Releases: AndrewAnnex/SpiceyPy
SpiceyPy 2.1.2
The release fixes issues relating to how booleans were handled #260 and improves conversions between ctypes arrays and numpy arrays.
- numpy to ctypes and back conversions improved
- a few bool related internal things in support_types
- issues relating to c_bool usage. everything is now c_int
SpiceyPy 2.1.1
has tentative fixes for installation issues with pip/wheel including new wrapper functions and other fixes and contributions
- wrapper functions for gffove and gfocce and associated callbacks
- proxymanager for spice download by B. Seignovert
- simplifications in libspicehelper
- issue with cassini example in doc
- termpt docstring by Marcel Stefko
- various things in ci build configs
- missing dll/so file issue with pip installs
SpiceyPy 2.1.0
- Completed wrapping of all new N66 DSK functions
- 3.6 classifier
- context manager for turning on/off found flag catches
- contributor guide
- freebsd support
- added tests for dozens of functions, wrapped almost all remaining functions
- added six and numpy to setup_requires kwargs
- bugs in some tests
- changed naming of vectorToList to cVectorToPython
- Updated getspice module to use urllib3 for OpenSSL library versions older
than OpenSSL 1.0.1g. - getspice module provides now a class that handles the downloading and
unpacking of N066 CSPICE distribution. - Updated setup to pack the CSPICE installation code into a class that
extends the setuptools.command.install command. - made vectorized functions more consistent
- changed tests to point to smaller kernel set hosted on github
SpiceyPy 2.0.0
First version to support N66 SPICE functions
- Implemented most of the new functions from N66 SPICE
- IntMatrixType support type
- SpiceDLADescr struct
- now backing N66 CSPICE
- now builds 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6
- 32 bit builds
- toPythonString now strips whitespace
SpiceyPy 1.1.1
Last release to feature N65 Spice, future releases will target N66
- added python3.6 builds
- fixed formatting on changelog
- fixed issues with rtd builds
- version updated
- converted all downloads to use https
SpiceyPy 1.1.0
- wrapper functions and tests for fovray, fovtrg, pxfrm2, occult #158
- wrapper functions and tests for spklef, spkopa, spkpds, spksub, spkuds, spkuef #155
- tests for srxpt and sincpt #154
- a bunch of other tests for CK related functions
- example added to docs
- automated artifact deployments (mostly) to pypi and conda cloud
- improved use of six api to have better spicecells
- Start versioning based on the current English version at 0.3.0 to help
- refactored tests to be cleaner with kernel files
- fixed spice toolkit version to N65 pending new toolkit release.
SpiceyPy 1.0.0
SpiceyPy is a python wrapper for the NAIF C-SPICE toolkit. The library currently supports python 2.7.x and 3.X on 32bit and 64bit platforms for OS X, Linux, and Windows operating systems. SpiceyPy utilizes python idioms for error handling and vectorization with convenience functions to support a variety of python collections including NumPy arrays. The library currently supports ninety eight percent of the documented functions in C-SPICE v65.
Thanks go to all the users who wrote in with questions and feature requests!
v0.7.0: Merge pull request #144 from AndrewAnnex/bump_to_0.7.0
SpiceyPy 0.7.0
Pre-release of SpiceyPy