If you have ever spent some time programming an embedded system, you might agree that working with embedded IDEs is not a very pleasant experience. Code Composer Studio, Keil, STM32CubeIDE... they are clumsy and confusing as they hide everything under a GUI.
To get rid of embedded IDEs, I put many efforts to find out what is happening behind them. Today, I still can't say confidently that I've learnt everything about them, but I went through many interesting topics, interesting enough for me to replace every part of an IDE with some open sourced command-line tools.
Then, I met some other people with the same interest, which gave me a reason to write down my findings. That's why I wrote this beginner's guide: To show Embedded Engineers what is happening behind an Embedded IDE, from source code to a running program on MCU, by replacing every step with Command-line tools.
Even if you don't want to replace your IDE with command-line tools, I hope you can have some fun reading this guide.
Computers speak machine code of 0's and 1's and each CPU family speaks a little different machine code. The most common example of this is AMD CPU with ARM architecture vs Intel CPU with x86-64 architecture. If you copy a exe file from one to the other, it's likely* that this exe would not work or run very slow (because Windows is doing a real-time translation job).
*I didn't try it. Some guy on stackoverflow claims this is true.
Writing programs in machine code for every CPU ever built is impractical. So people decided to write program in a higher level language (like C/C++). If each CPU can have their own translator from this higher level language to their machine code, a program written in these high level languages can run on any CPU. This translator is called the "compiler".
And the ability to run on different CPU families is called "cross platform". Like Python can run on ARM and x86 desktops.
GCC (GNU Compiler Collection)
family is probably the most well-known C/C++ compiler**. To learn how to use gcc
on a PC is our first step to understand embedded IDE.
**Most "compilers" today are drivers that call compiler, assembler, or linker depending on the input file and command.
Getting gcc
on Linux is trivial. If you are on Windows, you can use a Linux virtual machine (I use vmware player 17
+ Ubuntu 22.04
) or MinGW-W64
+ Git Bash
(remember to add mingw64/bin
to system PATH if you choose this way).
UCLA has a good one-page tutorial on how to use gcc to compile C/C++ program.
Let's take a look at what we have for gcc compilers.
gcc main.c
On Windows, this will give you a.exe
On Linux, this will give you a.out
We said compilers translate C to CPU specific machine code. If we are compiling against the same CPU, that means these 2 executables should contain the same machine code, right? ...right?
No. Even though they contain the same* machine code, how the machine code is packaged into an executable is different.
*Not entirely the same if we use external libraries or system calls.
When we try to run a.out
on Windows, or a.exe
on Linux, it doesn't work because these exectuables contain operating system specific information besides machine code.
.exe (Executable)
file is a Microsoft OS specific executable format, while .out
file is a Unix/Linux specific executable format called Executable and Linkable Format (.elf)
files are the same thing with different names. It's calleda.out
for only historical reasons.
So what are this extra OS specific information? Instructions for the OS about how to handle this executable. For example, relocation information: executables can ask OS to put them in a specific** memory address when running.
**If you are curious how do executables avoid using the the same memory address, they don't. Virtual memory handled by the OS will make these exectuables believe they are in the right address.
Okay but why do we care about these different executables and additional information for OS?
Because when we load programs to embedded MCU without an OS, these OS instructions are not needed. We can't load .exe
or .elf
to MCUs. Instead, we load binary files .hex
or .bin
, where everything (code/data) has a fixed memory address. We load the binary file to the MCU starting from an fixed memory address (based on CPU design). Program counter of the MCU returns to this fixed memory address and starts running every time we reset the MCU.
For example, for the STM32
MCU family, the address is usually 0x8000000
. We then load our binary program to this address with
st-flash --reset write output.bin 0x8000000
Most "compilers" today are drivers that call compiler, assembler, and linker depending on the file input.
When we call:
gcc main.c
It takes 4 steps to convert this source file into an executable: preprocessing, compiling, assembling, and linking.
I should admit I'm not very familiar with compiling so I might do a bad job explaining it. So here is a lecture slide from University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Introduction to Computer Architecture and I found it very helpful.
If you can understand
- what the following commands are doing
- why do we want to write our program in multiple source files
you should have no problem reading the following chapters!
gcc -c main.c -o main.o
gcc -c library.c -o library.o
gcc library.o main.o -o output
There are always many, many library source files in a embedded IDE project folder, but why do we need this many? In this chapter we will introduce the hierarchy of library for embedded system.
Let's start with an overview of all 4 layers of libraries of an embedded project. There are 4 layers: Register level control and MCU library (manufacturer library) are provided by the chip manufacturer; bsp library and non-bsp library (higher level library) are written by the user (you).
Disclaimer: This is only the way I use to structure the project and by no means is a universal standard.
At the very bottom is the register level control. All actions of a MCU is controlled by changing values of some registers. For example, to change the behavior of a GPIO between input mode and output mode, we need to change the control register of input/output multiplexer.
Code for register level control usually look like this:
Blink an LED on MCU STC89C52
sfr and sbit are special data type defined for these MCUs
/* BYTE Registers */
sfr P0 = 0x80;
sfr P1 = 0x90;
sfr P2 = 0xA0;
sbit led = P2^0;
int main() {
while(1) {
led = 0;
led = 1;
Usually you don't need to worry about this level, unless you are write some very low-level driver, FPGA, or you built a hardware.
I just realized I need to clarify that MCU means Micro Controller Unit, not ManufaCtUrer.
On top of register layer is what I called the "manufacturer library". When we program at the register level, you always need to know the memory address of a register to control it and that is tedious. So many MCU manufacturers write their library and you, the user, don't need to care about these registers. For example, HAL
for stm32
family, Driverlib
for TI C2000
The code for MCU library level usually look like this:
Blink an LED on MCU STM32F1
while (1)
Another benefit of having a manufacturer library is that many MCUs from the same family share the same manufacturer library API. The example code above uses STM32F1
and if we want to switch to its close relative STM32F4
, we can use the same piece of user code to blink LED on our new MCU because the API for these 2 MCUs are the same.
The entire point of bsp library is to make higher level library cross platform, so let's skip the bsp library for now and look at what non-bsp library is trying to do. The high level library's API depends on what embedded system you (the user) want to build. If designed properly, controlling your system with your high level library should be very convenient.
For example, you are writing firmware for a fridge. Then SetTemperature()
might be a very helpful function in your high level library. There is no way this function could be part of the manufacturer library because not everyone is using the MCU to build fridges and SetTemperature()
is a useless function for them.
Suppose we want to build an LED array to display numbers (like a digital clock) and use PWM to control brightness. With properly designed high level library, our final user code using the high level library might look as simple as this:
Display 4 on an LED array
led_array_t led_array = {some initialization here};
int main() {
while (1) {
DisplayNumber(led_array, 4);
SetBrightness(led_array, 0.5); // Set brightness to 50%
Now we return to the bsp library. The bsp library is the bridge layer between MCU library and high level library. We define a common API between higher level library and bsp library. Then implement this common API with MCU library.
For example, if we want to implement the SetBrightness()
function in the example above, with stm32
's HAL
library, the implementation might be like this:
in led_array.c, high level library
void SetBrightness(led_array_t *dev, float input) {
SetPWM(dev, input);
in bsp_pwm.c, bsp library
// I didn't test this
void SetPWM(led_array_t *dev, float input) {
uint32_t compare = input * dev->TIME_PERIOD;
__HAL_TIM_SET_COMPARE(dev->htim, dev->channel, compare);
With TI C2000
's Driverlib
, the implementation might be like this:
in led_array.c, high level library
void SetBrightness(led_array_t *dev, float input) {
SetPWM(dev, input);
in bsp_pwm.c, bsp library
// I didn't test this
void SetPWM(led_array_t *dev, float input) {
uint32_t compare = input * dev->TIME_PERIOD;
EPWM_setCounterCompareValue(dev->pwm_base, dev->compare_id, compare);
Since we defined the common API SetPWM()
, The implementation of high level library gets to stay the same across different MCUs. This is what we meant by cross-platform. If we change to a slightly different MCU or the MCU library changes, the common API between bsp library and high level library allow us to only change bsp library implementation, instead of all the final user code or high level libraries.
With all the libraries we introduced in the last chapter, there will be numerous source files in the project and their number will keep increasing. We can't do this the same way as chapter 1 and we need an automatic way to manage these compilation. So, we introduce makefile
and CMake
There are many makefile and CMake tutorials but I feel many of them failed to stress on the core idea of target. So I'm writing another one as a supplementary to those tutorials. You might want to read this chapter before looking at the other CMake/makefile tutorials.
Suppose we have 2 source files, hello.c
and main.c
. We want to compile these 2 source files into an executable. From the first chapter compiling from commandline we know how to do this with gcc
gcc hello.c main.c
If we want the output executable to have name main.elf
, put it in folder build/
specify that we are using C11
standard, and add a hidden #define DEBUG
macro to enable some debug setting in the source code, the command would be:
gcc hello.c main.c -o build/main.elf -std=c11 -DDEBUG
As there are more parameters we would like to add, the command grows longer. Makefile is a script language that allows us not to type the long command every time. Now we only need to type:
make build/main.elf
To do this with MinGW on Windows, you need to rename
will look for a file called makefile
in the directory it is called and execute the commands in it. Let's look at what makefile
have in our example:
build/main.elf: hello.c main.c
gcc hello.c main.c -o build/main.elf -std=c11 -DDEBUG
is the target (which is the most important concept for both makefile and CMake). For every target in the makefile script, make
will check whether it exists and execute the command only if the target doesn't exist.
and main.c
are the dependencies. make
will also execute the command if these files are changed since last build. make
keeps track of a dependency tree and it only builds necessary files to save time on compiling.
gcc ...
is just command. Notice it has to be a tab
before the command and cannot be whitespace
Now we know the 2 conditions for a command to run: target doesn't exist or dependencies are changed. We can write some interesting makefile scripts.
If the target is not created by the command, then this command will run every time we make
because the target is always missing. For example:
rm *.out *.elf
If we run make clean
, makefile
will look for a file called clean
in the current directory. Since there is no such file, the command will run and all .out
and .elf
files will be removed in the current directory.
If there is such a file called
, search this:.PHONY
CMake kicks in when our makefile is so long that we need to write another script to generate the makefile script. Like makefile
looks for a file named makefile
in the current directory, CMake
looks for a file named CMakeLists.txt
. The most common use case is:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make <your target name>
Many tutorials on CMake focus too much on usage details which, in my opinion, makes them confusing and wordy. When you read these tutorials, keep in mind one thing: (like makefile), CMake is all about targets.
Recall that makefile is all about targets and every line in makefile is about generating one target. CMake generates makefiles. If no targets are defined, this CMake will not do anything.
There are only 3 functions that defines targets in CMake:
# Executables that you can generate with GCC or GCC-like compilers
# Libraries (.a/.so files) that you can generate with GCC or GCC-like compilers
# Something that generated from other commandline tools
# Example: python script that generate files
# ...Or nothing, remember make clean?
# We can use this to load programs to MCUs
The first two functions add_executable()
and add_library()
will detect if the target is created and if the dependencies are changed as makefile
does. The third function add_custom_target()
, however, will execute no matter what. Thus a little trick with add_custom_target()
is to use it with loader binary like:
COMMAND st-flash --reset write ${BIN_FILE} 0x8000000
DEPENDS ${name}.elf)
is a binary loader for STM32
MCU family. Now every time we run make flash-<your binary name>
like make flash-led
, st-flash
will load led.elf
to our MCU.
That's it. All about targets. That's core idea about CMake. No matter how many variables you defined or how many execute_process()
you added, if there is no target to be generated, none of the CMake commands will be executed. No matter how complex or scary the CMake structure looks, find out what targets this CMake is building and everything will be simple and clear.
With that in mind you should be able to understand most of the CMake tutorials.
CMake is a very deep rabbit hole, which is also the reason I want to minimize the amount of content in this chapter. How deep you decide to dig down is up to you. Good luck and have fun.
To compile a source file to an executable. We can simply do:
gcc main.c
Recall the very beginning of our chapter 1: compile from commandline on PC, we know that:
- Different MCU/CPUs speak different machine code
- Executable for one platform (CPU + OS) cannot run on another platform.
Wait! When we compile for a embedded system on our computers, how can the program run on the embedded MCU even if it is compiled on a PC? The answer is what we called cross-compile.
Let's examine the difference between compile and cross-compile:
This graph is not quite accurate as
does not directly run on bare-metal embedded system and extra post-processing steps are needed.
For a source file .c
, if we want to run it on our PC, we compile it with gcc
; if we want to run it on our ARM architecture embedded system MCU, we cross-compile it with arm-gcc
, a cross-compiler on our PC, and then generated executable can run on our embedded system.
, the cross-compiler, is one of the cross-compiling toolchain provided by the architecture designer. If we are using ARM MCUs, we can get our cross-compiling toolchain from ARM: ARM Toolchain. This is a GNU Arm Toolchain, meaning it is an variation of the gcc
family we've been talking about in the previous chapters and compatible to makefile
and CMake
. The usage is exactly the same as compiling against our PC.
Suppose our PC is x86-64 Ubuntu and our MCU is ARM architecture STM32F4. This is a bare-metal target, which means it doesn't have any operating systems on it. So the cross-compiling toolchain we get is x86_64 Linux hosted cross toolchains AArch32 bare-metal target (arm-none-eabi)
and our cross-compiler is arm-none-eabi-gcc
We can call it just like gcc
arm-none-eabi-gcc main.c -o main
But this program won't do much things. Remember we need all those 4 layers libraries? We need to use CMake
sooner or later. To use cross compilers in our CMake
script, add the following commands:
set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER arm-none-eabi-gcc)
set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER arm-none-eabi-g++)
These commands change the default compiler for CMake
from gcc
to arm-none-eabi-gcc
and the generated commands will compile with arm-none-eabi-gcc
The compiled result from arm toolchain compiler is a .elf
file we discussed in the first chapter.
Sometimes this result file is also referred as a
file, ARM executable file.
An .elf
file contains information for operating system about relocation: how to place different sections of data and code into memory. A bare-metal embedded MCU cannot interpret these information so we need to make everything fixed before loading the program.
The tool we use here is objcopy
, it converts .elf
file into binary files .bin
or .hex
arm-none-eabi-objcopy -Obinary intput.elf output.bin
Now we can load the program into our MCU. Here we use the open source stlink
st-flash --reset write output.bin 0x8000000
Here 0x8000000
is the start address used by our MCU STM32F4
. For different MCUs, we need to consult the chip technical manual for this flash address. An MCU always start running code from this address after a reset.
As the one last step to load and debug code in a MCU, we need a "loader". It looks something like this:
There are many names for them.
- Loader
- Flasher
- FTDI chip
- SWD chip or JTAG chip
- Debug probe
- Emulator
We will explain why each name makes sense later in this chapter. Let's first look at how they connect to our hardware.
On the PC side, the connector is usually a USB. On the embedded side, depending on the chip manufacturer, we can have many choices.
- Texas Instruments 20 pin and 14 pin JTAG connector.
- ARM 20 pin JTAG connector.
- STMicroelectronics SWD connector.
JTAG was not invented specificly for MCU debugging. It was designed to detect whether all pins of a IC is properly soldered. This is known as "boundary scan".
JTAG should be able to set values for all registers/pins in the system. If we want to use JTAG to debug, we design the system such that all ICs are chained by the JTAG data line. Then we propagate data for each pin.
The number of bits we propagated should equals the the number of pins in the system when JTAG sets values for all pins of all the ICs in the system. By looking at the result (if the 2 numbers match) we will know if the ICs are properly soldered. When people say JTAG is designed for "boundary scan", they are referring to this process.
When we say "JTAG", we are refering to both the external debug hardware to propagate JTAG data + the physical connection from the JTAG hardware to the ICs under test.
Of course, JTAG requires ICs to include some JTAG circuits as part of their design to work, which is a small cost compared to debugging cost.
This is the best JTAG introduction I've found: https://www.fpga4fun.com/JTAG1.html
If you never worked with ARM chips you've probably never heard of SWD (serial wire debug) connector. SWD is modified version JTAG and only used on ARM Cortex chips like STM32.
SWD is built on top of JTAG. So if a chip supports SWD, it also supports JTAG. SWD needs 2 data pins: SWDIO
. JTAG needs 4 data pins: TMS
, and TDI
. In fact, some of their pins are compatible (SWDIO == TMS
) and that why you may sometimes see connectors that can be used for both SWD and JTAG.
For chips supporting both debug ports, they default to JTAG on a cold boot and switch to SWD by sending a 50 clock cycle reset high, a 16 bit command sequence, and another 50 clock cycle reset high.
We discussed in the very beginning of this chapter that there are many names for these loaders. Let's see where they all came from.
This is a straightforward one. Most MCUs, on reset, will start to execute code from a fixed address. For STM32 as an example, the address is 0x80000000
. When loading a program, we load the beginning of the program to the starting address of the MCU. That's why it's called a loader.
Flash is a common storage unit for embedded systems and writing to a flash makes the name "flasher".
SWD/JTAG chip:
These are the names of the 2 connectors used for debugging as we discussed in the last part.
Debug probe/Emulator
The difference between a debug probe and a emulator is a little tricky. To explain this, we first need to know why loaders are sometimes called FTDI chips. FTDI is a chip company widely known for their USB-JTAG chips (FT2232 series) and their name is tightly binded to USB-JTAG chips.
Recall from the previous part on JTAG, we know JTAG can load programs into memory. This is because we know that JTAG can set value for all registers in the system and that includes memory address register (MAR)
and memory data register (MDR)
. That's said, JTAG can access any memory address with the correct input combination. Then set any value to this memory address. Our code can also be written into the memory in this way.
If we only want to load the program to the MCU, a JTAG chip (FTDI chip) and some software drivers on PC is all we need. However, when we look at a loader, it sometimes has more ICs than only a FTDI (JTAG) chip. What are these then?
The picture above is a XDS100v3 loader/debugger for Texas Instruments TMS320 MCU series. The smaller chip in the white sqaure is a FTDI chip (FT2232H). What is this larger chip for? To add breakpoints for debugging.
When a breakpoint is added, we need to watch the value of the program counter, and stop the program when the address equals to the breakpoint address. Although this is an easy task on PC, in embedded systems, you need external hardwares to add these breakpoints. Some MCUs allow you to add breakpoints with internal circuits, but the number of breakpoints you can add is usually very limited.
For MCU TMS320F2837, the number of breakpoints we can add without any external hardware is 2.
Thus, loaders add another middle MCU between the target MCU and the FTDI chip. When we send JTAG "commands" to the target MCU, the middle MCU capture the command and control the target MCU accordingly. When more breakpoints are required, the middle MCU uses its memory to record all the breakpoint addresses and stop the target MCU when the address in the program counter matches. Since this middle MCU on the loader is acting as if the JTAG is directly controlling the target MCU (emulating), the loader is called an emulator.
For some MCU families, the middle chip also does the job of USB-JTAG conversion so the FTDI chip is not needed. For example, the ST-link for STM32 series.
(GNU Debugger) is a very important tool for debugging. There are many tutorials about it. Like this lecture slide from University of Maryland or this one page reference sheet from University of Michigan.
Most intro level GDB tutorials only talk about debugging local program, which compiles, runs, and debugs all on your computer. For a program loaded into embedded MCUs, we know it compiles on your computer, but doesn't run on your computer. From the previous chapter we know we can debug it with a debug probe, but how do we do that?
If we want to debug our MCU through the debug probe with GDB and GDB commands, we need a software middle-man between GDB and debug probe. The thing we are looking for is called a GDB server. It reads GDB commands sent to a port* and translate it to corresponding commands of the debug probe.
*socket port, which means you can debug a MCU through network remotely.
The GDB server we use here as an example is OpenOCD. Since there are so many different debug probes, we need to find the debug probe configuration file for our debug probe to tell OpenOCD which one we are using. OpenOCD comes with many common debug probe config files including the one we are using for example: st-link-v2.1
To set up the GDB server:
openocd -f st-link-v2-1.cfg
If debug probe is connected to our computer, OpenOCD should detect it and wait for GDB to connect.
- Suppose we compiled our program as output.elf
arm-none-eabi-gcc -g main.c -o output.elf
- To launch the GDB:
arm-none-eabi-gdb output.elf
This gives the program we are debugging to GDB. Notice that we have not loaded this program into the MCU. Loading will be done by GDB + OpenOCD in step 4.
- Run GDB command:
target extended-remote : 3333
This let GDB connects to GDB server at port 3333, which is the default port of OpenOCD. extended-remote
makes sure that even the program on the MCU ends, GDB doesn't quit connection with gdbserver so we can restart the program on the MCU. In comparsion, target remote: 3333
will quit once the program finishes.
- Run GDB Command:
This will load the program we are debugging to our MCU. From here we can debug in GDB the same as debugging any other program.
Now we walked through all the prerequisite knowledge we need. Let's do a line-by-line breakdown for illini-robomaster/iRM_Embedded_2023
, an embedded firmware repository that doesn't use an IDE.
The repository targets MCU STM32F407
and STM32F427
, botha are ARM architecture MCUs. The firmware is mostly about motor control. The toolchain used is ARM GNU toolchain on Linux x86-64 for bare-metal targets (arm-none-eabi-<something>
). The loader hardware are st-linkv2 using SWD
port with st-link as the driver. Debugger is ARM gdb with OpenOCD
as the gdb server.
The repository uses C++
as the main language, CMake
as the build system, and FreeRTOS
as the operating system.
When loading program, the operating system
is loaded as part of the program. The MCUs are bare-metal.
To begin with, we set up the compilers to that from ARM GNU toolchain:
set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER arm-none-eabi-gcc)
set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER arm-none-eabi-g++
Now every target created with add_executable
or add_library
will be created with arm-gcc
instead of gcc
There are 3 main folders in this repository:
- shared/
- boards/
- examples/
folder contains all bsp
and non-bsp (high level)
All bsp
libraries are in the shared/bsp/
directory. In CMake, these source files are defined as the BSP_SOURCES
variable. All non-bsp (high level)
source files are defined as the LIB_SOURCES
variable. The two collections of source files are then defined again as the IRM_SOURCES
# bsp library
# high level library
# combined
These source files are then added to a library in CMake function irm_add_board_specific_library
. If the board is DJI_Board_TypeA
, the generated library is DJI_Board_TypeA_irm
# taken from irm_add_board_specific_library(), arguments expanded
add_library(DJI_Board_TypeA_irm OBJECT ${IRM_SOURCES})
This library DJI_Board_TypeA_irm
will then combine with the MCU (manufacturer) library in boards/
folder contains the MCU (manufacturer) libraries with some modifications. The MCU library is generated by STM32CubeMX
from a peripherals setup file .ioc
. Each subdirectory in this folder is a MCU library for one type of MCU boards we target (DJI_Board_TypeA(STM32F407)
, DJI_Board_TypeC(STM32F427)
, etc).
Based on MCU library type, source files in boards/
are categorized into 3 libraries. For DJI_Board_TypeA
MCU board, they are:
: MCU library (HAL lib for STM32), file system (FATFS), operating system (FreeRTOS)DJI_Board_TypeA_libDSP
and digital signal processing libraryDJI_Board_TypeA
: Every source file, including the 2 libraries above.
is then merged into the DJI_Board_TypeA_irm
library generated from bsp
and high-level
# from function irm_add_board_specific_library(), arguments expanded
PUBLIC DJI_Board_TypeA_interface
PRIVATE ${ARG_DEPENDS}) # this parameter is empty
Side note: CMake
If you are creating a shared library and your source cpp files#include
the headers of another library, but your header files don't include these headers, then this "another library" is aPRIVATE
dependency. If your source files and your headers include the headers of another library, then it is aPUBLIC
Source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/26038443/25509701
Finally, DJI_Board_TypeA_irm
(Everything in shared/
with something in boards/
) and DJI_Board_TypeA
(everything in boards/
) are linked to the generated exectuable.
Yes. There are some overlaps. I didn't design this build system, alright?
For example, to generate another executable for LED flashing, we call the function for led.cc
in the nearest CMakeLists.txt
SOURCES led.cc)
An led.elf
will be generated from led.cc
linked with DJI_Board_TypeA_irm
(Everything in shared/
with something in boards/
) and DJI_Board_TypeA
(everything in boards/
# function irm_add_arm_executable() with some arguments expanded
add_executable(${name}.elf ${ARG_SOURCES}) # ARG_SOURCES is the example
PRIVATE DJI_Board_TypeA DJI_Board_TypeA_irm)
There are over 50 source files in examples/
. Each of these files contains an independent unit test that generates its own exectuable. If using IDE, there would be 50 projects instead of 50 source files since one IDE project can only generates one executable.
Here is the code for the LED flashing unit test and we can see it doesn't have main()
. How? Because the main()
function is in boards/
, not examples/
// led.cc
#include "bsp_gpio.h"
#include "cmsis_os.h"
#include "main.h"
static bsp::GPIO *gpio_red;
void RM_RTOS_Init(void) {
gpio_red = new bsp::GPIO(LED_RED_GPIO_Port, LED_RED_Pin);
void RM_RTOS_Default_Task(const void* args) {
while (true) {
In boards/
, to use the operating system FreeRTOS
, the function osKernelStart()
is called in main.c:main()
. A default thread StartDefaultTask()
is then created with osThreadNew()
in freertos.c
// main.c
int main() {
/* Start scheduler */
is a provided function and the user (us) can write anything into the function body. The only thing StartDefaultTask()
does in this repository is to call a __weak
function RM_RTOS_Default_Task()
. The __weak
keyword allows another function with the same name (signature) to override it.
Every example source file implements the RM_RTOS_Default_Task()
which they use as the main function. The implementation of each source file will override the __weak
function in boards/
and become a thread of the final exectuable.
// freertos.c
/* implement the functions below at application level */
__weak void RM_RTOS_Default_Task(const void *argument) { UNUSED(argument); }
/* creation of defaultTask */
defaultTaskHandle = osThreadNew(StartDefaultTask, NULL, &defaultTask_attributes);
/* USER CODE END Header_StartDefaultTask */
void StartDefaultTask(void *argument)
/* init code for USB_DEVICE */
/* USER CODE BEGIN StartDefaultTask */
/* Infinite loop */
/* USER CODE END StartDefaultTask */
To build this codebase from source to exectuables, start with some basic build commands:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
Now, every example source file is compiled into an exectuable. To flash one example (unit test) to the MCU, say, the led example, run:
make flash-example_led
How does this work? We look at the CMake function irm_add_arm_executable()
Recall that MCU without OS cannot run exectuables with relocation information. We need to convert this into binary files without memory relocation information, and then we can load it to our MCU.
# build the executable
add_executable(${name}.elf ${ARG_SOURCES})
# generate the binary file from exectuable with objcopy
find_program(ARM_OBJCOPY arm-none-eabi-objcopy REQUIRED)
add_custom_command(TARGET ${name}.elf POST_BUILD
COMMAND ${ARM_OBJCOPY} -Obinary $<TARGET_FILE:${name}.elf> ${BIN_FILE})
The actual command for conversion is arm-none-eabi-objcopy -Obinary input.elf output.bin
add_custom_command() doesn't create a target. Instead, it runs a command when the target
is built.
Finally, the loading is done with a custom target:
COMMAND st-flash --reset write ${BIN_FILE} 0x8000000
DEPENDS ${name}.elf)