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Clock Auction Demo Application


See Sepectrum Auction Demo.


  • It is assumed that Fabric Private Chaincode repository on your machine is installed in $FPC_PATH.
  • JSON processor, jq is installed.
  • FPC Peer Docker Image has been created as per the FPC Network Instructions in Step 1.
  • Relevant Fabric binaries and docker images have been downloaded as per FPC Network Instructions in Step 2.

The Auction Demo has multiple components, a UI, a backend server that proxies calls to an FPC network, a FPC network and a chaincode to execute the auction logic.

Bring Up the Demo End To End


To set up all components at once run the start script. An FPC Network will automatically be created.

cd $FPC_PATH/demo
scripts/ --build-cc

The channel mychannel will be created and used to install and instantiate all chaincodes. The FPC auction chaincode will be instantiated as ecc_auctioncc. If you do not need to build the FPC Auction CC, omit the --build-cc flag. If you do pass the --build-cc flag, the script assumes that the docker image hyperledger/fabric-private-chaincode-cc-builder exists. If the image does not exist, the cc-builder and the dev images will be built automatically before building the chaincode.

The fabric gateway will be configured to use the auctioncc chaincode. This can be changed by changing the chaincode_name in the fabric gateway config. Currently it is set to ecc_auctioncc. If you change the fabric gateway config, remember to rebuild the client so the updated configuration is added in the fabric gateway image. You can add the --build-client flag to the above start script to automatically rebuild the fabric gateway and frontend.

NOTE To differentiate FPC chaincode from other chaincodes, we currently prefix the chaincode name with ecc_ when installing it. While the FPC peer cli hides this name mapping, you will have to manually prefix the chaincode name in config.json, hence the default ecc_auctioncc.

Both the frontend and fabric-gateway expose ports and are accessible on the host machine. The frontend can be accessed at localhost:5000 and the fabric-gateway can be accessed at localhost:3000.

Below is the script's help text. [options]

   This script, by default, will teardown possible previous iterations of this
   demo, generate new crypto material for the network, start an FPC network as
   defined in \$FPC_PATH/utils/docker-compose, install the FPC compliant
   auction chaincode(\$FPC_PATH/demo/chaincode/fpc), register auction users,
   and bring up both the fabric-gatway & frontend UI.

   If the fabric-gateway and frontend UI docker images have not previously been
   built it will build them, otherwise the script will reuse the images already
   existing.  You can force a rebuild, though, by specifying the flag
   --build-client.  The FPC chaincode will not be built unless specified by the
   flag --build-cc.  By calling the script with both build options, you will be
   able to run the demo without having to build the whole FPC project (e.g., by
   calling `make` in $FPC_PATH).

           As part of bringing up the demo components, the auction cc in demo/chaincode/fpc will
           be rebuilt using the docker-build make target.
           As part of bringing up the demo components, the Fabric Gateway and the UI docker images
           will be built or rebuilt using current source code.
           Print this help screen.

NOTE The above script will bring up a fresh FPC Network and generate new credentials using the FPC Network Setup scripts. Therefore this script should only be run when no other fabric network is running to avoid port collisions.

Both the frontend and fabric-gateway expose ports and are accessible on the host machine. The frontend can be accessed at localhost:5000 and the fabric-gateway can be accessed at localhost:3000.


To bring down all of the components and the underlying FPC network run the following script.


NOTE The script will run the teardown script in the FPC Network scripts. If you run it with the --clean-slate flag the script will delete all the unused volumes and chaincode images.


To facilitate demonstrations and also to help in testing, you can specify with a simple DSL a scenario script defining the actions of the different parties and execute it using the command
Below is the script's help text. [--help|-h|-?] [--bootstrap|-b] [--dry-run|-d] [--non-interactive|-n] [--skip-delay|-s] [--mock-reset|-r] <script-file>
    Run the demo scenario codified in the passed script file.
    - If you pass option --bootstrap, it will also first bring up an FPC network
      and tear it down at the end; otherwise it assumes you have already
      a running setup ...
    - option --dry-run/-d will just display all requests but not execute/submit
      any of them
    - option --non-interactive/-n will case _all_ requests to be submited even
      requests from submit_manual.  This allows you to easily validate all
      json files, even when some steps would be manual in an actual scenario
    - option --skip-delay/-s allows you ignore all delays to speed-up demo
    - option --mock-reset/-r will try reset the mock-server at the beginning
      (obviously, this won't work if you run against the fabric-gateway backend;
       to achieve the equivalent for fabric-gateway, use option --bootstrap)

An example of a scenario can be found in demo/scenario.

Manually Bring Up The Components

1. FPC Network

This demo requires the use of a FPC Network. Follow the instructions in this repo to bring one up. The demo directory is mounted into the peer to make installing chaincode easy.

2. Install the Auction Chaincode

Build the FPC Auction Chaincode

Build the FPC Auction Chaincode in a docker image. The make target makes use of the hyperledger/fabric-private-chaincode-cc-builder. If the image does not already exist, the target will build the cc-builder and the dev images automatically before building the chaincode.

cd $FPC_PATH/demo/chaincode/fpc
make docker-build

If you do not wish to use docker to build the chaincode you can build directly. The FPC project must be built to be able to run this.

cd $FPC_PATH/demo/chaincode/fpc
make build

Install the FPC Auction Chaincode

To install the chaincode you can run installCC script

cd $FPC_PATH/demo

If you prefer to install it manually use the following steps.

  1. Exec into the peer container.The demo directory has been mounted into the peer container for convenience, so the chaincode build files will be available. There are environment variables already set in the peer container that will be convenient for next set of steps. Please refer to the FPC Network Setup documentation for details on what environment variables exist and how to see their values.
docker exec -it
  1. Install the Auction Chaincode
${PEER_CMD} chaincode install -n auctioncc -v 1.0 --path demo/chaincode/fpc/_build/lib -l fpc-c
  1. Instantiate the Auction chaincode
${PEER_CMD} chaincode instantiate -n auctioncc -v 1.0 --channelID mychannel -c '{"Args":[]}'
  1. Exit the peer container
ctrl + d

3. Fabric Gateway

Register users

Before the following steps can be run, an FPC network should be setup using README. Make sure to modify config.json to refer to the correct chaincode name.

Register auction application users (bidders and auctioneers) with Certificate Authority

cd $FPC_PATH/demo/client/backend/fabric-gateway

Run client

Note: This is work in progress. Some environment variables are hardcoded in the following instructions since these are standalone instructions to bring up the backend client only. Their dependencies are noted below. As the demo application evolves, these dependencies may change.

  • NETWORK_NAME: Depends on the network setup; Refer to the usage of environment variable $USE_FPC in README. The requirement is that the backend client runs in the same network as the Fabric network.

  • BACKEND_PORT: Port at which the backend client server is available; Default value: 3000; Set in config.json

cd $FPC_PATH/demo
COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=fabricfpc docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d auction_client


With FPC network running and chaincode installed, you can submit transactions using curl commands. In the same folder, $FPC_PATH/demo/client/backend/fabric-gateway, run:


If you see json responses for the curl commands, then connectivity to client and chaincode is verified.

Backend apis

Following samples illustrate the urls of the apis with the default value of $BACKEND_PORT which is 3000.

Get the list of registered users. No authentication is in place for this api.


Get the default auction in json format


Use following functions to invoke a transaction or query. Please note that any chaincode function can be called using invoke or query. The api expects the following header: {x-user:username} where username is an entry in the list from getRegisteredUsers.


4. Frontend UI

  1. Run the docker image
cd $FPC_PATH/demo
COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=fabricfpc docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d auction_frontend

The frontend expects that it can talk to the fabric-gateway on port 3000, so it needs to be run on the same network as the fabric-gateway and FPC Network.

  1. Navigate to localhost:5000 in the browser.

5. Teardown

The teardown script can still be used to bring down all the demo components.

cd $FPC_PATH/demo

Note Add --clean-slate when running the teardown script to clear all unused volumes and chaincode images.

If you prefer to manually bring down the components use the following steps.

  1. Bring down the frontend UI & fabric-gateway
cd $FPC_PATH/demo
COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=fabricfpc docker -f docker-compose.yml down
  1. Bring down the FPC network
cd $FPC_PATH/utils/docker-compose

Note Add --clean-slate when running the teardown script to clear all unused volumes.