Property | Type | Default | Description |
reducer | function |
optional user-defined reducer for scenes, you may want to use it to intercept all actions and put your custom logic | |
createReducer | function |
function that returns a reducer function for {initialState, scenes} param, you may wrap Reducer(param) with your custom reducer, check Flux usage section below | |
other props | all properties that will be passed to all your scenes | ||
children | required (if no scenes property passed) | Scene root element | |
scenes | object |
optional | scenes for Router created with Actions.create. This will allow to create all actions BEFORE React processing. If you don't need it you may pass Scene root element as children |
getSceneStyle | function |
optional | Optionally override the styles for NavigationCard's Animated.View rendering the scene. |
Property | Type | Default | Description |
key | string |
required | Will be used to call screen transition, for example, . Must be unique. |
component | React.Component |
semi-required | The Component to be displayed. Not required when defining a nested Scene , see example. If it is defined for 'container' scene, it will be used as custom container renderer |
initial | bool |
false | Set to true if this is the initial scene |
type | string |
'push' or 'jump' | Defines how the new screen is added to the navigator stack. One of push , jump , replace , reset . If parent container is tabbar (tabs=true), jump will be automatically set. |
clone | bool |
Scenes marked with clone will be treated as templates and cloned into the current scene's parent when pushed. See example. |
passProps | bool |
false | Pass all own props (except style, key, name, component, tabs) to children. Note that passProps is also passed to children. |
Property | Type | Default | Description |
duration | number |
optional. acts as a shortcut to writing an applyAnimation function with Animated.timing for a given duration (in ms). |
direction | string |
'horizontal' | direction of animation horizontal/vertical |
applyAnimation | function |
optional if provided overrides the default spring animation |
Property | Type | Default | Description |
sceneStyle | View style |
{ flex: 1 } | optional style override for the Scene's component |
getSceneStyle | function |
optional | Optionally override the styles for NavigationCard's Animated.View rendering the scene. Receives first argument of NavigationSceneRendererProps and second argument of {hideNavBar,hideTabBar,isActive} (see Example app). |
Property | Type | Default | Description |
tabs | bool |
false | Defines 'TabBar' scene container, so child scenes will be displayed as 'tabs'. If no component is defined, built-in TabBar is used as renderer. All child scenes are wrapped into own navbar. |
tabBarStyle | View style |
optional style override for the Tabs component | |
hideTabBar | bool |
false | hides tab bar for this scene and any following scenes until explicitly reversed (if built-in TabBar component is used as parent renderer) |
Property | Type | Default | Description |
hideNavBar | bool |
false | hides the navigation bar for this scene and any following scenes until explicitly reversed |
navigationBarStyle | View style |
optional style override for the navigation bar | |
navBar | React.Component |
optional custom NavBar for the scene. Check built-in NavBar of the component for reference | |
drawerImage | Image source |
'./menu_burger.png' |
Simple way to override the drawerImage in the navBar |
Property | Type | Default | Description |
title | string |
null | The title to be displayed in the navigation bar |
getTitle | function |
optional | Optionally closure to return a value of the title based on state |
renderTitle | function |
optional | Optionally closure to render the title |
titleStyle | Text style |
optional style override for the title element | |
titleOpacity | string |
optional | Set opacity for the title in navigation bar |
Property | Type | Default | Description |
backTitle | string |
optional string to display with back button | |
renderBackButton | function |
optional closure to render back text or button if this route happens to be the previous route | |
backButtonImage | Image source |
'./back_chevron.png' |
Simple way to override the back button in the navBar |
backButtonTextStyle | Text style |
optional style override for the back title element | |
hideBackImage | boolean |
false | no default back button image will be displayed |
onBack | function |
Actions.pop | actions for back button |
Property | Type | Default | Description |
leftTitle | string |
optional string to display on the left if the previous route does not provide renderBackButton prop. renderBackButton > leftTitle > <previous route's title > |
renderLeftButton | function |
optional closure to render the left title / buttons element | |
onLeft | function |
function will be called when left navBar button is pressed | |
leftButtonImage | Image source |
Image for left button | |
leftButtonIconStyle | View style |
Image style for left button | |
leftButtonStyle | View style |
optional style override for the container of left title / buttons | |
leftButtonTextStyle | Text style |
optional style override for the left title element |
Property | Type | Default | Description |
rightTitle | string |
optional string to display on the right. onRight must be provided for this to appear. |
renderRightButton | function |
optional closure to render the right title / buttons element | |
onRight | function |
function will be called when right navBar button is pressed | |
rightButtonImage | Image source |
Image for right button | |
rightButtonIconStyle | View style |
Image style for right button | |
rightButtonStyle | View style |
optional style override for the container of right title / buttons | |
rightButtonTextStyle | Text style |
optional style override for the right title element | |
...other props | all properties that will be passed to your component instance |