title | description | published | date | tags | editor | dateCreated |
CAS User Management |
true |
2024-01-11 19:41:35 UTC |
markdown |
2024-01-11 19:41:35 UTC |
CAS users can be faculty or staff. Permissions are set in the application.
Automatic syncing daily via cron.
The script sync_faculty.py
will sync both faculty and staff from LDAP to the URCPP database. It first loads a temporary SQLite table with data from LDAP, and then updates users' bnumbers (but not names!?) or adds user records as needed in the application database.
Does not update a user's name after reading from LDAP if the user already exists, so no preferred name updates will happen. {.is-danger}
LDAP query doesn't handle descriptions beyond 'Faculty', 'Staff', and 'Staff|Faculty'. {.is-danger}
Users can be Program Chair, Division Chair, Building Manager, or Administrator. These permissions can be adjusted on the User Management page: https://cas.berea.edu/admin/userManagement.