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Automatic Context Autosave

Mark Cowlishaw edited this page Sep 7, 2017 · 2 revisions


Profile cmdlets are changing to support persistence of credentials between branches. Changes to cmdlets are described below.

The main behavior changesareis that context information and credetnaisl will be automatically saved to disk when the user opts in to autosave, and that users will be able touse powershell jobs without having to perform separate authentication within the job.

New environment Variable

Controls whether the context is automatically saved to the default location. Default is 'false'

$env:Azure_Profile_Autosave="true" | "false"

Changes to Add-AzureRmAccount

Allow scoping the login, so it can affect only the process or the currrent user


Changes to Set-AzureRmContext

Allow changing existing named contexts

Set-AzureRmContext -InputObject <IAzureContext> [-Name <string>] [-Subscription(SubscriptionId, SubscriptionName) <nameOrId>]  [-Tenant(TenantId, DomainName) string] [-StorageAccount <string>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm]
Set-AzureRmContext [-Name <string>] [-Subscription(SubscriptionId, SubscriptionName) <nameOrId>]  [-Tenant(TenantId, DomainName) string] [-StorageAccount <string>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm]

New cmdlet Enable-AzureRmContextAutosave

Allow saving the context betwene powershell sessions. Any changes will by default change the global context

Enable-AzureRmContextAutosave [-Scope Process | CurrentUser] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] 

New cmdlet Disable-AzureRmContextAutosave

Turn off autosaving the context. When new powershell windows are opened, each will have to log in.

Disable-AzureRmContextAutosave [-Scope Process | CurrentUser] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] 

New cmdlet Select-AzureRmContext

Select a context as the default

Select-AzureRmContext -Name <string> [-Scope Process | CurrentUser] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] 

New cmdlet Remove-AzureRmContext

Remove a named context

Remove-AzureRmContext [-Name <string>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] 

New cmdlet Rename-AzureRmContext

Rename an existing context, to make it easire to re-use later

Rename-AzureRmContext [-Name <string>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] 

Changes to default AzureRM cmdlets

New-AzureRmWidget [-AzureRmContext(AzureCredentials, AzureRMProfile) <IAzureContextContainer>] 

Support for powershell jobs

If context autosave is turned on, you can excute a cmdlet as a job, return immediately, and process the results later

$job = Start-Job {New-AzureRmVM ...}
... cmdlets...
Receive-Job $job

Support for passing the context as a job parameter

Whetheer or not context autosave is anabled, you can pass in the results of a login, or a context to a job asa parameter:

$job = Start-Job {param ($ctx) New-AzureRmVM -AzureRmContext $ctx ...} -ArgumentList (Get-AzureRmContext "myContextName")
... cmdlets...
Receive-Job $job

Profile provider will acquire a read lock when first populating the ContextContainer, and drop it afterward.

Each cmdlet which changes the context (Add-Account, Import-Context, Set-Context, Select-Context, Remove-Context) will

  • if operating at the CurrentUser scope, acquire a write lock, read the persisted data, make appropariate changes, write the data, and drop the write lock
  • if operating at the Process scope, make the changes in memory

TokenCache will operate independently from cmdlets.

  • If operating with ContextAutoSaveDisabled scope Cache is saved in the context
  • If operating with ContextAutoSaveEnabled, Cache is saved in a file