We assume some level of familiarity with the following tools and technologies:
- Kafka
- uReplicator
- Brooklin
- Kubernetes
And some nice to have and useful skills:
- Prometheus
- Grafana
- Golang
The following tools are required:
(already installed on most systems)AWS CLI
. And setup AWS keyskops
. The current tested version is 1.10.0 (with brew it'sbrew install [email protected]
orbrew upgrade [email protected]
orbrew switch kops 1.10.0
- the kubernetes CLIkafka client tools
, in particular:zookeeper-shell
NOTICE: This will incur costs from AWS. We setup up hefty clusters and drive traffic between them and this is costs $$$
make k8s-all # Wait for all resources to be created. This could take up to 40min, depending on the cluster size.
make k8s-delete-all # And wait for all resources to get deleted. This can take a few minutes