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153 lines (96 loc) · 9.62 KB

E-Commerse Database System - PLSQL and EER Model

The project implements the Amazon's e-commerce database system which fulfils all the functional requirements for an e-commerce website. The database is created by designing the Extended Entity Relation (EER) model of Amazon as an E-commerce website. EER is then converted to relational tables using the set of well defined rules and after applying the normalisation techniques. Project utilizes PLSQL and it's stored procedures, triggeres and cursors to create tables and maintain the consistency within the relational database. The database system fulfils the following functional requirements -

1. A user can register – A user can be a buyer or a seller.

2. A user can place order - each order contains multiple products.

3. A seller can add products - this contains the details of a product.

4. A buyer can give review - a user can write reviews about a product.

5. A user can add products to a Wishlist - user can store the products which they like but not yet ready to buy.

6. A user can add products to a shopping cart - users add to the shopping cart the products they want to buy.

7. Product can be of multiple category - it defines the category of a product like clothing, electronics etc.

8. Product can be carried by different carrier - the shipping service through which a product can be shipped.

9. A user can have multiple address and contact details - users address and phone number saved in the account.

10. A user can have multiple Card info - users saved card in the account

11. A buyer can add images to its review - each review can have images associated with it.

12. A seller can add images to its product - each product can have multiple images associated with it, so taken in separate table.


1. User-contact_details: each user can have multiple contact details saved, while each contact detail will have only 1 user linked. Thus, cardinality is 1: N

2. Buyer-card_info: each buyer can have many cards, while each card is associated with 1 buyer. Thus, cardinality is 1: N

3. Buyer-order: buyer places order. A buyer can place many orders, while each order is linked with only 1 buyer. Thus, cardinality is 1: N

4. Order-product: each order can contain many products, and each product can come in many orders. Thus, cardinality is M: N

5. Seller-product: seller sells products. Each seller can sell many products, while each product has only 1 seller. Thus, cardinality is 1: N

6. Buyer-reviews: buyer can write a review. Each buyer can write multiple reviews, while each review has only 1 buyer. Thus, cardinality is 1: N

7. Review-products: each review is for 1 product while each product can have many reviews. Thus, cardinality is 1: N

8. Buyer-wishlist: each buyer can have only 1 Wishlist, and each Wishlist has 1 buyer. Thus, cardinality is 1:1.

9. Buyer- shopping cart: each buyer has only 1 shopping cart while each shopping cart is associated with 1 buyer. Thus, cardinality is 1:1.

10. Wishlist-product: each Wishlist contains many products, and each product can be in many wish lists. Thus, cardinality is N:M

11. Shopping_cart-product: each cart contains many products, and each product can be in many carts. Thus, cardinality is N:M

12. Product-category: each product has only 1 category while each category has many products. Thus, cardinality is 1: N

13. Product-carrier: each product is shipped by 1 carrier, while each carrier ships many products.

14. Review-review_images: each review has many review images while each review image is linked with 1 review. Thus, cardinality is 1: N

15. Product-product_images: each product has many product images while each product image is linked with 1 product. Thus, cardinality is 1: N

16. Order-card_info: each order has a card linked with it, while each card can be used for many orders. Thus, cardinality is 1: N

17. Order-contact details: each order has 1 contact detail (address, phone), while each contact detail is linked with multiple orders. Thus, cardinality is 1: N

  • Number 1:1 relationship = 2
  • Number of N: M relationships = 3
  • Number of 1: N relationships = 12
  • Total Relationships = 17


To map ER diagram into a relational schema, we considered the following mapping rules.

For each 1: 1 binary relationship, in the total participation entity add the primary key of the other entity as the foreign key. For 1: N binary relationship, add to the entity on the N side the primary key of the other entity as the foreign key. For M: N binary relationship, make a new entity with foreign key as the primary key of the two participating entities. Their combination forms the new primary key.

  • In buyer table we have user_id as foreign key.
  • In seller table we have user_id as foreign key.
  • In product table we have seller_id, carrier_id and category_id as foreign keys.
  • In order table we have buyer_id as foreign key.
  • In card_info we have buyer_id as foreign key.
  • In reviews we have buyer_id, product_id as foreign keys.
  • In wishlist we have buyer_id as foreign key.
  • In shopping cart we have buyer_id as foreign key.
  • In contact_details we have user_id as foreign key.
  • In review_images we have review_id as foreign key.
  • In product_images we have product_id as foreign key.
  • We make a new table name product_wishlist which as product_id and wishlist_id as foreign key.
  • We make a new table name product_shopping_cart which as product_id and buyer_id as foreign key.
  • We make a new table name product_order which as product_id and order_id as foreign key.


1. Register buyer: invoked by buyer responsible for

  • registering user given email, fname, lname and password.
  • registering the buyer itself setting its prime membership as false by default and prime member expiry date as Null.

2. Register seller has 2 responsibilities

  • registering user given email, fname, lname and password.
  • registering the seller itself given company name, url, description, setting its average rating as 2.5 default.

3. Place order: Given a buyer id, place order is responsible for the following –

  • To iterate over the shopping cart of a particular buyer and remove each item from buyers cart.
  • While removing each product, sum up the price of each product to the total price for the order.
  • If the user is a prime user, do not include shipping charges for that order.
  • Fetch the default address set by the buyer from the list of addresses for that buyer from the contact_details tables.
  • Fetch the default card details set by the buyer from the list of card details for that buyer from the card_info table.
  • To make sure not to include certain products from the shopping car in the order table who's available unity is zero (in_stock bit is set to 0).
  • To add an entry in the order table, containing details of the invoice (total price, total quantity of products in order, tax, shipping charge, card_details used for the order, delivery contact details used for the order)
  • To invokes a trigger responsible for updating the available_units of each product being bought in that order.

4. Give review: A buyer can add a review by providing product_id, buyer_id, review, rating, and image_url (if any). It adds a review in the review table and image of it in the image table. After execution It invokes two triggers.

  • update_product_rating
  • updte_seller_rating.

5. Add_contact_details: adds details about address and the users number. A user can add multiple contact details and can set a single to contact_details to be used by default.

6. Add_card_info: add cards information like card number, expiry_date etc. A user can add mupltiple card details and can set a single to card_info to be used by default.

7. Add_prodcut: adds a product sold a by a seller. It also asks for the image URL if any, A seller can upload multiple images for a product.

8. Add_to_shopping_cart: adds a product in the shopping cart for a buyer, given the buyer Id

9. Add_to_wishlist: adds a product to the wishlist of a buyer, given the buyer id.

10. Update_membership: update users prime membership information.

11. Cancel_membership: cancel users prime membership

12. Populate_product_categories: adds all the available categories of product in it

13. Populate_carrier_categories: adds all the available carrier serviced responsible for delivering products.


1. Update available units:

  • Trigger is invoked whenever a user places an order. Update available unitsis responsible for updating the value of available units for each product in the product table that is being ordered by a buyer.
  • The procedures iterate over all the entries of order_product table for a specific order and iteratively updates each products quantity in the product table.
  • If the quantity reaches 0, the product is marked as out of stock, setting its in_stock value as 0.

2. Update_product_rating:

  • It is responsible for updating the rating of a product every time a buyer gives a review by averaging the earlier rating with this buyers rating.
  • It also updates the count of rating given for that particular product.

3. Update_seller_rating

  • It is responsible for updating the rating of a seller every time a buyer gives a review to a product by averaging the earlier rating with this buyers rating.

4. Remove_products_from_cart

  • After placing an order by a buyer, the trigger is responsible for removing all the ordered products from the shopping cart of that particular buyer.