The CMF plugin has a built in REST webservice. Access is handled via API-Keys and works the same way as in the Pimcore core: Pimcore core REST Webservice API
The customers API implements standard REST calls for customer CRUD actions:
Path | Method | Description |
/webservice/cmf/customers | GET | Fetch all customers |
/webservice/cmf/customers/{id} | GET | Fetch a single customer |
/webservice/cmf/customers | POST | Create a new customer |
/webservice/cmf/customers/{id} | PATCH | Partially update a customer |
/webservice/cmf/customers/{id} | DELETE | Delete a customer |
requests can be filtered by passing the following params as query params:
Parameter | Possible Values | Description |
includeActivities | true/false | include activities of customer into result set |
segments | comma-separated list of IDs | filter by segments |
page | int | page number for paging |
pageSize | int | page size for paging |
modificationTimestamp | int | filter for customers with newer ModificationTimestamp |
The activities API implements standard REST calls for activity CRUD actions:
Path | Method | Description |
/webservice/cmf/activities | GET | Fetch all activities |
/webservice/cmf/activities/{id} | GET | Fetch a single activity |
/webservice/cmf/activities | POST | Create a new activity |
/webservice/cmf/activities/{id} | PATCH | Partially update a activity |
/webservice/cmf/activities/{id} | DELETE | Delete a activity |
requests can be filtered by passing the following params as query params:
Parameter | Possible Values | Description |
type | string | filter by activity type |
modifiedSinceTimestamp | timestamp/int | get activities which where modified since given timestamp |
page | int | page number for paging |
pageSize | int | page size for paging |
The deletions API delivers information about deletions of customers and activities:
Path | Method | Description |
/webservice/cmf/deletions | GET | Fetch all segments |
The request can be filtered by passing the following params as query params:
Parameter | Possible Values | Description |
entityType | customers/activities | get deletions of customers or activities |
deletionsSinceTimestamp | timestamp/int | get deletions since given timestamp only |
The segments API implements standard REST calls for customer segment CRUD actions:
Path | Method | Description |
/webservice/cmf/segments | GET | Fetch all segments |
/webservice/cmf/segments/{id} | GET | Fetch a single segment |
/webservice/cmf/segments | POST | Create a new segment |
/webservice/cmf/segments/{id} | PATCH | Partially update a segment |
/webservice/cmf/segments/{id} | DELETE | Delete a segment |
requests can be filtered by passing the follwing params as query params:
Parameter | Possible Values | Description |
page | int | page number for paging |
pageSize | int | page size for paging |
The segment groups API implements standard REST calls for customer segment group CRUD actions:
Path | Method | Description |
/webservice/cmf/segment-groups | GET | Fetch all segment groups |
/webservice/cmf/segment-groups/{id} | GET | Fetch a single segment group |
/webservice/cmf/segment-groups | POST | Create a new segment group |
/webservice/cmf/segment-groups/{id} | PATCH | Partially update a segment group |
/webservice/cmf/segment-groups/{id} | DELETE | Delete a segment group |
requests can be filtered by passing the following params as query params:
Parameter | Possible Values | Description |
page | int | page number for paging |
pageSize | int | page size for paging |
The segments of customers API allows to add segments to customers and remove segments form customers:
Path | Method | Description |
/webservice/cmf/segments-of-customers | POST | Add/remove segments |
Example POST body JSON:
"customerId": 12345,
"addSegments": [123,456],
"removeSegments": [567,789]