EBS-Milestone-2 shows the power and possibilities of REST API with close relation to Django.
You can use this project as a cheat sheet.
- Clone project
git clone https://github.com/ArtiomOn/EBS-Milestone-2.git
- Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Apply migrations to database
python manage.py migrate
- Start the project
python manage.py runserver
- User access token
POST | users/token/access/
- User refresh token
POST | users/token/refresh/
- User list
GET | users/user/
- User register
POST | users/user/register/
- Task list
GET | tasks/
- Create task
POST | tasks/
- All completed tasks
GET | tasks/completed_task/
- My own task
GET | tasks/my_task/
- Convert all tasks to pdf
GET | tasks/task_list_convert_pdf
- Task detail
GET | tasks/{id}/
- Delete task
DELETE | tasks/{id}/
- Assign new user to task
PATCH | tasks/{id}/assign_user/
- Convert specific task to pdf
GET | tasks/{id}/task_detail_convert_pdf/
- Update task status to true
GET | tasks/{id}/update_task_status/
- Comment detail
GET | tasks/{task__pk}/comments
- Create comment
POST | tasks/{task__pk}/comments
- Timelog list
GET | timelogs/
- Timelogs by month
GET | timelogs/time_logs_month/
- Timelog task detail
GET | tasks/{task__pk}/task_timelogs/
- Create task timelog
POST | tasks/{task__pk}/task_timelogs/
- Timelog start timer
POST | tasks/{task__pk}/task_timelogs/start_timer
- Timelog stop timer
POST | tasks/{task__pk}/task_timelogs/stop_timer
- File list
GET | files/
- Create file
POST | files/
- Project list
GET | projects/
- Create project
POST | projects/
- Project detail
GET | projects/{id}/
- Update project
PUT & PATCH | projects/{id}/
- Convert project detail to pdf
GET | projects/{id}/project_detail_convert_pdf