Property Name | Default | Meaning |
action.type | train | Angel task type; supports "train" for model training and "predict" for generating predictions from model | | (none) | Path of data for training , used when action.type is "train" | | (none) | Path of data for prediction , used when action.type is "predict" |
angel.inputformat | org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib .input.CombineTextInputFormat |
Format of the training data, mainly used for data partitioning and reading, supporting customized formats |
angel.predict.out.path | (none) | Save path for "predict" result, only used when action.type is "predict" | | (none) | Save path for the model, only used when action.type is "train" |
angel.load.model.path | (none) | Path for loading model, can be used for both "train" and "predict" types. When action.type is "train", it loads the old model and does incremental learning. When action.type is "predict", it loads the model for prediction. |
angel.deploy.mode | YARN | Deploy mode, currently supports "YARN" and "LOCAL". Currently, "LOCAL" mode only supports starting up one worker and one PS |
angel.running.mode | ANGEL_PS_WORKER | Running mode, currently supports "ANGEL_PS_WORKER" and "ANGEL_PS" modes. "ANGEL_PS_WORKER" starts up PS and worker components, thus Angel can complete the computation of the entire job. "ANGEL_PS" starts up PS only, providing PS-service to third-party frameworks (such as spark) |
angel.job.libjars | (none) | Jars that the Angel application depends on. Use , to separate multiple jars. |
queue | (none) | Resource pool used by the Angel application, used for resource management under Yarn mode. | | angel app | Name of Angel application | | (none) | Config file. You can use either command-line or config file to configure Angel's parameters. You can upload a xml format config file. | | com.tencent.angel.utils.DefaultAppSubmitter | Class for Angel application submission |
angel.task.user.task.class | com.tencent.angel.worker.task.BaseTask | Task class that Angel worker runs; can be customized as long as it inherits com.tencent.angel.worker.task.BaseTask |
angel.staleness | 0 | Maximum staleness among tasks: 0 means BSP, >0 means SSP, <0 means ASYNC |
Property Name | Default | Meaning |
---|---|---| | (none) | Configures Angel master environment, in the form of Key1=Val1, Key2=Val2, ... |
angel.worker.env | (none) | Configures Angel worker environment, in the form of key1=Val1, Key2=Val2, ... | | (none) | Configures Angel PS environment, in the form of Key1=Val1, Key2=Val2, ... |
angel.workergroup.number | 1 | Number of workergroups to be started. Currently, one workergroup supports one worker only (therefore there are equal numbers of workers and workergroups) |
angel.worker.task.number | 1 | Number of tasks run on each worker | | 1 | Number of PS to be started | | (none) | JVM parameters for Angel master process | | 1 | Number of CPU vcores used by Angel master |
angel.worker.memory.mb | 1024 | Memory used by a single worker (MB) | | (none) | JVM parameters for worker process |
angel.worker.cpu.vcores | 1 | Number of vcores used by a single worker | | 1024 | Memory used by a single PS (MB) | | (none) | JVM parameters for PS process | | 1 | Number of vcores used by a single PS |
Property Name | Default | Meaning |
---|---|---| | 5000 | Interval (ms) for heartbeats sent from Angel master to Yarn RM to prevent connection timeout | | 5000 | Interval (ms) for heartbeats sent from Angel worker to Angel master | | 5000 | Interval (ms) for heartbeats sent from Angel PS to Angel master |
angel.netty.matrixtransfer.client.sndbuf | 1048576 | Send buffer size (byte) used by Netty client for transferring matrix data. We use Netty framework for matrix data transfer between PSAgent and PS; PSAgent is the client, thus Netty client is on the PSAgent side |
angel.netty.matrixtransfer.client.rcvbuf | 1048576 | Receive buffer size (byte) used by Netty client |
angel.netty.matrixtransfer.client.eventgroup.threadnum | 24 | Number of threads on Netty client (number of threads used by NioEventLoopGroup) |
angel.netty.matrixtransfer.client.usedirectbuffer | true | If true, Netty client will use direct buffer; if false, Netty client will use heap |
angel.netty.matrixtransfer.server.sndbuf | 1048576 | Send buffer size (byte) of Netty server. We use Netty framework for matrix data transfer between PSAgent and PS; PS is the server |
angel.netty.matrixtransfer.server.rcvbuf | 1048576 | Receive buffer size (byte) of Netty server |
angel.netty.matrixtransfer.server.eventgroup.threadnum | 24 | Number of threads on Netty server (number of threads used by NioEventLoopGroup) |
angel.netty.matrixtransfer.server.usedirectbuffer | true | If true, Netty server will use direct buffer; if false, Netty server will use heap |
angel.netty.matrixtransfer.max.message.size | 104857600 | Maximum message size (byte) supported by Netty matrix transfer |
angel.matrixtransfer.max.requestnum.perserver | 4 | Maximum number of simultaneous requests that PSAgent sends to any PS, used for preventing data overflow caused by too many simultaneous requests to a PS that usually delays requests to other PS |
angel.matrixtransfer.max.requestnum | 64 | Maximum number of simultaneous requests that PSAgent sends to all PS, used for flow control |
Property Name | Default | Meaning |
---|---|---| | 2 | Maximum number of attempts of the master |
angel.worker.max-attempts | 4 | Maximum number of attempts of the worker | | 4 | Maximum number of attempts of the PS | | 30000 | How long (ms) the application can be in a state that is neither RUNNING nor COMMITTING before it quits | | 30000 | Timeout (ms) for the master to wait for matrix configuration submitted by the client | | 10000 | Timeout (ms) for the master to write job status onto hdfs | | 5000 | Interval (ms) for heartbeats sent from worker to master | | 60000 | How long (ms) the master will wait for heartbeat sent from worker before timing out | | 5000 | Interval (ms) for heartbeats sent from PS to master | | 60000 | How long (ms) the master will wait for heartbeat sent from PS before timing out | | 60000 | Interval (ms) for PS to write loaded parameters onto hdfs. PS does so regularly in order to be able to recover after shutdown | | 3000 | Interval (ms) for retries of failed matrix transfer | | 30000 | Timeout (ms) for matrix transfer |
Property Name | Default | Meaning |
---|---|---| | INFO | Master log output level: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR |
angel.worker.log.level | INFO | Worker log output level: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR | | INFO | PS log output level: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR |
Property Name | Default | Meaning |
---|---|---| | 50 | Interval (ms) for cache updating on the PSAgent side. To prefetch the matrix parameters, we maintain a cache for the matrix parameters on the PSAgent side, which synchronize with data on the PS side regularly |
angel.psagent.sync.policy.class | com.tencent.angel.psagent.matrix .cache.DefalutPolicy |
Cache policy on the PSAgent side | | memory_disk | Storage format for training data preprocessed by task, supporting memory , memory_disk and disk . memory means storing all training data in the memory, recommended if the memory is large enough. disk means storing all training data on local disk. memory_disk supports allocating storage to both the memory and disk. |
angel.task.memorystorage.max.mb | 1000 | Memory size (MB) used by each task for storing training data, only used when storage level is set to memory_disk |