H. J. Woo, C. Yu, K. Kumar, B. Gold, and J. Reifman, Genotype distribution-based inference of disease association for genome-wide association studies: Insights to age-related macular degeneration disease mechanism, BMC Genomics 17, 695 (2016).
H. J. Woo, C. Yu, and J. Reifman, Collective genetic interaction effects and the role of antigen-presenting cells in autoimmune diseases, PLoS ONE 12, e0169918 (2017).
H. J. Woo, C. Yu, K. Kumar, and J. Reifman Large-scale interaction effects reveal missing heritability in schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder, Transl. Psychiatry 7, e1078 (2017).