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Glimmer DSL for Tk (Ruby Tk Desktop Development GUI Library)


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Glimmer DSL for Tk 0.0.63

Ruby Tk Desktop Development GUI Library

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Glimmer DSL for Tk enables desktop development with Glimmer in Ruby.

Tcl/Tk has recently improved by gaining native looking themed widgets on Mac, Windows, and Linux in Tk version 8.5. Additionally, Ruby 3.0 Ractor (formerly known as Guilds) supports truly parallel multi-threading, making both MRI and Tk finally viable for support in Glimmer (Ruby Desktop Development GUI Library) as an alternative to JRuby on SWT.

The trade-off is that while SWT provides a plethora of high quality reusable widgets for the Enterprise (such as Nebula), Tk has a very fast app startup time and a small memory footprint courtesy of MRI Ruby.

Glimmer DSL for Tk aims to provide a DSL similar to the Glimmer DSL for SWT to enable more productive desktop development in Ruby with:

  • Declarative DSL syntax that visually maps to the GUI widget hierarchy
  • Convention over configuration via smart defaults and automation of low-level details
  • Requiring the least amount of syntax possible to build GUI
  • Bidirectional Data-Binding to declaratively wire and automatically synchronize GUI with Business Models
  • (Future Plan) Custom Widget support
  • (Future Plan) Scaffolding for new custom widgets, apps, and gems
  • (Future Plan) Native-Executable packaging on Mac, Windows, and Linux

Hello, World!

Glimmer code (from samples/hello/hello_world.rb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-tk'

include Glimmer

root {
  title 'Hello, World!'
  label {
    text 'Hello, World!'

Run with glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require 'samples/hello/hello_world'"

Glimmer app:

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello world

NOTE: Glimmer DSL for Tk is currently in early alpha mode (only about 44% complete). If you want it developed faster, then open an issue report. I have completed some features much faster before due to issue reports and pull requests. Please help make better by contributing, adopting for small or low risk projects, and providing feedback. It is still an early alpha, so the more feedback and issues you report the better.

Learn more about the differences between various Glimmer DSLs by looking at the Glimmer DSL Comparison Table.

Table of Contents



  • Install the ActiveTcl 8.6 Mac package from
  • Install RVM by running \curl -sSL | bash -s stable (and run curl -sSL | gpg --import - if needed for mentioned security reasons)
  • Run: rvm install 3.0.2 --enable-shared --enable-pthread --with-tk --with-tcl
  • Run: gem install tk -v0.4.0


  • Install Ruby+Devkit (including MSYS/MINGW toolchains) through Windows Installer:
  • Install the ActiveTcl 8.6 Windows package from
  • Follow this instruction: "First, Ruby needs to find the tcl86t.dll and tk86t.dll shared libraries. These are located in C:\ActiveTcl\bin. Make a copy of them somewhere Ruby can find them, e.g. C:\Ruby26\bin."
  • Setup environment variables TCL_LIBRARY=C:\ActiveTcl\lib\tcl8.6 & TK_LIBRARY=C:\ActiveTcl\lib\tk8.6
  • Run: gem install tk -v0.4.0


  • Download the ActiveTcl 8.6 Linux package from
  • Extract the tar gz file using command tar zxvf ActiveTcl-version-number.tar.gz
  • Run included install shell script ./ActiveTcl-version-number/
  • Install RVM by running \curl -sSL | bash -s stable (and run curl -sSL | gpg --import - if needed for mentioned security reasons)
  • Run: rvm install 3.0.2 --enable-shared --enable-pthread --with-tk --with-tcl
  • Run: gem install tk -v0.4.0

Afterwards, if you open irb, you should be able to run require 'tk' successfully.


Assuming you have all Pre-Requisites ready, follow these instructions to setup the Ruby gem.

Option 1: Install

Run this command to install directly:

gem install glimmer-dsl-tk

Option 2: Bundler

Add the following to Gemfile:

gem 'glimmer-dsl-tk', '0.0.63'

And, then run:


Girb (Glimmer IRB)

You can run the girb command (bin/girb if you cloned the project locally):


This gives you irb with the glimmer-dsl-tk gem loaded and the Glimmer module mixed into the main object for easy experimentation with GUI.

Tk Concepts

Here is a summary taken from the official Tk Concepts Tutorial

Tk Concepts consist of:

  • Widgets: Widgets are all the things that you see onscreen. In our example, we had a button, an entry, a few labels, and a frame. Others are things like checkboxes, tree views, scrollbars, text areas, and so on. Widgets are what are often referred to as "controls"; you'll also often see them referred to as "windows," particularly in Tk's documentation, a holdover from its X11 roots (so under that terminology, both a toplevel window and things like a button would be called windows).
  • Geometry Management: If you've been playing around creating widgets, you've probably noticed that just by creating them, they didn't end up showing up onscreen. Having things actually put in the onscreen window, and precisely where in the window they show up is a separate step called geometry management.
  • Event Handling: In Tk, as in most other user interface toolkits, there is an event loop which receives events from the operating system. These are things like button presses, keystrokes, mouse movement, window resizing, and so on.
  • Themes: Tk apps are themable. You can list available themes with ::Tk::Tile::Style.theme_names (e.g. ["aqua", "clam", "alt", "default", "classic"] on Mac) and select a theme with ::Tk::Tile::Style.theme_use 'theme_name' (e.g. ::Tk::Tile::Style.theme_use 'classic'). Theme defaults to 'clam' in Linux and 'aqua' in Mac.

Learn more at the official Tk Concepts Tutorial

Glimmer GUI DSL Concepts

The Glimmer GUI DSL provides a declarative syntax for Tk that:

  • Supports smart defaults (e.g. grid layout on most widgets)
  • Automates wiring of widgets (e.g. nesting a label under a toplevel root or adding a frame to a notebook)
  • Hides lower-level details (e.g. main loop is started automatically when opening a window)
  • Nests widgets according to their visual hierarchy
  • Requires the minimum amount of syntax needed to describe an app's GUI

The Glimmer GUI DSL follows these simple concepts in mapping from Tk syntax:

  • Widget Keyword: Any Tk widget (e.g. Tk::Tile::Label) or toplevel window (e.g. TkRoot) may be declared by its lower-case underscored name without the namespace (e.g. label or root). This is called a keyword and is represented in the Glimmer GUI DSL by a Ruby method behind the scenes.
  • Args: Any keyword method may optionally take arguments surrounded by parentheses (e.g. a frame nested under a notebook may receive tab options like frame(text: 'Users'), which gets used behind the scenes by Tk code such as notebook.add tab, text: 'Users')
  • Content/Options Block: Any keyword may optionally be followed by a Ruby curly-brace block containing nested widgets (content) and attributes (options). Attributes are simply Tk option keywords followed by arguments and no block (e.g. title 'Hello, World!' under a root)
  • Event Binding Block: on(event) {} keyword receiving a Tk binding event name (e.g. KeyPress or ComboboxSelected). Surrounding event by <> is optional as Glimmer DSL for Tk can take care of that automatically.

Note that Glimmer widgets are proxy objects (wrappers) for Tk widgets. To get wrapped Tk widget from a Glimmer widget, you simply invoke #tk method. To get the proxy of a wrapped Tk widget, you may invoke #proxy method.

Example of an app written in Tk imperative syntax:

root =
root.title = 'Hello, Notebook!'

notebook =

tab1 =
notebook.add tab1, text: 'English'
label1 =
label1.text = 'Hello, World!'

tab2 =
notebook.add tab2, text: 'French'
label2 =
label2.text = 'Bonjour, Univers!'

root.bind('KeyPress') do |event|
  case event.keysym
  when 'e', 'E'
  when 'f', 'F'


Example of the same app written in Glimmer declarative syntax:

root {
  title 'Hello, Notebook!'
  @notebook = notebook {
    frame(text: 'English') {
      label {
        text 'Hello, World!'
    frame(text: 'French') {
      label {
        text 'Bonjour, Univers!'
  on('KeyPress') do |event|
    case event.keysym
    when 'e', 'E'
    when 'f', 'F'

Supported Widgets

keyword(args) attributes event bindings & callbacks
button text, image (optional keyword args: subsample, zoom, from, to, shrink, compositingrule), compound ('center', 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right'), default ('active', 'normal') command {}
checkbutton text, variable (Boolean), image (optional keyword args: subsample, zoom, from, to, shrink, compositingrule), compound ('center', 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right'), onvalue (default: 1), offvalue (default: 0) command {}
choose_color(parent: nil, initial_color: 'white', title: 'Colors') None None
choose_directory(parent: nil) None None
`choose_font(family: nil, size: nil, weight: nil) { font ... }`
combobox state, text 'ComboboxSelected'
entry width, text, validate, show ('none', 'focus', 'focusin', 'focusout', 'key', or 'all') 'validate', 'invalid', 'change' (alias: 'changed'), validatecommand {}, invalidcommand {}
get_multiple_open_file(parent: nil, title: '') None None
get_open_file(parent: nil, title: '') None None
get_save_file(parent: nil, title: '') None None
spinbox text, from, to, increment, format, more attributes command {}, 'increment', 'decrement'
frame(text: nil) width, height, borderwidth, relief ('flat' (default), 'raised', 'sunken', 'solid', 'ridge', 'groove') None
label text, image (optional keyword args: subsample, zoom, from, to, shrink, compositingrule), compound ('center', 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right'), font ('default', 'text', 'fixed', 'menu', 'heading', 'caption', 'small_caption', 'icon', 'tooltip'), relief ('flat' (default), 'raised', 'sunken', 'solid', 'ridge', 'groove'), justify ('left', 'center', 'right'), foreground, background None
lbl (non-tile-themed version of label) text, image (optional keyword args: subsample, zoom, from, to, shrink, compositingrule), compound ('center', 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right'), font ('default', 'text', 'fixed', 'menu', 'heading', 'caption', 'small_caption', 'icon', 'tooltip'), relief ('flat' (default), 'raised', 'sunken', 'solid', 'ridge', 'groove'), justify ('left', 'center', 'right'), foreground, background, bg, bitmap, more here None
list selectmode, selection None
message_box(type: , message: , detail: , title: , icon: , default: , parent: ) None None
menu(label: nil) (label is nil if nested under root/toplevel for menu bar) None None
menu_bar None None
menu_item(style = :command, label: , underline: ) (style also can be :radiobutton, :checkbutton, :separator, :about, :preferences, :quit, :help) state, accelerator, selection & variable (if :radiobutton or :checkbutton), image, compound command
notebook None None
radiobutton text, variable (Boolean), image (optional keyword args: subsample, zoom, from, to, shrink, compositingrule), compound ('center', 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right'), value (default: text) command {}
root title, icon_photo, background, alpha, escapable, fullscreen?, topmost?, transparent?, stackorder, winfo_screendepth, winfo_screenvisual, winfo_screenwidth, winfo_screenheight, winfo_pixels('li'), winfo_screen, wm_maxsize, state ('normal', 'iconic', 'withdrawn', 'icon', 'zoomed') 'DELETE_WINDOW', 'OPEN_WINDOW'
scrollbar orient command
scrollbar_frame xscrollbar (Boolean or scrollbar widget proxy), yscrollbar (Boolean or scrollbar widget proxy) None
separator orient ('horizontal' (default) or 'vertical') None
toplevel title, icon_photo, background, alpha, escapable, fullscreen?, topmost?, transparent?, stackorder, winfo_screendepth, winfo_screenvisual, winfo_screenwidth, winfo_screenheight, winfo_pixels('li'), winfo_screen, wm_maxsize, state ('normal', 'iconic', 'withdrawn', 'icon', 'zoomed') 'DELETE_WINDOW'
text value, many more attributes 'modified', 'selection', 'insert_mark_moved' (alias: 'insert_mark_move', 'InsertMarkMove', 'InsertMarkMoved')
x_scrollbar orient ('horizontal') command
y_scrollbar orient ('vertical') command

Options for get_open_file and get_multiple_open_file include:

  • filetypes: Hash of 'Group Name' => '.ext' entries (e.g. filetypes: {'PNG Images' => '.png'}

Common Attributes

  • grid: Hash of :row, :column, :padx, :pady, :sticky ('e', 'w', 'n', 's' or any combination of direction letters)
  • foreground: Built-in Color (e.g. 'AliceBlue'), Hex color (e.g. '#ffd807'), or RGB color array (e.g. foreground 255, 128, 75)
  • background: Built-in Color (e.g. 'AliceBlue'), Hex color (e.g. '#ffd807'), or RGB color array (e.g. foreground 255, 128, 75)

Common Event Bindings

  • Activate
  • Deactivate
  • MouseWheel
  • KeyPress
  • KeyRelease
  • ButtonPress
  • ButtonRelease
  • Motion
  • Configure
  • Map
  • Unmap
  • Visibility
  • Expose
  • Destroy
  • FocusIn
  • FocusOut
  • Enter
  • Leave
  • Property
  • Colormap
  • MapRequest
  • CirculateRequest
  • ResizeRequest
  • ConfigureRequest
  • Create
  • Gravity
  • Reparent
  • Circulate

Common Themed Widget States

  • active?
  • disabled?
  • focus?
  • pressed?
  • selected?
  • background?
  • readonly?
  • alternate?
  • invalid?
  • hover?

Text API

The text widget is enhanced by Glimmer DSL for Tk to enable simpler manipulation of text options without dealing with tags directly. Simply specify region to mutate and option/value or font_option/value, and Glimmer DSL for Tk takes care of the rest by automating work of adding/removing tags behind the scenes.

  • add_format(region_start, region_end, option, value)
  • remove_format(region_start, region_end, option, value)
  • toggle_format(region_start, region_end, option, value)
  • add_font_format(region_start, region_end, font_option, value)
  • remove_font_format(region_start, region_end, font_option, value)
  • toggle_font_format(region_start, region_end, font_option, value)
  • add_selection_format(option, value, no_selection_default: :insert_word, focus: true): adds format to selection. If there is no selection, then applies format to current insert mark word.
  • remove_selection_format(option, value, no_selection_default: :insert_word, focus: true)
  • toggle_selection_format(option, value, no_selection_default: :insert_word, focus: true): toggles format on selection. If there is no selection, then toggles format on current insert mark word.
  • add_selection_font_format(font_option, value, no_selection_default: :insert_word, focus: true)
  • remove_selection_font_format(font_option, value, no_selection_default: :insert_word, focus: true)
  • toggle_selection_font_format(font_option, value, no_selection_default: :insert_word, focus: true)
  • text#insert_image(text_index, *image_args): inserts image into text value content at text_index location (e.g. 'insert')
  • text#get_open_file_to_insert_image(text_index = 'insert'): opens a file dialog to select one of the available image formats and then inserts image into text value content

The :no_selection_default keyword arg to *_selection_* methods determines what region to cover when no explicit selection is set:

  • :insert_word: current word for insert mark
  • :insert_letter: current letter for insert mark
  • :none: no behavior when no selection is in place

The :focus keyword arg defaults to true to indicate that the text widget should automatically grab focus after formatting modification. Also, the :focus keyword arg can have an integer value representing number of milliseconds after which to grab focus once the formatting modification is done. This helps in special situations like when making the formatting modification from a combobox, which takes a while before relinquishing focus, so adding 100 millisecond delay helps ensure the text widget grabs focus after modification. Check Hello, Text! for an example of that.

Available options:

  • background
  • bgstipple
  • borderwidth
  • elide
  • fgstipple
  • foreground
  • justify
  • lmargin1
  • lmargin2
  • offset
  • overstrike
  • relief
  • rmargin
  • spacing1
  • spacing2
  • spacing3
  • tabs
  • tabstyle
  • underline
  • wrap

Available font options:

  • family (default: 'Courier New')
  • size (default: 13)
  • weight (default: 'normal') (e.g. 'bold')
  • slant (default: 'roman') (e.g. 'italic')
  • underline (default: false)
  • overstrike (default: false)

Other useful built-in API methods:

  • text_cut
  • text_copy
  • text_paste
  • text_edit_undo
  • text_edit_redo

If you would like to add scrollbars, you can set the xscrollbar and yscrollbar attributes.

Example of adding a vertical scrollbar:

    textarea_yscrollbar = y_scrollbar {
      grid row:0, column:1

    textarea = text {
      grid row:0, column:0, column_weight: 0
      wrap "word"
      yscrollbar textarea_yscrollbar

Example of adding both a horizontal scrollbar and a vertical scrollbar (must disable wrap "word" for horizontal scrolling to work):

    textarea_xscrollbar = x_scrollbar {
      grid row:1, column:0, column_span: 2, row_weight: 0

    textarea_yscrollbar = y_scrollbar {
      grid row:0, column:1

    textarea = text {
      grid row:0, column:0, column_weight: 0
      xscrollbar textarea_xscrollbar
      yscrollbar textarea_yscrollbar

Check out the Hello, Text! sample for a good demonstration of the text widget features.

Check out the Hello, Scrollbar! sample for a text demo with scrolling.

Drag and Drop API

Thanks to the vision of vin1antme (contributor), drag and drop works by simply designating a widget as a draggable with attribute drag_source true and another widget as a droppable with attribute drop_target true.

Alternatively, for advanced customization, add listeners on the draggable:

  • on('drag_start') {|event| ...}: fires on drag start receiving an event arg to set data and configure source
  • on('drag_motion') {|event| ...}: fires on drag motion receiving an event arg to check event#drop_accepted, and configure source and tooltip

And, add a listener on the droppable:

  • on('drop') { |event| ...}: fires on drop, receiving an event arg with event#target and event#data (set during drag). You can even destroy the event#source if you want to get rid of the dragged widget.

These are all the available attributes on event, which is of type DragAndDropEvent:

  • source: drag source widget proxy
  • target: drop target widget proxy
  • tooltip: tooltip widget proxy
  • x_root: x coordinate from top-left root corner
  • y_root: y coordinate from top-left root corner
  • data: data being transferred through drag and drop
  • drop_accepted: boolean indicating if drop was accepted

Learn more at the Hello, Drag and Drop! sample.

Smart Defaults and Conventions

Event Bindings

Any events that normally can be accepted by the Tk bind or protocol methods can be accepted by the on(event) {} listener syntax. For actual (non-virtual) events, there is no need to surround event name by <> as Glimmer DSL for Tk automatically takes care of that when needed and leaves out when not needed.

Grid Layout

grid layout with sticky: 'nsew' is the default on all widgets except toplevel widgets.

Also, any widget that is the first in a series of siblings has column_weight as 1 to automatically resize with window resizing by default.

To override that behavior, you may set alternative grid keyword args if needed (e.g. grid sticky: '', column_weight: 0 disables the smart defaults).

Image Attribute

Widget image attribute (e.g. label image) can accept image path directly as an alternative to TkPhotoImage object in addition to key values for automatic processing of image:

  • subsample(x_divider, y_divider): Specifies that the source image should be reduced in size by using only every xth pixel in the X direction and yth pixel in the Y direction. Negative values will cause the image to be flipped about the Y or X axes, respectively. If y is not given, the default value is the same as x.
  • zoom(x_multiplier, y_multiplier): Specifies that the source region should be magnified by a factor of x in the X direction and y in the Y direction. If y is not given, the default value is the same as x. With this option, each pixel in the source image will be expanded into a block of x x y pixels in the destination image, all the same color. x and y must be greater than 0.
  • from(x1, y1, x2, y2): Specifies a rectangular sub-region of the source image to be copied. (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) specify diagonally opposite corners of the rectangle. If x2 and y2 are not specified, the default value is the bottom-right corner of the source image. The pixels copied will include the left and top edges of the specified rectangle but not the bottom or right edges. If the :from option is not given, the default is the whole source image.
  • to(x1, y1, x2, y2): Specifies a rectangular sub-region of the destination image to be affected. (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) specify diagonally opposite corners of the rectangle. If x2 and y2 are not specified, the default value is (x1,y1) plus the size of the source region (after subsampling and zooming, if specified). If x2 and y2 are specified, the source region will be replicated if necessary to fill the destination region in a tiled fashion.
  • shrink: Specifies that the size of the destination image should be reduced, if necessary, so that the region being copied into is at the bottom-right corner of the image. This option will not affect the width or height of the image if the user has specified a non-zero value for the :width or :height configuration option, respectively.
  • compositingrule (can be 'overlay' or 'set'): Specifies how transparent pixels in the source image are combined with the destination image. When a compositing rule of overlay is set, the old contents of the destination image are visible, as if the source image were printed on a piece of transparent film and placed over the top of the destination. When a compositing rule of set is set, the old contents of the destination image are discarded and the source image is used as-is. The default compositing rule is overlay.

Frame Padding

Frames have a padding of 15 all around by default to produce more user-friendly graphical user interfaces.

Notebook Frame

When nesting frame under notebook, you can pass a :text keyword argument to indicate the tab title.

Menu Item Accelerator

menu_item accelerator is automatically bound to the command set inside menu_item content (no need to do manual binding as per Tk docs).

Icon Photo

The icon_photo attribute (alias for iconphoto) on root is set to the Glimmer icon by default if no icon photo is supplied.

Otherwise, Glimmer DSL for Tk is smart enough to accept an image path directly (no need to wrap with TkPhotoImage)

Example with direct image path (you may copy/paste in girb):

root {
  title 'Title'
  icon_photo 'icons/glimmer.png'

Example with TkPhotoImage object (you may copy/paste in girb):

root {
  title 'Title'
  icon_photo 'icons/glimmer.png')

Root Background

root background color attribute is automatically set to '#ececec' on the Mac to avoid having a non-native-looking light-colored background.

Toplevel Mac Style

Mac has special support for mac styles in Tk toplevel via the mac_style attribute, which can receive 1 to 2 arguments. mac_style's first argument (mac_class) and second argument (mac_attribute_list) can be chosen from this page:

Behind the scenes, mac_style automatically calls out to:

Tk.tk_call("::tk::unsupported::MacWindowStyle", "style", tk_toplevel_widget, mac_class, mac_attribute_list)

More details can be found at the Hello, Toplevel! sample.

Root/Toplevel Centered Within Screen

root and toplevel are centered within screen by default unless x or y attributes are specified, in which case, they are honored instead.

Text Defaults

text widget has these defaults:

  • wrap = 'none'
  • font = {family: 'Courier New'}

The Grid Geometry Manager

The Grid Geometry Manager is supported via the grid keyword just as per the Tk documentation, except by nesting under the widget it concerns.


        label {
          grid column: 0, row: 2, sticky: 'w'
          text 'Year of Birth: '
        entry {
          grid column: 1, row: 2
          width 15
          text <=> [@contact, :year_of_birth]

Extra convenience options may be passed to grid when using Glimmer DSL for Tk:

  • column_span: alias for columnspan keyword arg
  • row_span: alias for rowspan keyword arg
  • min_width: alias for columnminsize being called on TkGrid.columnconfigure
  • min_height: alias for rowminsize being called on TkGrid.rowconfigure
  • column_weight: alias for columnweight being called on TkGrid.columnconfigure
  • row_weight: alias for rowweight being called on TkGrid.rowconfigure

Note also the Grid Layout conventions (e.g. column_weight is automatically set to 1 for the first widget in a series of siblings to automatically have all resize when window resize)

More details can be found in the Hello, Computed! sample below.


Glimmer supports Shine syntax bidirectional data-binding via the <=> operator (read-write) and unidirectional data-binding via the <= operator (read-only), which takes a model and an attribute (the bind(model, attribute, *options) keyword may also be used as the old-style of data-binding).

To summarize the data-binding API:

  • view_property <=> [model, attribute, *read_or_write_options]: Bidirectional (two-way) data-binding to Model attribute accessor
  • view_property <= [model, attribute, *read_only_options]: Unidirectional (one-way) data-binding to Model attribute reader

Data-bound model attribute can be:

  • Direct: Symbol representing attribute reader/writer (e.g. [person, :name])
  • Nested: String representing nested attribute path (e.g. [company, 'address.street']). That results in "nested data-binding"
  • Indexed: String containing array attribute index (e.g. [customer, 'addresses[0].street']). That results in "indexed data-binding"

Data-binding options include:

  • before_read {|value| ...}: performs an operation before reading data from Model to update View.
  • on_read {|value| ...}: converts value read from Model to update the View.
  • after_read {|converted_value| ...}: performs an operation after read from Model to update View.
  • before_write {|value| ...}: performs an operation before writing data to Model from View.
  • on_write {|value| ...}: converts value read from View to update the Model.
  • after_write {|converted_value| ...}: performs an operation after writing to Model from View.
  • computed_by attribute or computed_by [attribute1, attribute2, ...]: indicates model attribute is computed from specified attribute(s), thus updated when they are updated. That is known as "computed data-binding".

Label Data-Binding


This assumes a Person model with a country attribute.

  label {
    text <= [person, :country]

That code binds the textvariable value of the label unidirectionally (read-only) to the country property on the person model.

It automatically handles all the Tk plumbing behind the scenes.

More details can be found in the Hello, Computed! sample below.

Combobox Data-Binding


This assumes a Person model with a country attribute representing their current country and a country_options attribute representing available options for the country attribute.

  combobox {
    readonly true # this applies to text editing only (item selection still triggers a write to model)
    text <=> [person, :country]

That code sets the values of the combobox to the country_options property on the person model (data-binding attribute + "_options" by convention). It also binds the text selection of the combobox to the country property on the person model.

It automatically handles all the Tk plumbing behind the scenes, such as using TkVariable and setting combobox values from person.country_options by convention (attribute_name + "_options").

More details can be found in the Hello, Combobox! sample below.

List Single Selection Data-Binding

Tk does not support a native themed listbox, so Glimmer implements its own list widget on top of Tk::Tile::Treeview. It is set to single selection via selectmode 'browse'.


This assumes a Person model with a country attribute representing their current country and a country_options attribute representing available options for the country attribute.

  list {
    selectmode 'browse'
    text <=> [person, :country]

That code binds the items text of the list to the country_options attribute on the person model (data-binding attribute + "_options" by convention). It also binds the selection text of the list to the country attribute on the person model.

It automatically handles all the Tk plumbing behind the scenes.

More details can be found in the Hello, List Single Selection! sample below.

List Multi Selection Data-Binding

Tk does not support a native themed listbox, so Glimmer implements its own list widget on top of Tk::Tile::Treeview. It is set to multi selection by default.


This assumes a Person model with a provinces attribute representing their current country and a provinces_options attribute representing available options for the provinces attribute.

  list {
    text <=> [person, :provinces]

That code binds the items text of the list to the provinces_options attribute on the person model (data-binding attribute + "_options" by convention). It also binds the selection text of the list to the provinces attribute on the person model.

It automatically handles all the Tk plumbing behind the scenes.

More details can be found in the Hello, List Multi Selection! sample below.

Entry Data-Binding


This assumes a Person model with a country attribute.

  entry {
    text <=> [person, :country]

That code binds the textvariable value of the entry to the country attribute on the person model.

It automatically handles all the Tk plumbing behind the scenes.

More details can be found in Hello, Entry! and Hello, Computed! samples below.

Text Data-Binding


This assumes a Person model with a biography attribute.

  text {
    value <=> [person, :biography]

That code binds the value of text to the biography attribute on the person model.

It automatically handles all the Tk plumbing behind the scenes.

More details can be found in Hello, Text! sample below.

Scale Data-Binding


This assumes a Person model with an age attribute.

  spinbox {
    orient 'horizontal' # can be 'vertical' too
    length 200
    from 0.0
    to 100.0
    variable <=> [person, :age, on_write: ->(val) {val.to_i}]

That code binds the variable value of the scale to the age attribute on the person model.

It automatically handles all the Tk plumbing behind the scenes.

More details can be found in Hello, Scale! sample below.

Progressbar Data-Binding


This assumes a Worker model with a progress_value attribute.

progressbar {
  orient 'horizontal' # can be vertical too
  length 200
  mode 'determinate'
  maximum 100
  value <= [worker, :progress_value]

That code binds the value of the progressbar to the progress_value attribute on the worker model.

It automatically handles all the Tk plumbing behind the scenes.

More details can be found in Hello, Progressbar! sample below.

Spinbox Data-Binding


This assumes a Person model with a donation attribute.

  spinbox {
    from 1.0 # minimum value
    to 150.0 # maximum value
    increment 5.0 # increment on up and down
    format '%0.2f'
    text <=> [person, :country]

That code binds the textvariable value of the spinbox to the donation attribute on the person model.

It automatically handles all the Tk plumbing behind the scenes.

More details can be found in Hello, Spinbox! sample below.

Checkbutton Data-Binding


This assumes a Person model with a boolean adult attribute.

  checkbutton {
    variable <=> [person, :adult]

That code binds the variable value of the checkbutton to the boolean adult attribute on the person model.

It automatically handles all the Tk plumbing behind the scenes.

If you need to display a half-checked checkbutton, bind to alternate attribute.

More details can be found in the Hello, Checkbutton! sample below.

Radiobutton Data-Binding


This assumes a Person model with boolean male and female attributes.

  radiobutton {
    text 'Male'
    variable <=> [@person, :male]
  radiobutton {
    text 'Female'
    variable <=> [@person, :female]

That code binds the variable value of the radiobutton to the boolean male and female attributes on the person model.

It automatically handles all the Tk plumbing behind the scenes, including setting the radiobutton value (uses text attribute as value), enabling an API that works with simple booleans for each radiobutton.

For very rare cases, if you need to display a half-selected radiobutton, set alternate attribute as true when the variable value is false.

More details can be found in the Hello, Radiobutton! sample below.

Command Callback

button, spinbox, radiobutton and checkbutton can set a command block to trigger when the user clicks the button/checkbutton. This may be done with the command keyword, passing in a block directly.


  button {
    text "Reset Selection"
    command {

Alternatively, it can be treated as simply an event for consistency with other event bindings:

  button {
    text "Reset Selection"
    on('command') do

More details can be found in the Hello, Button! sample below.


  • Setting background attribute on frame or label does not work in 'aqua' theme on the Mac (only in 'classic' theme)

Glimmer Style Guide

  • Widget arguments are always wrapped by parentheses.
  • Widget blocks are always declared with curly braces {} to clearly visualize hierarchical view code and separate from logic code.
  • Widget attribute declarations always have arguments that are never wrapped inside parentheses and never take a block.
  • Widget listeners are always declared with on keyword receiving listener event name as an argument. Their multi-line blocks have a do; end style to distinguish as logic from widget keywords and attributes.
  • In a widget's content block, group attributes on top first, with the grid geometry management attribute being first, and separate by an empty line from nested widgets and listeners following afterwards.
  • In a widget's content block, after attributes, you may either include nested widgets second and listeners third or vice versa.
  • Unlike attributes, nested widgets and listeners are all separated by an empty line to make readability easier except where it helps to group two widgets together (e.g. label and described entry)
  • Pure logic multi-line blocks that do not constitute GUI DSL view elements in general always have do; end style to clearly separate logic code from view code.


The easiest way to run samples is by launching the Glimmer Meta-Sample (the Sample of Samples).

Run with glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require 'samples/elaborate/meta_sample'"

Alternatively, run from cloned project without glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r ./lib/glimmer-dsl-tk.rb samples/elaborate/meta_sample.rb

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample meta sample


require 'glimmer-dsl-tk'
require 'facets'
require 'fileutils'

class MetaSample
  include Glimmer
  attr_accessor :selected_sample_index
  def initialize
    @selected_sample_index = 0
  def samples
    if @samples.nil?
      sample_files = Dir.glob(File.join(File.expand_path('../hello', __dir__), '**', 'hello_*.rb'))
      sample_file_names = { |f| File.basename(f, '.rb') }
      sample_file_names = sample_file_names.reject { |f| f == 'meta_sample' || f.match(/\d$/) }
      @samples = { |f| f.underscore.titlecase }
  def file_path_for(sample)
    File.join(File.expand_path('../hello', __dir__), "#{sample.underscore}.rb")
  def glimmer_dsl_tk_file
    File.expand_path('../../lib/glimmer-dsl-tk', __dir__)
  def selected_sample
  def run_sample(sample) do
      command = "ruby -r #{glimmer_dsl_tk_file} #{sample} 2>&1"
      result = ''
      IO.popen(command) do |f|
        f.each_line do |line|
          result << line
          puts line
      ::Tk.after(100) do
        message_box(parent: @root, title: 'Error Running Sample', message: result) if result.downcase.include?('error')
  def launch
    @root = root {
      title 'Glimmer Meta-Sample'
      width 1280
      height 720
      frame {
        grid row: 0, column: 0, column_weight: 0, row_weight: 1
        samples.each_with_index do |sample, index|
          radiobutton {
            text sample
            variable <=> [self, :selected_sample_index, on_write: ->(v) {v ? index : selected_sample_index}, on_read: ->(v) {v == index}]
            on('command') do
              @selected_sample_index = index
              @code_text.value =
        frame {
          button {
            grid row: 0, column: 0
            text 'Launch'
            on('command') do
                parent_dir = File.join(Dir.home, '.glimmer-dsl-tk', 'samples', 'hello')
                sample_file = File.join(parent_dir, "#{selected_sample.underscore}.rb")
                File.write(sample_file, @code_text.value)
                FileUtils.cp_r(File.expand_path('../../icons', __dir__), File.dirname(File.dirname(parent_dir)))
                FileUtils.cp_r(File.expand_path('../hello/images', __dir__), parent_dir)
                sample_namespace_directory = File.expand_path("../hello/#{selected_sample.underscore}", __dir__)
                FileUtils.cp_r(sample_namespace_directory, parent_dir) if Dir.exist?(sample_namespace_directory)
              rescue => e
                puts e.full_message
                puts 'Unable to write code changes! Running original sample...'
          button {
            grid row: 0, column: 1
            text 'Reset'
            on('command') do
              @code_text.value =
      @code_text = text {
        grid row: 0, column: 1, column_weight: 1

Hello, World!

Glimmer code (from samples/hello/hello_world.rb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-tk'

include Glimmer

root {
  title 'Hello, World!'
  label {
    text 'Hello, World!'

Run with glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require 'samples/hello/hello_world'"

Alternatively, run from cloned project without glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r ./lib/glimmer-dsl-tk.rb samples/hello/hello_world.rb

Glimmer app:

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello world

Hello, Button!

Glimmer code (from samples/hello/hello_button.rb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-tk'

class HelloButton
  include Glimmer
  attr_accessor :count
  def initialize
    @count = 0
  def launch
    root {
      title 'Hello, Button!'
      frame {
        grid row: 0, column: 0
        label {
          grid pady: 15
          text 'Text Button'
        button { |b|
          text <= [self, :count, on_read: ->(value) { "Click To Increment: #{value}  " }]
          default 'active'
          focus true
          on('command') do
            self.count += 1
      frame {
        grid row: 0, column: 1
        label {
          grid pady: 15
          text 'Image Button'
        button {
          image File.expand_path('../../icons/glimmer.png', __dir__), subsample: 5
          on('command') do
            message_box(title: 'Image Button', message: 'Image Button Clicked!')
      frame {
        grid row: 0, column: 2
        label {
          grid pady: 15
          text 'Text Image Buttons'
        ['center', 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right'].each do |compound_option|
          button {
            image File.expand_path('../../icons/glimmer.png', __dir__), subsample: 5
            text "#{compound_option.capitalize} Image"
            compound compound_option
            on('command') do
              message_box(title: 'Text Image Button', message: 'Text Image Button Clicked!', detail: "(#{compound_option})")

Run with glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require 'samples/hello/hello_button'"

Alternatively, run from cloned project without glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r ./lib/glimmer-dsl-tk.rb samples/hello/hello_button.rb

Glimmer app:

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello button

Hello, Checkbutton!

Glimmer code (from samples/hello/hello_checkbutton.rb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-tk'

class HelloCheckbutton
  class Person
    attr_accessor :skiing, :snowboarding, :snowmobiling, :snowshoeing, :snow_activities, :snow_activities_alternate
    def initialize
      individual_observer = Glimmer::DataBinding::Observer.proc do
        unless @updating_group
          @updating_individual = true
          if skiing && snowboarding && snowmobiling && snowshoeing
            self.snow_activities = true
            self.snow_activities_alternate = false
          elsif skiing || snowboarding || snowmobiling || snowshoeing
            self.snow_activities = true
            self.snow_activities_alternate = true
            self.snow_activities = false
            self.snow_activities_alternate = false
          @updating_individual = false
      individual_observer.observe(self, :skiing)
      individual_observer.observe(self, :snowboarding)
      individual_observer.observe(self, :snowmobiling)
      individual_observer.observe(self, :snowshoeing)
      group_observer = Glimmer::DataBinding::Observer.proc do
        unless @updating_individual
          @updating_group = true
          self.skiing = self.snow_activities
          self.snowboarding = self.snow_activities
          self.snowmobiling = self.snow_activities
          self.snowshoeing = self.snow_activities
          @updating_group = false
      group_observer.observe(self, :snow_activities)
    def reset_activities!
      self.snow_activities = true
      self.snow_activities_alternate = true
      self.skiing = false
      self.snowboarding = true
      self.snowmobiling = false
      self.snowshoeing = false
  include Glimmer
  def initialize
    @person =
  def launch
    root {
      title 'Hello, Checkbutton!'
      background '#ececec' if OS.mac?
      label {
        text 'Check all snow activities you are interested in:'
        font 'caption'
      frame {
        checkbutton {
          text 'Snow Activities'
          variable <=> [@person, :snow_activities]
          alternate <=> [@person, :snow_activities_alternate] # binds half-checked state
        frame {
          checkbutton {
            text 'Skiing'
            variable <=> [@person, :skiing]
          checkbutton {
            text 'Snowboarding'
            variable <=> [@person, :snowboarding]
          checkbutton {
            text 'Snowmobiling'
            variable <=> [@person, :snowmobiling]
          checkbutton {
            text 'Snowshoeing'
            variable <=> [@person, :snowshoeing]
      button {
        text 'Reset Activities'
        command do

Run with glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require 'samples/hello/hello_checkbutton'"

Alternatively, run from cloned project without glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r ./lib/glimmer-dsl-tk.rb samples/hello/hello_checkbutton.rb

Glimmer app:

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello checkbutton

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello checkbutton

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello checkbutton

Hello, Radiobutton!

Glimmer code (from samples/hello/hello_radiobutton.rb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-tk'

class HelloRadiobutton
  class Person
    attr_accessor :male, :female, :child, :teen, :adult, :senior
    def initialize
    def reset!
      self.male = true
      self.female = nil
      self.child = nil
      self.teen = nil = true
      self.senior = nil
  include Glimmer
  def initialize
    @person =
  def launch
    root {
      title 'Hello, Radio!'
      background '#ececec' if OS.mac?
      label {
        text 'Gender:'
        font 'caption'
      frame {
        radiobutton {
          text 'Male'
          variable <=> [@person, :male]
        radiobutton {
          text 'Female'
          variable <=> [@person, :female]
      label {
        text 'Age Group:'
        font 'caption'
      frame {
        radiobutton {
          text 'Child'
          variable <=> [@person, :child]

        radiobutton {
          text 'Teen'
          variable <=> [@person, :teen]

        radiobutton {
          text 'Adult'
          variable <=> [@person, :adult]

        radiobutton {
          text 'Senior'
          variable <=> [@person, :senior]
      button {
        text 'Reset'
        command do

Run with glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require 'samples/hello/hello_radiobutton'"

Alternatively, run from cloned project without glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r ./lib/glimmer-dsl-tk.rb samples/hello/hello_radiobutton.rb

Glimmer app:

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello radiobutton

Hello, Frame!

Glimmer code (from samples/hello/hello_frame.rb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-tk'

class HelloFrame
  include Glimmer
  def launch
    root {
      title 'Hello, Frame!'
      frame { # frame simply contains widgets for visual organization via a layout
        relief 'sunken'
        label {
          grid row: 0, column: 0, columnspan: 4, padx: 5, pady: 5
          text 'Enter Your Full Name'
          font 'caption'
          anchor 'center'

        label {
          grid row: 1, column: 0, padx: 5
          text "First Name:"
        entry {
          grid row: 1, column: 1, padx: 5
        label {
          grid row: 2, column: 0, padx: 5
          text "Last Name:"
        entry {
          grid row: 2, column: 1, padx: 5
      frame { # an empty frame can specify width and height
        grid padx: 7, pady: 7
        width 200
        height 100
        borderwidth 3
        relief 'sunken'

Run with glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require 'samples/hello/hello_frame'"

Alternatively, run from cloned project without glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r ./lib/glimmer-dsl-tk.rb samples/hello/hello_frame.rb

Glimmer app:

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello frame

Hello, Root!

Glimmer code (from samples/hello/hello_root.rb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-tk'

include Glimmer

root { |r|
  title 'Hello, Root!'
  icon_photo File.expand_path('../../icons/glimmer.png', __dir__)
  width 400
  height 200
  x -150
  y 300
  resizable true # same as `resizable true, true`, meaning cannot resize horizontally and vertically
  minsize 200, 100
  maxsize 600, 400
  background 'lightgrey'
  alpha 0.85 # on the mac, you can set `transparent true` as well
  topmost true
  on('OPEN_WINDOW') do # custom event that runs right after Tk.mainloop
    message_box(parent: r, title: 'Hi', message: 'Hi')
  on('DELETE_WINDOW') do |event| # alias for WM_DELETE_WINDOW protocol event
    message_box(parent: r, title: 'Bye', message: 'Bye')

Run with glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require 'samples/hello/hello_root'"

Alternatively, run from cloned project without glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r ./lib/glimmer-dsl-tk.rb samples/hello/hello_root.rb

Glimmer app:

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello root hi

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello root

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello root bye

Hello, Toplevel!

toplevel widgets represent windows nested under root, which can be modeless (custom windows) or modal (dialogs that take the focus away from the owning window behind them until closed).

Mac has special support for mac styles in Tk toplevel via the mac_style attribute, which can receive 1 to 2 arguments. mac_style's first argument (mac_class) and second argument (mac_attribute_list) can be chosen from this page:

Glimmer code (from samples/hello/hello_toplevel.rb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-tk'

include Glimmer

def toplevel_content
  frame {
    label {
      text "This is a fully custom toplevel, meaning you can add any widgets here!\nYou can press the ESCAPE button on the keyboard to close."
    checkbutton {
      text 'This is a checkbutton'
    radiobutton {
      text 'This is a radiobutton'

root { |root_window|
  title 'Hello, Toplevel!'
  button {
    text 'Nested Window'
    on('command') do
      toplevel(root_window) {
        title 'Custom Window'
        escapable true
        x 150
        y 180
        width 500
        height 200
        minsize 500, 100
        maxsize 1000, 300
  button {
    text 'Transparent Window'
    on('command') do
      toplevel(root_window) {
        title 'Transparent Window'
        escapable true
        alpha 0.85
        width 250
        height 100
        resizable false, false # not resizable horizontally or vertically
        frame {
          label {
            text "This is a transparent window\nYou can hit ESCAPE to close."
            anchor 'center'
  button {
    text 'Fullscreen Window'
    on('command') do
      toplevel(root_window) {
        title 'Fullscreen Window'
        escapable true
        fullscreen true
        frame {
          label {
            text "This is a fullscreen window\nYou can hit ESCAPE to close."
            anchor 'center'
  if OS.mac?
    # Mac has special support for mac styles in Tk `toplevel`
    # `mac_style` first argument (`mac_class`) and second argument (`mac_attribute_list`) can be chosen from this page:
    button {
      text 'Mac Plain (No-Button-Modeless) Window'
      on('command') do
        toplevel(root_window) { |t|
          title 'Mac Plain (No-Button-Modeless) Window'
          escapable true
          mac_style 'plain'
    button {
      text 'Mac Floating (Close-Button-Modeless) Window'
      on('command') do
        toplevel(root_window) { |t|
          title 'Mac Floating (Close-Button-Modeless) Window'
          escapable true
          mac_style 'floating'
    button {
      text 'Mac Document (All-Button-Modeless) Window'
      on('command') do
        toplevel(root_window) { |t|
          title 'Mac Document (All-Button-Modeless) Window'
          escapable true
          mac_style 'document'
    button {
      text 'Mac Utility (Close-Button-Modal) Dialog'
      on('command') do
        toplevel(root_window) { |t|
          title 'Mac Utility (Close-Button-Modal) Dialog'
          escapable true
          mac_style 'utility'
    button {
      text 'Mac Utility with Attribute List (All-Button-Modal) Dialog'
      on('command') do
        toplevel(root_window) { |t|
          title 'Mac Utility with Attribute List (All-Button-Modal) Dialog'
          escapable true
          mac_style 'utility', 'closeBox collapseBox resizable horizontalZoom verticalZoom sideTitlebar'

Run with glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require 'samples/hello/hello_toplevel'"

Alternatively, run from cloned project without glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r ./lib/glimmer-dsl-tk.rb samples/hello/hello_toplevel.rb

Glimmer app:

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello toplevel 1

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello toplevel 2

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello toplevel 3

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello toplevel 4

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello toplevel 5

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello toplevel 6

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello toplevel 7

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello toplevel 8

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello toplevel 9

Hello, Notebook!

Glimmer code (from samples/hello/hello_notebook.rb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-tk'

class HelloNotebook
  include Glimmer
  def launch
    root {
      title 'Hello, Notebook!'
      notebook {
        frame(text: 'English') {
          label {
            text 'Hello, World!'
        frame(text: 'French') {
          label {
            text 'Bonjour, Univers!'

Run with glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require 'samples/hello/hello_notebook'"

Alternatively, run from cloned project without glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r ./lib/glimmer-dsl-tk.rb samples/hello/hello_notebook.rb

Glimmer app:

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello notebook English glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello notebook French

Hello, Label!

Icons used in this sample were made by Freepik from

Glimmer code (from samples/hello/hello_label.rb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-tk'

class HelloLabel
  include Glimmer
  LABEL_FONTS = ['default', 'text', 'fixed', 'menu', 'heading', 'caption', 'small_caption', 'icon', 'tooltip']
  LABEL_RELIEFS = ['flat', 'raised', 'sunken', 'solid', 'ridge', 'groove']
  def launch
    root {
      title 'Hello, Label!'
      notebook {
        frame(text: 'left-aligned') {
          3.times do |n|
            label {
              text "Field #{n + 1} / default font / flat relief"
              width 60
              anchor 'w'
        frame(text: 'centered') {
          9.times do |n|
            label {
              text "Field #{n + 1} / fixed font / raised relief"
              width 80
              anchor 'center'
              font 'fixed'
              relief 'raised'
        frame(text: 'right-aligned') {
          9.times do |n|
            label {
              text "Field #{n + 1} / small_caption font / ridge relief"
              width 80
              anchor 'e'
              font 'small_caption'
              relief 'ridge'
        frame(text: 'justified') {
          label {
            text <<~MULTI_LINE_STRING
              This is a very long paragraph that spans multiple lines. It looks better and
              is easier to read when justified. In fact, this is how to make it look like a
              new paper column. That results in professional looking text. Magazines use the
              same sort of justified text. Word processors also support justified text. In
              fact, this is how text is made for news papers and magainzes, and then published
              in paper form and digitally.
            width 60
            anchor 'center'
            justify 'center' # other options are: 'left' and 'right'
            font 'caption' # other options are: 'default', 'text', 'fixed', 'menu', 'heading', 'small_caption', 'icon', 'tooltip'
            foreground 'blue'
            relief 'sunken' # other options are: 'flat' (default), 'raised', 'solid', 'ridge', 'groove'
        frame(text: 'images') {
          ['denmark', 'finland', 'norway'].each do |image_name|
            label {
              image File.expand_path("images/#{image_name}.png", __dir__)
        frame(text: 'background images') {
          ['italy', 'france', 'mexico'].each do |image_name|
            label {
              text image_name.capitalize
              image File.expand_path("images/#{image_name}.png", __dir__)
              compound 'center'

Run with glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require 'samples/hello/hello_label'"

Alternatively, run from cloned project without glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r ./lib/glimmer-dsl-tk.rb samples/hello/hello_label.rb

Glimmer app:

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello label left aligned

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello label centered

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello label right aligned

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello label justified

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello label images

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello label background images

Hello, Message Box!

Glimmer code (from samples/hello/hello_message_box.rb):

root { |r|
  title 'Hello, Message Box!'
  frame {
    button {
      text 'Please Click To Win a Surprise'
      command {
        # specifying parent ensures dialog shows up centered on top of window (instead of centered in display monitor)
        @result_label.text = message_box(parent: r, title: 'Surprise', message: "Congratulations!\n\nYou won $1,000,000!") # type: 'ok' by default
    button {
      text 'Download Software Update'
      command {
        @result_label.text = message_box(type: 'okcancel', title: 'Software Update', message: "We will begin to download software update.")
    button {
      text 'Format Hard Drive'
      command {
        @result_label.text = message_box(type: 'yesno', icon: 'question', title: 'Format', message: "Would you like to format your hard drive?")
    button {
      text 'Submit Application'
      command {
        @result_label.text = message_box(type: 'yesnocancel', icon: 'question', title: 'Application', message: "Would you like to review application before submitting?")
    button {
      text 'Play Video'
      command {
        @result_label.text = message_box(type: 'retrycancel', icon: 'error', title: 'Video Replay', message: "Video has failed to play. Would you like to retry?")
    button {
      text 'Installation Completed'
      command {
        @result_label.text = message_box(type: 'abortretryignore', icon: 'warning', default: 'ignore', title: 'Failed To Install Extra Utilities', message: "Installation is complete, but extra utilities have failed to install. Would you like to retry installing extra utilities?", detail: 'Encountered network error in downloading extra utilities, resulting in failure to install them')
  frame {
    label {
      grid row: 0, column: 0
      text 'Result:'
    @result_label = label {
      grid row: 0, column: 1

Run with glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require 'samples/hello/hello_message_box'"

Alternatively, run from cloned project without glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r ./lib/glimmer-dsl-tk.rb samples/hello/hello_message_box.rb

Glimmer app:

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello message box

Hello, Combobox!

Glimmer code (from samples/hello/hello_combobox.rb):

# ... more code precedes
root {
  title 'Hello, Combobox!'
  combobox {
    readonly true # this applies to text editing only (item selection still triggers a write to model)
    text <=> [person, :country]
  button {
    text "Reset Selection"
    command {
# ... more code follows

Run with glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require 'samples/hello/hello_combobox'"

Alternatively, run from cloned project without glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r ./lib/glimmer-dsl-tk.rb samples/hello/hello_combobox.rb

Glimmer app:

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello combobox glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello combobox dropdown

Hello, List Single Selection!

Glimmer code (from samples/hello/hello_list_single_selection.rb):

# ... more code precedes
root {
  title 'Hello, List Single Selection!'
  list {
    selectmode 'browse'
    selection <=> [person, :country]
  button {
    text "Reset Selection To Default Value"
    command { person.reset_country }
# ... more code follows

Run with glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require 'samples/hello/hello_list_single_selection'"

Alternatively, run from cloned project without glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r ./lib/glimmer-dsl-tk.rb samples/hello/hello_list_single_selection.rb

Glimmer app:

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello list single selection

Hello, List Multi Selection!

Glimmer code (from samples/hello/hello_list_multi_selection.rb):

# ... more code precedes
root {
  title 'Hello, List Multi Selection!'
  list {
    selection <=> [person, :provinces]
  button {
    text "Reset Selection To Defaults"
    command { person.reset_provinces }
# ... more code follows

Run with glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require 'samples/hello/hello_list_multi_selection'"

Alternatively, run from cloned project without glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r ./lib/glimmer-dsl-tk.rb samples/hello/hello_list_multi_selection.rb

Glimmer app:

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello list multi selection

Hello, Entry!

Glimmer code (from samples/hello/hello_entry.rb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-tk'

class HelloEntry
  include Glimmer
  attr_accessor :default, :password, :telephone, :read_only
  def initialize
    self.default = 'default'
    self.password = 'password'
    self.telephone = '555-555-5555'
    self.read_only = 'Telephone area code is 555'
  def launch
    root {
      title 'Hello, Entry!'
      minsize 230, 0
      label {
        grid sticky: 'ew'
        text 'default entry'
      entry { |the_entry|
        grid sticky: 'ew'
        text <=> [self, :default]
      label {
        grid sticky: 'ew'
        text 'password entry'
      entry {
        grid sticky: 'ew'
        show '*'
        text <=> [self, :password]

      @validated_entry_label = label {
        grid sticky: 'ew'
        text 'entry with event handlers'
      entry { |the_entry|
        grid sticky: 'ew'
        text <=> [self, :telephone]

        # validate 'key' # default when on('validate') or on('invalid') is specified
        ## Validation happens on key change by default when validation listeners are specified
        ## (other accepted values: 'none', 'focus', 'focusin', 'focusout', 'key', or 'all')
        ## this event kicks in just after the user typed and before modifying the text variable
        on('validate') do |new_text_variable|

        ## this event kicks in just after the text variable is validated and before it is modified
        on('invalid') do |validate_args|
          @validated_entry_label.text = "#{validate_args.value} is not a valid phone!"
          @validated_entry_label.foreground = 'red'

        ## this event kicks in just after the text variable is validated and modified
        on('change') do |new_text_variable|
          self.read_only = "Telephone area code is #{new_text_variable.value.gsub(/[^0-9]/, '')[0...3]}"
          @validated_entry_label.text = 'entry with event handlers'
          @validated_entry_label.foreground = nil
        ## this is similar to on('change') (which is Glimmer-specific), but more low level at the Tk level
        ## it is the equivalent of calling:'write') { puts "..." }
        ## More at: and
        on_textvariable('write') do
          puts "\"#{the_entry.text}\" has been written to entry!"

      label {
        grid sticky: 'ew'
        text 'read-only entry'
      entry {
        grid sticky: 'ew'
        text <=> [self, :read_only]
        readonly true
  def telephone?(text)

Run with glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require 'samples/hello/hello_entry'"

Alternatively, run from cloned project without glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r ./lib/glimmer-dsl-tk.rb samples/hello/hello_entry.rb

Glimmer app:

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello entry glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello entry validated

Hello, Text!

You may press META+F to bring up the Find Dialog on the Mac and CONTROL+F to bring it up on Windows/Linux.

Icons used in this sample were made by Freepik from

Glimmer code (from samples/hello/hello_text.rb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-tk'

class HelloText
  include Glimmer
  COLOR_OPTIONS = %w[black purple blue green orange yellow red white].map(&:capitalize)
  FONT_FAMILY_OPTIONS = ::TkFont.families
  FOREGROUND_PROMPT = '<foreground>'
  BACKGROUND_PROMPT = '<background>'
  FONT_FAMILY_PROMPT = '<font family>'
  FONT_SIZE_PROMPT = '<font size>'
  def initialize
    @foreground = FOREGROUND_PROMPT
    @background = BACKGROUND_PROMPT
    @font_family = FONT_FAMILY_PROMPT
    @font_size = FONT_SIZE_PROMPT
    @document = <<~MULTI_LINE_STRING
      According to the National Post, a heavy metal-loving high school principal in Canada will be allowed to keep her job, days after a public campaign to oust her made headlines around the globe.
      Parents at Eden High School in St. Catharines, Ontario launched a petition to remove principal Sharon Burns after discovering she's an IRON MAIDEN fan.
      The petition, titled "Eden High School Principal, Sharon Burns, Needs to Be Transferred Immediately!" read, "We are deeply disturbed that the principal assigned to the school blatantly showed Satanic symbols and her allegiance to Satanic practices on her public social media platforms where all the students can see them under @edenprincipal (not her personal account)."
      More than 500 people signed the petition to transfer Burns after she posted a picture of herself flashing the "devil horns" hand sign with a doll of the MAIDEN zombie mascot Eddie behind her as well as a personalized license plate reading "IRNMADEN" and a handwritten note that reads "Eddie 666" on a car's dashboard.
      The number 666 is used to represent the devil, and is featured prominently in MAIDEN's artwork by the band, whose classic third album is titled "The Number Of The Beast".
      The petition was later updated to state that the demand for her transfer is not because of her love for metal, but for "openly displaying her own handmade sign with the 666 clearly displayed on it".
      The creator of the original petition wrote: "Sharon knows full well what she did was simply inappropriate, unnecessary and not professional but has yet to publicly admit so and is willing to allow people to believe a completely different story, making very real concerns seem petty."
      Meanwhile, a counter-petition supporting Burns garnered over 20,000 signatures.
      "It is ridiculous that a couple of parents judge her role as a principal only based on an Instagram post. (About liking the band IRON MAIDEN. That's it.) Eden High School is a public school. Not a Christian school," the petition titled "We need Mrs Burns" stated. "She has made Eden a safe space for so many people. She spreads nothing but love and kindness."
      After the complaints were aired, the District School Board of Niagara spoke with Burns and the parents who launched the petition, and the issue is over as far as the board is concerned, Kim Sweeney, the board's chief communications officer, told the National Post. No disciplinary action or policy changes were needed.
      "Our belief is that taste in music is subjective and we support that both students and staff enjoy a wide variety of genres," Sweeney said.
      The original petition has since been removed.
  attr_accessor :document, :find_text
  attr_accessor :foreground
  def foreground_options
  attr_accessor :background
  def background_options
  attr_accessor :font_family
  def font_family_options
  attr_accessor :font_size
  def font_size_options
    [FONT_SIZE_PROMPT] + (9..64)
  def find
    text_index ={find_text}/i, @text.tag_ranges('sel')&.first&.last || @text.index('insert'))
    unless text_index.to_s.empty?
      @text.tag_remove('sel', '1.0', 'end')
      @text.tag_add('sel', text_index, "#{text_index} + #{find_text.size} chars")
  def launch
    @root = root {
      title 'Hello, Text!'
      width 1280
      height 800
      frame {
        grid row: 0, column: 0
        column_index = -1
        combobox { |cb|
          grid row: 1, column: column_index += 1, column_weight: 1
          readonly true
          text <=> [self, :font_family, after_write: ->(value) { @text.toggle_selection_font_format('family', value == FONT_FAMILY_PROMPT ? 'Courier New' : value, focus: 100) }]
        combobox {
          grid row: 1, column: column_index += 1, column_weight: 1
          readonly true
          text <=> [self, :font_size, after_write: ->(value) { @text.toggle_selection_font_format('size', value == FONT_SIZE_PROMPT ? 13 : value, focus: 100) }]
        combobox {
          grid row: 1, column: column_index += 1, column_weight: 1
          readonly true
          text <=> [self, :foreground, after_write: ->(value) { @text.add_selection_format('foreground', value == FOREGROUND_PROMPT ? 'black' : value, focus: 100) }]
        combobox {
          grid row: 1, column: column_index += 1, column_weight: 1
          readonly true
          text <=> [self, :background, after_write: ->(value) { @text.add_selection_format('background', value == BACKGROUND_PROMPT ? 'white' : value, focus: 100) }]
        separator {
          grid row: 1, column: column_index += 1, column_weight: 0
          orient 'vertical'
        @bold_button = button {
          grid row: 1, column: column_index += 1, column_weight: 0
          text 'B'
          style font: {weight: 'bold'}
          on('command') do
            @text.toggle_selection_font_format('weight', 'bold')
        @italic_button = button {
          grid row: 1, column: column_index += 1, column_weight: 0
          text 'I'
          style font: {slant: 'italic'}
          on('command') do
            @text.toggle_selection_font_format('slant', 'italic')
        @underline_button = button {
          grid row: 1, column: column_index += 1, column_weight: 0
          text 'U'
          style font: {underline: true}
          on('command') do
            @text.toggle_selection_font_format('underline', true)

        separator {
          grid row: 1, column: column_index += 1, column_weight: 0
          orient 'vertical'
        @justify_left_button = button {
          grid row: 1, column: column_index += 1, column_weight: 0
          image File.expand_path("images/align-left.png", __dir__), subsample: 32
          on('command') do
            @text.add_selection_format('justify', 'left')
        @justify_center_button = button {
          grid row: 1, column: column_index += 1, column_weight: 0
          image File.expand_path("images/align-center.png", __dir__), subsample: 32
          on('command') do
            @text.add_selection_format('justify', 'center')
        @justify_right_button = button {
          grid row: 1, column: column_index += 1, column_weight: 0
          image File.expand_path("images/align-right.png", __dir__), subsample: 32
          on('command') do
            @text.add_selection_format('justify', 'right')
        separator {
          grid row: 1, column: column_index += 1, column_weight: 0
          orient 'vertical'
        button {
          grid row: 1, column: column_index += 1, column_weight: 0
          image File.expand_path("images/picture.png", __dir__), subsample: 32
          on('command') do
        button {
          grid row: 1, column: column_index += 1, column_weight: 0
          image File.expand_path("images/search.png", __dir__), subsample: 32
          on('command') do
        separator {
          grid row: 1, column: column_index += 1, column_weight: 0
          orient 'vertical'
        button {
          grid row: 1, column: column_index += 1, column_weight: 0
          image File.expand_path("images/cut.png", __dir__), subsample: 32
          on('command') do
        button {
          grid row: 1, column: column_index += 1, column_weight: 0
          image File.expand_path("images/copy.png", __dir__), subsample: 32
          on('command') do
        button {
          grid row: 1, column: column_index += 1, column_weight: 0
          image File.expand_path("images/paste.png", __dir__), subsample: 32
          on('command') do
        separator {
          grid row: 1, column: column_index += 1, column_weight: 0
          orient 'vertical'
        button {
          grid row: 1, column: column_index += 1, column_weight: 0
          image File.expand_path("images/undo.png", __dir__), subsample: 32
          on('command') do
        button {
          grid row: 1, column: column_index += 1, column_weight: 0
          image File.expand_path("images/redo.png", __dir__), subsample: 32
          on('command') do
      @text = text {
        grid row: 1, column: 0, row_weight: 1
        wrap 'word'
        undo true
        value <=> [self, :document]
        on('InsertMarkMoved') do
          self.font_family = @text.applied_font_format_value('family')
          self.font_size = @text.applied_font_format_value('size')
          @bold_button.default = @text.applied_font_format_value('weight') == 'bold' ? 'active' : 'normal'
          @italic_button.default = @text.applied_font_format_value('slant') == 'italic' ? 'active' : 'normal'
          @underline_button.default = @text.applied_font_format_value('underline') == true ? 'active' : 'normal'
          self.background = @text.applied_format_value('background')
          self.foreground = @text.applied_format_value('foreground')
          @justify_left_button.default = @text.applied_format_value('justify') == 'left' ? 'active' : 'normal'
          @justify_center_button.default = @text.applied_format_value('justify') == 'center' ? 'active' : 'normal'
          @justify_right_button.default = @text.applied_format_value('justify') == 'right' ? 'active' : 'normal'
        on('KeyPress') do |event|
          show_find_dialog if (event.keysym == 'f') && ((OS.mac? && event.state == 8) || (!OS.mac? && event.state == 4))
  def show_find_dialog
    toplevel(@root) { |tl|
      title 'Find'
      label {
        text 'Text:'
      entry { |e|
        focus true
        text <=> [
          after_write: lambda do
            text_index ={find_text}/i, 'insert')
            unless text_index.to_s.empty?
              @text.tag_remove('sel', '1.0', 'end')
              @text.tag_add('sel', text_index, "#{text_index} + #{find_text.size} chars")
        on('KeyPress') do |event|
          if event.keysym == 'Return'
          elsif event.keysym == 'Escape'
      button {
        text 'Find'
        default 'active'
        on('command') do

Run with glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require 'samples/hello/hello_text'"

Alternatively, run from cloned project without glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r ./lib/glimmer-dsl-tk.rb samples/hello/hello_text.rb

Glimmer app:

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello text

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello text find dialog

Hello, Spinbox!

Glimmer code (from samples/hello/hello_spinbox.rb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-tk'

class HelloSpinbox
  class Person
    attr_accessor :donation
  include Glimmer
  def initialize
    @person =
    @person.donation = 5.0 # in dollars
  def launch
    root {
      title 'Hello, Spinbox!'
      label {
        text 'Please select the amount you would like to donate to the poor:'
      frame {
        label {
          grid row: 0, column: 0
          text 'Amount:'
          font 'caption'
        label {
          grid row: 0, column: 1
          text '$'
        spinbox { |sb|
          grid row: 0, column: 2
          from 1.0 # minimum value
          to 150.0 # maximum value
          increment 5.0 # increment on up and down
          format '%0.2f'
          text <=> [@person, :donation]
        label {
          grid row: 1, column: 0, columnspan: 3
          text <=> [@person, :donation, on_read: ->(value) { "Thank you for your donation of $#{"%.2f" % value.to_f}"}]


Run with glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require 'samples/hello/hello_spinbox'"

Alternatively, run from cloned project without glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r ./lib/glimmer-dsl-tk.rb samples/hello/hello_spinbox.rb

Glimmer app:

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello spinbox

Hello, Computed!

Glimmer code (from samples/hello/hello_computed.rb):

# ... more code precedes
    root {
      title 'Hello, Computed!'
      frame {
        grid column: 0, row: 0, padx: 5, pady: 5
        label {
          grid column: 0, row: 0, sticky: 'w'
          text 'First Name: '
        entry {
          grid column: 1, row: 0
          width 15
          text <=> [@contact, :first_name]
        label {
          grid column: 0, row: 1, sticky: 'w'
          text 'Last Name: '
        entry {
          grid column: 1, row: 1
          width 15
          text <=> [@contact, :last_name]
        label {
          grid column: 0, row: 2, sticky: 'w'
          text 'Year of Birth: '
        entry {
          grid column: 1, row: 2
          width 15
          text <=> [@contact, :year_of_birth]
        label {
          grid column: 0, row: 3, sticky: 'w'
          text 'Name: '
        label {
          grid column: 1, row: 3, sticky: 'w'
          text <=> [@contact, :name, computed_by: [:first_name, :last_name]]
        label {
          grid column: 0, row: 4, sticky: 'w'
          text 'Age: '
        label {
          grid column: 1, row: 4, sticky: 'w'
          text <=> [@contact, :age, on_write: :to_i, computed_by: [:year_of_birth]]
# ... more code follows

Run with glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require 'samples/hello/hello_computed'"

Alternatively, run from cloned project without glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r ./lib/glimmer-dsl-tk.rb samples/hello/hello_computed.rb

Glimmer app:

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello computed

Hello, Drag and Drop!

Glimmer code (from samples/hello/hello_drag_and_drop.rb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-tk'

include Glimmer

root {
  title "Hello, Drag and Drop!"
  frame {
    padding 5
    labelframe {
      text "Drag sources"
      padding 5
      label {
        grid :row => 0, :column => 0
        text "Label"
      label {
        grid :row => 0, :column => 1, :pady => 10, :sticky => "e"
        text "Drag label text"
        width 30
        drag_source true
      label {
        grid :row => 1, :column => 0
        text "Entry"
      entry {
        grid :row => 1, :column => 1, :pady => 5, :sticky => "e"
        text "Drag entry text"
        width 30
        # drag_source true
        # This is how to do `drag_source true` the manual way for use in exceptional cases
        on('drag_start') do |event|
 = event.source.text
          event.source.configure(:cursor => "hand2")
          event.tooltip.content { # re-open tooltip content and add a label
            lbl { # non-tile-theme version of label
              text + " "
              bg "yellow"
              bitmap "warning"
              compound "right"
        on('drag_motion') do |event|
          if event.drop_accepted?
            event.source.configure(:cursor => "hand1")
            event.source.configure(:cursor => "hand2")
          event.tooltip.geometry("+#{event.x_root + 10}+#{event.y_root - 4}")
      label {
        grid :row => 2, :column => 0
        text "Combobox"
      combobox {
        grid :row => 2, :column => 1, :pady => 5, :sticky => "e"
        text "Spain"
        values %w[USA Canada Mexico Columbia UK Australia Germany Italy Spain]
        width 27
        drag_source true
      label {
        grid :row => 3, :column => 0
        text 'List'
      list {
        grid :row => 3, :column => 1, :pady => 5, :sticky => "e"
        selectmode 'browse'
        items %w[USA Canada Mexico]
        selection 'Canada'
        height 3
        # drag_source true
        # This is another alternative to `drag_source true` with manual specification of transferred data only
        on('drag_start') do |event|
 = event.source.selection.first
      label {
        grid :row => 4, :column => 0
        text "Button"
      button {
        grid :row => 4, :column => 1, :pady => 5, :sticky => "w"
        text "Drag it"
        drag_source true

    labelframe {
      grid :sticky => "nsew", :pady => 15
      text "Drop targets"
      padding 5
      label {
        grid :row => 0, :column => 0
        text "Label"
      label {
        grid :row => 0, :column => 1, :pady => 10, :sticky => "e"
        width 30
        borderwidth 2
        relief "solid"
        drop_target true
      label {
        grid :row => 1, :column => 0
        text "Entry"
      entry {
        grid :row => 1, :column => 1, :pady => 5, :sticky => "e"
        width 30
        drop_target true
      label {
        grid :row => 2, :column => 0
        text "Combobox"
      combobox {
        grid :row => 2, :column => 1, :pady => 5, :sticky => "e"
        width 27
        drop_target true
      label {
        grid :row => 3, :column => 0
        text 'List'
      list {
        grid :row => 3, :column => 1, :pady => 5, :sticky => "e"
        selectmode 'browse'
        height 3
        drop_target true
      label {
        grid :row => 4, :column => 0
        text "Button"
      button {
        grid :row => 4, :column => 1, :pady => 5, :sticky => "w"
        text "Drop here"
        drop_target true
      label {
        grid :row => 5, :column => 0
        text "Checkbutton"
      checkbutton {
        grid :row => 5, :column => 1, :pady => 5, :sticky => "w"
        text "Drop here to destroy a widget"

        # drop_target true
        # This is an alternative to `drop_target true` with manual consumption of transferred data
        on('drop') do |event|
          # execute asynchronously after 100ms to ensure all events have been processed before destruction
          ::Tk.after(100) {event.source.destroy}

Run with glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require 'samples/hello/hello_drag_and_drop'"

Alternatively, run from cloned project without glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r ./lib/glimmer-dsl-tk.rb samples/hello/hello_drag_and_drop.rb

Glimmer app:

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello drag and drop

Hello, Built-in Dialog!

Glimmer code (from samples/hello/hello_built_in_dialog.rb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-tk'

include Glimmer

root { |w|
  title 'Hello, Built-in Dialog!'
  width 400
  height 400
  x 150
  y 150
  frame {
    %w[get_open_file get_multiple_open_file get_save_file choose_directory choose_color].each do |dialog|
      button {
        text dialog.split('_').map(&:capitalize).join(' ')
        on('command') do
          result = send(dialog, parent: w)
          @result_label.text = [result].flatten.join("\n")
    button {
      text 'Choose Font'
      on('command') do
        choose_font(family: 'Courier New', size: '30', weight: 'bold') do |chosen_font|
          @result_label.text = chosen_font
  frame {
    grid sticky: 'nsew', padx: 15, pady: 15
    label {
      grid row: 0, column: 0
      text 'Result:'
    @result_label = label {
      grid row: 0, column: 1

Run with glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require 'samples/hello/hello_built_in_dialog'"

Alternatively, run from cloned project without glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r ./lib/glimmer-dsl-tk.rb samples/hello/hello_built_in_dialog.rb

Glimmer app:

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello built in dialog 1 glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello built in dialog 2

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello built in dialog 3 glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello built in dialog 4

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello built in dialog 5 glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello built in dialog 6

Hello, Separator!

Glimmer code (from samples/hello/hello_separator.rb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-tk'

include Glimmer

root {
  title 'Hello, Separator!'
  width 200
  height 200
  label {
    grid row: 0, column: 0, min_width: 100, min_height: 100, column_weight: 0, sticky: 'nsew'
    text 'Label 1'
    anchor 'center'
  separator {
    grid row: 0, column: 1
    orient 'vertical'
  label {
    grid row: 0, column: 2, min_width: 100, min_height: 100, sticky: 'nsew'
    text 'Label 2'
    anchor 'center'
  separator {
    grid row: 1, column: 0, column_span: 3
    # orient 'horizontal' # default
  label {
    grid row: 2, column: 0, min_width: 100, min_height: 100, sticky: 'nsew'
    text 'Label 3'
    anchor 'center'
  separator {
    grid row: 2, column: 1
    orient 'vertical'
  label {
    grid row: 2, column: 2, min_width: 100, min_height: 100, sticky: 'nsew'
    text 'Label 4'
    anchor 'center'

Run with glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require 'samples/hello/hello_separator'"

Alternatively, run from cloned project without glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r ./lib/glimmer-dsl-tk.rb samples/hello/hello_separator.rb

Glimmer app:

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello separator

Hello, Scrollbar!

Glimmer code (from samples/hello/hello_scrollbar.rb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-tk'

include Glimmer

root {
  title 'Hello, Scrollbar!'
  width 400
  height 500
  notebook {
    grid sticky: 'nsew'
    frame(text: 'Scrollable List') {
      @list = list {
        grid sticky: 'nsew', row: 0, column: 0, row_weight: 1, column_weight: 1
        items {|n| "Item #{n + 1} of a very long list" }
      @scrollbar = scrollbar {
        grid row: 0, column: 1
        # orient 'vertical' # default
      @list.yscrollbar @scrollbar
    frame(text: 'Scrollable Text') {
      @text = text {
        grid sticky: 'nsew', row: 0, column: 0, row_weight: 1, column_weight: 1
        value ("This is a random sample of text that will repeat over and over and over"*2 + "\n")*40
      @yscrollbar = scrollbar {
        grid row: 0, column: 1
        # orient 'vertical' # default
      @text.yscrollbar @yscrollbar
      @xscrollbar = scrollbar {
        grid row: 1, column: 0, column_span: 2, row_weight: 0
        orient 'horizontal'
      @text.xscrollbar @xscrollbar

Run with glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require 'samples/hello/hello_scrollbar'"

Alternatively, run from cloned project without glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r ./lib/glimmer-dsl-tk.rb samples/hello/hello_scrollbar.rb

Glimmer app:

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello scrollbar

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello scrollbar

Hello, Scrollbar Frame!

Glimmer code (from samples/hello/hello_scrollbar_frame.rb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-tk'

include Glimmer

root {
  title 'Hello, Scrollbar Frame!'
  width 400
  height 400
  notebook {
    grid sticky: 'nsew'
    frame(text: 'X/Y Scroll') {
      scrollbar_frame {
        30.times do |row|
          10.times do |column|
            button {
              grid row: row, column: column, row_weight: 0, column_weight: 0
              text "Row #{row} | Column #{column}"
    frame(text: 'Y Scroll') {
      scrollbar_frame {
        xscrollbar false
        30.times do |row|
          2.times do |column|
            button {
              grid row: row, column: column, row_weight: 0, column_weight: 0
              text "Row #{row} | Column #{column}"
    frame(text: 'X Scroll') {
      scrollbar_frame {
        yscrollbar false
        13.times do |row|
          10.times do |column|
            button {
              grid row: row, column: column, row_weight: 0, column_weight: 0
              text "Row #{row} | Column #{column}"

Run with glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require 'samples/hello/hello_scrollbar_frame'"

Alternatively, run from cloned project without glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r ./lib/glimmer-dsl-tk.rb samples/hello/hello_scrollbar_frame.rb

Glimmer app:

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello scrollbar frame x y scroll

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello scrollbar frame y scroll

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello scrollbar frame x scroll

Hello, Menu Bar!

Glimmer code (from samples/hello/hello_menu_bar.rb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-tk'

include Glimmer

COLORS = [:white, :red, :yellow, :green, :blue, :magenta, :gray, :black]

Tk::Tile::Style.theme_use "classic" # this enables setting background on label just for demo purposes

root { |r|
  title 'Hello, Menu Bar!'
  @label = label {
    grid row_weight: 1, column_weight: 1
    text 'Check Out The Menu Bar Above!'
    font size: 50
    anchor 'center'
  menu_bar {
    # Mac-specific application menu (right next to the Apple menu)
    if OS.mac?
      menu(:application) {
        menu_item(:about, label: 'About My Application') {
          accelerator 'Command+A'
          on('command') do
            message_box(parent: r, title: 'About', message: 'About my application.')
        menu_item(:preferences) {
          on('command') do
            message_box(parent: r, title: 'Preferences', message: 'Preferences of my application.')
        # If not defined, application simply quits upon selecting Quit menu item
        menu_item(:quit) {
          on('command') do
            message_box(parent: r, title: 'Quit', message: 'Quitting my application...')
    # Windows-specific system menu (to the top-left of the window frame)
      menu(label: 'System')
    menu(label: 'File', underline: 0) {
      menu_item(label: 'New', underline: 0) {
        accelerator OS.mac? ? 'Command+N' : 'Control+N'

        on('command') do
          message_box(parent: r, title: 'New', message: 'New file created.')
      menu_item(label: 'Open...', underline: 0) {
        accelerator OS.mac? ? 'Command+O' : 'Control+O'

        on('command') do
          message_box(parent: r, title: 'Open', message: 'Opening File...')
      menu(label: 'Open Recent', underline: 5) {
        menu_item(label: 'File 1') {
          on('command') do
            message_box(parent: r, title: 'File 1', message: 'File 1 Contents')
        menu_item(label: 'File 2') {
          on('command') do
            message_box(parent: r, title: 'File 2', message: 'File 2 Contents')
      menu_item(label: 'Exit', underline: 1) {
        on('command') do
    menu(label: 'Edit', underline: 0) {
      menu_item(label: 'Cut', underline: 2) {
        accelerator OS.mac? ? 'Command+X' : 'Control+X'
      menu_item(label: 'Copy', underline: 0) {
        accelerator OS.mac? ? 'Command+C' : 'Control+C'
      menu_item(label: 'Paste', underline: 0) {
        accelerator OS.mac? ? 'Command+V' : 'Control+V'
    menu(label: 'Options', underline: 0) {
      menu_item(:checkbutton, label: 'Enabled', underline: 0) {
        on('command') do
          @select_one_menu.children.each { |menu_item| menu_item.state = menu_item.state == 'disabled' ? 'normal' : 'disabled' }
          @select_multiple_menu.children.each { |menu_item| menu_item.state = menu_item.state == 'disabled' ? 'normal' : 'disabled' }
      @select_one_menu = menu(label: 'Select One', underline: 7) {
        menu_item(:radiobutton, label: 'Option 1') {
          state 'disabled'
        menu_item(:radiobutton, label: 'Option 2') {
          state 'disabled'
        menu_item(:radiobutton, label: 'Option 3') {
          state 'disabled'
      @select_multiple_menu = menu(label: 'Select Multiple', underline: 7) {
        menu_item(:checkbutton, label: 'Option 4') {
          state 'disabled'
        menu_item(:checkbutton, label: 'Option 5') {
          state 'disabled'
        menu_item(:checkbutton, label: 'Option 6') {
          state 'disabled'
    menu(label: 'Language', underline: 3) {
      ['denmark', 'finland', 'france', 'germany', 'italy', 'mexico', 'netherlands', 'norway', 'usa'].each do |image_name|
        menu_item(:radiobutton, label: image_name.capitalize) {
          selection image_name == 'usa'
          image File.expand_path("images/#{image_name}.png", __dir__)
          on('command') do
            message_box(parent: r, title: 'Language Selection', message: "You selected the language of #{image_name.capitalize}!")
    menu(label: 'Country', underline: 0) {
      ['denmark', 'finland', 'france', 'germany', 'italy', 'mexico', 'netherlands', 'norway', 'usa'].each do |image_name|
        menu_item(:radiobutton, label: image_name.capitalize) {
          selection image_name == 'usa'
          image File.expand_path("images/#{image_name}.png", __dir__)
          compound 'left'
          on('command') do
            message_box(parent: r, title: 'Country Selection', message: "You selected the country of #{image_name.capitalize}!")
    menu(label: 'Format', underline: 0) {
      menu(label: 'Background Color', underline: 0) {
        COLORS.each { |color_style|
          menu_item(:radiobutton, label: color_style.to_s.split('_').map(&:capitalize).join(' ')) {
            on('command') do
              @label.background = color_style
      menu(label: 'Foreground Color', underline: 11) {
        COLORS.each { |color_style|
          menu_item(:radiobutton, label: color_style.to_s.split('_').map(&:capitalize).join(' ')) {
            on('command') do
              @label.foreground = color_style
    menu(label: 'View', underline: 0) {
      menu_item(:radiobutton, label: 'Small', underline: 0) {
        accelerator OS.mac? ? 'Command+S' : 'Control+S'
        on('command') do
          @label.font = {size: 25}
      menu_item(:radiobutton, label: 'Medium', underline: 0) {
        accelerator OS.mac? ? 'Command+M' : 'Control+M'
        selection true

        on('command') do
          @label.font = {size: 50}
      menu_item(:radiobutton, label: 'Large', underline: 0) {
        accelerator OS.mac? ? 'Command+L' : 'Control+L'
        on('command') do
          @label.font = {size: 75}
    # Mac-specific window menu (containing zooming/resizing menu items)
    menu(label: 'Window', underline: 0) if OS.mac?
    menu(label: 'Help', underline: 0) {
      if OS.mac?
        menu_item(:help) {
          on('command') do
            message_box(parent: r, title: 'Help', message: 'Help for my application.')
      menu_item(label: 'Manual', underline: 0) {
        accelerator OS.mac? ? 'Command+Shift+M' : 'Control+U'

        on('command') do
          message_box(parent: r, title: 'Manual', message: 'Manual Contents')
      menu_item(label: 'Tutorial', underline: 0) {
        accelerator OS.mac? ? 'Command+Shift+T' : 'Control+T'

        on('command') do
          message_box(parent: r, title: 'Tutorial', message: 'Tutorial Contents')
      menu_item(label: 'Report an Issue...', underline: 0) {
        on('command') do
          message_box(parent: r, title: 'Report an Issue', message: 'Reporting an issue...')

Run with glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require 'samples/hello/hello_menu_bar'"

Alternatively, run from cloned project without glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r ./lib/glimmer-dsl-tk.rb samples/hello/hello_menu_bar.rb

Glimmer app:

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello menu-bar

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello menu-bar

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello menu-bar

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello menu-bar

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello menu-bar

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello menu-bar

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello menu-bar

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello menu-bar

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello menu-bar

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello menu-bar

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello menu-bar

Hello, Contextual Menu!

Glimmer code (from samples/hello/hello_contextual_menu.rb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-tk'

include Glimmer

COLORS = [:white, :red, :yellow, :green, :blue, :magenta, :gray, :black]

Tk::Tile::Style.theme_use 'classic' if OS.mac? # this enables setting background on label just for demo purposes

root { |r|
  title 'Hello, Contextual Menu!'
  @label = label {
    grid row_weight: 1, column_weight: 1
    text 'Right-Click To Pop Up Contextual Menu!'
    font size: 50
    anchor 'center'
  # Contextual Menu is bound to mouse right-click (and CTRL-click on Mac) by default
  # (Read Comment Below for Alternative)
  menu {
    menu(label: 'Edit', underline: 0) {
      menu_item(label: 'Cut', underline: 2) {
        accelerator OS.mac? ? 'Command+X' : 'Control+X'
      menu_item(label: 'Copy', underline: 0) {
        accelerator OS.mac? ? 'Command+C' : 'Control+C'
      menu_item(label: 'Paste', underline: 0) {
        accelerator OS.mac? ? 'Command+V' : 'Control+V'
    menu(label: 'Options', underline: 0) {
      menu_item(:checkbutton, label: 'Enabled', underline: 0) {
        on('command') do
          @select_one_menu.children.each { |menu_item| menu_item.state = menu_item.state == 'disabled' ? 'normal' : 'disabled' }
          @select_multiple_menu.children.each { |menu_item| menu_item.state = menu_item.state == 'disabled' ? 'normal' : 'disabled' }
      @select_one_menu = menu(label: 'Select One', underline: 7) {
        menu_item(:radiobutton, label: 'Option 1') {
          state 'disabled'
        menu_item(:radiobutton, label: 'Option 2') {
          state 'disabled'
        menu_item(:radiobutton, label: 'Option 3') {
          state 'disabled'
      @select_multiple_menu = menu(label: 'Select Multiple', underline: 7) {
        menu_item(:checkbutton, label: 'Option 4') {
          state 'disabled'
        menu_item(:checkbutton, label: 'Option 5') {
          state 'disabled'
        menu_item(:checkbutton, label: 'Option 6') {
          state 'disabled'
    menu(label: 'Language', underline: 3) {
      ['denmark', 'finland', 'france', 'germany', 'italy', 'mexico', 'netherlands', 'norway', 'usa'].each do |image_name|
        menu_item(:radiobutton, label: image_name.capitalize) {
          selection image_name == 'usa'
          image File.expand_path("images/#{image_name}.png", __dir__)
          on('command') do
            message_box(parent: r, title: 'Language Selection', message: "You selected the language of #{image_name.capitalize}!")
    menu(label: 'Country', underline: 0) {
      ['denmark', 'finland', 'france', 'germany', 'italy', 'mexico', 'netherlands', 'norway', 'usa'].each do |image_name|
        menu_item(:radiobutton, label: image_name.capitalize) {
          selection image_name == 'usa'
          image File.expand_path("images/#{image_name}.png", __dir__)
          compound 'left'
          on('command') do
            message_box(parent: r, title: 'Country Selection', message: "You selected the country of #{image_name.capitalize}!")
    menu(label: 'Format', underline: 3) {
      menu(label: 'Background Color', underline: 0) {
        COLORS.each { |color_style|
          menu_item(:radiobutton, label: color_style.to_s.split('_').map(&:capitalize).join(' ')) {
            on('command') do
              @label.background = color_style
      menu(label: 'Foreground Color', underline: 11) {
        COLORS.each { |color_style|
          menu_item(:radiobutton, label: color_style.to_s.split('_').map(&:capitalize).join(' ')) {
            on('command') do
              @label.foreground = color_style
    menu(label: 'View', underline: 0) {
      menu_item(:radiobutton, label: 'Small', underline: 0) {
        accelerator 'Control+S'
        on('command') do
          @label.font = {size: 25}
      menu_item(:radiobutton, label: 'Medium', underline: 0) {
        accelerator 'Control+M'
        selection true

        on('command') do
          @label.font = {size: 50}
      menu_item(:radiobutton, label: 'Large', underline: 0) {
        accelerator 'Control+L'
        on('command') do
          @label.font = {size: 75}
  # You can replace `menu {` code with `menu(bind: false) {` if you want to bind manually,
  # which can be useful if you want to show menu at a specific location based on conditional logic.
  # You can also repurpose a `menu_bar` as a contextual menu by declaring `@menu = menu_bar {` and
  # binding to mouse right-click.
  # Example:
  # @menu = menu(bind: false) {
  #   menu(label: 'File', underline: 0) {
  #     menu_item(label: 'Exit')
  #   }
  # }
  # if OS.mac?
  #   on('2') do |event|
  #     @menu.popup(event.x_root, event.y_root)
  #   end
  #   on('Control-1') do |event|
  #     @menu.popup(event.x_root, event.y_root)
  #   end
  # else
  #   on('3') do |event|
  #     @menu.popup(event.x_root, event.y_root)
  #   end
  # end

Run with glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require 'samples/hello/hello_contextual_menu'"

Alternatively, run from cloned project without glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r ./lib/glimmer-dsl-tk.rb samples/hello/hello_contextual_menu.rb

Glimmer app:

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello contextual-menu

Hello, Labelframe!

Glimmer code (from samples/hello/hello_labelframe.rb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-tk'

include Glimmer

root {
  title 'Hello, Labelframe!'
  labelframe {
    grid column: 0, row: 0, padx: 10, pady: 10
    text 'Name:'
    # labelanchor 'nw' # Default. Other options: 'n', 'ne', 'en', 'e', 'es', 'se', 's', 'sw', 'ws', 'w', 'wn'
    label {
      grid column: 0, row: 0, sticky: 'w'
      text 'First Name:'
    entry {
      grid column: 1, row: 0
      width 15
    label {
      grid column: 0, row: 1, sticky: 'w'
      text 'Last Name:'
    entry {
      grid column: 1, row: 1
      width 15
  labelframe {
    grid column: 0, row: 1, padx: 10, pady: 10
    text 'Address:'
    label {
      grid column: 0, row: 0, sticky: 'w'
      text 'Street:'
    entry {
      grid column: 1, row: 0
      width 15
    label {
      grid column: 0, row: 1, sticky: 'w'
      text 'City:'
    entry {
      grid column: 1, row: 1
      width 15
    label {
      grid column: 0, row: 2, sticky: 'w'
      text 'State:'
    entry {
      grid column: 1, row: 2
      width 15
    label {
      grid column: 0, row: 3, sticky: 'w'
      text 'Zip:'
    entry {
      grid column: 1, row: 3
      width 15
  labelframe {
    grid column: 1, row: 0, rowspan: 2, padx: 10, pady: 10
    text 'Medical Info:'
    label {
      grid column: 0, row: 0, sticky: 'w'
      text 'Family Doctor:'
    entry {
      grid column: 1, row: 0
      width 15
    label {
      grid column: 0, row: 1, sticky: 'w'
      text 'Chronic Conditions:'
    entry {
      grid column: 1, row: 1
      width 15
    label {
      grid column: 0, row: 2, sticky: 'w'
      text 'Past Surgeries:'
    entry {
      grid column: 1, row: 2
      width 15
    label {
      grid column: 0, row: 3, sticky: 'w'
      text 'Health Insurance Info:'
    entry {
      grid column: 1, row: 3
      width 15
    label {
      grid column: 0, row: 4, sticky: 'w'
      text 'Dental Insurance Info:'
    entry {
      grid column: 1, row: 4
      width 15
    label {
      grid column: 0, row: 5, sticky: 'w'
      text 'Diet:'
    entry {
      grid column: 1, row: 5
      width 15
    label {
      grid column: 0, row: 6, sticky: 'w'
      text 'Exercise:'
    entry {
      grid column: 1, row: 6
      width 15

Run with glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require 'samples/hello/hello_labelframe'"

Alternatively, run from cloned project without glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r ./lib/glimmer-dsl-tk.rb samples/hello/hello_labelframe.rb

Glimmer app:

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello label-frame

Hello, Scale!

Glimmer code (from samples/hello/hello_scale.rb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-tk'

class HelloScale
  include Glimmer
  attr_accessor :scale_value
  def initialize
    self.scale_value = 50
  def launch
    root {
      text 'Hello, Scale!'
      label {
        anchor 'center'
        text <= [self, :scale_value]
      scale {
        orient 'horizontal'
        length 200
        from 0.0
        to 100.0
        variable <=> [self, :scale_value, on_write: ->(val) {val.to_i}]

Run with glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require 'samples/hello/hello_scale'"

Alternatively, run from cloned project without glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r ./lib/glimmer-dsl-tk.rb samples/hello/hello_scale.rb

Glimmer app:

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello scale

Hello, Progressbar!

Glimmer code (from samples/hello/hello_progressbar.rb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-tk'

class HelloProgressbar
  include Glimmer
  attr_accessor :progress_value, :maximum_value, :delay_value
  def initialize
    self.progress_value = 0
    self.maximum_value = 100
    self.delay_value = 0.01 do
      loop do
        self.progress_value = (self.progress_value.to_i + 1) % (maximum_value.to_i + 1)
        sleep(delay_value) # yields to main thread
  def launch
    root {
      text 'Hello, Progressbar!'
      progressbar {
        grid row: 0, column: 0, columnspan: 3
        orient 'horizontal'
        length 200
        mode 'indeterminate'
        maximum <= [self, :maximum_value]
        value <= [self, :progress_value]
      label {
        grid row: 1, column: 0
        text 'Value'
      label {
        grid row: 1, column: 1
        text 'Maximum'
      label {
        grid row: 1, column: 2
        text 'Delay in Seconds'
      spinbox {
        grid row: 2, column: 0
        from 0.0
        to 100.0
        increment 1.0
        format '%0f'
        text <=> [self, :progress_value, on_read: :to_i, on_write: :to_i]
      spinbox {
        grid row: 2, column: 1
        from 1.0
        to 100.0
        increment 1.0
        format '%0f'
        text <=> [self, :maximum_value, on_read: :to_i, on_write: :to_i]
      spinbox {
        grid row: 2, column: 2
        from 0.01
        to 1.0
        increment 0.1
        format '%0.2f'
        text <=> [self, :delay_value, on_write: ->(val) {[val.to_f, 1.0].min}]
      progressbar {
        grid row: 3, column: 0, columnspan: 3
        orient 'horizontal'
        length 200
        mode 'determinate'
        maximum <= [self, :maximum_value]
        value <= [self, :progress_value]
      progressbar {
        grid row: 4, column: 0, columnspan: 3
        orient 'vertical'
        length 200
        mode 'determinate'
        maximum <= [self, :maximum_value]
        value <= [self, :progress_value]

Run with glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require 'samples/hello/hello_progressbar'"

Alternatively, run from cloned project without glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r ./lib/glimmer-dsl-tk.rb samples/hello/hello_progressbar.rb

Glimmer app:

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello progressbar

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello progressbar gif

Hello, Theme!

Glimmer code (from samples/hello/hello_theme.rb):

require 'glimmer-dsl-tk'

class HelloTheme
  include Glimmer
  def launch
    root {
      title 'Hello, Theme!'
      labelframe {
        text 'Theme'
        combobox { |cb|
          readonly true
          values ::Tk::Tile::Style.theme_names
          text 'aqua'
          on('<ComboboxSelected>') do
      labelframe {
        text 'Widgets'
        notebook {
          frame(text: 'One') {
            label {
              text 'label'
            entry {
              text 'entry'
            entry {
              text 'password'
              show '*'
            spinbox {
              text '100'
          frame(text: 'Two') {
            button {
              text 'button'
            checkbutton {
              text 'checkbutton'
            radiobutton {
              text 'radiobutton'
          frame(text: 'Three') {
            scale {
              orient 'horizontal'
              length 200
              from 0.0
              to 100.0
              value 50
            progressbar {
              orient 'horizontal'
              length 200
              mode 'determinate'
              maximum 100
              value 50
            progressbar {
              orient 'vertical'
              length 100
              mode 'determinate'
              maximum 100
              value 50

Run with glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require 'samples/hello/hello_theme'"

Alternatively, run from cloned project without glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed:

ruby -r ./lib/glimmer-dsl-tk.rb samples/hello/hello_theme.rb

Glimmer app:

Aqua Theme Tab One

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello theme aqua 1

Aqua Theme Tab Two

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello theme aqua 2

Aqua Theme Tab Three

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello theme aqua 3

Clam Theme Tab One

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello theme clam 1

Clam Theme Tab Two

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello theme clam 2

Clam Theme Tab Three

glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello theme clam 3


Glimmer Tk Calculator

"I wanted to try how it feels to write an UI in glimmer-dsl-tk so I decided to write an alternative version of the Glimmer Calculator that uses Tk and runs in the regular MRI Ruby interpreter." - Ancor Gonzalez Sosa

Glimmer Tk Calculator Screenshot

Y3network Ruby UI


Generate an icon of overlapping circles derived from a hash.

Demo Video


Glimmer Process




If you encounter issues that are not reported, discover missing features that are not mentioned in, or think up better ways to use Tk than what is possible with Glimmer DSL for Tk, you may submit an issue or pull request on GitHub.


If you need live help, try to Join the chat at

Planned Features and Feature Suggestions

These features have been planned or suggested. You might see them in a future version of Glimmer DSL for Tk. You are welcome to contribute more feature suggestions.

Change Log



Click here to view contributor commits.



Copyright (c) 2020-2022 - Andy Maleh.


Built for Glimmer (DSL Framework).