#ReactJS Projects
You can refer the tutorial present in Youtube freely in KG Coding with Prashant sir
Here is the link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eILUmCJhl64&t=39s
Level-1 Introduction to React
1. What is React?
2. Working of DOM
3. Problems with JS
4. Working of React
5. JS Vs React
6. Intro to Components
Level-2 Create a React App
7. Setup IDE
8. Create a React App
9. Project Structure
Level-3 Creating React Components
10. File Extensions
11. Class vs Function Components
12. What is JSX?
13. Exporting component
14. Other important Points
15. Dynamic Components
16. Reusable Components
17. Including Bootstrap
18. Fragments
19. Map Method
20. Conditional Rendering
21. Passing Data via Props
22. CSS Modules
Project: TODO App UI
Project: Clock
23. Passing Children
24. Handling Events
25. Passing Functions via Props
26. Managing State
27. State vs Props
Project Calculator
28. React-icon Library
29. Inspecting with React Dev Tools
30. How React Works
31. React Vs Angular vs Vue
32. Using Forms
33. Use Ref
34. Update state from Previous State
35. Context API
36. Use Reducer
Project: Social Media
37. Introducing Dummy API
38. Data fetching using Fetch
39. The useEffect Hook
40. Handling Loading State
41. The useEffect Hook Cleanup
42. Advanced useEffect
43. The useCallback Hook
44. The useMemo Hook
45. Custom Hooks
46. Submitting data with Fetch
47. React Router
48. Layout Routes
49. Route Links
50 Data fetching using loader
51. Submitting data using action
Level-10 Redux
52. What is Redux
53. React-Context vs Redux
54. How Redux Works
55. Working with Redux
56. React with Redux
57. Why Redux Toolkit
58. Working with Redux Toolkit
Project: Myntra Clone