diff --git a/src/MediatR/MicrosoftExtensionsDI/MediatrServiceConfiguration.cs b/src/MediatR/MicrosoftExtensionsDI/MediatrServiceConfiguration.cs
index 53712c42..5dae21d0 100644
--- a/src/MediatR/MicrosoftExtensionsDI/MediatrServiceConfiguration.cs
+++ b/src/MediatR/MicrosoftExtensionsDI/MediatrServiceConfiguration.cs
@@ -1,456 +1,481 @@
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Reflection;
-using MediatR;
-using MediatR.NotificationPublishers;
-using MediatR.Pipeline;
-using MediatR.Registration;
-namespace Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
-public class MediatRServiceConfiguration
- ///
- /// Optional filter for types to register. Default value is a function returning true.
- ///
- public Func TypeEvaluator { get; set; } = t => true;
- ///
- /// Mediator implementation type to register. Default is
- ///
- public Type MediatorImplementationType { get; set; } = typeof(Mediator);
- ///
- /// Strategy for publishing notifications. Defaults to
- ///
- public INotificationPublisher NotificationPublisher { get; set; } = new ForeachAwaitPublisher();
- ///
- /// Type of notification publisher strategy to register. If set, overrides
- ///
- public Type? NotificationPublisherType { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Service lifetime to register services under. Default value is
- ///
- public ServiceLifetime Lifetime { get; set; } = ServiceLifetime.Transient;
- ///
- /// Request exception action processor strategy. Default value is
- ///
- public RequestExceptionActionProcessorStrategy RequestExceptionActionProcessorStrategy { get; set; }
- = RequestExceptionActionProcessorStrategy.ApplyForUnhandledExceptions;
- internal List AssembliesToRegister { get; } = new();
- ///
- /// List of behaviors to register in specific order
- ///
- public List BehaviorsToRegister { get; } = new();
- ///
- /// List of stream behaviors to register in specific order
- ///
- public List StreamBehaviorsToRegister { get; } = new();
- ///
- /// List of request pre processors to register in specific order
- ///
- public List RequestPreProcessorsToRegister { get; } = new();
- ///
- /// List of request post processors to register in specific order
- ///
- public List RequestPostProcessorsToRegister { get; } = new();
- ///
- /// Automatically register processors during assembly scanning
- ///
- public bool AutoRegisterRequestProcessors { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Register various handlers from assembly containing given type
- ///
- /// Type from assembly to scan
- /// This
- public MediatRServiceConfiguration RegisterServicesFromAssemblyContaining()
- => RegisterServicesFromAssemblyContaining(typeof(T));
- ///
- /// Register various handlers from assembly containing given type
- ///
- /// Type from assembly to scan
- /// This
- public MediatRServiceConfiguration RegisterServicesFromAssemblyContaining(Type type)
- => RegisterServicesFromAssembly(type.Assembly);
- ///
- /// Register various handlers from assembly
- ///
- /// Assembly to scan
- /// This
- public MediatRServiceConfiguration RegisterServicesFromAssembly(Assembly assembly)
- {
- AssembliesToRegister.Add(assembly);
- return this;
- }
- ///
- /// Register various handlers from assemblies
- ///
- /// Assemblies to scan
- /// This
- public MediatRServiceConfiguration RegisterServicesFromAssemblies(
- params Assembly[] assemblies)
- {
- AssembliesToRegister.AddRange(assemblies);
- return this;
- }
- ///
- /// Register a closed behavior type
- ///
- /// Closed behavior interface type
- /// Closed behavior implementation type
- /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
- /// This
- public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddBehavior(ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
- => AddBehavior(typeof(TServiceType), typeof(TImplementationType), serviceLifetime);
- ///
- /// Register a closed behavior type against all implementations
- ///
- /// Closed behavior implementation type
- /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
- /// This
- public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddBehavior(ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
- {
- return AddBehavior(typeof(TImplementationType), serviceLifetime);
- }
- ///
- /// Register a closed behavior type against all implementations
- ///
- /// Closed behavior implementation type
- /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
- /// This
- public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddBehavior(Type implementationType, ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
- {
- var implementedGenericInterfaces = implementationType.FindInterfacesThatClose(typeof(IPipelineBehavior<,>)).ToList();
- if (implementedGenericInterfaces.Count == 0)
- {
- throw new InvalidOperationException($"{implementationType.Name} must implement {typeof(IPipelineBehavior<,>).FullName}");
- }
- foreach (var implementedBehaviorType in implementedGenericInterfaces)
- {
- BehaviorsToRegister.Add(new ServiceDescriptor(implementedBehaviorType, implementationType, serviceLifetime));
- }
- return this;
- }
- ///
- /// Register a closed behavior type
- ///
- /// Closed behavior interface type
- /// Closed behavior implementation type
- /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
- /// This
- public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddBehavior(Type serviceType, Type implementationType, ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
- {
- BehaviorsToRegister.Add(new ServiceDescriptor(serviceType, implementationType, serviceLifetime));
- return this;
- }
- ///
- /// Registers an open behavior type against the open generic interface type
- ///
- /// An open generic behavior type
- /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
- /// This
- public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddOpenBehavior(Type openBehaviorType, ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
- {
- if (!openBehaviorType.IsGenericType)
- {
- throw new InvalidOperationException($"{openBehaviorType.Name} must be generic");
- }
- var implementedGenericInterfaces = openBehaviorType.GetInterfaces().Where(i => i.IsGenericType).Select(i => i.GetGenericTypeDefinition());
- var implementedOpenBehaviorInterfaces = new HashSet(implementedGenericInterfaces.Where(i => i == typeof(IPipelineBehavior<,>)));
- if (implementedOpenBehaviorInterfaces.Count == 0)
- {
- throw new InvalidOperationException($"{openBehaviorType.Name} must implement {typeof(IPipelineBehavior<,>).FullName}");
- }
- foreach (var openBehaviorInterface in implementedOpenBehaviorInterfaces)
- {
- BehaviorsToRegister.Add(new ServiceDescriptor(openBehaviorInterface, openBehaviorType, serviceLifetime));
- }
- return this;
- }
- ///
- /// Register a closed stream behavior type
- ///
- /// Closed stream behavior interface type
- /// Closed stream behavior implementation type
- /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
- /// This
- public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddStreamBehavior(ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
- => AddStreamBehavior(typeof(TServiceType), typeof(TImplementationType), serviceLifetime);
- ///
- /// Register a closed stream behavior type
- ///
- /// Closed stream behavior interface type
- /// Closed stream behavior implementation type
- /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
- /// This
- public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddStreamBehavior(Type serviceType, Type implementationType, ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
- {
- StreamBehaviorsToRegister.Add(new ServiceDescriptor(serviceType, implementationType, serviceLifetime));
- return this;
- }
- ///
- /// Register a closed stream behavior type against all implementations
- ///
- /// Closed stream behavior implementation type
- /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
- /// This
- public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddStreamBehavior(ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
- => AddStreamBehavior(typeof(TImplementationType), serviceLifetime);
- ///
- /// Register a closed stream behavior type against all implementations
- ///
- /// Closed stream behavior implementation type
- /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
- /// This
- public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddStreamBehavior(Type implementationType, ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
- {
- var implementedGenericInterfaces = implementationType.FindInterfacesThatClose(typeof(IStreamPipelineBehavior<,>)).ToList();
- if (implementedGenericInterfaces.Count == 0)
- {
- throw new InvalidOperationException($"{implementationType.Name} must implement {typeof(IStreamPipelineBehavior<,>).FullName}");
- }
- foreach (var implementedBehaviorType in implementedGenericInterfaces)
- {
- StreamBehaviorsToRegister.Add(new ServiceDescriptor(implementedBehaviorType, implementationType, serviceLifetime));
- }
- return this;
- }
- ///
- /// Registers an open stream behavior type against the open generic interface type
- ///
- /// An open generic stream behavior type
- /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
- /// This
- public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddOpenStreamBehavior(Type openBehaviorType, ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
- {
- if (!openBehaviorType.IsGenericType)
- {
- throw new InvalidOperationException($"{openBehaviorType.Name} must be generic");
- }
- var implementedGenericInterfaces = openBehaviorType.GetInterfaces().Where(i => i.IsGenericType).Select(i => i.GetGenericTypeDefinition());
- var implementedOpenBehaviorInterfaces = new HashSet(implementedGenericInterfaces.Where(i => i == typeof(IStreamPipelineBehavior<,>)));
- if (implementedOpenBehaviorInterfaces.Count == 0)
- {
- throw new InvalidOperationException($"{openBehaviorType.Name} must implement {typeof(IStreamPipelineBehavior<,>).FullName}");
- }
- foreach (var openBehaviorInterface in implementedOpenBehaviorInterfaces)
- {
- StreamBehaviorsToRegister.Add(new ServiceDescriptor(openBehaviorInterface, openBehaviorType, serviceLifetime));
- }
- return this;
- }
- ///
- /// Register a closed request pre processor type
- ///
- /// Closed request pre processor interface type
- /// Closed request pre processor implementation type
- /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
- /// This
- public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddRequestPreProcessor(ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
- => AddRequestPreProcessor(typeof(TServiceType), typeof(TImplementationType), serviceLifetime);
- ///
- /// Register a closed request pre processor type
- ///
- /// Closed request pre processor interface type
- /// Closed request pre processor implementation type
- /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
- /// This
- public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddRequestPreProcessor(Type serviceType, Type implementationType, ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
- {
- RequestPreProcessorsToRegister.Add(new ServiceDescriptor(serviceType, implementationType, serviceLifetime));
- return this;
- }
- ///
- /// Register a closed request pre processor type against all implementations
- ///
- /// Closed request pre processor implementation type
- /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
- /// This
- public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddRequestPreProcessor(
- ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
- => AddRequestPreProcessor(typeof(TImplementationType), serviceLifetime);
- ///
- /// Register a closed request pre processor type against all implementations
- ///
- /// Closed request pre processor implementation type
- /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
- /// This
- public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddRequestPreProcessor(Type implementationType, ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
- {
- var implementedGenericInterfaces = implementationType.FindInterfacesThatClose(typeof(IRequestPreProcessor<>)).ToList();
- if (implementedGenericInterfaces.Count == 0)
- {
- throw new InvalidOperationException($"{implementationType.Name} must implement {typeof(IRequestPreProcessor<>).FullName}");
- }
- foreach (var implementedPreProcessorType in implementedGenericInterfaces)
- {
- RequestPreProcessorsToRegister.Add(new ServiceDescriptor(implementedPreProcessorType, implementationType, serviceLifetime));
- }
- return this;
- }
- ///
- /// Registers an open request pre processor type against the open generic interface type
- ///
- /// An open generic request pre processor type
- /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
- /// This
- public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddOpenRequestPreProcessor(Type openBehaviorType, ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
- {
- if (!openBehaviorType.IsGenericType)
- {
- throw new InvalidOperationException($"{openBehaviorType.Name} must be generic");
- }
- var implementedGenericInterfaces = openBehaviorType.GetInterfaces().Where(i => i.IsGenericType).Select(i => i.GetGenericTypeDefinition());
- var implementedOpenBehaviorInterfaces = new HashSet(implementedGenericInterfaces.Where(i => i == typeof(IRequestPreProcessor<>)));
- if (implementedOpenBehaviorInterfaces.Count == 0)
- {
- throw new InvalidOperationException($"{openBehaviorType.Name} must implement {typeof(IRequestPreProcessor<>).FullName}");
- }
- foreach (var openBehaviorInterface in implementedOpenBehaviorInterfaces)
- {
- RequestPreProcessorsToRegister.Add(new ServiceDescriptor(openBehaviorInterface, openBehaviorType, serviceLifetime));
- }
- return this;
- }
- ///
- /// Register a closed request post processor type
- ///
- /// Closed request post processor interface type
- /// Closed request post processor implementation type
- /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
- /// This
- public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddRequestPostProcessor(ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
- => AddRequestPostProcessor(typeof(TServiceType), typeof(TImplementationType), serviceLifetime);
- ///
- /// Register a closed request post processor type
- ///
- /// Closed request post processor interface type
- /// Closed request post processor implementation type
- /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
- /// This
- public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddRequestPostProcessor(Type serviceType, Type implementationType, ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
- {
- RequestPostProcessorsToRegister.Add(new ServiceDescriptor(serviceType, implementationType, serviceLifetime));
- return this;
- }
- ///
- /// Register a closed request post processor type against all implementations
- ///
- /// Closed request post processor implementation type
- /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
- /// This
- public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddRequestPostProcessor(ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
- => AddRequestPostProcessor(typeof(TImplementationType), serviceLifetime);
- ///
- /// Register a closed request post processor type against all implementations
- ///
- /// Closed request post processor implementation type
- /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
- /// This
- public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddRequestPostProcessor(Type implementationType, ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
- {
- var implementedGenericInterfaces = implementationType.FindInterfacesThatClose(typeof(IRequestPostProcessor<,>)).ToList();
- if (implementedGenericInterfaces.Count == 0)
- {
- throw new InvalidOperationException($"{implementationType.Name} must implement {typeof(IRequestPostProcessor<,>).FullName}");
- }
- foreach (var implementedPostProcessorType in implementedGenericInterfaces)
- {
- RequestPostProcessorsToRegister.Add(new ServiceDescriptor(implementedPostProcessorType, implementationType, serviceLifetime));
- }
- return this;
- }
- ///
- /// Registers an open request post processor type against the open generic interface type
- ///
- /// An open generic request post processor type
- /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
- /// This
- public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddOpenRequestPostProcessor(Type openBehaviorType, ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
- {
- if (!openBehaviorType.IsGenericType)
- {
- throw new InvalidOperationException($"{openBehaviorType.Name} must be generic");
- }
- var implementedGenericInterfaces = openBehaviorType.GetInterfaces().Where(i => i.IsGenericType).Select(i => i.GetGenericTypeDefinition());
- var implementedOpenBehaviorInterfaces = new HashSet(implementedGenericInterfaces.Where(i => i == typeof(IRequestPostProcessor<,>)));
- if (implementedOpenBehaviorInterfaces.Count == 0)
- {
- throw new InvalidOperationException($"{openBehaviorType.Name} must implement {typeof(IRequestPostProcessor<,>).FullName}");
- }
- foreach (var openBehaviorInterface in implementedOpenBehaviorInterfaces)
- {
- RequestPostProcessorsToRegister.Add(new ServiceDescriptor(openBehaviorInterface, openBehaviorType, serviceLifetime));
- }
- return this;
- }
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Reflection;
+using MediatR;
+using MediatR.NotificationPublishers;
+using MediatR.Pipeline;
+using MediatR.Registration;
+namespace Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
+public class MediatRServiceConfiguration
+ ///
+ /// Optional filter for types to register. Default value is a function returning true.
+ ///
+ public Func TypeEvaluator { get; set; } = t => true;
+ ///
+ /// Mediator implementation type to register. Default is
+ ///
+ public Type MediatorImplementationType { get; set; } = typeof(Mediator);
+ ///
+ /// Strategy for publishing notifications. Defaults to
+ ///
+ public INotificationPublisher NotificationPublisher { get; set; } = new ForeachAwaitPublisher();
+ ///
+ /// Type of notification publisher strategy to register. If set, overrides
+ ///
+ public Type? NotificationPublisherType { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Service lifetime to register services under. Default value is
+ ///
+ public ServiceLifetime Lifetime { get; set; } = ServiceLifetime.Transient;
+ ///
+ /// Request exception action processor strategy. Default value is
+ ///
+ public RequestExceptionActionProcessorStrategy RequestExceptionActionProcessorStrategy { get; set; }
+ = RequestExceptionActionProcessorStrategy.ApplyForUnhandledExceptions;
+ internal List AssembliesToRegister { get; } = new();
+ ///
+ /// List of behaviors to register in specific order
+ ///
+ public List BehaviorsToRegister { get; } = new();
+ ///
+ /// List of stream behaviors to register in specific order
+ ///
+ public List StreamBehaviorsToRegister { get; } = new();
+ ///
+ /// List of request pre processors to register in specific order
+ ///
+ public List RequestPreProcessorsToRegister { get; } = new();
+ ///
+ /// List of request post processors to register in specific order
+ ///
+ public List RequestPostProcessorsToRegister { get; } = new();
+ ///
+ /// Automatically register processors during assembly scanning
+ ///
+ public bool AutoRegisterRequestProcessors { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Configure the maximum number of type parameters that a generic request handler can have. To Disable this constraint, set the value to 0.
+ ///
+ public int MaxGenericTypeParameters { get; set; } = 10;
+ ///
+ /// Configure the maximum number of types that can close a generic request type parameter constraint. To Disable this constraint, set the value to 0.
+ ///
+ public int MaxTypesClosing { get; set; } = 100;
+ ///
+ /// Configure the Maximum Amount of Generic RequestHandler Types MediatR will try to register. To Disable this constraint, set the value to 0.
+ ///
+ public int MaxGenericTypeRegistrations { get; set; } = 125000;
+ ///
+ /// Configure the Timeout in Milliseconds that the GenericHandler Registration Process will exit with error. To Disable this constraint, set the value to 0.
+ ///
+ public int RegistrationTimeout { get; set; } = 15000;
+ ///
+ /// Flag that controlls whether MediatR will attempt to register handlers that containg generic type parameters.
+ ///
+ public bool RegisterGenericHandlers { get; set; } = true;
+ ///
+ /// Register various handlers from assembly containing given type
+ ///
+ /// Type from assembly to scan
+ /// This
+ public MediatRServiceConfiguration RegisterServicesFromAssemblyContaining()
+ => RegisterServicesFromAssemblyContaining(typeof(T));
+ ///
+ /// Register various handlers from assembly containing given type
+ ///
+ /// Type from assembly to scan
+ /// This
+ public MediatRServiceConfiguration RegisterServicesFromAssemblyContaining(Type type)
+ => RegisterServicesFromAssembly(type.Assembly);
+ ///
+ /// Register various handlers from assembly
+ ///
+ /// Assembly to scan
+ /// This
+ public MediatRServiceConfiguration RegisterServicesFromAssembly(Assembly assembly)
+ {
+ AssembliesToRegister.Add(assembly);
+ return this;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Register various handlers from assemblies
+ ///
+ /// Assemblies to scan
+ /// This
+ public MediatRServiceConfiguration RegisterServicesFromAssemblies(
+ params Assembly[] assemblies)
+ {
+ AssembliesToRegister.AddRange(assemblies);
+ return this;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Register a closed behavior type
+ ///
+ /// Closed behavior interface type
+ /// Closed behavior implementation type
+ /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
+ /// This
+ public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddBehavior(ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
+ => AddBehavior(typeof(TServiceType), typeof(TImplementationType), serviceLifetime);
+ ///
+ /// Register a closed behavior type against all implementations
+ ///
+ /// Closed behavior implementation type
+ /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
+ /// This
+ public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddBehavior(ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
+ {
+ return AddBehavior(typeof(TImplementationType), serviceLifetime);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Register a closed behavior type against all implementations
+ ///
+ /// Closed behavior implementation type
+ /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
+ /// This
+ public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddBehavior(Type implementationType, ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
+ {
+ var implementedGenericInterfaces = implementationType.FindInterfacesThatClose(typeof(IPipelineBehavior<,>)).ToList();
+ if (implementedGenericInterfaces.Count == 0)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException($"{implementationType.Name} must implement {typeof(IPipelineBehavior<,>).FullName}");
+ }
+ foreach (var implementedBehaviorType in implementedGenericInterfaces)
+ {
+ BehaviorsToRegister.Add(new ServiceDescriptor(implementedBehaviorType, implementationType, serviceLifetime));
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Register a closed behavior type
+ ///
+ /// Closed behavior interface type
+ /// Closed behavior implementation type
+ /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
+ /// This
+ public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddBehavior(Type serviceType, Type implementationType, ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
+ {
+ BehaviorsToRegister.Add(new ServiceDescriptor(serviceType, implementationType, serviceLifetime));
+ return this;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Registers an open behavior type against the open generic interface type
+ ///
+ /// An open generic behavior type
+ /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
+ /// This
+ public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddOpenBehavior(Type openBehaviorType, ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
+ {
+ if (!openBehaviorType.IsGenericType)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException($"{openBehaviorType.Name} must be generic");
+ }
+ var implementedGenericInterfaces = openBehaviorType.GetInterfaces().Where(i => i.IsGenericType).Select(i => i.GetGenericTypeDefinition());
+ var implementedOpenBehaviorInterfaces = new HashSet(implementedGenericInterfaces.Where(i => i == typeof(IPipelineBehavior<,>)));
+ if (implementedOpenBehaviorInterfaces.Count == 0)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException($"{openBehaviorType.Name} must implement {typeof(IPipelineBehavior<,>).FullName}");
+ }
+ foreach (var openBehaviorInterface in implementedOpenBehaviorInterfaces)
+ {
+ BehaviorsToRegister.Add(new ServiceDescriptor(openBehaviorInterface, openBehaviorType, serviceLifetime));
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Register a closed stream behavior type
+ ///
+ /// Closed stream behavior interface type
+ /// Closed stream behavior implementation type
+ /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
+ /// This
+ public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddStreamBehavior(ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
+ => AddStreamBehavior(typeof(TServiceType), typeof(TImplementationType), serviceLifetime);
+ ///
+ /// Register a closed stream behavior type
+ ///
+ /// Closed stream behavior interface type
+ /// Closed stream behavior implementation type
+ /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
+ /// This
+ public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddStreamBehavior(Type serviceType, Type implementationType, ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
+ {
+ StreamBehaviorsToRegister.Add(new ServiceDescriptor(serviceType, implementationType, serviceLifetime));
+ return this;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Register a closed stream behavior type against all implementations
+ ///
+ /// Closed stream behavior implementation type
+ /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
+ /// This
+ public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddStreamBehavior(ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
+ => AddStreamBehavior(typeof(TImplementationType), serviceLifetime);
+ ///
+ /// Register a closed stream behavior type against all implementations
+ ///
+ /// Closed stream behavior implementation type
+ /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
+ /// This
+ public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddStreamBehavior(Type implementationType, ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
+ {
+ var implementedGenericInterfaces = implementationType.FindInterfacesThatClose(typeof(IStreamPipelineBehavior<,>)).ToList();
+ if (implementedGenericInterfaces.Count == 0)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException($"{implementationType.Name} must implement {typeof(IStreamPipelineBehavior<,>).FullName}");
+ }
+ foreach (var implementedBehaviorType in implementedGenericInterfaces)
+ {
+ StreamBehaviorsToRegister.Add(new ServiceDescriptor(implementedBehaviorType, implementationType, serviceLifetime));
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Registers an open stream behavior type against the open generic interface type
+ ///
+ /// An open generic stream behavior type
+ /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
+ /// This
+ public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddOpenStreamBehavior(Type openBehaviorType, ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
+ {
+ if (!openBehaviorType.IsGenericType)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException($"{openBehaviorType.Name} must be generic");
+ }
+ var implementedGenericInterfaces = openBehaviorType.GetInterfaces().Where(i => i.IsGenericType).Select(i => i.GetGenericTypeDefinition());
+ var implementedOpenBehaviorInterfaces = new HashSet(implementedGenericInterfaces.Where(i => i == typeof(IStreamPipelineBehavior<,>)));
+ if (implementedOpenBehaviorInterfaces.Count == 0)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException($"{openBehaviorType.Name} must implement {typeof(IStreamPipelineBehavior<,>).FullName}");
+ }
+ foreach (var openBehaviorInterface in implementedOpenBehaviorInterfaces)
+ {
+ StreamBehaviorsToRegister.Add(new ServiceDescriptor(openBehaviorInterface, openBehaviorType, serviceLifetime));
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Register a closed request pre processor type
+ ///
+ /// Closed request pre processor interface type
+ /// Closed request pre processor implementation type
+ /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
+ /// This
+ public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddRequestPreProcessor(ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
+ => AddRequestPreProcessor(typeof(TServiceType), typeof(TImplementationType), serviceLifetime);
+ ///
+ /// Register a closed request pre processor type
+ ///
+ /// Closed request pre processor interface type
+ /// Closed request pre processor implementation type
+ /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
+ /// This
+ public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddRequestPreProcessor(Type serviceType, Type implementationType, ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
+ {
+ RequestPreProcessorsToRegister.Add(new ServiceDescriptor(serviceType, implementationType, serviceLifetime));
+ return this;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Register a closed request pre processor type against all implementations
+ ///
+ /// Closed request pre processor implementation type
+ /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
+ /// This
+ public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddRequestPreProcessor(
+ ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
+ => AddRequestPreProcessor(typeof(TImplementationType), serviceLifetime);
+ ///
+ /// Register a closed request pre processor type against all implementations
+ ///
+ /// Closed request pre processor implementation type
+ /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
+ /// This
+ public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddRequestPreProcessor(Type implementationType, ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
+ {
+ var implementedGenericInterfaces = implementationType.FindInterfacesThatClose(typeof(IRequestPreProcessor<>)).ToList();
+ if (implementedGenericInterfaces.Count == 0)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException($"{implementationType.Name} must implement {typeof(IRequestPreProcessor<>).FullName}");
+ }
+ foreach (var implementedPreProcessorType in implementedGenericInterfaces)
+ {
+ RequestPreProcessorsToRegister.Add(new ServiceDescriptor(implementedPreProcessorType, implementationType, serviceLifetime));
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Registers an open request pre processor type against the open generic interface type
+ ///
+ /// An open generic request pre processor type
+ /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
+ /// This
+ public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddOpenRequestPreProcessor(Type openBehaviorType, ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
+ {
+ if (!openBehaviorType.IsGenericType)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException($"{openBehaviorType.Name} must be generic");
+ }
+ var implementedGenericInterfaces = openBehaviorType.GetInterfaces().Where(i => i.IsGenericType).Select(i => i.GetGenericTypeDefinition());
+ var implementedOpenBehaviorInterfaces = new HashSet(implementedGenericInterfaces.Where(i => i == typeof(IRequestPreProcessor<>)));
+ if (implementedOpenBehaviorInterfaces.Count == 0)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException($"{openBehaviorType.Name} must implement {typeof(IRequestPreProcessor<>).FullName}");
+ }
+ foreach (var openBehaviorInterface in implementedOpenBehaviorInterfaces)
+ {
+ RequestPreProcessorsToRegister.Add(new ServiceDescriptor(openBehaviorInterface, openBehaviorType, serviceLifetime));
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Register a closed request post processor type
+ ///
+ /// Closed request post processor interface type
+ /// Closed request post processor implementation type
+ /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
+ /// This
+ public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddRequestPostProcessor(ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
+ => AddRequestPostProcessor(typeof(TServiceType), typeof(TImplementationType), serviceLifetime);
+ ///
+ /// Register a closed request post processor type
+ ///
+ /// Closed request post processor interface type
+ /// Closed request post processor implementation type
+ /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
+ /// This
+ public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddRequestPostProcessor(Type serviceType, Type implementationType, ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
+ {
+ RequestPostProcessorsToRegister.Add(new ServiceDescriptor(serviceType, implementationType, serviceLifetime));
+ return this;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Register a closed request post processor type against all implementations
+ ///
+ /// Closed request post processor implementation type
+ /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
+ /// This
+ public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddRequestPostProcessor(ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
+ => AddRequestPostProcessor(typeof(TImplementationType), serviceLifetime);
+ ///
+ /// Register a closed request post processor type against all implementations
+ ///
+ /// Closed request post processor implementation type
+ /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
+ /// This
+ public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddRequestPostProcessor(Type implementationType, ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
+ {
+ var implementedGenericInterfaces = implementationType.FindInterfacesThatClose(typeof(IRequestPostProcessor<,>)).ToList();
+ if (implementedGenericInterfaces.Count == 0)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException($"{implementationType.Name} must implement {typeof(IRequestPostProcessor<,>).FullName}");
+ }
+ foreach (var implementedPostProcessorType in implementedGenericInterfaces)
+ {
+ RequestPostProcessorsToRegister.Add(new ServiceDescriptor(implementedPostProcessorType, implementationType, serviceLifetime));
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Registers an open request post processor type against the open generic interface type
+ ///
+ /// An open generic request post processor type
+ /// Optional service lifetime, defaults to .
+ /// This
+ public MediatRServiceConfiguration AddOpenRequestPostProcessor(Type openBehaviorType, ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
+ {
+ if (!openBehaviorType.IsGenericType)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException($"{openBehaviorType.Name} must be generic");
+ }
+ var implementedGenericInterfaces = openBehaviorType.GetInterfaces().Where(i => i.IsGenericType).Select(i => i.GetGenericTypeDefinition());
+ var implementedOpenBehaviorInterfaces = new HashSet(implementedGenericInterfaces.Where(i => i == typeof(IRequestPostProcessor<,>)));
+ if (implementedOpenBehaviorInterfaces.Count == 0)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException($"{openBehaviorType.Name} must implement {typeof(IRequestPostProcessor<,>).FullName}");
+ }
+ foreach (var openBehaviorInterface in implementedOpenBehaviorInterfaces)
+ {
+ RequestPostProcessorsToRegister.Add(new ServiceDescriptor(openBehaviorInterface, openBehaviorType, serviceLifetime));
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/MediatR/MicrosoftExtensionsDI/ServiceCollectionExtensions.cs b/src/MediatR/MicrosoftExtensionsDI/ServiceCollectionExtensions.cs
index 50e9787f..6e211b27 100644
--- a/src/MediatR/MicrosoftExtensionsDI/ServiceCollectionExtensions.cs
+++ b/src/MediatR/MicrosoftExtensionsDI/ServiceCollectionExtensions.cs
@@ -47,7 +47,9 @@ public static IServiceCollection AddMediatR(this IServiceCollection services,
throw new ArgumentException("No assemblies found to scan. Supply at least one assembly to scan for handlers.");
- ServiceRegistrar.AddMediatRClasses(services, configuration);
+ ServiceRegistrar.SetGenericRequestHandlerRegistrationLimitations(configuration);
+ ServiceRegistrar.AddMediatRClassesWithTimeout(services, configuration);
ServiceRegistrar.AddRequiredServices(services, configuration);
diff --git a/src/MediatR/Registration/ServiceRegistrar.cs b/src/MediatR/Registration/ServiceRegistrar.cs
index 8fd5bf96..c4cdd008 100644
--- a/src/MediatR/Registration/ServiceRegistrar.cs
+++ b/src/MediatR/Registration/ServiceRegistrar.cs
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
+using System.Threading;
using MediatR.Pipeline;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Extensions;
@@ -9,13 +10,42 @@
namespace MediatR.Registration;
public static class ServiceRegistrar
- public static void AddMediatRClasses(IServiceCollection services, MediatRServiceConfiguration configuration)
- {
+ private static int MaxGenericTypeParameters;
+ private static int MaxTypesClosing;
+ private static int MaxGenericTypeRegistrations;
+ private static int RegistrationTimeout;
+ public static void SetGenericRequestHandlerRegistrationLimitations(MediatRServiceConfiguration configuration)
+ {
+ MaxGenericTypeParameters = configuration.MaxGenericTypeParameters;
+ MaxTypesClosing = configuration.MaxTypesClosing;
+ MaxGenericTypeRegistrations = configuration.MaxGenericTypeRegistrations;
+ RegistrationTimeout = configuration.RegistrationTimeout;
+ }
+ public static void AddMediatRClassesWithTimeout(IServiceCollection services, MediatRServiceConfiguration configuration)
+ {
+ using(var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(RegistrationTimeout))
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ AddMediatRClasses(services, configuration, cts.Token);
+ }
+ catch (OperationCanceledException)
+ {
+ throw new TimeoutException("The generic handler registration process timed out.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public static void AddMediatRClasses(IServiceCollection services, MediatRServiceConfiguration configuration, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
+ {
var assembliesToScan = configuration.AssembliesToRegister.Distinct().ToArray();
- ConnectImplementationsToTypesClosing(typeof(IRequestHandler<,>), services, assembliesToScan, false, configuration);
- ConnectImplementationsToTypesClosing(typeof(IRequestHandler<>), services, assembliesToScan, false, configuration);
+ ConnectImplementationsToTypesClosing(typeof(IRequestHandler<,>), services, assembliesToScan, false, configuration, cancellationToken);
+ ConnectImplementationsToTypesClosing(typeof(IRequestHandler<>), services, assembliesToScan, false, configuration, cancellationToken);
ConnectImplementationsToTypesClosing(typeof(INotificationHandler<>), services, assembliesToScan, true, configuration);
ConnectImplementationsToTypesClosing(typeof(IStreamRequestHandler<,>), services, assembliesToScan, false, configuration);
ConnectImplementationsToTypesClosing(typeof(IRequestExceptionHandler<,,>), services, assembliesToScan, true, configuration);
@@ -63,7 +93,8 @@ private static void ConnectImplementationsToTypesClosing(Type openRequestInterfa
IServiceCollection services,
IEnumerable assembliesToScan,
bool addIfAlreadyExists,
- MediatRServiceConfiguration configuration)
+ MediatRServiceConfiguration configuration,
+ CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
var concretions = new List();
var interfaces = new List();
@@ -72,9 +103,10 @@ private static void ConnectImplementationsToTypesClosing(Type openRequestInterfa
var types = assembliesToScan
.SelectMany(a => a.DefinedTypes)
+ .Where(t => !t.ContainsGenericParameters || configuration.RegisterGenericHandlers)
.Where(t => t.IsConcrete() && t.FindInterfacesThatClose(openRequestInterface).Any())
- .ToList();
+ .ToList();
foreach (var type in types)
@@ -131,7 +163,7 @@ private static void ConnectImplementationsToTypesClosing(Type openRequestInterfa
foreach (var @interface in genericInterfaces)
var exactMatches = genericConcretions.Where(x => x.CanBeCastTo(@interface)).ToList();
- AddAllConcretionsThatClose(@interface, exactMatches, services, assembliesToScan);
+ AddAllConcretionsThatClose(@interface, exactMatches, services, assembliesToScan, cancellationToken);
@@ -174,7 +206,7 @@ private static void AddConcretionsThatCouldBeClosed(Type @interface, List
private static (Type Service, Type Implementation) GetConcreteRegistrationTypes(Type openRequestHandlerInterface, Type concreteGenericTRequest, Type openRequestHandlerImplementation)
- var closingType = concreteGenericTRequest.GetGenericArguments().First();
+ var closingTypes = concreteGenericTRequest.GetGenericArguments();
var concreteTResponse = concreteGenericTRequest.GetInterfaces()
.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsGenericType && x.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IRequest<>))
@@ -187,17 +219,25 @@ private static (Type Service, Type Implementation) GetConcreteRegistrationTypes(
typeDefinition.MakeGenericType(concreteGenericTRequest, concreteTResponse) :
- return (serviceType, openRequestHandlerImplementation.MakeGenericType(closingType));
+ return (serviceType, openRequestHandlerImplementation.MakeGenericType(closingTypes));
- private static List? GetConcreteRequestTypes(Type openRequestHandlerInterface, Type openRequestHandlerImplementation, IEnumerable assembliesToScan)
+ private static List? GetConcreteRequestTypes(Type openRequestHandlerInterface, Type openRequestHandlerImplementation, IEnumerable assembliesToScan, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
- var constraints = openRequestHandlerImplementation.GetGenericArguments().First().GetGenericParameterConstraints();
- var typesThatCanClose = assembliesToScan
- .SelectMany(assembly => assembly.GetTypes())
- .Where(type => type.IsClass && !type.IsAbstract && constraints.All(constraint => constraint.IsAssignableFrom(type)))
- .ToList();
+ //request generic type constraints
+ var constraintsForEachParameter = openRequestHandlerImplementation
+ .GetGenericArguments()
+ .Select(x => x.GetGenericParameterConstraints())
+ .ToList();
+ if (constraintsForEachParameter.Count > 2 && constraintsForEachParameter.Any(constraints => !constraints.Where(x => x.IsInterface || x.IsClass).Any()))
+ throw new ArgumentException($"Error registering the generic handler type: {openRequestHandlerImplementation.FullName}. When registering generic requests with more than two type parameters, each type parameter must have at least one constraint of type interface or class.");
+ var typesThatCanCloseForEachParameter = constraintsForEachParameter
+ .Select(constraints => assembliesToScan
+ .SelectMany(assembly => assembly.GetTypes())
+ .Where(type => type.IsClass && !type.IsAbstract && constraints.All(constraint => constraint.IsAssignableFrom(type))).ToList()
+ ).ToList();
var requestType = openRequestHandlerInterface.GenericTypeArguments.First();
@@ -205,15 +245,64 @@ private static (Type Service, Type Implementation) GetConcreteRegistrationTypes(
return null;
var requestGenericTypeDefinition = requestType.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
+ var combinations = GenerateCombinations(requestType, typesThatCanCloseForEachParameter, 0, cancellationToken);
+ return combinations.Select(types => requestGenericTypeDefinition.MakeGenericType(types.ToArray())).ToList();
+ }
+ // Method to generate combinations recursively
+ public static List> GenerateCombinations(Type requestType, List> lists, int depth = 0, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
+ {
+ if (depth == 0)
+ {
+ // Initial checks
+ if (MaxGenericTypeParameters > 0 && lists.Count > MaxGenericTypeParameters)
+ throw new ArgumentException($"Error registering the generic type: {requestType.FullName}. The number of generic type parameters exceeds the maximum allowed ({MaxGenericTypeParameters}).");
+ foreach (var list in lists)
+ {
+ if (MaxTypesClosing > 0 && list.Count > MaxTypesClosing)
+ throw new ArgumentException($"Error registering the generic type: {requestType.FullName}. One of the generic type parameter's count of types that can close exceeds the maximum length allowed ({MaxTypesClosing}).");
+ }
+ // Calculate the total number of combinations
+ long totalCombinations = 1;
+ foreach (var list in lists)
+ {
+ totalCombinations *= list.Count;
+ if (MaxGenericTypeParameters > 0 && totalCombinations > MaxGenericTypeRegistrations)
+ throw new ArgumentException($"Error registering the generic type: {requestType.FullName}. The total number of generic type registrations exceeds the maximum allowed ({MaxGenericTypeRegistrations}).");
+ }
+ }
+ if (depth >= lists.Count)
+ return new List> { new List() };
+ cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested();
- return typesThatCanClose.Select(type => requestGenericTypeDefinition.MakeGenericType(type)).ToList();
+ var currentList = lists[depth];
+ var childCombinations = GenerateCombinations(requestType, lists, depth + 1, cancellationToken);
+ var combinations = new List>();
+ foreach (var item in currentList)
+ {
+ foreach (var childCombination in childCombinations)
+ {
+ var currentCombination = new List { item };
+ currentCombination.AddRange(childCombination);
+ combinations.Add(currentCombination);
+ }
+ }
+ return combinations;
- private static void AddAllConcretionsThatClose(Type openRequestInterface, List concretions, IServiceCollection services, IEnumerable assembliesToScan)
+ private static void AddAllConcretionsThatClose(Type openRequestInterface, List concretions, IServiceCollection services, IEnumerable assembliesToScan, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
foreach (var concretion in concretions)
- {
- var concreteRequests = GetConcreteRequestTypes(openRequestInterface, concretion, assembliesToScan);
+ {
+ var concreteRequests = GetConcreteRequestTypes(openRequestInterface, concretion, assembliesToScan, cancellationToken);
if (concreteRequests is null)
@@ -223,6 +312,7 @@ private static void AddAllConcretionsThatClose(Type openRequestInterface, List
+ {
+ cfg.RegisterServicesFromAssemblies(dynamicAssembly);
+ });
+ var provider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
+ var dynamicRequestType = dynamicAssembly.GetType("DynamicRequest")!;
+ int expectedCombinations = CalculateTotalCombinations(numberOfClasses, numberOfInterfaces, numberOfTypeParameters);
+ var testClasses = Enumerable.Range(1, numberOfClasses)
+ .Select(i => dynamicAssembly.GetType($"TestClass{i}")!)
+ .ToArray();
+ var combinations = GenerateCombinations(testClasses, numberOfInterfaces);
+ foreach (var combination in combinations)
+ {
+ var concreteRequestType = dynamicRequestType.MakeGenericType(combination);
+ var requestHandlerInterface = typeof(IRequestHandler<>).MakeGenericType(concreteRequestType);
+ var handler = provider.GetService(requestHandlerInterface);
+ handler.ShouldNotBeNull($"Handler for {concreteRequestType} should not be null");
+ }
+ }
+ [Theory]
+ [InlineData(9, 3, 3)]
+ [InlineData(10, 4, 4)]
+ [InlineData(1, 1, 1)]
+ [InlineData(50, 3, 3)]
+ public void ShouldRegisterTheCorrectAmountOfHandlers(int numberOfClasses, int numberOfInterfaces, int numberOfTypeParameters)
+ {
+ var dynamicAssembly = GenerateCombinationsTestAssembly(numberOfClasses, numberOfInterfaces, numberOfTypeParameters);
+ int expectedCombinations = CalculateTotalCombinations(numberOfClasses, numberOfInterfaces, numberOfTypeParameters);
+ var testClasses = Enumerable.Range(1, numberOfClasses)
+ .Select(i => dynamicAssembly.GetType($"TestClass{i}")!)
+ .ToArray();
+ var combinations = GenerateCombinations(testClasses, numberOfInterfaces);
+ combinations.Count.ShouldBe(expectedCombinations, $"Should have tested all {expectedCombinations} combinations");
+ }
+ [Theory]
+ [InlineData(9, 3, 3)]
+ [InlineData(10, 4, 4)]
+ [InlineData(1, 1, 1)]
+ [InlineData(50, 3, 3)]
+ public void ShouldNotRegisterDuplicateHandlers(int numberOfClasses, int numberOfInterfaces, int numberOfTypeParameters)
+ {
+ var dynamicAssembly = GenerateCombinationsTestAssembly(numberOfClasses, numberOfInterfaces, numberOfTypeParameters);
+ int expectedCombinations = CalculateTotalCombinations(numberOfClasses, numberOfInterfaces, numberOfTypeParameters);
+ var testClasses = Enumerable.Range(1, numberOfClasses)
+ .Select(i => dynamicAssembly.GetType($"TestClass{i}")!)
+ .ToArray();
+ var combinations = GenerateCombinations(testClasses, numberOfInterfaces);
+ var hasDuplicates = combinations
+ .Select(x => string.Join(", ", x.Select(y => y.Name)))
+ .GroupBy(x => x)
+ .Any(g => g.Count() > 1);
+ hasDuplicates.ShouldBeFalse();
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public void ShouldThrowExceptionWhenRegisterningHandlersWithNoConstraints()
+ {
+ IServiceCollection services = new ServiceCollection();
+ services.AddSingleton(new Logger());
+ var assembly = GenerateMissingConstraintsAssembly();
+ Should.Throw(() =>
+ {
+ services.AddMediatR(cfg =>
+ {
+ cfg.RegisterServicesFromAssembly(assembly);
+ });
+ })
+ .Message.ShouldContain("When registering generic requests with more than two type parameters, each type parameter must have at least one constraint of type interface or class.");
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public void ShouldThrowExceptionWhenTypesClosingExceedsMaximum()
+ {
+ IServiceCollection services = new ServiceCollection();
+ services.AddSingleton(new Logger());
+ var assembly = GenerateTypesClosingExceedsMaximumAssembly();
+ Should.Throw(() =>
+ {
+ services.AddMediatR(cfg =>
+ {
+ cfg.RegisterServicesFromAssembly(assembly);
+ });
+ })
+ .Message.ShouldContain("One of the generic type parameter's count of types that can close exceeds the maximum length allowed");
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public void ShouldThrowExceptionWhenGenericHandlerRegistrationsExceedsMaximum()
+ {
+ IServiceCollection services = new ServiceCollection();
+ services.AddSingleton(new Logger());
+ var assembly = GenerateHandlerRegistrationsExceedsMaximumAssembly();
+ Should.Throw(() =>
+ {
+ services.AddMediatR(cfg =>
+ {
+ cfg.RegisterServicesFromAssembly(assembly);
+ });
+ })
+ .Message.ShouldContain("The total number of generic type registrations exceeds the maximum allowed");
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public void ShouldThrowExceptionWhenGenericTypeParametersExceedsMaximum()
+ {
+ IServiceCollection services = new ServiceCollection();
+ services.AddSingleton(new Logger());
+ var assembly = GenerateGenericTypeParametersExceedsMaximumAssembly();
+ Should.Throw(() =>
+ {
+ services.AddMediatR(cfg =>
+ {
+ cfg.RegisterServicesFromAssembly(assembly);
+ });
+ })
+ .Message.ShouldContain("The number of generic type parameters exceeds the maximum allowed");
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public void ShouldThrowExceptionWhenTimeoutOccurs()
+ {
+ IServiceCollection services = new ServiceCollection();
+ services.AddSingleton(new Logger());
+ var assembly = GenerateTimeoutOccursAssembly();
+ Should.Throw(() =>
+ {
+ services.AddMediatR(cfg =>
+ {
+ cfg.MaxGenericTypeParameters = 0;
+ cfg.MaxGenericTypeRegistrations = 0;
+ cfg.MaxTypesClosing = 0;
+ cfg.RegistrationTimeout = 1000;
+ cfg.RegisterServicesFromAssembly(assembly);
+ });
+ })
+ .Message.ShouldBe("The generic handler registration process timed out.");
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public void ShouldNotRegisterGenericHandlersWhenOptingOut()
+ {
+ IServiceCollection services = new ServiceCollection();
+ services.AddSingleton(new Logger());
+ var assembly = GenerateOptOutAssembly();
+ services.AddMediatR(cfg =>
+ {
+ //opt out flag set
+ cfg.RegisterGenericHandlers = false;
+ cfg.RegisterServicesFromAssembly(assembly);
+ });
+ var provider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
+ var testClasses = Enumerable.Range(1, 2)
+ .Select(i => assembly.GetType($"TestClass{i}")!)
+ .ToArray();
+ var requestType = assembly.GetType("OptOutRequest")!;
+ var combinations = GenerateCombinations(testClasses, 2);
+ var concreteRequestType = requestType.MakeGenericType(combinations.First());
+ var requestHandlerInterface = typeof(IRequestHandler<>).MakeGenericType(concreteRequestType);
+ var handler = provider.GetService(requestHandlerInterface);
+ handler.ShouldBeNull($"Handler for {concreteRequestType} should be null");
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/test/MediatR.Tests/MicrosoftExtensionsDI/AssemblyResolutionTests.cs b/test/MediatR.Tests/MicrosoftExtensionsDI/AssemblyResolutionTests.cs
index dbbcaefc..60575620 100644
--- a/test/MediatR.Tests/MicrosoftExtensionsDI/AssemblyResolutionTests.cs
+++ b/test/MediatR.Tests/MicrosoftExtensionsDI/AssemblyResolutionTests.cs
@@ -3,12 +3,10 @@
namespace MediatR.Extensions.Microsoft.DependencyInjection.Tests;
using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
-using System.Reflection;
using Shouldly;
-using Xunit;
+using Xunit;
public class AssemblyResolutionTests
private readonly IServiceProvider _provider;
diff --git a/test/MediatR.Tests/MicrosoftExtensionsDI/BaseGenericRequestHandlerTests.cs b/test/MediatR.Tests/MicrosoftExtensionsDI/BaseGenericRequestHandlerTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b87fc02b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/MediatR.Tests/MicrosoftExtensionsDI/BaseGenericRequestHandlerTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Reflection.Emit;
+using System.Reflection;
+using System.Threading;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+namespace MediatR.Tests.MicrosoftExtensionsDI
+ public abstract class BaseGenericRequestHandlerTests
+ {
+ protected static Assembly GenerateMissingConstraintsAssembly() =>
+ CreateAssemblyModuleBuilder("MissingConstraintsAssembly", 3, 3, CreateHandlerForMissingConstraintsTest);
+ protected static Assembly GenerateTypesClosingExceedsMaximumAssembly() =>
+ CreateAssemblyModuleBuilder("ExceedsMaximumTypesClosingAssembly", 201, 1, CreateHandlerForExceedsMaximumClassesTest);
+ protected static Assembly GenerateHandlerRegistrationsExceedsMaximumAssembly() =>
+ CreateAssemblyModuleBuilder("ExceedsMaximumHandlerRegistrationsAssembly", 500, 10, CreateHandlerForExceedsMaximumHandlerRegistrationsTest);
+ protected static Assembly GenerateGenericTypeParametersExceedsMaximumAssembly() =>
+ CreateAssemblyModuleBuilder("ExceedsMaximumGenericTypeParametersAssembly", 1, 1, CreateHandlerForExceedsMaximumGenericTypeParametersTest);
+ protected static Assembly GenerateTimeoutOccursAssembly() =>
+ CreateAssemblyModuleBuilder("TimeOutOccursAssembly", 400, 3, CreateHandlerForTimeoutOccursTest);
+ protected static Assembly GenerateOptOutAssembly() =>
+ CreateAssemblyModuleBuilder("OptOutAssembly", 2, 2, CreateHandlerForOptOutTest);
+ protected static void CreateHandlerForOptOutTest(ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder) =>
+ CreateRequestHandler(moduleBuilder, "OptOutRequest", 2);
+ protected static void CreateHandlerForMissingConstraintsTest(ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder) =>
+ CreateRequestHandler(moduleBuilder, "MissingConstraintsRequest", 3, 0, false);
+ protected static void CreateHandlerForExceedsMaximumClassesTest(ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder) =>
+ CreateRequestHandler(moduleBuilder, "ExceedsMaximumTypesClosingRequest", 1);
+ protected static void CreateHandlerForExceedsMaximumHandlerRegistrationsTest(ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder) =>
+ CreateRequestHandler(moduleBuilder, "ExceedsMaximumHandlerRegistrationsRequest", 4);
+ protected static void CreateHandlerForExceedsMaximumGenericTypeParametersTest(ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder) =>
+ CreateRequestHandler(moduleBuilder, "ExceedsMaximumGenericTypeParametersRequest", 11, 1);
+ protected static void CreateHandlerForTimeoutOccursTest(ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder) =>
+ CreateRequestHandler(moduleBuilder, "TimeoutOccursRequest", 3);
+ protected static void CreateHandlerForCombinationsTest(ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder, int numberOfGenericParameters) =>
+ CreateRequestHandler(moduleBuilder, "DynamicRequest", numberOfGenericParameters);
+ protected static void CreateClass(ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder, string className, Type interfaceType)
+ {
+ TypeBuilder typeBuilder = moduleBuilder.DefineType(className, TypeAttributes.Public);
+ typeBuilder.AddInterfaceImplementation(interfaceType);
+ typeBuilder.CreateTypeInfo();
+ }
+ protected static Type CreateInterface(ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder, string interfaceName)
+ {
+ TypeBuilder interfaceBuilder = moduleBuilder.DefineType(interfaceName, TypeAttributes.Public | TypeAttributes.Interface | TypeAttributes.Abstract);
+ return interfaceBuilder.CreateTypeInfo().AsType();
+ }
+ protected static AssemblyBuilder CreateAssemblyModuleBuilder(string name, int classes, int interfaces, Action handlerCreation)
+ {
+ AssemblyName assemblyName = new AssemblyName(name);
+ AssemblyBuilder assemblyBuilder = AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicAssembly(assemblyName, AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run);
+ ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder = assemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule("MainModule");
+ CreateTestClassesAndInterfaces(moduleBuilder, classes, interfaces);
+ handlerCreation.Invoke(moduleBuilder);
+ return assemblyBuilder;
+ }
+ protected static AssemblyBuilder GenerateCombinationsTestAssembly(int classes, int interfaces, int genericParameters)
+ {
+ AssemblyName assemblyName = new AssemblyName("DynamicAssembly");
+ AssemblyBuilder assemblyBuilder = AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicAssembly(assemblyName, AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run);
+ ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder = assemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule("MainModule");
+ CreateTestClassesAndInterfaces(moduleBuilder, classes, interfaces);
+ CreateHandlerForCombinationsTest(moduleBuilder, genericParameters);
+ return assemblyBuilder;
+ }
+ protected static string[] GetGenericParameterNames(int numberOfTypeParameters) =>
+ Enumerable.Range(1, numberOfTypeParameters).Select(i => $"T{i}").ToArray();
+ protected static void CreateRequestHandler(ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder, string requestName, int numberOfTypeParameters, int numberOfInterfaces = 0, bool includeConstraints = true)
+ {
+ if(numberOfInterfaces == 0)
+ {
+ numberOfInterfaces = numberOfTypeParameters;
+ }
+ // Define the dynamic request class
+ var handlerTypeBuilder = moduleBuilder!.DefineType($"{requestName}Handler", TypeAttributes.Public);
+ var requestTypeBuilder = moduleBuilder!.DefineType(requestName, TypeAttributes.Public);
+ // Define the generic parameters
+ string[] genericParameterNames = GetGenericParameterNames(numberOfTypeParameters);
+ var handlerGenericParameters = handlerTypeBuilder.DefineGenericParameters(genericParameterNames);
+ var requestGenericParameters = requestTypeBuilder.DefineGenericParameters(genericParameterNames);
+ requestTypeBuilder.AddInterfaceImplementation(typeof(IRequest));
+ if(includeConstraints)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTypeParameters; i++)
+ {
+ int interfaceIndex = i % numberOfInterfaces + 1;
+ var constraintType = moduleBuilder.Assembly.GetType($"ITestInterface{interfaceIndex}");
+ handlerGenericParameters[i].SetInterfaceConstraints(constraintType!);
+ requestGenericParameters[i].SetInterfaceConstraints(constraintType!);
+ }
+ }
+ var requestType = requestTypeBuilder.CreateTypeInfo().AsType();
+ handlerTypeBuilder.AddInterfaceImplementation(typeof(IRequestHandler<>).MakeGenericType(requestType));
+ // Define the Handle method
+ MethodBuilder handleMethodBuilder = handlerTypeBuilder.DefineMethod(
+ "Handle",
+ MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Virtual,
+ typeof(Task),
+ new[] { requestType, typeof(CancellationToken) });
+ ILGenerator ilGenerator = handleMethodBuilder.GetILGenerator();
+ ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Ret);
+ // Implement the interface method
+ handlerTypeBuilder.DefineMethodOverride(handleMethodBuilder, typeof(IRequestHandler<>).MakeGenericType(requestType).GetMethod("Handle")!);
+ // Create the dynamic request class
+ handlerTypeBuilder.CreateTypeInfo();
+ }
+ protected static void CreateTestClassesAndInterfaces(ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder, int numberOfClasses, int numberOfInterfaces)
+ {
+ Type[] interfaces = new Type[numberOfInterfaces];
+ for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfInterfaces; i++)
+ {
+ string interfaceName = $"ITestInterface{i}";
+ interfaces[i - 1] = CreateInterface(moduleBuilder, interfaceName);
+ }
+ for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfClasses; i++)
+ {
+ string className = $"TestClass{i}";
+ Type interfaceType = interfaces[(i - 1) % numberOfInterfaces];
+ CreateClass(moduleBuilder, className, interfaceType);
+ }
+ }
+ protected List GenerateCombinations(Type[] types, int interfaces)
+ {
+ var groups = new List[interfaces];
+ for (int i = 0; i < interfaces; i++)
+ {
+ groups[i] = types.Where((t, index) => index % interfaces == i).ToList();
+ }
+ return GenerateCombinationsRecursive(groups, 0);
+ }
+ protected List GenerateCombinationsRecursive(List[] groups, int currentGroup)
+ {
+ var result = new List();
+ if (currentGroup == groups.Length)
+ {
+ result.Add(Array.Empty());
+ return result;
+ }
+ foreach (var type in groups[currentGroup])
+ {
+ foreach (var subCombination in GenerateCombinationsRecursive(groups, currentGroup + 1))
+ {
+ result.Add(new[] { type }.Concat(subCombination).ToArray());
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ protected static int CalculateTotalCombinations(int numberOfClasses, int numberOfInterfaces, int numberOfTypeParameters)
+ {
+ var testClasses = Enumerable.Range(1, numberOfClasses)
+ .Select(i => $"TestClass{i}")
+ .ToArray();
+ var groups = new List[numberOfInterfaces];
+ for (int i = 0; i < numberOfInterfaces; i++)
+ {
+ groups[i] = testClasses.Where((t, index) => index % numberOfInterfaces == i).ToList();
+ }
+ return groups
+ .Take(numberOfTypeParameters)
+ .Select(group => group.Count)
+ .Aggregate(1, (a, b) => a * b);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/test/MediatR.Tests/SendTests.cs b/test/MediatR.Tests/SendTests.cs
index b489a808..553c689c 100644
--- a/test/MediatR.Tests/SendTests.cs
+++ b/test/MediatR.Tests/SendTests.cs
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
using System.Threading;
-namespace MediatR.Tests;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Shouldly;
using Xunit;
-using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
+using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
+using System.Reflection;
+namespace MediatR.Tests;
public class SendTests
private readonly IServiceProvider _serviceProvider;
private Dependency _dependency;
- private readonly IMediator _mediator;
+ private readonly IMediator _mediator;
public SendTests()
_dependency = new Dependency();
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ public SendTests()
_serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
_mediator = _serviceProvider.GetService()!;
public class Ping : IRequest
@@ -50,6 +49,7 @@ public Task Handle(Ping request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
public class Dependency
public bool Called { get; set; }
+ public bool CalledSpecific { get; set; }
public class VoidPingHandler : IRequestHandler
@@ -103,8 +103,58 @@ public Task Handle(VoidGenericPing request, CancellationToken cancellationTok
return Task.CompletedTask;
+ }
+ public class PongExtension : Pong
+ {
+ }
+ public class TestClass1PingRequestHandler : IRequestHandler>
+ {
+ private readonly Dependency _dependency;
+ public TestClass1PingRequestHandler(Dependency dependency) => _dependency = dependency;
+ public Task Handle(VoidGenericPing request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
+ {
+ _dependency.CalledSpecific = true;
+ return Task.CompletedTask;
+ }
+ }
+ public interface ITestInterface1 { }
+ public interface ITestInterface2 { }
+ public interface ITestInterface3 { }
+ public class TestClass1 : ITestInterface1 { }
+ public class TestClass2 : ITestInterface2 { }
+ public class TestClass3 : ITestInterface3 { }
+ public class MultipleGenericTypeParameterRequest : IRequest
+ where T1 : ITestInterface1
+ where T2 : ITestInterface2
+ where T3 : ITestInterface3
+ {
+ public int Foo { get; set; }
+ public class MultipleGenericTypeParameterRequestHandler : IRequestHandler, int>
+ where T1 : ITestInterface1
+ where T2 : ITestInterface2
+ where T3 : ITestInterface3
+ {
+ private readonly Dependency _dependency;
+ public MultipleGenericTypeParameterRequestHandler(Dependency dependency) => _dependency = dependency;
+ public Task Handle(MultipleGenericTypeParameterRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
+ {
+ _dependency.Called = true;
+ return Task.FromResult(1);
+ }
+ }
public async Task Should_resolve_main_handler()
@@ -183,4 +233,49 @@ public async Task Should_resolve_generic_void_handler()
+ [Fact]
+ public async Task Should_resolve_multiple_type_parameter_generic_handler()
+ {
+ var request = new MultipleGenericTypeParameterRequest();
+ await _mediator.Send(request);
+ _dependency.Called.ShouldBeTrue();
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public async Task Should_resolve_closed_handler_if_defined()
+ {
+ var dependency = new Dependency();
+ var services = new ServiceCollection();
+ services.AddSingleton(dependency);
+ services.AddMediatR(cfg => cfg.RegisterServicesFromAssemblies(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()));
+ services.AddTransient>,TestClass1PingRequestHandler>();
+ var serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
+ var mediator = serviceProvider.GetService()!;
+ var request = new VoidGenericPing();
+ await mediator.Send(request);
+ dependency.Called.ShouldBeFalse();
+ dependency.CalledSpecific.ShouldBeTrue();
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public async Task Should_resolve_open_handler_if_not_defined()
+ {
+ var dependency = new Dependency();
+ var services = new ServiceCollection();
+ services.AddSingleton(dependency);
+ services.AddMediatR(cfg => cfg.RegisterServicesFromAssemblies(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()));
+ services.AddTransient>, TestClass1PingRequestHandler>();
+ var serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
+ var mediator = serviceProvider.GetService()!;
+ var request = new VoidGenericPing();
+ await mediator.Send(request);
+ dependency.Called.ShouldBeTrue();
+ dependency.CalledSpecific.ShouldBeFalse();
+ }
\ No newline at end of file