsmodus auf GUI einstellen", "GUI Mode": "GUI-Modus", "Terminal mode": "Terminal-Modus", "While in Terminal mode, you can directly write JSONata style queries to pull data directly from your database.": "Im Terminalmodus können Abfragen direkt im JSONata-Stil geschrieben werden, um Daten direkt aus der Datenbank abzurufen.", "For example, try:": "Zum Beispiel","replacing": "wobei", "with a user's id to get a list of the last 10,000 activities completed through LAMP.": "durch die ID eines Benutzers ersetzt wird, um eine Liste der letzten 10.000 in LAMP durchgeführten Aktivitäten zu erhalten.", "Want to learn more about JSONata queries or what specialdata you can pull from LAMP?": "Möchtest du mehr über JSONata-Abfragen erfahren oder darüber, welche spezifischen Daten aus LAMP abgerufen werden können?", "Click here!": "Klicke hier!", "Messaging": "Nachrichten\u00fcbermittlung", "External": "Extern", "While in GUI mode, you can directly pull graphs you havealready generated from the LAMP database, easily viewinformation across an entire group or researcher, or quicklyview tags that give info about things like survey scoring. If this is your first time using the LAMP data_portal, or if you need to get data quickly, this is the mode we recommend!": "Im GUI-Modus können erstellte Diagramme direkt aus der LAMP-Datenbank abgerufen werden, Informationen über eine ganze Studie oder einen bestimmten Forscher angezeigt werden, oder schnell Labels angezeigt werden, die Informationen über Dinge wie die Umfrageauswertung enthalten. Wenn du das LAMP Daten_Portal zum ersten Mal nutzt oder wenn du schnell an Daten kommen möchtest, ist dieser Modus zu empfehlen.", "The maximum allowed file size is 25 MB.": "Die maximal zul\u00e4ssige Dateigr\u00f6\u00dfe betr\u00e4gt 25 MB.", "File Name": "Dateiname", "The Activities having same name under the selected groupwill be duplicated into new name.": "Aktivit\u00e4ten mit demselben Namen in der ausgew\u00e4hlten Studie werden mit einem neuen Namen dupliziert.", "Clear": "L\u00f6schen", "Every 3 hours": "Alle 3 Stunden", "Every 6 hours": "Alle 6 Stunden", "Every 12 hours": "Alle 12 Stunden", "Week ago": "Vor einer Woche", "Weeks ago": "Vor mehreren Wochen", "Day ago": "Vor einem Tag", "Days ago": "Vor mehreren Tagen", "Minute ago": "Vor einer Minute", "Minutes ago": "Vor mehreren Minuten", "Please select the sensor spec.": "Sensor-Spezifikationen ausw\u00e4hlen", "Streak title": "Titel der Aktivit\u00e4tsreihe", "Streak description": "Beschreibung der Aktivit\u00e4tsreihe", "Streak popup on": "Anzahl der abgeschlossenen Aktivit\u00e4ten", "Upload": "Hochladen", "Update": "Aktualisieren", "Temporary Login": "Vor\u00fcbergehende Anmeldung", "On an unknown model": "Auf einem unbekannten Ger\u00e4t", "Group name updated": "Studienname aktualisiert", "Update Group name. Saving an empty text box will reset this value.": "Studienname aktualisieren. Durch das Speichern eines leeren Textfeldes wird dieser Wert zur\u00fcckgesetzt", "Successfully deleted the selected participants.": "Die ausgew\u00e4hlten Teilnehmer wurden erfolgreich gel\u00f6scht", "Group Name": "Gruppennam", "Group name and user name will be same.": "Gruppenname und Benutzername sind dann identisch", "Choose the group you want to save this participant": "Gruppe ausw\u00e4hlen, in der dieser Teilnehmer gespeichert werden soll", "Analyze participant": "Teilnehmer analysieren", "Please enter your response": "Bitte Antwort eingeben", "Note: This is the latest version of LAMP": "Hinweis: Dies ist die neueste Version von LAMP", "Note: This is NOT the latest version of LAMP": "Hinweis: Dies ist NICHT die neueste Version von LAMP", "Please select the group": "Bitte Gruppe ausw\u00e4hlen", "Please select the Group to import activities": "Bitte die entsprechende Gruppe f\u00fcr den Import von Aktivit\u00e4ten ausw\u00e4hlen", "Are you sure you want to delete this?": "Bist du sicher, dass du dies l\u00f6schen m\u00f6chtest?", "none": "Keine", "Don't enter a domain if you're not sure what this option does.": "Don't enter a domain if you're not sure what this option does.", "Login": "Anmelden", "Try it": "Ausprobieren", "Try mindLAMP out as a...": "mindLAMP ausprobieren als...", "Researcher": "Forscher", "Clinician": "Kliniker", "Participant": "Teilnehmer", "Patient": "Patient", "You're logged into a demo account. Any changes you make will be reset when you restart the app.": "Du bist in einem Demokonto angemeldet. Alle vorgenommenen \u00c4nderungen werden zur\u00fcckgesetzt, wenn du die App neu startest.", "Dismiss": "Verwerfen", "Assess": "Bewerten", "Welcome to the Assess section": "Willkommen im Bewertungsabschnitt", "Take steps to refocus, reflect, and recover.": "Hier kann man Schritte unternehmen, um sich neu zu konzentrieren, zu reflektieren und zu erholen", "Survey": "Umfrage", "questions": "Fragen", "mins": "Min.", "The following survey will assess your sleep and social behavior.": "Die folgende Umfrage bewertet dein Schlaf- und Sozialverhalten.", "For each of the statements, rate which is true for you.": "Bewerte f\u00fcr jede Aussage, ob sie auf dich zutrifft.", "Start survey": "Umfrage starten", "Question": "Frage", "Question number of total": "Nummer der Frage", "Next": "Weiter", "Submit": "Absenden", "Nice work!": "Gute Arbeit!", "You\u2019re on a streak, keep it going": "Du hast eine Gl\u00fccksstr\u00e4hne, mach weiter so", "days": "Tage", "day": "Tag", "Sleep and Social": "Schlaf und Soziales", "Anxiety": "Angst", "Psychosis and Social": "Psychose und Soziales", "App Usability": "App-Nutzbarkeit", "Water and Nutrition": "Wasser und Ern\u00e4hrung", "Feed": "Feed", "Welcome to the Feed section": "Willkommen im Feed-Bereich", "Here you can see recent activities": "Hier siehst du die letzten Aktivit\u00e4ten", "Learn": "Lernen", "Welcome to the Learn section": "Willkommen im Lernbereich", "Mood Tips": "Stimmungs-Tipps", "Quick Tips to Improve Your": "Schnelle Tipps zur Verbesserung von", "Read": "Lesen", "Hope": "Hoffnung", "Tip": "Tipp", "Was this helpful today?": "War das he\tute hilfreich?", "Yes": "Ja", "No": "Nein", "Mark complete": "Als abgeschlossen markieren", "Social": "Soziales", "Mental Health Resources": "Ressourcen f\u00fcr psychische Gesundheit", "Physical Wellness": "K\u00f6rperliches Wohlbefinden", "Suggested Reading": "Empfohlene Lekt\u00fcre", "Motivation": "Motivation", "Stress Tips": "Stress-Tipps", "Manage": "Management", "Welcome to the Manage section": "Willkommen im Abschnitt Emotionsmanagement", "Breathe": "Atmung", "Begin": "Beginnen", "Breathing exercise (__ mins)": "Atem\u00fcbung (__ Min.)", "Follow the motion of the lotus flower opening and closing to control your breaths in and out.": "Folge der Bewegung der sich \u00f6ffnenden und schlie\u00dfenden Lotusblume, um dein Ein- und Ausatmen zu kontrollieren.", "Get ready": "Mach dich bereit", "Get yourself comfortable and when you\u2019re ready tap the start button.": "Mach es dir bequem und tippe auf die Starttaste, wenn du bereit bist.", "Start": "Start", "Inhale": "Einatmen", "Exhale": "Ausatmen", "Nicely done!": "Gut gemacht!", "Done": "Erledigt", "Journal": "Tagebuch", "Test description for the manage section.": "Testbeschreibung f\u00fcr den Abschnitt Emotionsmanagement", "New journal entry": "Neuer Tagebucheintrag", "How do you feel today?": "Wie f\u00fchlst du dich heute?", "Good": "Gut", "Bad": "Schlecht", "New Goal": "Neues Ziel", "Goals": "Ziele", "Create goal": "Ziel erstellen", "What type of goal?": "Welche Art von Ziel?", "Choose a category": "Kategorie ausw\u00e4hlen", "Exercise": "Sport", "Weight": "Gewicht", "nutrition": "Ern\u00e4hrung", "sleep": "Schlaf", "Medication": "Medikamente", "Reading": "Lesen", "Finances": "Finanzen", "Meditation": "Meditation", "Mood": "Stimmung", "Custom": "Benutzerdefiniert", "Goal Name": "Name des Ziels", "Goal details": "Details des Ziels", "Daily": "t\u00e4glich", "hourly": "st\u00fcndlich", "weekly": "w\u00f6chentlich", "monthly": "monatlich", "Ounces": "Unzen", "mg": "mg", "g": "g", "Kg": "Kg", "hours": "Stunden", "minutes": "Minuten", "$": "$", "Start date": "Startdatum", "Duration": "Dauer", "Reminders": "Erinnerungen", "Save": "Speichern", "Cancel": "Abbrechen", "Leaving so soon?": "Gehst du schon?", "If you leave without submitting, your entry will be lost.": "Wenn du die Seite verl\u00e4sst, ohne auf Absenden zu tippen, geht dein Eintrag verloren.", "No, don\u2019t leave yet": "Nein, die Seite noch nicht verlassen", "Yes, leave": "Ja, die Seite verlassen", "Hope box": "Hope Box", "Games": "Spiele", "Test description for the manage section": "Testbeschreibung f\u00fcr den Abschnitt Emotionsmanagement", "Save images and quotes that bring joy and hope to your life.": "Speichere hier Bilder und Zitate, die Freude und Hoffnung in dein Leben bringen.", "Hope Box content will show up in your feed from time to time to inspire and uplift you.": "Der Inhalt der Hope Box wird von Zeit zu Zeit in deinem Feed angezeigt, um dich zu inspirieren und aufzurichten.", "Add an image": "Bild hinzuf\u00fcgen", "Add a quote": "Zitat hinzuf\u00fcgen", "View my Hope Box": "Meine Hope Box anzeigen", "Scratch card": "Rubbelkarte", "Meditation exercises": "Meditations\u00fcbungen", "Swipe your finger around the screen to reveal the image hidden underneath": "Wische mit dem Finger \u00fcber den Bildschirm, um das darunter verborgene Bild aufzudecken", "Swipe around the screen to reveal the hidden image": "Wische \u00fcber den Bildschirm, um das verborgene Bild aufzudecken", "Well done": "Gut gemacht", "Close": "Schlie\u00dfen", "Do another one": "Noch einmal spielen", "Medication tracker": "Medikamenten-Tracker", "Add medication": "Medikament hinzuf\u00fcgen", "Medication name": "Name des Medikaments", "Add dosage": "Dosierung hinzuf\u00fcgen", "Name": "Name", "Dose": "Dosis", "Balloon Risk": "Risiko-Ballon", "Balloon Risk Game": " Risiko-Ballon Spiel ", "Current Points": "Aktuelle Punkte", "Total Points": "Gesamtpunkte", "PUMP UP BALLOON": "LUFTBALLON AUFPUMPEN", "COLLECT POINTS": "PUNKTE SAMMELN", "Balloon Bursted": "Ballon geplatzt", "Box Game": "K\u00e4stchen", "Please wait and watch": "Bitte warten und beobachten", "Level": "Level", "Please remember the sequence": "Merke dir die Reihenfolge", "Go": "Los", "Time out": "Zeit abgelaufen", "Remember the highlighted boxes in the order you see them. Now tap on the boxes in the order they were highlighted.": "Merke dir die hervorgehobenen K\u00e4stchen in der Reihenfolge, in der sie erscheinen. Tippe dann auf die K\u00e4stchen in der Reihenfolge, in der sie hervorgehoben wurden.", "Congrats": "Gl\u00fcckwunsch", "Cats n Dogs": "Katzen & Hunde", "Tap the boxes that have a dog behind them.": "Tippe auf die K\u00e4stchen, hinter denen sich ein Hund befindet.", "Ok": "Ok", "Continue to tap the boxes that have a dog behind them.": "Tippe weiter auf die K\u00e4stchen, hinter denen sich ein Hund befindet.", "Don't tap the boxes with a cat behind them": "Tippe nicht auf die K\u00e4stchen, hinter denen sich eine Katze befindet", "Now tap the boxes that have a cat behin them. Don't tap the boxes with a dog behind them": "Tippe nun auf die K\u00e4stchen, hinter denen sich eine Katze befindet. Tippe nicht auf die K\u00e4stchen, hinter denen sich ein Hund befindet", "Game Over": "Spiel ist vorbei", "Dot Touch": "Punkt ber\u00fchren", "Tap\u20191\u2019 to start the test": "Tippe auf 1, um den Test zu starten", "Pick the matching alphabet": "W\u00e4hle das passende Alphabet aus", "Timeout": "Zeit abgelaufen", "Restart": "Neustart", "Jewels": "Juwelen", "Pop the bubbles": "Lass die Blasen platzen", "Tap to continue": "Zum Fortfahren tippen", "TAP TO POP ALL PINK, BLUE AND YELLOW BUBBLES ONLY": "TIPPE NUR AUF ALLE ROSA, BLAUEN UND GELBEN BLASEN, UM SIE ZUM PLATZEN ZU BRINGEN", "POPPING CORRECT BALOONS WILL EARN YOU POINTS": "WENN DU DIE RICHTIGEN LUFTBALLONS ZERPLATZT, ERH\u00c4LTST DU PUNKTE", "Level __ Completed": "Level __ abgeschlossen", "You got _ %": "Du hast _ % erreicht", "Prevent": "Pr\u00e4vention", "Activity": "Aktivit\u00e4t", "Activity data": "Aktivit\u00e4tsdaten", "Choose the data you want to see in your dashboard.": "W\u00e4hle die Daten aus, die du auf deinem Dashboard sehen m\u00f6chtest.", "entries this month": "Eintr\u00e4ge diesen Monat", "Sensors": "Sensoren", "Sensor Data": "Sensordaten", "Summary": "Zusammenfassung", "Notifications": "Benachrichtigungen", "Conversations": "Konversationen", "Profile & Settings": "Profil & Einstellungen", "Manage Credentials": "Zugangsdaten verwalten", "Enter the family member or clinician's name here.": "Namen des Familienmitglieds oder Klinikers eingeben.", "Role": "Rolle", "Enter the family member or clinician's role here. For this credential to appear as a care team member, either a photo or role MUST be saved.": "Rolle des Familienmitglieds oder Klinikers eingeben. Damit dieser Berechtigungsnachweis als Mitglied des Betreuungsteams erscheint, MUSS entweder ein Foto oder eine Rolle gespeichert werden.", "Email Address": "E-Mail-Adresse", "Enter the email address here.": "E-Mail-Adresse eingeben.", "Password": "Passwort", "Enter the new password here, and press the done button to the right of the box. Tap away if you don't want to change the password.": "Gib hier ein neues Passwort ein und dr\u00fccke auf die Schaltfl\u00e4che 'Fertig' rechts neben dem Feld. Tippe woanders, wenn du das Passwort nicht \u00e4ndern m\u00f6chtest.", "Logout": "Abmelden", "Are you sure you want to log out of LAMP right now?": "Bist du sicher, dass du dich jetzt aus LAMP abmelden willst?", "If you've made some changes, make sure they're saved before you continue to log out.": "Wenn du \u00c4nderungen vorgenommen hast, vergewissere dich, dass diese gespeichert sind, bevor du dich abmeldest:", "Go Back": "Zur\u00fcck", "Help & Support": "Hilfe & Support", "LAMP Community": "LAMP-Gemeinschaft", "Contact Us": "Kontakt", "Researcher Login": "Forscher-Anmeldung", "Show Unscheduled Activities": "Au\u00dferplanm\u00e4\u00dfige Aktivit\u00e4ten anzeigen", "Patients": "Patienten", "Demo": "Demo", "Search": "Suchen", "Create": "Erstellen", "Number of participants to add:": "Anzahl der hinzuzuf\u00fcgenden Teilnehmer:", "Last Active": "Zuletzt aktiv", "Indicators": "Indikatoren", "_ years ago on Android": "Vor _ Jahren auf Android", "_ row(s) selected": "_ Zeile(n) ausgew\u00e4hlt", "Data Quality": "Datenqualit\u00e4t", "Data is optimal": "Daten sind optimal", "Reset Password": "Passwort zur\u00fccksetzen", "View Patient Data": "Patientendaten anzeigen", "__ rows [in pagination]": "__ Zeilen [in der Seitennummerierung]", "First Page": "Erste Seite", "Previous Page": "Vorherige Seite", "Next Page": "N\u00e4chste Seite", "Last Page [in pagination]": "Letzte Seite [in der Seitennummerierung]", "Activities": "Aktivit\u00e4ten", "Type": "Typ", "Import": "Importieren", "Drag files here, or click to select files.": "Dateien hierher ziehen oder hier klicken, um Dateien auszuw\u00e4hlen.", "Create a new...": "Neu erstellen", "Activity Group": "Aktivit\u00e4tsgruppe", "Survey Instrument": "Umfrageinstrument", "Smartphone Cognitive Tests": "Kognitive Tests f\u00fcr Smartphone", "Successfully created a new cognitive test Activity.": "Neue kognitive Testaktivit\u00e4t erfolgreich erstellt.", "Activity Schedule": "Zeitplan der Aktivit\u00e4t", "Time": "Zeit", "Repeat Interval": "Wiederholungsintervall", "Custom Times": "Benutzerdefinierte Zeiten", "Actions": "Aktionen", "No schedule.": "Kein Zeitplan", "Modify an existing survey instrument.": "Vorhandenes Umfrageinstrument \u00e4ndern.", "Survey Title": "Titel der Umfrage", "Survey Description": "Umfrage-Beschreibung", "Configure questions, parameters, and options.": "Fragen, Parameter und Optionen konfigurieren.", "Question Title": "Titel der Frage", "Question Description": "Beschreibung der Frage", "Question Type": "Fragentyp", "Add Question": "Frage hinzuf\u00fcgen", "Duplicate": "Duplizieren", "Save this survey instrument": "Dieses Umfrageinstrument speichern", "Hours": "Stunden", "Only survey description content was modified to prevent irrecoverable data loss. (error message)": "Nur der Inhalt der Umfragebeschreibung wurde ge\u00e4ndert, um einen unwiederbringlichen Datenverlust zu verhindern. (Fehlermeldung)", "Cats and Dogs": "Katzen und Hunde", "Research studies using mindLAMP": "Forschungsstudien mit mindLAMP", "Incorrect username, password, or server address.": "Falscher Benutzername, falsches Passwort oder falsche Serveradresse.", "Are you sure you're logging into the right mindLAMP server?": "Bist du sicher, dass du dich im richtigen mindLAMP-Server anmeldest?", "Select Language": "Sprache ausw\u00e4hlen", "Add mindLAMP to your home screen?": "mindLAMP zum Startbildschirm hinzuf\u00fcgen?", "Proceed with caution: you are logged in as the administrator.": "Vorsicht: Du bist als Administrator angemeldet.", "Invalid id or password.": "Ung\u00fcltige ID oder ung\u00fcltiges Passwort.", "mindLAMP will be installed on your device.": "mindLAMP wird auf deinem Ger\u00e4t installiert.", "mindLAMP will not be installed on your device.": "mindLAMP wird nicht auf deinem Ger\u00e4t installiert.", "Messages": "Nachrichten", "Administrator": "Administrator", "Community": "Gemeinschaft", "Switch Views": "Ansichten wechseln", "Activity Type": "Aktivit\u00e4tstyp", "Show App Screenshot": "App-Screenshot anzeigen", "Delete Entry": "Eintrag l\u00f6schen", "Copy Entry": "Eintrag kopieren", "Edit Entry": "Eintrag bearbeiten", "No detail view available.": "Keine detaillierte Ansicht verf\u00fcgbar.", "Score": "Punktezahl", "Alone": "Allein", "Friends": "Freunde", "Family": "Familie", "Peers": "Gleichaltrige", "Crowd": "Menge", "Home": "Zuhause", "School": "Schule", "Work": "Arbeit", "Hospital": "Krankenhaus", "Outside": "Drau\u00dfen", "Shopping": "Beim Einkaufen", "Transit": "Transit", "Sensor": "Sensor", "Automations": "Automatisierungen", "An experimental visualization generated by an automation you or your clinician have installed.": "Eine experimentelle Visualisierung, die von einer Automatisierung erzeugt wird, die von dir oder von deinem Kliniker installiert wurde.", "No Data": "Keine Daten", "No data": "Keine Daten", "No Activities are selected. Please select an Activity above to begin.": "Es sind keine Aktivit\u00e4ten ausgew\u00e4hlt. W\u00e4hle oben eine Aktivit\u00e4t aus, um zu beginnen.", "Environmental Context": "Umgebungskontext", "Step Count": "Schrittzahl", "Steps Taken": "Getane Schritte", "visualization": "Visualisierung", "Couldn't import the Activities.": "Aktivit\u00e4ten konnten nicht importiert werden", "Choose the Group you want to import activities.": "Studie ausw\u00e4hlen, in die Aktivit\u00e4ten importiert werden sollen.", "Select a Group to import activities.": "Studie ausw\u00e4hlen, um Aktivit\u00e4ten zu importieren.", "Couldn't import the Activities because some Activities are misconfigured or missing.": "Die Aktivit\u00e4ten konnten nicht importiert werden, da einige Aktivit\u00e4ten falsch konfiguriert sind oder fehlen.", "Couldn't import one of the selected survey Activities.": "Eine der ausgew\u00e4hlten Umfrageaktivit\u00e4ten konnte nicht importiert werden.", "Couldn't import one of the selected Activities.": "Eine der ausgew\u00e4hlten Aktivit\u00e4ten konnte nicht importiert werden.", "Couldn't import one of the selected Activity groups.": "Eine der ausgew\u00e4hlten Aktivit\u00e4tsgruppen konnte nicht importiert werden.", "The selected Activities were successfully imported.": "Die ausgew\u00e4hlten Aktivit\u00e4ten wurden erfolgreich importiert.", "The selected Activities were successfully exported.": "Die ausgew\u00e4hlten Aktivit\u00e4ten wurden erfolgreich exportiert.", "Encountered an error: .": "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten: ", "Successfully created a new tip Activity.": "Neue Tipp-Aktivit\u00e4t erfolgreich erstellt.", "Successfully updated the Activity.": "Aktivit\u00e4t erfolgreich aktualisiert.", "Successfully created a new survey Activity.": "Neue Umfrage-Aktivit\u00e4t erfolgreich erstellt.", "Failed to create a new group Activity.": "Fehler beim Erstellen einer neuen Gruppenaktivit\u00e4t.", "Successfully created a new group Activity.": "Neue Gruppenaktivit\u00e4t erfolgreich erstellt.", "Successfully created a new Activity.": "Neue Aktivit\u00e4t erfolgreich erstellt.", "Successfully deleted the selected Activities.": "Ausgew\u00e4hlte Aktivit\u00e4ten erfolgreich gel\u00f6scht.", "Successfully duplicated the Activity under a new name.": "Aktivit\u00e4t erfolgreich unter einem neuen Namen dupliziert.", "Group": "Gruppe", "Tips": "Tipps", "DBT Diary Card": "DBT-Tagebuchkarte", "Cognitive Test": "Kognitiver Test", "Group": "Studie", "Export": "Exportieren", "Delete": "L\u00f6schen", "Are you sure you want to delete this Activity?.": "Bist du sicher, dass du diese Aktivit\u00e4t l\u00f6schen m\u00f6chtest?", "Filter results": "Ergebnisse filtern", "Add": "Hinzuf\u00fcgen", "Import activities": "Aktivit\u00e4ten importieren", "Create a new activity": "Neue Aktivit\u00e4t erstellen", "Modify an existing activity": "Bestehende Aktivit\u00e4t \u00e4ndern", "No custom times": "Keine benutzerdefinierten Zeiten", "Delete this time from the list.": "Diese Zeit aus der Liste l\u00f6schen.", "Add a new custom time.": "Neue benutzerdefinierte Zeit hinzuf\u00fcgen.", "Add this time to the list.": "Diese Zeit zur Liste hinzuf\u00fcgen.", "Select the start date.": "Startdatum w\u00e4hlen.", "Select the start time.": "Startzeit w\u00e4hlen.", "Every hour": "Jede Stunde", "Every number hours": "Jede {{number}} Stunden", "Every day": "Jeden Tag", "Two times every week (Tue, Thurs)": "Zweimal pro Woche (Di, Do)", "Three times every week (Mon, Wed, Fri)": "Dreimal pro Woche (Mo, Mi, Fr)", "Every week": "Jede Woche", "Two times every month": "Zweimal pro Monat", "Every month": "Jeden Monat", "Use custom times instead": "Stattdessen benutzerdefinierte Zeiten verwenden", "Do not repeat": "Nicht wiederholen", "Are you sure you want to delete this schedule item?": "Bist du sicher, dass du diesen Zeitplaneintrag l\u00f6schen m\u00f6chtest?", "Install": "Installieren", "Welcome to the Prevent section": "Willkommen im Pr\u00e4ventionsbereich", "Prepare yourself": "Bereite dich vor", "Image size should not exceed 5 MB.": "Die Bildgr\u00f6\u00dfe sollte 5 MB nicht \u00fcberschreiten.", "Not supported image type.": "Bildtyp nicht unterst\u00fctzt.", "Activity with same name already exist.": "Aktivit\u00e4t mit demselben Namen existiert bereits.", "Not supported audio type.": "Audio-Typ nicht unterst\u00fctzt.", "The audio size should not exceed 2 MB.": "Die Audiogr\u00f6\u00dfe sollte 2 MB nicht \u00fcberschreiten.", "Drag a photo or tap to select a photo.": "Foto hierher ziehen oder tippen, um ein Foto auszuw\u00e4hlen.", "Drag a photo to replace the existing photo or tap to delete the photo.": "Foto hierher ziehen, um das vorhandene Foto zu ersetzen, oder auf das Foto tippen, um es zu l\u00f6schen.", "Select": "Ausw\u00e4hlen", "Please select the Group": "W\u00e4hle die Studie aus", "Activity Title": "Titel der Aktivit\u00e4t", "Activity Description": "Beschreibung der Aktivit\u00e4t", "Upload audio": "Audio hochladen", "Your browser does not support the": "Wird nicht von deinem Browser unterst\u00fctzt", "audio": "Audio", "element.": "Element.", "Duplicate this survey instrument and save it with a new title.": "Dieses Umfrageinstrument duplizieren und unter einem neuen Titel speichern.", "Save this activity.": "Diese Aktivit\u00e4t speichern.", "Save Role & Photo": "Rolle und Foto speichern", "Copy one-time access link that can be used to log in without entering credentials.": "Link f\u00fcr einen einmaligen Zugang kopieren, mit dem die Anmeldung ohne Eingabe von Zugangsdaten erfolgen kann.", "Save Credential": "Zugangsdaten speichern", "Scan this QR code on a mobile device to automatically open a patient dashboard.": "Diesen QR-Code auf einem mobilen Ger\u00e4t scannen, um automatisch ein Patienten-Dashboard zu \u00f6ffnen.", "Could not change password.": "Passwort konnte nicht ge\u00e4ndert werden.", "Could not create credential.": "Zugangsdaten konnten nicht erstellt werden.", "Could not perform operation for an unknown reason.": "Vorgang konnte aus unbekanntem Grund nicht ausgef\u00fchrt werden.", "Credential management failed. The email address could be in use already.": "Verwaltung der Zugangsdaten fehlgeschlagen. Die E-Mail-Adresse k\u00f6nnte bereits in Gebrauch sein.", "Could not delete.": "Konnte nicht gel\u00f6scht werden.", "Credential management failed.": "Verwaltung der Zugangsdaten fehlgeschlagen.", "Add a new member of your care team.": "Neues Mitglied des Betreuungsteams hinzuf\u00fcgen.", "Update Photo & Role": "Foto und Rolle aktualisieren", "Target behaviors": "Zielverhalten", "effective": "wirksam", "Times": "Zeiten", "ADD ITEM": "Element hinzuf\u00fcgen", "ineffective": "unwirksam", "Emotions": "Emotionen", "Add a target behavior": "Zielverhalten hinzuf\u00fcgen", "Behavior name": "Name des Verhaltens", "Measure of action:": "Handlungsma\u00dfname:", "Add a emotion": "Emotion hinzuf\u00fcgen", "Emotion name": "Name der Emotion", "Removed participantId's alias.": "Alias von participantId entfernt.", "Set participantId's alias to participantName": "Alias von participantId auf participantName setzen", "Failed to change participantId's alias: Group name required": "Der Alias von participantId konnte nicht ge\u00e4ndert werden", "Create or edit the alias for this Participant ID. Saving an empty text box will reset this value.": "Alias f\u00fcr diese Teilnehmer-ID erstellen oder bearbeiten. Durch das Speichern eines leeren Textfeldes wird dieser Wert zur\u00fcckgesetzt.", "Failed to load participantId's alias: errorMessage": "Fehler beim \u00c4ndern von participantId: errorMessage", "This activity is not yet available in mindLAMP 2": "Diese Aktivit\u00e4t ist noch nicht in mindLAMP 2 verf\u00fcgbar", "This is a demo only. Entries will not be saved.": "Dies ist nur eine Demo. Eingaben werden nicht gespeichert.", "My Medications": "Meine Medikamente", "Set reminder?": "Erinnerung einstellen?", "Edit": "Bearbeiten", "text": "Text", "Einige Antworten fehlen. Bitte f\u00fclle vor dem Absenden alle Fragen aus.": "Some responses are missing. Please complete all questions before submitting.", "Goal: ": "Ziel: ", "The goal has been saved successfully.": "Das Ziel wurde erfolgreich gespeichert.", "Please select duration.": "W\u00e4hle die Dauer aus.", "Please enter goal value.": "Gib einen Zielwert ein.", "Please enter goal name.": "Gib einen Zielnamen ein.", "Medication: ": "Medikament: ", "The medication has been saved successfully.": "Das Medikament wurde erfolgreich gespeichert.", "Please select medication name.": "W\u00e4hle den Namen des Medikaments.", "Please enter dose.": "Gib die Dosis ein.", "Please enter name.": "Gib den Namen ein.", "This activity is not yet available in mindLAMP 2.": "Diese Aktivit\u00e4t ist noch nicht in mindLAMP 2 verf\u00fcgbar.", "Unique name required.": "Eindeutiger Name erforderlich", "Could not create credential for id.": "Berechtigungsnachweis f\u00fcr ID konnten nicht erstellt werden.", "Successfully created Participant id. Tap the expand icon on the right to see credentials and details.": "Teilnehmer-ID erfolgreich erstellt. Auf das Symbol Erweitern auf der rechten Seite tippen, um Zugangsdaten und Details anzuzeigen.", "Temporary email address": "Vorl\u00e4ufige E-Mail-Adresse", "Temporary password": "Vorl\u00e4ufiges Passwort", "One-time login link": "Einmaliger Anmeldelink", "an unknown device": "unbekanntes Ger\u00e4t", "unknown device model": "unbekanntes Ger\u00e4temodell", "App Version:": "App-Version:", "OS Version:": "Version des Betriebssystems:", "DeviceName:": "Ger\u00e4tename:", "Model:": "Modell:", "Successfully created new group - groupName": "Neue Studie erfolgreich erstellt - groupName:", "Are you sure you want to delete this Participant?": "Bist du sicher, dass du diesen Teilnehmer l\u00f6schen m\u00f6chtest?", "Rename": "Umbenennen", "Edit password": "Passwort bearbeiten", "CSV": "CSV", "JSON": "JSON", "New patient": "Neuer Patient", "Create a new entry in this group.": "Neuen Eintrag in dieser Gruppe erstellen.", "Add a new group": "Neue Studie hinzuf\u00fcgen", "Create a new group": "Neue Studie erstellen.", "Are you sure you want to delete these participants?": "Bist du sicher, dass du diese Teilnehmer l\u00f6schen m\u00f6chtest?", "Choose the Group you want to save this participant.": "W\u00e4hle die Studie aus, in der dieser Teilnehmer gespeichert werden soll.", "Select a Group to create a participant.": "W\u00e4hle eine Studie aus, um einen Teilnehmer zu erstellen.", "entries": "Eintr\u00e4ge", "Social Context": "Sozialer Kontext", "Edit goal": "Ziel bearbeiten", "Current streak:": "Aktueller Vorgang:", "Goal History": "Ziel-Historie", "Department of Mental Health (DMH)": "Abteilung f\u00fcr psychische Gesundheit (DMH)", "National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)": "National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)", "NAMI Massachussetts": "NAMI Massachusetts", "Researchers": "Forscher", "Successfully created a new Researcher.": "Neuer Forscher wurde erfolgreich erstellt.", "Failed to create a new Researcher.": "Fehler beim Erstellen eines neuen Forschers.", "Successfully updated the Researcher.": "Forscher wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert.", "Failed to update the Researcher.": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren des Forschers.", "Successfully deleted the Researcher.": "Forscher wurde erfolgreich gel\u00f6scht.", "Failed to delete the Researcher.": "Der Forscher konnte nicht gel\u00f6scht werden.", "No Researchers. Add Researchers by clicking the [+] button above.": "Keine Forscher. Zum Hinzuf\u00fcgen von Forschern auf die Schaltfl\u00e4che [+] oben klicken.", "Are you sure you want to delete this Researcher?": "Bist du sicher, dass du diesen Forscher l\u00f6schen m\u00f6chtest?", "Well done!": "Gut gemacht!", "Swipe around the": "Wische \u00fcber den Bildschirm,", "screen to reveal": "aufzudecken", "the hidden image": "um das versteckte Bild", "am": "morgens", "pm": "nachmittags", "Patient Notes": "Patientennotizen", "Modify an existing group.": "Bestehende Gruppe \u00e4ndern.", "Create a new group.": "Neue Gruppe erstellen.", "Drag the handle on the left to change the order in which this Activity appears in the group.": "Zum \u00c4ndern der Reihenfolge, in der diese Aktivit\u00e4t in der Gruppe erscheint, den Griff auf der linken Seite ziehen.", "No selection": "Keine Auswahl", "Group Title": "Gruppentitel", "Configure activities and options.": "Aktivit\u00e4ten und Optionen konfigurieren.", "Add Activity": "Aktivit\u00e4t hinzuf\u00fcgen", "Save this activity group.": "Diese Aktivit\u00e4tsgruppe speichern", "Question Option": "Frage-Option", "Delete this option from the question's list of options.": "Diese Option aus der Liste der Optionen der Frage l\u00f6schen.", "Option Description": "Beschreibung der Option", "Add Option": "Option hinzuf\u00fcgen", "Delete question from survey instrument.": "Frage aus dem Umfrageinstrument l\u00f6schen", "Boolean": "Boolesch", "Likert": "likert", "List": "Liste", "Multi-Select": "Mehrfachauswahl", "Slider": "Schieberegler", "Save this survey instrument.": "Dieses Umfrageinstrument speichern.", "N/A": "", "An error occured while uploading. Please try again.": "", "Beim Hochladen ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte erneut versuchen.": "", "Images should be in the format .jpeg/.png/.gif/.svg and the size should not exceed 4 MB.": "Bilder sollten das Format jpeg/png/bmp/gif/svg haben und die Gr\u00f6\u00dfe sollte 4 MB nicht \u00fcberschreiten.", "You are not allowed to delete all the details from the tip.": "Es d\u00fcrfen nicht alle Details aus dem Tipp gel\u00f6scht werden.", "Tap to select a photo.": "Tippen, um ein Foto auszuw\u00e4hlen.", "Tap to delete the photo.": "Tippen, um das Foto zu l\u00f6schen.", "Tips Title": "Titel des Tipps", "Please enter Tips Title": "Gib einen Titel f\u00fcr die Tipps ein", "Tips Description": "Beschreibung der Tipps", "Please enter Tips Description": "Gib eine Beschreibung f\u00fcr die Tipps ein", "Please select the tip": "W\u00e4hle einen Tipp aus", "Add New": "Neuen Tipp hinzuf\u00fcgen", "New Tip": "Neuer Tipp", "Please add new tip.": "F\u00fcge einen neuen Tipp hinzu", "Tip Details": "Details des Tipps", "Duplicate this activity.": "Diese Aktivit\u00e4t duplizieren", "Welcome to mindLAMP!": "Willkommen bei mindLAMP!", "With the mindLAMP smartphone app, you can collect information about your health. You can learn about symptoms, brain health, and check your thinking. You can also learn about your steps and sleep and how they may relate to how you feel. You can use mindLAMP as part of a research study, part of your care if a clinician ask you to try it, or on your own.": "Mit der mindLAMP Smartphone-App k\u00f6nnen Sie Informationen \u00fcber Ihre Gesundheit sammeln. Sie k\u00f6nnen sich \u00fcber Symptome und die Gesundheit des Gehirns informieren und Ihr Denken \u00fcberpr\u00fcfen. Sie k\u00f6nnen auch etwas \u00fcber Ihre Schritte und Ihren Schlaf erfahren und wie diese mit Ihrem Befinden zusammenh\u00e4ngen. Sie k\u00f6nnen mindLAMP als Teil einer Forschungsstudie, als Teil Ihrer Behandlung, wenn ein Arzt Sie darum bittet, oder f\u00fcr sich selbst nutzen.", "Here are all the activities you'll receive notifications for when you use mindLAMP.": "Dies sind alle Aktivit\u00e4ten, f\u00fcr die du Benachrichtigungen erh\u00e4ltst, wenn du mindLAMP verwendest.", "Let's go!": "Los geht's!", "You're ready to start using mindLAMP.": "Du bist bereit, mindLAMP zu benutzen.", "You're using the src server to log into mindLAMP.": "Du benutzt den SRC-Server, um dich in mindLAMP anzumelden.", "GPS": "GPS", "Accelerometer": "Beschleunigungsmesser", "Never": "Niemals", "This vega graph failed to render.": "This vega graph failed to render.", "Rendering graph...": "Rendering graph...", "Sign In": "Sign In", "Loading...": "Loading...", "Username": "Username", "These credentials are valid but don't currently have data portal access. Please check again later.": "These credentials are valid but don't currently have data portal access. Please check again later.", "Set the 'children' prop to display elements": "Set the 'children' prop to display elements", "No data found": "Keine Daten", "Some dimensions unavailble at smaller screen sizes": "Some dimensions unavailble at smaller screen sizes", "Filter by a participant's name or LAMP id (case-sensitive)": "Filter by a participant's name or LAMP id (case-sensitive)", "If no data is found for a particular tag,": "If no data is found for a particular tag,", " a box will still display": " a box will still display", " no box will display": " no box will display", "Display Missing Data": "Display Missing Data", "While grouping by Tag Name, your data will be grouped by graph/chart - use this to examine study trends.": "While grouping by Tag Name, your data will be grouped by graph/chart - use this to examine study trends.", "While grouping by ID, your data will be grouped by participant - use this to examine individual participants.": "While grouping by ID, your data will be grouped by participant - use this to examine individual participants.", "Group By ID": "Group By ID", "Group By Tag Name": "Group By Tag Name", "Adjust Graph Display": "Graphische dartstellung anpassen" , "Height": "Größe", "Width": "Width", "Default": "Default", "How to arrange graphs. 'Height' will group graphs of similar height, while 'width' will do the same for graphs of similar width. 'Default' will use the order seen here.": "How to arrange graphs. 'Height' will group graphs of similar height, while 'width' will do the same for graphs of similar width. 'Default' will use the order seen here.","Number of Graphs per row. Bigger numbers give more visually compact PDF files, while smaller numbers may improve readability.": "Number of Graphs per row. Bigger numbers give more visually compact PDF files, while smaller numbers may improve readability.", "Download a PDF of Graphs": "Download a PDF of Graphs", "Download": "Herunterladen", "Download PDF": "PDF herunterladen", "January": "Januar", "February": "Februar", "March": "März", "April": "April","May": "Mai", "June": "Juni", "July": "Juli", "August": "August", "September": "September", "October": "Oktober", "November": "November", "December": "Dezember", "No tags are available for this": "No tags are available for this", "There are no shared tags set for this": "Es sind keine gemeinsamen Tags für diesen festgelegt", " To display data on tags shared between participants, set": "Um Daten zu Tags anzuzeigen, die zwischen Teilnehmern geteilt werden, setzen Sie", "to an array of strings, where each string is a tag you would like to see. Please contact your study administrator for more info.": "auf ein Array von Strings, wobei jeder String ein Tag repräsentiert, den Sie sehen möchten. Bitte kontaktieren Sie Ihren Studienadministrator für weitere Informationen.", "All Participant Tags": "Alle Schlagw\u00f6rter des Teilnehmers anzeigen", "This is a list of all tags present on at least one participant in this": "Dies ist eine Liste aller Markierungen, die bei mindestens einem Teilnehmer dieses vorhanden sind.", "Use the checkboxes to toggle on or off any tags you want to see or hide, respectively, then press the 'Set Tags' button.": "Verwenden Sie die Auswahlkästchen, um die Markierungen, die Sie sehen bzw. ausblenden möchten, zu aktivieren bzw. zu deaktivieren, und drücken Sie dann auf die Schaltfläche 'Markierungen festlegen'. ", "Select all tags": "Select all tags", "Set Tags": "Markierungen setzen", "Deselect all tags": "Deselect all tags", "participants have this tag": "participants have this tag", "Loading Tags": "Loading Tags", "Analyze Participant Data": "Teilnehmerdaten analysieren", "Analyze": "Analysieren", "Data": "Daten", "Please wait, data is loading...": "Bitte warten, Ihre Daten werden geladen", "Alternatively, drag and drop a researcher, study, or participant into this box.": "Alternativ können Sie einen Forscher, eine Studie oder einen Teilnehmer per Drag & Drop in dieses Feld ziehen.", "Change Viewing Mode (Currently Terminal)": "Anzeigemodus ändern (derzeit endgerät)", "Set Viewing Mode to GUI": "Ansichtsmodus auf GUI einstellen", "Set Viewing Mode to Terminal": "Anzeigemodus auf engerät einstellen", "Terminal Mode": "Terminal-Modus", "Want to learn more about JSONata queries or what special data you can pull from LAMP?": "Möchtest du mehr über JSONata-Abfragen erfahren oder darüber, welche spezifischen Daten aus LAMP abgerufen werden können?", "While in GUI mode, you can directly pull graphs you have already generated from the LAMP database, easily view information across an entire study or researcher, or quickly view tags that give info about things like survey scoring. If this is your first time using the LAMP data_portal, or if you need to get data quickly, this is the mode we recommend!!": "Im GUI-Modus können erstellte Diagramme direkt aus der LAMP-Datenbank abgerufen werden, Informationen über eine ganze Studie oder einen bestimmten Forscher angezeigt werden, oder schnell Labels angezeigt werden, die Informationen über Dinge wie die Umfrageauswertung enthalten. Wenn du das LAMP Daten_Portal zum ersten Mal nutzt oder wenn du schnell an Daten kommen möchtest, ist dieser Modus zu empfehlen.", "Run Query": "Run Query", "Images should be in the format jpeg/png/bmp/gif/svg and the size should not exceed 4 MB.": "Bilder sollten das Format jpeg/png/bmp/gif/svg haben und die Gr\u00f6\u00dfe sollte 4 MB nicht \u00fcberschreiten.", "Measure of action": "Handlungsma\u00dfname", "Minutes": "Minuten", "Successfully created new group": "Neue Studie erfolgreich erstellt", "Measure of Action": "Handlungsma\u00dfname", "Add Item": "Element hinzuf\u00fcgen", "accelerometer": "Beschleunigungsmesser", "Please select the Group.": "W\u00e4hle die Studie aus", "Server Address": "Serveradresse" , "Medications": "Medikamente", "No Sensors.": "Keine Sensoren", "No Activities.": "Keine Aktivit\u00e4ten", "Add Sensor": "Sensor Hinzuf\u00fcgen", "Reset account password": "Konto passwort zur\u00fccksetzen", "Profile": "Profil", "Survey Questions": "Umfrage Fragen", "Question Text": "Fragetext", "Patient View" : "Benutzeransicht", "User": "Benutzer", "User number": "Benutzer {{number}}", "Are you sure you want to delete this group?": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diese Gruppe l\u00f6schen m\u00f6chten?", "Are you sure you want to delete this investigator(s)?.": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diese(n) Untersuchungsleiter l\u00f6schen m\u00f6chten?", "blood_glucose": "Blutzucker", "body_temperature": "K\u00f6rpertemperatur", "Copied!": "Kopiert!", "Create a new patient under this study": "Einen neuen Patienten unter dieser Studie anlegen", "Credential Roles": "Berechtigungsrolle", "Does not match the password you entered above.": "Stimmt nicht mit dem oben eingegebenen Passwort \u00fcberein.", "Group Name": "Gruppenname", "heartratevariability_sdnn": "Herzratenvariabilit\u00e4t_sdnn", "Jewels A": "Juwelen A", "Jewels B": "Juwelen B", "Memory Game": "Ged\u00e4chtnisspiel", "nearby_device": "Ger\u00e4t in der N\u00e4he", "Nickname(optional)": "Spitzname (optional)", "No Activities.": "Keine Aktivit\u00e4ten.", "No Sensors.": "Keine Sensoren.", "oxygen_saturation": "Sauerstoffs\u00e4ttigung", "Please enter group name.": "Bitte Gruppennamen eingeben.", "Question Text": "Fragetext", "Required": "Erforderlich", "Reset account password": "Benutzerpasswort zur\u00fccksetzen", "Response Options": "Antwortm\u00f6glichkeiten", "Search Researcher list": "Forscherliste durchsuchen", "Separate activity data into multiple lines for each response": "Aktivit\u00e4tsdaten in mehrere Zeilen f\u00fcr jede Antwort aufteilen", "Spatial Span": "R\u00e4umliche Spanne", "Streak popup settings": "Pop-up-Einstellungen bei Gl\u00fccksstr\u00e4hne", "Successfully created a new investigator.": "Erfolgreich einen neuen Untersuchungsleiter erstellt", "Successfully deleted group.": "Gruppe erfolgreich gel\u00f6scht", "Successfully deleted the investigator.": "Untersuchungsleiter erfolgreich gel\u00f6scht", "Successfully updated a new investigator.": "Erfolgreich einen neuen Untersuchungsleiter aktualisiert.", "Survey Questions": "Erhebungsfragen", "telephony": "Telefonie", "This is a list of all tags present on at least one participant in this researcher.": "Dies ist eine Liste aller Schlagw\u00f6rter, die bei mindestens einem Teilnehmer dieses Forschers vorhanden sind.", "Use the checkboxes to toggle on or off any tags you want to see or hide, respectively, then press the 'Set Tags' button.": "Verwenden Sie die Auswahlk\u00e4stchen, um die Schlagw\u00f6rter, die Sie sehen bzw. ausblenden m\u00f6chten, zu aktivieren bzw. zu deaktivieren, und dr\u00fccken Sie dann auf die Schaltfl\u00e4che 'Schlagw\u00f6rter festlegen", "Voice Recording": "Sprachaufzeichnung", "Sort by date of creation": "Nach Erstellungsdatum sortieren", "Investigators": "Untersuchungsleiter", "question": "Frage", "activity_recognition": "Aktivit\u00e4t_Erkennung", "ADJUST GRAPH DISPLAY": "GRAPHISCHE DARSTELLUNG ANPASSEN", "Alphabetize List": "Liste alphabetisch sortieren", "Analyze Researcher Data": "Forscherdaten analysieren", "CHANGE VIEWING MODE (CURRENTLY TERMINAL)": "ANZEIGEMODUS \u00c4NDERN (DERZEIT ENDGER\u00c4T)", "Filter Researchers": "Forscher filtern", "No tags are available for this researcher": "F\u00fcr diesen Forscher sind keine Schlagw\u00f6rter verf\u00fcgbar", "Researcher Tags": "Schlagw\u00f6rter zu diesem Forscher", "SET TAGS": "SCHLAGW\u00d6RTER FESTLEGEN", "SET VIEWING MODE TO TERMINAL": "ANZEIGEMODUS AUF ENDGER\u00c4T EINSTELLEN", "NAME": "Name", "TYPE": "Typ", "Choose File": "Datei wählen", "Copy": "Kopieren", "Researcher": "Forscher", "ID to clipboard": "ID in die Zwischenablage","Failed to fetch the study details.": "Die Studiendetails konnten nicht abgerufen werden.","question": "frage", "QUESTION_NUMBER_OF_TOTAL": "Frage {{ number }} of {{ total }}","Question": "Frage", "of":"von", "Next" : "Weiter", "Back": "Zur\u00fcck", "Submit": "Absenden","Mood": "Stimmungs", "Yes": "Ja", "No": "Nein", "Sleep and Social": "Schlaf und Soziales", "Anxiety": "Angst", "Psychosis and Social": "Psychose und Soziales", "App Usability": "App-Nutzbarkeit", "Water and Nutrition": "Wasser und Ern\u00e4hrung", "Please enter your response" : "Bitte Antwort eingeben","Your response": "Deine Antwort", "Nearly All the Time": "Fast die ganze Zeit", "More than Half the Time": "Mehr als die H\u00e4lfte der Zeit", "Several Times": "Mehrmals", "Not at all": "\u00dcberhaupt nicht", "(Select one)": "(Eine Option ausw\u00e4hlen)", "(0 being terrible, 10 being excellent)": "(0 ist schrecklich, 10 ist ausgezeichnet)"}
+{"Welcome to the Portal section": "Willkommen im Portalbereich", "Track progress and make connections.": "Verfolgen Sie den Fortschritt und stellen Sie Zusammenh\u00e4nge her.", "Log feelings, behavior, and activity.": "Protokollieren Sie Gef\u00fchle, Verhalten und Aktivit\u00e4ten.", "Find useful information and practice healthy habits.": "Finden Sie n\u00fctzliche Informationen und \u00fcben Sie gesunde Gewohnheiten.", "Review today's activities.": "Beurteilen Sie die heutigen Aktivit\u00e4ten.", "There are no Assess activities available.": "Es sind keine Beurteilungs-aktivit\u00e4ten verf\u00fcgbar.","There are no Manage activities available.": "Es sind keine Management-aktivit\u00e4ten verf\u00fcgbar.","There are no Learn activities available.": "Es sind keine Lern-aktivit\u00e4ten verf\u00fcgbar.","There are no scheduled activities available.": "Es sind keine Planungsaktivit\u00e4ten verf\u00fcgbar.", "Portal": "Portal", "Cortex": "Cortex", "No Records found": "Keine Aufzeichnungen gefunden", "Rows per page": "Zeilen pro Seite", "Update": "Update", "Nickname(optional)": "Nickname(optional)", "Advanced Mode": "Fortgeschrittener Modus", "Simple Mode": "Einfacher Modus", "Users": "\u2019Benutzer", "Add a user": "Benutzer hinzuf\u00fcgen", "Add a new group": "Neue Gruppe hinzuf\u00fcgen", "Add a new user and group": "Neuen Benutzer zur Gruppe hinzuf\u00fcgen.", "Create a user under their own group.": "Einen neuen Benutzer unter seiner eigenen Gruppe anlegen.", "Duplicate from": "Duplizieren von", "Last passive": "Zuletzt passiv", "Self evaluation":"Self evaluation","User View": "Benutzeransicht", "Spatial Span": "R\u00e4umlicher Span", "screen_state": "screen_status", "accelerometer.motion": "Beschleunigungsmesser.Bewegung", "analytics": "Analytik", "blood_pressure": "Blutdruck", "bluetooth": "bluetooth", "calls": "Anrufe", "distance": "Entfernung", "flights": "Fl\u00fcge", "gps.contextual": "gps.kontextuell", "heart_rate": "Herzfrequenz", "height": "Gr\u00f6\u00dfe", "magnetometer": "magnetometer", "respiratory_rate": "Atemfrequenz", "segment": "Segment", "sms": "SMS", "steps": "Stufen", "weight": "Gewicht", "wifi": "Wifi", "Currently Viewing Mode (Currently GUI)": "Aktueller Ansichtsmodus (derzeit GUI)", "To start building a query:": "Um mit der Erstellung einer Abfrage zu beginnen:", "1. Navigate to the level of your target on the left.": "1. Navigieren Sie zur gewünschten Ebene auf der linken Seite.","2. Click on": "2. Klicken Sie auf", "Alternatively, drag and drop a researcher, group, or participant into this box": "Alternativ k\u00f6nnen Sie einen Forscher, eine Studie oder einen Teilnehmer per Drag & Drop in dieses Feld ziehen.", "Copy Researcher ID to clipboard": "Forscher-ID in die Zwischenablage kopieren", "Download Researcher data": "Forscherdaten herunterladen", "Analyze researcher": "Forscher analysieren", "Select all shared tags": "Alle freigegebenen Tags auswählen", "Deselect all shared tags": "Alle freigegebenen Tags wieder aufheben", "Please wait, your data is loading": "Bitte warten, Ihre Daten werden geladen", "There are no shared tags set for this researcher. To display data on tags shared between participants, set \u201clamp.dashboard.researcher_tags\u201d to an array of strings, where each string is a tag you would like to see. Please contact your group administrator for more info.": "Es sind keine gemeinsamen Tags f\u00fcr diesen Forscher festgelegt. Um Daten zu Tags anzuzeigen, die zwischen Teilnehmern geteilt werden, setzen Sie 'lamp.dashboard.researcher_tags' auf ein Array von Strings, wobei jeder String ein Tag repr\u00e4sentiert, den Sie sehen m\u00f6chten. Bitte kontaktieren Sie Ihren Studienadministrator f\u00fcr weitere Informationen.", "graphs.data_quality.": "diagramm.daten_qualitaet.", "Activity counts": "Aktivit\u00e4tsz\u00e4hlungen", "Passive Features": "Passive Merkmale", "Quality Tags": "Qualit\u00e4tskennzeichen", "Activities in the last 7 day (updated: date)": "Aktivit\u00e4ten der letzten 7 Tage (aktualisiert: Datum)", "Data quality (updated: date)": "Datenqualit\u00e4t (aktualisiert: Daten)", "missing": "fehlend", "bad": "schlecht", "okay": "okay", "good": "gut", "bad_missing": "schlecht_fehlend", "okay_missing": "okay_fehlend", "good_missing": "gut_fehlend", "lamp.dashboard": "lamp.dashboard.", "Expand": "Erweitern", "Collapse": "zusammenbrechen", "ActivitySpec": "AktivitaetsSpez", "Sensor spec": "SensorenSpez", "Filter": "Filter", "Filter studies": "Studien filtern", "Search group list": "Studienliste durchsuchen", "Copy Group ID to Clipboard": "Studien-ID in Zwischenablage kopieren", "Download Group Data": "Studiendaten herunterladen", "Analyze Group": "Studie analysieren Group", "There are no shared tags set for this Group. To display data on tags shared between participants, set \u201clamp.dashboard.group_tags\u201d to an array of strings, where each string is a tag you would like to see. Please contact your group administrator for more info.": "Es sind keine gemeinsamen Tags f\u00fcr diese Studie festgelegt. Um Daten zu den Tags anzuzeigen, die von den Teilnehmern gemeinsam genutzt werden, setzen Sie 'lamp.dashboard.group_tags' auf einen Array von Strings, wobei jeder String ein Tag repr\u00e4sentiert, den Sie sehen m\u00f6chten. Bitte kontaktieren Sie Ihren Studienadministrator f\u00fcr weitere Informationen.", "Users": "Benutzer", "Studies": "Studien", "Data Portal": "Datenportal", "Month ago": "Vor einem Monat", "Months ago": "Vor mehreren Monaten", "Customize which Tab this Activity appears in": "Anpassen, auf welcher Registerkarte diese Aktivit\u00e4t erscheint", "Date": "Datum", "Continue importing?": "Weitere importieren", "Cortex data": "Kortex-Daten", "Your data will appear here": "Deine Daten werden hier angezeigt", "Successfully created a sensor.": "Sensor erfolgreich erstellt", "Successfully updated a sensor.": "Sensor erfolgreich aktualisiert", "Are you sure you want to delete this sensor?": "Bist du sicher, dass du diesen Sensor l\u00f6schen m\u00f6chtest", "device_state": "Ger\u00e4te_Status", "Item": "Eintrag", "System Admin": "Systemadministrator", "User Administrator": "Benutzeradministrator", "Practice Lead": "Praktizierender Leiter", "Confirm Password": "Passwort best\u00e4tigen", "Changes done to this activity will reflect for all the participants under the group. Are you sure you want to proceed?": "\u00c4nderungen an dieser Aktivit\u00e4t werden f\u00fcr alle Teilnehmer der Studie \u00fcbernommen. Bist du sicher, dass du fortfahren m\u00f6chtest?", "Advanced Mode": "Erweiterter Modus", "No Records Found": "Keine Eintr\u00e4ge gefunden", "Maximum recording time is 4 minutes": "Maximale Aufzeichnungsdauer ist 4 Minuten", "Select All": "Alle ausw\u00e4hlen", "Deselect All": "Auswahl aufheben", "Last Passive": "Letzter passiver Eintrag", "Separate participant data into multiple lines for each activity": "Teilnehmerdaten in mehrere Zeilen f\u00fcr jede Aktivit\u00e4t aufteilen", "Download data for all activities for this Researcher": "Daten f\u00fcr alle Aktivit\u00e4ten dieses Forschers herunterladen", "Download Data for Researcher XXXX": "Daten f\u00fcr Forscher XXXX herunterladen", "Download data for participant XXXX": "Daten f\u00fcr Teilnehmer XXXX herunterladen", "Download participant data": "Teilnehmerdaten herunterladen", "Adjust Toggleable Shared Tags": "Umschaltbare freigegebene Labels anpassen", "Create a new user": "Neuen Benutzer erstellen", "Schedule": "Zeitplan", "Confirmation": "Best\u00e4tigung", "Confirm": "Best\u00e4tigen", "Change Viewing Mode (Currently GUI)": "Ansichtsmodus ändern (derzeit GUI)", "Set viewing mode to GUI": "Ansichtsmodus auf GUI einstellen", "GUI Mode": "GUI-Modus", "Terminal mode": "Terminal-Modus", "While in Terminal mode, you can directly write JSONata style queries to pull data directly from your database.": "Im Terminalmodus können Abfragen direkt im JSONata-Stil geschrieben werden, um Daten direkt aus der Datenbank abzurufen.", "For example, try:": "Zum Beispiel","replacing": "wobei", "with a user's id to get a list of the last 10,000 activities completed through LAMP.": "durch die ID eines Benutzers ersetzt wird, um eine Liste der letzten 10.000 in LAMP durchgeführten Aktivitäten zu erhalten.", "Want to learn more about JSONata queries or what specialdata you can pull from LAMP?": "Möchtest du mehr über JSONata-Abfragen erfahren oder darüber, welche spezifischen Daten aus LAMP abgerufen werden können?", "Click here!": "Klicke hier!", "Messaging": "Nachrichten\u00fcbermittlung", "External": "Extern", "While in GUI mode, you can directly pull graphs you havealready generated from the LAMP database, easily viewinformation across an entire group or researcher, or quicklyview tags that give info about things like survey scoring. If this is your first time using the LAMP data_portal, or if you need to get data quickly, this is the mode we recommend!": "Im GUI-Modus können erstellte Diagramme direkt aus der LAMP-Datenbank abgerufen werden, Informationen über eine ganze Studie oder einen bestimmten Forscher angezeigt werden, oder schnell Labels angezeigt werden, die Informationen über Dinge wie die Umfrageauswertung enthalten. Wenn du das LAMP Daten_Portal zum ersten Mal nutzt oder wenn du schnell an Daten kommen möchtest, ist dieser Modus zu empfehlen.", "The maximum allowed file size is 25 MB.": "Die maximal zul\u00e4ssige Dateigr\u00f6\u00dfe betr\u00e4gt 25 MB.", "File Name": "Dateiname", "The Activities having same name under the selected groupwill be duplicated into new name.": "Aktivit\u00e4ten mit demselben Namen in der ausgew\u00e4hlten Studie werden mit einem neuen Namen dupliziert.", "Clear": "L\u00f6schen", "Every 3 hours": "Alle 3 Stunden", "Every 6 hours": "Alle 6 Stunden", "Every 12 hours": "Alle 12 Stunden", "Week ago": "Vor einer Woche", "Weeks ago": "Vor mehreren Wochen", "Day ago": "Vor einem Tag", "Days ago": "Vor mehreren Tagen", "Minute ago": "Vor einer Minute", "Minutes ago": "Vor mehreren Minuten", "Please select the sensor spec.": "Sensor-Spezifikationen ausw\u00e4hlen", "Streak title": "Titel der Aktivit\u00e4tsreihe", "Streak description": "Beschreibung der Aktivit\u00e4tsreihe", "Streak popup on": "Anzahl der abgeschlossenen Aktivit\u00e4ten", "Upload": "Hochladen", "Update": "Aktualisieren", "Temporary Login": "Vor\u00fcbergehende Anmeldung", "On an unknown model": "Auf einem unbekannten Ger\u00e4t", "Group name updated": "Studienname aktualisiert", "Update Group name. Saving an empty text box will reset this value.": "Studienname aktualisieren. Durch das Speichern eines leeren Textfeldes wird dieser Wert zur\u00fcckgesetzt", "Successfully deleted the selected participants.": "Die ausgew\u00e4hlten Teilnehmer wurden erfolgreich gel\u00f6scht", "Group Name": "Gruppennam", "Group name and user name will be same.": "Gruppenname und Benutzername sind dann identisch", "Choose the group you want to save this participant": "Gruppe ausw\u00e4hlen, in der dieser Teilnehmer gespeichert werden soll", "Analyze participant": "Teilnehmer analysieren", "Please enter your response": "Bitte Antwort eingeben", "Note: This is the latest version of LAMP": "Hinweis: Dies ist die neueste Version von LAMP", "Note: This is NOT the latest version of LAMP": "Hinweis: Dies ist NICHT die neueste Version von LAMP", "Please select the group": "Bitte Gruppe ausw\u00e4hlen", "Please select the Group to import activities": "Bitte die entsprechende Gruppe f\u00fcr den Import von Aktivit\u00e4ten ausw\u00e4hlen", "Are you sure you want to delete this?": "Bist du sicher, dass du dies l\u00f6schen m\u00f6chtest?", "none": "Keine", "Don't enter a domain if you're not sure what this option does.": "Don't enter a domain if you're not sure what this option does.", "Login": "Anmelden", "Try it": "Ausprobieren", "Try mindLAMP out as a...": "mindLAMP ausprobieren als...", "Researcher": "Forscher", "Clinician": "Kliniker", "Participant": "Teilnehmer", "Patient": "Patient", "You're logged into a demo account. Any changes you make will be reset when you restart the app.": "Du bist in einem Demokonto angemeldet. Alle vorgenommenen \u00c4nderungen werden zur\u00fcckgesetzt, wenn du die App neu startest.", "Dismiss": "Verwerfen", "Assess": "Bewerten", "Welcome to the Assess section": "Willkommen im Bewertungsabschnitt", "Take steps to refocus, reflect, and recover.": "Hier kann man Schritte unternehmen, um sich neu zu konzentrieren, zu reflektieren und zu erholen", "Survey": "Umfrage", "questions": "Fragen", "mins": "Min.", "The following survey will assess your sleep and social behavior.": "Die folgende Umfrage bewertet dein Schlaf- und Sozialverhalten.", "For each of the statements, rate which is true for you.": "Bewerte f\u00fcr jede Aussage, ob sie auf dich zutrifft.", "Start survey": "Umfrage starten", "Question": "Frage", "Question number of total": "Nummer der Frage", "Next": "Weiter", "Submit": "Absenden", "Nice work!": "Gute Arbeit!", "You\u2019re on a streak, keep it going": "Du hast eine Gl\u00fccksstr\u00e4hne, mach weiter so", "days": "Tage", "day": "Tag", "Sleep and Social": "Schlaf und Soziales", "Anxiety": "Angst", "Psychosis and Social": "Psychose und Soziales", "App Usability": "App-Nutzbarkeit", "Water and Nutrition": "Wasser und Ern\u00e4hrung", "Feed": "Feed", "Welcome to the Feed section": "Willkommen im Feed-Bereich", "Here you can see recent activities": "Hier siehst du die letzten Aktivit\u00e4ten", "Learn": "Lernen", "Welcome to the Learn section": "Willkommen im Lernbereich", "Mood Tips": "Stimmungs-Tipps", "Quick Tips to Improve Your": "Schnelle Tipps zur Verbesserung von", "Read": "Lesen", "Hope": "Hoffnung", "Tip": "Tipp", "Was this helpful today?": "War das he\tute hilfreich?", "Yes": "Ja", "No": "Nein", "Mark complete": "Als abgeschlossen markieren", "Social": "Soziales", "Mental Health Resources": "Ressourcen f\u00fcr psychische Gesundheit", "Physical Wellness": "K\u00f6rperliches Wohlbefinden", "Suggested Reading": "Empfohlene Lekt\u00fcre", "Motivation": "Motivation", "Stress Tips": "Stress-Tipps", "Manage": "Management", "Welcome to the Manage section": "Willkommen im Abschnitt Emotionsmanagement", "Breathe": "Atmung", "Begin": "Beginnen", "Breathing exercise (__ mins)": "Atem\u00fcbung (__ Min.)", "Follow the motion of the lotus flower opening and closing to control your breaths in and out.": "Folge der Bewegung der sich \u00f6ffnenden und schlie\u00dfenden Lotusblume, um dein Ein- und Ausatmen zu kontrollieren.", "Get ready": "Mach dich bereit", "Get yourself comfortable and when you\u2019re ready tap the start button.": "Mach es dir bequem und tippe auf die Starttaste, wenn du bereit bist.", "Start": "Start", "Inhale": "Einatmen", "Exhale": "Ausatmen", "Nicely done!": "Gut gemacht!", "Done": "Erledigt", "Journal": "Tagebuch", "Test description for the manage section.": "Testbeschreibung f\u00fcr den Abschnitt Emotionsmanagement", "New journal entry": "Neuer Tagebucheintrag", "How do you feel today?": "Wie f\u00fchlst du dich heute?", "Good": "Gut", "Bad": "Schlecht", "New Goal": "Neues Ziel", "Goals": "Ziele", "Create goal": "Ziel erstellen", "What type of goal?": "Welche Art von Ziel?", "Choose a category": "Kategorie ausw\u00e4hlen", "Exercise": "Sport", "Weight": "Gewicht", "nutrition": "Ern\u00e4hrung", "sleep": "Schlaf", "Medication": "Medikamente", "Reading": "Lesen", "Finances": "Finanzen", "Meditation": "Meditation", "Mood": "Stimmung", "Custom": "Benutzerdefiniert", "Goal Name": "Name des Ziels", "Goal details": "Details des Ziels", "Daily": "t\u00e4glich", "hourly": "st\u00fcndlich", "weekly": "w\u00f6chentlich", "monthly": "monatlich", "Ounces": "Unzen", "mg": "mg", "g": "g", "Kg": "Kg", "hours": "Stunden", "minutes": "Minuten", "$": "$", "Start date": "Startdatum", "Duration": "Dauer", "Reminders": "Erinnerungen", "Save": "Speichern", "Cancel": "Abbrechen", "Leaving so soon?": "Gehst du schon?", "If you leave without submitting, your entry will be lost.": "Wenn du die Seite verl\u00e4sst, ohne auf Absenden zu tippen, geht dein Eintrag verloren.", "No, don\u2019t leave yet": "Nein, die Seite noch nicht verlassen", "Yes, leave": "Ja, die Seite verlassen", "Hope box": "Hope Box", "Games": "Spiele", "Test description for the manage section": "Testbeschreibung f\u00fcr den Abschnitt Emotionsmanagement", "Save images and quotes that bring joy and hope to your life.": "Speichere hier Bilder und Zitate, die Freude und Hoffnung in dein Leben bringen.", "Hope Box content will show up in your feed from time to time to inspire and uplift you.": "Der Inhalt der Hope Box wird von Zeit zu Zeit in deinem Feed angezeigt, um dich zu inspirieren und aufzurichten.", "Add an image": "Bild hinzuf\u00fcgen", "Add a quote": "Zitat hinzuf\u00fcgen", "View my Hope Box": "Meine Hope Box anzeigen", "Scratch card": "Rubbelkarte", "Meditation exercises": "Meditations\u00fcbungen", "Swipe your finger around the screen to reveal the image hidden underneath": "Wische mit dem Finger \u00fcber den Bildschirm, um das darunter verborgene Bild aufzudecken", "Swipe around the screen to reveal the hidden image": "Wische \u00fcber den Bildschirm, um das verborgene Bild aufzudecken", "Well done": "Gut gemacht", "Close": "Schlie\u00dfen", "Do another one": "Noch einmal spielen", "Medication tracker": "Medikamenten-Tracker", "Add medication": "Medikament hinzuf\u00fcgen", "Medication name": "Name des Medikaments", "Add dosage": "Dosierung hinzuf\u00fcgen", "Name": "Name", "Dose": "Dosis", "Balloon Risk": "Risiko-Ballon", "Balloon Risk Game": " Risiko-Ballon Spiel ", "Current Points": "Aktuelle Punkte", "Total Points": "Gesamtpunkte", "PUMP UP BALLOON": "LUFTBALLON AUFPUMPEN", "COLLECT POINTS": "PUNKTE SAMMELN", "Balloon Bursted": "Ballon geplatzt", "Box Game": "K\u00e4stchen", "Please wait and watch": "Bitte warten und beobachten", "Level": "Level", "Please remember the sequence": "Merke dir die Reihenfolge", "Go": "Los", "Time out": "Zeit abgelaufen", "Remember the highlighted boxes in the order you see them. Now tap on the boxes in the order they were highlighted.": "Merke dir die hervorgehobenen K\u00e4stchen in der Reihenfolge, in der sie erscheinen. Tippe dann auf die K\u00e4stchen in der Reihenfolge, in der sie hervorgehoben wurden.", "Congrats": "Gl\u00fcckwunsch", "Cats n Dogs": "Katzen & Hunde", "Tap the boxes that have a dog behind them.": "Tippe auf die K\u00e4stchen, hinter denen sich ein Hund befindet.", "Ok": "Ok", "Continue to tap the boxes that have a dog behind them.": "Tippe weiter auf die K\u00e4stchen, hinter denen sich ein Hund befindet.", "Don't tap the boxes with a cat behind them": "Tippe nicht auf die K\u00e4stchen, hinter denen sich eine Katze befindet", "Now tap the boxes that have a cat behin them. Don't tap the boxes with a dog behind them": "Tippe nun auf die K\u00e4stchen, hinter denen sich eine Katze befindet. Tippe nicht auf die K\u00e4stchen, hinter denen sich ein Hund befindet", "Game Over": "Spiel ist vorbei", "Dot Touch": "Punkt ber\u00fchren", "Tap\u20191\u2019 to start the test": "Tippe auf 1, um den Test zu starten", "Pick the matching alphabet": "W\u00e4hle das passende Alphabet aus", "Timeout": "Zeit abgelaufen", "Restart": "Neustart", "Jewels": "Juwelen", "Pop the bubbles": "Lass die Blasen platzen", "Tap to continue": "Zum Fortfahren tippen", "TAP TO POP ALL PINK, BLUE AND YELLOW BUBBLES ONLY": "TIPPE NUR AUF ALLE ROSA, BLAUEN UND GELBEN BLASEN, UM SIE ZUM PLATZEN ZU BRINGEN", "POPPING CORRECT BALOONS WILL EARN YOU POINTS": "WENN DU DIE RICHTIGEN LUFTBALLONS ZERPLATZT, ERH\u00c4LTST DU PUNKTE", "Level __ Completed": "Level __ abgeschlossen", "You got _ %": "Du hast _ % erreicht", "Prevent": "Pr\u00e4vention", "Activity": "Aktivit\u00e4t", "Activity data": "Aktivit\u00e4tsdaten", "Choose the data you want to see in your dashboard.": "W\u00e4hle die Daten aus, die du auf deinem Dashboard sehen m\u00f6chtest.", "entries this month": "Eintr\u00e4ge diesen Monat", "Sensors": "Sensoren", "Sensor Data": "Sensordaten", "Summary": "Zusammenfassung", "Notifications": "Benachrichtigungen", "Conversations": "Konversationen", "Profile & Settings": "Profil & Einstellungen", "Manage Credentials": "Zugangsdaten verwalten", "Enter the family member or clinician's name here.": "Namen des Familienmitglieds oder Klinikers eingeben.", "Role": "Rolle", "Enter the family member or clinician's role here. For this credential to appear as a care team member, either a photo or role MUST be saved.": "Rolle des Familienmitglieds oder Klinikers eingeben. Damit dieser Berechtigungsnachweis als Mitglied des Betreuungsteams erscheint, MUSS entweder ein Foto oder eine Rolle gespeichert werden.", "Email Address": "E-Mail-Adresse", "Enter the email address here.": "E-Mail-Adresse eingeben.", "Password": "Passwort", "Enter the new password here, and press the done button to the right of the box. Tap away if you don't want to change the password.": "Gib hier ein neues Passwort ein und dr\u00fccke auf die Schaltfl\u00e4che 'Fertig' rechts neben dem Feld. Tippe woanders, wenn du das Passwort nicht \u00e4ndern m\u00f6chtest.", "Logout": "Abmelden", "Are you sure you want to log out of LAMP right now?": "Bist du sicher, dass du dich jetzt aus LAMP abmelden willst?", "If you've made some changes, make sure they're saved before you continue to log out.": "Wenn du \u00c4nderungen vorgenommen hast, vergewissere dich, dass diese gespeichert sind, bevor du dich abmeldest:", "Go Back": "Zur\u00fcck", "Help & Support": "Hilfe & Support", "LAMP Community": "LAMP-Gemeinschaft", "Contact Us": "Kontakt", "Researcher Login": "Forscher-Anmeldung", "Show Unscheduled Activities": "Au\u00dferplanm\u00e4\u00dfige Aktivit\u00e4ten anzeigen", "Patients": "Patienten", "Demo": "Demo", "Search": "Suchen", "Create": "Erstellen", "Number of participants to add:": "Anzahl der hinzuzuf\u00fcgenden Teilnehmer:", "Last Active": "Zuletzt aktiv", "Indicators": "Indikatoren", "_ years ago on Android": "Vor _ Jahren auf Android", "_ row(s) selected": "_ Zeile(n) ausgew\u00e4hlt", "Data Quality": "Datenqualit\u00e4t", "Data is optimal": "Daten sind optimal", "Reset Password": "Passwort zur\u00fccksetzen", "View Patient Data": "Patientendaten anzeigen", "__ rows [in pagination]": "__ Zeilen [in der Seitennummerierung]", "First Page": "Erste Seite", "Previous Page": "Vorherige Seite", "Next Page": "N\u00e4chste Seite", "Last Page [in pagination]": "Letzte Seite [in der Seitennummerierung]", "Activities": "Aktivit\u00e4ten", "Type": "Typ", "Import": "Importieren", "Drag files here, or click to select files.": "Dateien hierher ziehen oder hier klicken, um Dateien auszuw\u00e4hlen.", "Create a new...": "Neu erstellen", "Activity Group": "Aktivit\u00e4tsgruppe", "Survey Instrument": "Umfrageinstrument", "Smartphone Cognitive Tests": "Kognitive Tests f\u00fcr Smartphone", "Successfully created a new cognitive test Activity.": "Neue kognitive Testaktivit\u00e4t erfolgreich erstellt.", "Activity Schedule": "Zeitplan der Aktivit\u00e4t", "Time": "Zeit", "Repeat Interval": "Wiederholungsintervall", "Custom Times": "Benutzerdefinierte Zeiten", "Actions": "Aktionen", "No schedule.": "Kein Zeitplan", "Modify an existing survey instrument.": "Vorhandenes Umfrageinstrument \u00e4ndern.", "Survey Title": "Titel der Umfrage", "Survey Description": "Umfrage-Beschreibung", "Configure questions, parameters, and options.": "Fragen, Parameter und Optionen konfigurieren.", "Question Title": "Titel der Frage", "Question Description": "Beschreibung der Frage", "Question Type": "Fragentyp", "Add Question": "Frage hinzuf\u00fcgen", "Duplicate": "Duplizieren", "Save this survey instrument": "Dieses Umfrageinstrument speichern", "Hours": "Stunden", "Only survey description content was modified to prevent irrecoverable data loss. (error message)": "Nur der Inhalt der Umfragebeschreibung wurde ge\u00e4ndert, um einen unwiederbringlichen Datenverlust zu verhindern. (Fehlermeldung)", "Cats and Dogs": "Katzen und Hunde", "Research studies using mindLAMP": "Forschungsstudien mit mindLAMP", "Incorrect username, password, or server address.": "Falscher Benutzername, falsches Passwort oder falsche Serveradresse.", "Are you sure you're logging into the right mindLAMP server?": "Bist du sicher, dass du dich im richtigen mindLAMP-Server anmeldest?", "Select Language": "Sprache ausw\u00e4hlen", "Add mindLAMP to your home screen?": "mindLAMP zum Startbildschirm hinzuf\u00fcgen?", "Proceed with caution: you are logged in as the administrator.": "Vorsicht: Du bist als Administrator angemeldet.", "Invalid id or password.": "Ung\u00fcltige ID oder ung\u00fcltiges Passwort.", "mindLAMP will be installed on your device.": "mindLAMP wird auf deinem Ger\u00e4t installiert.", "mindLAMP will not be installed on your device.": "mindLAMP wird nicht auf deinem Ger\u00e4t installiert.", "Messages": "Nachrichten", "Administrator": "Administrator", "Community": "Gemeinschaft", "Switch Views": "Ansichten wechseln", "Activity Type": "Aktivit\u00e4tstyp", "Show App Screenshot": "App-Screenshot anzeigen", "Delete Entry": "Eintrag l\u00f6schen", "Copy Entry": "Eintrag kopieren", "Edit Entry": "Eintrag bearbeiten", "No detail view available.": "Keine detaillierte Ansicht verf\u00fcgbar.", "Score": "Punktezahl", "Alone": "Allein", "Friends": "Freunde", "Family": "Familie", "Peers": "Gleichaltrige", "Crowd": "Menge", "Home": "Zuhause", "School": "Schule", "Work": "Arbeit", "Hospital": "Krankenhaus", "Outside": "Drau\u00dfen", "Shopping": "Beim Einkaufen", "Transit": "Transit", "Sensor": "Sensor", "Automations": "Automatisierungen", "An experimental visualization generated by an automation you or your clinician have installed.": "Eine experimentelle Visualisierung, die von einer Automatisierung erzeugt wird, die von dir oder von deinem Kliniker installiert wurde.", "No Data": "Keine Daten", "No data": "Keine Daten", "No Activities are selected. Please select an Activity above to begin.": "Es sind keine Aktivit\u00e4ten ausgew\u00e4hlt. W\u00e4hle oben eine Aktivit\u00e4t aus, um zu beginnen.", "Environmental Context": "Umgebungskontext", "Step Count": "Schrittzahl", "Steps Taken": "Getane Schritte", "visualization": "Visualisierung", "Couldn't import the Activities.": "Aktivit\u00e4ten konnten nicht importiert werden", "Choose the Group you want to import activities.": "Studie ausw\u00e4hlen, in die Aktivit\u00e4ten importiert werden sollen.", "Select a Group to import activities.": "Studie ausw\u00e4hlen, um Aktivit\u00e4ten zu importieren.", "Couldn't import the Activities because some Activities are misconfigured or missing.": "Die Aktivit\u00e4ten konnten nicht importiert werden, da einige Aktivit\u00e4ten falsch konfiguriert sind oder fehlen.", "Couldn't import one of the selected survey Activities.": "Eine der ausgew\u00e4hlten Umfrageaktivit\u00e4ten konnte nicht importiert werden.", "Couldn't import one of the selected Activities.": "Eine der ausgew\u00e4hlten Aktivit\u00e4ten konnte nicht importiert werden.", "Couldn't import one of the selected Activity groups.": "Eine der ausgew\u00e4hlten Aktivit\u00e4tsgruppen konnte nicht importiert werden.", "The selected Activities were successfully imported.": "Die ausgew\u00e4hlten Aktivit\u00e4ten wurden erfolgreich importiert.", "The selected Activities were successfully exported.": "Die ausgew\u00e4hlten Aktivit\u00e4ten wurden erfolgreich exportiert.", "Encountered an error: .": "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten: ", "Successfully created a new tip Activity.": "Neue Tipp-Aktivit\u00e4t erfolgreich erstellt.", "Successfully updated the Activity.": "Aktivit\u00e4t erfolgreich aktualisiert.", "Successfully created a new survey Activity.": "Neue Umfrage-Aktivit\u00e4t erfolgreich erstellt.", "Failed to create a new group Activity.": "Fehler beim Erstellen einer neuen Gruppenaktivit\u00e4t.", "Successfully created a new group Activity.": "Neue Gruppenaktivit\u00e4t erfolgreich erstellt.", "Successfully created a new Activity.": "Neue Aktivit\u00e4t erfolgreich erstellt.", "Successfully deleted the selected Activities.": "Ausgew\u00e4hlte Aktivit\u00e4ten erfolgreich gel\u00f6scht.", "Successfully duplicated the Activity under a new name.": "Aktivit\u00e4t erfolgreich unter einem neuen Namen dupliziert.", "Group": "Gruppe", "Tips": "Tipps", "DBT Diary Card": "DBT-Tagebuchkarte", "Cognitive Test": "Kognitiver Test", "Group": "Studie", "Export": "Exportieren", "Delete": "L\u00f6schen", "Are you sure you want to delete this Activity?.": "Bist du sicher, dass du diese Aktivit\u00e4t l\u00f6schen m\u00f6chtest?", "Filter results": "Ergebnisse filtern", "Add": "Hinzuf\u00fcgen", "Import activities": "Aktivit\u00e4ten importieren", "Create a new activity": "Neue Aktivit\u00e4t erstellen", "Modify an existing activity": "Bestehende Aktivit\u00e4t \u00e4ndern", "No custom times": "Keine benutzerdefinierten Zeiten", "Delete this time from the list.": "Diese Zeit aus der Liste l\u00f6schen.", "Add a new custom time.": "Neue benutzerdefinierte Zeit hinzuf\u00fcgen.", "Add this time to the list.": "Diese Zeit zur Liste hinzuf\u00fcgen.", "Select the start date.": "Startdatum w\u00e4hlen.", "Select the start time.": "Startzeit w\u00e4hlen.", "Every hour": "Jede Stunde", "Every number hours": "Jede {{number}} Stunden", "Every day": "Jeden Tag", "Two times every week (Tue, Thurs)": "Zweimal pro Woche (Di, Do)", "Three times every week (Mon, Wed, Fri)": "Dreimal pro Woche (Mo, Mi, Fr)", "Every week": "Jede Woche", "Two times every month": "Zweimal pro Monat", "Every month": "Jeden Monat", "Use custom times instead": "Stattdessen benutzerdefinierte Zeiten verwenden", "Do not repeat": "Nicht wiederholen", "Are you sure you want to delete this schedule item?": "Bist du sicher, dass du diesen Zeitplaneintrag l\u00f6schen m\u00f6chtest?", "Install": "Installieren", "Welcome to the Prevent section": "Willkommen im Pr\u00e4ventionsbereich", "Prepare yourself": "Bereite dich vor", "Image size should not exceed 5 MB.": "Die Bildgr\u00f6\u00dfe sollte 5 MB nicht \u00fcberschreiten.", "Not supported image type.": "Bildtyp nicht unterst\u00fctzt.", "Activity with same name already exist.": "Aktivit\u00e4t mit demselben Namen existiert bereits.", "Not supported audio type.": "Audio-Typ nicht unterst\u00fctzt.", "The audio size should not exceed 2 MB.": "Die Audiogr\u00f6\u00dfe sollte 2 MB nicht \u00fcberschreiten.", "Drag a photo or tap to select a photo.": "Foto hierher ziehen oder tippen, um ein Foto auszuw\u00e4hlen.", "Drag a photo to replace the existing photo or tap to delete the photo.": "Foto hierher ziehen, um das vorhandene Foto zu ersetzen, oder auf das Foto tippen, um es zu l\u00f6schen.", "Select": "Ausw\u00e4hlen", "Please select the Group": "W\u00e4hle die Studie aus", "Activity Title": "Titel der Aktivit\u00e4t", "Activity Description": "Beschreibung der Aktivit\u00e4t", "Upload audio": "Audio hochladen", "Your browser does not support the": "Wird nicht von deinem Browser unterst\u00fctzt", "audio": "Audio", "element.": "Element.", "Duplicate this survey instrument and save it with a new title.": "Dieses Umfrageinstrument duplizieren und unter einem neuen Titel speichern.", "Save this activity.": "Diese Aktivit\u00e4t speichern.", "Save Role & Photo": "Rolle und Foto speichern", "Copy one-time access link that can be used to log in without entering credentials.": "Link f\u00fcr einen einmaligen Zugang kopieren, mit dem die Anmeldung ohne Eingabe von Zugangsdaten erfolgen kann.", "Save Credential": "Zugangsdaten speichern", "Scan this QR code on a mobile device to automatically open a patient dashboard.": "Diesen QR-Code auf einem mobilen Ger\u00e4t scannen, um automatisch ein Patienten-Dashboard zu \u00f6ffnen.", "Could not change password.": "Passwort konnte nicht ge\u00e4ndert werden.", "Could not create credential.": "Zugangsdaten konnten nicht erstellt werden.", "Could not perform operation for an unknown reason.": "Vorgang konnte aus unbekanntem Grund nicht ausgef\u00fchrt werden.", "Credential management failed. The email address could be in use already.": "Verwaltung der Zugangsdaten fehlgeschlagen. Die E-Mail-Adresse k\u00f6nnte bereits in Gebrauch sein.", "Could not delete.": "Konnte nicht gel\u00f6scht werden.", "Credential management failed.": "Verwaltung der Zugangsdaten fehlgeschlagen.", "Add a new member of your care team.": "Neues Mitglied des Betreuungsteams hinzuf\u00fcgen.", "Update Photo & Role": "Foto und Rolle aktualisieren", "Target behaviors": "Zielverhalten", "effective": "wirksam", "Times": "Zeiten", "ADD ITEM": "Element hinzuf\u00fcgen", "ineffective": "unwirksam", "Emotions": "Emotionen", "Add a target behavior": "Zielverhalten hinzuf\u00fcgen", "Behavior name": "Name des Verhaltens", "Measure of action:": "Handlungsma\u00dfname:", "Add a emotion": "Emotion hinzuf\u00fcgen", "Emotion name": "Name der Emotion", "Removed participantId's alias.": "Alias von participantId entfernt.", "Set participantId's alias to participantName": "Alias von participantId auf participantName setzen", "Failed to change participantId's alias: Group name required": "Der Alias von participantId konnte nicht ge\u00e4ndert werden", "Create or edit the alias for this Participant ID. Saving an empty text box will reset this value.": "Alias f\u00fcr diese Teilnehmer-ID erstellen oder bearbeiten. Durch das Speichern eines leeren Textfeldes wird dieser Wert zur\u00fcckgesetzt.", "Failed to load participantId's alias: errorMessage": "Fehler beim \u00c4ndern von participantId: errorMessage", "This activity is not yet available in mindLAMP 2": "Diese Aktivit\u00e4t ist noch nicht in mindLAMP 2 verf\u00fcgbar", "This is a demo only. Entries will not be saved.": "Dies ist nur eine Demo. Eingaben werden nicht gespeichert.", "My Medications": "Meine Medikamente", "Set reminder?": "Erinnerung einstellen?", "Edit": "Bearbeiten", "text": "Text", "Einige Antworten fehlen. Bitte f\u00fclle vor dem Absenden alle Fragen aus.": "Some responses are missing. Please complete all questions before submitting.", "Goal: ": "Ziel: ", "The goal has been saved successfully.": "Das Ziel wurde erfolgreich gespeichert.", "Please select duration.": "W\u00e4hle die Dauer aus.", "Please enter goal value.": "Gib einen Zielwert ein.", "Please enter goal name.": "Gib einen Zielnamen ein.", "Medication: ": "Medikament: ", "The medication has been saved successfully.": "Das Medikament wurde erfolgreich gespeichert.", "Please select medication name.": "W\u00e4hle den Namen des Medikaments.", "Please enter dose.": "Gib die Dosis ein.", "Please enter name.": "Gib den Namen ein.", "This activity is not yet available in mindLAMP 2.": "Diese Aktivit\u00e4t ist noch nicht in mindLAMP 2 verf\u00fcgbar.", "Unique name required.": "Eindeutiger Name erforderlich", "Could not create credential for id.": "Berechtigungsnachweis f\u00fcr ID konnten nicht erstellt werden.", "Successfully created Participant id. Tap the expand icon on the right to see credentials and details.": "Teilnehmer-ID erfolgreich erstellt. Auf das Symbol Erweitern auf der rechten Seite tippen, um Zugangsdaten und Details anzuzeigen.", "Temporary email address": "Vorl\u00e4ufige E-Mail-Adresse", "Temporary password": "Vorl\u00e4ufiges Passwort", "One-time login link": "Einmaliger Anmeldelink", "an unknown device": "unbekanntes Ger\u00e4t", "unknown device model": "unbekanntes Ger\u00e4temodell", "App Version:": "App-Version:", "OS Version:": "Version des Betriebssystems:", "DeviceName:": "Ger\u00e4tename:", "Model:": "Modell:", "Successfully created new group - groupName": "Neue Studie erfolgreich erstellt - groupName:", "Are you sure you want to delete this Participant?": "Bist du sicher, dass du diesen Teilnehmer l\u00f6schen m\u00f6chtest?", "Rename": "Umbenennen", "Edit password": "Passwort bearbeiten", "CSV": "CSV", "JSON": "JSON", "New patient": "Neuer Patient", "Create a new entry in this group.": "Neuen Eintrag in dieser Gruppe erstellen.", "Add a new group": "Neue Studie hinzuf\u00fcgen", "Create a new group": "Neue Studie erstellen.", "Are you sure you want to delete these participants?": "Bist du sicher, dass du diese Teilnehmer l\u00f6schen m\u00f6chtest?", "Choose the Group you want to save this participant.": "W\u00e4hle die Studie aus, in der dieser Teilnehmer gespeichert werden soll.", "Select a Group to create a participant.": "W\u00e4hle eine Studie aus, um einen Teilnehmer zu erstellen.", "entries": "Eintr\u00e4ge", "Social Context": "Sozialer Kontext", "Edit goal": "Ziel bearbeiten", "Current streak:": "Aktueller Vorgang:", "Goal History": "Ziel-Historie", "Department of Mental Health (DMH)": "Abteilung f\u00fcr psychische Gesundheit (DMH)", "National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)": "National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)", "NAMI Massachussetts": "NAMI Massachusetts", "Researchers": "Forscher", "Successfully created a new Researcher.": "Neuer Forscher wurde erfolgreich erstellt.", "Failed to create a new Researcher.": "Fehler beim Erstellen eines neuen Forschers.", "Successfully updated the Researcher.": "Forscher wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert.", "Failed to update the Researcher.": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren des Forschers.", "Successfully deleted the Researcher.": "Forscher wurde erfolgreich gel\u00f6scht.", "Failed to delete the Researcher.": "Der Forscher konnte nicht gel\u00f6scht werden.", "No Researchers. Add Researchers by clicking the [+] button above.": "Keine Forscher. Zum Hinzuf\u00fcgen von Forschern auf die Schaltfl\u00e4che [+] oben klicken.", "Are you sure you want to delete this Researcher?": "Bist du sicher, dass du diesen Forscher l\u00f6schen m\u00f6chtest?", "Well done!": "Gut gemacht!", "Swipe around the": "Wische \u00fcber den Bildschirm,", "screen to reveal": "aufzudecken", "the hidden image": "um das versteckte Bild", "am": "morgens", "pm": "nachmittags", "Patient Notes": "Patientennotizen", "Modify an existing group.": "Bestehende Gruppe \u00e4ndern.", "Create a new group.": "Neue Gruppe erstellen.", "Drag the handle on the left to change the order in which this Activity appears in the group.": "Zum \u00c4ndern der Reihenfolge, in der diese Aktivit\u00e4t in der Gruppe erscheint, den Griff auf der linken Seite ziehen.", "No selection": "Keine Auswahl", "Group Title": "Gruppentitel", "Configure activities and options.": "Aktivit\u00e4ten und Optionen konfigurieren.", "Add Activity": "Aktivit\u00e4t hinzuf\u00fcgen", "Save this activity group.": "Diese Aktivit\u00e4tsgruppe speichern", "Question Option": "Frage-Option", "Delete this option from the question's list of options.": "Diese Option aus der Liste der Optionen der Frage l\u00f6schen.", "Option Description": "Beschreibung der Option", "Add Option": "Option hinzuf\u00fcgen", "Delete question from survey instrument.": "Frage aus dem Umfrageinstrument l\u00f6schen", "Boolean": "Boolesch", "Likert": "likert", "List": "Liste", "Multi-Select": "Mehrfachauswahl", "Slider": "Schieberegler", "Save this survey instrument.": "Dieses Umfrageinstrument speichern.", "N/A": "", "An error occured while uploading. Please try again.": "", "Beim Hochladen ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte erneut versuchen.": "", "Images should be in the format .jpeg/.png/.gif/.svg and the size should not exceed 4 MB.": "Bilder sollten das Format jpeg/png/bmp/gif/svg haben und die Gr\u00f6\u00dfe sollte 4 MB nicht \u00fcberschreiten.", "You are not allowed to delete all the details from the tip.": "Es d\u00fcrfen nicht alle Details aus dem Tipp gel\u00f6scht werden.", "Tap to select a photo.": "Tippen, um ein Foto auszuw\u00e4hlen.", "Tap to delete the photo.": "Tippen, um das Foto zu l\u00f6schen.", "Tips Title": "Titel des Tipps", "Please enter Tips Title": "Gib einen Titel f\u00fcr die Tipps ein", "Tips Description": "Beschreibung der Tipps", "Please enter Tips Description": "Gib eine Beschreibung f\u00fcr die Tipps ein", "Please select the tip": "W\u00e4hle einen Tipp aus", "Add New": "Neuen Tipp hinzuf\u00fcgen", "New Tip": "Neuer Tipp", "Please add new tip.": "F\u00fcge einen neuen Tipp hinzu", "Tip Details": "Details des Tipps", "Duplicate this activity.": "Diese Aktivit\u00e4t duplizieren", "Welcome to mindLAMP!": "Willkommen bei mindLAMP!", "With the mindLAMP smartphone app, you can collect information about your health. You can learn about symptoms, brain health, and check your thinking. You can also learn about your steps and sleep and how they may relate to how you feel. You can use mindLAMP as part of a research study, part of your care if a clinician ask you to try it, or on your own.": "Mit der mindLAMP Smartphone-App k\u00f6nnen Sie Informationen \u00fcber Ihre Gesundheit sammeln. Sie k\u00f6nnen sich \u00fcber Symptome und die Gesundheit des Gehirns informieren und Ihr Denken \u00fcberpr\u00fcfen. Sie k\u00f6nnen auch etwas \u00fcber Ihre Schritte und Ihren Schlaf erfahren und wie diese mit Ihrem Befinden zusammenh\u00e4ngen. Sie k\u00f6nnen mindLAMP als Teil einer Forschungsstudie, als Teil Ihrer Behandlung, wenn ein Arzt Sie darum bittet, oder f\u00fcr sich selbst nutzen.", "Here are all the activities you'll receive notifications for when you use mindLAMP.": "Dies sind alle Aktivit\u00e4ten, f\u00fcr die du Benachrichtigungen erh\u00e4ltst, wenn du mindLAMP verwendest.", "Let's go!": "Los geht's!", "You're ready to start using mindLAMP.": "Du bist bereit, mindLAMP zu benutzen.", "You're using the src server to log into mindLAMP.": "Du benutzt den SRC-Server, um dich in mindLAMP anzumelden.", "GPS": "GPS", "Accelerometer": "Beschleunigungsmesser", "Never": "Niemals", "This vega graph failed to render.": "This vega graph failed to render.", "Rendering graph...": "Rendering graph...", "Sign In": "Sign In", "Loading...": "Loading...", "Username": "Username", "These credentials are valid but don't currently have data portal access. Please check again later.": "These credentials are valid but don't currently have data portal access. Please check again later.", "Set the 'children' prop to display elements": "Set the 'children' prop to display elements", "No data found": "Keine Daten", "Some dimensions unavailble at smaller screen sizes": "Some dimensions unavailble at smaller screen sizes", "Filter by a participant's name or LAMP id (case-sensitive)": "Filter by a participant's name or LAMP id (case-sensitive)", "If no data is found for a particular tag,": "If no data is found for a particular tag,", " a box will still display": " a box will still display", " no box will display": " no box will display", "Display Missing Data": "Display Missing Data", "While grouping by Tag Name, your data will be grouped by graph/chart - use this to examine study trends.": "While grouping by Tag Name, your data will be grouped by graph/chart - use this to examine study trends.", "While grouping by ID, your data will be grouped by participant - use this to examine individual participants.": "While grouping by ID, your data will be grouped by participant - use this to examine individual participants.", "Group By ID": "Group By ID", "Group By Tag Name": "Group By Tag Name", "Adjust Graph Display": "Graphische dartstellung anpassen" , "Height": "Größe", "Width": "Width", "Default": "Default", "How to arrange graphs. 'Height' will group graphs of similar height, while 'width' will do the same for graphs of similar width. 'Default' will use the order seen here.": "How to arrange graphs. 'Height' will group graphs of similar height, while 'width' will do the same for graphs of similar width. 'Default' will use the order seen here.","Number of Graphs per row. Bigger numbers give more visually compact PDF files, while smaller numbers may improve readability.": "Number of Graphs per row. Bigger numbers give more visually compact PDF files, while smaller numbers may improve readability.", "Download a PDF of Graphs": "Download a PDF of Graphs", "Download": "Herunterladen", "Download PDF": "PDF herunterladen", "January": "Januar", "February": "Februar", "March": "März", "April": "April","May": "Mai", "June": "Juni", "July": "Juli", "August": "August", "September": "September", "October": "Oktober", "November": "November", "December": "Dezember", "No tags are available for this": "No tags are available for this", "There are no shared tags set for this": "Es sind keine gemeinsamen Tags für diesen festgelegt", " To display data on tags shared between participants, set": "Um Daten zu Tags anzuzeigen, die zwischen Teilnehmern geteilt werden, setzen Sie", "to an array of strings, where each string is a tag you would like to see. Please contact your study administrator for more info.": "auf ein Array von Strings, wobei jeder String ein Tag repräsentiert, den Sie sehen möchten. Bitte kontaktieren Sie Ihren Studienadministrator für weitere Informationen.", "All Participant Tags": "Alle Schlagw\u00f6rter des Teilnehmers anzeigen", "This is a list of all tags present on at least one participant in this": "Dies ist eine Liste aller Markierungen, die bei mindestens einem Teilnehmer dieses vorhanden sind.", "Use the checkboxes to toggle on or off any tags you want to see or hide, respectively, then press the 'Set Tags' button.": "Verwenden Sie die Auswahlkästchen, um die Markierungen, die Sie sehen bzw. ausblenden möchten, zu aktivieren bzw. zu deaktivieren, und drücken Sie dann auf die Schaltfläche 'Markierungen festlegen'. ", "Select all tags": "Select all tags", "Set Tags": "Markierungen setzen", "Deselect all tags": "Deselect all tags", "participants have this tag": "participants have this tag", "Loading Tags": "Loading Tags", "Analyze Participant Data": "Teilnehmerdaten analysieren", "Analyze": "Analysieren", "Data": "Daten", "Please wait, data is loading...": "Bitte warten, Ihre Daten werden geladen", "Alternatively, drag and drop a researcher, study, or participant into this box.": "Alternativ können Sie einen Forscher, eine Studie oder einen Teilnehmer per Drag & Drop in dieses Feld ziehen.", "Change Viewing Mode (Currently Terminal)": "Anzeigemodus ändern (derzeit endgerät)", "Set Viewing Mode to GUI": "Ansichtsmodus auf GUI einstellen", "Set Viewing Mode to Terminal": "Anzeigemodus auf engerät einstellen", "Terminal Mode": "Terminal-Modus", "Want to learn more about JSONata queries or what special data you can pull from LAMP?": "Möchtest du mehr über JSONata-Abfragen erfahren oder darüber, welche spezifischen Daten aus LAMP abgerufen werden können?", "While in GUI mode, you can directly pull graphs you have already generated from the LAMP database, easily view information across an entire study or researcher, or quickly view tags that give info about things like survey scoring. If this is your first time using the LAMP data_portal, or if you need to get data quickly, this is the mode we recommend!!": "Im GUI-Modus können erstellte Diagramme direkt aus der LAMP-Datenbank abgerufen werden, Informationen über eine ganze Studie oder einen bestimmten Forscher angezeigt werden, oder schnell Labels angezeigt werden, die Informationen über Dinge wie die Umfrageauswertung enthalten. Wenn du das LAMP Daten_Portal zum ersten Mal nutzt oder wenn du schnell an Daten kommen möchtest, ist dieser Modus zu empfehlen.", "Run Query": "Run Query", "Images should be in the format jpeg/png/bmp/gif/svg and the size should not exceed 4 MB.": "Bilder sollten das Format jpeg/png/bmp/gif/svg haben und die Gr\u00f6\u00dfe sollte 4 MB nicht \u00fcberschreiten.", "Measure of action": "Handlungsma\u00dfname", "Minutes": "Minuten", "Successfully created new group": "Neue Studie erfolgreich erstellt", "Measure of Action": "Handlungsma\u00dfname", "Add Item": "Element hinzuf\u00fcgen", "accelerometer": "Beschleunigungsmesser", "Please select the Group.": "W\u00e4hle die Studie aus", "Server Address": "Serveradresse" , "Medications": "Medikamente", "No Sensors.": "Keine Sensoren", "No Activities.": "Keine Aktivit\u00e4ten", "Add Sensor": "Sensor Hinzuf\u00fcgen", "Reset account password": "Konto passwort zur\u00fccksetzen", "Profile": "Profil", "Survey Questions": "Umfrage Fragen", "Question Text": "Fragetext", "Patient View" : "Benutzeransicht", "User": "Benutzer", "User number": "Benutzer {{number}}", "Are you sure you want to delete this group?": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diese Gruppe l\u00f6schen m\u00f6chten?", "Are you sure you want to delete this investigator(s)?.": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diese(n) Untersuchungsleiter l\u00f6schen m\u00f6chten?", "blood_glucose": "Blutzucker", "body_temperature": "K\u00f6rpertemperatur", "Copied!": "Kopiert!", "Create a new patient under this study": "Einen neuen Patienten unter dieser Studie anlegen", "Credential Roles": "Berechtigungsrolle", "Does not match the password you entered above.": "Stimmt nicht mit dem oben eingegebenen Passwort \u00fcberein.", "Group Name": "Gruppenname", "heartratevariability_sdnn": "Herzratenvariabilit\u00e4t_sdnn", "Jewels A": "Juwelen A", "Jewels B": "Juwelen B", "Memory Game": "Ged\u00e4chtnisspiel", "nearby_device": "Ger\u00e4t in der N\u00e4he", "Nickname(optional)": "Spitzname (optional)", "No Activities.": "Keine Aktivit\u00e4ten.", "No Sensors.": "Keine Sensoren.", "oxygen_saturation": "Sauerstoffs\u00e4ttigung", "Please enter group name.": "Bitte Gruppennamen eingeben.", "Question Text": "Fragetext", "Required": "Erforderlich", "Reset account password": "Benutzerpasswort zur\u00fccksetzen", "Response Options": "Antwortm\u00f6glichkeiten", "Search Researcher list": "Forscherliste durchsuchen", "Separate activity data into multiple lines for each response": "Aktivit\u00e4tsdaten in mehrere Zeilen f\u00fcr jede Antwort aufteilen", "Spatial Span": "R\u00e4umliche Spanne", "Streak popup settings": "Pop-up-Einstellungen bei Gl\u00fccksstr\u00e4hne", "Successfully created a new investigator.": "Erfolgreich einen neuen Untersuchungsleiter erstellt", "Successfully deleted group.": "Gruppe erfolgreich gel\u00f6scht", "Successfully deleted the investigator.": "Untersuchungsleiter erfolgreich gel\u00f6scht", "Successfully updated a new investigator.": "Erfolgreich einen neuen Untersuchungsleiter aktualisiert.", "Survey Questions": "Erhebungsfragen", "telephony": "Telefonie", "This is a list of all tags present on at least one participant in this researcher.": "Dies ist eine Liste aller Schlagw\u00f6rter, die bei mindestens einem Teilnehmer dieses Forschers vorhanden sind.", "Use the checkboxes to toggle on or off any tags you want to see or hide, respectively, then press the 'Set Tags' button.": "Verwenden Sie die Auswahlk\u00e4stchen, um die Schlagw\u00f6rter, die Sie sehen bzw. ausblenden m\u00f6chten, zu aktivieren bzw. zu deaktivieren, und dr\u00fccken Sie dann auf die Schaltfl\u00e4che 'Schlagw\u00f6rter festlegen", "Voice Recording": "Sprachaufzeichnung", "Sort by date of creation": "Nach Erstellungsdatum sortieren", "Investigators": "Untersuchungsleiter", "question": "Frage", "activity_recognition": "Aktivit\u00e4t_Erkennung", "ADJUST GRAPH DISPLAY": "GRAPHISCHE DARSTELLUNG ANPASSEN", "Alphabetize List": "Liste alphabetisch sortieren", "Analyze Researcher Data": "Forscherdaten analysieren", "CHANGE VIEWING MODE (CURRENTLY TERMINAL)": "ANZEIGEMODUS \u00c4NDERN (DERZEIT ENDGER\u00c4T)", "Filter Researchers": "Forscher filtern", "No tags are available for this researcher": "F\u00fcr diesen Forscher sind keine Schlagw\u00f6rter verf\u00fcgbar", "Researcher Tags": "Schlagw\u00f6rter zu diesem Forscher", "SET TAGS": "SCHLAGW\u00d6RTER FESTLEGEN", "SET VIEWING MODE TO TERMINAL": "ANZEIGEMODUS AUF ENDGER\u00c4T EINSTELLEN", "NAME": "Name", "TYPE": "Typ", "Choose File": "Datei wählen", "Copy": "Kopieren", "Researcher": "Forscher", "ID to clipboard": "ID in die Zwischenablage","Failed to fetch the study details.": "Die Studiendetails konnten nicht abgerufen werden.","question": "frage", "QUESTION_NUMBER_OF_TOTAL": "Frage {{ number }} of {{ total }}","Question": "Frage", "of":"von", "Next" : "Weiter", "Back": "Zur\u00fcck", "Submit": "Absenden","Mood": "Stimmungs", "Yes": "Ja", "No": "Nein", "Sleep and Social": "Schlaf und Soziales", "Anxiety": "Angst", "Psychosis and Social": "Psychose und Soziales", "App Usability": "App-Nutzbarkeit", "Water and Nutrition": "Wasser und Ern\u00e4hrung", "Please enter your response" : "Bitte Antwort eingeben","Your response": "Deine Antwort", "Nearly All the Time": "Fast die ganze Zeit", "More than Half the Time": "Mehr als die H\u00e4lfte der Zeit", "Several Times": "Mehrmals", "Not at all": "\u00dcberhaupt nicht", "(Select one)": "(Eine Option ausw\u00e4hlen)", "(0 being terrible, 10 being excellent)": "(0 ist schrecklich, 10 ist ausgezeichnet)"}
diff --git a/public/locales/es/translation.json b/public/locales/es/translation.json
index d47be468..b955b684 100644
--- a/public/locales/es/translation.json
+++ b/public/locales/es/translation.json
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
"QUESTION_NUMBER_OF_TOTAL": "Pregunta {{ number }} de {{ total }}",
"Question": "Pregunta",
+ "Self evaluation":"Self evaluation",
"Next" : "Siguiente",
"Submit": "Enviar",
"Mood": "Humor",
diff --git a/public/locales/fr/translation.json b/public/locales/fr/translation.json
index a2d95348..3b674eeb 100644
--- a/public/locales/fr/translation.json
+++ b/public/locales/fr/translation.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"Welcome to the Portal section": "Bienvenue dans la section du Portail", "Track progress and make connections.": "Suivez vos progr\u00e8s et faites des connections.\u202f", "Log feelings, behavior, and activity.": "Prenez note de vos sentiments, comportements et activit\u00e9s.", "Find useful information and practice healthy habits.": "Trouvez de l\u2019information utile pour vous et pratiquez des habitudes de vie saines.", "There are no Assess activities available.": "Il n\u2019y a pas de d\u2019activit\u00e9s d\u2019\u00c9valuation disponibles.", "Assess": "Évaluer","There are no Learn activities available.": "Il n\u2019y a pas de d\u2019activit\u00e9s d\u2019\u00c9ducation disponibles.","There are no scheduled activities available.": "Il n\u2019y a pas de d\u2019activit\u00e9s Panifi\u00e9es disponibles.", "Portal": "Portail", "Cortex": "Cortex", "No Records found": "Il n\u2019y a pas de donn\u00e9es disponibles pour les crit\u00e8res de recherche s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9s.", "Rows per page": "Lignes par page", "Update": "Mise \u00e0 jour", "Nickname(optional)": "Surnom (optionnel)", "Advanced Mode": "Mode avanc\u00e9", "Mode": "Mode", "Advanced": "Avanc\u00e9", "Simple Mode": "Mode simple", "Users": "Utilisateurs", "Add a user": "Ajouter un utilisateur", "Add a new group": "Ajouter un nouveau groupe", "Add a new user and group": "Ajouter un nouvel utilisateur et un nouveau groupe.", "Create a user under their own group.": "Cr\u00e9er un utilisateur sous un groupe existant.", "Create a new user under this group": "Créer un nouvel utilisateur sous ce groupe", "Duplicate from": "Dupliquer de", "Last passive": "Derni\u00e8res informations collect\u00e9es", "Spatial scan": "Scan spatial", "screen_state": "\u00e9tat de l\u2019\u00e9cran", "accelerometer.motion": "mouvement de l\u2019acc\u00e9l\u00e9rom\u00e8tre", "analytics": "donn\u00e9es analytiques", "blood_pressure": "pression sanguine", "bluetooth": "technologie de connexion sans fil \u00e0 courte port\u00e9e", "calls": "appels", "distance": "distance", "flights": "vols d\u2019avion", "gps.contextual": "contexte de localisation par syst\u00e8me de positionnement par satellite", "heart_rate": "rythme cardiaque", "height": "grandeur", "magnetometer": "magn\u00e9tom\u00e8tre", "respiratory_rate": "rythme respiratoire", "segment": "segment", "sms": "sms", "steps": "pas", "weight": "poids", "wifi": "r\u00e9seau sans fil", "Currently Viewing Mode (Currently GUI)": "Mode de Visualisation en Cours\u202f", "To start building a query:": "Pour faire une requête :", "1. Navigate to the level of your target on the left.": "1. Allez au niveau de votre cible, sur la partie gauche de la cible.","2. Click on": "2. Cliquez sur \u2192\u202f", "Alternatively, drag and drop a researcher, group, or participant into this box": "Alternativement, glissez le nom d\u2019un chercheur, d\u2019une \u00e9tude ou d\u2019un participant dans la box ci-dessous.", "Copy Researcher ID to Clipboard": "Copier l\u2019identifiant personnel du Chercheur dans votre Presse-Papier", "Download Researcher Data": "T\u00e9l\u00e9chargez l\u2019information du Chercheur\u202f", "Analyze Researcher": "Analyser le chercheur", "Select all shared tags": "S\u00e9lectionnez toutes les \u00e9tiquettes partag\u00e9es", "Deselect all shared tags": "D\u00e9s\u00e9lectionnez toutes les \u00e9tiquettes partag\u00e9es", "Please wait, your data is loading": "Veuillez patienter SVP, les informations sont en train d\u2019\u00eatre t\u00e9l\u00e9charg\u00e9es", "There are no shared tags set for this researcher. To display data on tags shared between participants, set \u201clamp.dashboard.researcher_tags\u201d to an array of strings, where each string is a tag you would like to see. Please contact your group administrator for more info.": "Il n\u2019y a pas d\u2019\u00e9tiquettes partag\u00e9es pour le chercheur s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9, pour afficher l\u2019information associ\u00e9e aux \u00e9tiquettes partag\u00e9es entre les participants, veuillez s\u00e9lectionner \u00ab\u202flampe.tableau de bord.chercheur.\u00e9tiquettes\u202f\u00bb pour toutes les cha\u00eenes de charact\u00e8res que vous voulez voir. SVP contactez l\u2019administrateur de votre \u00e9tude pour plus d\u2019information.", "graphs.data_quality.": "graphiques.donn\u00e9es_qualit\u00e9", "Activity counts": "Quantit\u00e9 d\u2019Activit\u00e9", "Passive Features": "Types d\u2019information collect\u00e9e", "Quality Tags": "\u00c9tiquettes pour la qualit\u00e9", "Activities in the last 7 day (updated: date)": "Nombre d\u2019activit\u00e9s dans les 7 derniers jours (mise \u00e0 jour\u202f: date)", "Data quality (updated: date)": "Qualit\u00e9 de l\u2019information (mise \u00e0 jour\u202f: date)\u202f", "missing": "manquante", "bad": "mauvaise", "okay": "acceptable", "good": "bien", "bad_missing": "mauvaise_manquante", "okay_missing": "acceptable_manquante", "good_missing": "bien_manquante", "lamp.dashboard": "lampe.tableau de bord", "Expand": "Aggrandir", "Collapse": "R\u00e9duire", "ActivitySpec": "Sp\u00e9cifications de l\u2019activit\u00e9", "SensorSpec": "Sp\u00e9cifications du sensor", "Sort by date of creation": "Classer par la date de cr\u00e9ation", "Filter": "Filtrer", "Filter studies": "Filtrer les \u00e9tudes", "Search group list": "Chercher par la liste d\u2019\u00e9tudes", "Copy Group ID to Clipboard": "Copier l\u2019identifiant de l\u2019\u00e9tude dans le presse-papier", "Download Group Data": "Copier l\u2019identifiant de l\u2019\u00e9tude dans le presse-papier", "Analyze Group": "Analyser l\u2019\u00e9tude", "There are no shared tags set for this Group. To display data on tags shared between participants, set \u201clamp.dashboard.group_tags\u201d to an array of strings, where each string is a tag you would like to see. Please contact your group administrator for more info.": "Il n\u2019y a pas d\u2019\u00e9tiquettes partag\u00e9es pour cette \u00e9tude. Pour afficher l\u2019information sur les \u00e9tiquettes partag\u00e9es entre les participants, veuillez s\u00e9lectionner \u00ab\u202flampe.tableau de bord.\u00e9tude.\u00e9tiquettes\u202f\u00bb pour toutes les \u00e9tiquettes que vous voulez voir. SVP contactez l\u2019administrateur de vote \u00e9tude pour plus d\u2019information.", "Do not enter a domain if you are not sure what this option does. ": "Ne saisissez pas de domaine si vous n\u2019\u00eates pas s\u00fbr de ce que fait cette option.", "Login": "Connexion", "Try": "Essayer", "Try mindLAMP out as a...": "Essayer mindLAMP en tant que\u2026", "Researcher": "Chercheur", "Clinician": "Clinicien", "Participant": "Participant", "Patient": "Patient", "You are logged in to a demo account. Any changes made will be reset when you restart the application.": "Vous \u00eates connect\u00e9 \u00e0 un compte de d\u00e9monstration. Toutes les modifications apport\u00e9es seront r\u00e9initialis\u00e9es lorsque vous red\u00e9marrerez l\u2019application.", "Customize which Tab this Activity appears in":"Personnalisez l'onglet dans lequel cette activité apparaît", "Ignore": "Ignorer", "Evaluate": "\u00c9valuer", "Welcome to the Assess section": "Bienvenue dans la section \u00c9valuer", "Take steps to refocus, reflect, and recover.": "Prendre des mesures pour se recentrer, réfléchir et récupérer.", "Investigation": "Enqu\u00eate", "questions": "questions", "min": "min", "The following survey aims to assess your sleep and social behavior. ": "L\u2019enqu\u00eate suivante vise \u00e0 \u00e9valuer votre sommeil et votre comportement social.", "For each of the statements, choose the one that best fits your case. ": "Pour chacune des affirmations, choisissez celle qui correspond le mieux \u00e0 votre cas.", "Start the investigation": "Commencer l\u2019enqu\u00eate", "Question": "Question", "Question number on the total": "Num\u00e9ro de la question sur le total", "Next": "Suivant", "Send": "Envoyer", "Nice job!": "Beau travail\u2009!", "You're on a roll, keep it up": "Vous \u00eates sur une bonne lanc\u00e9e, continuez comme \u00e7a", "days": "jours", "day": "jour", "Sleep and social behavior": "Sommeil et comportement social", "Anxiety": "Anxi\u00e9t\u00e9", "Psychosis and social behavior": "Psychose et comportement social", "Ease of use of the application": "Facilit\u00e9 d\u2019utilisation de l\u2019application", "Water and nutrition": "Eau et nutrition","Feed":"Alimentation", "News Feed": "Fil d\u2019actu", "Here you can see your recent activities": "Ici, vous pouvez voir vos activit\u00e9s r\u00e9centes", "Learn": "Apprendre", "Welcome to the Learn section": "Bienvenue dans la section Apprendre", "Tips for mood": "Astuces pour l\u2019humeur", "Small tips to improve your": "Petits conseils pour am\u00e9liorer votre", "Read": "Lu", "Optimism": "Optimisme", "Tip": "Astuce", "tip": "Astuce", "Was it useful to you today?": "Cela vous a-t-il \u00e9t\u00e9 utile aujourd\u2019hui\u2009?", "Yes": "Oui", "yes": "Oui", "No": "Non", "no": "Non", "Mark as Completed": "Marquer comme compl\u00e9t\u00e9", "Social behavior": "Comportement social", "Mental Health Resources": "Ressources en sant\u00e9 mentale", "Physical well-being": "Bien-\u00eatre physique", "Suggested Readings": "Lectures sugg\u00e9r\u00e9es", "Motivation": "Motivation", "Tips for managing stress": "Astuces pour g\u00e9rer le stress", "Management": "Gestion", "Breathe": "Respirer", "Start": "D\u00e9marrer", "Breathing exercise (__ min)": "Exercice de respiration (__ min)", "Follow the opening and closing movement of the lotus flower to control your inspirations and exhalations. ": "Suivez le mouvement d\u2019ouverture et de fermeture de la fleur de lotus pour contr\u00f4ler vos inspirations et expirations.", "activity_recognition": "reconnaissance_d\u2019activit\u00e9\u202f", "ADD ITEM": "\u202fAJOUTER UN \u00c9L\u00c9MENT\u202f", "Add Item": "\u202fAJOUTER UN \u00c9L\u00c9MENT\u202f", "ADJUST GRAPH DISPLAY": "\u202fAJUSTER L\u2019AFFICHAGE GRAPHIQUE\u202f", "All Participant Tags": "\u202fToutes les balises des participants\u202f", "Alphabatize List": "\u202fListe alphab\u00e9tique ", "Analyze Researcher Data": " Analyser les donn\u00e9es des chercheurs ", "Are you sure you want to delete this group?": "\u202f\u00cates-vous s\u00fbr(e) de vouloir supprimer cette \u00e9tude ?\u202f", "blood_glucose": "\u202fglucose_sanguin\u202f", "body_temperature": "\u202ftemp\u00e9rature_corporelle\u202f", "CHANGE VIEWING MODE (CURRENTLY TERMINAL)": "\u202fCHANGER DE MODE D\u2019AFFICHAGE (ACTUELLEMENT\u202f: MODE TERMINAL)\u202f", "Choose the Group you want to import activities.": " Choisissez le groupe dans lequel vous souhaitez importer les activit\u00e9s. ", "Copied!": "\u202fCopi\u00e9!\u202f", "Create a new user under this study": "\u202fCr\u00e9er un nouveau utilisateur dans le cadre de cette \u00e9tude\u202f", "Credential Roles": " R\u00f4les d\u2019accr\u00e9ditation ", "device_motion": "\u202fmouvement_de_l\u2019appareil\u202f", "Password is not complex enough and does not comply with organization password requirement.": "\u202fNe correspond pas au mot de passe que vous avez entr\u00e9 au-dessus.\u202f", "DOWNLOAD": "\u202fT\u00c9L\u00c9CHARGER\u202f", "Filter Researchers": "Filtrer les chercheurs", "Group Name": " Nom du groupe ", "heartratevariability_sdnn": "\u202fvariabilit\u00e9durythmecardiaque_sdnn\u202f", "Jewels A": "\u202fBijoux A\u202f", "Jewels B": "\u202fBijoux B\u202f", "Memory Game": "\u202fJeu de m\u00e9moire\u202f", "nearby_device": "\u202fappareil_\u00e0_proximit\u00e9\u202f", "Nickname(optional)": "\u202fSurnom (facultatif)\u202f", "No Activities.": "\u202fPas d\u2019activit\u00e9s.\u202f", "No Sensors.": "\u202fPas de capteurs.\u202f", "No tags are available for this researcher": "\u202fAucune \u00e9tiquette n\u2019est disponible pour ce chercheur\u202f", "oxygen_saturation": "\u202fsaturation_d\u2019oxyg\u00e8ne\u202f", "Please enter group name.": "\u202fVeuillez entrer le nom du groupe.\u202f", "Question Text": "\u202fTexte de la question\u202f", "Required": " Obligatoire ", "Researcher Tags": "\u202f\u00c9tiquettes de chercheur\u202f", "Reset account password": "\u202fR\u00e9initialiser le mot de passe du compte\u202f", "Response Options": " Options de r\u00e9ponse ", "Search Researcher list": "\u202fRechercher dans la liste de chercheurs\u202f", "Separate activity data into multiple lines for each response": " S\u00e9parez les donn\u00e9es d\u2019activit\u00e9 en plusieurs lignes pour chaque r\u00e9ponse ", "SET TAGS": "\u202fD\u00c9FINIR DES BALISES\u202f", "SET VIEWING MODE TO TERMINAL": "\u202fD\u00c9FINIR LE MODE DE VISUALISATION AU MODE TERMINAL\u202f", "Spatial Span": "\u202fDur\u00e9e spatiale\u202f", "Streak popup settings": "\u202fParam\u00e8tres contextuels de strie\u202f", "Study name and user name will be the same.": " Le nom de l\u2019\u00e9tude et le nom du utilisateur seront les m\u00eames. ", "Successfully created a new investigator.": "\u202fCr\u00e9\u00e9 avec succ\u00e8s un nouvel enqu\u00eateur.\u202f", "Successfully deleted group.": "\u202f\u00c9tude supprim\u00e9e avec succ\u00e8s.\u202f", "Successfully deleted the investigator": "\u202fSuppression r\u00e9ussie de l\u2019enqu\u00eateur\u202f", "Successfully updated a new investigator.": "\u202fMise \u00e0 jour r\u00e9ussie d\u2019un nouvel enqu\u00eateur.\u202f", "Survey Questions": " Questions du sondage", "telephony": " T\u00e9l\u00e9phonie ", "This is a list of all tags present on at least one participant in this researcher.": "\u202fCeci est une liste de toutes les \u00e9tiquettes pr\u00e9sentes sur au moins un participant de ce chercheur.\u202f", "Use the checkboxes to toggle on or off any tags you want to see or hide, respectively, then press the 'Set Tags' button.": "\u202fUtilisez les cases \u00e0 cocher pour activer ou d\u00e9sactiver les balises que vous souhaitez voir ou masquer, respectivement, puis appuyez sur le bouton \u202f'D\u00e9finir les balises'\u202f.\u202f", "Voice Recording": "\u202fEnregistrement vocal\u202f", "Welcome to the Assess section": "\u202fBienvenue dans la section \u00c9valuer\u202f", "Sort by date of creation": "\u202fTrier par date de cr\u00e9ation\u202f", "Investigators": "Enqu\u00eateurs", "January": "Janvier", "February": "F\u00e9vrier", "March": "Mars", "April": "Avril", "May": "Mai", "June ": "Juin", "July": "Juillet", "August": "Ao\u00fbt ", "September ": "Septembre", "October": "Octobre", "November": "Novembre", "December": "D\u00e9cembre", "Ready...": "Pr\u00eat\u2026", "Sit down comfortably. When ready, press the Start button. ": "Installez-vous confortablement. Lorsque vous \u00eates pr\u00eat, appuyez sur le bouton D\u00e9marrer.", "Inspire": "Inspirer", "Exhale": "Expirer", "Congratulations! ": "Bravo\u2009!", "Done": "Termin\u00e9", "Diary": "Journal", "Description of the test for the Management section. ": "Description du test pour la section Gestion.", "New log entry": "Nouvelle entr\u00e9e de journal", "How do you feel today?": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd\u2019hui\u2009?", "Good": "Bien", "Bad": "Mal", "New Goal": "Nouvel objectif", "Goal": "Objectif", "Objectives": "Objectifs", "Create a goal": "Cr\u00e9er un objectif", "What kind of objective? ": "Quel type d\u2019objectif\u2009?", "Choose a category": "Choisissez une cat\u00e9gorie", "Exercise": "Exercice", "Weight": "Poids", "Nutrition": "Nutrition", "sleep": "Sommeil", "Medicine": "M\u00e9dicament", "Reading": "Lecture", "Finance": "Finances", "Meditation": "M\u00e9ditation", "Mood": "Humeur", "Custom": "Personnalis\u00e9", "Objective Name": "Nom de l\u2019objectif", "Objective Details": "D\u00e9tails de l\u2019objectif", "Every day": "Tous les jours", "Every hour": "Toutes les heures", "Every week": "Toutes les semaines", "Every month": "Tous les mois", "Ounces": "Onces", "mg": "mg", "g": "g", "kg": "kg", "Hours": "Heures", "Minutes": "minutes", "$": "$", "Start date": "Date de d\u00e9but", "Duration": "Dur\u00e9e", "Reminders": "Rappels", "Save": "Enregistrer", "Cancel": "Annuler", "You're already leaving? ": "Vous partez d\u00e9j\u00e0\u2009?", "If you leave without saving, your entry will be lost.": "Si vous quittez sans sauvegarder, votre entr\u00e9e sera perdue.", "Don't leave yet": "Ne partez pas d\u00e9j\u00e0", "Yes, leave": "Oui, partir", "Hope box": "Bo\u00eete \u00e0 espoirs", "Games": "Jeux", "Test description for the Management section": "Description du test pour la section Gestion", "Save images and quotes that bring joy and hope to your life.": "Enregistrez des images et des citations qui apportent de la joie et de l\u2019espoir dans votre vie.", "The content of the Hope Box will appear occasionally in your news feed to inspire you and cheer you up. ": "Le contenu de la Bo\u00eete \u00e0 espoirs appara\u00eetra de temps en temps dans votre fil d\u2019actu pour vous inspirer et vous remonter le moral.", "Add image": "Ajouter une image", "Add a quote": "Ajouter une citation", "See my Hope box": "Voir ma Bo\u00eete \u00e0 espoirs", "Scratch card": "Carte \u00e0 gratter", "Meditation Exercises": "Exercices de m\u00e9ditation", "Swipe your finger across the screen to reveal the hidden image underneath": "Faites glisser votre doigt sur l\u2019\u00e9cran pour r\u00e9v\u00e9ler l\u2019image cach\u00e9e en dessous", "Swipe the screen to reveal the hidden image": "Balayez l\u2019\u00e9cran pour r\u00e9v\u00e9ler l\u2019image cach\u00e9e", "Well played": "Bien jou\u00e9", "Close": "Fermer", "Do another one": "Faites-en un autre", "Medication Diary": "Journal des m\u00e9dicaments", "Add a medication": "Ajouter un m\u00e9dicament", "Name of the medication": "Nom du m\u00e9dicament", "Add a dosage": "Ajouter un dosage", "Name": "Nom", "Dose": "Dose", "Balloon Risk": "Risque \u00e0 Ballon", "Game of risk balloon": "Jeu du ballon \u00e0 risque", "Current points": "Points actuels", "Total points": "Total des points", "INFLATE THE BALL": "GONFLEZ LE BALLON", "COLLECT POINTS!": "COLLECTEZ DES POINTS\u2009!", "The balloon burst ": "Le ballon a \u00e9clat\u00e9 ", "Box of games": "Bo\u00eete de jeux", "Wait and look": "Attendez et regardez", "Level": "Niveau", "Essayez de m\u00e9moriser la s\u00e9quence": "", "Try to memorize the sequence": "", "C\u2019est parti": "", "Let's go": "", "Temps \u00e9coul\u00e9": "", "Time elapsed": "Temps \u00e9coul\u00e9", "Remember the highlighted boxes in the order they appear. Now press the boxes in the order they lit up. ": "Souvenez-vous des cases surlign\u00e9es dans l\u2019ordre o\u00f9 elles apparaissent. Maintenant, appuyez sur les cases dans l\u2019ordre o\u00f9 elles se sont \u00e9clair\u00e9es.", "Congratulations": "F\u00e9licitations", "Cats and Dogs": "Chats et Chiens", "Touch the boxes behind which a dog is located. ": "Touchez les bo\u00eetes derri\u00e8re lesquelles se trouve un chien.", "OK": "OK", "Keep touching the boxes behind which a dog is located. ": "Continuez \u00e0 toucher les bo\u00eetes derri\u00e8re lesquelles se trouve un chien.", "Do not touch the boxes behind which a cat is located": "Ne touchez pas les bo\u00eetes derri\u00e8re lesquelles se trouve un chat", "Now touch the boxes behind which a cat is located. Do not touch on the boxes behind which a dog is located": "Maintenant, touchez les bo\u00eetes derri\u00e8re lesquelles se trouve un chat. Ne touchez pas sur les bo\u00eetes derri\u00e8re lesquelles se trouve un chien", "Game Over": "Game Over", "Dot Touch": "Dot Touch", "Press '1' to start the test": "Appuyez sur \u00ab 1 \u00bb pour commencer le test", "Choose the corresponding alphabet": "Choisissez l\u2019alphabet correspondant", "Start over": "Recommencer", "Jewelry": "Bijoux", "Blow the bubbles": "Faites \u00e9clater les bulles", "Press to continue": "Appuyez pour continuer", "PRESS TO POP THE PINK, BLUE AND YELLOW BUBBLES ONLY": "APPUYEZ POUR FAIRE \u00c9CLATER LES BULLES ROSES, BLEUES ET JAUNES UNIQUEMENT", "POPPING THE RIGHT BUBBLES WILL MAKE YOU EARN POINTS": "FAIRE \u00c9CLATER LES BONNES BULLES VOUS FERA GAGNER DES POINTS", "Level __ completed": "Niveau __ termin\u00e9", "Your score is _%": "Votre score est de _ %", "Prevent": "Pr\u00e9venir", "Activity": "Activit\u00e9", "Activity data": "Donn\u00e9es d\u2019activit\u00e9", "entries this month": "entr\u00e9es ce mois-ci", "Sensors": "Capteurs", "Sensor data": "Donn\u00e9es du capteur", "Summary": "R\u00e9sum\u00e9", "Notifications": "Notifications", "Conversations": "Conversations", "Profile": "Profil", "Profile & Settings": "Profil et param\u00e8tres", "Manage Credentials": "G\u00e9rer les informations d\u2019identification", "Enter the family member or clinician's name here.": "Entrez le nom du membre de la famille ou du clinicien ici.", "Role": "R\u00f4le", "Enter the family member or clinician's role here. For this credential to appear as a care team member, either a photo or role MUST be saved.": "Entrez ici le r\u00f4le du membre de la famille ou du clinicien. Pour qu\u2019un identifiant de membre de l\u2019\u00e9quipe de soins apparaisse, vous devez ajouter une photo ou un r\u00f4le.", "Email Address": "Adresse e-mail", "Enter the email address here.": "Entrez l\u2019adresse e-mail ici.", "Password": "Mot de passe", "Enter the new password here, then press the 'Done' button on the right of the box. Tap elsewhere if you do not want to change the password.": "Entrez le nouveau mot de passe ici, puis appuyez sur le bouton \u00ab Termin\u00e9 \u00bb \u00e0 droite de la bo\u00eete. Appuyez ailleurs si vous ne voulez pas changer le mot de passe.", "Disconnect": "D\u00e9connexion", "Are you sure you want to log out of LAMP right now?": "\u00cates-vous s\u00fbr de vouloir vous d\u00e9connecter de LAMP\u2009 maintenant?", "If you've made some changes, make sure they're saved before you continue to log out.": "Si vous avez apporté des modifications, assurez-vous qu'elles sont enregistrées avant de continuer à vous déconnecter.", "Back": "Retour", "Help & Support": "Aide et support", "LAMP Community": "Communaut\u00e9 LAMP", "Contact Us": "Nous contacter", "Seeker Connection": "Connexion chercheur", "Display unscheduled activities": "Afficher les activit\u00e9s non programm\u00e9es", "Patients": "Patients", "Demo": "Demo", "Search": "Recherche", "Create": "Cr\u00e9er", "Number of participants to be added:": "Nombre de participants \u00e0 ajouter :", "Last Active": "Actif pour la derni\u00e8re fois", "Indicators": "Indicateurs", "_ years ago on Android": "Il y a _ ans sur Android", "_ selected line(s)": "_ ligne(s) s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9e(s)", "Data quality": "Qualit\u00e9 des donn\u00e9es", "The data is optimal": "Les donn\u00e9es sont optimales", "Reset Password": "R\u00e9initialiser le mot de passe", "View user data": "Voir les donn\u00e9es du utilisateur", "__ lines [in pagination]": "__ lignes [en pagination]", "First page": "Premi\u00e8re page", "Previous page": "Page pr\u00e9c\u00e9dente", "Next page": "Page suivante", "Last page [in pagination]": "Derni\u00e8re page [dans la pagination]", "Activities": "Activit\u00e9s", "Type": "Type", "Import": "Importer", "Drag files here, or click to select files.": "Faites glisser les fichiers ici ou cliquez pour les s\u00e9lectionner.", "Create a new...": "Cr\u00e9er un nouveau\u2026", "Group of activities": "Groupe d\u2019activit\u00e9s", "Investigative instrument": "Instrument d\u2019enqu\u00eate", "Logout":"Se déconnecter", "Smartphone Cognitive Tests": "Tests cognitif sur smartphone", "A new cognitive testing activity has been created. ": "Une nouvelle activit\u00e9 de test cognitif a \u00e9t\u00e9 cr\u00e9\u00e9e.", "Calendar of activities": "Calendrier des activit\u00e9s", "Time": "Heure", "Times": "Heure", "Repeat Interval": "Intervalle de r\u00e9p\u00e9tition", "Custom Times": "Heure personnalis\u00e9e", "user": "Utilisateur {{id}}", "Actions": "Actions", "No planned action.": "Aucune action planifi\u00e9e.", "Modify an existing investigative instrument. ": "Modifier un instrument d\u2019enqu\u00eate existant.", "Title of the survey": "Titre de l\u2019enqu\u00eate", "Description of the survey": "Description de l\u2019enqu\u00eate", "Configure questions, parameters, and options.": "Configurer les questions, les param\u00e8tres et les options.", "Title of the question": "Titre de la question", "Question Description": "Description de la question", "Question Type": "Type de question", "Add a question": "Ajouter une question", "Duplicate": "Doublon", "Register this investigative instrument": "Enregistrer cet instrument d\u2019enqu\u00eate", "Only the contents of the survey description have been modified to avoid unrecoverable data loss. (error message)": "Seul le contenu de la description de l\u2019enqu\u00eate a \u00e9t\u00e9 modifi\u00e9 pour \u00e9viter une perte de donn\u00e9es irr\u00e9cup\u00e9rable. (message d\u2019erreur)", "Research studies using mindLAMP": "\u00c9tudes de recherche utilisant mindLAMP", "Incorrect username, password, or server address.": "Nom d\u2019utilisateur, mot de passe ou adresse de serveur incorrects.", "Server Address": "Adresse du serveur", "Dismiss": "Congédier", "Are you sure you're logging into the right mindLAMP server?": "\u00cates-vous s\u00fbr d\u2019\u00eatre connect\u00e9 au bon serveur mindLAMP\u2009?", "Select Language": "S\u00e9lectionner la langue", "Add MindLamp to your home screen?": "Ajouter mindLAMP \u00e0 votre \u00e9cran d\u2019accueil\u2009?", "Proceed with caution: you are logged in as the administrator.": "Proc\u00e9dez avec prudence : vous \u00eates connect\u00e9 en tant qu\u2019administrateur.", "Invalid username or password.": "Identifiant ou mot de passe invalide.", "MindLamp will be installed on your device.": "mindLAMP sera install\u00e9 sur votre appareil.", "MindLamp will not be installed on your device.": "mindLAMP ne sera pas install\u00e9 sur votre appareil.", "Messages": "Messages", "Administrator": "Administrateur", "Community": "Communaut\u00e9", "Change view": "Changer de vue", "Type of activity": "Type d\u2019activit\u00e9", "Show screenshot of the application": "Afficher la capture d\u2019\u00e9cran de l\u2019application", "Delete entry": "Supprimer l\u2019entr\u00e9e", "Copy entry": "Copier l\u2019entr\u00e9e", "Edit Entry": "Modifier l\u2019entr\u00e9e", "No detailed view available.": "Aucune vue d\u00e9taill\u00e9e disponible.", "Score": "Score", "Alone": "Seul", "Friends": "Amis", "Family": "Famille", "Acquaintances": "Connaissances", "Crowd": "Foule", "House": "Maison", "School": "\u00c9cole", "Work": "Travail", "Hospital": "H\u00f4pital", "Outside": "Ext\u00e9rieur", "Shopping": "Shopping", "Transport": "Transports", "Sensor": "Capteur", "Automations": "Automatismes", "An experimental visualization generated by an automation that you or your clinician installed.": "Une visualisation exp\u00e9rimentale g\u00e9n\u00e9r\u00e9e par une automatisation que vous ou votre clinicien avez install\u00e9e.", "No data": "Pas de donn\u00e9es", "No activity is selected. Please select an activity above to get started.": "Aucune activit\u00e9 n\u2019est s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9e. Veuillez s\u00e9lectionner une activit\u00e9 ci-dessus pour commencer.", "Environmental Context": "Contexte environnemental", "Number of steps": "Nombre de pas", "Measures taken": "Mesures prises", "visualization": "visualisation", "Unable to import activities.": "Impossible d\u2019importer les activit\u00e9s.", "Choose the group you want to import activities.": "Choisissez l\u2019\u00e9tude que vous voulez importer des activit\u00e9s.", "Select a Study to import activities.": "S\u00e9lectionnez une \u00e9tude pour importer des activit\u00e9s.", "Unable to import activities because some are misconfigured or missing.": "Impossible d\u2019importer les activit\u00e9s car certaines sont mal configur\u00e9es ou manquantes.", "Unable to import any of the selected survey activities.": "Impossible d\u2019importer l\u2019une des activit\u00e9s d\u2019enqu\u00eate s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9es.", "Unable to import any of the selected activities.": "Impossible d\u2019importer l\u2019une des activit\u00e9s s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9es.", "Unable to import any of the selected activity groups.": "Impossible d\u2019importer l\u2019un des groupes d\u2019activit\u00e9s s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9s.", "Selected activities have been successfully imported.": "Les activit\u00e9s s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9es ont \u00e9t\u00e9 import\u00e9es avec succ\u00e8s.", "Selected activities have been successfully exported.": "Les activit\u00e9s s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9es ont \u00e9t\u00e9 export\u00e9es avec succ\u00e8s.", "An error occurred: ": "Une erreur s\u2019est produite : ", "A new trick was created successfully.": "Une nouvelle astuce a \u00e9t\u00e9 cr\u00e9\u00e9e avec succ\u00e8s.", "Successful activity update.": "Mise \u00e0 jour de l\u2019activit\u00e9 r\u00e9ussie.", "A new investigation activity has been successfully created.": "Une nouvelle activit\u00e9 d\u2019enqu\u00eate a \u00e9t\u00e9 cr\u00e9\u00e9e avec succ\u00e8s.", "Unable to create a new group activity.": "Impossible de cr\u00e9er une nouvelle activit\u00e9 de groupe.", "A new group activity was successfully created.": "Une nouvelle activit\u00e9 de groupe a \u00e9t\u00e9 cr\u00e9\u00e9e avec succ\u00e8s.", "A new activity has been created successfully.": "Une nouvelle activit\u00e9 a \u00e9t\u00e9 cr\u00e9\u00e9e avec succ\u00e8s.", "Selected activities have been successfully removed.": "Les activit\u00e9s s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9es ont \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9es avec succ\u00e8s.", "Successfully duplicated the Activity.": "L\u2019activit\u00e9 a \u00e9t\u00e9 dupliqu\u00e9e avec succ\u00e8s sous un nouveau nom.", "Group": "Groupe", "Tips": "Astuces", "DBT Diary Card": "Carte de journal DBT", "Cognitive test": "Test cognitif", "Export": "Export", "Delete": "Supprimer", "Are you sure you want to delete this Activity?.": "\u00cates-vous s\u00fbr de vouloir supprimer cette activit\u00e9\u2009?", "Filter results": "Filtrer les r\u00e9sultats", "Add": "Ajouter", "Import activities": "Activit\u00e9s d\u2019importation", "Create a new activity": "Cr\u00e9er une nouvelle activit\u00e9", "Modify an existing activity": "Modifier une activit\u00e9 existante", "No custom times": "Aucune heure personnalis\u00e9e", "Remove this time from the list.": "Supprimer cette heure de la liste.", "Add a new custom time. ": "Ajouter une nouvelle heure personnalis\u00e9e.", "Add this time to the list.": "Ajouter cette heure \u00e0 la liste.", "Select the start date.": "S\u00e9lectionnez la date de d\u00e9but.", "Select the start time.": "S\u00e9lectionnez l\u2019heure de d\u00e9but.", "All [number] hours": "Toutes les [nombre] heures", "Twice a week (Tue, Thursday)": "Deux fois par semaine (mar, jeudi)", "Three times every week (Mon, Wed, Fri)": "Trois fois par semaine (lun, mer, ven)", "Twice a month": "Deux fois par mois", "Use custom hours": "Utiliser des heures personnalis\u00e9es", "Do not repeat": "Ne pas r\u00e9p\u00e9ter", "Are you sure you want to remove this item from the calendar?": "\u00cates-vous s\u00fbr de vouloir supprimer cet \u00e9l\u00e9ment du calendrier\u2009?", "Install": "Installer", "Welcome to the Prevent section": "Bienvenue dans la section Pr\u00e9venir", "Prepare yourself": "Pr\u00e9parez-vous", "The size of the image should not exceed 5 MB.": "La taille de l\u2019image ne doit pas d\u00e9passer 5\u202fMo.", "Image type not supported.": "Type d\u2019image non pris en charge.", "Investigator with same name already exist.": "L'investigateur avec le même nom existe déjà.", "An activity with the same name already exists.": "Une activit\u00e9 avec le m\u00eame nom existe d\u00e9j\u00e0.", "Type of audio not supported. ": "Type d\u2019audio non pris en charge.", "The audio size should not exceed 2 MB.": "La taille de l\u2019audio ne doit pas d\u00e9passer 2\u202fMo.", "Drag or tap a photo to select it.": "Faites glisser une photo ou appuyez dessus pour la s\u00e9lectionner.", "Drag a photo to replace the existing photo or tap to delete the photo.": "Faites glisser une photo pour remplacer la photo existante ou appuyez sur pour supprimer la photo.", "Select": "S\u00e9lectionner", "Please select the group.": "Veuillez s\u00e9lectionner l\u2019\u00e9tude", "Activity Title": "Titre de l\u2019activit\u00e9", "Activity Description": "Description de l\u2019activit\u00e9", "Download Audio": "T\u00e9l\u00e9charger l\u2019audio", "Your browser does not support the following": "Votre navigateur ne prend pas en charge l\u2019\u00e9l\u00e9ment suivant", "audio": "audio", "element.": "\u00e9l\u00e9ment.", "Duplicate this investigative instrument and register it under a new name.": "Dupliquer cet instrument d\u2019enqu\u00eate et l\u2019enregistrer sous un nouveau nom.", "Save this activity.": "Sauvegarder cette activit\u00e9.", "Record role and photo": "Enregistrer le r\u00f4le et la photo", "Copy the one-time access link that allows you to log in without entering the credentials.": "Copier le lien d\u2019acc\u00e8s \u00e0 usage unique qui permet de se connecter sans saisir les informations d\u2019identification.", "Save ID": "Enregistrer l\u2019identifiant", "Scan this QR code on a mobile device to automatically open a user dashboard.": "Scannez ce code QR sur un appareil mobile pour ouvrir automatiquement un tableau de bord du utilisateur.", "Cannot change the password.": "Impossible de changer le mot de passe.", "Unable to create ID.": "Impossible de cr\u00e9er l\u2019identifiant.", "Unable to perform the operation for an unknown reason.": "Impossible d\u2019effectuer l\u2019op\u00e9ration pour une raison inconnue.", "Credential management failed. This email address may be already in use.": "La gestion des informations d\u2019identification a \u00e9chou\u00e9. Cette adresse \u00e9lectronique est peut-\u00eatre d\u00e9j\u00e0 utilis\u00e9e.", "Cannot delete.": "Impossible de supprimer.", "Credential management failed.": "La gestion des informations d\u2019identification a \u00e9chou\u00e9.", "Add a new member of your care team.": "Ajouter un nouveau membre \u00e0 votre \u00e9quipe de soins.", "Update the photo and role": "Mettre \u00e0 jour la photo et le r\u00f4le", "Target behaviours": "Comportements cibles", "Effective": "Efficace", "Number of times": "Nombre de fois", "Add an element": "Ajouter un \u00e9l\u00e9ment", "ineffective": "inefficace", "Emotions": "\u00c9motions", "Add target behavior": "Ajouter un comportement cible", "Behavior name": "Nom du comportement", "Measure of action:": "Mesure de l\u2019action:", "Add an emotion": "Ajouter une \u00e9motion", "Name of emotion": "Nom de l\u2019\u00e9motion", "Alias of participantId": "Alias de participantId' supprim\u00e9.", "Set participantId alias by participantName": "D\u00e9finir l\u2019alias de participantId en participantName", "Unable to change participantId alias: ErrorMessage": "Impossible de modifier l\u2019alias de participantId : errorMessage", "Create or edit the alias for this Participant ID. Saving an empty text box will reset this value.": "Cr\u00e9ez ou modifiez l\u2019alias pour cet ID de participant. L\u2019enregistrement d\u2019une zone de texte vide r\u00e9initialisera cette valeur.", "Unable to load participantId alias: ErrorMessage": "Impossible de charger l\u2019alias de participantId : errorMessage", "This activity is not yet available in MindLamp 2": "Cette activit\u00e9 n\u2019est pas encore disponible dans mindLAMP 2", "This version is a demo only. Entries will not be saved.": "Cette version est une d\u00e9mo seulement. Les entr\u00e9es ne seront pas sauvegard\u00e9es.", "My Medicines": "Mes m\u00e9dicaments", "Set up a reminder?": "Configurer un rappel\u2009?", "Edit": "Modifier", "text": "texte", "Text": "Texte", "Some answers are missing. Please answer all questions before sending your request.": "Certaines r\u00e9ponses sont manquantes. Veuillez r\u00e9pondre \u00e0 toutes les questions avant d\u2019envoyer votre demande.", "Objective: ": "Objectif : ", "The goal was successfully recorded.": "L\u2019objectif a \u00e9t\u00e9 enregistr\u00e9 avec succ\u00e8s.", "Please select the duration.": "Veuillez s\u00e9lectionner la dur\u00e9e.", "Please enter the value of the goal.": "Veuillez entrer la valeur de l\u2019objectif.", "Please enter the name of the goal.": "Veuillez entrer le nom de l\u2019objectif.", "Medication: ": "M\u00e9dicament : ", "The drug was successfully registered.": "Le m\u00e9dicament a \u00e9t\u00e9 enregistr\u00e9 avec succ\u00e8s.", "Please select the name of the drug.": "Veuillez s\u00e9lectionner le nom du m\u00e9dicament.", "Please enter the dose.": "Veuillez entrer la dose.", "Please enter name.": "Veuillez entrer nom.", "This activity is not yet available in MindLamp 2.": "Cette activit\u00e9 n\u2019est pas encore disponible dans mindLAMP 2.", "Unique name required.": "Nom unique requis", "Unable to create credentials for this ID.": "Impossible de cr\u00e9er des informations d\u2019identification pour cet ID.", "The participant ID was successfully created. Tap the development icon on the right to view credentials and details.": "L\u2019identifiant du participant a \u00e9t\u00e9 cr\u00e9\u00e9 avec succ\u00e8s. Appuyez sur l\u2019ic\u00f4ne de d\u00e9veloppement \u00e0 droite pour afficher les informations d\u2019identification et les d\u00e9tails.", "Temporary email address": "Adresse \u00e9lectronique temporaire", "Temporary password": "Mot de passe temporaire", "Single login link": "Lien de connexion unique", "an unknown device": "un dispositif inconnu", "Unknown device model": "Mod\u00e8le de dispositif inconnu", "Version of the application:": "Version de l\u2019application :", "Operating system version:": "Version du syst\u00e8me d\u2019exploitation :", "DeviceName:": "DeviceName :", "Model:": "Mod\u00e8le :", "New group successfully created \u2014 GroupName.": "Nouvelle \u00e9tude cr\u00e9\u00e9e avec succ\u00e8s \u2014 groupName.", "Are you sure you want to remove this participant?": "\u00cates-vous s\u00fbr de vouloir supprimer ce participant\u2009?", "Rename": "Renommer", "Change Password": "Modifier le mot de passe", "CSV": "CSV", "JSON": "JSON", "New user": "Nouveau utilisateur", "Create a new entry in this group.": "Cr\u00e9er une nouvelle entr\u00e9e dans ce groupe.", "Create a new group": "Cr\u00e9er une nouvelle \u00e9tude", "Are you sure you want to remove these participants?": "\u00cates-vous s\u00fbr de vouloir supprimer ces participants\u2009?", "Choose the group in which you want to register this participant.": "Choisissez l\u2019\u00e9tude dans laquelle vous voulez enregistrer ce participant.", "Select a group to create a participant.": "S\u00e9lectionnez une \u00e9tude pour cr\u00e9er un participant.", "inputs": "entr\u00e9es", "Social context": "Contexte social", "Modify the objective": "Modifier l\u2019objectif", "Current trajectory:": "Trajectoire actuelle :", "History of Objectives": "Historique des objectifs", "Department of Mental Health (DMH)": "Department of Mental Health (DMH)", "National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)": "National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)", "NAMI Massachusetts": "NAMI Massachussetts", "Researchers": "Chercheurs", "A new researcher was successfully created.": "Un nouveau chercheur a \u00e9t\u00e9 cr\u00e9\u00e9 avec succ\u00e8s.", "The creation of a new researcher failed.": "La cr\u00e9ation d\u2019un nouveau chercheur a \u00e9chou\u00e9.", "Researcher information updated.": "Informations du chercheur mises \u00e0 jour.", "Unable to update the researcher.": "Impossible de mettre \u00e0 jour le chercheur.", "The researcher has been removed.": "Le chercheur a \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9.", "Unable to delete the researcher.": "Impossible de supprimer le chercheur.", "No researcher. Add researchers by clicking the [+] button above.": "Aucun chercheur. Ajoutez des chercheurs en cliquant sur le bouton [+] ci-dessus.", "Are you sure you want to delete this researcher?": "\u00cates-vous s\u00fbr de vouloir supprimer ce chercheur\u2009?", "Well played! ": "Bien jou\u00e9\u2009!", "Swipe around": "Balayez autour de", "the screen to reveal": "l\u2019\u00e9cran pour r\u00e9v\u00e9ler", "the hidden image": "l\u2019image cach\u00e9e", "morning": "matin", "afternoon": "apr\u00e8s-midi", "Your answer:": "Votre r\u00e9ponse :", "Almost all the time": "Presque tout le temps", "More than half the time": "Plus de la moiti\u00e9 du temps", "Several times": "Plusieurs fois", "Not at all": "Pas du tout", "(Select an answer)": "(S\u00e9lectionnez une r\u00e9ponse)", "(0 being very bad, 10 being excellent)": "(0 \u00e9tant tr\u00e8s mauvais, 10 \u00e9tant excellent)", "User's Notes": "Notes du utilisateur", "Edit an existing group.": "Modifier un groupe existant.", "Create a new group.": "Cr\u00e9er un nouveau groupe.", "Drag the descriptor to the left to change the order in which this activity appears in the group.": "Faites glisser le descripteur sur la gauche pour modifier l\u2019ordre dans lequel cette activit\u00e9 appara\u00eet dans le groupe.", "No selection": "Aucune s\u00e9lection", "Group title": "Titre du groupe", "Configure activities and options.": "Configurer les activit\u00e9s et les options.", "Add Activity": "Ajouter une activit\u00e9", "Save this group of activities.": "Sauvegarder ce groupe d\u2019activit\u00e9s.", "Question option": "Option de question", "Remove this option from the list of options for the question.": "Supprimer cette option de la liste des options de la question.", "Option Text": "Texte de l'option", "Option Description": "Description de l\u2019option", "Add option": "Ajouter une option", "Delete this question of the investigative instrument.": "Supprimer la question de l\u2019instrument d\u2019enqu\u00eate.", "boolean": "bool\u00e9en", "Boolean": "Bool\u00e9en", "likert": "likert", "Likert": "Likert", "list": "liste", "List": "Liste", "Multiple selection": "S\u00e9lection multiple", "Slider": "Curseur", "Save this investigation instrument.": "Sauvegarder cet instrument d\u2019enqu\u00eate.", "N/A": "N/A", "An error occurred while downloading. Please try again.": "Une erreur s\u2019est produite lors du t\u00e9l\u00e9chargement. Veuillez r\u00e9essayer.", "Images should be in the format .jpeg/.png/.gif/.svg and the size should not exceed 4 MB.": "Les images doivent \u00eatre au format jpeg/png/bmp/gif/svg et leur taille ne doit pas d\u00e9passer 4\u202fMo.", "You are not allowed to delete the tip text.": "Vous n\u2019\u00eates pas autoris\u00e9 \u00e0 supprimer le texte de l\u2019astuce.", "Tap to select a photo.": "Appuyez pour s\u00e9lectionner une photo.", "Tap to delete the photo.": "Appuyez pour supprimer la photo.", "Tip Title": "Titre de l\u2019astuce", "Please enter the tip title": "Veuillez entrer le titre de l\u2019astuce", "Description of tips": "Description des astuces", "Please enter the description of the tips": "Veuillez entrer la description des astuces", "Please select the tip": "Veuillez s\u00e9lectionner l\u2019astuce", "Add new": "Ajouter nouveau", "New Tip": "Nouvelle astuce", "Please add new tip.": "Veuillez ajouter une nouvelle astuce", "Tip Details": "D\u00e9tails de l\u2019astuce", "Duplicate this activity.": "Dupliquer cette activit\u00e9.", "Are you sure you want to delete this?": "\u00cates-vous s\u00fbr de vouloir supprimer ceci\u2009?", "Welcome to MindLamp!": "Bienvenue sur mindLAMP\u2009!", "With the MindLamp smartphone app, you can collect information about your health. You can learn about symptoms, brain health and check your reasoning. You can also find out about your daily steps, your sleep and how they can relate to what you feel. You can use MindLamp as part of a research study, as part of your care if a clinician asks you to try it, or for yourself.": "Avec l\u2019application pour smartphone mindLAMP, vous pouvez collecter des informations sur votre sant\u00e9. Vous pouvez vous renseigner sur les sympt\u00f4mes, la sant\u00e9 du cerveau et v\u00e9rifier votre raisonnement. Vous pouvez \u00e9galement vous renseigner sur votre nombre de pas quotidiens, votre sommeil et sur le lien qu\u2019ils peuvent avoir avec ce que vous ressentez. Vous pouvez utiliser mindLAMP dans le cadre d\u2019une \u00e9tude de recherche, dans le cadre de vos soins si un clinicien vous demande de l\u2019essayer, ou par vous-m\u00eame.", "Try it":"Essayez-le", "Here is the list of activities for which you will receive notifications when you use MindLamp.": "Voici la liste des activit\u00e9s pour lesquelles vous recevrez des notifications lorsque vous utiliserez mindLAMP.", "Let's go!": "C\u2019est parti\u2009!", "Vous \u00eates pr\u00eat \u00e0 commencer \u00e0 utiliser mindLAMP.": "You're ready to start using MindLamp.", "Vous utilisez le serveur SRC pour vous connecter \u00e0 mindLAMP.": "You are using the SRC server to connect to MindLamp.", "GPS": "GPS", "Accelerometer": "Acc\u00e9l\u00e9rom\u00e8tre", "Never": "Jamais", "Studies": "\u00c9tudes", "Data Portal": "Portail de donn\u00e9es", "Month ago": "Il y a XXX mois", "Months ago": "Il y a XXX mois", "Customize which Tab this activity appears on": "Personnaliser l'onglet sur lequel cette activit\u00e9 appara\u00eet", "Date": "Date", "Continue importing?": "Continuer l'importation?", "Cortex data": "Donn\u00e9es sur le cortex", "Your data will appear here": "Vos données apparaîtront ici", "Successfully created a sensor.": "Capteur cr\u00e9\u00e9 avec succ\u00e8s", "Successfully updated a sensor.": "Mise \u00e0 jour d'un capteur r\u00e9ussie.", "Are you sure you want to delete this sensor?": "Etes-vous s\u00fbr de vouloir supprimer ce capteur?", "device_state": "\u00c9tat_de_l'appareil", "Item": "Article", "System Admin": "Administrateur syst\u00e8me", "User Administrator": "Administrateur utilisateur", "This Activity will only appear in the Feed tab if a schedule is configured.": "Cette activité n'apparaîtra dans l'onglet Flux que si un calendrier est configuré.","Practice Lead": "Leader en activit\u00e9", "Confirm Password": "Confirmer le mot de passe", "Changes done to this activity will reflect for all the participants under the group. Are you sure you want to proceed?": "Les changements apport\u00e9s \u00e0 cette activit\u00e9 se r\u00e9percuteront sur tous les participants \u00e0 l'\u00e9tude. \u00cates-vous s\u00fbr de vouloir continuer?", "User view": "Vue de l'utilisateur", "No Records Found": "Aucun enregistrement trouv\u00e9", "Maximum recording time is 4 minutes": "La dur\u00e9e maximale d'enregistrement est de 4 minutes", "Select All": "S\u00e9lectionner tout", "Deselect All": "D\u00e9s\u00e9lectionner tout", "Last Passive": "Dernier Passif", "Separate participant data into multiple lines for each activity": "S\u00e9parer les donn\u00e9es des participants en plusieurs lignes pour chaque activit\u00e9", "Download data for all activities for this Researcher": "T\u00e9l\u00e9charger les donn\u00e9es de toutes les activit\u00e9s pour ce chercheur", "Download Data for Researcher XXXX": "T\u00e9l\u00e9charger les donn\u00e9es pour le chercheur XXXX", "Download data for participant XXXX": "T\u00e9l\u00e9charger les donn\u00e9es pour le participant XXXX", "Download participant data": "T\u00e9l\u00e9charger les donn\u00e9es des participants", "Adjust Toggleable Shared Tags": "Ajuster les balises partagées modifiables", "Create a new user": "Cr\u00e9er un nouvel utilisateur", "Schedule": "Programme", "Confirmation": "Confirmation", "Confirm": "Confirmer", "Change Viewing Mode (Currently GUI)": "Modifier le mode de visualisation (actuellement GUI)", "Set Viewing Mode to GUI": "D\u00e9finir le mode d'affichage \u00e0 GUI", "GUI Mode": "Mode GUI", "Terminal Mode": "Mode terminal", "While in Terminal mode, you can directly write JSONata style queries to pull data directly from your database.": "En mode Terminal, vous pouvez écrire directement des requêtes de style JSONata pour extraire des données directement de votre base de données.", "For example, try: `LAMP.ActivityEvent.list(participant_id)`, replacing `participant_id` with a user\u2019s id to get a list of the last 10,000 activities completed through LAMP.": "Par exemple, essayez : `LAMP.ActivityEvent.list(participant_id)`, en rempla\u00e7ant `participant_id` par l'identifiant d'un utilisateur pour obtenir une liste des 10 000 derni\u00e8res activit\u00e9s r\u00e9alis\u00e9es avec LAMP.", "Want to learn more about JSONata queries or what special data you can pull from LAMP?": "Vous voulez en savoir plus sur les requêtes JSONata ou sur les données spéciales que vous pouvez tirer de LAMP ?","Click here!":"Cliquez ici !", "Set viewing mode to Terminal": "Définir le mode ve visualization au mode terminal", "Messaging": "Messagerie", "External": "Externe", "While in GUI mode, you can directly pull graphs you have already generated from the LAMP database, easily view information across an entire study or researcher, or quickly view tags that give info about things like survey scoring. If this is your first time using the LAMP data_portal, or if you need to get data quickly, this is the mode we recommend!": "En mode GUI, vous pouvez directement extraire les graphiques que vous avez déjà générés de la base de données LAMP, visualiser facilement les informations relatives à une étude ou à un chercheur entier, ou encore afficher rapidement les balises qui donnent des informations sur des éléments tels que la notation des enquêtes. Si c'est la première fois que vous utilisez le portail de données LAMP, ou si vous avez besoin d'obtenir des données rapidement, nous vous conseillons d'utiliser ce mode !", "The maximum allowed file size is 25 MB.": "La taille maximale autoris\u00e9e du fichier est de 25 Mo.", "File Name": "Nom du fichier", "The Activities having same name under the selected group will be duplicated into new name.": "Les activit\u00e9s ayant le m\u00eame nom sous l'\u00e9tude s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9e seront dupliqu\u00e9es avec le nouveau nom.", "Clear": "Clair", "Every 3 hours": "Toutes les 3 heures", "Every 6 hours": "Toutes les 6 heures", "Every 12 hours": "Toutes les 12 heures", "Week ago": "Il y a XXX semaine", "Weeks ago": "Il y a XXX semaines", "Day ago": "Il y a XXX jour", "Days ago": "Il y a XXX jours", "Minute ago": "Il y a XXX minute", "Minutes ago": "Il y a XXX minutes","Sensor spec":"Spécification du capteur", "Please select the sensor spec.": "Veuillez s\u00e9lectionner les specs du capteur", "Streak title": "Titre de la s\u00e9rie en cours", "Streak description": "Description de la s\u00e9rie en cours", "Streak popup on": "Fen\u00eatre contextuelle de la s\u00e9rie en cours le", "Upload": "Importation", "Temporary Login": "Connexion temporaire", "On an unknown model": "Sur un mod\u00e8le inconnu", "Group name updated": "Nom de l'\u00e9tude mis \u00e0 jour", "Update Group name. Saving an empty text box will reset this value.": "Mettre \u00e0 jour le nom de l'\u00e9tude. L'enregistrement d'une zone de texte vide r\u00e9initialisera cette valeur.", "Successfully deleted the selected participants.": "Suppression r\u00e9ussie des participants s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9s", "Successfully deleted the selected Activities.": "Suppression r\u00e9ussie des activit\u00e9s s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9s", "Please enter group name.": "Veuillez entrer nom de groupe.", "Group Name": "Nom de groupe", "Group name and user name will be same.": "Le nom du groupe et le nom de l'utilisateur seront identiques", "Choose the Group you want to save this participant.": "Choisissez le groupe dans lequel vous voulez sauvegarder ce participant", "Analyze participant": "Analyser le participant", "Please enter your response": "Veuillez entrer votre r\u00e9ponse", "Note: This is the latest version of LAMP": "Note : Il s'agit de la derni\u00e8re version de LAMP", "Note: This is NOT the latest version of LAMP": "Note : il ne s'agit PAS de la derni\u00e8re version de LAMP", "Please select the Group": "Veuillez s\u00e9lectionner le Groupe", "Please select the Group to import activities": "Veuillez s\u00e9lectionner le Groupe pour importer des activit\u00e9s", "Are you sure you want to delete this?": "\u00cates-vous s\u00fbr de vouloir supprimer cet \u00e9l\u00e9ment?", "Are you sure you want to delete this investigator(s)?.": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cet enquêteur?", "Are you sure you want to delete this Participant?": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cet participant?", "none": "Aucun", "Reset account password":"Réinitialiser le mot de passe du compte", "This vega graph failed to render.": "This vega graph failed to render.", "Rendering graph...": "Rendering graph...", "Sign In": "Sign In", "Loading...": "Loading...", "Username": "Username", "Don't enter a domain if you're not sure what this option does.": "Ne saisissez pas de domaine si vous n’êtes pas sûr de ce que fait cette option.", "These credentials are valid but don't currently have data portal access. Please check again later.": "These credentials are valid but don't currently have data portal access. Please check again later.", "Set the 'children' prop to display elements": "Set the 'children' prop to display elements", "No data found": "Pas de données", "Some dimensions unavailble at smaller screen sizes": "Some dimensions unavailble at smaller screen sizes", "Filter by a participant's name or LAMP id (case-sensitive)": "Filter by a participant's name or LAMP id (case-sensitive)", "If no data is found for a particular tag,": "If no data is found for a particular tag,", " a box will still display": " a box will still display", " no box will display": " no box will display", "Display Missing Data": "Display Missing Data", "While grouping by Tag Name, your data will be grouped by graph/chart - use this to examine study trends.": "While grouping by Tag Name, your data will be grouped by graph/chart - use this to examine study trends.", "While grouping by ID, your data will be grouped by participant - use this to examine individual participants.": "While grouping by ID, your data will be grouped by participant - use this to examine individual participants.", "Group By ID": "Group By ID", "Group By Tag Name": "Group By Tag Name", "Adjust Graph Display": "Adjuster l'affichage graphique", "Height": "grandeur", "Width": "Width", "Default": "Default", "How to arrange graphs. 'Height' will group graphs of similar height, while 'width' will do the same for graphs of similar width. 'Default' will use the order seen here.": "How to arrange graphs. 'Height' will group graphs of similar height, while 'width' will do the same for graphs of similar width. 'Default' will use the order seen here.", "Number of Graphs per row. Bigger numbers give more visually compact PDF files, while smaller numbers may improve readability.": "Number of Graphs per row. Bigger numbers give more visually compact PDF files, while smaller numbers may improve readability.", "Download a PDF of Graphs": "Download a PDF of Graphs", "Download": "Telecharger", "Download PDF": "Telecharger PDF", "January": "Janvier", "February": "Février", " March": "Mars", "April": "Avril", "May": "Mai", "June": "Juin", "July": "Julliet", "August": "Août", "September": "Septembre", "October": "Octobre", "November": "Novembre", "December": "Decembre", "No tags are available for this": "No tags are available for this", "There are no shared tags set for this": "Il n’y a pas d’étiquettes partagées pour le chercheur sélectionné", " To display data on tags shared between participants, set": "pour afficher l’information associée aux étiquettes partagées entre les participants, veuillez sélectionner", "to an array of strings, where each string is a tag you would like to see. Please contact your study administrator for more info.": "pour toutes les chaînes de charactères que vous voulez voir. SVP contactez l’administrateur de votre étude pour plus d’information.", "This is a list of all tags present on at least one participant in this": "Ceci est une liste de toutes les étiquettes présentes sur au moins un participant de ce chercheur.", "Use the checkboxes to toggle on or off any tags you want to see or hide, respectively, then press the 'Set Tags' button.": "Utilisez les cases à cocher pour activer ou désactiver les balises que vous souhaitez voir ou masquer, respectivement, puis appuyez sur le bouton « Définir les balises", "Select all tags": "Select all tags", "Set Tags": "Définir des balises", "Deselect all tags": "Deselect all tags", "participants have this tag": "participants have this tag", "Loading Tags": "Loading Tags", "Analyze Participant Data": "Analyser les données des participants", "Analyze": "Analyser", "Data": "Les données", "Please wait, data is loading...": "Veuillez patienter SVP, les informations sont en train d’être téléchargées", "Alternatively, drag and drop a researcher, study, or participant into this box.": "Alternativement, glissez le nom d’un chercheur, d’une étude ou d’un participant dans la box ci-dessous.", "Change Viewing Mode (Currently Terminal)": "Changer de mode d'affichage (actuellement: mode Terminal)", "Set Viewing Mode to GUI": "Set Viewing Mode to GUI", "Set Viewing Mode to Terminal": "Définir le mode ve visualization au mode terminal", "Terminal Mode": "Mode terminal", "For example, try:": "Par exemple, essayez :", "replacing": "en remplaçant", "with a user's id to get a list of the last 10,000 activities completed through LAMP.": "par l'identifiant d'un utilisateur pour obtenir une liste des 10 000 dernières activités réalisées avec LAMP.", "While in GUI mode, you can directly pull graphs you have already generated from the LAMP database, easily view information across an entire study or researcher, or quickly view tags that give info about things like survey scoring. If this is your first time using the LAMP data_portal, or if you need to get data quickly, this is the mode we recommend!!": "En mode GUI, vous pouvez directement extraire les graphiques que vous avez déjà générés de la base de données LAMP, visualiser facilement les informations relatives à une étude ou à un chercheur entier, ou encore afficher rapidement les balises qui donnent des informations sur des éléments tels que la notation des enquêtes. Si c'est la première fois que vous utilisez le portail de données LAMP, ou si vous avez besoin d'obtenir des données rapidement, nous vous conseillons d'utiliser ce mode !", "Run Query": "Run Query", "Please select the group": "Veuillez s\u00e9lectionner l\u2019\u00e9tude", "Images should be in the format jpeg/png/bmp/gif/svg and the size should not exceed 4 MB.": "Les images doivent \u00eatre au format jpeg/png/bmp/gif/svg et leur taille ne doit pas d\u00e9passer 4\u202fMo.", "Measure of action": "Mesure de l\u2019action", "Every number hours": "Toutes les {{number}} heures", "accelerometer": "Acc\u00e9l\u00e9rom\u00e8tre", "Please select the Group.": "Veuillez s\u00e9lectionner le Groupe", "Measure of Action": "Mesure de l\u2019action", "Medications": "M\u00e9dicament", "Add Sensor": "Ajouter un Capteur", "Update Sensor": "Mise \u00e0 jour le Capteur", "Patient View" : "Vue de l'utilisateur", "User": "Utilisateur", "User number": "Utilisateur {{number}}", "Server Address": "Adresse du serveur", "my.email@address.com": "mon.email@adresse.com", "Update Photo & Role": "Mettre \u00e0 jour la photo et le r\u00f4le", "Save Credential": "Sauvegarder les informations d'identification", "Copy one-time access link that can be used to log in without entering credentials.": "Copier un lien d'acc\u00e8s \u00e0 usage unique qui peut \u00eatre utilis\u00e9 pour se connecter sans saisir d'informations d'identification", "Welcome to the Manage section": "Bienvenue dans la section Gestion", "There are no Manage activities available.": "Il n\u2019y a pas d\u2019activit\u00e9s d\u2019administration disponibles", "Manage": "Gestion", "Choose the data you want to see in your dashboard.": "Choisissez les donn\u00e9es que vous souhaitez voir appara\u00eetre dans votre tableau de bord", "Review today's activities": "R\u00e9visez les activit\u00e9s d'aujourd'hui", "Start Survey": "Commencer le questionnaire", "Question number of total": "Question nombre de total", "Submit": "Soumettre", "Begin": "Commencer", "Go Back": "Revenir en arri\u00e8re", "Welcome to the Feed section": "Bienvenue dans la section feed-back", "Review today's activities.": "Révisez les activités d'aujourd'hui.", "Start survey": "Commencer le questionnaire", "NAME": "Nom", "TYPE": "Type", "Your response": "Votre r\u00e9ponse", "Successfully updated user profile.": "\u202fMise \u00e0 jour r\u00e9ussie Profil utilisateur.", "Survey Instrument": "Instrument du sondage", "Activity Group": "Groupe d\u2019activit\u00e9s", "Streak popup off": "Fen\u00eatre contextuelle de la s\u00e9rie en cours le", "Drag a photo or tap to select a photo.": "Faites glisser une photo ou appuyez pour s\u00e9lectionner une photo.", "Choose File": "Choisir le fichier", "Copy": "Copier", "ID to clipboard": "ID dans le presse-papiers", "Successfully created Participant id. Tap the expand icon on the right to see credentials and details.": "ID de participant créé avec succès. Appuyez sur l'icône de développement à droite pour voir les informations d'identification et les détails.", "Goals": "Buts", "Save Role & Photo" : "Enregistrer le r\u00f4le et la photo", "Does not match the password you entered above.": "Ne correspond pas au mot de passe que vous avez entré ci-dessus.", "Failed to fetch the study details.": "Échec de la récupération des détails de l'étude.","question": "question", "QUESTION_NUMBER_OF_TOTAL": "Question {{number}} of {{total}}", "Question": "Question", "of":"de", "Next" : "Suivant", "Submit": "Envoyer", "Mood": "Humeur", "Back": "Retour", "Sleep and Social": "Sleep and Social", "Anxiety": "Anxi\u00e9t\u00e9", "Psychosis and Social": "Psychosis and Social", "App Usability": "App Usability", "Yes": "Oui", "No": "Non", "Water and Nutrition": "Eau et nutrition", "Please enter your response" : "Veuillez entrer votre r\u00e9ponse" , "Your response": "Votre r\u00e9ponse", "Nearly All the Time": "Presque tout le temps", "More than Half the Time": "Plus de la moiti\u00e9 du temps", "Several Times": "Plusieurs fois", "Not at all": "Pas du tout","(Select an answer)": "(S\u00e9lectionnez une r\u00e9ponse)", "(0 being terrible, 10 being excellent)": "(0 \u00e9tant tr\u00e8s mauvais, 10 \u00e9tant excellent)"}
+{"Welcome to the Portal section": "Bienvenue dans la section du Portail", "Track progress and make connections.": "Suivez vos progr\u00e8s et faites des connections.\u202f", "Log feelings, behavior, and activity.": "Prenez note de vos sentiments, comportements et activit\u00e9s.", "Find useful information and practice healthy habits.": "Trouvez de l\u2019information utile pour vous et pratiquez des habitudes de vie saines.", "There are no Assess activities available.": "Il n\u2019y a pas de d\u2019activit\u00e9s d\u2019\u00c9valuation disponibles.", "Assess": "Évaluer","There are no Learn activities available.": "Il n\u2019y a pas de d\u2019activit\u00e9s d\u2019\u00c9ducation disponibles.","There are no scheduled activities available.": "Il n\u2019y a pas de d\u2019activit\u00e9s Panifi\u00e9es disponibles.", "Portal": "Portail", "Cortex": "Cortex", "No Records found": "Il n\u2019y a pas de donn\u00e9es disponibles pour les crit\u00e8res de recherche s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9s.", "Rows per page": "Lignes par page", "Update": "Mise \u00e0 jour", "Nickname(optional)": "Surnom (optionnel)", "Advanced Mode": "Mode avanc\u00e9", "Mode": "Mode", "Advanced": "Avanc\u00e9", "Simple Mode": "Mode simple", "Users": "Utilisateurs", "Add a user": "Ajouter un utilisateur", "Add a new group": "Ajouter un nouveau groupe", "Add a new user and group": "Ajouter un nouvel utilisateur et un nouveau groupe.", "Self evaluation":"Self evaluation","Create a user under their own group.": "Cr\u00e9er un utilisateur sous un groupe existant.", "Create a new user under this group": "Créer un nouvel utilisateur sous ce groupe", "Duplicate from": "Dupliquer de", "Last passive": "Derni\u00e8res informations collect\u00e9es", "Spatial scan": "Scan spatial", "screen_state": "\u00e9tat de l\u2019\u00e9cran", "accelerometer.motion": "mouvement de l\u2019acc\u00e9l\u00e9rom\u00e8tre", "analytics": "donn\u00e9es analytiques", "blood_pressure": "pression sanguine", "bluetooth": "technologie de connexion sans fil \u00e0 courte port\u00e9e", "calls": "appels", "distance": "distance", "flights": "vols d\u2019avion", "gps.contextual": "contexte de localisation par syst\u00e8me de positionnement par satellite", "heart_rate": "rythme cardiaque", "height": "grandeur", "magnetometer": "magn\u00e9tom\u00e8tre", "respiratory_rate": "rythme respiratoire", "segment": "segment", "sms": "sms", "steps": "pas", "weight": "poids", "wifi": "r\u00e9seau sans fil", "Currently Viewing Mode (Currently GUI)": "Mode de Visualisation en Cours\u202f", "To start building a query:": "Pour faire une requête :", "1. Navigate to the level of your target on the left.": "1. Allez au niveau de votre cible, sur la partie gauche de la cible.","2. Click on": "2. Cliquez sur \u2192\u202f", "Alternatively, drag and drop a researcher, group, or participant into this box": "Alternativement, glissez le nom d\u2019un chercheur, d\u2019une \u00e9tude ou d\u2019un participant dans la box ci-dessous.", "Copy Researcher ID to Clipboard": "Copier l\u2019identifiant personnel du Chercheur dans votre Presse-Papier", "Download Researcher Data": "T\u00e9l\u00e9chargez l\u2019information du Chercheur\u202f", "Analyze Researcher": "Analyser le chercheur", "Select all shared tags": "S\u00e9lectionnez toutes les \u00e9tiquettes partag\u00e9es", "Deselect all shared tags": "D\u00e9s\u00e9lectionnez toutes les \u00e9tiquettes partag\u00e9es", "Please wait, your data is loading": "Veuillez patienter SVP, les informations sont en train d\u2019\u00eatre t\u00e9l\u00e9charg\u00e9es", "There are no shared tags set for this researcher. To display data on tags shared between participants, set \u201clamp.dashboard.researcher_tags\u201d to an array of strings, where each string is a tag you would like to see. Please contact your group administrator for more info.": "Il n\u2019y a pas d\u2019\u00e9tiquettes partag\u00e9es pour le chercheur s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9, pour afficher l\u2019information associ\u00e9e aux \u00e9tiquettes partag\u00e9es entre les participants, veuillez s\u00e9lectionner \u00ab\u202flampe.tableau de bord.chercheur.\u00e9tiquettes\u202f\u00bb pour toutes les cha\u00eenes de charact\u00e8res que vous voulez voir. SVP contactez l\u2019administrateur de votre \u00e9tude pour plus d\u2019information.", "graphs.data_quality.": "graphiques.donn\u00e9es_qualit\u00e9", "Activity counts": "Quantit\u00e9 d\u2019Activit\u00e9", "Passive Features": "Types d\u2019information collect\u00e9e", "Quality Tags": "\u00c9tiquettes pour la qualit\u00e9", "Activities in the last 7 day (updated: date)": "Nombre d\u2019activit\u00e9s dans les 7 derniers jours (mise \u00e0 jour\u202f: date)", "Data quality (updated: date)": "Qualit\u00e9 de l\u2019information (mise \u00e0 jour\u202f: date)\u202f", "missing": "manquante", "bad": "mauvaise", "okay": "acceptable", "good": "bien", "bad_missing": "mauvaise_manquante", "okay_missing": "acceptable_manquante", "good_missing": "bien_manquante", "lamp.dashboard": "lampe.tableau de bord", "Expand": "Aggrandir", "Collapse": "R\u00e9duire", "ActivitySpec": "Sp\u00e9cifications de l\u2019activit\u00e9", "SensorSpec": "Sp\u00e9cifications du sensor", "Sort by date of creation": "Classer par la date de cr\u00e9ation", "Filter": "Filtrer", "Filter studies": "Filtrer les \u00e9tudes", "Search group list": "Chercher par la liste d\u2019\u00e9tudes", "Copy Group ID to Clipboard": "Copier l\u2019identifiant de l\u2019\u00e9tude dans le presse-papier", "Download Group Data": "Copier l\u2019identifiant de l\u2019\u00e9tude dans le presse-papier", "Analyze Group": "Analyser l\u2019\u00e9tude", "There are no shared tags set for this Group. To display data on tags shared between participants, set \u201clamp.dashboard.group_tags\u201d to an array of strings, where each string is a tag you would like to see. Please contact your group administrator for more info.": "Il n\u2019y a pas d\u2019\u00e9tiquettes partag\u00e9es pour cette \u00e9tude. Pour afficher l\u2019information sur les \u00e9tiquettes partag\u00e9es entre les participants, veuillez s\u00e9lectionner \u00ab\u202flampe.tableau de bord.\u00e9tude.\u00e9tiquettes\u202f\u00bb pour toutes les \u00e9tiquettes que vous voulez voir. SVP contactez l\u2019administrateur de vote \u00e9tude pour plus d\u2019information.", "Do not enter a domain if you are not sure what this option does. ": "Ne saisissez pas de domaine si vous n\u2019\u00eates pas s\u00fbr de ce que fait cette option.", "Login": "Connexion", "Try": "Essayer", "Try mindLAMP out as a...": "Essayer mindLAMP en tant que\u2026", "Researcher": "Chercheur", "Clinician": "Clinicien", "Participant": "Participant", "Patient": "Patient", "You are logged in to a demo account. Any changes made will be reset when you restart the application.": "Vous \u00eates connect\u00e9 \u00e0 un compte de d\u00e9monstration. Toutes les modifications apport\u00e9es seront r\u00e9initialis\u00e9es lorsque vous red\u00e9marrerez l\u2019application.", "Customize which Tab this Activity appears in":"Personnalisez l'onglet dans lequel cette activité apparaît", "Ignore": "Ignorer", "Evaluate": "\u00c9valuer", "Welcome to the Assess section": "Bienvenue dans la section \u00c9valuer", "Take steps to refocus, reflect, and recover.": "Prendre des mesures pour se recentrer, réfléchir et récupérer.", "Investigation": "Enqu\u00eate", "questions": "questions", "min": "min", "The following survey aims to assess your sleep and social behavior. ": "L\u2019enqu\u00eate suivante vise \u00e0 \u00e9valuer votre sommeil et votre comportement social.", "For each of the statements, choose the one that best fits your case. ": "Pour chacune des affirmations, choisissez celle qui correspond le mieux \u00e0 votre cas.", "Start the investigation": "Commencer l\u2019enqu\u00eate", "Question": "Question", "Question number on the total": "Num\u00e9ro de la question sur le total", "Next": "Suivant", "Send": "Envoyer", "Nice job!": "Beau travail\u2009!", "You're on a roll, keep it up": "Vous \u00eates sur une bonne lanc\u00e9e, continuez comme \u00e7a", "days": "jours", "day": "jour", "Sleep and social behavior": "Sommeil et comportement social", "Anxiety": "Anxi\u00e9t\u00e9", "Psychosis and social behavior": "Psychose et comportement social", "Ease of use of the application": "Facilit\u00e9 d\u2019utilisation de l\u2019application", "Water and nutrition": "Eau et nutrition","Feed":"Alimentation", "News Feed": "Fil d\u2019actu", "Here you can see your recent activities": "Ici, vous pouvez voir vos activit\u00e9s r\u00e9centes", "Learn": "Apprendre", "Welcome to the Learn section": "Bienvenue dans la section Apprendre", "Tips for mood": "Astuces pour l\u2019humeur", "Small tips to improve your": "Petits conseils pour am\u00e9liorer votre", "Read": "Lu", "Optimism": "Optimisme", "Tip": "Astuce", "tip": "Astuce", "Was it useful to you today?": "Cela vous a-t-il \u00e9t\u00e9 utile aujourd\u2019hui\u2009?", "Yes": "Oui", "yes": "Oui", "No": "Non", "no": "Non", "Mark as Completed": "Marquer comme compl\u00e9t\u00e9", "Social behavior": "Comportement social", "Mental Health Resources": "Ressources en sant\u00e9 mentale", "Physical well-being": "Bien-\u00eatre physique", "Suggested Readings": "Lectures sugg\u00e9r\u00e9es", "Motivation": "Motivation", "Tips for managing stress": "Astuces pour g\u00e9rer le stress", "Management": "Gestion", "Breathe": "Respirer", "Start": "D\u00e9marrer", "Breathing exercise (__ min)": "Exercice de respiration (__ min)", "Follow the opening and closing movement of the lotus flower to control your inspirations and exhalations. ": "Suivez le mouvement d\u2019ouverture et de fermeture de la fleur de lotus pour contr\u00f4ler vos inspirations et expirations.", "activity_recognition": "reconnaissance_d\u2019activit\u00e9\u202f", "ADD ITEM": "\u202fAJOUTER UN \u00c9L\u00c9MENT\u202f", "Add Item": "\u202fAJOUTER UN \u00c9L\u00c9MENT\u202f", "ADJUST GRAPH DISPLAY": "\u202fAJUSTER L\u2019AFFICHAGE GRAPHIQUE\u202f", "All Participant Tags": "\u202fToutes les balises des participants\u202f", "Alphabatize List": "\u202fListe alphab\u00e9tique ", "Analyze Researcher Data": " Analyser les donn\u00e9es des chercheurs ", "Are you sure you want to delete this group?": "\u202f\u00cates-vous s\u00fbr(e) de vouloir supprimer cette \u00e9tude ?\u202f", "blood_glucose": "\u202fglucose_sanguin\u202f", "body_temperature": "\u202ftemp\u00e9rature_corporelle\u202f", "CHANGE VIEWING MODE (CURRENTLY TERMINAL)": "\u202fCHANGER DE MODE D\u2019AFFICHAGE (ACTUELLEMENT\u202f: MODE TERMINAL)\u202f", "Choose the Group you want to import activities.": " Choisissez le groupe dans lequel vous souhaitez importer les activit\u00e9s. ", "Copied!": "\u202fCopi\u00e9!\u202f", "Create a new user under this study": "\u202fCr\u00e9er un nouveau utilisateur dans le cadre de cette \u00e9tude\u202f", "Credential Roles": " R\u00f4les d\u2019accr\u00e9ditation ", "device_motion": "\u202fmouvement_de_l\u2019appareil\u202f", "Password is not complex enough and does not comply with organization password requirement.": "\u202fNe correspond pas au mot de passe que vous avez entr\u00e9 au-dessus.\u202f", "DOWNLOAD": "\u202fT\u00c9L\u00c9CHARGER\u202f", "Filter Researchers": "Filtrer les chercheurs", "Group Name": " Nom du groupe ", "heartratevariability_sdnn": "\u202fvariabilit\u00e9durythmecardiaque_sdnn\u202f", "Jewels A": "\u202fBijoux A\u202f", "Jewels B": "\u202fBijoux B\u202f", "Memory Game": "\u202fJeu de m\u00e9moire\u202f", "nearby_device": "\u202fappareil_\u00e0_proximit\u00e9\u202f", "Nickname(optional)": "\u202fSurnom (facultatif)\u202f", "No Activities.": "\u202fPas d\u2019activit\u00e9s.\u202f", "No Sensors.": "\u202fPas de capteurs.\u202f", "No tags are available for this researcher": "\u202fAucune \u00e9tiquette n\u2019est disponible pour ce chercheur\u202f", "oxygen_saturation": "\u202fsaturation_d\u2019oxyg\u00e8ne\u202f", "Please enter group name.": "\u202fVeuillez entrer le nom du groupe.\u202f", "Question Text": "\u202fTexte de la question\u202f", "Required": " Obligatoire ", "Researcher Tags": "\u202f\u00c9tiquettes de chercheur\u202f", "Reset account password": "\u202fR\u00e9initialiser le mot de passe du compte\u202f", "Response Options": " Options de r\u00e9ponse ", "Search Researcher list": "\u202fRechercher dans la liste de chercheurs\u202f", "Separate activity data into multiple lines for each response": " S\u00e9parez les donn\u00e9es d\u2019activit\u00e9 en plusieurs lignes pour chaque r\u00e9ponse ", "SET TAGS": "\u202fD\u00c9FINIR DES BALISES\u202f", "SET VIEWING MODE TO TERMINAL": "\u202fD\u00c9FINIR LE MODE DE VISUALISATION AU MODE TERMINAL\u202f", "Spatial Span": "\u202fDur\u00e9e spatiale\u202f", "Streak popup settings": "\u202fParam\u00e8tres contextuels de strie\u202f", "Study name and user name will be the same.": " Le nom de l\u2019\u00e9tude et le nom du utilisateur seront les m\u00eames. ", "Successfully created a new investigator.": "\u202fCr\u00e9\u00e9 avec succ\u00e8s un nouvel enqu\u00eateur.\u202f", "Successfully deleted group.": "\u202f\u00c9tude supprim\u00e9e avec succ\u00e8s.\u202f", "Successfully deleted the investigator": "\u202fSuppression r\u00e9ussie de l\u2019enqu\u00eateur\u202f", "Successfully updated a new investigator.": "\u202fMise \u00e0 jour r\u00e9ussie d\u2019un nouvel enqu\u00eateur.\u202f", "Survey Questions": " Questions du sondage", "telephony": " T\u00e9l\u00e9phonie ", "This is a list of all tags present on at least one participant in this researcher.": "\u202fCeci est une liste de toutes les \u00e9tiquettes pr\u00e9sentes sur au moins un participant de ce chercheur.\u202f", "Use the checkboxes to toggle on or off any tags you want to see or hide, respectively, then press the 'Set Tags' button.": "\u202fUtilisez les cases \u00e0 cocher pour activer ou d\u00e9sactiver les balises que vous souhaitez voir ou masquer, respectivement, puis appuyez sur le bouton \u202f'D\u00e9finir les balises'\u202f.\u202f", "Voice Recording": "\u202fEnregistrement vocal\u202f", "Welcome to the Assess section": "\u202fBienvenue dans la section \u00c9valuer\u202f", "Sort by date of creation": "\u202fTrier par date de cr\u00e9ation\u202f", "Investigators": "Enqu\u00eateurs", "January": "Janvier", "February": "F\u00e9vrier", "March": "Mars", "April": "Avril", "May": "Mai", "June ": "Juin", "July": "Juillet", "August": "Ao\u00fbt ", "September ": "Septembre", "October": "Octobre", "November": "Novembre", "December": "D\u00e9cembre", "Ready...": "Pr\u00eat\u2026", "Sit down comfortably. When ready, press the Start button. ": "Installez-vous confortablement. Lorsque vous \u00eates pr\u00eat, appuyez sur le bouton D\u00e9marrer.", "Inspire": "Inspirer", "Exhale": "Expirer", "Congratulations! ": "Bravo\u2009!", "Done": "Termin\u00e9", "Diary": "Journal", "Description of the test for the Management section. ": "Description du test pour la section Gestion.", "New log entry": "Nouvelle entr\u00e9e de journal", "How do you feel today?": "Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd\u2019hui\u2009?", "Good": "Bien", "Bad": "Mal", "New Goal": "Nouvel objectif", "Goal": "Objectif", "Objectives": "Objectifs", "Create a goal": "Cr\u00e9er un objectif", "What kind of objective? ": "Quel type d\u2019objectif\u2009?", "Choose a category": "Choisissez une cat\u00e9gorie", "Exercise": "Exercice", "Weight": "Poids", "Nutrition": "Nutrition", "sleep": "Sommeil", "Medicine": "M\u00e9dicament", "Reading": "Lecture", "Finance": "Finances", "Meditation": "M\u00e9ditation", "Mood": "Humeur", "Custom": "Personnalis\u00e9", "Objective Name": "Nom de l\u2019objectif", "Objective Details": "D\u00e9tails de l\u2019objectif", "Every day": "Tous les jours", "Every hour": "Toutes les heures", "Every week": "Toutes les semaines", "Every month": "Tous les mois", "Ounces": "Onces", "mg": "mg", "g": "g", "kg": "kg", "Hours": "Heures", "Minutes": "minutes", "$": "$", "Start date": "Date de d\u00e9but", "Duration": "Dur\u00e9e", "Reminders": "Rappels", "Save": "Enregistrer", "Cancel": "Annuler", "You're already leaving? ": "Vous partez d\u00e9j\u00e0\u2009?", "If you leave without saving, your entry will be lost.": "Si vous quittez sans sauvegarder, votre entr\u00e9e sera perdue.", "Don't leave yet": "Ne partez pas d\u00e9j\u00e0", "Yes, leave": "Oui, partir", "Hope box": "Bo\u00eete \u00e0 espoirs", "Games": "Jeux", "Test description for the Management section": "Description du test pour la section Gestion", "Save images and quotes that bring joy and hope to your life.": "Enregistrez des images et des citations qui apportent de la joie et de l\u2019espoir dans votre vie.", "The content of the Hope Box will appear occasionally in your news feed to inspire you and cheer you up. ": "Le contenu de la Bo\u00eete \u00e0 espoirs appara\u00eetra de temps en temps dans votre fil d\u2019actu pour vous inspirer et vous remonter le moral.", "Add image": "Ajouter une image", "Add a quote": "Ajouter une citation", "See my Hope box": "Voir ma Bo\u00eete \u00e0 espoirs", "Scratch card": "Carte \u00e0 gratter", "Meditation Exercises": "Exercices de m\u00e9ditation", "Swipe your finger across the screen to reveal the hidden image underneath": "Faites glisser votre doigt sur l\u2019\u00e9cran pour r\u00e9v\u00e9ler l\u2019image cach\u00e9e en dessous", "Swipe the screen to reveal the hidden image": "Balayez l\u2019\u00e9cran pour r\u00e9v\u00e9ler l\u2019image cach\u00e9e", "Well played": "Bien jou\u00e9", "Close": "Fermer", "Do another one": "Faites-en un autre", "Medication Diary": "Journal des m\u00e9dicaments", "Add a medication": "Ajouter un m\u00e9dicament", "Name of the medication": "Nom du m\u00e9dicament", "Add a dosage": "Ajouter un dosage", "Name": "Nom", "Dose": "Dose", "Balloon Risk": "Risque \u00e0 Ballon", "Game of risk balloon": "Jeu du ballon \u00e0 risque", "Current points": "Points actuels", "Total points": "Total des points", "INFLATE THE BALL": "GONFLEZ LE BALLON", "COLLECT POINTS!": "COLLECTEZ DES POINTS\u2009!", "The balloon burst ": "Le ballon a \u00e9clat\u00e9 ", "Box of games": "Bo\u00eete de jeux", "Wait and look": "Attendez et regardez", "Level": "Niveau", "Essayez de m\u00e9moriser la s\u00e9quence": "", "Try to memorize the sequence": "", "C\u2019est parti": "", "Let's go": "", "Temps \u00e9coul\u00e9": "", "Time elapsed": "Temps \u00e9coul\u00e9", "Remember the highlighted boxes in the order they appear. Now press the boxes in the order they lit up. ": "Souvenez-vous des cases surlign\u00e9es dans l\u2019ordre o\u00f9 elles apparaissent. Maintenant, appuyez sur les cases dans l\u2019ordre o\u00f9 elles se sont \u00e9clair\u00e9es.", "Congratulations": "F\u00e9licitations", "Cats and Dogs": "Chats et Chiens", "Touch the boxes behind which a dog is located. ": "Touchez les bo\u00eetes derri\u00e8re lesquelles se trouve un chien.", "OK": "OK", "Keep touching the boxes behind which a dog is located. ": "Continuez \u00e0 toucher les bo\u00eetes derri\u00e8re lesquelles se trouve un chien.", "Do not touch the boxes behind which a cat is located": "Ne touchez pas les bo\u00eetes derri\u00e8re lesquelles se trouve un chat", "Now touch the boxes behind which a cat is located. Do not touch on the boxes behind which a dog is located": "Maintenant, touchez les bo\u00eetes derri\u00e8re lesquelles se trouve un chat. Ne touchez pas sur les bo\u00eetes derri\u00e8re lesquelles se trouve un chien", "Game Over": "Game Over", "Dot Touch": "Dot Touch", "Press '1' to start the test": "Appuyez sur \u00ab 1 \u00bb pour commencer le test", "Choose the corresponding alphabet": "Choisissez l\u2019alphabet correspondant", "Start over": "Recommencer", "Jewelry": "Bijoux", "Blow the bubbles": "Faites \u00e9clater les bulles", "Press to continue": "Appuyez pour continuer", "PRESS TO POP THE PINK, BLUE AND YELLOW BUBBLES ONLY": "APPUYEZ POUR FAIRE \u00c9CLATER LES BULLES ROSES, BLEUES ET JAUNES UNIQUEMENT", "POPPING THE RIGHT BUBBLES WILL MAKE YOU EARN POINTS": "FAIRE \u00c9CLATER LES BONNES BULLES VOUS FERA GAGNER DES POINTS", "Level __ completed": "Niveau __ termin\u00e9", "Your score is _%": "Votre score est de _ %", "Prevent": "Pr\u00e9venir", "Activity": "Activit\u00e9", "Activity data": "Donn\u00e9es d\u2019activit\u00e9", "entries this month": "entr\u00e9es ce mois-ci", "Sensors": "Capteurs", "Sensor data": "Donn\u00e9es du capteur", "Summary": "R\u00e9sum\u00e9", "Notifications": "Notifications", "Conversations": "Conversations", "Profile": "Profil", "Profile & Settings": "Profil et param\u00e8tres", "Manage Credentials": "G\u00e9rer les informations d\u2019identification", "Enter the family member or clinician's name here.": "Entrez le nom du membre de la famille ou du clinicien ici.", "Role": "R\u00f4le", "Enter the family member or clinician's role here. For this credential to appear as a care team member, either a photo or role MUST be saved.": "Entrez ici le r\u00f4le du membre de la famille ou du clinicien. Pour qu\u2019un identifiant de membre de l\u2019\u00e9quipe de soins apparaisse, vous devez ajouter une photo ou un r\u00f4le.", "Email Address": "Adresse e-mail", "Enter the email address here.": "Entrez l\u2019adresse e-mail ici.", "Password": "Mot de passe", "Enter the new password here, then press the 'Done' button on the right of the box. Tap elsewhere if you do not want to change the password.": "Entrez le nouveau mot de passe ici, puis appuyez sur le bouton \u00ab Termin\u00e9 \u00bb \u00e0 droite de la bo\u00eete. Appuyez ailleurs si vous ne voulez pas changer le mot de passe.", "Disconnect": "D\u00e9connexion", "Are you sure you want to log out of LAMP right now?": "\u00cates-vous s\u00fbr de vouloir vous d\u00e9connecter de LAMP\u2009 maintenant?", "If you've made some changes, make sure they're saved before you continue to log out.": "Si vous avez apporté des modifications, assurez-vous qu'elles sont enregistrées avant de continuer à vous déconnecter.", "Back": "Retour", "Help & Support": "Aide et support", "LAMP Community": "Communaut\u00e9 LAMP", "Contact Us": "Nous contacter", "Seeker Connection": "Connexion chercheur", "Display unscheduled activities": "Afficher les activit\u00e9s non programm\u00e9es", "Patients": "Patients", "Demo": "Demo", "Search": "Recherche", "Create": "Cr\u00e9er", "Number of participants to be added:": "Nombre de participants \u00e0 ajouter :", "Last Active": "Actif pour la derni\u00e8re fois", "Indicators": "Indicateurs", "_ years ago on Android": "Il y a _ ans sur Android", "_ selected line(s)": "_ ligne(s) s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9e(s)", "Data quality": "Qualit\u00e9 des donn\u00e9es", "The data is optimal": "Les donn\u00e9es sont optimales", "Reset Password": "R\u00e9initialiser le mot de passe", "View user data": "Voir les donn\u00e9es du utilisateur", "__ lines [in pagination]": "__ lignes [en pagination]", "First page": "Premi\u00e8re page", "Previous page": "Page pr\u00e9c\u00e9dente", "Next page": "Page suivante", "Last page [in pagination]": "Derni\u00e8re page [dans la pagination]", "Activities": "Activit\u00e9s", "Type": "Type", "Import": "Importer", "Drag files here, or click to select files.": "Faites glisser les fichiers ici ou cliquez pour les s\u00e9lectionner.", "Create a new...": "Cr\u00e9er un nouveau\u2026", "Group of activities": "Groupe d\u2019activit\u00e9s", "Investigative instrument": "Instrument d\u2019enqu\u00eate", "Logout":"Se déconnecter", "Smartphone Cognitive Tests": "Tests cognitif sur smartphone", "A new cognitive testing activity has been created. ": "Une nouvelle activit\u00e9 de test cognitif a \u00e9t\u00e9 cr\u00e9\u00e9e.", "Calendar of activities": "Calendrier des activit\u00e9s", "Time": "Heure", "Times": "Heure", "Repeat Interval": "Intervalle de r\u00e9p\u00e9tition", "Custom Times": "Heure personnalis\u00e9e", "user": "Utilisateur {{id}}", "Actions": "Actions", "No planned action.": "Aucune action planifi\u00e9e.", "Modify an existing investigative instrument. ": "Modifier un instrument d\u2019enqu\u00eate existant.", "Title of the survey": "Titre de l\u2019enqu\u00eate", "Description of the survey": "Description de l\u2019enqu\u00eate", "Configure questions, parameters, and options.": "Configurer les questions, les param\u00e8tres et les options.", "Title of the question": "Titre de la question", "Question Description": "Description de la question", "Question Type": "Type de question", "Add a question": "Ajouter une question", "Duplicate": "Doublon", "Register this investigative instrument": "Enregistrer cet instrument d\u2019enqu\u00eate", "Only the contents of the survey description have been modified to avoid unrecoverable data loss. (error message)": "Seul le contenu de la description de l\u2019enqu\u00eate a \u00e9t\u00e9 modifi\u00e9 pour \u00e9viter une perte de donn\u00e9es irr\u00e9cup\u00e9rable. (message d\u2019erreur)", "Research studies using mindLAMP": "\u00c9tudes de recherche utilisant mindLAMP", "Incorrect username, password, or server address.": "Nom d\u2019utilisateur, mot de passe ou adresse de serveur incorrects.", "Server Address": "Adresse du serveur", "Dismiss": "Congédier", "Are you sure you're logging into the right mindLAMP server?": "\u00cates-vous s\u00fbr d\u2019\u00eatre connect\u00e9 au bon serveur mindLAMP\u2009?", "Select Language": "S\u00e9lectionner la langue", "Add MindLamp to your home screen?": "Ajouter mindLAMP \u00e0 votre \u00e9cran d\u2019accueil\u2009?", "Proceed with caution: you are logged in as the administrator.": "Proc\u00e9dez avec prudence : vous \u00eates connect\u00e9 en tant qu\u2019administrateur.", "Invalid username or password.": "Identifiant ou mot de passe invalide.", "MindLamp will be installed on your device.": "mindLAMP sera install\u00e9 sur votre appareil.", "MindLamp will not be installed on your device.": "mindLAMP ne sera pas install\u00e9 sur votre appareil.", "Messages": "Messages", "Administrator": "Administrateur", "Community": "Communaut\u00e9", "Change view": "Changer de vue", "Type of activity": "Type d\u2019activit\u00e9", "Show screenshot of the application": "Afficher la capture d\u2019\u00e9cran de l\u2019application", "Delete entry": "Supprimer l\u2019entr\u00e9e", "Copy entry": "Copier l\u2019entr\u00e9e", "Edit Entry": "Modifier l\u2019entr\u00e9e", "No detailed view available.": "Aucune vue d\u00e9taill\u00e9e disponible.", "Score": "Score", "Alone": "Seul", "Friends": "Amis", "Family": "Famille", "Acquaintances": "Connaissances", "Crowd": "Foule", "House": "Maison", "School": "\u00c9cole", "Work": "Travail", "Hospital": "H\u00f4pital", "Outside": "Ext\u00e9rieur", "Shopping": "Shopping", "Transport": "Transports", "Sensor": "Capteur", "Automations": "Automatismes", "An experimental visualization generated by an automation that you or your clinician installed.": "Une visualisation exp\u00e9rimentale g\u00e9n\u00e9r\u00e9e par une automatisation que vous ou votre clinicien avez install\u00e9e.", "No data": "Pas de donn\u00e9es", "No activity is selected. Please select an activity above to get started.": "Aucune activit\u00e9 n\u2019est s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9e. Veuillez s\u00e9lectionner une activit\u00e9 ci-dessus pour commencer.", "Environmental Context": "Contexte environnemental", "Number of steps": "Nombre de pas", "Measures taken": "Mesures prises", "visualization": "visualisation", "Unable to import activities.": "Impossible d\u2019importer les activit\u00e9s.", "Choose the group you want to import activities.": "Choisissez l\u2019\u00e9tude que vous voulez importer des activit\u00e9s.", "Select a Study to import activities.": "S\u00e9lectionnez une \u00e9tude pour importer des activit\u00e9s.", "Unable to import activities because some are misconfigured or missing.": "Impossible d\u2019importer les activit\u00e9s car certaines sont mal configur\u00e9es ou manquantes.", "Unable to import any of the selected survey activities.": "Impossible d\u2019importer l\u2019une des activit\u00e9s d\u2019enqu\u00eate s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9es.", "Unable to import any of the selected activities.": "Impossible d\u2019importer l\u2019une des activit\u00e9s s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9es.", "Unable to import any of the selected activity groups.": "Impossible d\u2019importer l\u2019un des groupes d\u2019activit\u00e9s s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9s.", "Selected activities have been successfully imported.": "Les activit\u00e9s s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9es ont \u00e9t\u00e9 import\u00e9es avec succ\u00e8s.", "Selected activities have been successfully exported.": "Les activit\u00e9s s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9es ont \u00e9t\u00e9 export\u00e9es avec succ\u00e8s.", "An error occurred: ": "Une erreur s\u2019est produite : ", "A new trick was created successfully.": "Une nouvelle astuce a \u00e9t\u00e9 cr\u00e9\u00e9e avec succ\u00e8s.", "Successful activity update.": "Mise \u00e0 jour de l\u2019activit\u00e9 r\u00e9ussie.", "A new investigation activity has been successfully created.": "Une nouvelle activit\u00e9 d\u2019enqu\u00eate a \u00e9t\u00e9 cr\u00e9\u00e9e avec succ\u00e8s.", "Unable to create a new group activity.": "Impossible de cr\u00e9er une nouvelle activit\u00e9 de groupe.", "A new group activity was successfully created.": "Une nouvelle activit\u00e9 de groupe a \u00e9t\u00e9 cr\u00e9\u00e9e avec succ\u00e8s.", "A new activity has been created successfully.": "Une nouvelle activit\u00e9 a \u00e9t\u00e9 cr\u00e9\u00e9e avec succ\u00e8s.", "Selected activities have been successfully removed.": "Les activit\u00e9s s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9es ont \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9es avec succ\u00e8s.", "Successfully duplicated the Activity.": "L\u2019activit\u00e9 a \u00e9t\u00e9 dupliqu\u00e9e avec succ\u00e8s sous un nouveau nom.", "Group": "Groupe", "Tips": "Astuces", "DBT Diary Card": "Carte de journal DBT", "Cognitive test": "Test cognitif", "Export": "Export", "Delete": "Supprimer", "Are you sure you want to delete this Activity?.": "\u00cates-vous s\u00fbr de vouloir supprimer cette activit\u00e9\u2009?", "Filter results": "Filtrer les r\u00e9sultats", "Add": "Ajouter", "Import activities": "Activit\u00e9s d\u2019importation", "Create a new activity": "Cr\u00e9er une nouvelle activit\u00e9", "Modify an existing activity": "Modifier une activit\u00e9 existante", "No custom times": "Aucune heure personnalis\u00e9e", "Remove this time from the list.": "Supprimer cette heure de la liste.", "Add a new custom time. ": "Ajouter une nouvelle heure personnalis\u00e9e.", "Add this time to the list.": "Ajouter cette heure \u00e0 la liste.", "Select the start date.": "S\u00e9lectionnez la date de d\u00e9but.", "Select the start time.": "S\u00e9lectionnez l\u2019heure de d\u00e9but.", "All [number] hours": "Toutes les [nombre] heures", "Twice a week (Tue, Thursday)": "Deux fois par semaine (mar, jeudi)", "Three times every week (Mon, Wed, Fri)": "Trois fois par semaine (lun, mer, ven)", "Twice a month": "Deux fois par mois", "Use custom hours": "Utiliser des heures personnalis\u00e9es", "Do not repeat": "Ne pas r\u00e9p\u00e9ter", "Are you sure you want to remove this item from the calendar?": "\u00cates-vous s\u00fbr de vouloir supprimer cet \u00e9l\u00e9ment du calendrier\u2009?", "Install": "Installer", "Welcome to the Prevent section": "Bienvenue dans la section Pr\u00e9venir", "Prepare yourself": "Pr\u00e9parez-vous", "The size of the image should not exceed 5 MB.": "La taille de l\u2019image ne doit pas d\u00e9passer 5\u202fMo.", "Image type not supported.": "Type d\u2019image non pris en charge.", "Investigator with same name already exist.": "L'investigateur avec le même nom existe déjà.", "An activity with the same name already exists.": "Une activit\u00e9 avec le m\u00eame nom existe d\u00e9j\u00e0.", "Type of audio not supported. ": "Type d\u2019audio non pris en charge.", "The audio size should not exceed 2 MB.": "La taille de l\u2019audio ne doit pas d\u00e9passer 2\u202fMo.", "Drag or tap a photo to select it.": "Faites glisser une photo ou appuyez dessus pour la s\u00e9lectionner.", "Drag a photo to replace the existing photo or tap to delete the photo.": "Faites glisser une photo pour remplacer la photo existante ou appuyez sur pour supprimer la photo.", "Select": "S\u00e9lectionner", "Please select the group.": "Veuillez s\u00e9lectionner l\u2019\u00e9tude", "Activity Title": "Titre de l\u2019activit\u00e9", "Activity Description": "Description de l\u2019activit\u00e9", "Download Audio": "T\u00e9l\u00e9charger l\u2019audio", "Your browser does not support the following": "Votre navigateur ne prend pas en charge l\u2019\u00e9l\u00e9ment suivant", "audio": "audio", "element.": "\u00e9l\u00e9ment.", "Duplicate this investigative instrument and register it under a new name.": "Dupliquer cet instrument d\u2019enqu\u00eate et l\u2019enregistrer sous un nouveau nom.", "Save this activity.": "Sauvegarder cette activit\u00e9.", "Record role and photo": "Enregistrer le r\u00f4le et la photo", "Copy the one-time access link that allows you to log in without entering the credentials.": "Copier le lien d\u2019acc\u00e8s \u00e0 usage unique qui permet de se connecter sans saisir les informations d\u2019identification.", "Save ID": "Enregistrer l\u2019identifiant", "Scan this QR code on a mobile device to automatically open a user dashboard.": "Scannez ce code QR sur un appareil mobile pour ouvrir automatiquement un tableau de bord du utilisateur.", "Cannot change the password.": "Impossible de changer le mot de passe.", "Unable to create ID.": "Impossible de cr\u00e9er l\u2019identifiant.", "Unable to perform the operation for an unknown reason.": "Impossible d\u2019effectuer l\u2019op\u00e9ration pour une raison inconnue.", "Credential management failed. This email address may be already in use.": "La gestion des informations d\u2019identification a \u00e9chou\u00e9. Cette adresse \u00e9lectronique est peut-\u00eatre d\u00e9j\u00e0 utilis\u00e9e.", "Cannot delete.": "Impossible de supprimer.", "Credential management failed.": "La gestion des informations d\u2019identification a \u00e9chou\u00e9.", "Add a new member of your care team.": "Ajouter un nouveau membre \u00e0 votre \u00e9quipe de soins.", "Update the photo and role": "Mettre \u00e0 jour la photo et le r\u00f4le", "Target behaviours": "Comportements cibles", "Effective": "Efficace", "Number of times": "Nombre de fois", "Add an element": "Ajouter un \u00e9l\u00e9ment", "ineffective": "inefficace", "Emotions": "\u00c9motions", "Add target behavior": "Ajouter un comportement cible", "Behavior name": "Nom du comportement", "Measure of action:": "Mesure de l\u2019action:", "Add an emotion": "Ajouter une \u00e9motion", "Name of emotion": "Nom de l\u2019\u00e9motion", "Alias of participantId": "Alias de participantId' supprim\u00e9.", "Set participantId alias by participantName": "D\u00e9finir l\u2019alias de participantId en participantName", "Unable to change participantId alias: ErrorMessage": "Impossible de modifier l\u2019alias de participantId : errorMessage", "Create or edit the alias for this Participant ID. Saving an empty text box will reset this value.": "Cr\u00e9ez ou modifiez l\u2019alias pour cet ID de participant. L\u2019enregistrement d\u2019une zone de texte vide r\u00e9initialisera cette valeur.", "Unable to load participantId alias: ErrorMessage": "Impossible de charger l\u2019alias de participantId : errorMessage", "This activity is not yet available in MindLamp 2": "Cette activit\u00e9 n\u2019est pas encore disponible dans mindLAMP 2", "This version is a demo only. Entries will not be saved.": "Cette version est une d\u00e9mo seulement. Les entr\u00e9es ne seront pas sauvegard\u00e9es.", "My Medicines": "Mes m\u00e9dicaments", "Set up a reminder?": "Configurer un rappel\u2009?", "Edit": "Modifier", "text": "texte", "Text": "Texte", "Some answers are missing. Please answer all questions before sending your request.": "Certaines r\u00e9ponses sont manquantes. Veuillez r\u00e9pondre \u00e0 toutes les questions avant d\u2019envoyer votre demande.", "Objective: ": "Objectif : ", "The goal was successfully recorded.": "L\u2019objectif a \u00e9t\u00e9 enregistr\u00e9 avec succ\u00e8s.", "Please select the duration.": "Veuillez s\u00e9lectionner la dur\u00e9e.", "Please enter the value of the goal.": "Veuillez entrer la valeur de l\u2019objectif.", "Please enter the name of the goal.": "Veuillez entrer le nom de l\u2019objectif.", "Medication: ": "M\u00e9dicament : ", "The drug was successfully registered.": "Le m\u00e9dicament a \u00e9t\u00e9 enregistr\u00e9 avec succ\u00e8s.", "Please select the name of the drug.": "Veuillez s\u00e9lectionner le nom du m\u00e9dicament.", "Please enter the dose.": "Veuillez entrer la dose.", "Please enter name.": "Veuillez entrer nom.", "This activity is not yet available in MindLamp 2.": "Cette activit\u00e9 n\u2019est pas encore disponible dans mindLAMP 2.", "Unique name required.": "Nom unique requis", "Unable to create credentials for this ID.": "Impossible de cr\u00e9er des informations d\u2019identification pour cet ID.", "The participant ID was successfully created. Tap the development icon on the right to view credentials and details.": "L\u2019identifiant du participant a \u00e9t\u00e9 cr\u00e9\u00e9 avec succ\u00e8s. Appuyez sur l\u2019ic\u00f4ne de d\u00e9veloppement \u00e0 droite pour afficher les informations d\u2019identification et les d\u00e9tails.", "Temporary email address": "Adresse \u00e9lectronique temporaire", "Temporary password": "Mot de passe temporaire", "Single login link": "Lien de connexion unique", "an unknown device": "un dispositif inconnu", "Unknown device model": "Mod\u00e8le de dispositif inconnu", "Version of the application:": "Version de l\u2019application :", "Operating system version:": "Version du syst\u00e8me d\u2019exploitation :", "DeviceName:": "DeviceName :", "Model:": "Mod\u00e8le :", "New group successfully created \u2014 GroupName.": "Nouvelle \u00e9tude cr\u00e9\u00e9e avec succ\u00e8s \u2014 groupName.", "Are you sure you want to remove this participant?": "\u00cates-vous s\u00fbr de vouloir supprimer ce participant\u2009?", "Rename": "Renommer", "Change Password": "Modifier le mot de passe", "CSV": "CSV", "JSON": "JSON", "New user": "Nouveau utilisateur", "Create a new entry in this group.": "Cr\u00e9er une nouvelle entr\u00e9e dans ce groupe.", "Create a new group": "Cr\u00e9er une nouvelle \u00e9tude", "Are you sure you want to remove these participants?": "\u00cates-vous s\u00fbr de vouloir supprimer ces participants\u2009?", "Choose the group in which you want to register this participant.": "Choisissez l\u2019\u00e9tude dans laquelle vous voulez enregistrer ce participant.", "Select a group to create a participant.": "S\u00e9lectionnez une \u00e9tude pour cr\u00e9er un participant.", "inputs": "entr\u00e9es", "Social context": "Contexte social", "Modify the objective": "Modifier l\u2019objectif", "Current trajectory:": "Trajectoire actuelle :", "History of Objectives": "Historique des objectifs", "Department of Mental Health (DMH)": "Department of Mental Health (DMH)", "National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)": "National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)", "NAMI Massachusetts": "NAMI Massachussetts", "Researchers": "Chercheurs", "A new researcher was successfully created.": "Un nouveau chercheur a \u00e9t\u00e9 cr\u00e9\u00e9 avec succ\u00e8s.", "The creation of a new researcher failed.": "La cr\u00e9ation d\u2019un nouveau chercheur a \u00e9chou\u00e9.", "Researcher information updated.": "Informations du chercheur mises \u00e0 jour.", "Unable to update the researcher.": "Impossible de mettre \u00e0 jour le chercheur.", "The researcher has been removed.": "Le chercheur a \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9.", "Unable to delete the researcher.": "Impossible de supprimer le chercheur.", "No researcher. Add researchers by clicking the [+] button above.": "Aucun chercheur. Ajoutez des chercheurs en cliquant sur le bouton [+] ci-dessus.", "Are you sure you want to delete this researcher?": "\u00cates-vous s\u00fbr de vouloir supprimer ce chercheur\u2009?", "Well played! ": "Bien jou\u00e9\u2009!", "Swipe around": "Balayez autour de", "the screen to reveal": "l\u2019\u00e9cran pour r\u00e9v\u00e9ler", "the hidden image": "l\u2019image cach\u00e9e", "morning": "matin", "afternoon": "apr\u00e8s-midi", "Your answer:": "Votre r\u00e9ponse :", "Almost all the time": "Presque tout le temps", "More than half the time": "Plus de la moiti\u00e9 du temps", "Several times": "Plusieurs fois", "Not at all": "Pas du tout", "(Select an answer)": "(S\u00e9lectionnez une r\u00e9ponse)", "(0 being very bad, 10 being excellent)": "(0 \u00e9tant tr\u00e8s mauvais, 10 \u00e9tant excellent)", "User's Notes": "Notes du utilisateur", "Edit an existing group.": "Modifier un groupe existant.", "Create a new group.": "Cr\u00e9er un nouveau groupe.", "Drag the descriptor to the left to change the order in which this activity appears in the group.": "Faites glisser le descripteur sur la gauche pour modifier l\u2019ordre dans lequel cette activit\u00e9 appara\u00eet dans le groupe.", "No selection": "Aucune s\u00e9lection", "Group title": "Titre du groupe", "Configure activities and options.": "Configurer les activit\u00e9s et les options.", "Add Activity": "Ajouter une activit\u00e9", "Save this group of activities.": "Sauvegarder ce groupe d\u2019activit\u00e9s.", "Question option": "Option de question", "Remove this option from the list of options for the question.": "Supprimer cette option de la liste des options de la question.", "Option Text": "Texte de l'option", "Option Description": "Description de l\u2019option", "Add option": "Ajouter une option", "Delete this question of the investigative instrument.": "Supprimer la question de l\u2019instrument d\u2019enqu\u00eate.", "boolean": "bool\u00e9en", "Boolean": "Bool\u00e9en", "likert": "likert", "Likert": "Likert", "list": "liste", "List": "Liste", "Multiple selection": "S\u00e9lection multiple", "Slider": "Curseur", "Save this investigation instrument.": "Sauvegarder cet instrument d\u2019enqu\u00eate.", "N/A": "N/A", "An error occurred while downloading. Please try again.": "Une erreur s\u2019est produite lors du t\u00e9l\u00e9chargement. Veuillez r\u00e9essayer.", "Images should be in the format .jpeg/.png/.gif/.svg and the size should not exceed 4 MB.": "Les images doivent \u00eatre au format jpeg/png/bmp/gif/svg et leur taille ne doit pas d\u00e9passer 4\u202fMo.", "You are not allowed to delete the tip text.": "Vous n\u2019\u00eates pas autoris\u00e9 \u00e0 supprimer le texte de l\u2019astuce.", "Tap to select a photo.": "Appuyez pour s\u00e9lectionner une photo.", "Tap to delete the photo.": "Appuyez pour supprimer la photo.", "Tip Title": "Titre de l\u2019astuce", "Please enter the tip title": "Veuillez entrer le titre de l\u2019astuce", "Description of tips": "Description des astuces", "Please enter the description of the tips": "Veuillez entrer la description des astuces", "Please select the tip": "Veuillez s\u00e9lectionner l\u2019astuce", "Add new": "Ajouter nouveau", "New Tip": "Nouvelle astuce", "Please add new tip.": "Veuillez ajouter une nouvelle astuce", "Tip Details": "D\u00e9tails de l\u2019astuce", "Duplicate this activity.": "Dupliquer cette activit\u00e9.", "Are you sure you want to delete this?": "\u00cates-vous s\u00fbr de vouloir supprimer ceci\u2009?", "Welcome to MindLamp!": "Bienvenue sur mindLAMP\u2009!", "With the MindLamp smartphone app, you can collect information about your health. You can learn about symptoms, brain health and check your reasoning. You can also find out about your daily steps, your sleep and how they can relate to what you feel. You can use MindLamp as part of a research study, as part of your care if a clinician asks you to try it, or for yourself.": "Avec l\u2019application pour smartphone mindLAMP, vous pouvez collecter des informations sur votre sant\u00e9. Vous pouvez vous renseigner sur les sympt\u00f4mes, la sant\u00e9 du cerveau et v\u00e9rifier votre raisonnement. Vous pouvez \u00e9galement vous renseigner sur votre nombre de pas quotidiens, votre sommeil et sur le lien qu\u2019ils peuvent avoir avec ce que vous ressentez. Vous pouvez utiliser mindLAMP dans le cadre d\u2019une \u00e9tude de recherche, dans le cadre de vos soins si un clinicien vous demande de l\u2019essayer, ou par vous-m\u00eame.", "Try it":"Essayez-le", "Here is the list of activities for which you will receive notifications when you use MindLamp.": "Voici la liste des activit\u00e9s pour lesquelles vous recevrez des notifications lorsque vous utiliserez mindLAMP.", "Let's go!": "C\u2019est parti\u2009!", "Vous \u00eates pr\u00eat \u00e0 commencer \u00e0 utiliser mindLAMP.": "You're ready to start using MindLamp.", "Vous utilisez le serveur SRC pour vous connecter \u00e0 mindLAMP.": "You are using the SRC server to connect to MindLamp.", "GPS": "GPS", "Accelerometer": "Acc\u00e9l\u00e9rom\u00e8tre", "Never": "Jamais", "Studies": "\u00c9tudes", "Data Portal": "Portail de donn\u00e9es", "Month ago": "Il y a XXX mois", "Months ago": "Il y a XXX mois", "Customize which Tab this activity appears on": "Personnaliser l'onglet sur lequel cette activit\u00e9 appara\u00eet", "Date": "Date", "Continue importing?": "Continuer l'importation?", "Cortex data": "Donn\u00e9es sur le cortex", "Your data will appear here": "Vos données apparaîtront ici", "Successfully created a sensor.": "Capteur cr\u00e9\u00e9 avec succ\u00e8s", "Successfully updated a sensor.": "Mise \u00e0 jour d'un capteur r\u00e9ussie.", "Are you sure you want to delete this sensor?": "Etes-vous s\u00fbr de vouloir supprimer ce capteur?", "device_state": "\u00c9tat_de_l'appareil", "Item": "Article", "System Admin": "Administrateur syst\u00e8me", "User Administrator": "Administrateur utilisateur", "This Activity will only appear in the Feed tab if a schedule is configured.": "Cette activité n'apparaîtra dans l'onglet Flux que si un calendrier est configuré.","Practice Lead": "Leader en activit\u00e9", "Confirm Password": "Confirmer le mot de passe", "Changes done to this activity will reflect for all the participants under the group. Are you sure you want to proceed?": "Les changements apport\u00e9s \u00e0 cette activit\u00e9 se r\u00e9percuteront sur tous les participants \u00e0 l'\u00e9tude. \u00cates-vous s\u00fbr de vouloir continuer?", "User view": "Vue de l'utilisateur", "No Records Found": "Aucun enregistrement trouv\u00e9", "Maximum recording time is 4 minutes": "La dur\u00e9e maximale d'enregistrement est de 4 minutes", "Select All": "S\u00e9lectionner tout", "Deselect All": "D\u00e9s\u00e9lectionner tout", "Last Passive": "Dernier Passif", "Separate participant data into multiple lines for each activity": "S\u00e9parer les donn\u00e9es des participants en plusieurs lignes pour chaque activit\u00e9", "Download data for all activities for this Researcher": "T\u00e9l\u00e9charger les donn\u00e9es de toutes les activit\u00e9s pour ce chercheur", "Download Data for Researcher XXXX": "T\u00e9l\u00e9charger les donn\u00e9es pour le chercheur XXXX", "Download data for participant XXXX": "T\u00e9l\u00e9charger les donn\u00e9es pour le participant XXXX", "Download participant data": "T\u00e9l\u00e9charger les donn\u00e9es des participants", "Adjust Toggleable Shared Tags": "Ajuster les balises partagées modifiables", "Create a new user": "Cr\u00e9er un nouvel utilisateur", "Schedule": "Programme", "Confirmation": "Confirmation", "Confirm": "Confirmer", "Change Viewing Mode (Currently GUI)": "Modifier le mode de visualisation (actuellement GUI)", "Set Viewing Mode to GUI": "D\u00e9finir le mode d'affichage \u00e0 GUI", "GUI Mode": "Mode GUI", "Terminal Mode": "Mode terminal", "While in Terminal mode, you can directly write JSONata style queries to pull data directly from your database.": "En mode Terminal, vous pouvez écrire directement des requêtes de style JSONata pour extraire des données directement de votre base de données.", "For example, try: `LAMP.ActivityEvent.list(participant_id)`, replacing `participant_id` with a user\u2019s id to get a list of the last 10,000 activities completed through LAMP.": "Par exemple, essayez : `LAMP.ActivityEvent.list(participant_id)`, en rempla\u00e7ant `participant_id` par l'identifiant d'un utilisateur pour obtenir une liste des 10 000 derni\u00e8res activit\u00e9s r\u00e9alis\u00e9es avec LAMP.", "Want to learn more about JSONata queries or what special data you can pull from LAMP?": "Vous voulez en savoir plus sur les requêtes JSONata ou sur les données spéciales que vous pouvez tirer de LAMP ?","Click here!":"Cliquez ici !", "Set viewing mode to Terminal": "Définir le mode ve visualization au mode terminal", "Messaging": "Messagerie", "External": "Externe", "While in GUI mode, you can directly pull graphs you have already generated from the LAMP database, easily view information across an entire study or researcher, or quickly view tags that give info about things like survey scoring. If this is your first time using the LAMP data_portal, or if you need to get data quickly, this is the mode we recommend!": "En mode GUI, vous pouvez directement extraire les graphiques que vous avez déjà générés de la base de données LAMP, visualiser facilement les informations relatives à une étude ou à un chercheur entier, ou encore afficher rapidement les balises qui donnent des informations sur des éléments tels que la notation des enquêtes. Si c'est la première fois que vous utilisez le portail de données LAMP, ou si vous avez besoin d'obtenir des données rapidement, nous vous conseillons d'utiliser ce mode !", "The maximum allowed file size is 25 MB.": "La taille maximale autoris\u00e9e du fichier est de 25 Mo.", "File Name": "Nom du fichier", "The Activities having same name under the selected group will be duplicated into new name.": "Les activit\u00e9s ayant le m\u00eame nom sous l'\u00e9tude s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9e seront dupliqu\u00e9es avec le nouveau nom.", "Clear": "Clair", "Every 3 hours": "Toutes les 3 heures", "Every 6 hours": "Toutes les 6 heures", "Every 12 hours": "Toutes les 12 heures", "Week ago": "Il y a XXX semaine", "Weeks ago": "Il y a XXX semaines", "Day ago": "Il y a XXX jour", "Days ago": "Il y a XXX jours", "Minute ago": "Il y a XXX minute", "Minutes ago": "Il y a XXX minutes","Sensor spec":"Spécification du capteur", "Please select the sensor spec.": "Veuillez s\u00e9lectionner les specs du capteur", "Streak title": "Titre de la s\u00e9rie en cours", "Streak description": "Description de la s\u00e9rie en cours", "Streak popup on": "Fen\u00eatre contextuelle de la s\u00e9rie en cours le", "Upload": "Importation", "Temporary Login": "Connexion temporaire", "On an unknown model": "Sur un mod\u00e8le inconnu", "Group name updated": "Nom de l'\u00e9tude mis \u00e0 jour", "Update Group name. Saving an empty text box will reset this value.": "Mettre \u00e0 jour le nom de l'\u00e9tude. L'enregistrement d'une zone de texte vide r\u00e9initialisera cette valeur.", "Successfully deleted the selected participants.": "Suppression r\u00e9ussie des participants s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9s", "Successfully deleted the selected Activities.": "Suppression r\u00e9ussie des activit\u00e9s s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9s", "Please enter group name.": "Veuillez entrer nom de groupe.", "Group Name": "Nom de groupe", "Group name and user name will be same.": "Le nom du groupe et le nom de l'utilisateur seront identiques", "Choose the Group you want to save this participant.": "Choisissez le groupe dans lequel vous voulez sauvegarder ce participant", "Analyze participant": "Analyser le participant", "Please enter your response": "Veuillez entrer votre r\u00e9ponse", "Note: This is the latest version of LAMP": "Note : Il s'agit de la derni\u00e8re version de LAMP", "Note: This is NOT the latest version of LAMP": "Note : il ne s'agit PAS de la derni\u00e8re version de LAMP", "Please select the Group": "Veuillez s\u00e9lectionner le Groupe", "Please select the Group to import activities": "Veuillez s\u00e9lectionner le Groupe pour importer des activit\u00e9s", "Are you sure you want to delete this?": "\u00cates-vous s\u00fbr de vouloir supprimer cet \u00e9l\u00e9ment?", "Are you sure you want to delete this investigator(s)?.": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cet enquêteur?", "Are you sure you want to delete this Participant?": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cet participant?", "none": "Aucun", "Reset account password":"Réinitialiser le mot de passe du compte", "This vega graph failed to render.": "This vega graph failed to render.", "Rendering graph...": "Rendering graph...", "Sign In": "Sign In", "Loading...": "Loading...", "Username": "Username", "Don't enter a domain if you're not sure what this option does.": "Ne saisissez pas de domaine si vous n’êtes pas sûr de ce que fait cette option.", "These credentials are valid but don't currently have data portal access. Please check again later.": "These credentials are valid but don't currently have data portal access. Please check again later.", "Set the 'children' prop to display elements": "Set the 'children' prop to display elements", "No data found": "Pas de données", "Some dimensions unavailble at smaller screen sizes": "Some dimensions unavailble at smaller screen sizes", "Filter by a participant's name or LAMP id (case-sensitive)": "Filter by a participant's name or LAMP id (case-sensitive)", "If no data is found for a particular tag,": "If no data is found for a particular tag,", " a box will still display": " a box will still display", " no box will display": " no box will display", "Display Missing Data": "Display Missing Data", "While grouping by Tag Name, your data will be grouped by graph/chart - use this to examine study trends.": "While grouping by Tag Name, your data will be grouped by graph/chart - use this to examine study trends.", "While grouping by ID, your data will be grouped by participant - use this to examine individual participants.": "While grouping by ID, your data will be grouped by participant - use this to examine individual participants.", "Group By ID": "Group By ID", "Group By Tag Name": "Group By Tag Name", "Adjust Graph Display": "Adjuster l'affichage graphique", "Height": "grandeur", "Width": "Width", "Default": "Default", "How to arrange graphs. 'Height' will group graphs of similar height, while 'width' will do the same for graphs of similar width. 'Default' will use the order seen here.": "How to arrange graphs. 'Height' will group graphs of similar height, while 'width' will do the same for graphs of similar width. 'Default' will use the order seen here.", "Number of Graphs per row. Bigger numbers give more visually compact PDF files, while smaller numbers may improve readability.": "Number of Graphs per row. Bigger numbers give more visually compact PDF files, while smaller numbers may improve readability.", "Download a PDF of Graphs": "Download a PDF of Graphs", "Download": "Telecharger", "Download PDF": "Telecharger PDF", "January": "Janvier", "February": "Février", " March": "Mars", "April": "Avril", "May": "Mai", "June": "Juin", "July": "Julliet", "August": "Août", "September": "Septembre", "October": "Octobre", "November": "Novembre", "December": "Decembre", "No tags are available for this": "No tags are available for this", "There are no shared tags set for this": "Il n’y a pas d’étiquettes partagées pour le chercheur sélectionné", " To display data on tags shared between participants, set": "pour afficher l’information associée aux étiquettes partagées entre les participants, veuillez sélectionner", "to an array of strings, where each string is a tag you would like to see. Please contact your study administrator for more info.": "pour toutes les chaînes de charactères que vous voulez voir. SVP contactez l’administrateur de votre étude pour plus d’information.", "This is a list of all tags present on at least one participant in this": "Ceci est une liste de toutes les étiquettes présentes sur au moins un participant de ce chercheur.", "Use the checkboxes to toggle on or off any tags you want to see or hide, respectively, then press the 'Set Tags' button.": "Utilisez les cases à cocher pour activer ou désactiver les balises que vous souhaitez voir ou masquer, respectivement, puis appuyez sur le bouton « Définir les balises", "Select all tags": "Select all tags", "Set Tags": "Définir des balises", "Deselect all tags": "Deselect all tags", "participants have this tag": "participants have this tag", "Loading Tags": "Loading Tags", "Analyze Participant Data": "Analyser les données des participants", "Analyze": "Analyser", "Data": "Les données", "Please wait, data is loading...": "Veuillez patienter SVP, les informations sont en train d’être téléchargées", "Alternatively, drag and drop a researcher, study, or participant into this box.": "Alternativement, glissez le nom d’un chercheur, d’une étude ou d’un participant dans la box ci-dessous.", "Change Viewing Mode (Currently Terminal)": "Changer de mode d'affichage (actuellement: mode Terminal)", "Set Viewing Mode to GUI": "Set Viewing Mode to GUI", "Set Viewing Mode to Terminal": "Définir le mode ve visualization au mode terminal", "Terminal Mode": "Mode terminal", "For example, try:": "Par exemple, essayez :", "replacing": "en remplaçant", "with a user's id to get a list of the last 10,000 activities completed through LAMP.": "par l'identifiant d'un utilisateur pour obtenir une liste des 10 000 dernières activités réalisées avec LAMP.", "While in GUI mode, you can directly pull graphs you have already generated from the LAMP database, easily view information across an entire study or researcher, or quickly view tags that give info about things like survey scoring. If this is your first time using the LAMP data_portal, or if you need to get data quickly, this is the mode we recommend!!": "En mode GUI, vous pouvez directement extraire les graphiques que vous avez déjà générés de la base de données LAMP, visualiser facilement les informations relatives à une étude ou à un chercheur entier, ou encore afficher rapidement les balises qui donnent des informations sur des éléments tels que la notation des enquêtes. Si c'est la première fois que vous utilisez le portail de données LAMP, ou si vous avez besoin d'obtenir des données rapidement, nous vous conseillons d'utiliser ce mode !", "Run Query": "Run Query", "Please select the group": "Veuillez s\u00e9lectionner l\u2019\u00e9tude", "Images should be in the format jpeg/png/bmp/gif/svg and the size should not exceed 4 MB.": "Les images doivent \u00eatre au format jpeg/png/bmp/gif/svg et leur taille ne doit pas d\u00e9passer 4\u202fMo.", "Measure of action": "Mesure de l\u2019action", "Every number hours": "Toutes les {{number}} heures", "accelerometer": "Acc\u00e9l\u00e9rom\u00e8tre", "Please select the Group.": "Veuillez s\u00e9lectionner le Groupe", "Measure of Action": "Mesure de l\u2019action", "Medications": "M\u00e9dicament", "Add Sensor": "Ajouter un Capteur", "Update Sensor": "Mise \u00e0 jour le Capteur", "Patient View" : "Vue de l'utilisateur", "User": "Utilisateur", "User number": "Utilisateur {{number}}", "Server Address": "Adresse du serveur", "my.email@address.com": "mon.email@adresse.com", "Update Photo & Role": "Mettre \u00e0 jour la photo et le r\u00f4le", "Save Credential": "Sauvegarder les informations d'identification", "Copy one-time access link that can be used to log in without entering credentials.": "Copier un lien d'acc\u00e8s \u00e0 usage unique qui peut \u00eatre utilis\u00e9 pour se connecter sans saisir d'informations d'identification", "Welcome to the Manage section": "Bienvenue dans la section Gestion", "There are no Manage activities available.": "Il n\u2019y a pas d\u2019activit\u00e9s d\u2019administration disponibles", "Manage": "Gestion", "Choose the data you want to see in your dashboard.": "Choisissez les donn\u00e9es que vous souhaitez voir appara\u00eetre dans votre tableau de bord", "Review today's activities": "R\u00e9visez les activit\u00e9s d'aujourd'hui", "Start Survey": "Commencer le questionnaire", "Question number of total": "Question nombre de total", "Submit": "Soumettre", "Begin": "Commencer", "Go Back": "Revenir en arri\u00e8re", "Welcome to the Feed section": "Bienvenue dans la section feed-back", "Review today's activities.": "Révisez les activités d'aujourd'hui.", "Start survey": "Commencer le questionnaire", "NAME": "Nom", "TYPE": "Type", "Your response": "Votre r\u00e9ponse", "Successfully updated user profile.": "\u202fMise \u00e0 jour r\u00e9ussie Profil utilisateur.", "Survey Instrument": "Instrument du sondage", "Activity Group": "Groupe d\u2019activit\u00e9s", "Streak popup off": "Fen\u00eatre contextuelle de la s\u00e9rie en cours le", "Drag a photo or tap to select a photo.": "Faites glisser une photo ou appuyez pour s\u00e9lectionner une photo.", "Choose File": "Choisir le fichier", "Copy": "Copier", "ID to clipboard": "ID dans le presse-papiers", "Successfully created Participant id. Tap the expand icon on the right to see credentials and details.": "ID de participant créé avec succès. Appuyez sur l'icône de développement à droite pour voir les informations d'identification et les détails.", "Goals": "Buts", "Save Role & Photo" : "Enregistrer le r\u00f4le et la photo", "Does not match the password you entered above.": "Ne correspond pas au mot de passe que vous avez entré ci-dessus.", "Failed to fetch the study details.": "Échec de la récupération des détails de l'étude.","question": "question", "QUESTION_NUMBER_OF_TOTAL": "Question {{number}} of {{total}}", "Question": "Question", "of":"de", "Next" : "Suivant", "Submit": "Envoyer", "Mood": "Humeur", "Back": "Retour", "Sleep and Social": "Sleep and Social", "Anxiety": "Anxi\u00e9t\u00e9", "Psychosis and Social": "Psychosis and Social", "App Usability": "App Usability", "Yes": "Oui", "No": "Non", "Water and Nutrition": "Eau et nutrition", "Please enter your response" : "Veuillez entrer votre r\u00e9ponse" , "Your response": "Votre r\u00e9ponse", "Nearly All the Time": "Presque tout le temps", "More than Half the Time": "Plus de la moiti\u00e9 du temps", "Several Times": "Plusieurs fois", "Not at all": "Pas du tout","(Select an answer)": "(S\u00e9lectionnez une r\u00e9ponse)", "(0 being terrible, 10 being excellent)": "(0 \u00e9tant tr\u00e8s mauvais, 10 \u00e9tant excellent)"}
diff --git a/public/locales/hi/translation.json b/public/locales/hi/translation.json
index d5ab538b..95e89fff 100644
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+++ b/public/locales/hi/translation.json
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
"Participant": "प्रतिभागी",
"Patient": "मरीज़",
"User": "उपयोगकर्ताओं",
+ "Self evaluation":"Self evaluation",
"User number": "उपयोगकर्ताओं {{number}}",
"You're logged into a demo account. Any changes you make will be reset when you restart the app.": "आपने एक डेमो अकाउंट में लॉग इन किया हैं l आप जो भी बदलाव करेगें वह ऐप रिस्टार्ट करने पर रिसेट हो जाएंगे l",
"Dismiss" : "ख़ारिज",
diff --git a/public/locales/it/translation.json b/public/locales/it/translation.json
index 8d5db132..46abe018 100644
--- a/public/locales/it/translation.json
+++ b/public/locales/it/translation.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"Welcome to the Portal section": "Benvenuti nella sezione Portale", "Track progress and make connections.": "Tieni traccia dei progressi e crea connessioni.", "Log feelings, behavior, and activity.": "Registra sentimenti, comportamenti e attivit\u00e0.", "Find useful information and practice healthy habits.": "Trova informazioni utili e pratica abitudini sane.", "Review today's activities.": "Rivedi le attivit\u00e0 di oggi.", "There are no Assess activities available.": "Non ci sono attivit\u00e0 di valutazione disponibili.","There are no Manage activities available.": "Non ci sono attivit\u00e0 di gestione disponibili.","There are no Learn activities available.": "Non ci sono attivit\u00e0 di apprendimento disponibili.","There are no scheduled activities available.": "Non ci sono attivit\u00e0 di programmate disponibili.", "Portal": "Portale", "Cortex": "Corteccia", "No Records Found": "Nessun record trovato", "Rows per page": "Righe per pagina:", "Update": "Aggiorna", "Nickname(optional)": "Nickname(opzionale)", "Advanced Mode": "Modalit\u00e0 avanzata", "Simple Mode": "Modalit\u00e0 semplice", "Users": "Utenti", "Add a user": "Aggiungi un utente", "Add a new group": "Aggiungi un nuovo gruppo", "Add a new user and group": "Aggiungi un nuovo utente e un nuovo gruppo", "Create a new user under their own group.": "Crea un nuovo utente all'interno del suo gruppo.", "Create a new user under this group": "Crea un nuovo utente sotto questo gruppo", "Create a user under their own group.":"Crea un utente all'interno del suo gruppo", "Duplicate from": "Duplica da", "Last Passive": "Ultima rilevazione passiva", "User View": "Visualizzazione utente", "Spatial scan": "Scansione spaziale", "screen_state": "stato_dello_schermo", "accelerometer.motion": "accelerometro.movimento", "analytics": "analitica", "blood_pressure": "pressione_arteriosa", "bluetooth": "bluetooth", "calls": "chiamate", "distance": "distanza", "flights": "voli", "gps.contextual": "gps.contestuale", "heart_rate": "frequenza_cardiaca", "height": "altezza", "magnetometer": "magnetometer", "respiratory_rate": "frequenza_respiratoria", "segment": "segmento", "sms": "sms", "steps": "contapassi", "weight": "peso", "wifi": "wifi", "Currently Viewing Mode (Currently GUI)": "Modalit\u00e0 di visualizzazione attuale (Attualmente: GUI)", "To start building a query: 1. Navigate to the level of your target on the left. 2. Click on \u2192": "Per iniziare a costruire una query: 1. Seleziona la categoria del tuo target a sinistra. 2. Fai clic su \u2192", "Alternatively, drag and drop a researcher, group, or participant into this box": "Alternativamente, trascina e rilascia il ricercatore, lo studio o il partecipante, all’interno di questa casella", "Copy Researcher ID to clipboard": "Copia l'ID ricercatore negli Appunti", "Download Researcher Data": "Scarica i dati dei ricercatori", "Analyze researcher": "Analizza ricercatore","Select All": "Seleziona tutto", "Deselect All": "Deseleziona tutto", "Select all tags":"Seleziona tutto tag","Deselect all tags":"Deseleziona tutto tag","Select all shared tags": "Seleziona tutto tag condivisi", "Deselect all shared tags": "Deseleziona tutto tag condivisi", "Please wait, your data is loading": "Si prega di attendere, i dati si stanno caricando", "There are no shared tags set for this researcher. To display data on tags shared between participants, set \u201clamp.dashboard.researcher_tags\u201d to an array of strings, where each string is a tag you would like to see. Please contact your group administrator for more info.": "Non ci sono tag condivisi impostati per questo ricercatore. Per visualizzare i dati sui tag condivisi tra i partecipanti, imposta 'lamp.dashboard.researcher_tags' su una matrice di stringhe, dove ogni stringa \u00e8 un tag che desideri vedere. Si prega di contattare l'amministratore dello studio per ulteriori informazioni.", "graphs.data_quality.": "qualit\u00e0_dati.grafici", "Activity counts": "Conteggio attivit\u00e0", "Passive Features": "Funzionalit\u00e0 passive", "Quality Tags": "Tag di qualitativi ", "Activities in the last 7 day (updated: date)": "Attivit\u00e0 negli ultimi 7 giorni (aggiornato: data)", "Data quality (updated: date)": "Qualit\u00e0 dei dati (aggiornato: data)", "missing": "mancante", "bad": "cattivo", "okay": "ok", "good": "buono", "bad_missing": "bad_missing", "okay_missing": "okay_missing", "good_missing": "good_missing", "lamp.dashboard": "lampada.pannello_di_controllo", "Expand": "Espandi", "Collapse": "Collasso", "ActivitySpec": "Specificazione_attivit\u00e0", "Sensor spec": "Specificazione_sensore", "Sort by date of creation": "Ordina per data di creazione", "Filter": "Filtro", "Filter studies": "Filtra studi", "Studies":"Studi", "Search group list": "Cerca nell'elenco degli studi", "Copy Group ID to Clipboard": "Copia l'ID studio negli Appunti", "Download Group Data": "Scarica i dati dello studio", "Analyze Group": "Analizza studio", "There are no shared tags set for this Group. To display data on tags shared between participants, set \u201clamp.dashboard.group_tags\u201d to an array of strings, where each string is a tag you would like to see. Please contact your group administrator for more info.": "Non ci sono tag condivisi impostati per questo studio. Per visualizzare i dati sui tag condivisi tra i partecipanti, imposta 'lampada.pannello_di_controllo_studio_tags' su una matrice di stringhe, dove ogni stringa \u00e8 un tag che desideri vedere. Si prega di contattare l'amministratore dello studio per ulteriori informazioni.", "Don't enter a domain if you're not sure what this option does.": "Non immettere un dominio se non si \u00e8 sicuri di cosa faccia questa opzione.", "Login": "Accedi", "Try it": "Provalo", "Try mindLAMP out as a...": "Prova mindLAMP come ...","Balloon Count":"Conta dei palloncini", "The number of balloons to display.":"Il numero dei palloncini da mostrare.","Breakpoint Mean":"Punto di rottura media","The mean of the breakpoint for balloon risk.":"La media del rischio’ di rottura del palloncino","Breakpoint Standard Deviation": "Deviazione Standard del punto di rottura","The standard deviation of the breakpoint for balloon risk.":"Deviazione standard del rischio di rottura del palloncino","Researcher": "Ricercatore", "Clinician": "Medico", "Participant": "Partecipante", "Patient": "Paziente", "You're logged into a demo account. Any changes you make will be reset when you restart the app.": "\u00c8 stato effettuato l'accesso a un account demo. Tutte le modifiche apportate verranno resettate al riavvio dell'app.", "Dismiss": "Ignora", "Assess": "Valutazione", "Welcome to the Assess section": "Benvenuti nella sezione Valutazione", "Take steps to refocus, reflect, and recover.": "Adottare misure per concentrarti, riflettere e riprenderti.", "Survey": "Sondaggio", "questions": "domande", "mins": "minuti", "The following survey will assess your sleep and social behavior.": "Il seguente sondaggio valuter\u00e0 il vostro sonno e il vostro comportamento sociale.", "For each of the statements, rate which is true for you.": "Per ciascuna delle affermazioni, indicare quali sono vere nel vostro caso.", "Start survey": "Inizia il sondaggio", "Streak popup on":"Attiva Notifica popup","Streak description": "Descrizione della notifica","Response Options":"Opzioni di Risposta","Option Text":"Opzioni di Testo","Set warnings that will be shown in a dialog to participants when the corresponding answers are submitted.":"Attenzione. Inserisci dei warnings che saranno mostrati in una finestra di dialogo ai partecipanti quando vengono inviate le corrispondenti risposte.","Show activity in the participant feed?":"Mostra l’attività nel feed del partecipante?", "Next": "Successiva", "Submit": "Invia", "Nice work!": "Ben fatto!", "You\u2019re on a streak, keep it going": "Anche oggi ti sei dato da fare, continua così", "days": "giorni", "day": "giorno", "Sleep and Social": "Sonno e Comportamento Sociale", "Anxiety": "Ansia", "Psychosis and Social": "Psicosi e Comportamento Sociale", "App Usability": "Fruibilit\u00e0 dell'App", "Water and Nutrition": "Acqua e Alimentazione", "Feed": "Feed", "Welcome to the Feed section": "Benvenuti nella sezione Feed", "Here you can see recent activities": "Qui \u00e8 possibile vedere le attivit\u00e0 recenti", "Learn": "Apprendi", "Welcome to the Learn section": "Benvenuti nella sezione Apprendi", "Mood Tips": "Consigli sull'Umore", "Quick Tips to Improve Your": "Suggerimenti Rapidi per Migliorare la Propria", "Read": "Leggi", "Hope": "Speranza", "Tip": "Psicoeducazione", "Was this helpful today?": "\u00c8 stato utile oggi?", "Yes": "S\u00ec", "No": "No", "Mark complete": "Segna come completato", "Social": "Comportamento Sociale", "Mental Health Resources": "Risorse per la Salute Mentale", "Physical Wellness": "Benessere Fisico", "Suggested Reading": "Lettura Consigliata", "Motivation": "Motivazione", "Stress Tips": "Suggerimenti per lo Stress", "Manage": "Gestisci", "Welcome to the Manage section": "Benvenuti nella sezione Gestisci", "Breathe": "Respirazione", "Begin": "Inizia", "Breathing exercise (__ mins)": "Esercizio di respirazione (__ minuti)", "Follow the motion of the lotus flower opening and closing to control your breaths in and out.": "Seguire il movimento dell'apertura e della chiusura del fiore di loto per guidare l\u2019ispirazione e l\u2019espirazione.", "Get ready": "Prepararsi", "Get yourself comfortable and when you\u2019re ready tap the start button.": "Mettiti comodo e quando sei pronto premi il pulsante “inizia”", "Start": "Inizia", "Inhale": "Inspira", "Exhale": "Espira", "Nicely done!": "Ottimo lavoro!", "Done": "Fatto", "Journal": "Diario", "Test description for the manage section.": "Descrizione del test per la sezione gestisci.", "New journal entry": "Nuova voce da inserire nel diario", "How do you feel today?": "Come ti senti oggi?", "Good": "Bene", "Bad": "Male", "New Goal": "Nuovo Obiettivo", "Goals": "Obiettivi", "Create goal": "Crea obiettivo", "What type of goal?": "Che tipo di obiettivo?", "Choose a category": "Seleziona categoria", "Exercise": "Esercizio", "Weight": "Peso", "nutrition": "Alimentazione", "sleep": "Sonno", "Medication": "Farmaci", "Reading": "Letture", "Finances": "Finanze", "Meditation": "Meditazione", "Mood": "Umore", "Custom": "Abitudini", "Goal Name": "Nome Obiettivo", "Goal details": "Dettagli obiettivo", "Daily": "Giornalmente", "hourly": "ogni ora", "weekly": "settimanalmente", "monthly": "mensilmente", "Ounces": "Once", "mg": "mg", "g": "g", "Kg": "Kg", "hours": "ore", "minutes": "minuti", "$": "$", "Start date": "Data di inizio", "Duration": "Durata", "Reminders": "Promemoria", "Save": "Salva", "Cancel": "Annulla", "Leaving so soon?": "Gi\u00e0 finito?", "If you leave without submitting, your entry will be lost.": "Se si esce senza premere invio, i dati inseriti andranno persi.", "No, don\u2019t leave yet": "No, aspettare ad uscire.", "Yes, leave": "Ora \u00e8 possibile uscire dall\u2019app", "Hope box": "Casella Speranza", "Games": "Giochi", "Test description for the manage section": "Descrizione del test per la sezione gestisci", "Save images and quotes that bring joy and hope to your life.": "Salvare immagini e citazioni che mettono allegria e danno speranza.", "Hope Box content will show up in your feed from time to time to inspire and uplift you.": "I contenuti della Casella Speranza appariranno nel feed di tanto intanto per trasmettere positivit\u00e0 e ispirazione.", "Add an image": "Aggiungi immagine", "Add a quote": "Aggiungi citazione", "View my Hope Box": "Visualizza la mia Casella Speranza", "Scratch card": "Gratta e vinci", "Meditation exercises": "Esercizi di meditazione", "Swipe your finger around the screen to reveal the image hidden underneath": "Scorrere rapidamente il dito sullo schermo per scoprire l'immagine nascosta ", "Swipe around the screen to reveal the hidden image": "Scorrere rapidamente sullo schermo per scoprire l'immagine nascosta", "Well done": "Ben fatto", "Close": "Chiudi", "Do another one": "Ripeti l’esercizio", "Medication tracker": "Monitoraggio farmaci", "Add medication": "Aggiungi farmaco", "Medication name": "Nome farmaco", "Add dosage": "Aggiungi dosaggio", "Name": "Nome", "Dose": "Dosaggio", "Balloon Risk": "Palloncino (BART test)", "Balloon Risk Game": "Gioco del Palloncino (BART test) ", "Current Points": "Punteggio attuale", "Total Points": "Punteggio totale", "PUMP UP BALLOON": "GONFIA IL PALLONCINO", "COLLECT POINTS": "COLLEZIONA PUNTI", "Balloon Bursted": "Palloncino Scoppiato", "Box Game": "Gioco dei riquadri", "Please wait and watch": "Aspetta e osserva", "Level": "Livello", "Please remember the sequence": "Fare attenzione alla sequenza", "Go": "Via", "Time out": "Tempo scaduto", "Remember the highlighted boxes in the order you see them. Now tap on the boxes in the order they were highlighted.": "Fare attenzione ai riquadri evidenziati nell'ordine in cui appaiono. Ora selezionare i riquadri nell'ordine in cui sono apparsi evidenziati sullo schermo.", "Congrats": "Congratulazioni", "Cats n Dogs": "Gatti e Cani", "Tap the boxes that have a dog behind them.": "Toccare i riquadri dietro cui si trova un cane.", "Ok": "Ok", "Continue to tap the boxes that have a dog behind them.": "Continuare a toccare i riquadri dietro cui si trova un cane.", "Don't tap the boxes with a cat behind them": "Non toccare i riquadri dietro cui si trova un gatto ", "Now tap the boxes that have a cat behin them. Don't tap the boxes with a dog behind them": "Ora toccare i riquadri dietro cui si trova un gatto. Non toccare i riquadri dietro cui si trova un cane ", "Game Over": "Fine partita", "Dot Touch": "Non toccare", "Tap\u20191\u2019 to start the test": "Toccare '1' per iniziare il test", "Pick the matching alphabet": "Sceglere l'alfabeto corrispondente", "Timeout": "Tempo scaduto", "Restart": "Ricomincia", "Jewels": "Gioielli", "Pop the bubbles": "Scoppiare le bolle", "Tap to continue": "Cliccare per continuare", "TAP TO POP ALL PINK, BLUE AND YELLOW BUBBLES ONLY": "TOCCARE PER FAR SCOPPIARE SOLO LE BOLLE ROSA, BLU E GIALLE", "POPPING CORRECT BALOONS WILL EARN YOU POINTS": "FACENDO SCOPPIARE I PALLONCINI CORRETTI SI GUADAGNERANNO PUNTI", "Level __ Completed": "Livello __ Completato", "You got _ %": "Hai ottenuto _ %", "Prevent": "Previeni", "Activity": "Attivit\u00e0", "Activity data": "Dati attivit\u00e0", "Choose the data you want to see in your dashboard.": "Scegli dati da visualizzare nel dashboard.", "entries this month": "accessi questo mese", "Sensors": "Sensori", "Sensor Data": "Dati Sensore", "Summary": "Riepilogo", "Notifications": "Notifiche", "Conversations": "Conversazioni", "Profile & Settings": "Profilo & Impostazioni", "Manage Credentials": "Gestisci Credenziali", "Enter the family member or clinician's name here.": "Inserire qui il nome del familiare o del medico.", "Role": "Ruolo", "Enter the family member or clinician's role here. For this credential to appear as a care team member, either a photo or role MUST be saved.": "Inserire qui il ruolo del familiare o del medico. Affinch\u00e9 queste credenziali appaiano come membro del team di supporto, \u00e8 necessario salvare una foto o un ruolo.", "Email Address": "Indirizzo Email", "Enter the email address here.": "Inserire indirizzo email qui.", "Password": "Password", "Enter the new password here, and press the done button to the right of the box. Tap away if you don't want to change the password.": "Immettere qui la nuova password e premere il pulsante a destra della casella a operazione terminata. Saltare questo passaggio se non si vuole cambiare la password.", "Logout": "Esci", "Are you sure you want to log out of LAMP right now?": "Sicuro di volersi disconnettere ora da LAMP?", "If you've made some changes, make sure they're saved before you continue to log out.": "Se sono state fatte modifiche, assicurarsi di salvare prima di continuare a disconnettersi.", "Go Back": "Torna Indietro", "Help & Support": "Aiuto & Assistenza", "LAMP Community": "Comunit\u00e0 LAMP", "Contact Us": "Contattateci", "Researcher Login": "Accedi per Ricercatori", "Show Unscheduled Activities": "Mostra attivit\u00e0 non pianificate", "Patients": "Pazienti", "Demo": "Demo", "Search": "Cerca", "Create": "Crea", "Number of participants to add:": "Numero di partecipanti da aggiungere:", "Last Active": "Ultima connessione", "Indicators": "Indicatori", "_ years ago on Android": "_ anni fa su Android", "_ row(s) selected": "_ riga/ righe selezionate", "Data Quality": "Qualit\u00e0 Dati", "Data is optimal": "I dati sono ottimali", "Reset Password": "Reimposta Password", "Reset account password": "Reimposta password account", "View Patient Data": "Visualizza Dati Paziente", "__ rows [in pagination]": "__ righe [in impaginazione]", "First Page": "Prima Pagina", "Previous Page": "Pagina Precedente", "Next Page": "Pagina Successiva", "Last Page [in pagination]": "Ultima Pagina [in impaginazione]", "Activities": "Attivit\u00e0", "Type": "Digita", "Import": "Importa", "Drag files here, or click to select files.": "Trascinare qui i file oppure cliccare per selezionare i file.", "Create a new...": "Crea nuovo...", "Activity Group": " Attività", "Survey Instrument": "Questionario", "Smartphone Cognitive Tests": "Test cognitivi per smartphone", "Successfully created a new cognitive test Activity.": "Creazione nuova Attivit\u00e0 per test cognitivo avvenuta con successo.", "Activity Schedule": "Programma Attivit\u00e0","Customize which Tab this Activity appears in":"Personalizza in quale Sezione compare questa attività", "Time": "Tempo", "Repeat Interval": "Ripeti Intervallo", "Custom Times": "Tempi Personalizzati", "Actions": "Azioni", "No schedule.": "Nessun programma.", "Modify an existing survey instrument.": "Modifica questionario esistente.", "Titolo Sondaggio": "", "Survey Title": "Titolo Sondaggio", "Survey Description": "Descrizione Sondaggio", "Configure questions, parameters, and options.": "Configura domande, parametri e opzioni.", "Question Title": "Titolo Domanda", "Question Description": "Descrizione Domanda", "Question Type": "Tipo di Domanda", "Add Question": "Aggiungi domanda", "Duplicate": "Duplica", "Save this survey instrument": "Salva questo questionario", "Hours": "Ore", "Only survey description content was modified to prevent irrecoverable data loss. (error message)": "Solo il contenuto della descrizione del sondaggio \u00e8 stato modificato per evitare la perdita definitiva dei dati. (messaggio di errore)", "Cats and Dogs": "Cani e Gatti", "Research studies using mindLAMP": "Studi di ricerca con mindLAMP", "Incorrect username, password, or server address.": "Nome utente, password o indirizzo del server non validi.", "Are you sure you're logging into the right mindLAMP server?": "Sicuro di accedere al server mindLAMP giusto?", "Select Language": "Seleziona lingua", "Add mindLAMP to your home screen?": "Aggiungi mindLAMP alla schermata iniziale?", "Proceed with caution: you are logged in as the administrator.": "Procedere con cautela: connessi come amministratore.", "Invalid id or password.": "Id o password non validi.", "mindLAMP will be installed on your device.": "mindLAMP verr\u00e0 installato sul dispositivo.", "mindLAMP will not be installed on your device.": "mindLAMP non verr\u00e0 installato sul dispositivo.", "Messages": "Messaggi", "Administrator": "Amministratore", "Community": "Comunit\u00e0", "Switch Views": "Cambia Visualizzazioni", "Activity Type": "Tipo di Attivit\u00e0", "Show App Screenshot": "Mostra Screenshot dell'App", "Delete Entry": "Elimina inserimento", "Copy Entry": "Copia Inserimento", "Edit Entry": "Modifica Inserimento", "No detail view available.": "Nessuna visualizzazione dettagliata disponibile.", "Score": "Punteggio", "Alone": "Da solo", "Friends": "Amici", "Family": "Famiglia", "Peers": "Coetanei", "Crowd": "Folla", "Home": "Casa", "School": "Scuola", "Work": "Lavoro", "Hospital": "Ospedale", "Outside": "All\u2019esterno", "Shopping": "Shopping", "Transit": "Transito", "Sensor": "Sensore", "Automations": "Automazioni", "An experimental visualization generated by an automation you or your clinician have installed.": "Visualizzazione sperimentale generata da un'automazione che voi o il vostro medico avete installato.", "No Data": "Nessun Dato", "No Activities are selected. Please select an Activity above to begin.": "Nessuna Attivit\u00e0 selezionata. Selezionare Attivit\u00e0 tra quelle sopra indicate per iniziare.", "Environmental Context": "Contesto Ambientale", "Step Count": "Conta Passi", "Steps Taken": "Passi Effettuati", "visualization": "visualizzazione", "Couldn't import the Activities.": "Impossibile importare attivit\u00e0.", "Choose the Group you want to import activities.": "Scegliere Studio da cui importare attivit\u00e0.", "Select a Group to import activities.": "Selezionare Studio per importare attivit\u00e0.", "Couldn't import the Activities because some Activities are misconfigured or missing.": "Impossibile importare Attivit\u00e0 perch\u00e9 alcune Attivit\u00e0 non sono configurate correttamente o sono mancanti.", "Couldn't import one of the selected survey Activities.": "Impossibile importare una delle Attivit\u00e0 selezionate del sondaggio.", "Couldn't import one of the selected Activities.": "Impossibile importare una delle Attivit\u00e0 selezionate.", "Couldn't import one of the selected Activity groups.": "Impossibile importare uno dei gruppi Attivit\u00e0 selezionati.", "The selected Activities were successfully imported.": "Le Attivit\u00e0 selezionate sono state importate correttamente.", "The selected Activities were successfully exported.": "Le Attivit\u00e0 selezionate sono state esportate correttamente.", "Encountered an error: ": "Errore Rilevato: ", "Successfully created a new tip Activity.": "Creazione nuova Attivit\u00e0 Psicoeducazione completata con successo.", "Successfully updated the Activity.": "Aggiornamento Attivit\u00e0 completato.", "Successfully created a new survey Activity.": "Creazione nuovo Attivit\u00e0 di sondaggio completata con successo.", "Failed to create a new group Activity.": "Impossibile creare nuova Attivit\u00e0 di gruppo.", "Successfully created a new group Activity.": "Creazione nuova Attivit\u00e0 di gruppo completata con successo.", "Successfully created a new Activity.": "Creazione di nuova Attivit\u00e0 completata con successo.", "Successfully deleted the selected Activities.": "Eliminazione Attivit\u00e0 selezionate effettuata con successo.","Successfully deleted the selected participants.": "I partecipanti selezionati sono stati eliminati con successo.", "Successfully duplicated the Activity under a new name.": "Attivit\u00e0 duplicata correttamente sotto nuovo nome.", "Group": "Gruppo", "Tips": "Suggerimenti", "DBT Diary Card": "DBT Diary Card", "Cognitive Test": "Test Cognitivo", "Export": "Esporta", "Delete": "Cancella", "Are you sure you want to delete this Activity?.": "Sicuro di voler eliminare questa Attivit\u00e0?", "Filter results": "Filtra risultati", "Add": "Aggiungi", "Import activities": "Importa attivit\u00e0", "Create a new activity": "Crea nuova attivit\u00e0", "Modify an existing activity": "Modifica attivit\u00e0 esistente", "No custom times": "", "Delete this time from the list.": "Elimina questo tempo dall'elenco.", "Add a new custom time.": "Aggiungi nuovo tempo personalizzato.", "Add this time to the list.": "Aggiungi questo tempo all'elenco.", "Select the start date.": "Seleziona data di inizio.", "Select the start time.": "Seleziona ora di inizio.", "Every hour": "Ogni ora","Daily log of events and related feelings. Track target behaviors and use of skills.":"Aggiornamento quotidiano degli eventi e i sentimenti associati. Traccia i comportamenti bersaglio e l’utilizzo delle abilità.", "Every number hours": "Ogni {{number}} ore", "Every day": "Ogni giorno", "Two times every week (Tue, Thurs)": "Due volte a settimana (marted\u00ec, gioved\u00ec)", "Three times every week (Mon, Wed, Fri)": "Tre volte a settimana (luned\u00ec, mercoled\u00ec, venerd\u00ec)", "Every week": "Ogni settimana", "Two times every month": "Due volte al mese", "Every month": "Ogni mese", "Use custom times instead": "Usare orari personalizzati", "Do not repeat": "Non ripetere", "Are you sure you want to delete this schedule item?": "Sicuro di voler eliminare questo elemeto pianificato?", "Install": "Installa", "Welcome to the Prevent section": "Benvenuti nella sezione Previeni", "Prepare yourself": "Preparati", "Image size should not exceed 5 MB.": "Le dimensioni dell'immagine non devono superare i 5 MB.", "Not supported image type.": "Tipo di immagine non supportato.", "Activity with same name already exist.": "Attivit\u00e0 con lo stesso nome gi\u00e0 esistente.", "Not supported audio type.": "Tipo di audio non supportato.", "The audio size should not exceed 2 MB.": "La dimensione dell\u2019audio non deve superare i 2 MB.", "Drag a photo or tap to select a photo.": "Trascinare foto o cliccare per selezionare foto.", "Drag a photo to replace the existing photo or tap to delete the photo.": "Trascinare foto per sostituire foto esistente o cliccare per eliminare foto.", "Select": "Seleziona", "Please select the Group.": "Seleziona lo Studio", "Activity Title": "Titolo Attivit\u00e0", "Activity Description": "Descrizione Attivit\u00e0", "Upload audio": "Carica audio", "Your browser does not support the": "Il browser non supporta il/l\u2019", "audio": "audio", "max": "Massimo", "characters": "caratteri","element.": "elemento.", "Duplicate this survey instrument and save it with a new title.": "Duplicare questo questionario e salvarlo con un nuovo titolo.", "Save this activity.": "Salva questa attivit\u00e0.", "Save Role & Photo": "Salva Ruolo & Foto", "Copy one-time access link that can be used to log in without entering credentials.": "Copia link di primo accesso che pu\u00f2 essere utilizzato per accedere senza immettere credenziali.", "Save Credential": "Salva Credenziale", "Scan this QR code on a mobile device to automatically open a user dashboard.": "Scansionare questo codice QR mediante dispositivo mobile per aprire automaticamente il dashboard del paziente.", "Could not change password.": "Impossibile modificare la password.", "Could not create credential.": "Impossibile creare credenziale.", "Could not perform operation for an unknown reason.": "Impossibile eseguire l'operazione per motivo sconosciuto.", "Credential management failed. The email address could be in use already.": "Gestione delle credenziali non riuscita. L'indirizzo e-mail potrebbe essere gi\u00e0 in uso.", "Could not delete.": "Impossibile eliminare.", "Credential management failed.": "Gestione delle credenziali non riuscita.", "Add a new member of your care team.": "Aggiungere nuovo membro del team di supporto.", "Update Photo & Role": "Aggiorna Foto & Ruolo", "Target behaviors": "Comportamenti designati", "effective": "efficace", "Timesques": "Tempi", " Add Item": "Aggiungi elemento", "ineffective": "inefficace", "Emotions": "Emozioni", "Add a target behavior": "Aggiungi comportamento designato", "Behavior name": "Nome comportamento", "Measure of action:": "Misura dell'azione:", "Add a emotion": "Aggiungi emozione", "Emotion name": "Nome emozione", "Removed participantId's alias.": " Alias Id participante rimosso.", "Set participantId's alias to participantName": "Imposta alias Id partecipante su NomePartecipante", "Failed to change participantId's alias": "Impossibile modificare alias Id participante: MessaggioErrore", "Create or edit the alias for this Participant ID. Saving an empty text box will reset this value.": "Creare o modificare l'alias per questo ID partecipante. Il salvataggio di una casella di testo vuota resetter\u00e0 questo valore.", "Failed to load participantId's alias: errorMessage": "Impossibile caricare alias ID participante: MessaggioErrore", "This activity is not yet available in mindLAMP 2": "Questa attivit\u00e0 non \u00e8 ancora disponibile su mindLAMP 2", "This is a demo only. Entries will not be saved.": "Questa \u00e8 solo una demo. I dati inseriti non sarranno salvati.", "My Medications": "I miei Farmaci", "Set reminder?": "Imposta promemoria?", "Edit": "Modifica", "text": "testo", "Some responses are missing. Please complete all questions before submitting.": "Mancano alcune risposte. Si prega di completare tutte le domande prima di inviare.", "Goal: ": "Obiettivo: ", "The goal has been saved successfully.": "L'obiettivo \u00e8 stato salvato con successo.", "Please select duration.": "Seleziona durata.", "Please enter goal value.": "Imposta valore obiettivo.", "Please enter goal name.": "Imposta nome obiettivo.", "Medication: ": "Farmaci: ", "The medication has been saved successfully.": "Il farmaco \u00e8 stato salvato con successo.", "Please select medication name.": "Seleziona nome farmaco.", "Please enter dose.": "Imposta dose.", "Please enter name.": "Imposta nome.", "This activity is not yet available in mindLAMP 2.": "Questa attivit\u00e0 non \u00e8 ancora disponibile su mindLAMP 2.", "Unique name required.": "Nome unico richiesto", "Could not create credential for id.": "Impossibile creare credenziale per l'id.", "Successfully created Participant id. Tap the expand icon on the right to see credentials and details.": "Id partecipante creato correttamente. Cliccare l'icona \u2018espandi\u2019 a destra per visualizzare credenziali e dettagli.", "Temporary email address": "Indirizzo di posta elettronica temporaneo", "Temporary password": "Password temporanea", "One-time login link": "Link di primo accesso", "an unknown device": "dispositivo non riconosciuto", "unknown device model": "modello dispositivo non riconosciuto ", "App Version:": "Versione App:", "OS Version:": "Versione SO (sistema operativo):", "DeviceName:": "Nome Dispositivo:", "Model:": "Modello:", "Successfully created new group - studyName.": "Nuovo studio NomeStudio creato correttamente.", "Are you sure you want to delete this Participant?": "Sicuro di volere eliminare questo Partecipante?", "Rename": "Rinomina", "Edit password": "Modifica password", "CSV": "CSV", "JSON": "JSON", "New user": "Nuovo paziente", "Create a new entry in this group.": "Inserire nuovo elemento in questo gruppo.", "Add a new group": "Aggiungi nuovo studio", "Create a new group.": "Crea nuovo studio.", "Are you sure you want to delete these participants?": "Sicuro di voler eliminare questi partecipanti?", "Choose the Group you want to save this participant.": "Seleziona Studio in cui salvare partecipante.", "Select a Group to create a participant.": "Seleziona Studio per creare partecipante.", "entries": "inserimenti", "Social Context": "Contesto sociale", "Edit goal": "Modifica obiettivo", "Current streak:": "Numero inserimenti ad oggi:", "Goal History": "Cronologia Obiettivi", "Dipartimento Salute Mentale (DMH)": "Dipartimento Salute Mentale (DMH)", "Department of Mental Health (DMH)": "Department of Mental Health (DMH)", "National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)": "Associazione Nazionale sulla Malattia Mentale (NAMI)", "NAMI Massachussetts": "NAMI Massachussetts", "Researchers": "Ricercatori", "Successfully created a new Researcher.": " Nuovo ricercatore creato con successo.", "Failed to create a new Researcher.": "Impossibile creare nuovo ricercatore.", "Successfully updated the Researcher.": "Ricercatore aggiornato con successo.", "Failed to update the Researcher.": "Impossibile aggiornare Ricercatore.", "Successfully deleted the Researcher.": "Ricercatore eliminato con successo.", "Failed to delete the Researcher.": "Impossibile eliminare Ricercatore.", "No Researchers. Add Researchers by clicking the [+] button above.": "Nessun Ricercatore. Aggiungere Ricercatore cliccando sul pulsante [+] in alto.", "Are you sure you want to delete this Researcher?": "Sicuro di volere eliminare questo Ricercatore?", "Well done!": "Ben fatto!", "Swipe around the": "Scorrere il dito intorno a", "screen to reveal": "schermo da scoprire", "the hidden image": "immagine nascosta", "am": "mattino", "pm": "pomeriggio", "Your response": "La tua risposta:", "Nearly All the Time": "Quasi Sempre", "More than Half the Time": "Pi\u00f9 della Met\u00e0 del Tempo", "Several Times": "Diverse Volte", "Not at all": "Mai", "(Select one)": "(Seleziona una)", "(0 being terrible, 10 being excellent)": "(0 equivalente a terribile, 10 equivalente a eccellente)", "Patient Notes": "Note Paziente", "Modify an existing group.": "Modifica gruppo esistente.", "Create a new group": "Crea nuovo gruppo", "Drag the handle on the left to change the order in which this Activity appears in the group.": "Trascinare la maniglia a sinistra per modificare l'ordine di visulaizzazione di questa Attivit\u00e0 nel gruppo.", "No selection": "Nessuna selezione", "Group Title": "Titolo Gruppo", "Configure activities and options.": "Configura attivit\u00e0 e opzioni.", "Add Activity": "Aggiungi Attivit\u00e0", "Save this activity group.": "Salva questo Attività.", "Question Option": "Opzione Domanda", "Delete this option from the question's list of options.": "Elimina questa opzione dall'elenco opzioni della domanda.", "Option Description": "Descrizione Opzione", "Add Option": "Aggiungi Opzione", "Delete question from survey instrument.": "Elimina domanda dallo questionario.", "Boolean": "booleano", "Likert": "likert", "List": "lista", "Multi-Select": "multi-selezione", "Slider": "Cursore", "Save this survey instrument.": "Salva questo questionario.", "N/A": "N/D", "An error occured while uploading. Please try again.": "Errore durante il caricamento. Riprova.", "Images should be in the format .jpeg/.png/.gif/.svg and the size should not exceed 4 MB.": "Le immagini devono essere in formato jpeg/png/bmp/gif/svg e le dimensioni non devono superare i 4 MB.", "You are not allowed to delete all the details from the tip.": "Non \u00e8 consentito eliminare tutti i dettagli dal Psicoeducazione.", "Tap to select a photo.": "Cliccare per selezionare foto.", "Tap to delete the photo.": "Cliccare per eliminare foto.", "Tips Title": "Titolo Suggerimenti", "Please enter Tips Title": "Imposta Titolo Suggerimenti", "Tips Description": "Descrizione Suggerimenti", "Please enter Tips Description": "Imposta Descrizione Suggerimenti", "Please enter group name.":"Imposta nome gruppo", "Please select the tip": "Seleziona Psicoeducazione", "Add New": "Aggiungi nuovo", "New Tip": "Nuovo Psicoeducazione", "Please add new tip.": "Aggiungi nuovo Psicoeducazione", "Tip Details": "Dettagli Psicoeducazione", "Duplicate this activity.": "Dupplica questa attivit\u00e0.", "Are you sure you want to delete this?": "Sicuro di volerlo eliminare?", "Welcome to mindLAMP!": "Benvenuti su mindLAMP!", "With the mindLAMP smartphone app, you can collect information about your health. You can learn about symptoms, brain health, and check your thinking. You can also learn about your steps and sleep and how they may relate to how you feel. You can use mindLAMP as part of a research study, part of your care if a clinician ask you to try it, or on your own.": "Con l'app per smartphone mindLAMP, \u00e8 possibile raccogliere informazioni sulla propria salute. \u00c8 possibile conoscere sintomi, status di salute del cervello e tenere traccia dei propri pensieri. \u00c8 anche possibile conoscere i passi effettuati e monitorare quantit\u00e0 e qualit\u00e0 del sonno e come questi possano influire sul proprio stato emotivo. \u00c8 possibile usare mindLAMP come parte di uno studio di ricerca, come parte di un percorso terapeutico se richiesto da un medico o in maniera autonoma.", "Here are all the activities you'll receive notifications for when you use mindLAMP.": "Ecco tutte le attivit\u00e0 che verranno notificate quando si usa mindLAMP.", "Let's go!": "Iniziamo!", "You're ready to start using mindLAMP.": "Pronti per iniziare a usare mindLAMP.", "You're using the src server to log into mindLAMP.": "Utilizzare il server src per accedere a mindLAMP.", "GPS": "GPS", "Accelerometer": "Accelerometro", "Never": "Mai", "Text": "testo", "To start building a query:": "Per iniziare a costruire una query:", "1. Navigate to the level of your target on the left.": "1. Seleziona la categoria del tuo target a sinistra.", "2. Click on": "2. Fai clic su \u2192", "While in Terminal mode, you can directly write JSONata style queries to pull data directly from your database.": "In modalità Terminale, è possibile scrivere direttamente query in stile JSONata per estrarre i dati direttamente dal database.", "While in GUI mode, you can directly pull graphs you have already generated from the LAMP database, easily view information across an entire study or researcher, or quickly view tags that give info about things like survey scoring. If this is your first time using the LAMP data_portal, or if you need to get data quickly, this is the mode we recommend!!": "In modalità GUI, puoi estrarre direttamente i grafici che hai già generato dal database LAMP, visualizzare facilmente le informazioni su un intero studio o ricercatore o visualizzare rapidamente i tag che forniscono informazioni su cose come il punteggio del sondaggio. Se è la prima volta che usi il lamp data_portal, o se hai bisogno di ottenere dati rapidamente, questa è la modalità che consigliamo!", "For example, try:": "Ad esempio, prova: ", "replacing": "sostituendo", "with a user's id to get a list of the last 10,000 activities completed through LAMP.": "con l'ID di un utente per ottenere un elenco delle ultime 10.000 attività completate tramite LAMP.", "Want to learn more about JSONata queries or what special data you can pull from LAMP?": "Vuoi saperne di più sulle query JSONata o su quali dati speciali puoi estrarre da LAMP?", "Click here!": "Clicca qui!", "Set Viewing Mode to GUI": "Imposta la modalità di visualizzazione su GUI", "Set Viewing Mode to Terminal": "Imposta la modalità di visualizzazione su Terminale", "Your data will appear here": "I tuoi dati appariranno qui", "There are no shared tags set for this": "Non ci sono tag condivisi impostati per questo ricercatore.", " To display data on tags shared between participants, set": "Per visualizzare i dati sui tag condivisi tra i partecipanti, imposta ", "to an array of strings, where each string is a tag you would like to see. Please contact your study administrator for more info.": "su una matrice di stringhe, dove ogni stringa è un tag che desideri vedere. Si prega di contattare l'amministratore dello studio per ulteriori informazioni.", "Alternatively, drag and drop a researcher, study, or participant into this box.": "Alternativamente, trascina e rilascia il ricercatore, lo studio o il partecipante, all’interno di questa casella.", "Please select the group": "Seleziona lo Studio", "Images should be in the format jpeg/png/bmp/gif/svg and the size should not exceed 4 MB.": "Le immagini devono essere in formato jpeg/png/bmp/gif/svg e le dimensioni non devono superare i 4 MB.", "Measure of action": "Misura dell'azione", "accelerometer": "Accelerometro", "Measure of Action": "Misura dell'azione", "Minutes": "minuti", "Please select the group.": "Seleziona lo Studio", "Please select the Group": "Seleziona lo Studio", "Server Address": "Indirizzo del server", "Data Portal": "Portale dati", "Change Viewing Mode (Currently GUI)": "Cambia modalità di visualizzazione (attualmente qui)", "Change Viewing Mode (Currently Terminal)": "Cambia modalità di visualizzazione (attualmente Terminale)", "Create a new user": "Crea un nuovo utente", "Group Name": "Nome Gruppo", "Question Text": "Testo Domanda", "Required": "Richiesto", "Survey Questions": "Domande Sondaggio", "Patient View" : "Visualizzazione utente", "User": "Utente", "Add Sensor": "Aggiungi Sensore", "Update Sensor": "Aggiorna Sensore", "No Sensors.": "Nessun Sensori", "No Activities.": "Nessun Attivit\u00e0", "Schedule": "Programma", "User number": "Utente {{number}}", "Profile": "Profilo", "Confirmation": "Confirma", "Confirm": "Confermare", "Confirm Password": "Conferma password", "NAME": "Nome", "TYPE": "Digita", "Choose File": "scegli il file", "Jewels A": "Gioielli A", "Jewels B": "Gioielli B", "Copy": "Copia", "ID to clipboard": "ID negli appunti", "Analyze": "Analizza", "Medications": "Farmaci", "File Name": "Nome File", "Add Item": "Aggiungi Elemento", "Memory Game": "gioco di memoria", "Voice Recording": "Registrazione Vocale", "click upload or clear to record again": "Fai clic su 'Carica' (Upload), oppure 'Cancella' (Clear) per registrare di nuovo", "Failed to fetch the study details.": "Impossibile recuperare i dettagli dello studio.","question": "domanda", "Question number of total": "Domanda {{ number }} of {{ total }}", "Question": "Domanda", "of":"di", "Next": "Successiva", "Submit": "Invia", "Mood": "Umore", "Back" :"Indietro", "Yes": "S\u00ec", "No": "No", "Which target behaviours did you experience today?": "Quali omportamenti arget hai sperimentato oggi?", "Sleep and Social": "Sonno e Comportamento Sociale", "Anxiety": "Ansia", "Psychosis and Social": "Psicosi e Comportamento Sociale", "App Usability": "Fruibilit\u00e0 dell'App", "Water and Nutrition": "Acqua e Alimentazione", "Please enter your response" : "Please enter your response" , "Your response": "La tua risposta", "Nearly All the Time": "Quasi Sempre", "More than Half the Time": "Pi\u00f9 della Met\u00e0 del Tempo", "Several Times": "Diverse Volte", "Not at all": "Mai", "(Select one)": "(Seleziona una)", "(0 being terrible, 10 being excellent)": "(0 equivalente a terribile, 10 equivalente a eccellente)","New journal entry": "Nuova voce da inserire nel diario", "How do you feel today?": "Come ti senti oggi?","Good": "Bene", "Bad": "Male", "Submit": "Invia", "Leaving so soon?": "Gi\u00e0 finito?", "If you leave without submitting, your entry will be lost.": "Se si esce senza premere invio, i dati inseriti andranno persi.", "No, don’t leave yet": "No, aspetta ad uscire", "Yes, leave": "Sì, esci dall’attività", "max characters": "Massimo caratteri", "Sunday":"Domenica", "Monday": "Lunedi", "Tuesday":"Martedì", "Wednesday":"Mercoledì", "Thursday":"Giovedì", "Friday":"Venerdì", "Saturday":"Sabato", "Jan":"Gen", "Feb":"Feb", "Mar":"Mar", "Apr":"Apr", "May":"Mag", "Jun":"Giu", "Jul":"Lug", "Aug":"Ago", "Sep":"Sett", "Oct":"Ott", "Nov":"Nov", "Dec":"Dic","LIFE_WORTH_LIVING_GOAL": "Life worth living goal","CONTINUE": "Continuare","TARGET_BEHAVIORS": "Comportamenti designati","ANSWER_RADIO_RATING_FORMATS": "0= Mai - 5= Estremamente forte", "WHICH_TARGET_BEHAVIORS_DID_YOU_EXPERIENCE_TODAY":"Quali comportamenti target hai sperimentato oggi?","EFFECTIVE": "efficace","MINUTES": "minuti","DIE":"Voglia di morire","SELF_HARM": "Autolesionismo","QUIT_THERAPY":"Interrompere la terapia","DIE_BY_SUICIDE":"Togliersi la vita","SHAME":"Vergogna","ANGER": "Rabbia","ANXIETY": "Ansia","FEAR_WORRY": "Paura/Preoccupazione","WORRY": "Preoccupazione","JOY": "Gioia","SADNESS": "Tristezza","INEFFECTIVE": "Inefficace","NEXT": "Successiva","BACK": "Indietro","URGES": "Impulsi","URGE_TO_QUIT_THERAPY": "Urge to quit therapy","URGE_TO_DIE_BY_SUICIDE": "Urge to die by suicide","EMOTIONS": "Emozioni","WHICH_EMOTIONS_DID_YOU_EXPERIENCE_TODAY":"Which emotions did you experience today?","SKILLS": "Skills","OF":"di","DID_YOU_USE_ANY_OF_THE_SKILLS_TODAY":"Hai usato qualcuna delle abilità oggi?","WHY_DIDNT_YOU_USE_ANY_SKILLS": "Perché non hai utilizzato le abilità?","MAX_300_CHARACTERS": "Massimo 300 caratteri","SELECT_ALL_THAT_APPLY": "Select all that apply","WHICH_SKILLS_DID_YOU_USE": "Which skills did you use?","YES": "S\u00ec","NO": "No","HOW_MUCH_EFFORT_DID_YOU_PUT_INTO_THE_SKILLS":"How much effort did you put into the skills?","ADDITIONAL_NOTES": "Additional Notes","SHORT_ANSWER_SENETENCES": "Risposte brevi (1-2 frasi)”","OPTIONAL_ARE_THERE_ANY_OTHER_DETAILS_YOU_WANT_TO_SHARE_ABOUT_YOUR_DAY":"Facoltativo: Ci sono altri dettagli che vorresti condividere della tua giornata?","SUBMIT": "Invia","WEEKLY_OVERVIEW": "Weekly overview","DID_YOU_HAVE_AN_URGE_TO_QUIT_THERAPY_THIS_WEEK":"Did you have an urge to quit therapy this week?","DID_THE_SKILLS_HELP": "Did the skills help?","DID_YOU_HAVE_AN_URGE_TO_COMMIT_SUICIDE_THIS_WEEK":"Did you have an urge to commit suicide this week?","DID_YOU_HAVE_THE_URGE_TO_DIE": "Did you have the urge to die?","DID_YOU_GO_TO_THE_ER_THIS_WEEK": "Did you go to the ER this week?","PSYCH": "Psych","MEDICAL": "Medical","WERE_YOU_HOSPITALIZED": "Were you hospitalized?","HOW_MANY_NORMATIVE_HOURS": "How many normative hours?","HOURS": "numero di volte","DBT_DIARY": "DBT Diary","ADD": "Add","TEN": "Ten","TWENTY": "Twenty","THIRTY": "Thirty","ADD_ITEM": "Add item","ADD_A_TARGET_BEHAVIOR": "Add a target behavior","MEASURE_OF_ACTION": "Measure of action", "TIMES": "Tempi","ADD_A_EMOTION": "Aggiungi emozione","EMOTION_NAME": "Emotion name","DBT_DIARY_CARD": "DBT Diary Card","SAVE": "Salva","CANCEL": "Annulla","ACTED": "Fatto","URGE": "Impulso","MINDFULNESS": "Mindfulness","WISE_MIND": "Wise Mind","OBSERVE_JUST_NOTICE_URGE_SURFING": "Observe: Just notice (Urge Surfing)","DESCRIBE_PUT_WORDS_ON": "Describe: Put words on","PARTICIPATE_ENTER_INTO_THE_EXPERIENCE":"Participate: Enter into the experience","NONJUDGMENTAL_STANCE": "Nonjudgmental stance","ONE_MINDFULLY_IN_THE_MOMENT": "One-Mindfully: In-the-moment","EFFECTIVENESS_FOCUS_ON_WHAT_WORKS": "Effectiveness: Focus on what works","LOVING_KINDNESS_BUILD_COMPASSION": "Loving Kindness: Build compassion","INTERPERSONAL": "Interpersonal","OBJECTIVE_EFFECTIVENESS_DEAR_MAN": "Objective effectiveness: DEAR MAN","RELATIONSHIP_EFFECTIVENESS_GIVE": "Relationship effectiveness: GIVE","SELF_RESPECT_EFFECTIVENESS_FAST": "Self-respect effectiveness: FAST","VALIDATING_OTHERS": "Validating Others","SELF_VALIDATION": "Self-Validation","BEHAVIOR_CHANGE_REINFORCE_EXTINGUISH":"Behavior change: reinforce/extinguish","MINDFULNESS_OF_OTHERS": "Mindfulness of others","FIND_OTHERS_AND_GET_THEM_TO_LIKE_YOU":"Find others and get them to like you","END_RELATIONSHIPS": "End relationships","EMOTION_REGULATION": "Emotion Regulation","CHECK_THE_FACTS_TO_CHANGE_EMOTIONS": "Check the Facts to change emotions","OPPOSITE_ACTION_TO_CHANGE_EMOTIONS": "Opposite Action to change emotions","PROBLEM_SOLVING_TO_CHANGE_EMOTIONS": "Problem Solving to change emotions","ACCUMULATE_POSITIVE_EMOTIONS": "Accumulate positive emotions","BUILD_MASTERY": "Build Mastery","COPE_AHEAD": "Cope Ahead","PLEASE_TAKE_CARE_OF_YOUR_BODY": "PLEASE: Take care of your body","DISTRESS_TOLERANCE": "Distress Tolerance","STOP_SKILL": "STOP Skill","PROS_AND_CONS_OF_ACTING_ON_URGES": "Pros and Cons of acting on urges","TIP_CHANGE_BODY_CHEMISTRY": "TIP: Change body chemistry","PAIRED_MUSCLE_RELAXATION": "Paired Muscle Relaxation","EFFECTIVE_RETHINKING_PAIRED_RELAX": "Effective Rethinking/Paired Relax","DISTRACTING_WISE_MIND_ACCEPTS": "Distracting: Wise Mind ACCEPTS","SELF_SOOTHING": "Self-Soothing","BODY_SCAN_MEDITATION": "Body Scan Meditation","IMPROVE_THE_MOMENT": "IMPROVE the Moment","SENSORY_AWARENESS": "Sensory Awareness","RADICAL_ACCEPTANCE": "Radical Acceptance","TURNING_THE_MIND": "Turning the Mind","REPLACE_WILLFULNESS_WITH_WILLINGNESS":"Replace Willfulness with Willingness","HALF_SMILING_AND_WILLING_HANDS": "Half-Smiling and Willing Hands","DIALECTICAL_ABSTINENCE": "Dialectical Abstinence","ALTERNATE_REBELLION_ADAPTIVE_DENIAL":"Alternate Rebellion / Adaptive Denial","CUSTOM": "Custom","BEHAVIOR_NAME": "Behavior name","SURVEY": "Survey","DAILY_LOG_OF_EVENTS_AND_RELATED_FEELINGS":"Daily log of events and related feelings","TRACK_TARGET_BEHAVIORS_AND_USE_OF_SKILLS":"Track target behaviors and use of skills","START_SURVEY": "Start survey","INTERPERSONAL_EFFECRIVENESS": "Interpersonal Effecriveness","QUESTION_NUMBER_OF_TOTAL": " {{ number }} di {{ total }}" }
+{"Welcome to the Portal section": "Benvenuti nella sezione Portale", "Track progress and make connections.": "Tieni traccia dei progressi e crea connessioni.", "Log feelings, behavior, and activity.": "Registra sentimenti, comportamenti e attivit\u00e0.", "Find useful information and practice healthy habits.": "Trova informazioni utili e pratica abitudini sane.", "Review today's activities.": "Rivedi le attivit\u00e0 di oggi.", "There are no Assess activities available.": "Non ci sono attivit\u00e0 di valutazione disponibili.","There are no Manage activities available.": "Non ci sono attivit\u00e0 di gestione disponibili.","There are no Learn activities available.": "Non ci sono attivit\u00e0 di apprendimento disponibili.","There are no scheduled activities available.": "Non ci sono attivit\u00e0 di programmate disponibili.", "Portal": "Portale", "Cortex": "Corteccia", "No Records Found": "Nessun record trovato", "Rows per page": "Righe per pagina:", "Update": "Aggiorna", "Nickname(optional)": "Nickname(opzionale)", "Advanced Mode": "Modalit\u00e0 avanzata", "Simple Mode": "Modalit\u00e0 semplice", "Users": "Utenti", "Add a user": "Aggiungi un utente","Self evaluation":"Autovalutazione", "Add a new group": "Aggiungi un nuovo gruppo", "Add a new user and group": "Aggiungi un nuovo utente e un nuovo gruppo", "Create a new user under their own group.": "Crea un nuovo utente all'interno del suo gruppo.", "Create a new user under this group": "Crea un nuovo utente sotto questo gruppo", "Create a user under their own group.":"Crea un utente all'interno del suo gruppo", "Duplicate from": "Duplica da", "Last Passive": "Ultima rilevazione passiva", "User View": "Visualizzazione utente", "Spatial scan": "Scansione spaziale", "screen_state": "stato_dello_schermo", "accelerometer.motion": "accelerometro.movimento", "analytics": "analitica", "blood_pressure": "pressione_arteriosa", "bluetooth": "bluetooth", "calls": "chiamate", "distance": "distanza", "flights": "voli", "gps.contextual": "gps.contestuale", "heart_rate": "frequenza_cardiaca", "height": "altezza", "magnetometer": "magnetometer", "respiratory_rate": "frequenza_respiratoria", "segment": "segmento", "sms": "sms", "steps": "contapassi", "weight": "peso", "wifi": "wifi", "Currently Viewing Mode (Currently GUI)": "Modalit\u00e0 di visualizzazione attuale (Attualmente: GUI)", "To start building a query: 1. Navigate to the level of your target on the left. 2. Click on \u2192": "Per iniziare a costruire una query: 1. Seleziona la categoria del tuo target a sinistra. 2. Fai clic su \u2192", "Alternatively, drag and drop a researcher, group, or participant into this box": "Alternativamente, trascina e rilascia il ricercatore, lo studio o il partecipante, all’interno di questa casella", "Copy Researcher ID to clipboard": "Copia l'ID ricercatore negli Appunti", "Download Researcher Data": "Scarica i dati dei ricercatori", "Analyze researcher": "Analizza ricercatore","Select All": "Seleziona tutto", "Deselect All": "Deseleziona tutto", "Select all tags":"Seleziona tutto tag","Deselect all tags":"Deseleziona tutto tag","Select all shared tags": "Seleziona tutto tag condivisi", "Deselect all shared tags": "Deseleziona tutto tag condivisi", "Please wait, your data is loading": "Si prega di attendere, i dati si stanno caricando", "There are no shared tags set for this researcher. To display data on tags shared between participants, set \u201clamp.dashboard.researcher_tags\u201d to an array of strings, where each string is a tag you would like to see. Please contact your group administrator for more info.": "Non ci sono tag condivisi impostati per questo ricercatore. Per visualizzare i dati sui tag condivisi tra i partecipanti, imposta 'lamp.dashboard.researcher_tags' su una matrice di stringhe, dove ogni stringa \u00e8 un tag che desideri vedere. Si prega di contattare l'amministratore dello studio per ulteriori informazioni.", "graphs.data_quality.": "qualit\u00e0_dati.grafici", "Activity counts": "Conteggio attivit\u00e0", "Passive Features": "Funzionalit\u00e0 passive", "Quality Tags": "Tag di qualitativi ", "Activities in the last 7 day (updated: date)": "Attivit\u00e0 negli ultimi 7 giorni (aggiornato: data)", "Data quality (updated: date)": "Qualit\u00e0 dei dati (aggiornato: data)", "missing": "mancante", "bad": "cattivo", "okay": "ok", "good": "buono", "bad_missing": "bad_missing", "okay_missing": "okay_missing", "good_missing": "good_missing", "lamp.dashboard": "lampada.pannello_di_controllo", "Expand": "Espandi", "Collapse": "Collasso", "ActivitySpec": "Specificazione_attivit\u00e0", "Sensor spec": "Specificazione_sensore", "Sort by date of creation": "Ordina per data di creazione", "Filter": "Filtro", "Filter studies": "Filtra studi", "Studies":"Studi", "Search group list": "Cerca nell'elenco degli studi", "Copy Group ID to Clipboard": "Copia l'ID studio negli Appunti", "Download Group Data": "Scarica i dati dello studio", "Analyze Group": "Analizza studio", "There are no shared tags set for this Group. To display data on tags shared between participants, set \u201clamp.dashboard.group_tags\u201d to an array of strings, where each string is a tag you would like to see. Please contact your group administrator for more info.": "Non ci sono tag condivisi impostati per questo studio. Per visualizzare i dati sui tag condivisi tra i partecipanti, imposta 'lampada.pannello_di_controllo_studio_tags' su una matrice di stringhe, dove ogni stringa \u00e8 un tag che desideri vedere. Si prega di contattare l'amministratore dello studio per ulteriori informazioni.", "Don't enter a domain if you're not sure what this option does.": "Non immettere un dominio se non si \u00e8 sicuri di cosa faccia questa opzione.", "Login": "Accedi", "Try it": "Provalo", "Try mindLAMP out as a...": "Prova mindLAMP come ...","Balloon Count":"Conta dei palloncini", "The number of balloons to display.":"Il numero dei palloncini da mostrare.","Breakpoint Mean":"Punto di rottura media","The mean of the breakpoint for balloon risk.":"La media del rischio’ di rottura del palloncino","Breakpoint Standard Deviation": "Deviazione Standard del punto di rottura","The standard deviation of the breakpoint for balloon risk.":"Deviazione standard del rischio di rottura del palloncino","Researcher": "Ricercatore", "Clinician": "Medico", "Participant": "Partecipante", "Patient": "Paziente", "You're logged into a demo account. Any changes you make will be reset when you restart the app.": "\u00c8 stato effettuato l'accesso a un account demo. Tutte le modifiche apportate verranno resettate al riavvio dell'app.", "Dismiss": "Ignora", "Assess": "Valutazione", "Welcome to the Assess section": "Benvenuti nella sezione Valutazione", "Take steps to refocus, reflect, and recover.": "Adottare misure per concentrarti, riflettere e riprenderti.", "Survey": "Sondaggio", "questions": "domande", "mins": "minuti", "The following survey will assess your sleep and social behavior.": "Il seguente sondaggio valuter\u00e0 il vostro sonno e il vostro comportamento sociale.", "For each of the statements, rate which is true for you.": "Per ciascuna delle affermazioni, indicare quali sono vere nel vostro caso.", "Start survey": "Inizia il sondaggio", "Streak popup on":"Attiva Notifica popup","Streak description": "Descrizione della notifica","Response Options":"Opzioni di Risposta","Option Text":"Opzioni di Testo","Set warnings that will be shown in a dialog to participants when the corresponding answers are submitted.":"Attenzione. Inserisci dei warnings che saranno mostrati in una finestra di dialogo ai partecipanti quando vengono inviate le corrispondenti risposte.","Show activity in the participant feed?":"Mostra l’attività nel feed del partecipante?", "Next": "Successiva", "Submit": "Invia", "Nice work!": "Ben fatto!", "You\u2019re on a streak, keep it going": "Anche oggi ti sei dato da fare, continua così", "days": "giorni", "day": "giorno", "Sleep and Social": "Sonno e Comportamento Sociale", "Anxiety": "Ansia", "Psychosis and Social": "Psicosi e Comportamento Sociale", "App Usability": "Fruibilit\u00e0 dell'App", "Water and Nutrition": "Acqua e Alimentazione", "Feed": "Feed", "Welcome to the Feed section": "Benvenuti nella sezione Feed", "Here you can see recent activities": "Qui \u00e8 possibile vedere le attivit\u00e0 recenti", "Learn": "Apprendi", "Welcome to the Learn section": "Benvenuti nella sezione Apprendi", "Mood Tips": "Consigli sull'Umore", "Quick Tips to Improve Your": "Suggerimenti Rapidi per Migliorare la Propria", "Read": "Leggi", "Hope": "Speranza", "Tip": "Psicoeducazione", "Was this helpful today?": "\u00c8 stato utile oggi?", "Yes": "S\u00ec", "No": "No", "Mark complete": "Segna come completato", "Social": "Comportamento Sociale", "Mental Health Resources": "Risorse per la Salute Mentale", "Physical Wellness": "Benessere Fisico", "Suggested Reading": "Lettura Consigliata", "Motivation": "Motivazione", "Stress Tips": "Suggerimenti per lo Stress", "Manage": "Gestisci", "Welcome to the Manage section": "Benvenuti nella sezione Gestisci", "Breathe": "Respirazione", "Begin": "Inizia", "Breathing exercise (__ mins)": "Esercizio di respirazione (__ minuti)", "Follow the motion of the lotus flower opening and closing to control your breaths in and out.": "Seguire il movimento dell'apertura e della chiusura del fiore di loto per guidare l\u2019ispirazione e l\u2019espirazione.", "Get ready": "Prepararsi", "Get yourself comfortable and when you\u2019re ready tap the start button.": "Mettiti comodo e quando sei pronto premi il pulsante “inizia”", "Start": "Inizia", "Inhale": "Inspira", "Exhale": "Espira", "Nicely done!": "Ottimo lavoro!", "Done": "Fatto", "Journal": "Diario", "Test description for the manage section.": "Descrizione del test per la sezione gestisci.", "New journal entry": "Nuova voce da inserire nel diario", "How do you feel today?": "Come ti senti oggi?", "Good": "Bene", "Bad": "Male", "New Goal": "Nuovo Obiettivo", "Goals": "Obiettivi", "Create goal": "Crea obiettivo", "What type of goal?": "Che tipo di obiettivo?", "Choose a category": "Seleziona categoria", "Exercise": "Esercizio", "Weight": "Peso", "nutrition": "Alimentazione", "sleep": "Sonno", "Medication": "Farmaci", "Reading": "Letture", "Finances": "Finanze", "Meditation": "Meditazione", "Mood": "Umore", "Custom": "Abitudini", "Goal Name": "Nome Obiettivo", "Goal details": "Dettagli obiettivo", "Daily": "Giornalmente", "hourly": "ogni ora", "weekly": "settimanalmente", "monthly": "mensilmente", "Ounces": "Once", "mg": "mg", "g": "g", "Kg": "Kg", "hours": "ore", "minutes": "minuti", "$": "$", "Start date": "Data di inizio", "Duration": "Durata", "Reminders": "Promemoria", "Save": "Salva", "Cancel": "Annulla", "Leaving so soon?": "Gi\u00e0 finito?", "If you leave without submitting, your entry will be lost.": "Se si esce senza premere invio, i dati inseriti andranno persi.", "No, don\u2019t leave yet": "No, aspettare ad uscire.", "Yes, leave": "Ora \u00e8 possibile uscire dall\u2019app", "Hope box": "Casella Speranza", "Games": "Giochi", "Test description for the manage section": "Descrizione del test per la sezione gestisci", "Save images and quotes that bring joy and hope to your life.": "Salvare immagini e citazioni che mettono allegria e danno speranza.", "Hope Box content will show up in your feed from time to time to inspire and uplift you.": "I contenuti della Casella Speranza appariranno nel feed di tanto intanto per trasmettere positivit\u00e0 e ispirazione.", "Add an image": "Aggiungi immagine", "Add a quote": "Aggiungi citazione", "View my Hope Box": "Visualizza la mia Casella Speranza", "Scratch card": "Gratta e vinci", "Meditation exercises": "Esercizi di meditazione", "Swipe your finger around the screen to reveal the image hidden underneath": "Scorrere rapidamente il dito sullo schermo per scoprire l'immagine nascosta ", "Swipe around the screen to reveal the hidden image": "Scorrere rapidamente sullo schermo per scoprire l'immagine nascosta", "Well done": "Ben fatto", "Close": "Chiudi", "Do another one": "Ripeti l’esercizio", "Medication tracker": "Monitoraggio farmaci", "Add medication": "Aggiungi farmaco", "Medication name": "Nome farmaco", "Add dosage": "Aggiungi dosaggio", "Name": "Nome", "Dose": "Dosaggio", "Balloon Risk": "Palloncino (BART test)", "Balloon Risk Game": "Gioco del Palloncino (BART test) ", "Current Points": "Punteggio attuale", "Total Points": "Punteggio totale", "PUMP UP BALLOON": "GONFIA IL PALLONCINO", "COLLECT POINTS": "COLLEZIONA PUNTI", "Balloon Bursted": "Palloncino Scoppiato", "Box Game": "Gioco dei riquadri", "Please wait and watch": "Aspetta e osserva", "Level": "Livello", "Please remember the sequence": "Fare attenzione alla sequenza", "Go": "Via", "Time out": "Tempo scaduto", "Remember the highlighted boxes in the order you see them. Now tap on the boxes in the order they were highlighted.": "Fare attenzione ai riquadri evidenziati nell'ordine in cui appaiono. Ora selezionare i riquadri nell'ordine in cui sono apparsi evidenziati sullo schermo.", "Congrats": "Congratulazioni", "Cats n Dogs": "Gatti e Cani", "Tap the boxes that have a dog behind them.": "Toccare i riquadri dietro cui si trova un cane.", "Ok": "Ok", "Continue to tap the boxes that have a dog behind them.": "Continuare a toccare i riquadri dietro cui si trova un cane.", "Don't tap the boxes with a cat behind them": "Non toccare i riquadri dietro cui si trova un gatto ", "Now tap the boxes that have a cat behin them. Don't tap the boxes with a dog behind them": "Ora toccare i riquadri dietro cui si trova un gatto. Non toccare i riquadri dietro cui si trova un cane ", "Game Over": "Fine partita", "Dot Touch": "Non toccare", "Tap\u20191\u2019 to start the test": "Toccare '1' per iniziare il test", "Pick the matching alphabet": "Sceglere l'alfabeto corrispondente", "Timeout": "Tempo scaduto", "Restart": "Ricomincia", "Jewels": "Gioielli", "Pop the bubbles": "Scoppiare le bolle", "Tap to continue": "Cliccare per continuare", "TAP TO POP ALL PINK, BLUE AND YELLOW BUBBLES ONLY": "TOCCARE PER FAR SCOPPIARE SOLO LE BOLLE ROSA, BLU E GIALLE", "POPPING CORRECT BALOONS WILL EARN YOU POINTS": "FACENDO SCOPPIARE I PALLONCINI CORRETTI SI GUADAGNERANNO PUNTI", "Level __ Completed": "Livello __ Completato", "You got _ %": "Hai ottenuto _ %", "Prevent": "Previeni", "Activity": "Attivit\u00e0", "Activity data": "Dati attivit\u00e0", "Choose the data you want to see in your dashboard.": "Scegli dati da visualizzare nel dashboard.", "entries this month": "accessi questo mese", "Sensors": "Sensori", "Sensor Data": "Dati Sensore", "Summary": "Riepilogo", "Notifications": "Notifiche", "Conversations": "Conversazioni", "Profile & Settings": "Profilo & Impostazioni", "Manage Credentials": "Gestisci Credenziali", "Enter the family member or clinician's name here.": "Inserire qui il nome del familiare o del medico.", "Role": "Ruolo", "Enter the family member or clinician's role here. For this credential to appear as a care team member, either a photo or role MUST be saved.": "Inserire qui il ruolo del familiare o del medico. Affinch\u00e9 queste credenziali appaiano come membro del team di supporto, \u00e8 necessario salvare una foto o un ruolo.", "Email Address": "Indirizzo Email", "Enter the email address here.": "Inserire indirizzo email qui.", "Password": "Password", "Enter the new password here, and press the done button to the right of the box. Tap away if you don't want to change the password.": "Immettere qui la nuova password e premere il pulsante a destra della casella a operazione terminata. Saltare questo passaggio se non si vuole cambiare la password.", "Logout": "Esci", "Are you sure you want to log out of LAMP right now?": "Sicuro di volersi disconnettere ora da LAMP?", "If you've made some changes, make sure they're saved before you continue to log out.": "Se sono state fatte modifiche, assicurarsi di salvare prima di continuare a disconnettersi.", "Go Back": "Torna Indietro", "Help & Support": "Aiuto & Assistenza", "LAMP Community": "Comunit\u00e0 LAMP", "Contact Us": "Contattateci", "Researcher Login": "Accedi per Ricercatori", "Show Unscheduled Activities": "Mostra attivit\u00e0 non pianificate", "Patients": "Pazienti", "Demo": "Demo", "Search": "Cerca", "Create": "Crea", "Number of participants to add:": "Numero di partecipanti da aggiungere:", "Last Active": "Ultima connessione", "Indicators": "Indicatori", "_ years ago on Android": "_ anni fa su Android", "_ row(s) selected": "_ riga/ righe selezionate", "Data Quality": "Qualit\u00e0 Dati", "Data is optimal": "I dati sono ottimali", "Reset Password": "Reimposta Password", "Reset account password": "Reimposta password account", "View Patient Data": "Visualizza Dati Paziente", "__ rows [in pagination]": "__ righe [in impaginazione]", "First Page": "Prima Pagina", "Previous Page": "Pagina Precedente", "Next Page": "Pagina Successiva", "Last Page [in pagination]": "Ultima Pagina [in impaginazione]", "Activities": "Attivit\u00e0", "Type": "Digita", "Import": "Importa", "Drag files here, or click to select files.": "Trascinare qui i file oppure cliccare per selezionare i file.", "Create a new...": "Crea nuovo...", "Activity Group": " Attività", "Survey Instrument": "Questionario", "Smartphone Cognitive Tests": "Test cognitivi per smartphone", "Successfully created a new cognitive test Activity.": "Creazione nuova Attivit\u00e0 per test cognitivo avvenuta con successo.", "Activity Schedule": "Programma Attivit\u00e0","Customize which Tab this Activity appears in":"Personalizza in quale Sezione compare questa attività", "Time": "Tempo", "Repeat Interval": "Ripeti Intervallo", "Custom Times": "Tempi Personalizzati", "Actions": "Azioni", "No schedule.": "Nessun programma.", "Modify an existing survey instrument.": "Modifica questionario esistente.", "Titolo Sondaggio": "", "Survey Title": "Titolo Sondaggio", "Survey Description": "Descrizione Sondaggio", "Configure questions, parameters, and options.": "Configura domande, parametri e opzioni.", "Question Title": "Titolo Domanda", "Question Description": "Descrizione Domanda", "Question Type": "Tipo di Domanda", "Add Question": "Aggiungi domanda", "Duplicate": "Duplica", "Save this survey instrument": "Salva questo questionario", "Hours": "Ore", "Only survey description content was modified to prevent irrecoverable data loss. (error message)": "Solo il contenuto della descrizione del sondaggio \u00e8 stato modificato per evitare la perdita definitiva dei dati. (messaggio di errore)", "Cats and Dogs": "Cani e Gatti", "Research studies using mindLAMP": "Studi di ricerca con mindLAMP", "Incorrect username, password, or server address.": "Nome utente, password o indirizzo del server non validi.", "Are you sure you're logging into the right mindLAMP server?": "Sicuro di accedere al server mindLAMP giusto?", "Select Language": "Seleziona lingua", "Add mindLAMP to your home screen?": "Aggiungi mindLAMP alla schermata iniziale?", "Proceed with caution: you are logged in as the administrator.": "Procedere con cautela: connessi come amministratore.", "Invalid id or password.": "Id o password non validi.", "mindLAMP will be installed on your device.": "mindLAMP verr\u00e0 installato sul dispositivo.", "mindLAMP will not be installed on your device.": "mindLAMP non verr\u00e0 installato sul dispositivo.", "Messages": "Messaggi", "Administrator": "Amministratore", "Community": "Comunit\u00e0", "Switch Views": "Cambia Visualizzazioni", "Activity Type": "Tipo di Attivit\u00e0", "Show App Screenshot": "Mostra Screenshot dell'App", "Delete Entry": "Elimina inserimento", "Copy Entry": "Copia Inserimento", "Edit Entry": "Modifica Inserimento", "No detail view available.": "Nessuna visualizzazione dettagliata disponibile.", "Score": "Punteggio", "Alone": "Da solo", "Friends": "Amici", "Family": "Famiglia", "Peers": "Coetanei", "Crowd": "Folla", "Home": "Casa", "School": "Scuola", "Work": "Lavoro", "Hospital": "Ospedale", "Outside": "All\u2019esterno", "Shopping": "Shopping", "Transit": "Transito", "Sensor": "Sensore", "Automations": "Automazioni", "An experimental visualization generated by an automation you or your clinician have installed.": "Visualizzazione sperimentale generata da un'automazione che voi o il vostro medico avete installato.", "No Data": "Nessun Dato", "No Activities are selected. Please select an Activity above to begin.": "Nessuna Attivit\u00e0 selezionata. Selezionare Attivit\u00e0 tra quelle sopra indicate per iniziare.", "Environmental Context": "Contesto Ambientale", "Step Count": "Conta Passi", "Steps Taken": "Passi Effettuati", "visualization": "visualizzazione", "Couldn't import the Activities.": "Impossibile importare attivit\u00e0.", "Choose the Group you want to import activities.": "Scegliere Studio da cui importare attivit\u00e0.", "Select a Group to import activities.": "Selezionare Studio per importare attivit\u00e0.", "Couldn't import the Activities because some Activities are misconfigured or missing.": "Impossibile importare Attivit\u00e0 perch\u00e9 alcune Attivit\u00e0 non sono configurate correttamente o sono mancanti.", "Couldn't import one of the selected survey Activities.": "Impossibile importare una delle Attivit\u00e0 selezionate del sondaggio.", "Couldn't import one of the selected Activities.": "Impossibile importare una delle Attivit\u00e0 selezionate.", "Couldn't import one of the selected Activity groups.": "Impossibile importare uno dei gruppi Attivit\u00e0 selezionati.", "The selected Activities were successfully imported.": "Le Attivit\u00e0 selezionate sono state importate correttamente.", "The selected Activities were successfully exported.": "Le Attivit\u00e0 selezionate sono state esportate correttamente.", "Encountered an error: ": "Errore Rilevato: ", "Successfully created a new tip Activity.": "Creazione nuova Attivit\u00e0 Psicoeducazione completata con successo.", "Successfully updated the Activity.": "Aggiornamento Attivit\u00e0 completato.", "Successfully created a new survey Activity.": "Creazione nuovo Attivit\u00e0 di sondaggio completata con successo.", "Failed to create a new group Activity.": "Impossibile creare nuova Attivit\u00e0 di gruppo.", "Successfully created a new group Activity.": "Creazione nuova Attivit\u00e0 di gruppo completata con successo.", "Successfully created a new Activity.": "Creazione di nuova Attivit\u00e0 completata con successo.", "Successfully deleted the selected Activities.": "Eliminazione Attivit\u00e0 selezionate effettuata con successo.","Successfully deleted the selected participants.": "I partecipanti selezionati sono stati eliminati con successo.", "Successfully duplicated the Activity under a new name.": "Attivit\u00e0 duplicata correttamente sotto nuovo nome.", "Group": "Gruppo", "Tips": "Suggerimenti", "DBT Diary Card": "DBT Diary Card", "Cognitive Test": "Test Cognitivo", "Export": "Esporta", "Delete": "Cancella", "Are you sure you want to delete this Activity?.": "Sicuro di voler eliminare questa Attivit\u00e0?", "Filter results": "Filtra risultati", "Add": "Aggiungi", "Import activities": "Importa attivit\u00e0", "Create a new activity": "Crea nuova attivit\u00e0", "Modify an existing activity": "Modifica attivit\u00e0 esistente", "No custom times": "", "Delete this time from the list.": "Elimina questo tempo dall'elenco.", "Add a new custom time.": "Aggiungi nuovo tempo personalizzato.", "Add this time to the list.": "Aggiungi questo tempo all'elenco.", "Select the start date.": "Seleziona data di inizio.", "Select the start time.": "Seleziona ora di inizio.", "Every hour": "Ogni ora","Daily log of events and related feelings. Track target behaviors and use of skills.":"Aggiornamento quotidiano degli eventi e i sentimenti associati. Traccia i comportamenti bersaglio e l’utilizzo delle abilità.", "Every number hours": "Ogni {{number}} ore", "Every day": "Ogni giorno", "Two times every week (Tue, Thurs)": "Due volte a settimana (marted\u00ec, gioved\u00ec)", "Three times every week (Mon, Wed, Fri)": "Tre volte a settimana (luned\u00ec, mercoled\u00ec, venerd\u00ec)", "Every week": "Ogni settimana", "Two times every month": "Due volte al mese", "Every month": "Ogni mese", "Use custom times instead": "Usare orari personalizzati", "Do not repeat": "Non ripetere", "Are you sure you want to delete this schedule item?": "Sicuro di voler eliminare questo elemeto pianificato?", "Install": "Installa", "Welcome to the Prevent section": "Benvenuti nella sezione Previeni", "Prepare yourself": "Preparati", "Image size should not exceed 5 MB.": "Le dimensioni dell'immagine non devono superare i 5 MB.", "Not supported image type.": "Tipo di immagine non supportato.", "Activity with same name already exist.": "Attivit\u00e0 con lo stesso nome gi\u00e0 esistente.", "Not supported audio type.": "Tipo di audio non supportato.", "The audio size should not exceed 2 MB.": "La dimensione dell\u2019audio non deve superare i 2 MB.", "Drag a photo or tap to select a photo.": "Trascinare foto o cliccare per selezionare foto.", "Drag a photo to replace the existing photo or tap to delete the photo.": "Trascinare foto per sostituire foto esistente o cliccare per eliminare foto.", "Select": "Seleziona", "Please select the Group.": "Seleziona lo Studio", "Activity Title": "Titolo Attivit\u00e0", "Activity Description": "Descrizione Attivit\u00e0", "Upload audio": "Carica audio", "Your browser does not support the": "Il browser non supporta il/l\u2019", "audio": "audio", "max": "Massimo", "characters": "caratteri","element.": "elemento.", "Duplicate this survey instrument and save it with a new title.": "Duplicare questo questionario e salvarlo con un nuovo titolo.", "Save this activity.": "Salva questa attivit\u00e0.", "Save Role & Photo": "Salva Ruolo & Foto", "Copy one-time access link that can be used to log in without entering credentials.": "Copia link di primo accesso che pu\u00f2 essere utilizzato per accedere senza immettere credenziali.", "Save Credential": "Salva Credenziale", "Scan this QR code on a mobile device to automatically open a user dashboard.": "Scansionare questo codice QR mediante dispositivo mobile per aprire automaticamente il dashboard del paziente.", "Could not change password.": "Impossibile modificare la password.", "Could not create credential.": "Impossibile creare credenziale.", "Could not perform operation for an unknown reason.": "Impossibile eseguire l'operazione per motivo sconosciuto.", "Credential management failed. The email address could be in use already.": "Gestione delle credenziali non riuscita. L'indirizzo e-mail potrebbe essere gi\u00e0 in uso.", "Could not delete.": "Impossibile eliminare.", "Credential management failed.": "Gestione delle credenziali non riuscita.", "Add a new member of your care team.": "Aggiungere nuovo membro del team di supporto.", "Update Photo & Role": "Aggiorna Foto & Ruolo", "Target behaviors": "Comportamenti designati", "effective": "efficace", "Timesques": "Tempi", " Add Item": "Aggiungi elemento", "ineffective": "inefficace", "Emotions": "Emozioni", "Add a target behavior": "Aggiungi comportamento designato", "Behavior name": "Nome comportamento", "Measure of action:": "Misura dell'azione:", "Add a emotion": "Aggiungi emozione", "Emotion name": "Nome emozione", "Removed participantId's alias.": " Alias Id participante rimosso.", "Set participantId's alias to participantName": "Imposta alias Id partecipante su NomePartecipante", "Failed to change participantId's alias": "Impossibile modificare alias Id participante: MessaggioErrore", "Create or edit the alias for this Participant ID. Saving an empty text box will reset this value.": "Creare o modificare l'alias per questo ID partecipante. Il salvataggio di una casella di testo vuota resetter\u00e0 questo valore.", "Failed to load participantId's alias: errorMessage": "Impossibile caricare alias ID participante: MessaggioErrore", "This activity is not yet available in mindLAMP 2": "Questa attivit\u00e0 non \u00e8 ancora disponibile su mindLAMP 2", "This is a demo only. Entries will not be saved.": "Questa \u00e8 solo una demo. I dati inseriti non sarranno salvati.", "My Medications": "I miei Farmaci", "Set reminder?": "Imposta promemoria?", "Edit": "Modifica", "text": "testo", "Some responses are missing. Please complete all questions before submitting.": "Mancano alcune risposte. Si prega di completare tutte le domande prima di inviare.", "Goal: ": "Obiettivo: ", "The goal has been saved successfully.": "L'obiettivo \u00e8 stato salvato con successo.", "Please select duration.": "Seleziona durata.", "Please enter goal value.": "Imposta valore obiettivo.", "Please enter goal name.": "Imposta nome obiettivo.", "Medication: ": "Farmaci: ", "The medication has been saved successfully.": "Il farmaco \u00e8 stato salvato con successo.", "Please select medication name.": "Seleziona nome farmaco.", "Please enter dose.": "Imposta dose.", "Please enter name.": "Imposta nome.", "This activity is not yet available in mindLAMP 2.": "Questa attivit\u00e0 non \u00e8 ancora disponibile su mindLAMP 2.", "Unique name required.": "Nome unico richiesto", "Could not create credential for id.": "Impossibile creare credenziale per l'id.", "Successfully created Participant id. Tap the expand icon on the right to see credentials and details.": "Id partecipante creato correttamente. Cliccare l'icona \u2018espandi\u2019 a destra per visualizzare credenziali e dettagli.", "Temporary email address": "Indirizzo di posta elettronica temporaneo", "Temporary password": "Password temporanea", "One-time login link": "Link di primo accesso", "an unknown device": "dispositivo non riconosciuto", "unknown device model": "modello dispositivo non riconosciuto ", "App Version:": "Versione App:", "OS Version:": "Versione SO (sistema operativo):", "DeviceName:": "Nome Dispositivo:", "Model:": "Modello:", "Successfully created new group - studyName.": "Nuovo studio NomeStudio creato correttamente.", "Are you sure you want to delete this Participant?": "Sicuro di volere eliminare questo Partecipante?", "Rename": "Rinomina", "Edit password": "Modifica password", "CSV": "CSV", "JSON": "JSON", "New user": "Nuovo paziente", "Create a new entry in this group.": "Inserire nuovo elemento in questo gruppo.", "Add a new group": "Aggiungi nuovo studio", "Create a new group.": "Crea nuovo studio.", "Are you sure you want to delete these participants?": "Sicuro di voler eliminare questi partecipanti?", "Choose the Group you want to save this participant.": "Seleziona Studio in cui salvare partecipante.", "Select a Group to create a participant.": "Seleziona Studio per creare partecipante.", "entries": "inserimenti", "Social Context": "Contesto sociale", "Edit goal": "Modifica obiettivo", "Current streak:": "Numero inserimenti ad oggi:", "Goal History": "Cronologia Obiettivi", "Dipartimento Salute Mentale (DMH)": "Dipartimento Salute Mentale (DMH)", "Department of Mental Health (DMH)": "Department of Mental Health (DMH)", "National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)": "Associazione Nazionale sulla Malattia Mentale (NAMI)", "NAMI Massachussetts": "NAMI Massachussetts", "Researchers": "Ricercatori", "Successfully created a new Researcher.": " Nuovo ricercatore creato con successo.", "Failed to create a new Researcher.": "Impossibile creare nuovo ricercatore.", "Successfully updated the Researcher.": "Ricercatore aggiornato con successo.", "Failed to update the Researcher.": "Impossibile aggiornare Ricercatore.", "Successfully deleted the Researcher.": "Ricercatore eliminato con successo.", "Failed to delete the Researcher.": "Impossibile eliminare Ricercatore.", "No Researchers. Add Researchers by clicking the [+] button above.": "Nessun Ricercatore. Aggiungere Ricercatore cliccando sul pulsante [+] in alto.", "Are you sure you want to delete this Researcher?": "Sicuro di volere eliminare questo Ricercatore?", "Well done!": "Ben fatto!", "Swipe around the": "Scorrere il dito intorno a", "screen to reveal": "schermo da scoprire", "the hidden image": "immagine nascosta", "am": "mattino", "pm": "pomeriggio", "Your response": "La tua risposta:", "Nearly All the Time": "Quasi Sempre", "More than Half the Time": "Pi\u00f9 della Met\u00e0 del Tempo", "Several Times": "Diverse Volte", "Not at all": "Mai", "(Select one)": "(Seleziona una)", "(0 being terrible, 10 being excellent)": "(0 equivalente a terribile, 10 equivalente a eccellente)", "Patient Notes": "Note Paziente", "Modify an existing group.": "Modifica gruppo esistente.", "Create a new group": "Crea nuovo gruppo", "Drag the handle on the left to change the order in which this Activity appears in the group.": "Trascinare la maniglia a sinistra per modificare l'ordine di visulaizzazione di questa Attivit\u00e0 nel gruppo.", "No selection": "Nessuna selezione", "Group Title": "Titolo Gruppo", "Configure activities and options.": "Configura attivit\u00e0 e opzioni.", "Add Activity": "Aggiungi Attivit\u00e0", "Save this activity group.": "Salva questo Attività.", "Question Option": "Opzione Domanda", "Delete this option from the question's list of options.": "Elimina questa opzione dall'elenco opzioni della domanda.", "Option Description": "Descrizione Opzione", "Add Option": "Aggiungi Opzione", "Delete question from survey instrument.": "Elimina domanda dallo questionario.", "Boolean": "booleano", "Likert": "likert", "List": "lista", "Multi-Select": "multi-selezione", "Slider": "Cursore", "Save this survey instrument.": "Salva questo questionario.", "N/A": "N/D", "An error occured while uploading. Please try again.": "Errore durante il caricamento. Riprova.", "Images should be in the format .jpeg/.png/.gif/.svg and the size should not exceed 4 MB.": "Le immagini devono essere in formato jpeg/png/bmp/gif/svg e le dimensioni non devono superare i 4 MB.", "You are not allowed to delete all the details from the tip.": "Non \u00e8 consentito eliminare tutti i dettagli dal Psicoeducazione.", "Tap to select a photo.": "Cliccare per selezionare foto.", "Tap to delete the photo.": "Cliccare per eliminare foto.", "Tips Title": "Titolo Suggerimenti", "Please enter Tips Title": "Imposta Titolo Suggerimenti", "Tips Description": "Descrizione Suggerimenti", "Please enter Tips Description": "Imposta Descrizione Suggerimenti", "Please enter group name.":"Imposta nome gruppo", "Please select the tip": "Seleziona Psicoeducazione", "Add New": "Aggiungi nuovo", "New Tip": "Nuovo Psicoeducazione", "Please add new tip.": "Aggiungi nuovo Psicoeducazione", "Tip Details": "Dettagli Psicoeducazione", "Duplicate this activity.": "Dupplica questa attivit\u00e0.", "Are you sure you want to delete this?": "Sicuro di volerlo eliminare?", "Welcome to mindLAMP!": "Benvenuti su mindLAMP!", "With the mindLAMP smartphone app, you can collect information about your health. You can learn about symptoms, brain health, and check your thinking. You can also learn about your steps and sleep and how they may relate to how you feel. You can use mindLAMP as part of a research study, part of your care if a clinician ask you to try it, or on your own.": "Con l'app per smartphone mindLAMP, \u00e8 possibile raccogliere informazioni sulla propria salute. \u00c8 possibile conoscere sintomi, status di salute del cervello e tenere traccia dei propri pensieri. \u00c8 anche possibile conoscere i passi effettuati e monitorare quantit\u00e0 e qualit\u00e0 del sonno e come questi possano influire sul proprio stato emotivo. \u00c8 possibile usare mindLAMP come parte di uno studio di ricerca, come parte di un percorso terapeutico se richiesto da un medico o in maniera autonoma.", "Here are all the activities you'll receive notifications for when you use mindLAMP.": "Ecco tutte le attivit\u00e0 che verranno notificate quando si usa mindLAMP.", "Let's go!": "Iniziamo!", "You're ready to start using mindLAMP.": "Pronti per iniziare a usare mindLAMP.", "You're using the src server to log into mindLAMP.": "Utilizzare il server src per accedere a mindLAMP.", "GPS": "GPS", "Accelerometer": "Accelerometro", "Never": "Mai", "Text": "testo", "To start building a query:": "Per iniziare a costruire una query:", "1. Navigate to the level of your target on the left.": "1. Seleziona la categoria del tuo target a sinistra.", "2. Click on": "2. Fai clic su \u2192", "While in Terminal mode, you can directly write JSONata style queries to pull data directly from your database.": "In modalità Terminale, è possibile scrivere direttamente query in stile JSONata per estrarre i dati direttamente dal database.", "While in GUI mode, you can directly pull graphs you have already generated from the LAMP database, easily view information across an entire study or researcher, or quickly view tags that give info about things like survey scoring. If this is your first time using the LAMP data_portal, or if you need to get data quickly, this is the mode we recommend!!": "In modalità GUI, puoi estrarre direttamente i grafici che hai già generato dal database LAMP, visualizzare facilmente le informazioni su un intero studio o ricercatore o visualizzare rapidamente i tag che forniscono informazioni su cose come il punteggio del sondaggio. Se è la prima volta che usi il lamp data_portal, o se hai bisogno di ottenere dati rapidamente, questa è la modalità che consigliamo!", "For example, try:": "Ad esempio, prova: ", "replacing": "sostituendo", "with a user's id to get a list of the last 10,000 activities completed through LAMP.": "con l'ID di un utente per ottenere un elenco delle ultime 10.000 attività completate tramite LAMP.", "Want to learn more about JSONata queries or what special data you can pull from LAMP?": "Vuoi saperne di più sulle query JSONata o su quali dati speciali puoi estrarre da LAMP?", "Click here!": "Clicca qui!", "Set Viewing Mode to GUI": "Imposta la modalità di visualizzazione su GUI", "Set Viewing Mode to Terminal": "Imposta la modalità di visualizzazione su Terminale", "Your data will appear here": "I tuoi dati appariranno qui", "There are no shared tags set for this": "Non ci sono tag condivisi impostati per questo ricercatore.", " To display data on tags shared between participants, set": "Per visualizzare i dati sui tag condivisi tra i partecipanti, imposta ", "to an array of strings, where each string is a tag you would like to see. Please contact your study administrator for more info.": "su una matrice di stringhe, dove ogni stringa è un tag che desideri vedere. Si prega di contattare l'amministratore dello studio per ulteriori informazioni.", "Alternatively, drag and drop a researcher, study, or participant into this box.": "Alternativamente, trascina e rilascia il ricercatore, lo studio o il partecipante, all’interno di questa casella.", "Please select the group": "Seleziona lo Studio", "Images should be in the format jpeg/png/bmp/gif/svg and the size should not exceed 4 MB.": "Le immagini devono essere in formato jpeg/png/bmp/gif/svg e le dimensioni non devono superare i 4 MB.", "Measure of action": "Misura dell'azione", "accelerometer": "Accelerometro", "Measure of Action": "Misura dell'azione", "Minutes": "minuti", "Please select the group.": "Seleziona lo Studio", "Please select the Group": "Seleziona lo Studio", "Server Address": "Indirizzo del server", "Data Portal": "Portale dati", "Change Viewing Mode (Currently GUI)": "Cambia modalità di visualizzazione (attualmente qui)", "Change Viewing Mode (Currently Terminal)": "Cambia modalità di visualizzazione (attualmente Terminale)", "Create a new user": "Crea un nuovo utente", "Group Name": "Nome Gruppo", "Question Text": "Testo Domanda", "Required": "Richiesto", "Survey Questions": "Domande Sondaggio", "Patient View" : "Visualizzazione utente", "User": "Utente", "Add Sensor": "Aggiungi Sensore", "Update Sensor": "Aggiorna Sensore", "No Sensors.": "Nessun Sensori", "No Activities.": "Nessun Attivit\u00e0", "Schedule": "Programma", "User number": "Utente {{number}}", "Profile": "Profilo", "Confirmation": "Confirma", "Confirm": "Confermare", "Confirm Password": "Conferma password", "NAME": "Nome", "TYPE": "Digita", "Choose File": "scegli il file", "Jewels A": "Gioielli A", "Jewels B": "Gioielli B", "Copy": "Copia", "ID to clipboard": "ID negli appunti", "Analyze": "Analizza", "Medications": "Farmaci", "File Name": "Nome File", "Add Item": "Aggiungi Elemento", "Memory Game": "gioco di memoria", "Voice Recording": "Registrazione Vocale", "click upload or clear to record again": "Fai clic su 'Carica' (Upload), oppure 'Cancella' (Clear) per registrare di nuovo", "Failed to fetch the study details.": "Impossibile recuperare i dettagli dello studio.","question": "domanda", "Question number of total": "Domanda {{ number }} of {{ total }}", "Question": "Domanda", "of":"di", "Next": "Successiva", "Submit": "Invia", "Mood": "Umore", "Back" :"Indietro", "Yes": "S\u00ec", "No": "No", "Which target behaviours did you experience today?": "Quali omportamenti arget hai sperimentato oggi?", "Sleep and Social": "Sonno e Comportamento Sociale", "Anxiety": "Ansia", "Psychosis and Social": "Psicosi e Comportamento Sociale", "App Usability": "Fruibilit\u00e0 dell'App", "Water and Nutrition": "Acqua e Alimentazione", "Please enter your response" : "Please enter your response" , "Your response": "La tua risposta", "Nearly All the Time": "Quasi Sempre", "More than Half the Time": "Pi\u00f9 della Met\u00e0 del Tempo", "Several Times": "Diverse Volte", "Not at all": "Mai", "(Select one)": "(Seleziona una)", "(0 being terrible, 10 being excellent)": "(0 equivalente a terribile, 10 equivalente a eccellente)","New journal entry": "Nuova voce da inserire nel diario", "How do you feel today?": "Come ti senti oggi?","Good": "Bene", "Bad": "Male", "Submit": "Invia", "Leaving so soon?": "Gi\u00e0 finito?", "If you leave without submitting, your entry will be lost.": "Se si esce senza premere invio, i dati inseriti andranno persi.", "No, don’t leave yet": "No, aspetta ad uscire", "Yes, leave": "Sì, esci dall’attività", "max characters": "Massimo caratteri", "Sunday":"Domenica", "Monday": "Lunedi", "Tuesday":"Martedì", "Wednesday":"Mercoledì", "Thursday":"Giovedì", "Friday":"Venerdì", "Saturday":"Sabato", "Jan":"Gen", "Feb":"Feb", "Mar":"Mar", "Apr":"Apr", "May":"Mag", "Jun":"Giu", "Jul":"Lug", "Aug":"Ago", "Sep":"Sett", "Oct":"Ott", "Nov":"Nov", "Dec":"Dic","LIFE_WORTH_LIVING_GOAL": "Life worth living goal","CONTINUE": "Continuare","TARGET_BEHAVIORS": "Comportamenti designati","ANSWER_RADIO_RATING_FORMATS": "0= Mai - 5= Estremamente forte", "WHICH_TARGET_BEHAVIORS_DID_YOU_EXPERIENCE_TODAY":"Quali comportamenti target hai sperimentato oggi?","EFFECTIVE": "efficace","MINUTES": "minuti","DIE":"Voglia di morire","SELF_HARM": "Autolesionismo","QUIT_THERAPY":"Interrompere la terapia","DIE_BY_SUICIDE":"Togliersi la vita","SHAME":"Vergogna","ANGER": "Rabbia","ANXIETY": "Ansia","FEAR_WORRY": "Paura/Preoccupazione","WORRY": "Preoccupazione","JOY": "Gioia","SADNESS": "Tristezza","INEFFECTIVE": "Inefficace","NEXT": "Successiva","BACK": "Indietro","URGES": "Impulsi","URGE_TO_QUIT_THERAPY": "Urge to quit therapy","URGE_TO_DIE_BY_SUICIDE": "Urge to die by suicide","EMOTIONS": "Emozioni","WHICH_EMOTIONS_DID_YOU_EXPERIENCE_TODAY":"Which emotions did you experience today?","SKILLS": "Skills","OF":"di","DID_YOU_USE_ANY_OF_THE_SKILLS_TODAY":"Hai usato qualcuna delle abilità oggi?","WHY_DIDNT_YOU_USE_ANY_SKILLS": "Perché non hai utilizzato le abilità?","MAX_300_CHARACTERS": "Massimo 300 caratteri","SELECT_ALL_THAT_APPLY": "Select all that apply","WHICH_SKILLS_DID_YOU_USE": "Which skills did you use?","YES": "S\u00ec","NO": "No","HOW_MUCH_EFFORT_DID_YOU_PUT_INTO_THE_SKILLS":"How much effort did you put into the skills?","ADDITIONAL_NOTES": "Additional Notes","SHORT_ANSWER_SENETENCES": "Risposte brevi (1-2 frasi)”","OPTIONAL_ARE_THERE_ANY_OTHER_DETAILS_YOU_WANT_TO_SHARE_ABOUT_YOUR_DAY":"Facoltativo: Ci sono altri dettagli che vorresti condividere della tua giornata?","SUBMIT": "Invia","WEEKLY_OVERVIEW": "Weekly overview","DID_YOU_HAVE_AN_URGE_TO_QUIT_THERAPY_THIS_WEEK":"Did you have an urge to quit therapy this week?","DID_THE_SKILLS_HELP": "Did the skills help?","DID_YOU_HAVE_AN_URGE_TO_COMMIT_SUICIDE_THIS_WEEK":"Did you have an urge to commit suicide this week?","DID_YOU_HAVE_THE_URGE_TO_DIE": "Did you have the urge to die?","DID_YOU_GO_TO_THE_ER_THIS_WEEK": "Did you go to the ER this week?","PSYCH": "Psych","MEDICAL": "Medical","WERE_YOU_HOSPITALIZED": "Were you hospitalized?","HOW_MANY_NORMATIVE_HOURS": "How many normative hours?","HOURS": "numero di volte","DBT_DIARY": "DBT Diary","ADD": "Add","TEN": "Ten","TWENTY": "Twenty","THIRTY": "Thirty","ADD_ITEM": "Add item","ADD_A_TARGET_BEHAVIOR": "Add a target behavior","MEASURE_OF_ACTION": "Measure of action", "TIMES": "Tempi","ADD_A_EMOTION": "Aggiungi emozione","EMOTION_NAME": "Emotion name","DBT_DIARY_CARD": "DBT Diary Card","SAVE": "Salva","CANCEL": "Annulla","ACTED": "Fatto","URGE": "Impulso","MINDFULNESS": "Mindfulness","WISE_MIND": "Wise Mind","OBSERVE_JUST_NOTICE_URGE_SURFING": "Observe: Just notice (Urge Surfing)","DESCRIBE_PUT_WORDS_ON": "Describe: Put words on","PARTICIPATE_ENTER_INTO_THE_EXPERIENCE":"Participate: Enter into the experience","NONJUDGMENTAL_STANCE": "Nonjudgmental stance","ONE_MINDFULLY_IN_THE_MOMENT": "One-Mindfully: In-the-moment","EFFECTIVENESS_FOCUS_ON_WHAT_WORKS": "Effectiveness: Focus on what works","LOVING_KINDNESS_BUILD_COMPASSION": "Loving Kindness: Build compassion","INTERPERSONAL": "Interpersonal","OBJECTIVE_EFFECTIVENESS_DEAR_MAN": "Objective effectiveness: DEAR MAN","RELATIONSHIP_EFFECTIVENESS_GIVE": "Relationship effectiveness: GIVE","SELF_RESPECT_EFFECTIVENESS_FAST": "Self-respect effectiveness: FAST","VALIDATING_OTHERS": "Validating Others","SELF_VALIDATION": "Self-Validation","BEHAVIOR_CHANGE_REINFORCE_EXTINGUISH":"Behavior change: reinforce/extinguish","MINDFULNESS_OF_OTHERS": "Mindfulness of others","FIND_OTHERS_AND_GET_THEM_TO_LIKE_YOU":"Find others and get them to like you","END_RELATIONSHIPS": "End relationships","EMOTION_REGULATION": "Emotion Regulation","CHECK_THE_FACTS_TO_CHANGE_EMOTIONS": "Check the Facts to change emotions","OPPOSITE_ACTION_TO_CHANGE_EMOTIONS": "Opposite Action to change emotions","PROBLEM_SOLVING_TO_CHANGE_EMOTIONS": "Problem Solving to change emotions","ACCUMULATE_POSITIVE_EMOTIONS": "Accumulate positive emotions","BUILD_MASTERY": "Build Mastery","COPE_AHEAD": "Cope Ahead","PLEASE_TAKE_CARE_OF_YOUR_BODY": "PLEASE: Take care of your body","DISTRESS_TOLERANCE": "Distress Tolerance","STOP_SKILL": "STOP Skill","PROS_AND_CONS_OF_ACTING_ON_URGES": "Pros and Cons of acting on urges","TIP_CHANGE_BODY_CHEMISTRY": "TIP: Change body chemistry","PAIRED_MUSCLE_RELAXATION": "Paired Muscle Relaxation","EFFECTIVE_RETHINKING_PAIRED_RELAX": "Effective Rethinking/Paired Relax","DISTRACTING_WISE_MIND_ACCEPTS": "Distracting: Wise Mind ACCEPTS","SELF_SOOTHING": "Self-Soothing","BODY_SCAN_MEDITATION": "Body Scan Meditation","IMPROVE_THE_MOMENT": "IMPROVE the Moment","SENSORY_AWARENESS": "Sensory Awareness","RADICAL_ACCEPTANCE": "Radical Acceptance","TURNING_THE_MIND": "Turning the Mind","REPLACE_WILLFULNESS_WITH_WILLINGNESS":"Replace Willfulness with Willingness","HALF_SMILING_AND_WILLING_HANDS": "Half-Smiling and Willing Hands","DIALECTICAL_ABSTINENCE": "Dialectical Abstinence","ALTERNATE_REBELLION_ADAPTIVE_DENIAL":"Alternate Rebellion / Adaptive Denial","CUSTOM": "Custom","BEHAVIOR_NAME": "Behavior name","SURVEY": "Survey","DAILY_LOG_OF_EVENTS_AND_RELATED_FEELINGS":"Daily log of events and related feelings","TRACK_TARGET_BEHAVIORS_AND_USE_OF_SKILLS":"Track target behaviors and use of skills","START_SURVEY": "Start survey","INTERPERSONAL_EFFECRIVENESS": "Interpersonal Effecriveness","QUESTION_NUMBER_OF_TOTAL": " {{ number }} di {{ total }}" }
diff --git a/public/locales/ko/translation.json b/public/locales/ko/translation.json
index 398cc8b7..2abc0d9a 100644
--- a/public/locales/ko/translation.json
+++ b/public/locales/ko/translation.json
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-{"Users": "\uc0ac\uc6a9\uc790", "Studies": "\uc5f0\uad6c", "Data Portal": "\ub370\uc774\ud130 \ud3ec\ud138.", "Month ago": "\ud55c\ub2ec \uc804", "Months ago": "\uba87\ub2ec \uc804", "Customize which Tab this Activity appears in": "\uc774 \ud65c\ub3d9\uc774 \ub098\ud0c0\ub098\ub294 \ud0ed \uc9c0\uc815", "Date": "\ub0a0\uc9dc", "Continue importing?": "\uacc4\uc18d \uac00\uc838\uc624\uae30", "Cortex data": "\ucf54\ud14d\uc2a4 \ub370\uc774\ud130", "Your data will appear here": "\uc5ec\ub7ec\ubd84\uc758 \ub370\uc774\ud130\uac00 \uc5ec\uae30\uc5d0 \ud45c\uc2dc\ub429\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "Successfully created a sensor.": "\uc13c\uc11c\ub97c \uc131\uacf5\uc801\uc73c\ub85c \uc0dd\uc131\ud588\uc74c.", "Successfully updated a sensor.": "\uc13c\uc11c\ub97c \uc131\uacf5\uc801\uc73c\ub85c \uc5c5\ub370\uc774\ud2b8\ud568", "Are you sure you want to delete this sensor?": "\uc774 \uc13c\uc11c\ub97c \uc0ad\uc81c\ud558\uc2dc\uaca0\uc2b5\ub2c8\uae4c?", "device_state": "\ub514\ubc14\uc774\uc2a4_\uc0c1\ud0dc", "Item": "\uc544\uc774\ud15c", "item": "\uc544\uc774\ud15c", "System Admin": "\uc2dc\uc2a4\ud15c \uad00\ub9ac\uc790", "User Administrator": "\uc0ac\uc6a9\uc790 \uad00\ub9ac\uc790", "Practice Lead": "\uc2e4\ud589 \uc911\uc778 \ub9ac\ub354", "Confirm Password": "\ube44\ubc00\ubc88\ud638 \ud655\uc778", "Changes done to this activity will reflect for all the participants under the group. Are you sure you want to proceed?": "\uc774 \ud65c\ub3d9\uc5d0 \ub300\ud55c \ubcc0\uacbd \uc0ac\ud56d\uc740 \uc5f0\uad6c\uc5d0 \ucc38\uc5ec\ud558\ub294 \ubaa8\ub4e0 \ucc38\uac00\uc790\uc5d0\uac8c \ubc18\uc601\ub429\ub2c8\ub2e4. \uacc4\uc18d\ud558\uc2dc\uaca0\uc2b5\ub2c8\uae4c?", "Advanced Mode": "\uace0\uae09 \ubaa8\ub4dc", "Simple Mode": "\ub2e8\uc21c \ubaa8\ub4dc", "User View": "\uc0ac\uc6a9\uc790 \ubcf4\uae30", "No Records Found": "\uae30\ub85d \ucc3e\uc744 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc74c", "Maximum recording time is 4 minutes": "\ucd5c\ub300 \ub179\uc74c \uc2dc\uac04\uc740 4\ubd84\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "Select All": "\ubaa8\ub450 \uc120\ud0dd", "Deselect All": "\ubaa8\ub450 \uc120\ud0dd \ucde8\uc18c", "Last Passive": "\ub9c8\uc9c0\ub9c9 \ud328\uc2dc\ube0c", "Separate participant data into multiple lines for each activity": "\ucc38\uac00\uc790 \ub370\uc774\ud130\ub97c \uac01 \ud65c\ub3d9\uc5d0 \ub300\ud55c \uc5ec\ub7ec \ub77c\uc778\uc73c\ub85c \ubd84\ub9ac", "Download data for all activities for this Researcher": "\uc774 \uc5f0\uad6c\uc790\uc758 \ubaa8\ub4e0 \ud65c\ub3d9\uc5d0 \ub300\ud55c \ub370\uc774\ud130 \ub2e4\uc6b4\ub85c\ub4dc", "Download Data for Researcher XXXX": "\uc5f0\uad6c\uc790 XXXX\uc5d0 \ub300\ud55c \ub370\uc774\ud130 \ub2e4\uc6b4\ub85c\ub4dc", "Download data for participant XXXX": "\ucc38\uac00\uc790 XXXX\uc5d0 \ub300\ud55c \ub370\uc774\ud130 \ub2e4\uc6b4\ub85c\ub4dc", "Download participant data": "\ucc38\uac00\uc790 \ub370\uc774\ud130 \ub2e4\uc6b4\ub85c\ub4dc", "Adjust Toggleable Shared Tags": "\uc804\ud658\uac00\ub2a5\ud55c \uacf5\uc720 \ud0dc\uadf8 \uc870\uc815", "Create a new user": "\uc0c8 \uc0ac\uc6a9\uc790 \ub9cc\ub4e4\uae30", "Schedule": "\uc77c\uc815", "Confirmation": "\ud655\uc778", "Confirm": "\ud655\uc778\ud558\ub2e4", "Change Viewing Mode (Currently GUI)": "\ubdf0 \ubaa8\ub4dc \ubcc0\uacbd (\ud604\uc7ac GUI)", "Set Viewing Mode to GUI": "\ubdf0 \ubaa8\ub4dc\ub97c GUI\ub85c \uc124\uc815", "GUI Mode": "GUI \ubaa8\ub4dc", "Terminal mode": "\ud130\ubbf8\ub110 \ubaa8\ub4dc", "While in Terminal mode, you can directly write JSONata style queries to pull data directly from your database.": "\ud130\ubbf8\ub110 \ubaa8\ub4dc\uc5d0\uc11c JSONata \uc2a4\ud0c0\uc77c \ubb38\uc758\ub97c \uc9c1\uc811 \uc791\uc131\ud558\uc5ec \ub370\uc774\ud130\ubca0\uc774\uc2a4\uc5d0\uc11c \uc9c1\uc811 \ub370\uc774\ud130\ub97c \uac00\uc838\uc62c \uc218 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "For example, try:`LAMP.ActivityEvent.list(participant_id)`,replacing`participant_id` with a user\u2019s id to get a list of the last10,000 activities completed through LAMP.": "\uc608\ub97c \ub4e4\uc5b4, \ub2e4\uc74c\uc744 \uc2dc\ub3c4\ud574 \ubcf4\uc138\uc694: `LAMP.ActivityEvent.list(participant_id)`\ub97c \uc2dc\ub3c4\ud558\uace0 `participant_id`\ub97c \uc0ac\uc6a9\uc790\uc758 ID\ub85c \ubc14\uafd4 LAMP\ub97c \ud1b5\ud574 \uc644\ub8cc\ub41c \ub9c8\uc9c0\ub9c9 10,000\uac1c \ud65c\ub3d9 \ubaa9\ub85d\uc744 \uac00\uc838\uc635\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "Want to learn more about JSONata queries or what special data you can pull from LAMP?": "JSONata \ubb38\uc758 \ub610\ub294 LAMP\uc5d0\uc11c \uac00\uc838\uc62c \uc218 \uc788\ub294 \ud2b9\uc218 \ub370\uc774\ud130\uc5d0 \ub300\ud574 \uc790\uc138\ud788 \uc54c\uace0 \uc2f6\uc73c\uc138\uc694?", "Click here!": "\uc5ec\uae30\ub97c \ud074\ub9ad\ud558\uc138\uc694!", "Set Viewing Mode to Terminal": "\ubcf4\uae30 \ubaa8\ub4dc\ub97c \ud130\ubbf8\ub110\ub85c \uc124\uc815", "Messaging": "\uba54\uc2dc\uc9c0", "External": "\uc678\ubd80", "While in GUI mode, you can directly pull graphs you have already generated from the LAMP database, easily view information across an entire study or researcher, or quickly view tags that give info about things like survey scoring. If this is your first time using the LAMP data_portal, or if you need to get data quickly, this is the mode we recommend!!": "GUI \ubaa8\ub4dc\uc5d0 \uc788\ub294 \ub3d9\uc548, LAMP \ub370\uc774\ud130\ubca0\uc774\uc2a4\uc5d0\uc11c \uc774\ubbf8 \uc0dd\uc131\ud55c \uadf8\ub798\ud504\ub97c \uc9c1\uc811 \uac00\uc838\uc624\uace0, \uc804\uccb4 \uc5f0\uad6c \ub610\ub294 \uc5f0\uad6c\uc790\uc5d0 \ub300\ud55c \uc815\ubcf4\ub97c \uc27d\uac8c \ubcf4\uac70\ub098, \uc124\ubb38 \uc870\uc0ac \uc810\uc218\uc640 \uac19\uc740 \uc815\ubcf4\ub97c \uc81c\uacf5\ud558\ub294 \ud0dc\uadf8\ub97c \ube60\ub974\uac8c \ubcfc \uc218 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4. LAMP data_portal\uc744 \ucc98\uc74c \uc0ac\uc6a9\ud558\uac70\ub098 \ube60\ub974\uac8c \ub370\uc774\ud130\ub97c \uac00\uc838\uc640\uc57c \ud558\ub294 \uacbd\uc6b0 \ucd94\ucc9c\ud574\ub4dc\ub9ac\ub294 \ubaa8\ub4dc\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4!", "The maximum allowed file size is 25 MB.": "\ucd5c\ub300 \ud5c8\uc6a9 \ud30c\uc77c \ud06c\uae30\ub294 25MB\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "File Name": "\ud30c\uc77c \uc774\ub984", "The Activities having same name under the selected group will be duplicated into new name.": "\uc120\ud0dd\ub41c \uc5f0\uad6c\uc5d0\uc11c \ub3d9\uc77c\ud55c \uc774\ub984\uc744 \uac00\uc9c4 \ud65c\ub3d9\ub4e4\uc740 \uc0c8 \uc774\ub984\uc73c\ub85c \ubcf5\uc81c\ub429\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "Clear": "\ubd84\uba85\ud55c", "Every 3 hours": "3\uc2dc\uac04\ub9c8\ub2e4", "Every 6 hours": "6\uc2dc\uac04\ub9c8\ub2e4", "Every 12 hours": "12\uc2dc\uac04\ub9c8\ub2e4", "Week ago": "1\uc8fc \uc804", "Weeks ago": "\uba87\uc8fc \uc804\uc5d0", "Day ago": "1\uc77c \uc804", "Days ago": "\uba87\uc77c \uc804\uc5d0", "Minute ago": "1\ubd84 \uc804", "Minutes ago": "\uba87\ubd84 \uc804\uc5d0", "Please select the sensor spec.": "\uc13c\uc11c \uc0ac\uc591\uc744 \uc120\ud0dd\ud558\uc2ed\uc2dc\uc624.", "Streak title": "\uc2a4\ud2b8\ub9ad \ud0c0\uc774\ud2c0", "Streak description": "\uc2a4\ud2b8\ub9ad \uc124\uba85", "Streak popup on": "\uc2a4\ud2b8\ub9ad \ud31d\uc5c5 \ucf1c\uae30", "Upload": "\uc5c5\ub85c\ub4dc", "Update": "\uc5c5\ub370\uc774\ud2b8", "Temporary Login": "\uc784\uc2dc \ub85c\uadf8\uc778", "On an unknown model": "\uc54c\ub824\uc9c0\uc9c0 \uc54a\uc740 \ubaa8\ub378\uc5d0\uc11c", "Group name updated": "\uc5f0\uad6c\uba85\uc774 \uc5c5\ub370\uc774\ud2b8\ub418\uc5c8\uc74c", "Update Group name. Saving an empty text box will reset this value.": "\uc5f0\uad6c\uba85\uc744 \uc5c5\ub370\uc774\ud2b8\ud558\uc2ed\uc2dc\uc624. \ube48 \ud14d\uc2a4\ud2b8 \uc0c1\uc790\ub97c \uc800\uc7a5\ud558\uba74 \uc774 \uac12\uc774 \uc7ac\uc124\uc815\ub429\ub2c8\ub2e4", "Successfully deleted the selected participants.": "\uc120\ud0dd\ud55c \ucc38\uac00\uc790\ub97c \uc131\uacf5\uc801\uc73c\ub85c \uc0ad\uc81c\ud588\uc74c", "Group name and user name will be same.": "\uadf8\ub8f9\uba85\uacfc \uc0ac\uc6a9\uc790\uba85\uc774 \uac19\uc744 \uac83\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4", "Choose the group you want to save this participant": "\uc774 \ucc38\uac00\uc790\ub97c \uc800\uc7a5\ud560 \uadf8\ub8f9\uc744 \uc120\ud0dd\ud558\uc2ed\uc2dc\uc624", "Analyze participant": "\ucc38\uac00\uc790 \ubd84\uc11d\ud558\uc138\uc694", "Please enter your response": "\uc751\ub2f5\uc744 \uc785\ub825\ud558\uc138\uc694", "Note: This is the latest version of LAMP": "\ucc38\uace0: \uc774\uac83\uc774 LAMP\uc758 \ucd5c\uc2e0 \ubc84\uc804\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4", "Note: This is NOT the latest version of LAMP": "\ucc38\uace0: \uc774\uac83\uc740 LAMP\uc758 \ucd5c\uc2e0 \ubc84\uc804\uc774 \uc544\ub2d9\ub2c8\ub2e4", "Please select the group": "\uadf8\ub8f9\uc744 \uc120\ud0dd\ud558\uc138\uc694", "Please select the Group to import activities": "\ud65c\ub3d9\uc744 \uac00\uc838\uc62c \uadf8\ub8f9\uc744 \uc120\ud0dd\ud558\uc138\uc694", "Are you sure you want to delete this?": "\uc774\uac83\uc744 \uc815\ub9d0 \uc0ad\uc81c\ud558\uc2dc\uaca0\uc2b5\ub2c8\uae4c?", "none": "\uc5c6\uc74c", "Welcome to the Portal section": "\ud3ec\ud138 \uc139\uc158\uc5d0 \uc624\uc2e0 \uac83\uc744 \ud658\uc601\ud569\ub2c8\ub2e4", "Track progress and make connections.": "\uc9c4\ud589 \uc0c1\ud669\uc744 \ucd94\uc801\ud558\uace0 \uc5f0\uacb0\ud558\uc2ed\uc2dc\uc624.", "Log feelings, behavior, and activity.": "\uac10\uc815, \ud589\ub3d9 \ubc0f \ud65c\ub3d9\uc744 \uae30\ub85d\ud558\uc2ed\uc2dc\uc624.", "Find useful information and practice healthy habits.": "\uc720\uc6a9\ud55c \uc815\ubcf4\ub97c \ucc3e\uace0 \uac74\uac15\ud55c \uc2b5\uad00\uc744 \uae30\ub974\uc138\uc694.", "Review today's activities.": "\uc624\ub298\uc758 \ud65c\ub3d9\uc744 \uac80\ud1a0\ud558\uc2ed\uc2dc\uc624.", "There are no Assess activities available.": "\uc0ac\uc6a9 \uac00\ub2a5\ud55c \ud3c9\uac00 \ud65c\ub3d9\uc774 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.",
+{"Users": "\uc0ac\uc6a9\uc790", "Studies": "\uc5f0\uad6c", "Data Portal": "\ub370\uc774\ud130 \ud3ec\ud138.", "Month ago": "\ud55c\ub2ec \uc804", "Months ago": "\uba87\ub2ec \uc804", "Customize which Tab this Activity appears in": "\uc774 \ud65c\ub3d9\uc774 \ub098\ud0c0\ub098\ub294 \ud0ed \uc9c0\uc815", "Date": "\ub0a0\uc9dc", "Continue importing?": "\uacc4\uc18d \uac00\uc838\uc624\uae30", "Cortex data": "\ucf54\ud14d\uc2a4 \ub370\uc774\ud130", "Your data will appear here": "\uc5ec\ub7ec\ubd84\uc758 \ub370\uc774\ud130\uac00 \uc5ec\uae30\uc5d0 \ud45c\uc2dc\ub429\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "Successfully created a sensor.": "\uc13c\uc11c\ub97c \uc131\uacf5\uc801\uc73c\ub85c \uc0dd\uc131\ud588\uc74c.", "Successfully updated a sensor.": "\uc13c\uc11c\ub97c \uc131\uacf5\uc801\uc73c\ub85c \uc5c5\ub370\uc774\ud2b8\ud568", "Are you sure you want to delete this sensor?": "\uc774 \uc13c\uc11c\ub97c \uc0ad\uc81c\ud558\uc2dc\uaca0\uc2b5\ub2c8\uae4c?", "device_state": "\ub514\ubc14\uc774\uc2a4_\uc0c1\ud0dc", "Item": "\uc544\uc774\ud15c", "item": "\uc544\uc774\ud15c", "System Admin": "\uc2dc\uc2a4\ud15c \uad00\ub9ac\uc790", "User Administrator": "\uc0ac\uc6a9\uc790 \uad00\ub9ac\uc790", "Practice Lead": "\uc2e4\ud589 \uc911\uc778 \ub9ac\ub354", "Self evaluation":"Self evaluation","Confirm Password": "\ube44\ubc00\ubc88\ud638 \ud655\uc778", "Changes done to this activity will reflect for all the participants under the group. Are you sure you want to proceed?": "\uc774 \ud65c\ub3d9\uc5d0 \ub300\ud55c \ubcc0\uacbd \uc0ac\ud56d\uc740 \uc5f0\uad6c\uc5d0 \ucc38\uc5ec\ud558\ub294 \ubaa8\ub4e0 \ucc38\uac00\uc790\uc5d0\uac8c \ubc18\uc601\ub429\ub2c8\ub2e4. \uacc4\uc18d\ud558\uc2dc\uaca0\uc2b5\ub2c8\uae4c?", "Advanced Mode": "\uace0\uae09 \ubaa8\ub4dc", "Simple Mode": "\ub2e8\uc21c \ubaa8\ub4dc", "User View": "\uc0ac\uc6a9\uc790 \ubcf4\uae30", "No Records Found": "\uae30\ub85d \ucc3e\uc744 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc74c", "Maximum recording time is 4 minutes": "\ucd5c\ub300 \ub179\uc74c \uc2dc\uac04\uc740 4\ubd84\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "Select All": "\ubaa8\ub450 \uc120\ud0dd", "Deselect All": "\ubaa8\ub450 \uc120\ud0dd \ucde8\uc18c", "Last Passive": "\ub9c8\uc9c0\ub9c9 \ud328\uc2dc\ube0c", "Separate participant data into multiple lines for each activity": "\ucc38\uac00\uc790 \ub370\uc774\ud130\ub97c \uac01 \ud65c\ub3d9\uc5d0 \ub300\ud55c \uc5ec\ub7ec \ub77c\uc778\uc73c\ub85c \ubd84\ub9ac", "Download data for all activities for this Researcher": "\uc774 \uc5f0\uad6c\uc790\uc758 \ubaa8\ub4e0 \ud65c\ub3d9\uc5d0 \ub300\ud55c \ub370\uc774\ud130 \ub2e4\uc6b4\ub85c\ub4dc", "Download Data for Researcher XXXX": "\uc5f0\uad6c\uc790 XXXX\uc5d0 \ub300\ud55c \ub370\uc774\ud130 \ub2e4\uc6b4\ub85c\ub4dc", "Download data for participant XXXX": "\ucc38\uac00\uc790 XXXX\uc5d0 \ub300\ud55c \ub370\uc774\ud130 \ub2e4\uc6b4\ub85c\ub4dc", "Download participant data": "\ucc38\uac00\uc790 \ub370\uc774\ud130 \ub2e4\uc6b4\ub85c\ub4dc", "Adjust Toggleable Shared Tags": "\uc804\ud658\uac00\ub2a5\ud55c \uacf5\uc720 \ud0dc\uadf8 \uc870\uc815", "Create a new user": "\uc0c8 \uc0ac\uc6a9\uc790 \ub9cc\ub4e4\uae30", "Schedule": "\uc77c\uc815", "Confirmation": "\ud655\uc778", "Confirm": "\ud655\uc778\ud558\ub2e4", "Change Viewing Mode (Currently GUI)": "\ubdf0 \ubaa8\ub4dc \ubcc0\uacbd (\ud604\uc7ac GUI)", "Set Viewing Mode to GUI": "\ubdf0 \ubaa8\ub4dc\ub97c GUI\ub85c \uc124\uc815", "GUI Mode": "GUI \ubaa8\ub4dc", "Terminal mode": "\ud130\ubbf8\ub110 \ubaa8\ub4dc", "While in Terminal mode, you can directly write JSONata style queries to pull data directly from your database.": "\ud130\ubbf8\ub110 \ubaa8\ub4dc\uc5d0\uc11c JSONata \uc2a4\ud0c0\uc77c \ubb38\uc758\ub97c \uc9c1\uc811 \uc791\uc131\ud558\uc5ec \ub370\uc774\ud130\ubca0\uc774\uc2a4\uc5d0\uc11c \uc9c1\uc811 \ub370\uc774\ud130\ub97c \uac00\uc838\uc62c \uc218 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "For example, try:`LAMP.ActivityEvent.list(participant_id)`,replacing`participant_id` with a user\u2019s id to get a list of the last10,000 activities completed through LAMP.": "\uc608\ub97c \ub4e4\uc5b4, \ub2e4\uc74c\uc744 \uc2dc\ub3c4\ud574 \ubcf4\uc138\uc694: `LAMP.ActivityEvent.list(participant_id)`\ub97c \uc2dc\ub3c4\ud558\uace0 `participant_id`\ub97c \uc0ac\uc6a9\uc790\uc758 ID\ub85c \ubc14\uafd4 LAMP\ub97c \ud1b5\ud574 \uc644\ub8cc\ub41c \ub9c8\uc9c0\ub9c9 10,000\uac1c \ud65c\ub3d9 \ubaa9\ub85d\uc744 \uac00\uc838\uc635\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "Want to learn more about JSONata queries or what special data you can pull from LAMP?": "JSONata \ubb38\uc758 \ub610\ub294 LAMP\uc5d0\uc11c \uac00\uc838\uc62c \uc218 \uc788\ub294 \ud2b9\uc218 \ub370\uc774\ud130\uc5d0 \ub300\ud574 \uc790\uc138\ud788 \uc54c\uace0 \uc2f6\uc73c\uc138\uc694?", "Click here!": "\uc5ec\uae30\ub97c \ud074\ub9ad\ud558\uc138\uc694!", "Set Viewing Mode to Terminal": "\ubcf4\uae30 \ubaa8\ub4dc\ub97c \ud130\ubbf8\ub110\ub85c \uc124\uc815", "Messaging": "\uba54\uc2dc\uc9c0", "External": "\uc678\ubd80", "While in GUI mode, you can directly pull graphs you have already generated from the LAMP database, easily view information across an entire study or researcher, or quickly view tags that give info about things like survey scoring. If this is your first time using the LAMP data_portal, or if you need to get data quickly, this is the mode we recommend!!": "GUI \ubaa8\ub4dc\uc5d0 \uc788\ub294 \ub3d9\uc548, LAMP \ub370\uc774\ud130\ubca0\uc774\uc2a4\uc5d0\uc11c \uc774\ubbf8 \uc0dd\uc131\ud55c \uadf8\ub798\ud504\ub97c \uc9c1\uc811 \uac00\uc838\uc624\uace0, \uc804\uccb4 \uc5f0\uad6c \ub610\ub294 \uc5f0\uad6c\uc790\uc5d0 \ub300\ud55c \uc815\ubcf4\ub97c \uc27d\uac8c \ubcf4\uac70\ub098, \uc124\ubb38 \uc870\uc0ac \uc810\uc218\uc640 \uac19\uc740 \uc815\ubcf4\ub97c \uc81c\uacf5\ud558\ub294 \ud0dc\uadf8\ub97c \ube60\ub974\uac8c \ubcfc \uc218 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4. LAMP data_portal\uc744 \ucc98\uc74c \uc0ac\uc6a9\ud558\uac70\ub098 \ube60\ub974\uac8c \ub370\uc774\ud130\ub97c \uac00\uc838\uc640\uc57c \ud558\ub294 \uacbd\uc6b0 \ucd94\ucc9c\ud574\ub4dc\ub9ac\ub294 \ubaa8\ub4dc\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4!", "The maximum allowed file size is 25 MB.": "\ucd5c\ub300 \ud5c8\uc6a9 \ud30c\uc77c \ud06c\uae30\ub294 25MB\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "File Name": "\ud30c\uc77c \uc774\ub984", "The Activities having same name under the selected group will be duplicated into new name.": "\uc120\ud0dd\ub41c \uc5f0\uad6c\uc5d0\uc11c \ub3d9\uc77c\ud55c \uc774\ub984\uc744 \uac00\uc9c4 \ud65c\ub3d9\ub4e4\uc740 \uc0c8 \uc774\ub984\uc73c\ub85c \ubcf5\uc81c\ub429\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "Clear": "\ubd84\uba85\ud55c", "Every 3 hours": "3\uc2dc\uac04\ub9c8\ub2e4", "Every 6 hours": "6\uc2dc\uac04\ub9c8\ub2e4", "Every 12 hours": "12\uc2dc\uac04\ub9c8\ub2e4", "Week ago": "1\uc8fc \uc804", "Weeks ago": "\uba87\uc8fc \uc804\uc5d0", "Day ago": "1\uc77c \uc804", "Days ago": "\uba87\uc77c \uc804\uc5d0", "Minute ago": "1\ubd84 \uc804", "Minutes ago": "\uba87\ubd84 \uc804\uc5d0", "Please select the sensor spec.": "\uc13c\uc11c \uc0ac\uc591\uc744 \uc120\ud0dd\ud558\uc2ed\uc2dc\uc624.", "Streak title": "\uc2a4\ud2b8\ub9ad \ud0c0\uc774\ud2c0", "Streak description": "\uc2a4\ud2b8\ub9ad \uc124\uba85", "Streak popup on": "\uc2a4\ud2b8\ub9ad \ud31d\uc5c5 \ucf1c\uae30", "Upload": "\uc5c5\ub85c\ub4dc", "Update": "\uc5c5\ub370\uc774\ud2b8", "Temporary Login": "\uc784\uc2dc \ub85c\uadf8\uc778", "On an unknown model": "\uc54c\ub824\uc9c0\uc9c0 \uc54a\uc740 \ubaa8\ub378\uc5d0\uc11c", "Group name updated": "\uc5f0\uad6c\uba85\uc774 \uc5c5\ub370\uc774\ud2b8\ub418\uc5c8\uc74c", "Update Group name. Saving an empty text box will reset this value.": "\uc5f0\uad6c\uba85\uc744 \uc5c5\ub370\uc774\ud2b8\ud558\uc2ed\uc2dc\uc624. \ube48 \ud14d\uc2a4\ud2b8 \uc0c1\uc790\ub97c \uc800\uc7a5\ud558\uba74 \uc774 \uac12\uc774 \uc7ac\uc124\uc815\ub429\ub2c8\ub2e4", "Successfully deleted the selected participants.": "\uc120\ud0dd\ud55c \ucc38\uac00\uc790\ub97c \uc131\uacf5\uc801\uc73c\ub85c \uc0ad\uc81c\ud588\uc74c", "Group name and user name will be same.": "\uadf8\ub8f9\uba85\uacfc \uc0ac\uc6a9\uc790\uba85\uc774 \uac19\uc744 \uac83\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4", "Choose the group you want to save this participant": "\uc774 \ucc38\uac00\uc790\ub97c \uc800\uc7a5\ud560 \uadf8\ub8f9\uc744 \uc120\ud0dd\ud558\uc2ed\uc2dc\uc624", "Analyze participant": "\ucc38\uac00\uc790 \ubd84\uc11d\ud558\uc138\uc694", "Please enter your response": "\uc751\ub2f5\uc744 \uc785\ub825\ud558\uc138\uc694", "Note: This is the latest version of LAMP": "\ucc38\uace0: \uc774\uac83\uc774 LAMP\uc758 \ucd5c\uc2e0 \ubc84\uc804\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4", "Note: This is NOT the latest version of LAMP": "\ucc38\uace0: \uc774\uac83\uc740 LAMP\uc758 \ucd5c\uc2e0 \ubc84\uc804\uc774 \uc544\ub2d9\ub2c8\ub2e4", "Please select the group": "\uadf8\ub8f9\uc744 \uc120\ud0dd\ud558\uc138\uc694", "Please select the Group to import activities": "\ud65c\ub3d9\uc744 \uac00\uc838\uc62c \uadf8\ub8f9\uc744 \uc120\ud0dd\ud558\uc138\uc694", "Are you sure you want to delete this?": "\uc774\uac83\uc744 \uc815\ub9d0 \uc0ad\uc81c\ud558\uc2dc\uaca0\uc2b5\ub2c8\uae4c?", "none": "\uc5c6\uc74c", "Welcome to the Portal section": "\ud3ec\ud138 \uc139\uc158\uc5d0 \uc624\uc2e0 \uac83\uc744 \ud658\uc601\ud569\ub2c8\ub2e4", "Track progress and make connections.": "\uc9c4\ud589 \uc0c1\ud669\uc744 \ucd94\uc801\ud558\uace0 \uc5f0\uacb0\ud558\uc2ed\uc2dc\uc624.", "Log feelings, behavior, and activity.": "\uac10\uc815, \ud589\ub3d9 \ubc0f \ud65c\ub3d9\uc744 \uae30\ub85d\ud558\uc2ed\uc2dc\uc624.", "Find useful information and practice healthy habits.": "\uc720\uc6a9\ud55c \uc815\ubcf4\ub97c \ucc3e\uace0 \uac74\uac15\ud55c \uc2b5\uad00\uc744 \uae30\ub974\uc138\uc694.", "Review today's activities.": "\uc624\ub298\uc758 \ud65c\ub3d9\uc744 \uac80\ud1a0\ud558\uc2ed\uc2dc\uc624.", "There are no Assess activities available.": "\uc0ac\uc6a9 \uac00\ub2a5\ud55c \ud3c9\uac00 \ud65c\ub3d9\uc774 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.",
"There are no Manage activities available.": "\uc0ac\uc6a9 \uac00\ub2a5\ud55c \uad00\ub9ac \ud65c\ub3d9\uc774 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.",
"There are no Learn activities available.": "\uc0ac\uc6a9 \uac00\ub2a5\ud55c \ud559\uc2b5 \ud65c\ub3d9\uc774 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "There are no scheduled activities available.": "\uc0ac\uc6a9 \uac00\ub2a5\ud55c \uc608\uc57d\ub41c \ud65c\ub3d9\uc774 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "Portal": "\uc0ac\uc6a9 \uac00\ub2a5\ud55c \ud3c9\uac00/\uad00\ub9ac/\ud559\uc2b5/\uc608\uc57d\ub41c \ud65c\ub3d9\uc774 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "Cortex": "\ud53c\uc9c8", "No Records found": "\uae30\ub85d \uc5c6\uc74c", "Rows per page": "\ud398\uc774\uc9c0\ub2f9 \ud589 \uc218:", "Nickname(optional)": "\ub2c9\ub124\uc784(\uc120\ud0dd\uc0ac\ud56d)", "Add a user": "\uc0ac\uc6a9\uc790 \ucd94\uac00", "Add a new group": "\uc0c8 \uadf8\ub8f9 \ucd94\uac00", "Add a new user and group": "\uc0c8 \uadf8\ub8f9 \ucd94\uac00", "Create a new user under their own group.": "\uadf8\ub8f9\uc5d0 \uc0c8 \uc0ac\uc6a9\uc790\ub97c \ub9cc\ub4ed\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "Duplicate from": "\ubcf5\uc81c", "Last passive": "\ubcf5\uc81c", "Spatial scan": "\uacf5\uac04 \uc2a4\uce94", "screen_state": "\ud654\uba74 \uc0c1\ud0dc", "accelerometer.motion": "\uac00\uc18d\ub3c4\uacc4.\uc6b4\ub3d9", "analytics": "\ubd84\uc11d", "blood_pressure": "\ud608\uc555", "bluetooth": "\ube14\ub8e8\ud22c\uc2a4", "calls": "\uc804\ud654", "distance": "\uac70\ub9ac", "flights": "\ube44\ud589", "gps.contextual": "gps.\ucd94\uc801", "heart_rate": "\uc2ec\ubc15\uc218", "height": "\ud0a4", "magnetometer": "\uc790\ub825\uacc4", "respiratory_rate": "\ud638\ud761\uc218", "segment": "\ubd84\uc808", "sms": "SMS", "steps": "\ub2e8\uacc4", "weight": "\ubb34\uac8c", "wifi": "\uc640\uc774\ud30c\uc774", "Currently Viewing Mode (Currently GUI)": "\ud604\uc7ac \ubcf4\uae30 \ubaa8\ub4dc(\ud604\uc7ac GUI)", "To start building a query: 1. Navigate to the level of your target on the left. 2. Click on \u2192": "\ucffc\ub9ac \uc791\uc131\uc744 \uc2dc\uc791\ud558\ub824\uba74: 1. \uc67c\ucabd\uc5d0 \uc788\ub294 \ubaa9\ud45c \uc218\uc900\uc73c\ub85c \uc774\ub3d9\ud569\ub2c8\ub2e4. 2. \ud074\ub9ad \u2192", "Alternatively, drag and drop a researcher, study, or participant into this box.": "\ub610\ub294 \uc5f0\uad6c\uc790, \uc5f0\uad6c \ub610\ub294 \ucc38\uac00\uc790\ub97c \uc774 \uc0c1\uc790\ub85c \ub04c\uc5b4\ub2e4 \ub193\uae30", "Copy Researcher ID to clipboard": "\uc5f0\uad6c\uc790 ID\ub97c \ud074\ub9bd\ubcf4\ub4dc\uc5d0 \ubcf5\uc0ac", "Download Researcher Data": "\uc5f0\uad6c\uc790 \ub370\uc774\ud130 \ub2e4\uc6b4\ub85c\ub4dc", "Analyze researcher": "\uc5f0\uad6c\uc790 \ub370\uc774\ud130 \ub2e4\uc6b4\ub85c\ub4dc", "Select all shared tags": "\ubaa8\ub4e0 \uacf5\uc720 \ud0dc\uadf8 \uc120\ud0dd", "Deselect all shared tags": "\ubaa8\ub4e0 \uacf5\uc720 \ud0dc\uadf8 \uc120\ud0dd \ucde8\uc18c", "Please wait, your data is loading": "\ubaa8\ub4e0 \uacf5\uc720 \ud0dc\uadf8 \uc120\ud0dd \ucde8\uc18c", "There are no shared tags set for this researcher.To display data on tags shared between participants, set \u201clamp.dashboard.researcher_tags\u201d to an array of strings, where each string is a tag you would like to see.Please contact your group administrator for more info.": "\uc774 \uc5f0\uad6c\uc790\uc5d0 \ub300\ud574 \uc124\uc815\ub41c \uacf5\uc720 \ud0dc\uadf8\uac00 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4. \ucc38\uac00\uc790 \uac04\uc5d0 \uacf5\uc720\ub418\ub294 \ud0dc\uadf8\uc5d0 \ub300\ud55c \ub370\uc774\ud130\ub97c \ud45c\uc2dc\ud558\ub824\uba74 'lamp.dashboard.researcher_tags'\ub97c \ubb38\uc790\uc5f4 \ubc30\uc5f4\ub85c \uc124\uc815\ud569\ub2c8\ub2e4.\uc5ec\uae30\uc11c \uac01 \ubb38\uc790\uc5f4\uc740 \ubcf4\ub824\ub294 \ud0dc\uadf8\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4. \uc790\uc138\ud55c \ub0b4\uc6a9\uc740 \uc5f0\uad6c \uad00\ub9ac\uc790\uc5d0\uac8c \ubb38\uc758\ud558\uc2ed\uc2dc\uc624.", "graphs.data_quality.": "\uadf8\ub798\ud504.\ub370\uc774\ud130_\ud488\uc9c8.", "Activity counts": "\ud65c\ub3d9 \uc218", "Passive Features": "\uc218\ub3d9 \uae30\ub2a5", "Quality Tags": "\ud488\uc9c8 \ud0dc\uadf8", "Activities in the last 7 day (updated: date)": "\ucd5c\uadfc 7\uc77c \ub3d9\uc548\uc758 \ud65c\ub3d9(\uc5c5\ub370\uc774\ud2b8: \ub0a0\uc9dc)", "Data quality (updated: date)": "\ub370\uc774\ud130 \ud488\uc9c8(\uc5c5\ub370\uc774\ud2b8: \ub0a0\uc9dc)", "missing": "\ub204\ub77d\ub428", "bad": "\ub098\uc068", "okay": "\uad1c\ucc2e\uc74c", "good": "\uc88b\uc74c", "bad_missing": "bad_missing", "okay_missing": "okay_missing", "good_missing": "good_missing", "lamp.dashboard": "\ub7a8\ud504.\ub300\uc2dc\ubcf4\ub4dc.", "Expand": "\ud655\uc7a5\ud558\ub2e4", "Collapse": "\ud655\uc7a5\ud558\ub2e4", "ActivitySpec": "\ud65c\ub3d9 \uc0ac\uc591", "Sensor spec": "\ud65c\ub3d9 \uc0ac\uc591", "Sort by date of creation": "\uc0dd\uc131 \ub0a0\uc9dc\uc21c\uc73c\ub85c \uc815\ub82c", "Filter": "\ud544\ud130", "Filter studies": "\uc5f0\uad6c \ud544\ud130\ub9c1", "Search group list": "\uc5f0\uad6c \ud544\ud130\ub9c1", "Copy Group ID to Clipboard": "\uc5f0\uad6c ID\ub97c \ud074\ub9bd\ubcf4\ub4dc\uc5d0 \ubcf5\uc0ac", "Download Group Data": "\uc5f0\uad6c \ub370\uc774\ud130 \ub2e4\uc6b4\ub85c\ub4dc", "Analyze Group": "\uc5f0\uad6c \ubd84\uc11d", "There are no shared tags set for this Group.To display data on tags shared between participants, set \u201clamp.dashboard.group_tags\u201d to an array of strings, where each string is a tag you would like to see.Please contact your group administrator for more info.": "\uc774 \uc5f0\uad6c\uc5d0 \ub300\ud574 \uc124\uc815\ub41c \uacf5\uc720 \ud0dc\uadf8\uac00 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4. \ucc38\uac00\uc790 \uac04\uc5d0 \uacf5\uc720\ub418\ub294 \ud0dc\uadf8\uc5d0 \ub300\ud55c \ub370\uc774\ud130\ub97c \ud45c\uc2dc\ud558\ub824\uba74 'lamp.dashboard.researcher_tags'\ub97c \ubb38\uc790\uc5f4 \ubc30\uc5f4\ub85c \uc124\uc815\ud569\ub2c8\ub2e4.\uc5ec\uae30\uc11c \uac01 \ubb38\uc790\uc5f4\uc740 \ubcf4\ub824\ub294 \ud0dc\uadf8\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4. \uc790\uc138\ud55c \ub0b4\uc6a9\uc740 \uc5f0\uad6c \uad00\ub9ac\uc790\uc5d0\uac8c \ubb38\uc758\ud558\uc2ed\uc2dc\uc624.", "Don't enter a domain if you're not sure what this option does.": "\uc774 \uc635\uc158\uc774 \ubb34\uc5c7\uc778\uc9c0 \ubaa8\ub97c \uacbd\uc6b0 \ub3c4\uba54\uc778\uc744 \uc785\ub825\ud558\uc9c0 \ub9c8\uc2ed\uc2dc\uc624.", "Login": "\ub85c\uadf8\uc778", "Try it": "\uc2dc\ub3c4\ud558\uc138\uc694", "Try mindLAMP out as a...": "\u2026.\ub85c\uc11c mindLAMP\ub97c \uc2dc\ub3c4\ud558\uc138\uc694", "Researcher": "\uc5f0\uad6c\uc790", "Clinician": "\uc784\uc0c1\ud559\uc790", "Participant": "\ucc38\uac00\uc790", "Patient": "\ud658\uc790", "You're logged into a demo account. Any changes you make will be reset when you restart the app.": "\ub370\ubaa8 \uc5b4\uce74\uc6b4\ud2b8\uc5d0 \ub85c\uadf8\uc778\ud558\uc168\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4. \uc5ec\ub7ec\ubd84\uc774 \ubcc0\uacbd\ud55c \uac83\uc740 \uc571\uc744 \ub2e4\uc2dc \uc2dc\uc791\ud560 \ub54c \ub9ac\uc14b\ub420 \uac83\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "Dismiss": "\ubb34\uc2dc\ud558\uae30 ", "Assess": "\ud3c9\uac00\ud558\uae30", "Welcome to the Assess section": "\ud3c9\uac00 \uc139\uc158\uc5d0 \uc624\uc2e0 \uac83\uc744 \ud658\uc601\ud569\ub2c8\ub2e4 ", "Take steps to refocus, reflect, and recover.": "\uc5ec\uae30\uc11c \ub2e4\uc2dc \uc9d1\uc911\ud558\uace0, \uc0ac\uc0c9\ud558\uace0 \ud68c\ubcf5\ud560 \ub2e8\uacc4\ub97c \ubc1f\uc744 \uc218 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4", "Survey": "\uc124\ubb38\uc870\uc0ac", "questions": "\ubb38\ud56d\ub4e4", "mins": "\ubd84", "The following survey will assess your sleep and social behavior.": "\ub2e4\uc74c \uc124\ubb38\uc870\uc0ac\ub294 \uc5ec\ub7ec\ubd84\uc758 \uc218\uba74 \ubc0f \uc0ac\ud68c\uc801 \ud589\ub3d9\uc744 \ud3c9\uac00\ud560 \uac83\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "For each of the statements, rate which is true for you.": "\uac01 \uc9c4\uc220\uc5d0 \ub300\ud574 \uc5ec\ub7ec\ubd84\uc5d0\uac8c \ud574\ub2f9\ub418\ub294 \uc9c4\uc220\uc5d0 \ub4f1\uae09\uc744 \ub9e4\uaca8 \uc8fc\uc138\uc694.", "Start survey": "\uc124\ubb38\uc870\uc0ac \uc2dc\uc791\ud558\uae30", "Question": "\ubb38\ud56d\ub4e4", "Question number of total": "\ucd1d \ubb38\ud56d \uc218 \uc911 \ud574\ub2f9 \ubb38\ud56d\uc218", "Next ": "\ub2e4\uc74c ", "Submit": "\uc81c\ucd9c\ud558\uae30", "Nice work!": "\uc798\ud558\uc168\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4! ", "You\u2019re on a streak, keep it going": "\uc798\ub418\uace0 \uc788\uc73c\ub2c8 \uacc4\uc18d\ud574 \uc8fc\uc138\uc694", "days": "\uc77c\uc218", "day": "\uc77c", "Sleep and Social": "\uc218\uba74\uacfc \uc0ac\ud68c\uc0dd\ud65c", "Anxiety": "\ubd88\uc548\uc99d", "Psychosis and Social": "\uc815\uc2e0\ubcd1\uacfc \uc0ac\ud68c\uc0dd\ud65c", "App Usability": "\uc571 \uc774\uc6a9\uc131", "Water and Nutrition": "\ubb3c\uacfc \uc601\uc591", "Feed": "\ud53c\ub4dc", "Welcome to the Feed section": "\ud53c\ub4dc \uc139\uc158\uc5d0 \uc624\uc2e0 \uac83\uc744 \ud658\uc601\ud569\ub2c8\ub2e4", "Here you can see recent activities": "\uc5ec\uae30\uc11c \ucd5c\uadfc \ud65c\ub3d9\uc744 \ubcf4\uc2e4 \uc218 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4", "Learn": "\ubc30\uc6b0\uae30", "Welcome to the Learn section": "\ubc30\uc6b0\uae30 \uc139\uc158\uc5d0 \uc624\uc2e0 \uac83\uc744 \ud658\uc601\ud569\ub2c8\ub2e4", "Mood Tips": "\ubb34\ub4dc \ud301", "Quick Tips to Improve Your": "\uc5ec\ub7ec\ubd84\uc758 \u2026. \uac1c\uc120\uc744 \uc704\ud55c \uac04\ub2e8\ud55c \ud301", "Read": "\uc77d\uae30", "Hope": "\ud76c\ub9dd", "Tip": "\ud301 ", "Was this helpful today?": "\uc774\uac83\uc774 \uc624\ub298 \ub3c4\uc6c0\uc774 \ub418\uc5c8\ub098\uc694?", "Yes": "\uc608", "No": "\uc544\ub2c8\uc624", "Mark complete": "\uc644\ub8cc\ub77c\uace0 \ud45c\uc2dc\ud558\uae30", "Social": "\uc0ac\ud68c\uc0dd\ud65c", "Mental Health Resources": "\uc815\uc2e0 \uac74\uac15 \uc790\ub8cc\ub4e4", "Physical Wellness ": "\uc2e0\uccb4\uc801 \uc6f0\ube59 ", "Suggested Reading ": "\ucd94\ucc9c \uc77d\uc744\uac70\ub9ac ", "Motivation ": "\ub3d9\uae30\ubd80\uc5ec ", "Stress Tips ": "\uc2a4\ud2b8\ub808\uc2a4 \uad00\ub828 \ud301 ", "Manage": "\uad00\ub9ac\ud558\uae30 ", "Welcome to the Manage section": "\uad00\ub9ac\ud558\uae30 \uc139\uc158\uc5d0 \uc624\uc2e0 \uac83\uc744 \ud658\uc601\ud569\ub2c8\ub2e4 ", "Breathe": "\ud638\ud761\ud558\uae30", "Begin": "\uc2dc\uc791\ud558\uae30", "Breathing exercise (__ mins)": "\ud638\ud761 \uc6b4\ub3d9 (__ \ubd84)", "Follow the motion of the lotus flower opening and closing to control your breaths in and out.": "\uc5f0\uaf43\uc774 \uc5f4\ub9ac\uace0 \ub2eb\ud788\ub294 \uc6c0\uc9c1\uc784\uc744 \ub530\ub77c\uc11c \ub4e4\uc228\uacfc \ub0a0\uc228\uc73c\ub85c \ud638\ud761\uc744 \ud1b5\uc81c\ud558\uc138\uc694.", "Get ready": "\uc900\ube44\ud558\uae30", "Get yourself comfortable and when you\u2019re ready tap the start button.": "\ud3b8\uc548\ud55c \uc790\uc138\ub85c \uc900\ube44\uac00 \uc644\ub8cc\ub418\uba74 \uc2dc\uc791 \ubc84\ud2bc\uc744 \ub204\ub974\uc138\uc694.", "Start": "\uc2dc\uc791\ud558\uae30", "Inhale": "\uc228\uc744 \ub4e4\uc774\uc26c\uae30", "Exhale": "\uc228\uc744 \ub0b4\uc26c\uae30", "Nicely done!": "\uc798\ud558\uc168\ub124\uc694!", "Done": "\uc885\ub8cc", "Journal": "\uc800\ub110", "Test description for the manage section.": "\uad00\ub9ac\ud558\uae30 \uc139\uc158\uc5d0 \ub300\ud55c \ud14c\uc2a4\ud2b8 \uc124\uba85.", "New journal entry": "\uc0c8 \uc800\ub110 \uc785\ub825\uc0ac\ud56d", "How do you feel today?": "\uc624\ub298 \uc0c1\ud0dc\uac00 \uc5b4\ub5a0\uc138\uc694?", "Good": "\uc88b\uc74c", "Bad": "\ub098\uc068", "New Goal": "\uc0c8 \ubaa9\ud45c", "Goals": "\ubaa9\ud45c\ub4e4", "Create goal": "\ubaa9\ud45c \ucc3d\ucd9c\ud558\uae30", "What type of goal?": "\uc5b4\ub5a4 \uc885\ub958\uc758 \ubaa9\ud45c\uc778\uac00\uc694?", "Choose a category": "\uce74\ud14c\uace0\ub9ac \uc120\ud0dd\ud558\uae30", "Exercise": "\uc6b4\ub3d9", "Weight": "\uccb4\uc911", "nutrition": "\uc601\uc591", "sleep": "\uc218\uba74", "Medication": "\uc57d\ud488", "Reading": "\ub3c5\uc11c", "Finances": "\uc7ac\uc815", "Meditation": "\uba85\uc0c1", "Mood": "\uae30\ubd84", "Custom": "\ubbf8\ub9ac \uc124\uc815\ub41c", "Goal Name": "\ubaa9\ud45c \uc774\ub984", "Goal details": "\ubaa9\ud45c \uc0c1\uc138 \ub0b4\uc6a9", "Daily": "\ub9e4\uc77c", "hourly": "\uc2dc\uac04\ub9c8\ub2e4", "weekly": "\uc8fc\ub9c8\ub2e4", "monthly": "\ub2ec\ub9c8\ub2e4", "Ounces": "Ounces", "mg": "mg", "g": "g", "Kg": "Kg", "hours": "\uc2dc\uac04", "Minutes": "\ubd84", "$": "$", "Start date": "\uc2dc\uc791\uc77c", "Duration": "\uae30\uac04", "Reminders": "\uc7ac\uc54c\ub9bc", "Save": "\uc800\uc7a5\ud558\uae30", "Cancel": "\ucde8\uc18c\ud558\uae30", "Leaving so soon?": "\ubc8c\uc368 \ub098\uac00\uc2dc\ub098\uc694?", "If you leave without submitting, your entry will be lost.": "\uc81c\ucd9c\ud558\uc9c0 \uc54a\uace0 \ub098\uac00\uc2dc\uba74, \uc785\ub825\ub41c \uc790\ub8cc\uac00 \uc720\uc2e4\ub429\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "No, don\u2019t leave yet": "\uc544\ub2c8\uc624, \uc544\uc9c1 \ub098\uac00\uc9c0 \ub9c8\uc138\uc694", "Yes, leave": "\ub124, \ub098\uac00\uc138\uc694", "Hope box": "\ud76c\ub9dd \ubc15\uc2a4", "Games": "\uac8c\uc784\ub4e4", "Test description for the manage section": "\uad00\ub9ac\ud558\uae30 \uc139\uc158\uc5d0 \ub300\ud55c \ud14c\uc2a4\ud2b8 \uc124\uba85", "Save images and quotes that bring joy and hope to your life.": "\uc0dd\ud65c\uc5d0 \uae30\uc068\uacfc \ud76c\ub9dd\uc744 \uac00\uc838\uc624\ub294 \uc774\ubbf8\uc9c0\uc640 \uaca9\uc5b8\uc744 \uc800\uc7a5\ud558\uae30.", "Hope Box content will show up in your feed from time to time to inspire and uplift you.": "\ud76c\ub9dd \ubc15\uc2a4 \ub0b4\uc6a9\uc740 \uc5ec\ub7ec\ubd84\uc5d0 \ud65c\ub825\uacfc \uc601\uac10\uc744 \uc8fc\uace0\uc790 \ub54c\ub54c\ub85c \uc5ec\ub7ec\ubd84\uc758 \ud53c\ub4dc\uc5d0 \ub098\ud0c0\ub0a0 \uac83\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "Add an image": "\uc774\ubbf8\uc9c0 \ucd94\uac00\ud558\uae30", "Add a quote": "\uaca9\uc5b8 \ucd94\uac00\ud558\uae30", "View my Hope Box": "\ub098\uc758 \ud76c\ub9dd \ubc15\uc2a4 \ubcf4\uae30", "Scratch card": "\uce74\ub4dc\ub97c \uae01\uae30", "Meditation exercises": "\uba85\uc0c1 \ud65c\ub3d9", "Swipe your finger around the screen to reveal the image hidden underneath": "\uc2a4\ud06c\ub9b0\uc5d0 \uc190\uac00\ub77d\uc744 \ub300\uace0 \uc6c0\uc9c1\uc774\uba74, \uc544\ub798\uc5d0 \uc228\uaca8\uc9c4 \uc774\ubbf8\uc9c0\uac00 \ub098\ud0c0\ub0a9\ub2c8\ub2e4", "Swipe around the screen to reveal the hidden image": "\uc2a4\ud06c\ub9b0\uc5d0 \uc190\uac00\ub77d\uc744 \ub300\uace0 \uc6c0\uc9c1\uc774\uba74, \uc228\uaca8\uc9c4 \uc774\ubbf8\uc9c0\uac00 \ub098\ud0c0\ub0a9\ub2c8\ub2e4", "Well done": "\uc798\ud558\uc168\uc5b4\uc694", "Close": "\ub2eb\uae30", "Do another one": "\ud558\ub098 \ub354 \ud558\uc138\uc694", "Medication tracker": "\uba85\uc0c1 \ucd94\uc801\uae30", "Add medication": "\uba85\uc0c1 \ucd94\uac00\ud558\uae30", "Medication name": "\uba85\uc0c1 \uc774\ub984", "Add dosage": "\uc6a9\ub7c9 \ucd94\uac00\ud558\uae30", "Name": "\uc774\ub984", "Dose": "\uc6a9\ub7c9", "Balloon Risk": "\ud48d\uc120 \uc704\ud5d8 (Balloon Risk)", "Balloon Risk Game": "\ud48d\uc120 \uc704\ud5d8 \uac8c\uc784", "Current Points": "\ud604\uc7ac \uc810\uc218", "Total Points": "\ucd1d \uc810\uc218", "PUMP UP BALLOON": "\ud48d\uc120\uc744 \ud38c\ud504\ud558\uc138\uc694", "COLLECT POINTS": "\uc810\uc218\ub97c \ubaa8\uc73c\uc138\uc694", "Balloon Bursted": "\ud48d\uc120 \ud130\uc9d0", "Box Game": "\ubc15\uc2a4 \uac8c\uc784", "Please wait and watch": "\uc7a0\uc2dc \uae30\ub2e4\ub9ac\uba74\uc11c \ubcf4\uc138\uc694", "Level": "\ub808\ubca8", "Please remember the sequence": "\ubc30\uc5f4\uc744 \uae30\uc5b5\ud558\uc138\uc694", "Go": "\uac00\uae30", "Time out": "\uc2dc\uac04 \uc885\ub8cc", "Remember the highlighted boxes in the order you see them. Now tap on the boxes in the order they were highlighted.": "\ud558\uc77c\ub77c\uc774\ud2b8\ub41c \ubc15\uc2a4\ub97c \ubcf8 \uc21c\uc11c\ub300\ub85c \uae30\uc5b5\ud558\uc138\uc694. \ud558\uc77c\ub77c\uc774\ud2b8\ub41c \uc21c\uc11c\ub300\ub85c \ubc15\uc2a4\ub97c \ub20c\ub7ec \uc8fc\uc138\uc694.", "Congrats": "\ucd95\ud558\ud574\uc694", "Cats n Dogs": "\uace0\uc591\uc774\uc640 \uac1c\ub4e4", "Tap the boxes that have a dog behind them.": "\ub4a4\uc5d0 \uac1c\uac00 \uc788\ub294 \ubc15\uc2a4\ub4e4\uc744 \ub204\ub974\uc138\uc694.", "Ok": "\uc624\ucf00\uc774", "Continue to tap the boxes that have a dog behind them.": "\ub4a4\uc5d0 \uac1c\uac00 \uc788\ub294 \ubc15\uc2a4\ub4e4\uc744 \uacc4\uc18d \ub204\ub974\uc138\uc694.", "Don't tap the boxes with a cat behind them": "\ub4a4\uc5d0 \uace0\uc591\uc774\uac00 \uc788\ub294 \ubc15\uc2a4\ub4e4\uc740 \ub204\ub974\uc9c0 \ub9c8\uc138\uc694", "Now tap the boxes that have a cat behin them. Don't tap the boxes with a dog behind them": "\ub4a4\uc5d0 \uace0\uc591\uc774\uac00 \uc788\ub294 \ubc15\uc2a4\ub4e4\uc744 \uc774\uc81c \ub204\ub974\uc138\uc694. \ub4a4\uc5d0 \uac1c\uac00 \uc788\ub294 \ubc15\uc2a4\ub4e4\uc740 \ub204\ub974\uc9c0 \ub9c8\uc138\uc694", "Game Over": "\uac8c\uc784 \uc885\ub8cc", "Dot Touch": "\uc810 \ud130\uce58", "Tap\u20191\u2019 to start the test": "Tap\u20191\u2019\ud574\uc11c \ud14c\uc2a4\ud2b8 \uc2dc\uc791\ud558\uae30", "Pick the matching alphabet": "\ub9e4\uce58\ub418\ub294 \uc54c\ud30c\ubcb3\uc744 \uace0\ub974\uae30", "Timeout": "\uc2dc\uac04 \uc885\ub8cc", "Restart": "\ub2e4\uc2dc \uc2dc\uc791\ud558\uae30", "Jewels": "\ubcf4\uc11d\ub4e4", "Pop the bubbles": "\uac70\ud488\uc744 \ud130\ud2b8\ub9ac\uae30", "Tap to continue": "\uacc4\uc18d\ud558\ub824\uba74 \ub204\ub974\uae30", "TAP TO POP ALL PINK, BLUE AND YELLOW BUBBLES ONLY": "\ubd84\ud64d, \ud30c\ub791 \ubc0f \ub178\ub791 \uac70\ud488\ub9cc \ub20c\ub7ec\uc11c \ud130\ud2b8\ub9ac\uae30", "POPPING CORRECT BALOONS WILL EARN YOU POINTS": "\ub9de\ub294 \ud48d\uc120\uc744 \ud130\ud2b8\ub9ac\uba74 \uc810\uc218\ub97c \uc5bb\uac8c \ub429\ub2c8\ub2e4", "Level __ Completed": "\ub808\ubca8 __ \uc644\ub8cc", "You got _ %": "_ %\ub97c \uc5bb\uc74c", "Prevent": "\ubc29\uc9c0\ud558\uae30", "Activity": "\ud65c\ub3d9", "Activity data": "\ud65c\ub3d9 \ub370\uc774\ud130", "Choose the data you want to see in your dashboard.": "\ub300\uc2dc\ubcf4\ub4dc\uc5d0\uc11c \ubcf4\uae30\ub97c \uc6d0\ud558\ub294 \ub370\uc774\ud130\ub97c \uc120\ud0dd\ud558\uae30.", "entries this month": "\uc774\ubc88\ub2ec\uc758 \uc785\ub825 \uc0ac\ud56d", "Sensors": "\uc13c\uc11c\ub4e4", "Sensor Data": "\uc13c\uc11c \ub370\uc774\ud130", "Summary": "\uc694\uc57d", "Notifications": "\uc54c\ub9bc", "Conversations": "\ub300\ud654", "Profile & Settings": "\ud504\ub85c\ud544 & \uc14b\ud305", "Manage Credentials": "\ub85c\uadf8\uc778 \uc815\ubcf4 \uad00\ub9ac\ud558\uae30", "Enter the family member or clinician's name here.": "\uac00\uc871\uc774\ub098 \uc784\uc0c1\ud559\uc790\uc758 \uc131\uba85\uc744 \uc5ec\uae30 \uc785\ub825\ud558\uc138\uc694.", "Role": "\uc5ed\ud560", "Enter the family member or clinician's role here. For this credential to appear as a care team member, either a photo or role MUST be saved.": "\uac00\uc871\uc774\ub098 \uc784\uc0c1\ud559\uc790\uc758 \uc5ed\ud560\uc744 \uc5ec\uae30\uc5d0 \uc785\ub825\ud558\uc138\uc694. \uc774 \uc790\uaca9 \ub0b4\uc5ed\uc774 \ucf00\uc5b4\ud300 \uba64\ubc84\ub85c \ud45c\uc2dc\ub418\uac8c \ud558\ub824\uba74, \uc0ac\uc9c4\uc774\ub098 \uc5ed\ud560\uc774 \ubc18\ub4dc\uc2dc \uc800\uc7a5\ub418\uc5b4\uc57c \ud569\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "Email Address": "\uc774\uba54\uc77c \uc8fc\uc18c", "Enter the email address here.": "\uc774\uba54\uc77c \uc8fc\uc18c\ub97c \uc5ec\uae30\uc5d0 \uc785\ub825\ud558\uc138\uc694.", "Password": "\ud328\uc2a4\uc6cc\ub4dc", "Enter the new password here, and press the done button to the right of the box. Tap away if you don't want to change the password.": "\uc0c8 \ud328\uc2a4\uc6cc\ub4dc\ub97c \uc5ec\uae30\uc5d0 \uc785\ub825\ud55c \ub4a4, \ubc15\uc2a4 \uc624\ub978\ud3b8\uc5d0 \uc788\ub294 \uc885\ub8cc (done) \ubc84\ud2bc\uc744 \ub204\ub974\uc138\uc694. \ud328\uc2a4\uc6cc\ub4dc \ubcc0\uacbd\uc744 \uc6d0\uce58 \uc54a\uc73c\uba74 \ubb34\uc2dc\ud558\uc138\uc694.", "Logout": "\ub85c\uadf8\uc544\uc6c3", "Are you sure you want to log out of LAMP right now?": "\uc9c0\uae08 LAMP\ub97c \ud655\uc2e4\ud788 \ub85c\uadf8\uc544\uc6c3\ud558\uace0 \uc2f6\uc73c\uc138\uc694?", "If you've made some changes, make sure they're saved before you continue to log out.": "\ubcc0\uacbd\ud55c \uc0ac\ud56d\uc774 \uc788\uc73c\uba74, \ub85c\uadf8\uc544\uc6c3\ud558\uae30 \uc804\uc5d0 \ubc18\ub4dc\uc2dc \uc800\uc7a5\ud558\ub3c4\ub85d \ud558\uc138\uc694.", "Go Back": "\uc774\uc804\uc73c\ub85c \ub3cc\uc544\uac00\uc138\uc694", "Help & Support": "\ub3c4\uc6c0 & \uc9c0\uc6d0", "LAMP Community": "LAMP \ucee4\ubba4\ub108\ud2f0", "Contact Us": "\uc5f0\ub77d\ubc29\ubc95", "Researcher Login": "\uc5f0\uad6c\uc790 \ub85c\uadf8\uc778", "Show Unscheduled Activities": "\ube44\uc815\uae30\uc801 \ud65c\ub3d9 \ubcf4\uc5ec\uc8fc\uae30", "Patients": "\ud658\uc790\ub4e4", "Demo": "\ub370\ubaa8", "Search": "\uac80\uc0c9", "Create": "\uc0dd\uc131\ud558\uae30", "Number of participants to add": "\ucd94\uac00\ud560 \ucc38\uc5ec\uc790 \uc218", "Last Active": "\ub9c8\uc9c0\ub9c9 \ud65c\ub3d9 \uc2dc\uae30", "Indicators": "\uc9c0\ud45c\ub4e4", "_ years ago on Android": "\uc564\ub4dc\ub85c\uc774\ub4dc\uc5d0 ___\ub144 \uc804", "_ row(s) selected": "___\ud589 \uc120\ud0dd\ub428", "Data Quality": "\ub370\uc774\ud130 \ud488\uc9c8", "Data is optimal": "\ub370\uc774\ud130\uac00 \ucd5c\uc801\ud654\uc784", "Reset Password": "\ud328\uc2a4\uc6cc\ub4dc \uc7ac\uc124\uc815", "View Patient Data": "\ud658\uc790 \ub370\uc774\ud130 \ubcf4\uae30", "__ rows [in pagination]": "__\ud589 [\ud398\uc774\uc9c0\uc218\uc5d0\uc11c]", "First Page": "\uccab \ud398\uc774\uc9c0", "Previous Page": "\uc774\uc804 \ud398\uc774\uc9c0", "Next Page": "\ub2e4\uc74c \ud398\uc774\uc9c0", "Last Page [in pagination]": "\ub9c8\uc9c0\ub9c9 \ud398\uc774\uc9c0 [\ud398\uc774\uc9c0\uc218\uc5d0\uc11c]", "Activities": "\ud65c\ub3d9", "Type": "\ud0c0\uc785", "Import": "\ub4e4\uc5ec\uc624\uae30", "Drag files here, or click to select files.": "\ud30c\uc77c\uc744 \uc5ec\uae30\uc5d0 \ub04c\uace0 \uc624\uac70\ub098, \ud074\ub9ad\ud574\uc11c \uc120\ud0dd\ud558\uc138\uc694.", "Create a new...": "\uc0c8 \u2026.\uc744 \uc0dd\uc131\ud558\uae30", "Activity Group": "\ud65c\ub3d9 \uadf8\ub8f9", "Survey Instrument": "\uc124\ubb38\uc870\uc0ac \ub3c4\uad6c", "Smartphone Cognitive Tests": "\uc2a4\ub9c8\ud2b8\ud3f0 \uc778\uc9c0\ub825 \ud14c\uc2a4\ud2b8", "Successfully created a new cognitive test Activity.": "\uc0c8 \uc778\uc9c0\ub825 \ud14c\uc2a4\ud2b8 \ud65c\ub3d9\uc774 \uc131\uacf5\uc801\uc73c\ub85c \uc0dd\uc131\ub428.", "Activity Schedule": "\ud65c\ub3d9 \uc2a4\ucf00\uc904", "Time": "\uc2dc\uac04", "Repeat Interval": "\uac04\uaca9 \ubc18\ubcf5\ud558\uae30", "Custom Times": "\uc815\ud574\uc9c4 \uc2dc\uac04\ub4e4", "Actions": "\uc870\uce58\ub4e4", "No schedule.": "\uc2a4\ucf00\uc904 \uc5c6\uc74c.", "Modify an existing survey instrument.": "\uae30\uc874 \uc124\ubb38\uc870\uc0ac \ub3c4\uad6c \uc870\uc815\ud558\uae30.", "Survey Title": "\uc124\ubb38\uc870\uc0ac \ud0c0\uc774\ud2c0", "Survey Description": "\uc124\ubb38\uc870\uc0ac \uc124\uba85", "Configure questions, parameters, and options.": "\ubb38\ud56d, \ub9e4\uac1c\ubcc0\uc218 \ubc0f \uc635\uc158 \uc124\uc815\ud558\uae30.", "Question Title": "\ubb38\ud56d \ud0c0\uc774\ud2c0", "Question Description": "\ubb38\ud56d \uc124\uba85", "Question Type": "\ubb38\ud56d \ud0c0\uc785", "Add Question": "\ubb38\ud56d \ucd94\uac00\ud558\uae30", "Duplicate": "\uc911\ubcf5\ud558\uae30", "Save this survey instrument": "\uc774 \uc124\ubb38\uc870\uc0ac \ub3c4\uad6c \uc800\uc7a5\ud558\uae30", "Hours": "\uc2dc\uac04\ub4e4", "Only survey description content was modified to prevent irrecoverable data loss. (error message)": "\ube44\ubcf5\uad6c\uc131 \ub370\uc774\ud130 \uc190\uc2e4 \ubc29\uc9c0\ub97c \uc704\ud574 \uc124\ubb38\uc870\uc0ac \uc124\uba85 \ub0b4\uc6a9\ub9cc\uc774 \ubcc0\uacbd\ub418\uc5c8\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4. (\uc5d0\ub7ec \uba54\uc2dc\uc9c0)", "Cats and Dogs": "\uace0\uc591\uc774\uc640 \uac1c\ub4e4", "Research studies using mindLAMP": "mindLAMP\ub97c \uc774\uc6a9\ud55c \uc5f0\uad6c \uc870\uc0ac", "Incorrect username, password, or server address.": "\uc798\ubabb\ub41c \uc774\uc6a9\uc790\uc774\ub984, \ud328\uc2a4\uc6cc\ub4dc \ub610\ub294 \uc11c\ubc84 \uc8fc\uc18c.", "Are you sure you're logging into the right mindLAMP server?": "\uc9c0\uae08 \uc62c\ubc14\ub978 mindLAMP \uc11c\ubc84\uc5d0 \ub85c\uadf8\uc778\ud558\ub294 \uac8c \ub9de\ub098\uc694?", "Select Language": "\uc5b8\uc5b4 \uc120\ud0dd\ud558\uae30", "Add mindLAMP to your home screen?": "\uc5ec\ub7ec\ubd84\uc758 \ud648\uc2a4\ud06c\ub9b0\uc5d0 mindLAMP \ucd94\uac00\ud560\uae4c\uc694?", "Proceed with caution": "\uc2e0\uc911\ud558\uac8c \uc9c4\ud589\ud558\uae30", "Invalid id or password.": "\uc798\ubabb\ub41c ID\ub098 \ud328\uc2a4\uc6cc\ub4dc.", "mindLAMP will be installed on your device.": "mindLAMP\uac00 \uc5ec\ub7ec\ubd84 \uae30\uae30\uc5d0 \uc124\uce58\ub420 \uac83\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "mindLAMP will not be installed on your device.": "mindLAMP\uac00 \uc5ec\ub7ec\ubd84 \uae30\uae30\uc5d0 \uc124\uce58\ub418\uc9c0 \uc54a\uc744 \uac81\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "Messages": "\uba54\uc2dc\uc9c0\ub4e4", "Administrator": "\uc6b4\uc601\uc790", "Community": "\ucee4\ubba4\ub108\ud2f0", "Switch Views": "\ubdf0\ub97c \ubc14\uafb8\uae30", "Activity Type": "\ud65c\ub3d9 \ud0c0\uc785", "Show App Screenshot": "\uc571 \uc2a4\ud06c\ub9b0\uc0f7 \ubcf4\uc5ec\uc8fc\uae30", "Delete Entry": "\uc785\ub825 \uc0ad\uc81c\ud558\uae30", "Copy Entry": "\uc785\ub825 \ubcf5\uc0ac\ud558\uae30", "Edit Entry": "\uc785\ub825 \ud3b8\uc9d1\ud558\uae30", "No detail view available.": "\uc790\uc138\ud55c \ubdf0\uac00 \uc81c\uacf5\uc548\ub428.", "Score": "\uc810\uc218", "Alone": "\ud640\ub85c", "Friends": "\uce5c\uad6c\ub4e4", "Family": "\uac00\uc871", "Peers": "\ub3d9\ub144\ubc30\ub4e4", "Crowd": "\uad70\uc911", "Home": "\uc9d1", "School": "\ud559\uad50", "Work": "\uc9c1\uc7a5", "Hospital": "\ubcd1\uc6d0", "Outside": "\ubc14\uae65", "Shopping": "\uc1fc\ud551", "Transit": "\ud2b8\ub79c\uc9d3", "Sensor": "\uc13c\uc11c", "Automations": "\uc790\ub3d9\ud654", "An experimental visualization generated by an automation you or your clinician have installed.": "\uc5ec\ub7ec\ubd84\uc774\ub098 \uc5ec\ub7ec\ubd84\uc758 \uc784\uc0c1\ud559\uc790\uac00 \uc124\uce58\ud55c \uc790\ub3d9\ud654\uc5d0 \uc758\ud574 \uc0dd\uc131\ub41c \uc2e4\ud5d8\uc801 \uc2dc\uac01\ud654.", "No Data": "\ub370\uc774\ud130 \uc5c6\uc74c", "No data": "\ub370\uc774\ud130 \uc5c6\uc74c", "No Activities are selected. Please select an Activity above to begin.": "\uc120\ud0dd\ub41c \ud65c\ub3d9\uc774 \uc5c6\uc74c. \uc704\uc758 \ud65c\ub3d9\uc744 \uc120\ud0dd\ud574\uc11c \uc2dc\uc791\ud558\uc2ed\uc2dc\uc624.", "Environmental Context": "\ud658\uacbd\uc801 \ub9e5\ub77d", "Step Count": "\ubc1c\uac78\uc74c \uc218", "Steps Taken": "\ubc1c\uac78\uc74c \uc218", "visualization": "\uc2dc\uac01\ud654", "Couldn't import the Activities.": "\ud65c\ub3d9\uc744 \ub4e4\uc5ec\uc62c \uc218 \uc5c6\uc74c.", "Choose the Group you want to import activities.": "\ud65c\ub3d9\uc744 \ub4e4\uc5ec\uc624\uae30 \uc704\ud574 \uc5ec\ub7ec\ubd84\uc774 \uc6d0\ud558\ub294 \uc2a4\ud0c0\ub514\ub97c \uc120\ud0dd\ud558\uc138\uc694.", "Select a Group to import activities.": "\ud65c\ub3d9\uc744 \ub4e4\uc5ec \uc624\uae30 \uc704\ud574 \uc2a4\ud0c0\ub514\ub97c \uc120\ud0dd\ud558\uc138\uc694.", "Couldn't import the Activities because some Activities are misconfigured or missing.": "\uc77c\ubd80 \ud65c\ub3d9\uc774 \uc798\ubabb \uc124\uc815\ub418\uac70\ub098 \ub204\ub77d\ub418\uc5b4\uc11c \ud65c\ub3d9\uc744 \ub4e4\uc5ec \uc62c \uc218 \uc5c6\uc74c.", "Couldn't import one of the selected survey Activities.": "\uc120\ud0dd\ub41c \uc124\ubb38\uc870\uc0ac \ud65c\ub3d9 \uc911 \ud558\ub098\ub97c \ub4e4\uc5ec\uc62c \uc218 \uc5c6\uc74c.", "Couldn't import one of the selected Activities.": "\uc120\ud0dd\ub41c \ud65c\ub3d9 \uc911 \ud558\ub098\ub97c \ub4e4\uc5ec\uc62c \uc218 \uc5c6\uc74c.", "Couldn't import one of the selected Activity groups.": "\uc120\ud0dd\ub41c \ud65c\ub3d9 \uadf8\ub8f9 \uc911 \ud558\ub098\ub97c \ub4e4\uc5ec\uc62c \uc218 \uc5c6\uc74c.", "The selected Activities were successfully imported.": "\uc120\ud0dd\ub41c \ud65c\ub3d9\ub4e4\uc744 \uc131\uacf5\uc801\uc73c\ub85c \ub4e4\uc5ec\uc654\uc74c.", "The selected Activities were successfully exported.": "\uc120\ud0dd\ub41c \ud65c\ub3d9\ub4e4\uc774 \uc131\uacf5\uc801\uc73c\ub85c \ub0b4\ubcf4\ub0b4\uc84c\uc74c.", "Encountered an error": "\uc5d0\ub7ec\uac00 \ubc1c\uc0dd\ud588\uc74c", "Successfully created a new tip Activity.": "\uc0c8 \ud301 \ud65c\ub3d9\uc774 \uc131\uacf5\uc801\uc73c\ub85c \uc0dd\uc131\ub428.", "Successfully updated the Activity.": "\ud65c\ub3d9\uc774 \uc131\uacf5\uc801\uc73c\ub85c \uc5c5\ub370\uc774\ud2b8\ub428.", "Successfully created a new survey Activity.": "\uc0c8 \uc124\ubb38\uc870\uc0ac \ud65c\ub3d9\uc774 \uc131\uacf5\uc801\uc73c\ub85c \uc0dd\uc131\ub428.", "Failed to create a new group Activity. ": "\uc0c8 \uadf8\ub8f9 \ud65c\ub3d9\uc774 \uc0dd\uc131\ub418\ub294\ub370 \uc2e4\ud328\ud568. ", "Successfully created a new group Activity.": "\uc0c8 \uadf8\ub8f9 \ud65c\ub3d9\uc774 \uc131\uacf5\uc801\uc73c\ub85c \uc0dd\uc131\ub428.", "Successfully created a new Activity.": "\uc0c8 \ud65c\ub3d9\uc774 \uc131\uacf5\uc801\uc73c\ub85c \uc0dd\uc131\ub428.", "Successfully deleted the selected Activities.": "\uc120\ud0dd\ub41c \ud65c\ub3d9\uc774 \uc131\uacf5\uc801\uc73c\ub85c \uc0ad\uc81c\ub428.", "Successfully duplicated the Activity under a new name.": "\uc0c8 \uc774\ub984\uc73c\ub85c \ud65c\ub3d9\uc774 \uc131\uacf5\uc801\uc73c\ub85c \ubcf5\uc81c\ub428.", "Group": "\uadf8\ub8f9", "Tips": "\ud301", "DBT Diary Card": "DBT \ub2e4\uc774\uc5b4\ub9ac \uce74\ub4dc", "Cognitive Test": "\uc778\uc9c0\ub825 \ud14c\uc2a4\ud2b8", "Group": "\uc2a4\ud0c0\ub514", "Export": "\ub0b4\ubcf4\ub0b4\uae30", "Delete": "\uc0ad\uc81c\ud558\uae30", "Are you sure you want to delete this Activity?.": "\uc774 \ud65c\ub3d9\uc744 \ud655\uc2e4\ud788 \uc0ad\uc81c\ud558\uace0 \uc2f6\uc73c\uc138\uc694?", "Filter results": "\ud544\ud130 \uacb0\uacfc", "Add": "\ucd94\uac00\ud558\uae30", "Import activities": "\ud65c\ub3d9\ub4e4\uc744 \ub4e4\uc5ec\uc624\uae30", "Create a new activity": "\uc0c8 \ud65c\ub3d9\uc744 \uc0dd\uc131\ud558\uae30", "Modify an existing activity": "\uae30\uc874 \ud65c\ub3d9\uc744 \uc870\uc815\ud558\uae30", "No custom times": "\uc815\ud574\uc9c4 \uc2dc\uac04\uc774 \uc5c6\uc74c", "Delete this time from the list.": "\uc774 \uc2dc\uac04\uc744 \ubaa9\ub85d\uc5d0\uc11c \uc0ad\uc81c\ud558\uae30.", "Add a new custom time.": "\uc0c8 \uc815\ud574\uc9c4 \uc2dc\uac04\uc744 \ucd94\uac00\ud558\uae30.", "Add this time to the list.": "\uc774 \uc2dc\uac04\uc744 \ubaa9\ub85d\uc5d0 \ucd94\uac00\ud558\uae30.", "Select the start date.": "\uc2dc\uc791\uc77c\uc744 \uc120\ud0dd\ud558\uae30. ", "Select the start time.": "\uc2dc\uc791\uc2dc\uac04\uc744 \uc120\ud0dd\ud558\uae30. ", "Every hour": "\ub9e4\uc2dc\uac04\ub9c8\ub2e4", "Every number hours": "\ub9e4\u2026\uc2dc\uac04\ub9c8\ub2e4", "Every day": "\ub9e4\uc77c", "Two times every week (Tue, Thurs)": "\ub9e4\uc8fc 2\ubc88 (\ud654, \ubaa9)", "Three times every week (Mon, Wed, Fri)": "\ub9e4\uc8fc 3\ubc88 (\uc6d4, \uc218, \uae08)", "Every week": "\ub9e4\uc8fc", "Two times every month": "\ub9e4\ub2ec 2\ubc88", "Every month": "\ub9e4\ub2ec", "Use custom times instead": "\ub300\uc2e0 \uc815\ud574\uc9c4 \uc2dc\uac04 \uc774\uc6a9\ud558\uae30", "Do not repeat": "\ubc18\ubcf5\ud558\uc9c0 \ub9d0\uae30", "Are you sure you want to delete this schedule item?": "\uc774 \uc2a4\ucf00\uc904 \ud56d\ubaa9\uc744 \ud655\uc2e4\ud788 \uc0ad\uc81c\ud558\uace0 \uc2f6\uc73c\uc138\uc694?", "Install": "\uc124\uce58\ud558\uae30", "Welcome to the Prevent section": "\ubc29\uc9c0 \uc139\uc158\uc5d0 \uc624\uc2e0 \uac83\uc744 \ud658\uc601\ud569\ub2c8\ub2e4", "Prepare yourself": "\ubbf8\ub9ac \uc900\ube44\ud558\uc138\uc694", "Image size should not exceed 5 MB.": "\uc774\ubbf8\uc9c0 \ud06c\uae30\ub294 5 MB\uc774\uba74 \uc548\ub429\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "Not supported image type.": "\uc774 \uc774\ubbf8\uc9c0 \ud0c0\uc785\uc740 \uc9c0\uc6d0\ub418\uc9c0 \uc54a\uc74c.", "Activity with same name already exist.": "\uac19\uc740 \uc774\ub984\uc758 \ud65c\ub3d9\uc774 \uc774\ubbf8 \uc874\uc7ac\ud568.", "Not supported audio type.": "\uc9c0\uc6d0\ub418\ub294 \uc624\ub514\uc624 \ud0c0\uc785\uc774 \uc544\ub2d8.", "The audio size should not exceed 2 MB.": "\uc624\ub514\uc624 \ud06c\uae30\ub294 2 MB\uc774\uc0c1\uc774\uba74 \uc548\ub429\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "Drag a photo or tap to select a photo.": "\uc0ac\uc9c4\uc744 \uc120\ud0dd\ud558\ub824\uba74 \ud574\ub2f9 \uc0ac\uc9c4\uc744 \ub04c\uace0 \uc624\uac70\ub098 \ud0ed\ud558\uc138\uc694.", "Drag a photo to replace the existing photo or tap to delete the photo.": "\ud604\uc7ac \uc0ac\uc9c4\uc744 \uad50\uccb4\ud558\ub824\uba74 \uc0ac\uc9c4\uc744 \ub04c\uace0 \uac00\uac70\ub098, \uc0ac\uc9c4\uc744 \uc0ad\uc81c\ud558\ub824\uba74 \ub204\ub974\uc138\uc694.", "Select": "\uc120\ud0dd\ud558\uae30", "Please select the Group": "\uc2a4\ud0c0\ub514\ub97c \uc120\ud0dd\ud558\uc138\uc694", "Activity Title": "\ud65c\ub3d9 \ud0c0\uc774\ud2c0", "Activity Description": "\ud65c\ub3d9 \uc124\uba85", "Upload audio": "\uc624\ub514\uc624 \uc5c5\ub85c\ub4dc\ud558\uae30", "Your browser does not support the": "\uc5ec\ub7ec\ubd84\uc758 \ube0c\ub77c\uc6b0\uc800\ub294 \ub2e4\uc74c\uc744 \uc9c0\uc6d0\ud558\uc9c0 \uc54a\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4", "audio": "\uc624\ub514\uc624", "element.": "\uc694\uc18c.", "Duplicate this survey instrument and save it with a new title.": "\uc774 \uc124\ubb38\uc870\uc0ac \ub3c4\uad6c\ub97c \ubcf5\uc81c\ud574\uc11c \uc0c8 \ud0c0\uc774\ud2c0\ub85c \uc800\uc7a5\ud558\uc138\uc694.", "Save this activity.": "\uc774 \ud65c\ub3d9\uc744 \uc800\uc7a5\ud558\uae30.", "Save Role & Photo": "\uc5ed\ud560 & \uc0ac\uc9c4\uc744 \uc800\uc7a5\ud558\uae30", "Copy one-time access link that can be used to log in without entering credentials.": "\uc815\uc2dd \ub85c\uadf8\uc778 \uc815\ubcf4 \uc5c6\uc774 \ub85c\uadf8\uc778\ud560 \uc218 \uc788\ub294 1\ud68c\uc6a9 \ub9c1\ud06c\ub97c \ubcf5\uc0ac\ud558\uae30.", "Save Credential": "\uc815\uc2dd \ub85c\uadf8\uc778 \uc815\ubcf4 \uc800\uc7a5\ud558\uae30", "Scan this QR code on a mobile device to automatically open a user dashboard.": "\uc774 QR \ucf54\ub4dc\ub97c \ud734\ub300\ud3f0\uc5d0 \uc2a4\uce94\ud558\uba74 \ud658\uc790 \ub300\uc2dc\ubcf4\ub4dc\uac00 \uc790\ub3d9\uc801\uc73c\ub85c \uc5f4\ub9bd\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "Could not change password.": "\ud328\uc2a4\uc6cc\ub4dc\ub97c \ubcc0\uacbd\ud560 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc74c.", "Could not create credential.": "\ub85c\uadf8\uc778 \uc815\ubcf4\ub97c \uc0dd\uc131\ud560 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc74c.", "Could not perform operation for an unknown reason.": "\uc54c \uc218 \uc5c6\ub294 \uc6d0\uc778\uc73c\ub85c \uc6b4\uc601 \uae30\ub2a5\uc744 \uc218\ud589\ud560 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc74c.", "Credential management failed. The email address could be in use already.": "\ub85c\uadf8\uc778 \uc815\ubcf4 \uad00\ub9ac \uc2e4\ud328. \uc774\uba54\uc77c \uc8fc\uc18c\ub294 \uc774\ubbf8 \uc0ac\uc6a9 \uc911\uc77c \uc218 \uc788\uc74c.", "Could not delete.": "\uc0ad\uc81c\ud560 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc74c.", "Credential management failed.": "\ub85c\uadf8\uc778 \uc815\ubcf4 \uc2e4\ud328\ud568.", "Add a new member of your care team.": "\uc5ec\ub7ec\ubd84\uc758 \ucf00\uc5b4\ud300\uc5d0 \uc0c8 \uba64\ubc84 \ucd94\uac00\ud558\uae30.", "Update Photo & Role": "\uc0ac\uc9c4 & \uc5ed\ud560 \uc5c5\ub370\uc774\ud2b8\ud558\uae30", "Target behaviors": "\ud0c0\uac9f \ud589\ub3d9", "effective": "\ud6a8\uacfc\uc801\uc778", "Times": "\uc2dc\uac04\ub4e4", "Add Item": "\ud56d\ubaa9 \ucd94\uac00\ud558\uae30", "ineffective": "\ube44\ud6a8\uacfc\uc801\uc778", "Emotions": "\uac10\uc815\ub4e4", "Add a target behavior": "\ud0c0\uac9f \ud589\ub3d9\uc744 \ucd94\uac00\ud558\uae30", "Behavior name": "\ud589\ub3d9 \uba85\uce6d", "Measure of action:": "\uc870\uce58\uc758 \ucc99\ub3c4", "Add a emotion": "\uac10\uc815 \ucd94\uac00\ud558\uae30", "Emotion name": "\uac10\uc815 \uba85\uce6d", "Removed participantId's alias.": " participantId\uac00\uba85 \uc81c\uac70\ub428.", "Set participantId's alias to participantName": " participantId\uac00\uba85\uc744 \ucc38\uac00\uc790 \uc131\uba85\uc73c\ub85c \uc124\uc815\ud558\uae30", "Failed to change participantId's alias": " participantId\uac00\uba85 \ubcc0\uacbd\uc5d0 \uc2e4\ud328\ud568", "Create or edit the alias for this Participant ID. Saving an empty text box will reset this value.": "\uc774participantId\uc5d0 \ub300\ud574 \uac00\uba85\uc744 \uc0dd\uc131 \ub610\ub294 \ud3b8\uc9d1\ud558\uae30. \ube48 \ud14d\uc2a4\ud2b8 \ubc15\uc2a4\ub97c \uc800\uc7a5\ud558\uba74 \uc774 \uc218\uce58\uac00 \uc7ac\uc124\uc815\ub420 \uac83\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "Failed to load participantId's alias": " participantId\uac00\uba85 \ub85c\ub529\uc5d0 \uc2e4\ud328\ud568", "This activity is not yet available in mindLAMP 2": "\uc774 \ud65c\ub3d9\uc740 mindLAMP 2\uc5d0 \uc544\uc9c1 \uc81c\uacf5\ub418\uc9c0 \uc54a\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4", "This is a demo only. Entries will not be saved.": "\uc774\uac83\uc740 \ub370\ubaa8\uc77c \ubfd0\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4. \uc785\ub825 \uc0ac\ud56d\uc740 \uc800\uc7a5\ub418\uc9c0 \uc54a\uc744 \uac83\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "My Medications": "\ub098\uc758 \uc758\uc57d\ud488\ub4e4", "Set reminder? ": "\uc7ac\uc54c\ub9bc \uae30\ub2a5 \uc124\uc815\ud558\uae30? ", "Edit": "\ud3b8\uc9d1\ud558\uae30", "text": "\ud14d\uc2a4\ud2b8", "Some responses are missing. Please complete all questions before submitting.": "\uc77c\ubd80 \uc751\ub2f5\ub4e4\uc774 \ub204\ub77d\ub418\uc5b4 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4. \uc81c\ucd9c \uc804\uc5d0 \ubaa8\ub4e0 \ubb38\ud56d\uc5d0 \uc751\ub2f5\ud574 \uc8fc\uc2dc\uae30 \ubc14\ub78d\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "Goal": "\ubaa9\ud45c", "The goal has been saved successfully.": "\ubaa9\ud45c\uac00 \uc131\uacf5\uc801\uc73c\ub85c \uc800\uc7a5\ub418\uc5c8\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "Please select duration.": "\uae30\uac04\uc744 \uc120\ud0dd\ud558\uc138\uc694.", "Please enter goal value.": "\ubaa9\ud45c \uc218\uce58\ub97c \uc785\ub825\ud558\uc138\uc694.", "Please enter goal name.": "\ubaa9\ud45c \uc774\ub984\uc744 \uc785\ub825\ud558\uc138\uc694.", "The medication has been saved successfully.": "\uc758\uc57d\ud488\uc774 \uc131\uacf5\uc801\uc73c\ub85c \uc800\uc7a5\ub418\uc5c8\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "Please select medication name.": "\uc57d\ud488\uba85\uc744 \uc120\ud0dd\ud558\uc138\uc694.", "Please enter dose.": "\uc6a9\ub7c9\uc744 \uc785\ub825\ud558\uc138\uc694.", "Please enter name.": "\uc774\ub984\uc744 \uc785\ub825\ud558\uc138\uc694.", "This activity is not yet available in mindLAMP 2.": "\uc774 \ud65c\ub3d9\uc740 mindLAMP 2\uc5d0 \uc544\uc9c1 \uc81c\uacf5\ub418\uc9c0 \uc54a\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "Unique name required.": "\ub3c5\ud2b9\ud55c \uc774\ub984\uc774 \ud544\uc694\ud568", "Could not create credential for id.": "ID\uc5d0 \ub300\ud55c \ub85c\uadf8\uc778 \uc815\ubcf4\uac00 \uc0dd\uc131\ub420 \uc218 \uc5c6\uc74c.", "Successfully created Participant id. Tap the expand icon on the right to see credentials and details.": "\ucc38\uc5ec\uc790 ID\uac00 \uc131\uacf5\uc801\uc73c\ub85c \uc0dd\uc131\ub428. \ub85c\uadf8\uc778 \uc815\ubcf4\uc640 \uc0c1\uc138 \uc815\ubcf4\ub97c \ubcf4\uae30 \uc704\ud574 \uc624\ub978\ucabd\uc5d0 \uc788\ub294 \ud655\uc7a5\ub41c \uc544\uc774\ucf58\uc744 \ud0ed\ud558\uae30.", "Temporary email address": "\uc784\uc2dc \uc774\uba54\uc77c \uc8fc\uc18c", "Temporary password": "\uc784\uc2dc \ud328\uc2a4\uc6cc\ub4dc", "One-time login link": "\uc77c\ud68c\uc131 \ub85c\uadf8\uc778 \ub9c1\ud06c", "an unknown device": "\uc54c\ub824\uc9c0\uc9c0 \uc54a\uc740 \uae30\uae30", "unknown device model": "\uc54c\ub824\uc9c0\uc9c0 \uc54a\uc740 \uae30\uae30 \ubaa8\ub378", "App Version": "\uc571 \ubc84\uc804", "OS Version": "OS \ubc84\uc804", "DeviceName": " DeviceName", "Model": "\ubaa8\ub378", "Successfully created new group - groupName.": "\uc0c8 \uc2a4\ud0c0\ub514\ub97c \uc131\uacf5\uc801\uc73c\ub85c \uc0dd\uc131\ud568 \u2013 groupName.", "Are you sure you want to delete this Participant?": "\uc774 \ucc38\uac00\uc790\ub97c \ud655\uc2e4\ud788 \uc0ad\uc81c\ud558\uace0 \uc2f6\uc73c\uc138\uc694?", "Rename": "\ub2e4\uc2dc \uc774\ub984\uc9d3\uae30", "Edit password": "\ud328\uc2a4\uc6cc\ub4dc \ud3b8\uc9d1\ud558\uae30", "CSV": "CSV", "JSON": "JSON", "New user": "\uc0c8 \ud658\uc790", "Create a new entry in this group.": "\uc774 \uadf8\ub8f9\uc5d0 \uc0c8 \uc785\ub825 \uc815\ubcf4 \uc0dd\uc131\ud558\uae30.", "Add a new group": "\uc0c8 \uc2a4\ud0c0\ub514 \ucd94\uac00\ud558\uae30", "Create a new group.": "\uc0c8 \uc2a4\ud0c0\ub514 \uc0dd\uc131\ud558\uae30.", "Are you sure you want to delete these participants?": "\uc774 \ucc38\uac00\uc790\ub4e4\uc744 \ud655\uc2e4\ud788 \uc0ad\uc81c\ud558\uace0 \uc2f6\uc73c\uc138\uc694?", "Choose the Group you want to save this participant.": "\uc774 \ucc38\uac00\uc790\ub97c \uc800\uc7a5\ud558\uace0 \uc2f6\uc740 \uc2a4\ud0c0\ub514\ub97c \uc120\ud0dd\ud558\uc138\uc694.", "Select a Group to create a participant.": "\ucc38\uac00\uc790\ub97c \uc0dd\uc131\ud558\uae30 \uc704\ud574 \uc2a4\ud0c0\ub514\ub97c \uc120\ud0dd\ud558\uc138\uc694.", "entries": "\uc785\ub825 \uc0ac\ud56d\ub4e4", "Social Context": "\uc0ac\ud68c\uc801 \ub9e5\ub77d", "Edit goal": "\ubaa9\ud45c \ud3b8\uc9d1\ud558\uae30", "Current streak:": "\ud604\uc7ac \uc5f0\uc18d:", "Goal History": "\uacfc\uac70\uc758 \ubaa9\ud45c\ub4e4", "Department of Mental Health (DMH)": "\uc815\uc2e0 \uac74\uac15\ubd80 (DMH)", "National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)": "\uc815\uc2e0 \uac74\uac15\uc5d0 \ub300\ud55c \uc804\uad6d \uc5f0\ud569 (NAMI)", "NAMI Massachussetts": "NAMI \ub9e4\uc0ac\ucd94\uc138\uce20", "Researchers": "\uc5f0\uad6c\uc790\ub4e4", "Successfully created a new Researcher.": "\uc0c8 \uc5f0\uad6c\uc790\ub97c \uc131\uacf5\uc801\uc73c\ub85c \ucc3d\ucd9c\ud588\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "Failed to create a new Researcher.": "\uc0c8 \uc5f0\uad6c\uc790\ub97c \ucc3d\ucd9c\ud558\ub294\ub370 \uc2e4\ud328\ud588\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "Successfully updated the Researcher.": "\uc5f0\uad6c\uc790\ub97c \uc131\uacf5\uc801\uc73c\ub85c \uc5c5\ub370\uc774\ud2b8\ud588\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "Failed to update the Researcher.": "\uc5f0\uad6c\uc790\ub97c \uc5c5\ub370\uc774\ud2b8\ud558\ub294\ub370 \uc2e4\ud328\ud588\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "Successfully deleted the Researcher.": "\uc5f0\uad6c\uc790\ub97c \uc131\uacf5\uc801\uc73c\ub85c \uc0ad\uc81c\ud588\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "Failed to delete the Researcher.": "\uc5f0\uad6c\uc790\ub97c \uc0ad\uc81c\ud558\ub294\ub370 \uc2e4\ud328\ud588\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "No Researchers. Add Researchers by clicking the [+] button above.": "\uc5f0\uad6c\uc790\uac00 \uc5c6\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4. \uc704 [+] \ubc84\ud2bc\uc744 \ud074\ub9ad\ud574\uc11c \uc5f0\uad6c\uc790\ub97c \ucd94\uac00\ud558\uc138\uc694.", "Are you sure you want to delete this Researcher?": "\uc774 \uc5f0\uad6c\uc790\ub97c \ud655\uc2e4\ud788 \uc0ad\uc81c\ud558\uace0 \uc2f6\uc73c\uc138\uc694?", "Well done!": "\uc798\ud558\uc168\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4!", "Swipe around the": "\u2026\uc606\uc73c\ub85c \ub118\uae30\uc2ed\uc2dc\uc624", "screen to reveal": "\ubcf4\uc774\ub294 \uc2a4\ud06c\ub9b0", "the hidden image": "\uc228\uaca8\uc9c4 \uc774\ubbf8\uc9c0", "am": "\uc624\uc804", "pm": "\uc624\ud6c4", "Your response": "\uc5ec\ub7ec\ubd84\uc758 \uc751\ub2f5\uc740", "Nearly All the Time": "\uac70\uc758 \ud56d\uc0c1", "More than Half the Time": "\uc808\ubc18 \uc774\uc0c1", "Several Times": "\uba87\ubc88", "Not at all": "\uc804\ud600", "(Select one)": "(\ud558\ub098\ub97c \uc120\ud0dd\ud558\uc138\uc694)", "(0 being terrible, 10 being excellent)": "(0\uc740 \ud615\ud3b8\uc5c6\uc74c, 10\uc740 \uc815\ub9d0 \uc88b\uc74c)", "Patient Notes": "\ud658\uc790 \ub178\ud2b8", "Modify an existing group.": "\uae30\uc874 \uadf8\ub8f9 \ubcc0\ud615\ud558\uae30.", "Drag the handle on the left to change the order in which this Activity appears in the group.": "\uc67c\ucabd \ud578\ub4e4\uc744 \ub04c\uace0 \uac00\uba74, \uc774 \ud65c\ub3d9\uc774 \uadf8\ub8f9 \ub0b4\uc5d0\uc11c \ubcf4\uc774\ub294 \uc21c\uc11c\ub97c \ubc14\uafc0 \uc218 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "No selection": "\uc120\ud0dd\uc0ac\ud56d \uc5c6\uc74c", "Group Title": "\uadf8\ub8f9 \ud0c0\uc774\ud2c0", "Configure activities and options.": "\ud65c\ub3d9 \ubc0f \uc635\uc158\uc744 \uc7ac\uc124\uc815\ud558\uae30.", "Add Activity": "\ud65c\ub3d9 \ucd94\uac00\ud558\uae30", "Save this activity group.": "\uc774 \ud65c\ub3d9 \uadf8\ub8f9\uc744 \uc800\uc7a5\ud558\uae30.", "Question Option": "\ubb38\ud56d \uc635\uc158", "Delete this option from the question's list of options.": "\uc774 \uc635\uc158\uc744 \ubb38\ud56d\uc758 \uc635\uc158 \ubaa9\ub85d\uc5d0\uc11c \uc0ad\uc81c\ud558\uae30.", "Option Description": "\uc635\uc158 \uc124\uba85", "Add Option": "\uc635\uc158 \ucd94\uac00\ud558\uae30", "Delete question from survey instrument.": "\uc124\ubb38\uc9c0\uc5d0\uc11c \ubb38\ud56d \uc0ad\uc81c\ud558\uae30.", "Boolean": "\ubd88\ubc29\uc2dd\uc758", "Likert": "\ub9ac\ucee4\ud2b8\ubc95", "List": "\ubaa9\ub85d", "Multi-Select": "\uba40\ud2f0 \uc120\ud0dd", "Slider": "\uc2ac\ub77c\uc774\ub354", "Save this survey instrument.": "\uc774 \uc124\ubb38\uc9c0\ub97c \uc800\uc7a5\ud558\uae30.", "N/A": "N/A", "An error occurred while uploading. Please try again.": "\uc5c5\ub85c\ub529 \uc911 \uc5d0\ub7ec \ubc1c\uc0dd. \uc7ac\uc2dc\ub3c4\ud558\uc138\uc694.", "Images should be in the format jpeg/png/bmp/gif/svg and the size should not exceed 4 MB.": "\uc774\ubbf8\uc9c0\ub294 jpeg/png/bmp/gif/svg \ud3ec\ub9f7\uc774\uc5b4\uc57c \ud558\uace0, \ud06c\uae30\ub294 4 MB\ub97c \ub118\uc5b4\uc11c\ub294 \uc548\ub429\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "You are not allowed to delete all the details from the tip.": "\ud301\uc73c\ub85c\ubd80\ud130 \ubaa8\ub4e0 \uc138\ubd80 \uc0ac\ud56d\uc744 \uc0ad\uc81c\ud558\ub294 \uac83\uc740 \ud5c8\uc6a9\ub418\uc9c0 \uc54a\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "Tap to select a photo.": "\ud0ed\ud574\uc11c \uc0ac\uc9c4\uc744 \uc120\ud0dd\ud558\uc138\uc694.", "Tap to delete the photo.": "\ud0ed\ud574\uc11c \uc0ac\uc9c4\uc744 \uc0ad\uc81c\ud558\uc138\uc694.", "Tips Title": "\ud301\uc2a4 \ud0c0\uc774\ud2c0", "Please enter Tips Title": "\ud301\uc2a4 \ud0c0\uc774\ud2c0\uc744 \uc785\ub825\ud558\uc138\uc694", "Tips Description": "\ud301\uc2a4 \uc124\uba85", "Please enter Tips Description": "\ud301\uc2a4 \uc124\uba85\uc744 \uc785\ub825\ud558\uc138\uc694", "Please select the tip": "\ud301\uc744 \uc120\ud0dd\ud558\uc138\uc694", "Add New": "\uc0c8\u2026\ucd94\uac00\ud558\uae30", "New Tip": "\uc0c8 \ud301", "Please add new tip.": "\uc0c8 \ud301\uc744 \ucd94\uac00\ud574 \uc8fc\uc138\uc694", "Tip Details": "\ud301 \uc138\ubd80\uc0ac\ud56d", "Duplicate this activity.": "\uc774 \ud65c\ub3d9\uc744 \ubcf5\uc81c\ud558\uae30.", "Are you sure you want to delete this?": "\uc774\uac83\uc744 \ud655\uc2e4\ud788 \uc0ad\uc81c\ud558\uace0 \uc2f6\uc73c\uc138\uc694?", "Welcome to mindLAMP!": "mindLAMP\uc5d0 \uc624\uc2e0 \uac83\uc744 \ud658\uc601\ud569\ub2c8\ub2e4!", "With the mindLAMP smartphone app, you can collect information about your health. You can learn about symptoms, brain health, and check your thinking. You can also learn about your steps and sleep and how they may relate to how you feel. You can use mindLAMP as part of a research study, part of your care if a clinician ask you to try it, or on your own.": "mindLAMP \uc2a4\ub9c8\ud2b8\ud3f0 \uc571\uc73c\ub85c, \uc5ec\ub7ec\ubd84\uc740 \uc790\uc2e0\uc758 \uac74\uac15\uc5d0 \ub300\ud55c \uc815\ubcf4\ub97c \uc218\uc9d1\ud560 \uc218 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4. \uc99d\uc0c1 \ubc0f \ub1cc \uac74\uac15\uc5d0 \ub300\ud574 \uc54c\uc544\ubcf4\uace0, \uc790\uc2e0\uc758 \uc0ac\uace0\ub97c \ud655\uc778\ud560 \uc218 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4. \uc5ec\ub7ec\ubd84\uc740 \ub610\ud55c \uc790\uc2e0\uc758 \ubc1c\uac78\uc74c \ubc0f \uc218\uba74\uc740 \ubb3c\ub860 \uadf8\uac83\uc774 \uc790\uc2e0\uc758 \uac10\uc815\uc5d0 \uc5b4\ub5bb\uac8c \uc5f0\uad00\ub418\ub294\uc9c0 \uc54c\uc544\ubcfc \uc218 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4. \uc5ec\ub7ec\ubd84\uc740 \uc5f0\uad6c \uc870\uc0ac\uc758 \uc77c\ud658\uc73c\ub85c, \uc784\uc0c1\ud559\uc790\uac00 \uc2dc\ub3c4\ud560 \uac83\uc744 \uad8c\uc720\ud55c \uacbd\uc6b0, \uc790\uc2e0\uc758 \uce58\ub8cc\uc758 \uc77c\ud658\uc73c\ub85c, \ub610\ub294 \ub2e8\ub3c5\uc73c\ub85c mindLAMP\uc744 \uc0ac\uc6a9\ud560 \uc218 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "Here are all the activities you'll receive notifications for when you use mindLAMP.": "mindLAMP\ub97c \uc0ac\uc6a9\ud560 \ub54c\ub294 \uc54c\ub9bc \ud1b5\uc9c0\ub97c \ubc1b\uc744 \uc218 \uc788\ub294 \ubaa8\ub4e0 \ud65c\ub3d9\ub4e4\uc774 \uc5ec\uae30 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "Let's go!": "\uc774\uc81c \ud574\ubcfc\uae4c\uc694!", "You're ready to start using mindLAMP.": "\uc774\uc81c mindLAMP \uc0ac\uc6a9\ud560 \uc900\ube44\uac00 \ub418\uc168\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "You're using the src server to log into mindLAMP.": "\uc5ec\ub7ec\ubd84\uc740 mindLAMP\uc5d0 \ub85c\uadf8\uc778\ud558\uae30 \uc704\ud574 src \uc11c\ubc84\ub97c \uc0ac\uc6a9\ud558\uace0 \uc788\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "GPS": "GPS", "Accelerometer": "\uac00\uc18d\ub3c4\uacc4", "Never": "\uacb0\ucf54", "Activity Settings": "\ud65c\ub3d9 \uc124\uc815", "activity_recognition": "\ud65c\ub3d9 \uc778\uc9c0", "Add Sensor": "\uc13c\uc11c \ucd94\uac00", "Are you sure you want to delete this investigator(s)?.": "\uc815\ub9d0\ub85c \uc774 \uc5f0\uad6c\uc790\ub97c \uc0ad\uc81c \ud558\uc2dc\uaca0\uc2b5\ub2c8\uae4c?", "blood_glucose": "\ud608\ub2f9", "body_temperature": "\uccb4\uc628", "Choose File": "\ud30c\uc77c\uc744 \uc120\ud0dd\ud558\uc2ed\uc2dc\uc624.", "Collapse": "\ucda9\ub3cc", "device_motion": "\uae30\uae30 \uc6c0\uc9c1\uc784", "Do not provide an audio URL AND upload audio below.": "\ud558\ub2e8\uc5d0 \uc74c\uc131\ud30c\uc77c \uc6f9\uc8fc\uc18c\ub97c \uc81c\uacf5\ud558\uac70\ub098, \uc5c5\ub85c\ub4dc \ud558\uc9c0 \ub9c8\uc2ed\uc2dc\uc624", "Do not upload audio AND provide an audio URL above.": "\uc0c1\ub2e8\uc5d0 \uc74c\uc131\ud30c\uc77c \uc6f9\uc8fc\uc18c\ub97c \uc81c\uacf5\ud558\uac70\ub098 \uc5c5\ub85c\ub4dc \ud558\uc9c0 \ub9c8\uc2ed\uc2dc\uc624.", "Does not match the password you entered above.": "\uc785\ub825\ud558\uc2e0 \ube44\ubc00\ubc88\ud638\uac00 \uc77c\uce58\ud558\uc9c0 \uc54a\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "Every 2 weeks": "\ub9e4 2\uc8fc\ub9c8\ub2e4", "Group Name": "\uadf8\ub8f9 \uc774\ub984", "heartratevariability_sdnn": "HRV SDNN(\uc2a4\ud2b8\ub808\uc2a4\uac80\uc0ac \uc138\ud3ec\ud65c\uc131\ub3c4)", "Investigators": "\ucc38\uc5ec\uc790", "Jewels 1": "\ubcf4\uc11d1", "Jewels 2": "\ubcf4\uc11d2", "Matrix": "\ub9e4\ud2b8\ub9ad\uc2a4", "Memory Game": "\uae30\uc5b5\ub825 \uac8c\uc784", "nearby_device": "\uadfc\ucc98 \uae30\uae30", "No file chosen": "\ud30c\uc77c\uc774 \uc120\ud0dd\ub418\uc9c0 \uc54a\uc558\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "Option Text": "\uc635\uc158 \ud14d\uc2a4\ud2b8", "oxygen_saturation": "\uc0b0\uc18c\ud3ec\ud654\ub3c4", "Please enter group name.": "\uadf8\ub8f9 \uc774\ub984\uc744 \uc785\ub825\ud574\uc8fc\uc138\uc694.", "Portal": "\ub370\uc774\ud130 \ud1b5\uacc4", "Proceed with caution: you are logged in as the administrator.": "\uc8fc\uc758\ud574\uc11c \uc9c4\ud589\ud558\uc2ed\uc2dc\uc624: \uad00\ub9ac\uc790\ub85c \ub85c\uadf8\uc778 \ub418\uc5c8\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "Question Text": "\uc9c8\ubb38 \ud14d\uc2a4\ud2b8", "Rating": "\ud3c9\uac00", "Remote Audio URL": "\uc6d0\uaca9 \uc624\ub514\uc624 URL", "Required": "\ud544\uc218\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "Researcher": "\uc5f0\uad6c\uc6d0", "Response Options": "\uc751\ub2f5 \uc635\uc158", "Server Address": "\uc11c\ubc84 \uc8fc\uc18c", "Short Answer": "\uc9e7\uc740 \ub2f5\ubcc0", "Spatial Span": "\uacf5\uac04 \ud3ed", "Streak popup settings": "\uc989\uac01 \ud31d\uc5c5\ucc3d \uc124\uc815", "Successfully created a new investigator.": "\uc0c8 \uc5f0\uad6c\uc790\uac00 \uc131\uacf5\uc801\uc73c\ub85c \uc0dd\uc131\ub418\uc5c8\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "Successfully deleted the investigator.": "\uc5f0\uad6c\uc790\uac00 \uc131\uacf5\uc801\uc73c\ub85c \uc0ad\uc81c\ub418\uc5c8\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "Successfully updated a new investigator.": "\uc0c8 \uc5f0\uad6c\uc790\uac00 \uc131\uacf5\uc801\uc73c\ub85c \uc5c5\ub370\uc774\ud2b8 \ub418\uc5c8\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "Survey Questions": "\uc124\ubb38\uc9c0 \uc9c8\ubb38", "telephony": "\uc804\ud654 \ud1b5\ud654 \ubc29\ubc95", "Voice Recording": "\uc74c\uc131\ub179\uc74c", "January": "1\uc6d4", "February": "2\uc6d4", "March": "3\uc6d4", "April": "4\uc6d4", "May": "5\uc6d4", "June": "6\uc6d4", "July": "7\uc6d4", "August": "8\uc6d4", "September": "9\uc6d4", "October": "10\uc6d4", "November": "11\uc6d4", "December": "12\uc6d4", "Text": "\ud14d\uc2a4\ud2b8", "Create a new group": "\uc0c8 \uc2a4\ud0c0\ub514 \uc0dd\uc131\ud558\uae30", "Images should be in the format .jpeg/.png/.gif/.svg and the size should not exceed 4 MB.": "\uc774\ubbf8\uc9c0\ub294 jpeg/png/bmp/gif/svg \ud3ec\ub9f7\uc774\uc5b4\uc57c \ud558\uace0, \ud06c\uae30\ub294 4 MB\ub97c \ub118\uc5b4\uc11c\ub294 \uc548\ub429\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "To start building a query:": "\ucffc\ub9ac \uc791\uc131\uc744 \uc2dc\uc791\ud558\ub824\uba74:", "1. Navigate to the level of your target on the left.": "1. \uc67c\ucabd\uc5d0 \uc788\ub294 \ubaa9\ud45c \uc218\uc900\uc73c\ub85c \uc774\ub3d9\ud569\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "2. Click on": "2. \ud074\ub9ad \u2192", "For example, try:": "\uc608\ub97c \ub4e4\uc5b4, \ub2e4\uc74c\uc744 \uc2dc\ub3c4\ud574 \ubcf4\uc138\uc694:", "replacing": "\ub97c \uc2dc\ub3c4\ud558\uace0", "with a user's id to get a list of the last 10,000 activities completed through LAMP.": "\ub97c \uc0ac\uc6a9\uc790\uc758 ID\ub85c \ubc14\uafd4 LAMP\ub97c \ud1b5\ud574 \uc644\ub8cc\ub41c \ub9c8\uc9c0\ub9c9 10,000\uac1c \ud65c\ub3d9 \ubaa9\ub85d\uc744 \uac00\uc838\uc635\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "There are no shared tags set for this": "이 연구자에 대해 설정된 공유 태그가 없습니다.", " To display data on tags shared between participants, set": "참가자 간에 공유되는 태그에 대한 데이터를 표시하려면 ", "to an array of strings, where each string is a tag you would like to see. Please contact your study administrator for more info.": "를 문자열 배열로 설정합니다.여기서 각 문자열은 보려는 태그입니다. 자세한 내용은 연구 관리자에게 문의하십시오.", "Measure of action": "\uc870\uce58\uc758 \ucc99\ub3c4", "Measure of Action": "\uc870\uce58\uc758 \ucc99\ub3c4", "accelerometer": "\uac00\uc18d\ub3c4\uacc4", "Please select the Group.": "\uc2a4\ud0c0\ub514\ub97c \uc120\ud0dd\ud558\uc138\uc694", "Medications": "\uc57d\ud488", "Patient View": "\uc0ac\uc6a9\uc790 \ubcf4\uae30","User":"\ud658\uc790", "User number": "\ud658\uc790 {{number}}", "ADD ITEM": "\ud56d\ubaa9 \ucd94\uac00\ud558\uae30", "NAME": "\uc774\ub984", "TYPE": "\ud0c0\uc785", "Jewels A": "\ubcf4\uc11d A", "Jewels B": "\ubcf4\uc11d B", "Failed to fetch the study details.": "연구 세부정보를 가져오지 못했습니다." ,"question": "\ubb38\ud56d\ub4e4", "QUESTION_NUMBER_OF_TOTAL": "\ubb38\ud56d\ub4e4 {{ number }} of {{ total }}", "Question": "\ubb38\ud56d\ub4e4", "of":"의", "Next ": "\ub2e4\uc74c ", "Submit": "\uc81c\ucd9c\ud558\uae30", "Mood": "\uae30\ubd84","Yes": "\uc608", "No": "\uc544\ub2c8\uc624", "Back":"\uc774\uc804\uc73c\ub85c \ub3cc\uc544\uac00\uc138\uc694", "Sleep and Social": "\uc218\uba74\uacfc \uc0ac\ud68c\uc0dd\ud65c", "Anxiety": "\ubd88\uc548\uc99d", "Psychosis and Social": "\uc815\uc2e0\ubcd1\uacfc \uc0ac\ud68c\uc0dd\ud65c", "App Usability": "\uc571 \uc774\uc6a9\uc131", "Water and Nutrition": "\ubb3c\uacfc \uc601\uc591", "Please enter your response" : "\uc751\ub2f5\uc744 \uc785\ub825\ud558\uc138\uc694", "Your response": "\uc5ec\ub7ec\ubd84\uc758 \uc751\ub2f5\uc740", "Nearly All the Time": "\uac70\uc758 \ud56d\uc0c1", "More than Half the Time": "\uc808\ubc18 \uc774\uc0c1", "Several Times": "\uba87\ubc88", "Not at all": "\uc804\ud600", "(Select one)": "(\ud558\ub098\ub97c \uc120\ud0dd\ud558\uc138\uc694)", "(0 being terrible, 10 being excellent)": "(0\uc740 \ud615\ud3b8\uc5c6\uc74c, 10\uc740 \uc815\ub9d0 \uc88b\uc74c)"}
diff --git a/public/locales/zh-CN/translation.json b/public/locales/zh-CN/translation.json
index 743f46f2..445f1672 100644
--- a/public/locales/zh-CN/translation.json
+++ b/public/locales/zh-CN/translation.json
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
"There are no Assess/Manage/Learn/scheduled activities available.": "无评估/管理/学习/计划的活动。",
"Portal": "首页",
"Cortex": "皮层",
+"Self evaluation":"Self evaluation",
"No Records found": "未发现任何结果",
"Rows per page": "每页行数",
"Update": "更新",
diff --git a/public/locales/zh-HK/translation.json b/public/locales/zh-HK/translation.json
index c0eeae87..5ad3075c 100644
--- a/public/locales/zh-HK/translation.json
+++ b/public/locales/zh-HK/translation.json
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
"There are no Assess/Manage/Learn/scheduled activities available.": "無評估/管理/學習/計劃的活動。",
"Portal": "首頁",
"Cortex": "皮層",
+"Self evaluation":"Self evaluation",
"No Records found": "未發現任何結果",
"Rows per page": "每頁行數",
"Update": "更新",
diff --git a/src/components/ActivityPopup.tsx b/src/components/ActivityPopup.tsx
index 3d0d3ac0..9625e925 100644
--- a/src/components/ActivityPopup.tsx
+++ b/src/components/ActivityPopup.tsx
@@ -251,11 +251,17 @@ export default function ActivityPopup({
{`${t("Quick Tips to Improve Your")}`} {`${t(activity?.name)}`}
- {(activity?.spec === "lamp.survey" || activity?.spec === "lamp.dbt_diary_card") && (
+ {activity?.spec === "lamp.survey" && (
{questionCount} {questionCount > 1 ? `${t("questions")}` : `${t("question")}`} {/* (10 mins) */}
+ {activity?.spec === "lamp.dbt_diary_card" && (
+ {`${t("Self evaluation")}`}
+ )}