This Event will help you to manage additional tasks if the zone/language/country gets changed.
If you have a complex e-commerce environment for example, you may want to check the cart against new prices, stock and availability of products if the user changes the country and/or the language.
- ContextSwitch only works in same domain levels. Since there is no way for simple cross-domain session ids, the zone switch will be sort of useless most of the time.
- The ContextSwitchEvent ignores ajax request. If your requesting data via ajax in a different language / country, no event will be triggered!
This event is disabled if the pimcore full page cache feature is enable to prevent session interventions.
Create a Service:
# /app/config/services.yml
public: false
- { name: kernel.event_subscriber }
Create a Listener:
namespace AppBundle\EventListener;
use I18nBundle\Event\ContextSwitchEvent;
use I18nBundle\I18nEvents;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
class I18nContextSwitchListener implements EventSubscriberInterface
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
I18nEvents::CONTEXT_SWITCH => 'checkContext'
public function checkContext(ContextSwitchEvent $event)
if($event->zoneHasSwitched()) {
sprintf('switch zone: %s => %s',
if($event->countryHasSwitched()) {
sprintf('switch country: %s => %s',
if($event->languageHasSwitched()) {
sprintf('switch lang: %s => %s',