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/* @preserve
_____ __ _ __ _
/ ___// /(_)___/ /___ ____ (_)___
/ (_ // // // _ // -_)/ __/_ / /(_-<
\___//_//_/ \_,_/ \__//_/ (_)__/ //___/
Version: 1.7.4
Author: Nick Piscitelli (pickykneee)
Website: https://nickpiscitelli.com
Documentation: http://nickpiscitelli.github.io/Glider.js
License: MIT License
Release Date: October 25th, 2018
!function (e) { "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(e) : "object" == typeof exports ? module.exports = e() : e() }(function () { var a = "undefined" != typeof window ? window : this, e = a.Glider = function (e, t) { var o = this; if (e._glider) return e._glider; if (o.ele = e, o.ele.classList.add("glider"), (o.ele._glider = o).opt = Object.assign({}, { slidesToScroll: 1, slidesToShow: 1, resizeLock: !0, duration: .5, easing: function (e, t, o, i, r) { return i * (t /= r) * t + o } }, t), o.animate_id = o.page = o.slide = 0, o.arrows = {}, o._opt = o.opt, o.opt.skipTrack) o.track = o.ele.children[0]; else for (o.track = document.createElement("div"), o.ele.appendChild(o.track); 1 !== o.ele.children.length;)o.track.appendChild(o.ele.children[0]); o.track.classList.add("glider-track"), o.init(), o.resize = o.init.bind(o, !0), o.event(o.ele, "add", { scroll: o.updateControls.bind(o) }), o.event(a, "add", { resize: o.resize }) }, t = e.prototype; return t.init = function (e, t) { var o, i = this, r = 0, s = 0, l = (i.slides = i.track.children, [].forEach.call(i.slides, function (e, t) { e.classList.add("glider-slide"), e.setAttribute("data-gslide", t) }), i.containerWidth = i.ele.clientWidth, i.settingsBreakpoint()); t = t || l, "auto" !== i.opt.slidesToShow && void 0 === i.opt._autoSlide || (o = i.containerWidth / i.opt.itemWidth, i.opt._autoSlide = i.opt.slidesToShow = i.opt.exactWidth ? o : Math.max(1, Math.floor(o))) === i.opt.slidesToScroll && (i.opt.slidesToScroll = Math.floor(i.opt.slidesToShow)), i.itemWidth = i.opt.exactWidth ? i.opt.itemWidth : i.containerWidth / i.opt.slidesToShow, [].forEach.call(i.slides, function (e) { e.style.height = "auto", e.style = i.itemWidth + "px", r += i.itemWidth, s = Math.max(e.offsetHeight, s) }), i.track. = r + "px", i.track = r, i.isDrag = !1, i.preventClick = !1, i.move = !1, i.opt.resizeLock && i.scrollTo(i.slide * i.itemWidth, 0), (l || t) && (i.bindArrows(), i.buildDots(), i.bindDrag()), i.updateControls(), i.emit(e ? "refresh" : "loaded") }, t.bindDrag = function () { function e() { t.mouseDown = void 0, t.ele.classList.remove("drag"), t.isDrag && (t.preventClick = !0), t.isDrag = !1 } var t = this; t.mouse = t.mouse || t.handleMouse.bind(t); function o() { t.move = !0 } var i = { mouseup: e, mouseleave: e, mousedown: function (e) { e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), t.mouseDown = e.clientX, t.ele.classList.add("drag"), t.move = !1, setTimeout(o, 300) }, touchstart: function (e) { t.ele.classList.add("drag"), t.move = !1, setTimeout(o, 300) }, mousemove: t.mouse, click: function (e) { t.preventClick && t.move && (e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation()), t.preventClick = !1, t.move = !1 } }; t.ele.classList.toggle("draggable", !0 === t.opt.draggable), t.event(t.ele, "remove", i), t.opt.draggable && t.event(t.ele, "add", i) }, t.buildDots = function () { var e = this; if (e.opt.dots) { if ("string" == typeof e.opt.dots ? e.dots = document.querySelector(e.opt.dots) : e.dots = e.opt.dots, e.dots) { e.dots.innerHTML = "", e.dots.setAttribute("role", "tablist"), e.dots.classList.add("glider-dots"); for (var t = 0; t < Math.ceil(e.slides.length / e.opt.slidesToShow); ++t) { var o = document.createElement("button"); o.dataset.index = t, o.setAttribute("aria-label", "Page " + (t + 1)), o.setAttribute("role", "tab"), o.className = "glider-dot " + (t ? "" : "active"), e.event(o, "add", { click: e.scrollItem.bind(e, t, !0) }), e.dots.appendChild(o) } } } else e.dots && (e.dots.innerHTML = "") }, t.bindArrows = function () { var o = this; o.opt.arrows ? ["prev", "next"].forEach(function (e) { var t = o.opt.arrows[e]; (t = t && ("string" == typeof t ? document.querySelector(t) : t)) && (t._func = t._func || o.scrollItem.bind(o, e), o.event(t, "remove", { click: t._func }), o.event(t, "add", { click: t._func }), o.arrows[e] = t) }) : Object.keys(o.arrows).forEach(function (e) { e = o.arrows[e]; o.event(e, "remove", { click: e._func }) }) }, t.updateControls = function (e) { var n = this, t = (e && !n.opt.scrollPropagate && e.stopPropagation(), n.containerWidth >= n.trackWidth), a = (n.opt.rewind || (n.arrows.prev && (n.arrows.prev.classList.toggle("disabled", n.ele.scrollLeft <= 0 || t), n.arrows.prev.setAttribute("aria-disabled", n.arrows.prev.classList.contains("disabled"))), n.arrows.next && (n.arrows.next.classList.toggle("disabled", Math.ceil(n.ele.scrollLeft + n.containerWidth) >= Math.floor(n.trackWidth) || t), n.arrows.next.setAttribute("aria-disabled", n.arrows.next.classList.contains("disabled")))), n.slide = Math.round(n.ele.scrollLeft / n.itemWidth), n.page = Math.round(n.ele.scrollLeft / n.containerWidth), n.slide + Math.floor(Math.floor(n.opt.slidesToShow) / 2)), d = Math.floor(n.opt.slidesToShow) % 2 ? 0 : a + 1; 1 === Math.floor(n.opt.slidesToShow) && (d = 0), n.ele.scrollLeft + n.containerWidth >= Math.floor(n.trackWidth) && (n.page = n.dots ? n.dots.children.length - 1 : 0), [].forEach.call(n.slides, function (e, t) { var o = e.classList, e = o.contains("visible"), i = n.ele.scrollLeft, r = n.ele.scrollLeft + n.containerWidth, s = n.itemWidth * t, l = s + n.itemWidth, s = ([].forEach.call(o, function (e) { /^left|right/.test(e) && o.remove(e) }), o.toggle("active", n.slide === t), a === t || d && d === t ? o.add("center") : (o.remove("center"), o.add([t < a ? "left" : "right", Math.abs(t - (!(t < a) && d || a))].join("-"))), Math.ceil(s) >= Math.floor(i) && Math.floor(l) <= Math.ceil(r)); o.toggle("visible", s), s !== e && n.emit("slide-" + (s ? "visible" : "hidden"), { slide: t }) }), n.dots && [].forEach.call(n.dots.children, function (e, t) { e.classList.toggle("active", n.page === t) }), e && n.opt.scrollLock && (clearTimeout(n.scrollLock), n.scrollLock = setTimeout(function () { clearTimeout(n.scrollLock), .02 < Math.abs(n.ele.scrollLeft / n.itemWidth - n.slide) && (n.mouseDown || n.trackWidth > n.containerWidth + n.ele.scrollLeft && n.scrollItem(n.getCurrentSlide())) }, n.opt.scrollLockDelay || 250)) }, t.getCurrentSlide = function () { return this.round(this.ele.scrollLeft / this.itemWidth) }, t.scrollItem = function (e, t, o) { o && o.preventDefault(); var i, r = this, s = e, o = (++r.animate_id, r.slide), l = !0 === t ? (e = Math.round(e * r.containerWidth / r.itemWidth)) * r.itemWidth : ("string" == typeof e && (l = "prev" === e, e = r.opt.slidesToScroll % 1 || r.opt.slidesToShow % 1 ? r.getCurrentSlide() : r.slide, l ? e -= r.opt.slidesToScroll : e += r.opt.slidesToScroll, r.opt.rewind && (i = r.ele.scrollLeft, e = l && !i ? r.slides.length : !l && i + r.containerWidth >= Math.floor(r.trackWidth) ? 0 : e)), e = Math.max(Math.min(e, r.slides.length), 0), r.slide = e, r.itemWidth * e); return r.emit("scroll-item", { prevSlide: o, slide: e }), r.scrollTo(l, r.opt.duration * Math.abs(r.ele.scrollLeft - l), function () { r.updateControls(), r.emit("animated", { value: s, type: "string" == typeof s ? "arrow" : t ? "dot" : "slide" }) }), !1 }, t.settingsBreakpoint = function () { var e = this, t = e._opt.responsive; if (t) { t.sort(function (e, t) { return t.breakpoint - e.breakpoint }); for (var o = 0; o < t.length; ++o) { var i = t[o]; if (a.innerWidth >= i.breakpoint) return e.breakpoint !== i.breakpoint && (e.opt = Object.assign({}, e._opt, i.settings), e.breakpoint = i.breakpoint, !0) } } var r = 0 !== e.breakpoint; return e.opt = Object.assign({}, e._opt), e.breakpoint = 0, r }, t.scrollTo = function (t, o, i) { var r = this, s = (new Date).getTime(), l = r.animate_id, n = function () { var e = (new Date).getTime() - s; r.ele.scrollLeft = r.ele.scrollLeft + (t - r.ele.scrollLeft) * r.opt.easing(0, e, 0, 1, o), e < o && l === r.animate_id ? a.requestAnimationFrame(n) : (r.ele.scrollLeft = t, i && i.call(r)) }; a.requestAnimationFrame(n) }, t.removeItem = function (e) { var t = this; t.slides.length && (t.track.removeChild(t.slides[e]), t.refresh(!0), t.emit("remove")) }, t.addItem = function (e) { this.track.appendChild(e), this.refresh(!0), this.emit("add") }, t.handleMouse = function (e) { var t = this; t.mouseDown && (t.isDrag = !0, t.ele.scrollLeft += (t.mouseDown - e.clientX) * (t.opt.dragVelocity || 3.3), t.mouseDown = e.clientX) }, t.round = function (e) { var t = 1 / (this.opt.slidesToScroll % 1 || 1); return Math.round(e * t) / t }, t.refresh = function (e) { this.init(!0, e) }, t.setOption = function (t, e) { var o = this; o.breakpoint && !e ? o._opt.responsive.forEach(function (e) { e.breakpoint === o.breakpoint && (e.settings = Object.assign({}, e.settings, t)) }) : o._opt = Object.assign({}, o._opt, t), o.breakpoint = 0, o.settingsBreakpoint() }, t.destroy = function () { function e(t) { t.removeAttribute("style"), [].forEach.call(t.classList, function (e) { /^glider/.test(e) && t.classList.remove(e) }) } var t = this, o = t.ele.cloneNode(!0); t.opt.skipTrack || (o.children[0].outerHTML = o.children[0].innerHTML), e(o), [].forEach.call(o.getElementsByTagName("*"), e), t.ele.parentNode.replaceChild(o, t.ele), t.event(a, "remove", { resize: t.resize }), t.emit("destroy") }, t.emit = function (e, t) { e = new a.CustomEvent("glider-" + e, { bubbles: !this.opt.eventPropagate, detail: t }); this.ele.dispatchEvent(e) }, t.event = function (e, t, o) { var i = e[t + "EventListener"].bind(e); Object.keys(o).forEach(function (e) { i(e, o[e]) }) }, e });